HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-19-PB-min Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022 Page 1 of 6 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on Wednesday October 19, 2022, Virtual Meeting at 6:00 pm Present: Robert Peters, Chair; Michael Schanbacher, Vice-Chair; Melanie Thompson, Clerk; Robert Creech, Charles Hornig and Michael Leon, Associate Member. Also present were Abby McCabe, Planning Director; James Kelly, Building Commissioner; Michael McLean, Police Chief, Michael Cronin, Director of Facilities, James Malloy, Town Manager, Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for development and, Kiruthika Ramakrishnan, Planning Coordinator. Robert Peters, Chair, called to order the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 6:01 pm. For this meeting, the Planning Board is convening by video conference via Zoom. LexMedia is filming this meeting and will record it for future viewing. Detailed information for remote participation by the public may be found on the Planning Office web page. Mr. Peters conducted a roll call to ensure all members of the Planning Board and members of staff present could hear and be heard. Mr. Peters provided a summary of instructions for members of the public in attendance. It was further noted that materials for this meeting are available on the Town's NOVUS AGENDA dashboard. Development Administration 12 Summit Road (Assessor’s Map 22, Lot 146A) Approval Not Required (ANR) Plan Ms. McCabe gave a brief overview of the application and shared the ANR plan of 12 Summit Road which proposed to create two new parcels to be conveyed and combined with abutting lots and also create two non-buildable lots on the back portion of the lot. Ms. McCabe said that the Planning, Building and Zoning staff have reviewed the plan and said that the staff do not see any issues with the application. The applicant Mr. Kalsow explained that the intention of the ANR plan is to save the property and the Olmsted landscape on 12 Summit Road. Mr. Leon asked about the two non-buildable lots and what would happen to them in the future. Mr. Kalsow said that they will be conveyed to the two adjoining property owners. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to endorse the ANR plan for 12 Summit Road. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). 39 & 43 Blossomcrest Road Definitive Subdivision Public Hearing (continued from 9/13) – Hosmer House Relocation. The applicant Ms. Carroll explained briefly that the main purpose of the application was to subdivide the lots with the sole purpose of relocating the Hosmer House. Ms. McCabe shared a Powerpoint presentation that showed an aerial view of the proposed location and a plan with the proposed driveways. Ms. McCabe reminded the Board about the Zoning Board’s Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022 Page 2 of 6 approval and showed a picture of the driveway based on which the Zoning Board had approved. A few historic pictures of the Hosmer House were shared along with a history of the Project Permit Process. Mr. Peters raised a concern regarding the driveway’s proximity to the highway exit. Ms. Carroll said that since it is an existing driveway and used by the abutters, it should not create any issues. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to close the Public Hearing on 39-43 Blossomcrest Road. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to approve the waivers requested by the applicant as outlined in the Draft Certificate. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to approve the application with conditions of approval outlined in the staff memo and discussed in the Planning Board Meeting held on 10.19.22. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). 35 Hayes Lane – Public Hearing for a Site Sensitive Residential Definitive Subdivision Development and Street Adequacy Determination (SAD) Continued from 09/21/2022 Mr. Peters opened the public hearing. Present were Fred Gilgun, project attorney; Michael Novak, project Engineer; and Jeff Thoma, landscape architect. Mr. Fred Gilgun represented the applicant from 35 Hayes Lane and explained to the Board on how the issues that were raised in the previous meeting were addressed in the revised filings. Mr. Gilgun reminded the Board about the concern that was raised regarding the request for the waiver from the 20 feet wide street in the Street Adequacy Determination, specifically from the Fire Department. Mr. Gilgun informed the Board about the visit from the Planning Staff and the Fire Department and their determination that a 16 feet wide street using a meandering method would be sufficient to for access and save the mature trees. Mr. Gilgun added that one of the issues raised was regarding the conservation restriction on parcel 2 in the rear lot with respect to the Site Sensitive Subdivision. Mr. Gilgun said that the applicants are willing to convey the parcel to the Conservation Commission or make it subject to a conservation restriction. Mr. Novak shared the Definitive Subdivision Plan Set for 35 Hayes Lane and went over the details with the Board. Mr. Novak also gave details about the gross floor area allocation and impervious area calculation. Mr. Novak said that he has added notes stating that each lot and any changes made to them in future, will require approval from the Lexington Conservation Commission. Mr. Novak also shared the landscaping plan and proof plan. Mr. Creech commented that all the concerns raised by the Board in previous meetings were addressed and that he would prefer that the property in front of parcel 2 be conveyed as conservation restricted land. Mr. Hornig added that he was also pleased to see that all the concerns were addressed. Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022 Page 3 of 6 On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to close the public hearing for 35 Hayes Lane. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to approve the Site Sensitive Special Permit Subdivision with the 30 conditions as reviewed the evening of 10/19/22 in the draft decision revised through 10/19/2022. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to find that Hayes Lane in the vicinity of 35 Hayes Lane is not presently of adequate grade and construction for vehicular traffic but will be adequate with the improvements listed in the draft decision revised through 10/19/22 reviewed on 10/19/22 and as shown on the road improvement plan revised through October 19. