HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-03 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, October 3, 2022 Conducted by Remote Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 2 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 78]-698- 4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chair m managing meeting tunes. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS L Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT L Town Manager Weel�ly Update CONSENT AGENDA L Approve One-Day Liquor License 2. Approve Select Board Report for Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Town Report 3. Accept Fund Terms - Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award Fund 4. Select Board Committee Appointment& Reappointments 5. Battle Green Use Request- Lexington Minute Men Change of Command C eremony 6. Waterand SewerAdjustments ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Hearing and Discussion- Fiscal Year 2023 Water and Sewer Rates 6:40pm 2. Update on Communications Plan 7:OOpm 3. Lead and Copper Rule Changes - Update on Proposed Project to Remove Lead 7:15pm Pipes 4. Discussion of Additional Funding Requests Under American Rescue Plan Act 7:25pm (ARPA) 5. Special Town Meeting 2022-3 7:45pm . Approve Warrant • Select Board Article Discussion and Positions ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 8:lOpm The Select Board meeting packet is typically available at least one business day in advance of the meeting:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ Members of the public can view the meeting from their computer or tablet by clicking on the following link at the ti�ne of the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81913831200?pwd—cmLNbmkvcm1nY29ZTE15 W GhvdUJHZz09 iPhone one-tap: +13017158592„81913831200# or+13126266799„81913831200# Telephone:+1 301 715 8592 or+] 3]2 626 6799 or+] 646 931 3860 or+1 929 436 2866 or+1 253 215 8782 or+1 346 248 7799 ar+1 386 347 5053 or+1 564 217 2000 or+1 669 444 9171 or+1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 819 1383 1200 Passcode:941073 �An Act Relative to Extending Certain State of Emergency Accomodations:https://www.mass.gov/the-open-meeting-law The next scheduled work session of the Select Board willbe held on Monday, October 17, 2022 at 6:30pm via remote participation. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 6:30pm via remote participation. Hearivrg Assistance Devices Available o�r Reg�est � All agevrda time and the order of items cn�app�vximate and �� ��,�,�, subject ro change. Reaorded by LezMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Select Board Members LR.1 SUMMARY: Please see the attached Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports for the October 3, 2022 meeting. Under this item, Select Board Members can also comment on any additional points and concems. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� �`�s,Os.c;t ICs�uaV&"�ima�;�r�um�;ar���Ctuu�rtrrr➢Crps2aPd�>..�hu;ue,lL�ai�:S,�A'�'l2. �a�lk���IVll�ua:P•c�f Select Board Concerns and Liaison Reports—October 3, 2022 Jill Hai: Remote Meeting Format • This evening's meeting is a trial of a new format—the zoom meeting rather than webinar.This will allow all participants to see who else is present at any point and bring us slightly closer to pre-pandemic protocols. Please feel free to provide feedback or suggestion on how this rolls out. Board/Committee Reappointments • As discussed at our last meeting(as well as several prior meetings), any current committee members who do did not respond to the multiple requests from the office (regarding interest or providing up-to-date ethics training compliance certification)were not reappointed.They will of course be eligible to apply for openings during the open recruitment, which commences this week.That recruitment is scheduled to begin on Wednesday. Mr. Dugan has a comprehensive outreach plan which will run several weeks. Please help by promoting and reposting these openings.Applications will be due 10/21. Town Report Photo • We need a photo of the Board for the Annual Town Report.As we are still not holding our meetings in person,we need to schedule a time and place. Since the debt exclusion vote authorizing the Police Station reconstruction was an FY 22 event,we could use that as our background, but please send any more creative suggestions. Let's get this done while the nice weather holds. Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) • The MMA is holding a series of legislative breakfasts, providing updates on the state budget, economic development bill,the new climate and energy law, infrastructure spending and more. It will be an opportunity to provide input on local priorities as well as learn about developments. They are hosting one in Lexington on October 21. You should have received an invitation, let me know if you need a registration link. Burlington Water Main Replacement Project • The Board has received a number of complaints regarding lack of advance notice or blank notices to abutters, as well as yard and driveway disturbances and damage to private properties. Complaints have been forwarded to the Town Manager who,with the Dept of Public Works, are in contact with their counter parts in Burlington. Please continue to share specific examples that need to be addressed. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Weekly Update ITEM PRESENTER: NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager TM.1 SUMMARY: Attached please find the weekly updates for the weeks ending 9-23-22 and 9-30-22 SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� �Jcclklhy�1pw4N�f a ��.2.;y�.l:;. �"aar a�r 1`,!V�:rrrm,:� L� ��14;4•ll�JlyU��48�tc,�-.