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Meeting Minutes for September 29, 2022
Attendees: Harriet Cohen (Clerk), Jeri Foutter (Chair), Charles Hornig (Planning Board), Paul Linton,
Wendy Manz, Bob Pressman, Maureen Rynn (LHA liaison), Betsey Weiss
Absent: Cindy Arens (Sustainable Lexington liaison), Sarah Morrison (LexHAB liaison), Joe Pato (Select
Board liaison), Melanie Thompson, John Zhao (COA)
The Housing Partnership Board (HPB) meeting was chaired by Jeri Foutter and minutes were taken by
Harriet Cohen.
1. Call to Order: Housing Partnership Board Meeting
Ms. Foutter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the roll was called.
2. OSRD, Comprehensive Plan, MBTA Communities Updates
The PB approved volume 1 of the Comprehensive Plan. The approval of volume 1 will provide
the Planning Board and planning staff the time to engage in other important areas including
Open Space Residential Development (OSRD) zoning and MBTA community housing zoning.
The OSRD zoning will be discussed at the next meeting of the Planning Board. The Planning
Board has a goal of adopting the OSRD zoning on Oct. 12. The Planning Board will also start the
MBTA Community Housing discussion. The MBTA Community Housing law is still missing some
technical guidance from the state, but there is sufficient information to enable the Planning
Board to begin the “big picture” questions, for example, is the focus on the Center or on other
parts of Town. The Planning Board will also seek to engage the public and continue to solicit
public input.
3. Land Acquisition Subcommittee and minutes
Ms. Kowalski has provided some comments on the draft Land Acquisition Policy. The comments
led to a table being included in the draft Land Acquisition Policy. The plan is to review the draft
policy at the next HPB meeting. If the HPB approves the draft, the next step will be to reach out
to relevant committees for their input.
Mr. Linton moved the minutes of the Land Acquisition Committee meeting and Mr. Pressman
seconded the motion.
Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms.
Betsey Weiss
Voting against: none
Abstaining: none
4. Housing Resource Subcommittee minutes
Ms. Manz moved approval of the Housing Resource Subcommittee minutes and Ms. Weiss
seconded the motion.
Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms.
Voting against: none
Abstaining: none
5. HPB Charge Subcommittee & Membership
Ms. Cohen presented the draft charge. The draft was discussed by the HPB. The HPB suggested
that the subcommittee working group ensure that the charge is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan wording on housing. The working group will review the comp plan and the
proposed charge to ensure that other sections of the comprehensive plan and charge are
Ms. Weiss moved approval of the HPB Charge Subcommittee minutes and Mr. Press seconded
the motion.
Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms.
Voting against: none
Abstaining: none
6. Working Group on Accomplishments
Ms. Weiss volunteered to work on compiling a list of HPB accomplishments. Ms. Weiss will
request the assistance of up to 3 HPB members for this work.
7. Board Member Updates
Planning Board: A site sensitive development plan is in progress.
SPRD: Ms. Weiss is working with Ms. Kowalski , Mr. Treitsch, and Wendy Manz on an SPRD slide
deck presentation to the Select Board and to the public.
Ms. Weiss presented a summary of the SPRD as it regards affordable housing.
LexHab: Ms. Morrison was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Mr. Pressman reported his
understanding that there will be a meeting of LexHAB next week. LexHAB is seeking to obtain
support at Special Town Meeting for LexHAB’s warrant article to change the form of
organization to a non-profit.
While Ms. Morrison was unable to attend this meeting, she sent mail that said asking to present
the organizational change warrant article to the HPB and to ask the HPB for its support of the
article. Ms. Manz noted that Ms. Morrison will be presenting at the League of Women Voters
October meeting and to the Select Board on Oct 17.
COA: The Select Board appointed Mark Sandeen as the liaison to the COA.
Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee (AHTSC): The AHTSC has met twice since the
August HPB meeting. At the Sept. 14 meeting, the AHTSC voted to approve the draft bylaw and
the FAQ. The AHTSC also approved the slide deck presentation, the FAQ and the bylaws. The
AHTSC will present at the October LWV meeting on the AHT.
Ms. Foutter said that there was discussion at the AHTSC as to was whether to use assessed value
or the median sales price as the basis on which to set the trust threshold borrowing level. This
will apply to single family detached homes, not condos or multi-family housing.
LHA: Ms. Rynn: Caileen Foley has submitted her resignation as the Exec Director of the Board.
Ms. Foley has accepted a position at the Chelmsford Housing Authority. The search
subcommittee is conducting a search for a permanent executive director.
Ms. Rynn thanked Ms. Foutter for the Cambridge Savings Bank donation to the LHA residents of
420 gift cards of $20 each.
8. New Business
Mr. Linton has limited access to the Town Zoom. If you need a Zoom link, please give Mr. Linton
as much advance notice as possible.
9. Minutes
The HPB reviewed edits provided to Ms. Cohen on the draft minutes for August 25, 2022. Ms.
Weiss moved approval of the minutes and Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.
Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms.
Voting against: none
Abstaining: none
Ms. Foutter had sent a draft of the Annual Town Meeting report. The report has a 350-word
limit. Ms. Weiss moved approval of the report. Ms. Cohen seconded the motion. The motion
was approved unanimously. Ms. Foutter will submit the HPB report to the Town.
10. Set Next Meeting
The next meeting will be October 20 at 7:00 by Zoom.
11. Adjournment
Ms. Weiss moved adjournment; Ms. Cohen seconded the motion.
Voting in favor: Ms. Cohen, Ms. Foutter, Mr. Hornig, Mr. Linton, Ms. Manz, Mr. Pressman, Ms.
Voting against: none
Abstaining: none
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.