HomeMy WebLinkAbout1802 State Tax Warrant � ��r ��.e �a� Y � �
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.__ � �--=, �-- � ����ier�ce to a I.a�v of ��.� Cornmon��ealth aforei��l�, p
r � � ioth da of March a8a2 entitled, '�A.n A� to a�portion arid ai�'efs a �.'a:� of ore hatndred and thirty-three
y > >
thouf�n�l three hunclred an�thirtyone doll�zrs and ergbty-�ve cents ; and providing for the reimburf inent of tweaaty-one
�houfand �aine I�acndred and fzfty-two dolla,-s, paid out of the Public Treafury to the Members of tlie Houfe of Repre-
fentatives, for their attendai�ce tlie two Iaf� Sefiions of the General Court:"
, e�a���7:1 U� a�e i.n �f e ✓�me o� t�e �0��2�norLs�ea��� o�'��r,�'dac�u�tt�, �IyO ��'ll�
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and reqt're you farthwitli to afi��;fs, in clvllars and cen!.r, the fum of �� � �� y
��� o� t� �� ���-�c� � ' � ,
��the fum b faid AL•t fet u nn f�.id =- =p� �- ; the farne to be a{�e:i'ed in nanner following9
�hat� to fay--1'o aii'�;fs all the male polls aboye tlie a�;e of fisteen years, �vithin faid ��L�--o , or
otl�er places adjoining,belonging to iio other to��n or plac�: Pro uided,fuch places were returned in the Iaft va.uation ;
ail tl�e polls aforefaid, being minors, apprentices or fervanrs, under the immediate goverz�m�ent of a parent, mai`�er
�r niiftrefs, ta be ta�ed to fuch parent, maRer or mif�refs refpei�:vely, otl�erwife to be perfonaily�azed, at t<<,veszty-
�s aforeCaid after dedu�in�r
f'eveaz cent.c �ach ; and the ren7ainder of Tiich fiims,fo fet to faid ��� �--- ��� � �'
�-.��, accordin tc�
th� fums a�efi�ed on the polls as afore('aid, to a{�efs o� ti�e inhab�lt�ts of fai� �-�'� g
tl�e jaf� value of the real eitate of eacii inhabitant of faiil � f���.:,�j or other pl�ce adjoining as afore-
faid,by l�im, her, or them poffvf?ed on tlle fi:f� day ef May ne>t, in his,her, or their own righr or right of other�,
ly°rng within the faid town or place, i;��proved oi not improved ; and on the r�an-refic?ents poffeirors af real ei�at�
�ying ��ithin the faid town or place, in ti�eir o�vn or the ri�;�1t of otheY�s, improveci or unitnproved, or upon the o��na
� crs of real ef�ate iu fiich torvn, dif�ric�or glantation, o:other place, wl:eth�:r fuch owners refide «Tithin the fame or
not upon the faid firf� da�� of Mc�}', according to the juf� value of fiich real ef�ate, favi�g all agrecn�e�ts l�et�veen
Iandlords and tenar.ts, and �rI�ere no agreeme:�t is the landiord to reimburfe to fuch tenant orie half t1:L tax ; and
alfo, on tlle inha�itants o;:faid town ar place, and other perfons poii�ef�ing ef�ates �ti�ithin the fame, acco�dinb to the
�,roportion of the amount of the ju[�vaiue of their re:pe�tive perfonal eftat�,. includin� zYlonies at intere[� more thaTz
they pay intereft for, althou�h the fame be fecured b}� an avfolute cot�veyance of real ef�ate, if a bond o£defeaz�l�c::
or promire of conveyance nas beeia gi.ven •, and all other de��ts c`tu ;`m{ore than they are indet,ted for ; nlanies of att
kinds on hand, public f�curities of all kincls, ar.d banti f�ock, heiEl ir�,any baiik, anc� {hares or property held in �n�r
iiicor�o�-ate bridges or turnpilaes, accoz•ding to the jul� value the�:�o£; and alCo the jul� amount of the vad��e of al�
�aoc�s, �var�s and merchandize, f�ock in trade,veffels of�11 forts zt hom.e or abroad, with all their f�ores and appur�
tenances • n�ules horfes and neat cattie, each of one year old and i�p«ards, anc� fwine of fi� moz�ths old and up-
wards, and all other property or the feveral kinds retu:ned in the laf� vzluation, (excepting thee�, houffiold furnittu•e,
`�earino apparel,farmin�;utenfils, and tooPs of inechanics) on the faid firf�day of Nl�ry : Provided,l�owever,tl�at mul�s;
lyorfes,and neat cattle belonging to int�abitants of aiiy town,and fent out of faid town for pa�urage only, pr�vious
to oi•on the firft day of IVl�y, tca be in all cafes`taxed i�z the town wi�ere the owner iives. . And }Tou are ta ef�imate
all the before enumeratec� arti�Ies, at fix p,er centum, u�on the real value of the f�me, in ttl� places where the;✓ are,
(e�cepting �.inimproved lanc�s,u�hich fha1�be ef�imated at t��o pei centum) and on the amount of the incomes of thc.