��h��1 �crr�rtv/Il�a�a ��������,�� �� , ��� � ��, Town of Lexington �� �� � � : ��,a Town Manager's Office ��v���. :d ����,�� ���������z��^,,r, James J. Malloy, Town Manager TeL• (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: September 23, 2022 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the weelc ending September 23, 2022: Land Use Health and Develo�ment: Planning: • 95 Hayden Ave. & 128 Spring St./97, 99, 101, & 103 Hayden Ave. —The Site Plan Review application for the recently rezoned Planned Development District for Hobbs Brook Real Estate to construct two new lab and office buildings and a parking garage at Ledgemont was approved by the Planning Board on September 21. The Applicant will soon be submitting with the Conservation Commission and a Stormwater Permit and then building permits for construction in three phases. • LexingtonNEXT Comprehensive Plan—After four months this past Summer of public forums on the Draft Comprehensive Plan this past summer, the comments received have been incorporated into the Final Draft. The Final Draft of the Comprehensive Plan will be presented to the Planning Board on Wednesday, September 28 at 6:00 pm during a Zoom meeting. The Planning Board will review this final draft and consider adopting the Comprehensive Plan at this meeting. The]C���i� �_;��: �e;�����av�l���ma ��r�lb� ��>�a��c��n�rr� (��ic�. �.�/vvwv�r.��x��b a������n��. p���rlf3 n�l����`t....�;��� u��°�n�������.... ;➢����) and the meeting details can be found on the Town's,�.�����°...���t���� a��������1��u��. Economic Development Office: • Attached please find the survey results from East Lexington businesses and property owners on the three projects proposed for East Lexington improvements. Town Clerk: • As previously reported to the Select Board, the Town Clerk is holding a"Dog Tag Election"which will be taking place on October 6t� and 7th in elementary grades 3-5 throughout Lexington. The Town Clerk received permission from the Superintendent to move forward and worked in collaboration with Caitlin Ahern, Director of Elementary Education, to make this a reality. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXiNGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Students will have three (3) tag choices to picic from and the Town Clerlc has included some basic election vocabulary and topics for classroom discussion. Please see attached information on this topic. East Lexin�ton Improvements In the Spring of 2020,the Town received a grant from the State's Local Rapid Recovery Program. An excerpts version of the Local Rapid Recovery Plan (RRP) report is attached with this memo for review. The grant was used to study the Minuteman Bike Path in East Lexington and determine how to leverage the bike path users to support businesses in East Lexington.The report states: "Only a very small percentage of users were found exiting the trail to enter the business districts.The lack of"turn-off" is hardly a surprise because there is no signage or other visual clues to alert Bikeway users that food and retail are available within just a couple hundred feet.While small businesses faced significant challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,there was an increase in Minuteman Bikeway usage both for commuting(as residents didn't feel safe using public transit) and for recreation purposes. However, while the bikeway has increased usage, users are seemingly unaware of the business districts that are adjacent to the bikeway. " Three projects ideas have been developed to help achieve the goals of the report and increase traffic to East Lexington Businesses from the bike path. 1. Wayfinding Signage Project-State Funding Strategically place signage along the bike path to inform users how to access the businesses. Place a I<iosk with information about types of businesses in East Lexington. 2. Store Facade Improvements-ARPA Funding Provide grants to businesses and property owners to implement front and rear store facades and property improvements. 3. Landscape Improvements- Proposed ARPA Funding Town Funded initiative to remove invasive species along the bike path to increase visibility to businesses from the bike path.The project will also include the creation of seating areas along the bike path, native plantings along the bike path, and formalizing paths to businesses. How does this Project respond to Key Challenges/Opportunities Identified in Local Rapid Recovery Diagnostic Phase:The "Bikeway User Market Segment," including commuters, recreational cyclists, walkers,joggers, etc., appears to be largely untapped despite the very close proximity of the Bikeway to the Business Districts.According to the counter in Arlington Center,the Bikeway averages 3,000 daily users.This represents a significant market opportunity, but it appears that these customers are not exiting the Bikeway to enter the districts.We completed a field experiment where we counted Bikeway users and observed their turn-off behavior in the three districts. Only a very small percentage of users were found exiting the trail to enter the business districts.The lack of"turn-off" is hardly a surprise because there is no signage or other visual clues to alert Bikeway users that food and retail are available within just a couple hundred feet.While small businesses faced significant challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,there was an increase in Minuteman Bikeway usage both for commuting (as residents didn't feel safe using public transit) and for recreation purposes. However,while the bikeway has increased usage, users are seemingly unaware of the business districts that are adjacent to the bikeway.This project will focus on the opportunity of increased cycling and pedestrian activity on the bikeway and try to draw people into the districts as a complement to more traditional wayfinding signage. We propose landscaping improvements on the Bike path: • Lexington/Arlington Line to Lexington Toyota • Wetland delineation • Surveying • Permitting/Communication o Conservation Commission o M BTA o DPW o Property Owners/Business Owners o Bil<e Advisory Committee • Design o Landscaping Plans o Formalize Paths to businesses • Implementation o Invasive Species Removal o Plantings (Native plants) o Paths o Seating(Identify outdoor dining locations and bench/rest area/bike node location) • Operations and Maintenance 0 3 years of invasive species removal o Guide for ongoing maintenance East Lexington Improvements Q1 Do you support the concept of increased wayfinding signage to encourage bike path users to visit businesses along the bike path? �iruu!