HomeMy WebLinkAbout1799 State Tax Warrant ��'�..� for the Y�ar I
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'�"`.��r���T���. and R��:EIV.�K-G�NERA.I., of faid Gomm.onvctealth, '
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�a abe����1c� to a �.a� c�f the Comin�►n�ealth aforefaYd, pa�'ed t���
�8th day of' February, i 799, entitlec�, �� An A� te �pport�on and ati'efs a Tax of one hundred and tlzirty-thrcc
r�zo7���ncl�our hac�adred and thirry froe dollars and thirteen cents; and pro�iding for the reimburfemene of tzuenty-ortG
�houfund�ovar 7iacndred and thirty-eight dollrzrs, paid out of the Fublic Treafury, to the Members of the Houfe af .�ep-
�-eCea�tagives, #c��• tlieir attendance the two la{� Seffions of ti�e General Court :" '
. c���'�e�� a�Re �� t�e �me o�t�e �m�orzruea��� �c..�a�ac�u�ttQ, TO W111
, �r�d require 3�ou forthwith io at�'efs, °�n dollaa�s and cents' the fum of,., ��'� �°` -� "';
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being ��he t'um �iy faid A�}, fet �pon fa�d ,��-��° .�--- ; che �'ame�to be af�'effe,d i� manner fcallcSwing�
... t��t is to fay---To af�efs all tl�e male �olis ahove t},e age c�f�xteen �ears,�ithin f;�id <>���.�: , of
" �"�` other places adjoining, belon���g to no other town or place : Provid_ed, fuch place�w�r�returned in the la{�valuati�n; �..
all che poils a#'arefaid, being minors, apprenticesor fervants, »nder the government of a ma{�eror mii�r�fs, to be ta;ced
- �o fuch r�ai�er or mif�refs refpe�ively, at twenty eig�it cents each; ans� the remainder of fueh fums fo fet to faid
� .A9��. . � ,as aforefai�, after dedu��ing the fums af�efi'ed on the po�ls as aforefaid, to afi"eCs on the in�
i�abitants of faid � .�'�-�.�-�- , according to the j�i} value of'the real e�ate Qf ea�h inhabitant of faid
' �„✓;�,,,P_,,�, or othe�- place acfi�oinir�g a� aforefaad, by him, her, o� them, pofi�efi�ed on the firf� day of May
�ext, in l�is l�er, o� their owr� right or right of others, tying within the faid town or place,i►r�proved or not improved ;
and on tl�e n�n-refidents poffeffors of real eftate lying w�thin th� faid town or place, in their own or the right of oth�rs,
i mproved or tanirnprowed, favia�g all agreements between landlords an�tenants,and where no agreem�nt is, the landlord
to rein��urfe co fuch tenant one I�alf the tax; and a1fo,on the inhabitants of faid town or piace, and other perfo�s pof-
ie_f3ing e�ates �vithin the fame, according to the proportion af the amount of the juR value of sheir refpe�ive perfonal
ef�.ate, ir�clud�ng r��nnies at interef� mc�re than they pay intere{� for, althoubh the fame be fecurea by an abfolute cc►n�
. veyance of real ef�ate, if a �ond of defeaaance or promife of reconveyance has been giver� ; and all ott�er debts du�s
r��ore tl�an they are indebted for; monies of all kinds on hand� public fecurities of all kinds, and bank i�ack, held in �ny
bank, accardin�; to the juft value thereof; and alfo the ju{� amaunt of the value of all go�ds, wares and merehar�ar:�^g
��ck in trac3e, veffels of all forts at home or abroad, with all their �ores and ap.purtenances; cnules, faort��s, and r�e�.z
� �attle, each of one year old and upwards, and f�vine of fix months old and upwaxds, and all other property of t�:,e fev�-
rat kinds returEiFd in tk�e ]a{� ;�aluation, (eYcepting fheep, houfehold furniture� wearin� apparel, far�ni��� ut�nfils, as�ci
tools of rnechanics) on t��e faid 6rf� day of 1Vlay e And you are to e{�imace all the before enumerated aIIeiciesy �.t fi�
per centurn,upon the real vaiue of the fame, in the places �vhere they are, (exceptia�g unimproved lands wI�ich fhz�il ��
ef�imated at two per centum� and on the amount of the incomes of the inhabitants witnin your refpe�}ive precin��.�� ��
�forefaid; fron� any profeffaon, handicraft, trade, or emp(oyrr�ent, or gained by trading on fea or land----.'�nd you ��_�
. .
_ � �iTo req�tred to af e(s on the poll�and eftates, as aforefa�d, with�n the faid town of K>�; ,���„� �°�;�.;
� `'� .�' the additional�fum of �'��.�:> ,��,��1� �' , �
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_ being the fun� charged to the faid town, by���e A�tt aforefaid, for the pay of Reprefentatives ; and
_. __ , .
� '' -°� �, e,., to apport�on faid addiuonal fum in the proport�on which fuch polls and eftates fhall he refpe�ively fet, for raifing the
��� � �� fi�m of one hundred thirtythre� tlaoufand, four hundred a�ad t�izrty-five dollars and thirteen cents. You are likewife
required to make a fair lit� of fuch afI�ef�ments, fettin; forth in cii(�in� columns, again� eacl� perfon's name, how much
he or ihe is afie{�'ed at for po11s, how much for real e{}ate, and how much for perfonal et�ate and income, as aforeCaid ;
and if as �uardian, or far any eftate in his or her pof�e{iion, in truf�, to be diftin�ly expref�'ed; and alfo infert in the
, rate bills, the number of acres of unimproved laud whieh you may tax to each of the non-refident proprieto��s of lands
within faid � ��,:,,..., or other place adjo�ning as aforefaid ; and alfo the real value at which you may
eftimate the fame; ancl the lift or lifts fo campleted, and fibned by you, in manner as afo�efaid, or by the ma�or part
of you, to commit ta che CColle�or or Colle�ors, Conftable or Con{�ables of faid "��°�-�,e,,4. with a warrant
or warrants, ir, diie form of law, for colle�ing and paying the fatne to the Treafurer af this Commonwealth, on or be-
fore the firft day of A�bril, i 800, and to return a certificafe of the name or names o� fiach Colle�}or or Colle�`tors,
Conftable or (,onftables, with the fum total co each of them cominitted, to the Treafu►-y ofIice, fome time before the �
firf� day of' Decenzber next; and make and fubferibe a certificate oF the famG in due form of law : I�erec�f yc�u are not
to fail, as you will anfwer your negle� at the peril of the law.
Given u�2�le� m� Hand' anca' Seal, at' BosTo�r, th� �'� � � •
� l,lae .Year o oz�r L,QR.17� one �'hou and ,Sever� �lundred a�zd Ni�aet r- �a� �� ����� ��� �� ��
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