HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-28-BOH-min 1 LEXINGTON BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, September 28, 2022 6:30 pm Conducted by Remote Participation Approved 10-18-2022 Board of Health Members in Attendance: Wendy Heiger-Bernays Chair, PhD, Burt Perlmutter, M.D., Jillian Tung, M.D., M.P.H., Susan Wolf-Fordham, J.D. MPA, David Geller, M.D. (attend at 6:52pm). Board of Health Member Absent: Select Board (Liaison): Mark Sandeen Office of Public Health Attendees: Joanne Belanger, RN, Public Health Director, Alicia McCartin, Assistant Health Director, Siqing Pan, Department Assistant Office of Public Health Attendees Absent: Jessica Shah, Health Agent, Kelliann Coleman, Public Health Nurse Documents: Draft BOH meeting minutes 8-16-2022 DRAFT ARTICLE XVII, Body Art Establishments and Practitioners [Adopted effective 7-30-2001; amended 1-16-2002] amended 2022 DRAFT ARTICLE X, Private Wells [Adopted effective 11-18-1998; amended 2022] Food Share and Recovery Program poster – Lexington Public Schools Bertucci’s Emergency Closure Order Bertucci’s Re-opening Letter Plumbing Variance Request Letter Lexington Covid data (7/21/2022-9/22/2022) Environmental Health Report – Jessica Shah Environmental Health Report – Alicia McCartin Sampling data analysis of Old Reservoir Beach (5/24/2022-8/23/2022) Massachusetts Department of Public Health Arbovirus Surveillance Program Report Flu Events flyer Flu/Covid Clinics schedule Senior Wellness Fair flyer Analysis of Medical Waste Disposal on September 14, 2022 Station 34 update letter ServSafe Certification class event letter Meeting Called to Order: Board of Health meeting of September 28, 2022 was called to order by Dr. Heiger-Bernays at 6:34 pm. Minutes Approval Dr. Perlmutter made a motion to accept the minutes on August 16th, 2022 with the edits. Dr. Tung seconded. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Wolf-Fordham – Yes, Dr. Perlmutter – Yes, Dr. Tung – Yes, Dr. Heiger-Bernays – Yes. Motion carried 4 to 0. All in favor. Unanimously moved. 2 Open Forum (2 minutes per person, state your name and address) None Review Proposed Regulation Revisions: Body Art Establishments and Practitioners Code of Lexington Chapter155 Article XVII Ms. Belanger and Ms. McCartin provided the draft proposed regulations of Body Art Establishments and Practitioners (Code of Lexington Chapter155 Article XVII) for Board’s review and approval. Ms. McCartin also explained the proposed revisions. Ms. Wolf-Fordham suggested that the aftercare instructions should be posted in the facility. Ms. McCartin stated the aftercare instructions are provided to the clients after treatments. It could be added as a requirement that aftercare instructions visibly posted in the facility. Ms. McCartin stated the aftercare instructions could be part of regulation of Body Art Establishments and Practitioners if the Board chooses. It could be added under § 155-124. Standards of practice, Section K. Ms. Wolf-Fordham also inquired about in § 155-123. D (1) the wording of “A disclosure statement, a model of which shall be available from the Board of Health. A disclosure statement shall also be given to each client, advising him/her of the risks and consequences of body art procedures.” Ms. McCartin stated this model are draft, and are on the State website under DPH. They are not formal documents, but they have one specifically for Lexington. If people have questions, they can contact Lexington Health Department. Dr. Perlmutter made a motion to accept the proposed regulation revisions of Body Art Establishments and Practitioners regulation (Code of Lexington Chapter155 Article XVII) as discussed. Dr. Tung seconded. Roll Call Vote: Dr. Geller – Yes, Ms. Wolf-Fordham – Yes, Dr. Perlmutter – Yes, Dr. Tung – Yes, Dr. Heiger-Bernays – Yes. Motion carried 5 to 0. All in favor. Unanimously moved. Ms. McCartin stated there are 6 Body Art Establishments in Lexington now. Private Wells Code of Lexington 155 Chapter Article X Ms. Belanger provided the draft proposed regulation revisions of private well (Code of Lexington 155 Chapter Article X) for Board’s review and approval. Ms. McCartin also explained the proposed revisions. Dr. Perlmutter clarified that in § 155-75 Part D the wording “shall” should be revised to “should”. Ms. McCartin stated the word “shall” will be corrected and will be replaced with “should”. Dr. Heiger-Bernays inquired about water testing, what tests are required, and when they would be required, specifically prior to approval of a well for drinking water purposes. Ms. McCartin stated testing is required for permitting of the drinking water well, and when the owner transfers the title of the property on which the well is permitted. Dr. Heiger-Bernays recommended the annual testing of drinking water well for bacteriological quality and to refer the well owner to the 3 MassDEP guidelines for private drinking water wells. Ms. Belanger stated Ms. McCartin will double-check the housing code for rental properties to convey the requirements of landlords with regard to water quality. The tenant would need to know how to ask for testing or for documentation of public water. Ms. Belanger stated a Q&A will be posted on the website once the private wel l regulation gets settled, including bacterial recommendations for irrigation wells. Ms. McCartin stated there are 127 irrigation wells, 11 drinking wells, and 17 geothermal wells in Lexington. Dr. Heiger-Bernays questioned does the 17 geothermal wells include the schools. Ms. McCartin stated that we do not have records of schools. Mr. Sandeen stated there are 80 geothermal wells at Hastings school. Ms. McCartin stated she will reach out to public facilities for the schools and get an update on that. Ms. Belanger stated we could do a separate category for schools and for residential. Mr. Sandeen inquired about the differences between irrigation wells and geothermal wells. Ms. McCartin stated geothermal wells have more requirements. Ingrid Klimoff and Charles Hornig, from 18 Bacon St, stated they have private well, and they cannot find a place for all the testing that the State required. They stated the testing places and testing costs are unclear. All public comments were taken under advisement. Dr. Tung made a motion to accept the revised proposed regulation revisions Private Wells (Code of Lexington 155 Chapter Article X) with discussed changes. Dr. Geller seconded. Roll Call Vote: Dr. Perlmutter – Yes, Dr. Tung – Yes, Dr. Geller – Yes, Ms. Wolf-Fordham – Yes, Dr. Heiger-Bernays – Yes. Motion carried 5 to 0. All in favor. Unanimously moved. Dr. Perlmutter made a motion to approve the revised regulations of Body Art Establishments and Practitioners regulation (Code of Lexington Chapter155 Article XVII) and Private Wells (Code of Lexington 155 Chapter Article X) become effective immediately. Dr. Geller seconded. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Wolf-Fordham – Yes, Dr. Perlmutter – Yes, Dr. Geller – Yes, Dr. Tung – Yes, Dr. Heiger-Bernays – Yes. Motion carried 5 to 0. All in favor. Unanimously moved. Lexington Public Schools - Food Share and Recovery Program Ms. Cohen and Ms. McBride introduced the Food Share and Recovery Program of Lexington Public Schools. Dr. Heiger-Bernays asked if it is the intention to bring this program to all of the schools, what is the vision of this program. Ms. McBride stated they wanted to get final approval from Board of Health before expanding. Ms. Belanger and Ms. McBride also updated the allergy and safety issues of elementary school students and this program. Ms. McBride stated that pre-packaged, unopened food that a student does not want is properly stored and made available to other students who may want it. At the end of the day all food 4 remaining is removed and donated. The program pilot started at Diamond Middle School, Hastings Elementary school and the Lexington High school. Dr. Tung had a question regarding the provisions for keeping the pre-packaged food refrigerated during transportation. Ms. McBride stated the standard of operation plan outlines the transportation procedures. The Board agreed with the importance of this program. Mr. Sandeen expressed his appreciation on this program. Bertucci’s Emergency Closure Order Ms. Belanger provided the Bertucci’s Emergency closure Order and the re-open Order. The restaurant was discussed with “Ghost Kitchens” in the past. Ms. McCartin conducted health inspection on September 12th and found several separate violations of the State Food