���F���ir�����: m��n �"�14��lill'�I�u,����: ��S Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICE$ RESPONSES Yes 100.00% 6 Np 0.00% 0 Total Respondents: 6 # COMMENTS? : DATE 1 I love this idea and suggested it before. Perfect way to show where businesses are. Almast 8/31/2022 11:16 PM like a directory 2 I think signs would be a fantastic initial step in increasing visibility and access to the 8/31/2022 4:06 PM businesses along the bike path. Q2 Do you support the Store Facade Improvement Project for East Lexington? �u�u!,m��W�v irm�a'V: m�i��� �14<iil�'wl�ror�n:�: �S 1 /7 East Lexington Improvements Yes No 0% 10% 20°/a 30% 40% 50°/n 60% 70°/a 80°/a 90°/a 100°/n ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 100.00% 6 Na 0.00% 0 Total Respondents: 6 # COMMENTS? : DATE 1 I feel like these needs to be some"pop"to encourage bikers/walkers to jump off and ex�lore. 8/31/2022 11:16 PM And to let some appasers know the town supports businesses. 2 229 Mass Ave frant and rear improvement, siding. 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 3 I think this would be crucial and I°m sure that many businesses would be thrilled to have a little 8/31/2022 4:06 PM help on this front. We would lave to beautify the rear of our shop(Berman°s}and any little bit af support fram the tawn would be greatly appreciated. That support could came in many forms (financial, permitting, artwork approval, etc}. Q3 What type of improvements are you interested in doing to the front and rear facade of your business? �'�u�,�u�����uu�w��° �u ���Il��iill�ll�u.���° �� 2 /7 East Lexington Improvements Signage Improvements New front Signage New Rear Signage Rear�ural ����� Lighting Beautification New Windows Dumpster Management Paving Improve Fencing Rodent Control Outdoor Seating Bike Racks Otherspec fy)������������i 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% $0% 90°/a 100% 3 /7 East Lexington Improvements aN5 ER CHOICEs RESPONSEs Signage Improvements 0.00% 0 New front Signage 0.00% 0 New Rear Signage 16.67% 1 Rear Facing Mural 16.67% 1 Lighting 16.67% 1 Beautification �•��% � New Windows 0.00% 0 Dumpster Management 0.00% 0 Paving 0.00% 0 Improve Fencing O.Od% 0 Radent Control 0.00% 0 C3utdoor Seating 16.67% 1 Bike Racks 0.00% 0 Other(please specify) 33.33% 2 TOTAL 6 # orHEa(pLEASE spEciFv} darE 1 I want to choose more than one-outdoor seating, bike racks, rodent control 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 2 All of the above 8/31/2022 4:28 PM Q4 Are you supportive of the Town's proposal to improve the landscaping along the bike path in East Lexington to increase visibility to businesses and provide seating areas for users? �u u��:���n���u°w;ab° �!�� u�Hl4<lill��lC�u�:a::�° �� Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 4/7 East Lexington Improvements aN5 ER CHOICEs RESPONSEs Yes 100.00% 6 No 0.00% 0 Total Respondents: 6 # orHEa(PLEASE spEciFv} aarE 1 Japanese Knotweed ridiculous 8/31/2022 4:28 PM Q5 Contact Information �u��sa�n�¢�ir�.^���: (u °.rvkl4�lill�ll.�o�d::�: d:� ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Name 100.00% 6 Company 100.00% 6 Address 100.00% 6 Address 2 100.00% 6 City/Town 100.00% 6 State/Province 1d0.00% 6 ZI P/Postal Code 100.00% 6 COuntry 6.00% b Email Address 100.00% 6 Phone Number 100.00% 6 # NA E DATE 1 Mansi Patel 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 Nikul Patel 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 Stephanie Allen 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 Nicole Caron 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 Scott Caron 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 Alex Bluhm 8/31/2d22 4:06 PM # COMPANY DATE 1 Jamsan Hatel Management 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 Jasman Hotel Management 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 Allco Donuts DBA Dunkin Danuts 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 Great Harvest 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 Featherview, LLC 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 Berman's Wine&Spirits 8/31/2022 4:06 PM 5 /7 East Lexington Improvements # aDDREss DATE 1 30 winter street 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 83 Hartwell Avenue 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 10 Woburn Street 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 233 Mass Ave 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 229 Massachusetts Ave 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 55 Massachusetts Avenue 8/31/2022 4:06 PM # ADDRESS 2 DATE 1 N/a 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 - 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 DUnkin 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 233 Mass Ave 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 Na 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 x 8/31/2022 4:06 PM # CITYITOWN DATE 1 Lexington 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 Lexington 9/12/2d22 4:28 PM 3 Lexington 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 Lexington. 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 Lexington 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 Lexingtan 8/31/2022 4:06 PM # STP,TE/P OVIIVCE bATE 1 MA 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 MA 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 MA 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 MA 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 MA 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 MA 8/31/2022 4:06 PM # ZIPIP05TAL CODE dATE 1 02420 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 02421 9/12/2022 4:28 P11� 3 02420 9/1/2022 1d:49 AM 4 02420 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 02420 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 02420 8/31/2022 4:06 PM # COUNTRY DATE There are no responses. # EMAIL ADDRESS DATE 1 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 6/7 East Lexington Improvements 2 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 9/1/2022 10:49 AM 4 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 8/31/2d22 4:28 PM 6 8/31/2022 4:06 PM # PHONE NUMBER DATE 1 - 9/12/2022 4:35 PM 2 - 9/12/2022 4:28 PM 3 � 9/1/2022 10:49 AIi� 4 - 8/31/2022 11:16 PM 5 _ 8/31/2022 4:28 PM 6 - 8/31/2022 4:06 PM 7 /7 r � i' � i,��'i ��� � . , i� � s , ; �l/, �; �"" r!