HomeMy WebLinkAbout1801 County Tax Warrant . �zr����sHx$ � �.��� t�� ���e��������. c��° �.f��:�ars r��t�e ��'o��r�.
' � � �'.y�.-.., �n t�e Co�nty of..�������,�
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� �I E R E�S� the �enei-��1 �e3aa-t, �r� the��- la� �ef�ons, r���I�re� that th�
Sum of ���i ��--c�-r����-zcL_ , �a-a z-�': �i sf��c-�'���.- o�,s-r�>
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fho�ald '�e raifed oi� �he fe�,�eral Towns v�ith tI�e �aid C�aunty, acb��r�in� to t�,� Di�
z-e�ions of t1�e Law, �for defrayin� t�e ufi�al n�ce�a�v C��ai-�es c�f the �oui�t3� : .flrzc�
whe:eas �.�e Court of GeL��ral Seffions of tlie Peace, IFoIu'en at Concar�, in.ar� fc�r th�
�o�nty af i��nDLEs��, on tne Monday ne�t prec�,uin� the fecora� Tuefc�ay of ��p_
tember in�. oi•dered that the Cler� oi the faid County f�ould farth�vith fend out
°V"Varrants for a�effing the feveral T�w��s' Proportion thereof, as the L�.w diie�ts, and
� �or payin�an t11e i�ame :
�i E� E are �heref�re, in the Na�ne c�� th� C���?mcnwe�Iti� c�� I�/Ia�ac�u�t�s�
to vvill ar�d �e�uire you �o a�efs the Surn of c�� �z�ti�d����C� ��%r��
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� �� �1�� Inha�btarits of the Towri af��fa� °
p� � - �-��_;, each h�s due and
equal I�roportion t�aere�f, as near as 4nay be, accordan� to the Rule f�r defraying the
.�, ~. _ ,iat�; ��Fazges,,being th:, faid "�'o.vn'�; Propor-tifln far Lhe County'I'a�c and �ate abot�e=
��nt�aned : �izd yo�a are to make a true and perfe� Lif� ar Lif�s of tr�e IV ames of
��e Perfons on wnorn you a{�efs the aforefaid cum, whicli Li� �r Li�s, fm perfe�-
ed a�d, figned by yaurfelves (ar• tI�e rriajor �art of you� you are to commit to the
�c�1ie&or, Coni�ahle or Co��iables of your �'owr, . requiring them refpeE'�ively to
�evy and colle+.�the feveral fums in fuch Lif� ar Li�s co�t�ined; and ta p�y in t�.�.
fame unto ���22G�c z ���?�t.� � C-°:1cl�z-�-� _-
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�ounty `Treafurer, his Succefi�or or �rder, at or before the laft ��y of ��f'�
x�ext enfuing here�f. �ail n�t of rnal�ing I�e��r�i of the Names of tlie Perfoi� o�
�'erfogis to vvhom you cornmit tlie afarefaid Lii'r or �,i�sa �yithin fix�y days from the.
�.ate hereo�'a
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- � �ated at �ambridge; t�ie �a��� �ay o�
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