Code that lead to the determination that an imminent health hazard exists. The Emergency closure order also referenced raw chicken being stored above raw seafood, dirty floors and walls, leaking refrigerator units and floor drains in need of cleaning among additional violations. Ms. Belanger stated we do our best to keep food establishments open by making sure that they stay clean, they serve safe food, and they train their employees. The regulations that are in place helps the business and it helps the consumer. Ms. McCartin conducted another inspection of Bertucci’s on September 22nd, and found that the restaurant had addressed all violations and was able to reopen. Ms. Belanger stated Bertucci’s did an extensive cleaning. Several pieces of equipment have been removed and replaced. The Board expressed their appreciation on whole Health Department’s work on it. New Food Establishments: Vintage Tea and Cakes, 21 Muzzy St. Ms. Donegan, the owner of Vintage Tea and Cakes at 21 Muzzey St, Lexington, introduced her Food establishment - Vintage Tea and Cakes. The Board of Health expressed a warm welcome of Vintage Tea and Cakes. Variance Request: To Allow the continued use of an existing 1 ½ inch drain in a tub to shower conversion. Plumbing Code 248 CMR 10.10 (7) (b) 31 Fifer Lane Ms. Belanger provided the plumbing variance request letter and other documents relevant to the request. Dr. Perlmutter made a motion to approve the variance of continued use of an existing 1 ½ inch drain in a tub to shower conversion. Dr. Geller seconded. Roll Call Vote: Ms. Wolf- Fordham – Yes, Dr. Tung – Yes, Dr. Geller – Yes, Dr. Perlmutter – Yes, Dr. Heiger-Bernays – Yes. Motion carried 5 to 0. All in favor. Unanimously moved. Tobacco Control Update: New Inspector Ms. Belanger briefly introduced Tobacco Control Coalition inspector Ms. Morello. 5 Ms. Morello introduced herself and the Tobacco Control Coalition program. Mr. Sandeen asked whether vaping or smoking cigarettes is the big issue. Ms. Morello stated vaping is a big issue for teens, because the vaping market targets teens, and that is why flavors were banned. Teens get products through family members and friends. There is a big misconception that vaping is healthier. Ms. Wolf-Fordham was impressed that teens are participating in this program, not only for education, but also for learning more about public health. Flu and COVID 19 Update Ms. Belanger updated the flu/Covid clinics information scheduled on September 27th, October 6th, and October 12th for residents over 60 years old. She introduced 13,500 test kits and other medical supply have been received. The expiration date of test kits has been expanded again and will be good through January. Ms. Belanger also provided the updates about Lexington Covid data (July 21st – September 22nd, 2022). She reiterated the importance of wearing mask, especially on this upcoming flu season. Mr. Sandeen wondered the updates on availability of Covid Test kits. Ms. Belanger stated there are five places (Town Office Building, Fire Department, Police Department, Community Center, Visitors Center, and Public Services Building) to allocate free test kits without any restrictions. Health Staff Reports Ms. Belanger provided environmental health reports from Ms. McCartin and Ms. Shah. Ms. McCartin’s report includes Beach sampling of Old Reservoir. The reservoir/the beach was shut down because of the drought. Ms. McCartin provided the information of Servsafe class held in Lexington School Administrative Building of this upcoming Monday (October 3rd). Ms. Belanger also provided the medical waste disposal events on October 15th, 2022 and April 8th, 2023 for advertisement. She also provided the Medical Waste Disposal analysis results. The schedule list flu/Covid clinic and Health Wellness Fair has been posted on Town website. Ms. Belanger also briefly introduced her monthly report. She is continuing to work on Region 4A MRC transition group. She also provided the updates of Station 34, which is a follow up of the testing and remediation after the fire of transformer. New/Old Business Dr. Geller will serve as Vice Chair of Board of Health. Adjournment Dr. Perlmutter made a motion to adjourn at 8:29pm. Dr. Tung seconded. Motion carried 5 to 0. All in favor.