�J w `� �.J��1. � � � � � �-��� �� �;� - , ��1�� �,� ,d � fV41� � ',� � , � � , �i 1 � ;� � � % �� ,��.:��� „� ' � �l � �� � � ,. . , ' �✓� '�� � � � .� � �,��N� J , w � -�, � ,; � '��� � � I► � ,, � � ,�/�� � �,» �� � � �� �yi � u / ���, A�I , ��� � �� i� ��` r�� ����� ���� � ,,,,, � �, � , � � �,,, , ��, F� � e! %?�'l� �'�� �„ �/ �: �� ��J� �ri,�, , �� �aJ r � /� ry j ��;�,�' j � , / JI f' � � f�"�/� „�,w+' r�� �� ( I I;� N �l%I�IJI � / r� „J, / i f„ / � i i ii IW l! i r '��i���. �l � �� � ii A;,^ �,N�„r �rt� ���; � i r� � � � � � M1 , , ` � ; � � , t���� � � � �� � >>�i ,� .� �� f� . f �r� ��' � � T�i ' � � / ' � ' � ,�, �: i a , �! � '(f , �; � ���� '%�v��y,,.� �yr � °1 U�; - �,; '; � 1 � . <<'" �` ; �o; , � � � ; � / "i �, � `� � f � �u���%��� � � • I � � • � � + 1 � �_;,:.,. � 1' ' � i 1 1 1 i 1 , 1 � � °�i�, �'� � � • • � �i; �����,, �r ������ ri � � � oo y ki� � r; �� �r� � � � � ;� ,k�r ����N„^�,r�; 1j//% �ry1 J�j //� J t i j i � '%j' / ' i, %2 �r � � � � ' ,,r,' �, � � , � ., , m i, � � � l .: r � �' ,;/r l ; 1 j; �,. ,��� � � � � J ✓ � �/ / �� � �,,,/ � ,i/ % i y;. � i a " f l i i ���;i �/%/„ ; �i i„ �� �� ��Y�i�� � OivNw�a ,,, , ����i��W��;�� � (��;y����� � r s�,rr r , r WPFIfI)�����'fiii�fi�;��f/ry �� J��, � � � � � � �ir .,; I . � ' �� . � �� � °" .J � yr��^rrr�r 1 ��, � � i� r�G�����+��i . • . 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I:;r��r.�i� �air��arl�w�7t9,�ri7,���;�r,n,ir;r11;��;i�il�t��;r;l, tr�nt Ii 7ft1r,I.�l.�.ar��ii�i�r�l+���r�,<aii��1 „�Ir;,rlcaclli�ir��9..fv�r�a tl�irrl:��anf i17�^h;a+i,,iii�r,,;;',r�;,w�;i�r;;,t:ll.l. i��r:��l��l� �cl,�t�����lar.ix�rl:lr7��;oif��.a4.1��„�I.,,�r:;'rfywl����,r,�.rviaiv,�V+�,iii�� l'��x:�7i��,,17 �""["1�'1) `�ii�r���;� llnr,� r�i����;ri�vh�x�ev�� fxer,�r�:l,liffu�i�al�f:l�.,,l,ir.lr,��°� ��i�r��l��l��y�7r�,,�r�i7r1 I;,r�'ii.•��mpii7,��r..�ar''�lr,i����r�:c,�ii7f��';�h���,6���..�la,���;v�;i7 Ih•i�a���T;17�f�r:�r�inr� i[���t:��r�I���rr���i i.>r�i��t�1i°�i77;�,1i�.,�ll��f. I1�7��� Il�i��ra�;,�irii7��.ai�.7l�ii,�;;;��:]�f�i lii�cli��i°� I�����lf����,i„�l r•,ii�:l I x,�;ii7r�f���i�7 a��iii,�r��1��,c�r�ll�,�,r[��� ��il���w�l�r t��i��i,;;�,,i,,i�i7,���:��� ii��,ir� 1�1..�,��I�K��lal��l 12r�r�.r��r��iy I���''lr�ii flel�l::�j I�rr�7�,i����i7�� 1�, I:ai�.nrriri1r,�i�:��r,��r���.ry lii 1hr„�r:���,� Ili,;i i�:;�1���, I I�r;rr�i��ni�c.�i�.ar.iili�,,;i r�,r;>�u ;;Ir���,��:i I] rr;i�:;�.,il��;i �,�r7yl�,h.i��,�i;��:, �. �„ . .t' �ir�il.� :.�r.� l����awfl����,y�,ra�al�:ir:a�lai9n�i,-��°�����ai� fl�r�,ii� � ,�,r���,.��i�.r�r_�i�<a, �,,::f tlyar.l�iii7�a9�,r��,�i� l��lb������v��;�V. ,:.A��,l��af�l����f�l�rr�i��l...! rr,i�,i�r.?.� �w ty i,r������l,r ll��i,�,<���i7i��e�i4��;I�'I�I�I„�rr:���,��.'f�. ,�I�I�:�i���,<�c�l��ai.��s1 il�r ��.�,���aw �a r:,i�7...f;lir� I,il ���;2. I I���;I ir�r31�.''���li�i9 I'I;�i�.�i f <a�,ilil��al�r�i I���,���i�����w��ai I�r;�:���vill��Ph.i�; 9����,!i7 .�;I�aff r.;�:�r7�ii����i���'rf�y�Ir,�r����rr, <�i��:� rc�ai�l�;i�ii,:�9�� ii �.�i���,�lyF����:� ����i�.yr�ilirai�i�:,<�iiri�rlrp,:�r�i 9�ii�iil�^�,iii il�r �11�i°rr� I:)1,,1i'ir1�„�i°ie� ilir, I�!I"il<,���,r,��r �i�rl ��)��Ir�rr l��l�.�ir,��r,i�.r�i�..i�ir,i7,l;�i'Ir�i7;a 9a� �����>�,r;i 11ir, I)i,�>�P:ii� i � i����r:,�a�z�i fr��.,ii.��t'��A�1VI1) I.ar,i°��r,ir��fil.�r��iit iln:�i�7z.�r�.r�r�i�7�1 �,��,��r���# olir,ir�l"r��,��.,���i,,� ili� I�il��;z�;°vvrly��;�a,��.i ii��i��l�r.i .�r;r:;;i°�1r;i���i:. �n�:rv�-�ivi���.'�w��i9liz:�;l�iz�x � ,.rv�;�°�i�����r:�i�i��iri�.inl�P:v��i��ra��������ii7� iii ;�z:�livi9�� i;��l�ai�7�rirt�;��:� l,�t�.���i 1i�.7����;9i�::,i,.i �. II�������I�i,�+�ii�:a,9ir. l'1��7a,�rva v�r,�J.�:� li��iii�ii�r;�ilt�lii�i,�ii,�l�����1i�.7r�c.�i.�aili�,�r�rarir:dl�iinil,:;�r.ir����.t����i,.i,.riiiiii�i,��,�lw��wai�r�lwari,�l� ,�li,�����f� ��i�.�,;...�t�l�i�s I�r:� �`iiiir9ii��„„�a ,ix. ,�a�.ar.i�i�nJi�i�°r��.9iii��,r���rf.ir,i'�11'��,�l���r�n�.���,yi7x.,lr,�l;w,raf llir^�i`lii,sll�l�4��::lur�r,r.��i�.7�i�nnii�vi;�t�9:i��ii,;u:�l�arr,��ri������ iii�r„rW�f:lr,,,i�i ��. Iln�w�,,f.�i,.,�:,�:�r�7iii,.,ii�1��[��ali,.,ii., ��ali�7� t�:� Ir'i�::ir�:;r;vl�tr.ilily,;��i..i�ll.aiii�i;-,+W�.a,l�:�i��'�r:>i, lr:xt�P°ir. I�i:;tr�ir:;I�., ii.°ir�I.�.acliiifJlri7l,�ix.,�rr.;�::dw,��rllr���In4�� ,ar.ir� ��.r� ��,� 1a,,9vv��M,�i� 9l�w:,I��aI4�a���nr�ayr�,��i�lrltll�� I.��.a�iiir,�,����,� ��r,t�Iv�aliraii,�2r.�r9larr�+�rr���iiii�7ii�.7r���:r%I��.aIaI.I�. .�I��a��-r�.� �ai���,rtUUr���II�; ii�i;��,�f:�,ll,-�1:irar.i, ii�i�i�,��l I�i�����i�,�ai����,,�iyr� h���ll�;r; 1i ir;i�i����;lly�la�,�r��,li�r, ,;�1i���9:i�irt r;��rr.�l�,��ir�i�i..f Iir,,i.,�,,ir.1,�� r��1r/,;1r�ir� �I.�r;��r��l�°;Ic�nl.�ri�nvr,i�nr,�sry�f� I�i r�b�°�i�err��wlll hi��ll.�k����,ii i,�^�,�r�. � ii�r i r�.�4a.,�; �I�I�f��:^;�l 9r:, k:�ll�r,w,��7��.�i��� i��:��nrl���il�� ll��,�I�ai�,Ia����;r:^r:� i, vi.,lr:�,i���;t�7�:,�.a�t�1x����i ��'r��I.�l �y 4�i�.yc:;1 z� ar7,,��r; rr.�x��al,ali�.7i'i�,,vvill f�r�r:�ilit��tr;���vr�ii��;�t:y�,l"lii,°;17...���.nali[�^:'��i��ii�ax��r:,can�lr'��I��III ��i��l f;il.:>I�I�iy.s f�:�,�:i7liv�.�i�.7 [li,� l?'r,:,�tiir�t:�. ]i,m 1„ Diagnostic Key Findings Il�lhny:>Ii��4lLirn�iiiranirnirre��irna�—°Il�iilk���y�irna�Il�iill�a��!,>a�ir;�����iifrii� �w Caf)VIC�-1�irrr�r�cts wer�wid�zsg�re�d in�ll r�istric,tr>. �w C he;I�inuterr7ar7 Eii�eway ruris c;�r�s�tcr thc� I:Y7re;e C=�istric;ts �rlinytr.