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). Board Administration, Public Meeting and Administrative Items LexHAB request for support for Special Town Meeting Article 14 proposal to establish Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) as an independent nonprofit housing corporation Ms. Sarah Morrison, Executive Director of LexHAB, gave an overview to the Board of Article 14, the proposed reorganization of LexHAB. Ms. McCabe shared with the Board a Powerpoint presentation of Article 14 to be presented to the Special Town Meeting. Ms. Morrison explained that the purpose of Article 14 is to allow the Select Board to petition the General Court for special legislation that will reorganize LexHAB as an independent Nonprofit Housing Corporation which will allow LexHAB to more efficiently and effectively fulfill their mission towards providing Affordable Housing in Lexington. Ms. Morrison gave a brief overview of LexHAB, Affordable Housing in Lexington, and the role played by LexHAB towards Affordable Housing. Ms. Morrison said that Article 14 will allow LexHAB to be more efficient towards housing production and will provide more robust funding opportunities. Ms. Morrison explained the recommended path and the proposed timeline in detail. Ms. Morrison compared the contribution towards Affordable Housing between Arlington’s Housing Corporation, a non-profit Community Development Corporation (CDC), to that of LexHAB. Ms. Morrison went over the highlights of the proposed revisions of the Special Act. Ms. Thompson suggested adding some actual pictures of developments from Arlington which she felt will help Town Meeting members to visualize and get a better idea of how they blended with the entire community. Mr. Creech wanted more clarity on LexHAB’s continuing connections with the Town for purposes of reporting. Ms. Morrison replied saying that they would be reporting to the Regional Housing Services Office and would be submitting an annual report to the Town and also to any funder. Mr. Jonathan Silverstein said that with the proposed Special Act, there will be a requirement for annual Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022 Page 4 of 6 reporting of LexHAB’s operations and activities and, since LexHAB will no longer be a municipal body, the grant agreements would require reporting to the grantors. Mr. Leon wanted to know if the governance will be changed with the proposed new entity. Ms. Morrison said that LexHAB currently recruits their own Board members through an application process with the Select Board and they are officially nominated by the Select Board. With the proposed revision of the Special Act, the Select Board will have veto power over LexHAB board nominations. Mr. Leon asked if as a non-profit, they would be eligible for affordable housing tax credits to be able to generate additional revenue. Ms. Tara Murphy said that in future that will be possible. Mr. Leon wanted to know if the transfer of the existing LexHAB units to the new entity would take place automatically. Mr. Silverstein said that the transfer of properties will be part of the process. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to support Special Town Meeting Article 14 to establish the Lexington Housing Assistance Board as an independent nonprofit Housing Corporation. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). Public Work Session on Multi-Family Housing Zoning for MBTA Communities - Board will begin working on a zoning amendment and begin considering areas that could be zoned to support more housing. Ms. McCabe reminded the Board about the final guidelines, the expedited timeline to the Annual Town Meeting and the qualities that were considered for locations for areas to allow more multi-family housing. Ms. McCabe recommended the Board continue the discussion and invited them to the workshop on October 25th,2022, where maps will be spread out for members of the community to consider areas that could be zoned to support more housing. The Board discussed the current transportation corridors and the proposed revisions to the bus lines and decided to widen their view beyond the existing public transportation in coming up with locations that might qualify for inclusion in the overlay district. Mr. Hornig stressed that, in order to bring it to the Annual Town Meeting, candidate areas have to be picked in November followed by focused public outreach in December. Mr. Schanbacher said that he preferred to exceed the minimum requirement and show commitment toward multi-family housing by picking every single place that would qualify. Mr. Peters agreed with Mr. Schanbacher and wanted to create workforce housing and provide incentives for development of workforce housing. 10 Stedman Road – Request to transfer surety to a new owner Ms. McCabe reminded the Board about the one lot subdivision that was approved several years ago and the vote in July to release the Lot from the covenant with the new surety set to the current property owner. Ms. McCabe added that the property was about to be sold with a closing date of 11/7/22 and the applicant asked for a transfer of surety and asked the permission from the Planning Board to accept a new surety for the same amount of $7,788.00. Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022 Page 5 of 6 On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to move to approve the request to release the surety ($7,788.00) from Corey Brown and set new surety ($7,788.00) to Homes Development Corporation to complete the remaining required improvements for 10 Stedman Road, and this is to be acted upon after the close of the sale. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). Board Administration Staff updates Ms. McCabe introduced Ms. Kiruthika Ramakrishnan as the new Planning Coordinator and welcomed her to the Planning Department. Board Member updates Mr. Hornig brought to the attention of the Board about the SPRD Committee’s proposed zoning change to be presented before the Select Board on November 7th and to the Planning Board on November 9th. Upcoming Meetings - Housing Workshop Tues. Oct. 25, regular meetings: November 9 & November 16 Mr. Peters informed the Board about the upcoming Housing Workshop on October 25th and the meetings of the Planning Board on November 9th at 6:00 p.m. and November 16th at 6:00 p.m. Review of Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2022 Mr. Schanbacher moved that the Planning Board approve the minutes of September 28, 2022 as submitted tonight. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0 on a roll call vote to approve the meeting minutes from September 28, 2022 as written. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Creech- yes, Thompson – yes). Adjourn Mr. Schanbacher moved that the Planning Board adjourn the meeting of October 19, 2022. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in favor of the motion 5-0-0 (Roll call: Creech – yes; Peters – yes; Schanbacher – yes; Thompson – yes; Hornig – yes). MOTION PASSED Meeting adjourned at 8.02 p.m. Lex Media recorded the meeting. Material from the meeting can be found in Planning Board’s Novus Packet here. . List of Documents: 1. 12 Summit Road - ANR Plan, Lot View, Aerial View Lexington Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 19, 2022 Page 6 of 6 2. 39-43 Blossomcrest Road - Presentation, Planning Staff Memo and, draft approval decision. 3. 35 Hayes Lane – Applicant’s Summary of Changes, Revised Plan Set, Road widening Plan dated 10.19.22, Revised Planning Staff Memo, Draft Special Permit Decision, Draft Street Adequacy Determination. 4. LexHAB presentation 5. Public Work Session on Multi-Family Housing Zoning for MBTA Communities - October 25 Housing Workshop Flyer, Presentation from October 12 Meeting 6. 10 Stedman Road – July 2022 surety, Draft Motion