HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-28-LCC-min.pdf LEXINGTON CENTER COMMITTEE January 28, 1988 PRESENT: Chairman Battin, Dave Wells, Bill Bowen, Mary Hastings , Marian Powell, Bob Ossman, Carla Fortmann, and Norma Bogen joined the meeting later. Also in attendance were Leo McSweeney, Board of Selectmen; Jere Frick, MAPC Representative; Mary Ann Lazarus, Meriam Hill Association member; Joyce Miller , Chairman, Conservation Commission; and Liz Banks, Lexington Minute-Man. MINUTES The minutes of the L.C.C. meeting on December 10 , 1987 were accepted as written. TOWN MANAGER AND SELECTMEN' S POSITION/ Parking Utilization Study Rick White, Town Manager was introducec�to the group. He informed the L.C.C . that the Capital Budget reflects the commitment of Town Meeting to examine downtown parking and traffic conditions. An Appropriation of $20 ,000 (+ ) has been included in the Town Manager ' s budget for FY89 for a parking study to establish possibleproblems and realistic options and as this expense can be traced and audited he was optimistic that Town Meeting would approve the request. Leo McSweeney, Selectman, reported that the Selectmen have not voted as yet on a position but thought that the majority agreed in concept. Design Plan A Base Map will be developed at any rate with. the cooperation of Minuteman Vo-Tech' s assignment of 3/4 senior students to the project. This map will be very helpful to the Public Works and Engineering Dept. in the development of standards. Both Rick and Leo support a request for $18, 000. for the Design Plan study requested by the D .A.C. Leo also stated that the Selectmen had not voted on a position on this article as yet. The L.C.C. will provide backup material for the presentation to Town Meeting on both of these articles when the Selectmen' s assignments on the articles have been established. Leo will probably handle the parking study and Jack Eddison the design plan monies. CENTER CLEAN UP Leo reported that Public Works Dept. empties the baskets in the center area on a daily basis and that the Park Dept. is responsible for the care of the park areas. Both Rick and Leo would like to see a joint operational plan from the store owners and the Chamber before more man hours could be assigned from DPW as other conuuercial areas of town would then expect the same consideration in their areas . Rick stated that as most owners are responsible, he would be more than willing to support and moderately subsidize a "Town Clean-up Day" with a heavy concentration in the center area. Joyce Miller, Conservation Commission Chairman, stated that many volunteers are involved in the "Clean and Green" project that takes place in the Spring. She asked who is responsible for the emptying of the dumpsters behind the businesses in the center. Mrs. Battin responded that a letter was written to each food service owner last year regarding the issue of disposal of food stuffs and litter. -2- The letter was a composite by the LCC, Selectmen and the Board of Health, requestingthat each purveyor of food in Lexington provide and maintain refuse containers at both front and back entrances with daily responsibility for cleaning litter and making sure that dumpsters are kept closed and emptied frequently. Mary Hastings suggested that acknowledgement should be made of the owners that do a good job in these areas. Bob Ossman said that enclosures for dumpsters could possibly be a Design study recommendation. Rick referred to the article on the Warrant that would authorize ticketing and fine penalties for non-compliance in the Zoning , Conservation and Health areas in the Town By-Laws. If passed, the Town would have more options to enforce the merchant' s responsibility for maintaining the disposal areas on their premises. Non Chamber members who violate the cleanliness regulations will be identified and a process for contacting them developed. VOLLMER PLANS/MINUTEMAN COMMUTER BIKEWAY Carla Fortmann reminded the LCC of the Bikeway Mtg that would take place that evening in the Selectmen' s Meeting Room. The Vollmer Design Plans will be available for viewing and a slide presentation will be shown on how art could be incorporated into the Bikeway. BURNED OUT BUILDINGS UPDATE When asked about the status of the burned out block, Mr. White told the group that the reconstruction was progressing and that all the necessary licenses were in place. CROSSWALK OBSERVANCE/POSTER CONTEST Marian Powell displayed the six winning entries selected by the subcommittee out of the thirty submitted. Three were from the H. S. student body and three were from the Elementary school students. The winners will be informed very soon and notification will be sent to the principals and art teachers. The winning entires will be displayed at Cary Memorial Library for several weeks and then at Cary Hall on opening night of Town Meeting , accompanied by an explanatory mention by the Town Moderator before T.M. convenes. First prize in both sections will be $75. , 2nd prize - $50. , and 3rd prize - $25. Dave suggested that "Annual Crosswalk Day" be considered. The winners and their guests will be invited to the presentation of the awards by the Chamber on Thursday, Feb. 11 , 1988 at 3 : 00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Steven Crowne, President of the Chamber, will make the presentations. A small reception will be held in the hall outside the Selectmen' s Room. MAUNDER' S WINDOWS Jere Frick recommended that if future guidelines are developed concerning the store windows in the center area, consideration should be given to the need for improvement in the advertisement of Maunder' s Specials of the Day. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to adjourn at 1: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Audrey E. Deshler