�n Heiqhts wa�>hit tPr�r��rde W�t,fol�t�v�rF;r..l r.,�c�.:>F,ly�y raut th�,f�usine�sew;are not fu�ly c��sit7�izir7e�ryn thi,;�,s�t. E�c,c�icrrc�C;e:rster. C hc=I.e�s�t irn�s�7ctecl w�:>Eawst I_c,xirsr�tor7 Vil��aye;c�ue;tca the�"�;,7srgr7tial"r�ature caf rncrst busine;sse;s. �w f;uil.dinc7s��ruttirrc�th�z tr�il h�v��blrank f�c;ades�rrcl rr�vide;rrn irrcJi�atir�n khis is ra l�ace wcrrth stcr ir�c �w C�he rri�jority af�ausinesses r�rrt tr7eir s�aace�nr�r�r�, � � ` ,, p� � inclE:�rE:r7de:ntly_owrsF�d,sirrgle-lc��y�tic�rs c,sta��ishrrrentwa. �w In=�uf�fici�:rrl w�syfirrtlinq re,ul.t�s ir7 mis�a€�r�cr�pr.sr�tur�i�li�;:��Cc� C�tnl.y abau�t on�;�-hal.f��r�o�ren�fi:�r�°C�CI�S.rc7. �ttr�.�ci:F�ik�.w�y�.,:;ers. 6W p�)p� �h!t �w C�o�a�riorities fr.sr busir�e��se.:,inclaad�:iiryore out�c�c�r c�inin�.� �� TY7F;r�;�r�� aP7 sic�.�l�nc1 vi:�ual G�G;G;e���r I.')StlEiS __P_1IY4f:YVCa K Y Y ��r7r.J s�,llir�q�.�p�ortr.�r7ities,rr�arF�c;��ltursaC events,sanr.J u;.>�;rs��rrrr�t��l�vr.� p c=�.:>il. c�t kr.:a�ku�ir7�ss��car ���s Y Y� cr�r�r�iir��ater�rr}arketi�7g skralegi€;s. �r7yt�'inc� tc�m�k� t�i�rn�w�re aP t�ti�bc.�;;in��s��. �w f3ike facilities anc�<im€.nif:ie:;in tte distrirt�.�are I.irrfited. �����inrn�ir IL���� �w C�he""fZesident I'��arkc.t`7�r�rner�ts"for�CI.three r.�i:>trict�5�arE. Il�llroy�li���ILim�iiira�imi�n�irn��—°Il�ii��irii�ll:�����ir��� well-eci�ac�at�d,�ffluent,�rrcl olcier thar� the st�te av�;rar.��;. �w C hEg�hr€ae raiatrict;havrx vc;ry r�ifferc;r7t s�;ttinqws�nrl Ke�sider�ts ir7 I_.�xinr.�tor7�ncl E3�dfarr.l arad rnare Iik�ly tr� c�evelo�arn�nt rs<:rkt�;rn..}. f7ave cP7ilr.�r�n in tryF=hcr`.�a�hr.�lr.i. �w S�tr��,�t�,c;��e tr��trn�nt��,�ncl krc��>in��,<>"y�ill�-o���t<�'"are 'w `�a�e����k�r��;rn�y rJaint�tc�crp�acart�ani�ti�rs.�,r�inr��Con�nc� lirnit�r�,�nci rrycrre,stcrrr;frr.}nt�;Ierr�r;nts rarF;r7�,�d�c�. I--exinc�ton resic��nts sC�end over�1.2��il�ion in stor�s anc� rewrtai.arar���onutsici�; thcir tnwrrs eac;�7 y�;�ar,Kar�d f3eclforcl �w ��f��7c�10Cl�lo Ccrr�rrer irr�,rlinc�tora N€�ir�h�t�is rr7crstl.}r in�c:�liv��. reside,nts;pe;nr.J c�v�r��+5�3 rroillion uuts�ir�e. �w �ll of the rai=;l:ricts r�ave e�aoc�mi.�lti-rrmradc�[�cc,e,:>s. �w C he;"E3ik�;w�ay lJse;r�iarket Sec�me;rrt"ir�c,lur�irig �w Infr�rrr��atior»I.yi�r�ar��nr�c9 clire,c;tcrrie;s listinc�l�usir�r:ss corrsrr7ute;rs,rF=,cr�r�ticrrral cycC.isCs,w�rlkc:rs,ar7�joyq�ers,i<> e�ffe,rinys are I.ackirrg. lc�rc�ely unta�s�ed,r.�espile very clos���rrc�xin��ity. �w Clistrict brar7rJirrg is}C.imitcd. �w F'ra��ctiu��>trat�;gies c;an�re irn�rl.�rr�e rste,d tcr attr��c,t�a hic�h��r C��;rcerrt�age crf�3ikew�sy users. Il�uu�iiirn���ILirn�iiira�irnir��irn� �w Af.l three Districts al.sc�hmav�.=,t�n a��pcsr�uryity to�ttr�ct �w C�ri�:three carr7rrm�rc;ital cli�stric;t:.;encorr7rr�ss over 1!2 nF.�arhy F�m��layeFSs. millic�n sy�.�r�re fe�;t csf firsC_flaor rommerc,i�al sp�c;r.;;9�l0 of first-flr.�or uryits tar�va.r,ant. ��ir�iiin���r�p��r��ii�y �w Key crKa�acrrt�armity sites inc;C��d�;:t:r�e P�brkl�v�r industri�l �w C",�rrrer�t zc�ning fcrcuses g�rirrm<3rily carr tlhe"Privat�x Re�alm.�� C�rraper�ty�r�id h�F���C�F�c��,f}�pcs�k in l�rling�tc�n Neic�hts�r�id �w ��gul.a�ti(�c7r:;���v�;rnicl�<;iyria�e�wrir�c�u�tdr�or r.�i:;pl�y�r�P th�frsrmer U�ter�arr�y c�f f=c�reir�n W�ars�rrs��rty in E��dforc�. �77erc;f�=�r�dis�;�r�,rF,�:>lric,liv�;,�,;raer.;is.�lU.y ir7 F3�,c�ford. �w l�ll thrEac,distric;t<;h�svF��a r.,o�IF,ction caf�,�rtF,ric,s ernc��f�w �w C h�;r�;is r7r.g c�rr��aniz�l:ic�r�curr�,rykly rr�an[��ing ar�r.� bc�=,ir��:,�,�;l�.a�,�t�rs.�,rliny�Con HE,igP���t��anc��tec�f�rre�(���.r��t��.r� ove;r.:>���,ir7r�r�;cr�v�;ry�ffr.�r�Y;,ir7�lrie��.a��;in�;�:>.,r.�is.>�tric,�ts. , o hav�'d���tin�tion/�+rar.,hor' Frc.r�>ine:a�>e<,. ]1 i���irl N'f,ce+v��r�/N�I,is-� I�:Niril�,ta�ri N����,M,,,I�I�,N3r,�,�Ifa�r�l r"�tr�t�i N ��t,r.�il,�f�i�V'i.NN,if�,�* '� 2. Summary of Recommendations I�I�jI��"�� Cr��te a f�e;�r F�cadt;/�tcrre-E3�c;k Irrr�ravement �'rogr�rn tr�e;rrrr�rrce c:r�r7n�;ctian betvvt;t;rr th� ����lll�rri :, �usin�ss Districts�nd the �ik�w�y.f.�lll 3 [�istrictsl C7�sir�r7 cinci iin;>t�ll vvca�rf'irrc�inr�sic�rr�rg��r7d otr��r �l�:rr7�nt;; tr.y��ncc�ur�ag�; �ik�w��y�.�:7er�; tr.a p�trcarriz€� the, F�u�,in�;ss r istrirt:�. f.�ll� r istricts.) �����p��� C�7eve�rap ac�c�uti�rti��cultur�sl events/progr�an��n�rir�g;start v�rith� "�3ik�-Th�rr�ed VVee.k°with a /����s coordin�ak�;d schedule o��v�r�t:�ir�e�ch o� khE, ��usirie�ea [3i�krictr>.C.�ll3 [7i��tricksl ; Irrr�l.�yrr7�rrrt�� F�ike;� F'e��e�:>trian-Frie�ncily F3d.atairress Dis�trict(F�f=F�f.�}c;�srrr�a�ic�n.[All.;3 Di;�tricts.l Cc�nnc;ct th� E�ik�way tr the Districts vi� d�sign�it�d ��cess w�y irr�proverrrc;nts(�;.g., ��vcmer�t rr��rkirrgs,ciesigr�elerrr�nt�},especi�lly�t f3raw�tr�et,F'�rk Ave,�rrd C�c�racrt F��rk tca the I"J�rrow U�uge Tr�il.f.�ll 3 [�istri�;tsl Irre,t�all�ciclitir.�r��al bil��;�3nr� �e�d�:atri�n ��rr�eniti�;s in the; I�iK�trir,°t:>. [�,114� I�i atri�;t k.l Implcrrrcnt side;w�lk z�nr;�tca�dit�xisting str��tsc�ap�r�nd�dd new elem�nts.CF�r,t Le;xir7gtcrn �nd /�rlirrgtan f-I�icghts•l I��ul��u� (�r��t�:�anr�:ll-rr��ark�d pul��ir"�t_c�r�c��:"�cc�,ysw�y frr,rn th� Fiikew��y throuy�r t�ie�r�rkirry lc�t��t;3C� ����II� F'�ark�v�;.Cl�rlinc�tar7 NE;ic�ht�c.l �ctiv�at��€�w Str��t C�ark k�y inc�t��lling arrrerriti�s (tr�cc�m�lerr�c;nt rr�r�r�ry�c7rsd �uc,in�sse;s�ricl �cccrrnrnc�ci�te�v�r7ts}�nd w�rkwit�7 lcrc�l crrg�rnir�tians tcr r��v�l��.� �rcrgrarrrrrriny.[E�t�t L�xir7glc�r7] �ctivak�V�ker�rr'�I��mr..rri�l F'�rk k�y ir��t�l.lin� �mer�iti�s(tra c;�rmpl�merrt rr��rkay fnCrd b�a>ir��;ss�s ��� �ar�r.a�ac;r.,c�rr�rrr��c�a�t�ev��r7t��,}��rrd work wi�t�i lr�c�l.r�rg�anizr��t�ior7�;t�o ci�;v��l.o� �rc�r�r�mmir7c�. [F��,c��f�arr:� Cer7t�r.l �rrgage with th� I�f�TA to�x�al�r�w�y� tc��activat�lr�vit�alir�th� urrd�rutiliz�d f�us C���ot �aro�a�rty. ; ��,rlingtan f-I�ighksl ; Revi:;e c�utdc�ur r�i.7�lK��regul�ti�rr�; to�rarrrate�, liv��y,r�tkrK�c;tivF� m�,r[,h�inr�is��r�ispl��yr>��ncR .7�ai�l-r.��.�t ���u� €;l�;rr��rits.CF���c�f�rci Cl�rtit�r rarrd Arlingtori N�ir�hts.l �����u'�y Revise th��•ic�rr by��w and crutdcror displ�ry rc:c�ul�ticrrr� to encc�ur�aye�v�riety crf high-cgu��ity sign types and �rrorr7ate. �ive�y,�ttractiv�outcloc�r rrrerc:h�rydis�c9is�al�ys.CE�st Lexirrr�tan] f.::r�<�tr�� rr7uir�al�ar�yrG�rr� (�s�r�;ci�lly fcrr pcakr�irj lnc�tic�n:7��ne� k�u�ines:7e:7 e�djG�c�,rrt tcr tlh��F3ik�vvG�y. [�I.l �u��"�U�Ir�� ;�� 3 f.