Minutes of Meeting of December 8, 2020
A meeting of the Design Advisory Committee (DAC) was held remotely via ZOOM on December 8, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
Members/Liaisons Present: Tim Lee, Caroline Fitzgerald, Brigitte Steines, Steve Vincent, Ian Adamson, Uma Ramanathan,
Members/Liaisons Absent : Chris Johns, Suzie Barry (SB liaison), Bob Creech (PB Liaison)
Approvals: Meeting minutes from 11.11.20 meeting
The Committee reviewed and acted on the following item(s):
1. 7 Hartwell Ave. – ZBA Sign Application, second review
The Committee reviewed the revised sign proposal and had the following comments and recommendations:
Existing Monument Sign:
The Committee reviewed the revised design proposal and recommend approval of this design as presented.
Wall Mounted Illuminated Sign:
The Committee reviewed the revised proposal for this sign and do not recommend approval with the following comments and
1. After reviewing the revised design at our December 8th meeting the Committee decided that no sign should be attached to the
building. It is the Committees opinion that the proposed halo lit sign as designed is too large and inappropriate for this building
and would be less effective in its purpose in this location.
2. The Committee recommended that the applicant have a second monument type sign either in the same location as the existing
second monument sign along Hartwell Avenue or in a relocated spot closer to the driveway entrance to the building. It is the
Committees opinion that this would be consistent with other signs along Hartwell Avenue and the sign in one of these locations
would be more effective in its intended purpose.
Exhibits presented at our meeting:
Four Sheets -
1. Sheet one - Proposed design for the wall mounted illuminated sign
2. Sheet two – Existing signage and their locations on the property
3. Sheet three - Proposed design changes to the existing monument sign (closer to the building)
4. Sheet four – Example images of other signs along Hartwell Ave.
Documents provided and presented by ICL Imaging, Framingham, MA
Other Business:
Meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted Timothy Lee
Cc: Suzie Barry, Select Board Liaison
Bob Creech, Planning Board Liaison