HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-24-FISKE-minFiske School Site Council - 3.24.22 Meeting Notes Members Brian Baker, Principal Present Sara Fenzel, Fiske Staff Absent Michele Carter, Fiske Staff Absent Catherine Murphy, ELL Present Lana Panasyuk, Parent Present Rebecca Bell, Parent Present Sarina Sherwin, Parent Present Opening Items ●Overview of the Site-Based Council’s Purpose and Mandate:Brian Baker read through and thanked the council for their help and thoughtfulness ●Parent Co-Chair Volunteer and Secretary:Lana Panasyuk volunteered to remain Parent Co-Chair Volunteer and Sarina Sherwin volunteered to serve as Secretary Updates from the Principal Baker ●New Assistant Principal Katie O’Hare Gibson: Doing a great job getting into her role, making connections and establishing relationships with staff and students. Each school has its own culture (she came from Hastings), but has background as an administrator and is adapting quickly. Both of her boys came through Fiske and she had a sense of the culture. ●We are at 19 sections. K through G4 have 3 sections each, G5 has 4 sections. This will probably be the last year we have 4 sections, and hopefully never fewer than 3. Fiske has a smaller population than other LPS schools. ●5 ILP classrooms at Fiske, 2 at Estabrook. Next year, he foresees Fiske likely staying at 5, and Estabrook going to 3 to keep classroom sizes at manageable level. Right now one Fiske ILP classroom at 8, rest at 6 or 7, which is good for now. It’s working well. Early Start of School News ●Early Start Time for 22/23 ●Letter from Dr. Hackett ●No conversation at this meeting as this topic has been paused. ●Brian Baker shared that they received lots of feedback from staff and parents across the district. At Fiske, similar to the district, the majority of staff was in favor of starting early. 7:40 start time came as a surprise though. By contract teachers need to be here 15 mins before the start of school. One parent pointed out ‘At some point your kids will be the early ones to go’. Lots of great feedback and considerations that were shared by both staff and families. Staff Supervision and Evaluation ●Focus on “Teaching All Students” and “Professional Culture” ●Brian Baker cited that this gets the principals into classrooms. In the past, the process consisted of the principal going into classrooms for 30 mins then submitting a write-up, which was a bit time-consuming. This year, the District made some changes: for professional teaching status (Fiske 3+ yrs), there will be 2 evaluations consisting of 10 to 20-minute observations with short write-ups, and follow-up conversations which are more meaningful, deeper in topic, and provide an exchange opportunity between the principal and staff. For non-professional status, it’s the same process with 4 observations. All in all, the new process is less time-consuming. They are a little behind schedule, but Started with teachers and it's going well. They started with teachers and are a little behind schedule but it’s going well. Fiske has a great culture of professionalism and collaboration. This is to gather evidence to ensure we are doing right by the kids. Share Student Learning/Prof. Learning Goal ●Brian Baker said that similar to last year, and now that we have Katie O’Hare Gibson here, he is focused on Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions in the classroom. Making sure teachers have everything they need to give the added dose of intervention for kids. It’s the responsibility of teachers to give students added support. Rather than just relying on literacy and math specialists. We are coaching teachers, giving them what is needed for them to give what is best to the students. “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Updates from - Student Success Team / Data Teams / School Leadership Team ●SST (formerly CST) Student Success Team:A platform to bring students of concern to a group of educators (Brian Baker, Katie O’Hare Gibson, Literacy Specialist, Math Specialist, OT/PT) to help brainstorm. ●Data Teams: ○Former process: Look at student data and figure out what interventions they may need. They would do 3 grade levels one day, and 3 the next day. They found that teachers were just giving a list of kids and concerns then time would run out. No time to problem solve. ○New process: They have a pre-data team meeting, where they really hone in on data. We need a name for this meeting! Matthew Small suggested an “Intervention Summit” as they are taking what we know and putting it into the interventions. ○Good PLC (Professional Learning Community): 45 mins with Math, 45 mins with Lit, 45 mins with Counseling to dig deeper and explore what we are able to do for students. ●School Leadership Team:Met last Friday for the first time. 1 teacher each grade, 1 rep from everywhere else. Went really well. ●Equity Team: Also had its first meeting two Fridays ago. Christina Bencivenni is the new chair, Catherine Murphy was the former chair. Successful meeting to get recalibrated after the summer, to discuss what goals do we want, where do we go with this. There is a district-wide equity team, which they never had before, which allows all schools to align together. Katie O’Hare Gibson will