�i�.��tric,k.:r.l ���� �rc��t�a Cultur�l District�,rt Walk�larrg thc �Jarrr�Uv Gauyc Cr�il that waulc� inc;lucl� �scri�s c�f + t�mperr�ry art install�tir�ns. [f��dParc� Ce�nt�;r1 ]1 y��irl N'f,cov��r�/N�I,is-� I�:Niril�,ta�ri N����,M,,,I�I�,N3r,�,�Ifa�r�l r"�tr�t�i N ��t,r.�il,�f�i�V'i.NN,if,c c} 3. Process and Cammunity Engagement Th�;Fir��F'�intA�,�c�ci�ates T�,K�rr�,in rhe rr�le c�f'°F'l�an ;�t�alkc,f�c�I.�E,r:y eryg��q��in th�;prc�c,�;::,s P�r�cl �r��vir��,d in�r�.at F�c,ilit�tar,"°vv�rk�c1 in cc�llrahe�r�tir�r7�n�partn�;rshi� through:�ev�;rK�l��tiviti�s G�rrc.i irr�atat c,hrann�;�s. witl� thc;F�crarramic f���v€�laprr��nt�ar�d F'l�r�rrinc��t�ff frarrr��,dfc�i�ci,Arlirigtc�n,anr.:l IL.r.-,xirygtcrra.Cc7r�rrry�.�ryiky �� ll�l��lk�,bc�r.�k l�r�urs with�r,�mmunity I_r�r.��r4�,F�c�sirr�,�s r�r�;�tinr��;�arid fc���.�s grc�ug�;��;��ion;�ir7r.,°lr.�r��:d (�wi�r€�rs,�rrr.�f��sid�rmts rc;�rrc�s��rrt�rives fr�rr�cult�'r�a�crrc��ani��atir.}ns,I�icycle Ir7iti�lA �� �>rrr�rrr F'r�r7�rrt�ticrn�nci I__i;�ter7ing,,F,>�ion �� �.�.;�.^.. �,. , c•.,P,K.. �ar�vis�ry cr.rrnrr�itk�;�::�,k��iv,irr�;s��ar����arcr�aE,rty�wi�r�;rs, , �ncl crsrr7rnranity rPsit��rit4y. �� I��uv;irie�s Sur�r€,y r�f Qwr�€;r��rrci f��pr�:se;nt��tiu�;v l��y�,F�ir��;f'+�irrt/��;�r�ci�t��s l��y�rr�ccrncl�act�ae��g�hyr�ic�l. �� 11=c�r.i�'s C,rcrup witF7 F�i�ew�ay/F�ikir���7rgLanizaticrnv;frr.�rry 47ss>E;c�srr7ent r.)f kh�;F3�.'.:�irrrs:a ILliskricks;r..crll�:c;tFdci�nr.1 e�K�ch(:;urr�rrrurrity c�YYi���/;ZE?(�I`Gi�C.E.',:>�i��E:,�71.9 alYl(?;a.`:i,c1C1C�fY'Y�Y�.E;�C�i7ti]; �� If1�f;CVIE;WS ckC1C:� �C)C��7E'.S`iICYCY i Wlr{"I�'.C7f"Y"1CYlllfll�°y/�CC)JE;C;� �aarrrrry�ariz�;c�finr�irrc�`>,�r���r�;d�yr�;s�r�tG�ticsryGy fcar IL.cr���er;a sev�r�l cr..smrr7uniky rrr�r�;kinr�s��n�c;c�rr��lek�cl� di�c�nc�stic rE,�crrt;r�:��;�rcrhec�r��;�k pr[�c,�ic€;s�rrd �� Carr�rnG�nity Fc�r�,rr�__f�i�qr7ca:atic�Finc�ir7c�:�an� �ot�rrti4�l<��s�ra�ac�ir-;s ta�ciclre;�s is:�i.�es,cir�aft�d I��i:�cussic�r7 r�,caamm�rr�rxticwr7.:;,��r7c��ar��a�r�d���r�j�ct�rcafile Ir�r �� C..;crr��r�i.ar�iky F���dh�ack����sic�rrs ta f��;v��.o�f�r��ft ���rr�aricsrity r�c��srrrrrr�n�:l�tiur�. 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Create a ear Fa�ade/Store- ack I prove ent Progra to enhance connection between the usiness istricts and the ikeway. [All 3 istricts] Category "�� f'i iv�;�c I',��;�Ilrn� Location �� �' :�f • � �l °� s', ��,�(�� � Ai�liui ;�q:a�i�r V�a�i,��„Ih�q^ ��� ,s'!!��at��,G:l�„ �,a��q I.°���ur� 1r,:��i�.�Vlll 7���� ��:� ^,,',�� , I�tG��{f��uu�.r:V d"G�ir9,�i��(o";I �, �1"�p��7,, C7,� <�ar�c� �!�^l�:l). Origin �"���i�luila�.�ek�,i�^, iu I�icr����.�i. I�4x�� ��,�i���iini�� la�^�r�llr�l��ir7��rq1 ��f �n1 oi� ��,III;'�� �a�i 7 i i 7 i u,s i��i i i i����� I!�ii I ,� I 4���:�,�,���u�G�s I�s I�,a i k i�,.`I�w��,-,i i 1 s:�r r rt C.�i r.,�,s I k i i i�; I r�:����u�r�q, �I�;ai��l;rl�;:ruro,�; �i:,��i�c�irui�; If:1a.+�r4�1�~�I.]umi�ur�umut ��t;�iC,�im�ci I�uIMr�/�oV�ri^a�r� M"�ai7�i7�itq�^<.��b�r�i ,�III ; ;4;,rn7ini+�siritir�^:a. 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Diagnostic II Na��s���Ih°uii��.�u��u'u����:�114����II���au��*������a� II�������Ih.ri�llll�u�i��G/�Il�p:��ru°�ii.�u�li��ii���� Il����u��ii�'li����l iiu^u Il��li���u��i�ro����li�Il�llri���^w Vli�� �;��a,u'ilti�diui;„ 1�wr�r�r°Ir:,.,t��-�����a��,:����I�i�a;�, l�ub���,r<:;���oi�=�r��w�,,i,.� ira�i���r�!�,ri°up:��q:, V\rlr��,q ,ai°���� ^nni°i^�a������rli,�sl hwrl�u��4��„ i°ii�rt!�i,��'i,.i°inel Ilrrr�I4ii���w�, 'oi�r'1 a°aa�a i°i���l', �:'�uca�ri�lt,!���ai.,i ir!el�;:I��!a�,, 4V������1', llqry¢'��:ai„�r�f'�ii�„i caiflx��r.ai�.ur^^�t��u.�u�.��i�4�,. I"JI¢�,>1 a�;'� i�,i�a1 I���r�:w ix��i i�a:iii��u�i��P,i�.�auu���,�;, i��r;ai. �Ir� 11�r,;��„iu���tli�.��t��, 91 i�1 �P:h.�� i�,i,, �� I��u�iu���a:��rbu;ti ii.-�P �i,r�uu�..����o���9��,I�p�iir����a�P. , 4>,�• ;�°l�a�,,..i I"�'n,�u.I r..k �;,�i.v i�.r,i�.,° i i°i s.11 i i�!i i mi;�;r.ca i,m�y r�ry�q 4�r�,, � 1r. I�,I Ca.^l,hra" „-. u�x°i r�;��a�t�ie�uu,���:,���i,��^,, uv��l�<a�i ,,„ Ilr��;�;,�u ,, ,r;��:�1r°. s��l��l��x.��i-�� tr:�I�a, I�i�a��:�ly iauui wp�rp��rc��p,�r�^,I':ruqr�� qV�4,��M i°yf�°Ir��,ti��p��i',,b�?ii,����ii�r nf'�G'��n �"�iV�u!,,;�rv��yr q4�s�kV�u¢��;, I�uA,aiuur..>,;a 11i<�1i�ir;k Ac;c.a:�r�i�iimi,�; tla> 11�;�. „rru.uurtla�u 'iri �\i liuu�tlr�uo cM��i^;tl�xu„ klmic� I;u�r:��n����„ a�Fs�u a��r.s�'�„G'?����Y��r�,!a'i��r�er��i r,. I.h.�'i� u< I�i r�TM.��x.i��:��;�r�i�u��uii�:�u��7r�� IIYV'�III+t"�f: G"il�l.�4^ul I`4.dlVllb:yY IJI.!'I II �'3�JI�k��':"il: II1M!�'�'.II1�^*.rt" r;:41".:4�klfiYr��l M11v!" I"lf:')'1: �"'�.lill�"li(,�.I.:�1G" ��I�<a;;:'*'�,t1,`7"lllJ�01 r,;�";"11i�°I"9.I„I4"^ I�'�I,i:l'"'IG:'i',, '4�4/�!."4".�1�11i1.��o'��.tl'�,'.a"��� illf::'^IC'� 4�"�I.1�ak�.Vl'V„I�"I"li Vhllllitl!'i.l�. Vlfv" �::�I.VVV$�";:� ��II^"f"�"„Fti�p`y`4V u4�"V"�u z'il"II.I C)I���6:"I1/u"4';�%:I"Y4':"II�. t�si ou ,�ii II,xIT lmin��'i��ir iir� qlli�a:x 1.II�i{:�r��tlo:�ti oa:t:.>, ��r.ully w��rx�i y� ,in;�lll Il:�a�ur r�i.i��.;�,s��c^s�fr i�,s.��i•�wu��i��: fl��si..i��,l azxitiuu���� klr,� �i,�a'i� 4��i��irP:��i ��Il�u� V1uu �u'u+�,:,°,,�u,;l�ua:;hw:;. .�I i�. �r��,ic;l����r c�f''''��.iu.u�� ��if"' u�:w I��i��all�c�°,�si p.ru.i,:,,� I.raa����u��r,� t�rv��i���^ u�, i°��a ��t;uu,��;+�����r.r91r����^i� �au��,a���,;rl ��.Vi,r�^� �a:;M,ala u°4 I!I9,il���^wx�uy�.u,��=u�,� qh���1 B��a�rl�u�°ua°� u�z4,w�l �:�bu�.�� ,��r;u�l�kala��n�u��:h.r�Vi� jiis w1 �� ��,G�I�I���� Imi�simi�li�s�����1 i�����P. ]1 y��irl N'f,cov��r�/N�I,is-� I�:Niril�,ta�ri N'��f�,M,,,l�l�,N3r,�,�Ifa�r�l r"�tr�t�i N N�_t�r.�il,�f�i.V'i.NN,if,�,, �,�!� Background on Existing Conditions Existing Condition The Business Districts in the 3 communities are within very '��' ,���������/�����/////�� close proximity to the Minuteman Bikeway,and in fact,many , , ,,,,,, ,��///�/%%i� businesses back up to the Bikeway.However,these �� � %%�%/ � �, ��,�� ; businesses do not have attractive Bikeway-facing faGades or /r� i�, 1 �� ��' entrances. +���� � � ,, �, ,,, , �,.,, ;, a�; �°� � � ���' Many praperties look semi-industrial with very little,if any, � � � � M� �� � `�" '�"° a�' faGade ar sigrrage treatments or welcomirrg features and � u� � therefore,are not likely to pique the curiosity of passersby. �i/�, , �,�uv��a� ��t ;�� Bikeway users would have no indication that these properties ���� r^ � � ' ���� �" i���"��� �� r contain desirable food and retail options. � � �,� � � , � d� r„w,. , r � � � �, , �„ M, , w.. 