HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-12-16-TOUR2-min Town of Lexington Tourism Committee Dawn McKenna, Chair info@tourlexington.us 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Tourism Committee Minutes Thursday, December 16, 2021 3:30 pm Conducted Remotely Members Present: Marsha Baker, Sarah Boulos, Kerry Brandin, Margaret Coppe, Bebe Fallick, Dawn McKenna, Erin Sandler-Rathe, Elsie Xu Members Absent: Wim Nijenberg Others Present: Doug Lucente (Select Board Liaison), Fred Johnson (Center Committee Liaison), Sandhya Iyer (Economic Development Director), Casey Hagerty (Economic Development Coordinator for first hour), Michelle Jarvis 1) Battle Green Master Plan and Interpretive Rails Following our feedback from the previous discussion regarding the custom artwork for the Battle Green interpretative rails, Michelle Jarvis worked with the artist to incorporate that feedback. Updated sketches were presented and discussed. The three rails are independent and complementary. Comments were made on wording including the year the Belfry was built. The Committee provided feedback including the desire to increase the size of Buckman Tavern to Michelle Jarvis to give to the artist. The Committee will review the final drafts at the next meeting. Dawn McKenna explained that the Engineering Department presented an updated streetscape proposal to the Select Board on December 6th. The Committee has not been consulted on the current streetscape proposal and Doug Lucente indicated that he would like the Tourism Committee feedback on the proposal. This presentation included a new proposal to add a roundabout at the Hancock Street/Bedford Street intersection. The other two intersections proposed are consistent with the Tourism Committee’s prior review and concurrence. Preliminary sketches have been sent to the Committee. Mr. John Livsey, Town Engineer, has been invited to our January meeting for review. 2) Economic Development Report Sandhya reported that October sales totaled $38,720 and were the best since 2018. November revenues were $12,791. Both revenue numbers include Battle Green tours. The Visitors Center will be open seven days a week in January from 9:30 – 2:30 pm. While not written in stone, it is currently anticipated that beginning in February, the Visitors Center will be open Friday – Monday those same hours and closed Tuesday-Thursday. The Liberty Ride Trolley contract ends on March 31, 2022. The Liberty Ride Trolley is no longer on the senior management ARPA list for funding. A new RFP has been written and will be issued in January. Casey has been talking with potential bidders. The biggest problem Sandhya reported is the hourly rate charge and they are considering a different vehicle other than a trolley. Dawn indicated that this is a topic on which the Committee should be consulted as we have experience with the impact on revenues. Dawn was the last one to write the RFP and offered to work with Sandhya to help the Town receive a favorable result. Dawn also mentioned the marketing aspect of the graphics and style of vehicle and all of that was specified in the RFP. Sandhya mentioned some of the marketing efforts the staff has been working on including producing a tourism newsletter, drafting a Request for Information (RFI) for a new website, and working on applying for a $10k grant through the Mass Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) to help with ad designs. Funds from the existing marketing budget were used for an advertisement on WGBH TV that produced positive documented results and there is a plan to re-run the advertisement. Kerry asked for clarification on the October numbers. Dawn commented that it was an impressive number that is attributable to the new Visitors Center and ribbon cutting attracting people and the excellent job Katie is doing offering a variety of themed merchandise. Sandhya and her team were thanked for the good job they were doing. 3) Minutes Due to confusion on the minutes to be approved, it was decided to bring them back at the January meeting for approval. Sandhya asked that the Tourism Committee be responsible for minutes going forward. Dawn pointed out that part of the job description for the Economic Development Coordinator is to provide support to the Tourism Committee and to specifically take minutes of the meetings. 