help with the DEI curriculum, so Fiske may get a preview. Catherine mentioned that there may also be a DEI guidebook for families and staff available. Brian Baker to share the link in the weekly update if available. Lana asked a question on how parents can get involved. Brian to learn more and follow up. Fiske Cafeteria Update ●Green Team is up and running. Kids do a great job.And it is well staffed. ●Allergies: Parents are to help kids memorize PIN numbers.Pre-covid PIN numbers would pop up at the register and the cashier would be alerted of any allergies. With the pandemic, this changed and they moved away from PINs. There was an incident last week that resulted in a wake-up call, and adjustments have been made so PINs are back. A meeting yesterday with Katie, Karen, Kevin Silvia and other women from Whitsons resulted in immediate changes including lunches served on trays, not clamshells, so the register person can see what’s in the clamshell. Also, in front of the food servers, there is a placard with a menu for the day, where allergens are noted so the child is aware. The adult at the register is also made aware. Fiske Playground Update ●Initially the new playground was supposed to come in Summer 2023. ●Brian got a call two Fridays ago to prepare for a Nov 1 arrival. ●Basketball hoops had been taken down but were put back in a couple of weeks ago. The 5th graders politely created a petition to get back and presented it well. ●Installation will take 3 to 4 weeks. They will remove all but the red spider web climber and the shade structure. Everything else will be replaced. Playground equipment has a 10- to 15-year shelf life. Broken pieces cannot be replaced so all new pieces are coming. It’s going to have some similar items / structures as now. One addition is a type of merry go round that can be used for someone in a wheelchair. ●Nurse Karlee as well as PT Juliet Moir were part of the playground committee. Juliet has been on a few playground committees in her town so her feedback and input was very helpful. ●Downside of the new playground is that we won’t be able to use the playground during the installation, so we will be using fields during that time. If it’s wet out, will have more indoor recess ●Students received this update at the all-school meeting last Friday. ●Come Summer 2023, the PIP (poured in place) rubber goes in to replace the wood chips. This new spongy bottom will be installed by the start of 2023-2024 school year. Lana asked about where money comes from, and Brian replied with it’s budgeted from the town. ●Thurs 10/27 Brian has 60-min virtual meeting about installation logistics Fiske Joy In Learning -Thurs. Nov. 10 - 1:30-3:00 ●Agenda more or less set from previous two attempts. This will be a time for the people of the community (site council, central office, etc.) to hear about what’s going on and what’s working. Stay tuned for the invitation. Other Discussion Topics ●Bike Racks (Lana):Noticing more bike racks near the Star. Brian shared that there are new bike racks near the playground, so students are to use those. Chances of getting new racks may be slim because of this recent addition. Brian to encourage kids to park their bikes on the racks near the playground or on the Colony Rd side. ●Aspen Dismissal (Rebecca):Son rides a bike and takes the bus sometimes. Can Aspen be designed so that exceptions aren’t wiped out every week? The input process can be stressful for parents. Can we have it just save last week’s exceptions? Is there a better way that creates less stress for parents and teachers? Are there other systems that are more user friendly? ○Sarina added that teachers ask for the email heads up when exceptions are submitted. Brian mentioned that at 3:05pm, all teachers receive an email that lists all exceptions made. There should not be a need for additional notes from parents, as this is an extra step. ○Catherine mentioned that, as a parent and as someone who does bus duty, she really likes the attendance sheet addition. In years past, they didn’t take formal attendance for bus duty dismissal, so this is really helpful. ●Green Team Custodian and SST support (Sarina):Gave recognition to the custodial staff and SST for their help implementing the new lunch waste process, finding ways to optimize with the Green Team? ●Trash in Yard (Sarina):As BBY Coordinator, she and other parents have noticed a lot of trash all along the edge and on the field. Brian mentioned that in years past, the PTO would organize a beautification Sunday. Lana and Rebecca asked if there’s a way students could help, perhaps as a community service project? 5th graders could even give to the community as they are leaving. Give them plastic gloves to help. ●Mo’s Ice Cream Truck (Sarina):Asked about rules of an ice cream truck on campus. Haven’t seen him in a while and likely won’t until the Spring. Parent brought to Brian’s attention that there's a law that is being broken but he wasn’t sure whose jurisdiction it was. After some more investigation, there is a law that prohibits food being sold on the school premises within 30 minutes of dismissal as well as one about food sold from an outside vendor on school property. Next Fiske School Site Council Meeting: November 16, 2022 at 3:45pm