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I Il��r�w 4.",�u�i�Il:u r'i r��,�<�,�t�,i����i i���i���k��.II r����I z i a��r�„i.7��°i;�i°i 1 II'"u���,.�i,�i°rm p��u�.rr�r i a������f:1 i��a�r�°o�!��ro 1 Storefront Improvement Program ,��.,i#,1: ei i�r tr<:� I�i-r�l��u.�y aav�ru��aai^�a�i 1�.�ri�u���s x,��r�l�;iin�, tc, i;�uic7v��lr �ar. (example of"traditional" i�,���,q:�u,��,��,�u��r��"r��^u,�i,:�l h;°��,iil��uui�„�G ��9_,r°'iti°�u• f,�,�u;b��;�r�,, I Vu�p:�:"u�+�a,�i�s��u�.�i����,r 4 II.;t�c:a� program} iiiu�i�������,,e� ���;����;,;il.�illut�riu�i�t4�°„l�,:ai��fr4�ai�,i�l..,,iir����i��.�,��r;� tli��^�117��,;lid:�al ,�Irl•r�����u���i�,-�:�,;�ai iiu��a�^la� i�r,i��i.�i�k. 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[All 3 istricts] Category �� I��^�rr�i�..u��ac�/�;4�Ir��� Location �,u lii�,-;1:r��i�� I 1G�i�h���k�;yu� l �!'�;C���C"� IC,�.ak ����'iuur,q.a��u,.0\�iill,��,��G���;�I .�!����7.��, I:r4"ti"Q�S"�p.C':I k�P.IIV�G'I.�4".I' n�u��� 4�1"a r�II.V4� u�7r-'l',�.�i. Origin �G�riqt i�iV;��u..uq�uu��u q��:r� I rraaa�4:�q: I��r�,�. I��;;,�iq��a��r�u�a::��c��r,�I����I;aur�eu�q �4R�l�,�t�l ii�°i �II �:�� �,��r�r�rr��.!i��iii;��b, I��il�a� I r�4::�.�s��i�r:,��l�;a I��uul�'i�il;��,�iii�,�i��r� �"��ii��.>�.sltiuu�;i4!°���r�ro.r. a��lnsi�r��l��;'i�rir,� I o:.���uu���n�ii�� f:':�r.�^�rrl��al�w�ui°7ra°ir1 �,t���b1��,aii,�01!��il�°��.a�r;l�i°�r,�ai�°�^ ��:xri�ir;°i�i�l.�1��r�;� ir� ����II ' u��'��i�.�.ii�ii,iiuq:�a�,,, IISr.��;l�i�,u�rl �,:�.�I�l���!i°�I Il�ir:,�ti°i��q: �:,�i ti��4����,��l��ip� f�c�r. 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I����,t�€M�����u� ,�,.� iin�ai��, Il.�,��al�sl��^ ��ou i��^���i i��Il�u�;�^���:;I4�,::�r9r:�1 s�tl ia�u I��,eh:blur 4i�i°��,Ibu,i l ��alt�^�wi i iM�s�l'iu�;.���, Ih..N���'ii�tl ��l�lll�'��"u�����r�u I�r����rr�.^�u°V����m�����:Ih.�u+� Ill��u.u������lu�r���r:����V:��'��:Ih.�uii� II���u a��a�����. I"�I��i�,i�,r��r��tl��� I���.,ur.',aiu u�,a�ar�,:���,va.�i,��i'�cri�.r,,�i�l�u rl�u,aa,:c:��u����I.a��i��1;:����a�9:� u•,��,l�,erc�,M� Ihar�ai����/c���,l���ri1:�a:�au4•w�1:a:,4�"��_�'�Is" 1.�'��, I��uuii�,� „ � i I�i�; 1,'i ii.i,.u��^ c�i�,,u�ur�c�u Ir���tr,i,.i i�a���i rw��r�v��i azQy c�i,r.u.�pwrtrcac�.aIT.c�i,.i,�,��r7���r.s I.,c�r;�ir���� �r.s.��.,qa:a,u„r�r�rV trr,c:rr7lii°irr pau.uirvc lt;�wir'��?a�i�r! u"ua:aq �,,:alr�,�rr�.it ta�z�� it. �;�x�i i�=a�si°7mi����^i Il�,�p"i����laar lu„i��q:ll��� I:a�s,ii°ia�!,s ti-1i^.rti�.i�t�� Imi���.'��a���.al:lll i°�ra�i�� r�.^ii si�.�i�����. .�.I���, Il�u��,:al��as���r�����t:i��°l�-�4���r�ill I�rr�ll.����:��,�I�zr:�i°� t�p� i����,��n�i7��+i II«,��k. ;�p�l;�r�i t��.�i�.riti��fa��r r�li.�ti�'ir..�t� I�us>iii����������>r:��lr:l�°uu��t���i�.r.iu�i-� I�aal�a�a��;ii.,slll��iiii°����� i:l"ir�^ur�r�`�;� I:,i�,:wr:,pe, Action Item �, IIu������;�IIV II��u�i�liu�a���II.��li��u iia� Il�a����uu^�!�w�ii��m�u°�u�wu�u^�r;M�u�u�Ilu�Ikk�lillaa���a�� ���1 u�r�G�,aM�u ,�ro�.�:,�� I�raiu'�'�'^�� i��r��au 11�,:� I�iu^�iuu;����,^���G�!i��'9:i�.'i¢�=� 4,Ma u.�i,.i��ull�r,;* I�ul,��^v�°a�r�!,r��^i�� r�;nr�-�i°�����ad I�r�iu��uii°<�m�V�iu��caa� �ai°°i�°� i�G�l qil a����'.t`�i ui~��,�, ,��r�r�:�� ;Voi���u:t t Ira�,rr��'i'r� 91�i4��:,1'i.,qu ir��i'�:,�.Tv^�c��q:Vll��a ,. caf,�lguo,� �u�c :;�ad,G"M��,14!�,M:,1: �1.���Vii°r�;1issu"i���l <i�i�i���, �4���4�1���4:1 �9 kli����M Ifai��ii��,�i�;r r���r^ii��tGa q�h�i�o� Iti,s^mir���h;:� I�i;,�ti�.�ir•�,y �u��7��:Q "���I��I��u��a�a�aa-I i .,i u,uu�� �r,r�;r�����cl uir,�n::l�r,�snu~r,�t�:rP�tlr�����it� {�.�u., �. r�u�ll<.�,i�i �i�uw�uu�°d��w�x�.�,iu��i�u�.aV4�!�.^I�lu�u���'i+;����:;�u�,.aV,�l I�s�u��.�a��a� ll����q: �nrx�:;�.!I�' I;�,w^rewc�u��i��p„��9qol�l,���ritl7 �C:h.rt..;.�ri�-rt�ii��i�„ iMr�i���,�imicl tl�ir��w� �'�ron��. ��II�;�����ii;;���tii���1:lrx�� I'"✓Ilirr�s1r�iin�rr^;rarnrn�.,ek��^i Isiil,����,r,�,,�u„ I��1�=�ir�, (";4,��, :u����au�.i��l��r�^c���I���i,�l�a�,;rrr:l i��u..u^�,�✓ , ,.xu^m�4''i� � ^�i�i•i��,l. , iu�„ ��, ����V�������:ar��^�u,��i:� Ilu�.�14�u������^������'�'�u��uuv����li��u�������u�����V�����Illll��a��r�����d,��u���.� �.a�.�umu^��niiu^��u���:�II�� If�iill�a���aKK�����a��1 a,u^a�:�u b t4� �I�u�^ I"�J<�r.r.rr�,^���4u��� .V.r.,:�ii I. "���m �'��^��a�^�V�:�pa Ih..�p�„�V„uV�..�"u��lilh^�uV� �!!lu����u^�r��u���V����r����.¢�.�V'��u^u�����i����m�ui���*.�u^�ull iiu� II'��^a�Ta�um� tc�4 uoq.i�;�,., IaiIlCc�v,r��r ii 4,aiµ;�r��wcar�it'ir�i4A;� toa If:ir�till�,rc;! +":;r;;r i°��t���,,r. ��, Il,��.�ro�auu�a��'����liu�i��� II':"�'ii��umli�r���rll�a�u�i� �ii�u�n�w�a;m Mm�u�x� Il�u.��liu�ua���� Il�ii:�;u�.��u Illii����au°u�����������'o'�au�/Il�uii�^��q°a�uo�^����q: I��rc�i��ro;�:;��rlPq��r���l.l��y���u r°r�s��,� v^�r�y;: iri��t�t r;~;�4.1� Iwa{.,s,iii���;^�r�'i;�li ic�:. °1Y�u, Ilu����n!��iIIV II"�u�ll� II�"u�s��ll��u�i,������u°°u���,��.�u°Illk�lill�����r���ia���r������p����,��uu������a:r ��u�uu°���� 1�� u u�°�,�1� : �4�q ii�r„la.u��r� l I�r�, a � �� � � IV : I"�I�u��eq,u°r�1i� ��iV<4w�rv��,e i°��A�I� ;�u°�r� 'iui�d��iir°i�����C�i��r.i����h��������t I�Ga:�,fu.i�a .r.�, Ia:u;<qq...�I1r.i �Il���. i���.������i�.p�� a�'V�^,i:r.iict�w. ��r�/;��'rc����,r„���I a��a ru.ta;�,���a i°�:��t��arvrf r��^a:r���r������w������r-�tr°��r��r��r,�a ""�'��°��^��r°r�"r�'� ��7a,.r°��r�c?����.a�r��cr.a::�,�c,'s��'x���Irr��r��ra����-^��a;�r�d�,.�"���°ra��1r�,°��,�a�r;l�r����z�,�������arrr����:� �;r�rrrR rG.��•�:;Nr!mr��w;:^r�r;�'c��r��r���. ]1 i���irl N'f,ce+v��r�/N�I,is-� I�:Niril�,ta�ri N����,M,,,I�I�,N3r,�,�Ifa�r�l r"�tr�t�i N N��t,r.