HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-14-LCC-min.pdf Lexington Center Committee Minutes 9/14/89 Members present: Margery Battin, Chairman, Ed Barsamian, Norma Bogen, Bill Bowen, Fay Buss- gang, Carla Fortmann, Morton Kahan, Robert Ossman, Dave Wells. Coffman and Whitman of the DAC were also in attendance. CROSSWALK OBSERVANCE WEEK Members agreed to the tasks, timetable and responsibilities assigned in the schedule passed out at the meeting. The letter to the industries and surrounding towns were put in final form and given to the Ass't Town Manager for distribution when the flyers and bulletin inserts are ready. Fortmann and Bussgang will put the bulletin insert in final form no latter than Wed. Sept. 20 and deliver it to the Ass't Town Manager; Ossman will do the same for the flyer delivering it to Battin. The Selectmen Chairman and Chamber President will sign the letters to the surrounding towns. The Chamber President will send flyers to all the center businesses. The letters to industries and surrounding town should be sent next week; the flyers will be distributed October 14 at Oktoberfest and by the schools and Senior Center Monday Oct. 16. The Manager's office will contact the police department about stepped up enforcement during this week. DESIGN PLAN GUIDELINES FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR Battin reviewed the comments that had been reported from the DAC. Whitman and Coffman amplified these further noting their pleasure with the general statements and approach but pointing out the need for more detail. They referenced the tremendous amount of work Dixon and Associates have done. They also stated that the text on lighting was good but too complex; it should be simplified and further detail left to the lighting subcommittee. Coffman suggested that LCC look at page 8 in particular to see if we agree that the four Key Actions listed are the appropriate ones. The LCC agreed with the DAC that the attention to Russell Square needs more amplification, the Muzzey and Waltham St. commercial areas need attention ( especially at the transition to residential section) and the Alley between the Library and the start of the commercial area should be looked at. The LCC felt that the omissions noted previously by Ossman, i.e. the lack of overall concepts and problem definition, have been corrected. The LCC felt that more explicit information was need; more written detail aimed at laymen and better graphics should be included. It is not sufficient to xerox catalog pages. Although the information on traffic signage was good it was felt that much more guidance should be given on directional signage e.g. how mount, size, color, examples of what's wrong and what's right. Coffman suggested that we pay particular attention to the parking sections, noting if the proposed landscaping removes parking spaces. Myla Kabbat-Zinn stated that she expected that more guidance would be given—the report speaks to professionals and not the average reader. Bogen pointed out that the Dixon report should call itself guidelines and not a study. IT WAS AGREED THAT COMMITTEE MEMBERS SHOULD DELIVER THEIR WRITTEN COM- MENTS ON THE DIXON PUBLIC SECTOR REPORT TO MARION SNOW IN THE SELECTMEN'S OFFICE BY WED SEPT 27 FOR FORWARDING TO JOHN FREY CHAIRMAN DAC. IT WAS ALSO AGREE THAT THERE BE JOINT MEETING OF THE LCC WITH THE DAC TO REVIEW THE REPORT ON TUES. OCT 10 AT 8:00 pm IN ESTABROOK HALL. MAP RECOMMENDING LOCATIONS FOR SIGNS AT THE OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN SPECIFYING "PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK LAW STRICTLY ENFORCED". It was decided to recommend the use of the Ossman flyer logo as the graphics on the signs. The LCC agreed to Battin's recommended locations with the following changes: Mass Ave. at Wood St.—move to the side of the bridge nearest the center; Waltham St. move from Marrett Rd., to Allen St. intersection.; addition of a sign on Adams St. Battin will give corrected map to Ass't Town Manager on Friday for review by the Engineering Dept. CENTER POLICE PRESENCE The LCC voted unanimously, Chairman Battin abstaining from the discussion and vote, that"The LCC strongly supports the present police staffing in the center and wishes to see no reduction". USE OF FLAGS, BANNERS, STREAMERS OTHER AIR ACTIVATED PROMOTIONAL DEVICES IN CENTER Fortmann reported that this recently enforced by-law provision poses real problems for small retailers. There is no provision for appeal or variance as the by-law is now written. The Planning Board Chairman who was present suggested that concerned retailers write their concerns to the Planning Board and then request to meet with them during Oct. or Nov. If the Planning Board decides not to recommend a by-law change it was suggested the the LCC then consider recommending that the Selectmen take such an initiative. If these suggestions fail it was suggested Fortmann and others submit a citizen warrant article for a change which would make the by-law less inflexible. COMMENTS ON DIXON REPORT TO SELECTMEN'S OFFICE BY WED. SEPT 27; NEXT COM- MITTEE MEETING TUES. OCT 10 8:00 pm IN ESTABROOK HALL. Respectfully submitted, Margery M. Battin