inhabitants within your refpec�ive precin�ts, as afcrefaid, from any profef�Ion, handicraft,trade, �r empio}�me.zt, ar
` ���/ _ _ � gained by trading an fea or laii�.---And you are aifo requi;ed to affefs on the polls and ef�ates, as aforefaia, �virhira .
. ::_ .- :-� � r_- :�_
� � � --� " the fai� town of��..�-��-w--���.�' the :�dditrox�ul fun� of �.�-- �=��- ��_� �� - ���
- � -�" being the fum charged to the faid to�.n,by tlle�1�t afore-
��� ¢
�� faicl, for�t}ie pay oi Reprefentatives ; ancl to apportion faid additional f�zm� in the proportion which fuch poils an�d
ef�ates fhal? be refpe�ively f�t, for raifi�ag tl�e f�uni of one hundrecl and Zbirty-three tfioufi�nd, tl�ree hzrndl-ed a�zd tl�irty-
�ne dollar.c and ci�;hty-�ive centr. You are lil�ewife required to mal�e a fair li� of fuch afi�efi�n�ents, fettin� far;h, in
. dirtin� columns, ag;ainf� each perfon's Z�ame, how much he or-flie is a{�ei�ed at for polls, how much for real e[�ate,
and how much for Perfonal ef�ate and incozne, as aforefaid ; agreeably to the form prefcrit�ed at tl�e foot of the faiu
'i'ax A�`t, and if as �uarc�ian, or for auy eftate in his or her pe1�'tfrion, in trutt, to t�e dil�in�ly expreffed ; and alfo
i.ifert in tl�.�rare bi.Il:;, the nut�i�cr of acres of uniinproved land v✓hich yOLl Illay t1X t0 ��C�l of the noiia'efident p:o-
l�rietors of lands within faid ��� or otl�er place adjc�ininy as aforefaid ; and alf� zhe real traiue at
tiuhich you n�ay eilimate the f tme ; and ttie li(� ar lifts fo completed, ana fi�ned Uy you, in inanner as afoi��faid�, or
by the major part of��ou, ro coniiiiit to the Colle�or or Colle��ors, Conf�able or Gonl�ables of laid ``'�u��---
tvith a�varrant or warrants, in due farm of law, ti�r colle�ing and paying the f'ame to tlie 'i'reafarer of this Commo:�-
vaealtli, on or Uefore the firt�day of flpril, i 80�3, and to return a certincate of the nasne or names of fuch Collec�or
or Colle�ors, Conf�ahie or Cont�ables, �vith the fu�n total to each of them committed, to the Treafury-of�ice, fonie
tiine before the firl� day of L�ecentber nest ; and niake and iubfcribe a certificate of the fame in due form ot la�v :
Hereof you are not to fail, a� you will anfwcx your negle� at the peril of the; la�r.
Giveia tenc'er �zy .���fa�� �tnc� ��'e�l, c�t I3o���, �I�� �_ ;.�'�' ` ..�ay oi' 1�$��zrc a, iaa�the
�'`ear�our� I.OR,D, one tho1 f�nd eig1�; hunca'red a�ad t:��o,
,r .