HomeMy WebLinkAbout1798 State Tax Warrant �. C)�' � � ���` I -� � � � �� _������. �n�x: �� � ����������� � �i' �� �� // ' �; _ � _ , ,� ,,, ;�-f{ �� �� �. i✓% v �� �'�^� ,�= i� �� s B � � � =� � � ,�� '� � s _�----� ��-s n�� '';� � � � _ �. '��� - @` — � q� __� f'r �i�hr' / � _ — � � j � - ���'7if{!��!1�l � j�i t� � � �A�i����a�2���t'lt� o� % ���, �t��_ ` � .��'��'�°r��,p����p�°e � /. 1 l' b- \� g_ 0.P %'�%�%'� t, t�� �\ � _ � �'i� '4�� ��A �� ����;�.�y,`�d. ��i/N,��i�b°�°;�;','�` ��`�\ � � , ,�� V,I,� �`;��� Q.�CT�7�� �� ,� � ��j.l�� � �/�� [�@ Y� . , ' ��`�,� i'I� �;.� \ �� � . Yd �1 . •f" }� e-� ��,��.__,t�°� �_, � a.r' C����:_ ��,f,,�``S� �g�� �, / � n. � � �TZ.��i.S�J�F�. and �.�C�IVE�.-�EI��1�,1�Y, o�' faid �ommon�v�althA ' - ��� �----�-` a � :�� �,�� �S'��e��'men o� .� � o�s o �h� _�, _ _. o � �� .n ..�.,� � � � � f<�,_. ����� �T o���i��c� �c� �. IJa�� o� �h� Comrn.���ea��h �forefaid, ��.�'ed �h� 24th day of Fehruary, i�g$, e�titled, 6G An A� to apportion and af�efs a '1'ax of one hundred and thirty-three tlaeufc�nd, th;r�e hundred and eaghty-one dollars, and fifty-three cents; and providing far the reir��burfement of Eigh�ee�� �hoa fand�ive Izundred a�zd f xEy dollars, pairl out of the Public Treafury, to the 1VIe�z}�ers of the Houfe of Reprefen,a` �ives, for ti�eir atcendanc� the two ]af� Sef�ions of the General Court :" ��C.��� are �rE ��e ��me o� ��i� �ommo7an�ea���i � �.�cz�oac�u�t�a, �'g� ����� � as�u�� require y�ou forth�nath to �f�efs in dollars and��cents, tlae fum of ���_�� ,��-�8 ��,�����. ��� ��� �:� _ � B3' �s:�: � � ,9 � � � �°�e��°'�=�r� ,� ��' � �'_-�a�a '� �' � � _ � _ _ � � � � __�� � �,�_,a � � ,., � - .�.:��,,�.r,% a �' �' ° d . f�� _�� - , . �_�___-_--- bein� the fu�-n by faid A� fet upoi� fai� ��� � �� ; the iame to �e af��f�'�in manner i:�3lo�.vir��, �hczt is to frzy—To afi�efs all the male p.oils above the age ofi�xteen years, e,vithin faid ,�.����-__. , v� othec places adjoinin�, belon�ing to no other town or place : Provzded, f'ach p!aces�vere returned in the la�valcaation� �11 the polls aforefaid, bein� minors, apprentices r�r �ervants, under the government of a maf�er nr miftrefs, to be t�Yed �.o fuch nnalker or m�i{�refs rei�pe�ively, at tzventy-eight cents each; and the remainder of fuch fums fo fet tra faid � �:,;.�•�- , as aforefaid,afcer dedu�ing the funas afIe(rec� on the polls as aforefaid, ta a�efs oc� the an� ��al�itants c�f faid ��1� --,-m�� ` accordin� to the�uf� value of the real eftate of each inha��itant o_f fai�P �"�;,,,�� .,. or oth�r place adjoining as aforefaid, by l�im, her, or tt�em, pof�ef�ed o n the f rf� day of 19�10.,� �ext, in his, her, r�r their o�^�n rigl3t or rigl�t of others, lyin� within the faid town or place, icnprovec_� or not impraved, � anct �n tl�e non-refidents po{�efi�rs af real ef�ate lying ��itl�in tlle faid to�vr� or place,in their a�wn or the right of others4 iznproved or u��impro�ec�, favin� ali a�reemei�ts bet�rgeen landlords ancl tenants, and wliere no a�reemec�t is,the Iar��tlo�d to re i-mbu�-f� ic� fiich tenanv one l�a1F tl�e tax ; arad allo, on the inhabitants of faicl to�vn or place,ar�d otljer perfons po�= fe{�ing eftates �viti��iti the fame;a�ccord�ing to the�proportion of the a�7ount of tl�� jt�{� ��alue aF their r�fpu�ive perCot�ai � ei�ate, including riio�,ies at intere�. rnore than they pay isrteref� for, although tlie.fame I�e fecui•ed by an al�Ioiut� con- veyance oC real eft�,te, if a bond <�f dcfeazanEe �r protnife of reconveyance has been �iven; and all otl�er debts due, snore: than t��ey are inc�ebted for; monies of all kinds on I�and�pc�blie fecurities af all l:i�iclsq a►�d bank f�ocl�, l�elci in at:y , ��as�k, according to tile ju� valcac tl�ereof; and alCa tl�e ju(Y amount of the valLae of a(1 y�oclss wares and m�.re3�andiz�, ' I�ock in r.rade, ve[�e�s of ail f�rts at i1o�2�e or ri�rcaad, with all their ��c�res ae�d a,pitrte��ar�ces ; in�.