HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-25-CRC-min RECEIVED SELECTMEN CENTER REVITALIZATION COMMITTEE MEETING t..AY 1 - 1985April 25, 1985 The Center Revitalization Committee (CRC) met on 4/25/85 at 12Noon in the Selectmen 's Meeting Room in the Town Office Building. Present from the CRC were Margery Battin (Chair) , David Wells , Jack Eddison, Laura Nichols , Bob Sacco and Jacqui Bateson. Also in attendence were Walter Tonaszuck, Norma Bogen & Angela Frick. PARKING : In response to a request from an earlier meeting, Mr. Tonaszuck furnished the CRC with a report on the Meriam Street Lot Attendant Parking Program. He advised that in the last 5 months there have been only 3 days when attendants have had to turn people away from the lot . Mrs . Battin advised the committee that some concern was raised at the TMMA INFO MEETING about the amount of money being spent on parking vs . the revenues received . She reminded those concerned that the intent of the parking pro- gram was to provide parking, not to make money. It was decided , however, that at our next meeting we will discuss the following: 1) selling more permits for the Meriam St . Lot 2) charging an increased fee at lunch hour 3) raising rates on all permits Bateson asked about our capability to audit the lot . Mr. Tonaszuck said he felt we had things very much under control via the use of sequentially numbered tickets and daily reports/break- downs , furnished weekly, on the use of the lot . Mr . Tonaszuck reported that the MDC sewer construction will begin in early May in the Meriam Street Lot . This is contrary to the time frame of JULY-AUGUST that was both expected and prefered . He advised that there is little we can do to influence this start date but he will stress to the state that we are not happy with the dates . Mrs . Battin advised that Decelle , Inc . has approached the Town in regards to putting up a gate at the entrance of their parking lot and/or charging a fee to people wishing to park there . While we would have no authority over their charging, Mr. Tona- szuck felt certain that a gate would pose traffic problems and that the Town would have authority to stop that . MINUTES- from 3/21/85 were approved as submitted. Sacco abstained . LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT POLICIES-(continued : : ) ection 6 . 1- Mr. Wells stated that he felt that this section was incon- sistent with section 1 .1 which states that the Center is a "focal point" for the Town. Mrs . Bogen pointed out that gen- erally when revitalizations are undertaken they are always a joint effort between the public & private sectors . She suggested that we replace the owner-developer "should be soley responsible"with "shall have the major responsibility" . A motion to this effect was made and approved , 5 voted in favor, 1 opposed . 6 .2- unnanimous approval 7 . 1- agreement CRC Minutes-4/25/85 • section 7 .2- Mr . Sacco made a motion that this se4tion be deleted and the remaining sections be renumbered acc(rdingly . 5 voted in favor, 1 opposed . NEW 7 .2- Mr . Sacco expressed concern for a buffer zone between commer- cial & residential properties . To some extent , it was agreed, this already exists where we have doctors & lawyers occupying space by special permit . It was unnanimously decided that we will remove the second sentence of this section . 7 .3- unnanimous approval/agreement 8 . 1- it was agreed to change "ample " to "appropriate " with respect to screening requirements . Commentary-remove METER ENFORCEMENT- Mr . Sacco reported that he spoke with Chief Furdon regarding the concept of a meter-person. The Chief said that he would keep an open mind regarding this and he said that a study had been done in the past . The committee agreed that there are definate pros & cons to instituting such a measure but all agreed that it was worth exploring . Mr. Sacco will ask Chief Furdon to contact Concord to see what their experience has been over the years and to report to us at our next meeting. It was also suggested that this could be a part-time position. CLEAN & GREEN CAMPAIGN- Mr. Eddison acknowledged the donation of prize monies donated by the Chamber of Commerce to the 4 students who winners of the poster contest . were NEXT MEETING: June 20th at 12Noon Respectfully submitted, (-.?ezert, •.."0 Jacqui Bateson