4) Cultural District Application Margaret Coppe reported on the progress towards Lexington applying to have a Cultural District. The Town Manager has agreed that the Sandhya and the Economic Development office will provide the support necessary and funding has been made available for things like printing. The Mass Cultural Council has invited the Town into the application process and Sandhya has provided the Letter of Intent. A list of 46 assets in the proposed district has been drafted, as well as a proposed management structure. The proposed district is from Hastings Park along Massachusetts Avenue to Pleasant Street. The Tourism Committee is asked to review the asset list and let Margaret know if there are other assets that might be added. The required public meeting was held and as part of the process there was a table at Discovery Day and a widely advertised zoom meeting. Next step is to present the opportunity to the Select Board and ask them for a formal vote to support the application. 5) Lex250 Bebe Fallick updated the Committee planning for the 250th. There has been a great deal of brainstorming amongst the Committee who is working well together. Bebe reported that Michelle Ciccolo was able to obtain an earmark of funds to be spent by a date certain and they are working on a plan to meet that deadline. The national 250th is concentrating on the Declaration of Independence to be celebrated throughout 2026 while Lexington is focused on the Battle of Lexington in 2025 so the implications of that are being explored through legal channels. Marketing and logo is also being planned as well as use of social media. It was suggested that to help the overall branding of Lexington the new tourism logo should be included. At the same time the logo for Lexington 250th should be included in all of our marketing going forward. Events are also being considered as well as hiring a professional consultation. Security is also critical and in the planning stages. Lexington is planning a months long celebration. It was recommended that Sandhya, Casey, Katie, Bebe and Suzie ought to meet so they can coordinate marketing efforts and create a joint marketing plan that cross promotes across all platforms. 6) FY2021 Goals Review The Committee made progress on or completed its FY2021 goals. 7) FY2022 Committee Goals The Committee reviewed the proposed goals for 2022 in the areas of marketing, advocating for resources to stimulate the visitors-based economy, partnering with Economic Development staff and businesses and organizations to facilitate submission of Lexington’s application for a Cultural District, and working to finalize outstanding projects. A revised draft will be brought to the January meeting for a vote. 8) Federal Funds including American Rescue Plan (ARPA) There will be a joint statement with the Center Committee to the Select Board regarding use of ARPA funds as discussed at the December 9th meeting for spending money now to stimulate the businesses in a meaningful way. The Committee discussed what specific uses that the Tourism Committee would like to see funded through ARPA. Erin and Elsie suggested programming that could take place in the Visitors Center. Other suggestions included setting aside startup funding for the recommended use of the Stone Building as it is a key asset and anchor for East Lexington, funding to activate Cultural District marketing and funding, as well as purchasing a trolley for the Liberty Ride in order to control costs and possibly a consider an electric trolley. Sandhya indicated that she would have to write a business plan and in the meanwhile the RFP would be done for a one year trolley contract with a possible 2 year extension. Bebe and Dawn both indicated that the only way to get competitive bids is to use the 10-year contract that was approved through Town Meeting and that we could help with that business plan based on years of data. Sandhya also explained the Stone Building and Cultural District from the staff perspective. A discussion ensued about how staff evaluates programs and opportunities. Various members felt that by utilizing the expertise of the Committee to brainstorm and evaluate ideas, the outcome would be enhanced. In addition, the Committee noted that they are able to advocate and help move projects forward without being bogged down internally which would be valuable. Motion made by Kerry Brandin and seconded by Erin Rathe-Sandler: That the Tourism Committee advocate to the Select Board that part of the use of ARPA funds be allocated for the Cultural District, the Stone Building and the purchase of a Liberty Ride trolley. Unanimously passed by roll call vote with the members then in attendance (Brandin, Fallick, McKenna, Rathe- Sandler, Xu) 9) Updates and Miscellaneous Kerry asked whether the Tourism Committee voted on the LexSeeHer Monument and where we are with this. Dawn indicated that the Tourism Committee had not voted on the monument and that it will be an agenda item on an upcoming meeting. Thanks were extended to Sandhya for everything she is trying to do for tourism. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:25 pm Unanimously passed by roll call vote with the members then in attendance (Brandin, Fallick, McKenna, Rathe- Sandler, Xu) Respectfully submitted Dawn E. McKenna Approved: September 29, 2022