�les, horfes aizd neat cattle, each ofor�e yea�• old and a�p�vards, and fwir,e of fix mont��s cld ai�d up<var�s, and all c�ther praperty of the feve- ral l�ia�ds retut-ned in tlae la�F vaivatios�, (e:�cepting fi�eep, ��oufehold furniture, �ve�ring ap}�are1, farming utei�f Is, a�7c� taol� of inechar�ics� on Lhe fa�d Ci�f� c1a,y ef Itlay : <�nd you are to ef$imate al1 tl�e kacsore enun�er�t:ti articles, at fix �er centum, upon t{�e rcal value of th� f�me, in t1�e places �vhere they are, (exceptii�; unifl�proved rands��h?ch fiiull 5e � � � ���i�nated at two per centum) and on tl�;. ai�oiant oE�the incoz���es of the i�?t�a��itas�ts witl�in your reSpeL�ive precin�s, as � � a�nrefaid, from ar�v �rofef'�ion; l�anclicraft, trade, or em�loyinent, or g��ineG ay tradin; <� fea ar iand--�nd you are �°� � �, alfo rec�uired e� a�efs on the polls arad ef��ates, as afore aic�, �viihit� tt�e fai�i t�oivra of ,-�"�..�,�l,.��. �`-t;�;.,m r °-� ��- � � �' � �he additior��l fum �cin � ihe futn c«a�d to th��d t�v���b�the f�� afere�ai� for tne a of � .__� _ _� �"� � $�-'� �`, �.��-�� ����-� �:�.�;,� �,= ;. _.., ,._.__. _._.. � -• g ' � _ ' , Y , ' p y I��prefentettv�.s, and s . ,.._ __ _ � �� �-� �� to ap�ortion faic� �dditional fum in the �roportion which fuch polls ai�d eltace.s fl,all l�e rerpe£livelti {Lt, fc�, iaifin; t�a� '� Ea°� > o ,��� � � fiam af o�i� h�iandred tliirty-:�iree thouf�z�id., three hund7-ec� and eighty-o�ze dollars ai�� jzft��-three cents. You are Ii�se�viCc required to �sa�Ce a fair li� of fi�c1� af�e�ments, fetting fortli ir� dif�in� cc�lun��l�s, a�aiz��� eac41 pe�-fo�s naa�,e,how r��uc�z l�e o�• �he is afiefi�ed at for �olJs, how mucl� for rea] ef�ate, �nd 1�ow much fc�r ��er(«nal e�atf� an: incon��e, as afo:elaid ; and if as gu�rdi�an, or for any ��ate in t��is or her po4�efZio��, i�� tru�iy to be di{�i���ly expreffed; and alfo infcrt in tf��; � rate bills, the number of acres of unirnproved land �vhich you ��ay tax to each of the :�o��-rcfident ��z•opr'tetors ofl�nds _� � ��ithii� faict ��.,��,,� ._ or o.V�er place adjoininb as aforefa.id; a��d alfa the real valuk. ac �v,iich.you niay �c(�imate t�ie fame; ar�� the li� or lif�s fo carz�pleted, a�d fi;iaed by you, in ananr�er, as�a:orefaid, or by th;� rn��or part � ���you, to corrimit. to the Colle�or or Colie��o��s, C«r7f�abl�: or Corii�ables of{aic� �'�'�T��..� �Nith a �varra��t � ai- �varrants, in due forrn of law, for colle��in�; ai�cl payin� the fame to the 'I're:afurer of t.his �omirson���ealti�, on or �e- fore the farf� day of 11�iril, 1799, and to ret�:rn a certificate of the name or nan�es of fucla �olie�'ioi or Ct�ile��ors, �on�:able or Conf�ables, witli tl�e fum total t� each of tl�e�n �;��mrniteed, to the '�'real�ury a�%ce, icry�e tidize l:�efore tl�ie � firf� day of DecemLer next; and mal:e a�ac� fiabfcriize a certEficatc.� of �he fatne in c�ac ��r�n of�law : Hercuf you a�e �:o� r.a fail, as yoa will ar�fwer yo�ir ne�le�� at tl�e peril of the 1aw. _ _,.x � � .,. � _ , °, - � Caiveza under �n.y� ��yrd artc� :�cal, at �3osT o�t, �hA .�,�� - ���zY �,�a ��=_.- - d'� ��%E � � t,he �'�ur nf oT�r .�URd�, o^�e �'hoz�an� Seven I�i�aac,?red a�ad 1�'inety-.�r��lif. � �. � � � � � ' ,..... . ,� `� � � ����'� �- ,""� - �� � � , �.. ,` � F:-� -- � �a � � � . � . . . f.y,��'. . �� . .. . � , � . . . � . �• . � � . � -., . . . . . . .. . . :�,�� . . � . �-�.�- , . - . v9. , � tb :q . � - � , � �y � f . `�-+3 ,�: . - � "yn . � ^ . . � . . � � . �`:. � �^, : �:9 yf �. � � '. � . . . . � � � � ., . . .- �, � � . . . � . ..f:.; - . � � .. , 14P :1� F. : ., { . . � . _�.._..a�_...__ ." __ ."____ __ - ___ ___ _ - - _ .. � '-�` .__v_"'... .�._�....�s . . - . . , .T,.. . . . ..�. �. . .,..... . . . .� �.:�. .: . ....��._ �. .. . .� . .. ... ._ .. . .. . ..... :I .�,._ . . ;.., �. . >�.'� ... . . . . � .. . � . . . .� . . . 3 .. .. . .. _ . . .