�il,�f�i.V'i.NN,if,�, rt� Existing Conditions and Previous Existing Condition Planning There is no signage on the Bikeway identifying any of the three business districts. rul� � ��� ,�;,� ' ��', Background—Previous Planning ���� ��1`�P� � �"' ° ` `;��� �� ' In 2014,the three communities worked with Toole Design Group to develop " � �'���� �.: ���� � ,�ti� r�,, �;��� , � �� " ����'���+������,,`�` �� 1 a plan entitled"Navigating the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway." This plan ����,� '����� �,,,� �� recommends irrfrastructure improvements,programs,arrd policies to ��� �%��` � ensure the Minuteman Bikeway retains its attractiveness as a commuter bikeway and continues to accommodate new users in the future. One of the sections of this plan addresses wayfinding signage.The p�an ,,,' � �aid out the following principles. ■ Establish consistency in signage along the Bikeway ■ Direct Bikeway users to Tawn Centers ° ,"�,//'y'ii��G,��� !f� ��, � ■ mprove location signage,including at intersections and Bikeway ���, �� �" f ��� �tar� ������ �� m�i ��i connections '''�''���' ,' �",�w �'�t, � ��� 1��� ■ Provide consistent Minuteman branding along the Bikeway °,'1 ����„ ti��y ; � � ,` " ' • Avoid over-signing the Bikeway >r,� '° ! Issues with 2014 Plan: ��� i' � � �� '�' ■ While the"Navigating the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway"Plan was 1 '�� "ouuu�� �� well done antl did mention directional signs to Town Centers(e.g., uuuuu " "��� 1 �� �'"''��� ' Lexin ton Center,Arlin ton Center),it did not address Arlin ton �� rG �����1) Heights and E.Lexington Village Business Districts or Bedford Center. ���a������w�a� ��"�a���°��a���r�r r��`��ar�x4����,���n a�rrAR���s���.�,��a�s�� �„����ua�����y���u�^�d���:*��"u�.a���raa.^�a��qd�a�u���a�a�k���,a�m��u�;��a^������ ■ Th2 p1211 W�S Ofl�y p�l'tl2«y IfT1p�2fTl@I1t2C1 811C1 f011OW2Cl. d��w�P�uca>>a��a �Na�re��s°a �a,A>sa���c�au�Q�Q��<>a�G a�o�c�a��a�.d�., ��r�u�����;�u"�a.��;'a°��,r��ar�u,��"���s�.Re��aavaro";v����d`�aary6����,�'��a� ���sr�rs �'����d�m�um����ac��°u�� ��a�a��r��a����re�a���/� a; l i� VV�u!�i�lll�lumuuuiimifuu��u�ll��� II��.�.,,i � � �� �" � � � �� � m�aaro�ar ���� u�rws���m�� a�� a�a��� ��r�a��,r � � � I �I 9� .� �" ' u�����r�m��� J uuv�� �I a���a� a�����ardga�.��a�,��.*✓��u��a,m�;va:��.�'�r���a�u.����a�:�"r�a�ar�, ����� � �f N�r;aaa��a�,�� �� �� �� //j, ,,j �! � �' / �� � ,, � ��� „ , � �ii I�II�I � y e,� i� ��I� r� „ � „ , � , j ;� � �%�f�� � i��iiii%%/ �` ,// � „,,; /; „ %//%,/ ` f,,,, , ,,,;,,,/ % II������I�'V�� ` ,. �, / �ii '' r, I �j � , � �irs�«u����ar�q,"�`���c��r�����x��d:➢��^�«n�����d���c..����w�a�aas.��w���d��� r�a�T��°r�a°a���s���r��r�sa,ra�r"wu��,raa���roa����:a���aa��,�H c������"�Twa9���u ���aT��r��s�r�r�rr�u�a�k������s������r���P��aa^��ua+��r'��������ar°m�s� �aa���ara����r�ar��uro'ravrea.ra�n�����m��d�6r�asa��,�roTaa^a�,�a9��s�u�+rt��a (w���r��re a��u�a�T��rv��wur��.!H��r�H�ru��rrA,�m���°���"�,�����w�.�'�°�r�r� ��"�ua��"�:�����;��eM a`ars��r�,���'ru����a�P�rb����°°�nu���n�u�d�u�c°���x r� �'�r.�>�aara ���awa��a.a�a��� . �. . . . . . ��..� � ° � : � � au����k����;�a��ua°�wra��M� ������w���a�rrua����+n�.���a�a�aa�a������rca���H�N ��r�2�n��. �" a.raraH aan a�rr��a�r��'�reua�rr � � ���a���%�.&,��ar�.�„n��d.;s�°d��.��"���mk mk����ar��o-rflr�m��a�a,a�Cxc��ar�9pe�a�a��a�ar ^�6ca������a�rar�c��u�����:���zc�a��ren,nm���,�aaa�r�.^��au�c��ar��.ro c�� , . 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[All 3 districts] Category �;::��!I�t�M,Aud!�/P�u��u:� Location �� �' :�f • � �l °� s', ��,�(�� � Ai�liui ;�q:a�i�r V�a�i,��„Ih�q^ ��� ,s'!!��at��,G:l�„ �,a��q I.°���ur� 1r,:��i�.�Vlll 7���� ��:� ^,,',�� , I�tG��{f��uu�.r:V d"G�ir9,�i��(o";I �, �1"�p��7,, C7,� <�ar�c� �!�^l�:l). �°i i��nr,�l�,�����,�i irl i�r.r4�r��,�I��u�.rL� �I�r�, I"�iuuuo4���u.�i,�wai� ��'i�<�a�w�nr��r 4����,���� r�u�r,�,,�an,�; �i�IIII�w'fi„�.IY�QQ I.1C7II.,III t 4d"b �Ilf;'," I114^.FIQQ4":wa�4"�I i�,l"I���41ia�,l"IIQQ,Sy�4;.�Q„1 Ilwl I����.;YN I�t,���fc���u'a:��kx:i�tn�r ��`��ua� II�, Il..��ii��,t�r.����,.���VI:o,=ma�, ,ai�„i�vu��41'�iu'u lV'i;��:�+cl��iiir��C:�. 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PartnersandResources ������ �x�,��;��llh�tew�ii�a���,,��a� Qc��p:�a�_ciM�,IV�r�o:h���,�,�r,�h��� I���v� i°�nsi�,rl �'�If;,��ur���� °°�� II C��"��;,XI°ti,',t M;ll'1�� �u u4{,a�`uu��-!I II�'w:9�q:Va�l"11� °°� I"'�!�9'v,^„w� l l I 4 4 I If'ri I 4"`0�?�,l I'1 P`;0 I °°" �I IIIIY'";'i4dIY C,S:"kI"'n"YI17I�ti147I"Y �pil"r�l"'�,• 317(:���41��lVII"r;�C���I;�IIV�`a Q.I;:)1111III"YIiI4'4'' °°° rvl IIII�Y;�`�£'"kll � f�:.',I`1'�G'I iC;.f�ll"l',I11'F�,I"�'.�� uuu Ihf^�"�I�;'44"�a£,�,!�'I',l�al il ��P,:,7��.41"1tl;::ll uuu II G "µll"'I�?I��I I f;f���l,.11 Ir;OI I�dull"'l Ilf"�I'l�'fr uur I"ir"Il,erlrr?t'��'uli9:�:�u IC,I tl:I.V4�/�,r.k; ]1 i���irl N'f,ce+v��r�/N�I,is-� I�:Niril�,ta�ri N'��f�,M,,,l�l�,N3r,�,�Ifa�r�l r"�tr�t�i N �_t�r.�il,�f�i�V'i.NN,if,�,, t,t� Diagnostic Ih..Wa��c�Il�du�V�'�'�ir�,�����II'��a����14��au�i�r����°�II��+���'�:V��v���ullll�^u�p�,��������11�14�'�u�.�V����uu"uli���:u�^���,M Ilr��u�i����ir�iice����uu�.� IIC��u�s�u�irr�,M��ii�.��Ilri��°ma�.TI°i����� I"�1�u°<,I �"i�.rr,+i rau�i ��:;a_uw I���,�:e:� 141V"V;Il�li,""II G"I't!.r��4i," +�1 rt""I I&�' fll� I';1Id�4„v?=11 1I1i,!�C;£�II"lill�i+�+':'11�"11"I �3�fl':7�11"1I,'� IJt'��'�,!r^f?II'li t I�x��:�� Pu'Iiumu4.u4t�u��°�<�ur Iliil�um���r-��r<�i~w�i�t I�r� t h�i�.�A I,a�,.s�ii°,i,���:.a�,c�i�;�i'i�i4.1��ca�f�� �i�iir�s�ta�i i I 1��ii�l�t^,, ���,�al1��u�1^"9��+ir1��i�,;arrrl �. I.�xiuu�,�fi�a:�,�u..i�iill�ag��a���a.��,va�;:�ll ,a�, i°u�u�P:��r_ I.,4�ali�.i�u__�rli°>�P:i i4:q°� 1h��r�i7��M4�1���.,,,lA4/Iii°Ir�:�^�i�i�!�III I�ii ii�� �,;���,��, f<mmr:�� :,��?��idi�;r~o�°ui:rh��llr uur;4_,��,� �i �r���.aV�� r�d�t¢"���r."�"��r"VI�..'1""� I�Mai°��law���r���, �I���i a���nr�„a�i°�� 'iii�.i�..a;�a�� ir°i I"✓Y'iu�mo4„i��:u�r�r�i°� I��ill��¢��w,�r,r��4s.,���!�+ Iw��w�1.h����aai�. �,���u��n�r.r�tatiiu�,;�, i�.�i4�ia���umr��r�lli;:�r.r°k 1r�a��:,�fr��u:�iu"u�^, I��s�-�llic:: ki�i°i�i�k��.'�a�u�mr;�I i��u i��:�c�ur��at�l��i°� Il�uuu�l�������„;. Ih.Nca��n�;w,�r,r. �����ul�, tp.�� l��il�a��,n�°� , � ��<�� ui°��:;ic�<�°c:�s. �!�;����, �!�,�i°�� :�Ai�� ,,�4�u�nui i�,�l�r�.si���.,a�nr�;i��r�,�,i I I�,�� h.��.a,���ur 4,�r,:l�,ii i4�q�s; il i�,�i�� �i��-���1;;1�°���a^i i��� �i��4-,� i I�i�� h:��ila,���°,r,a�r..I I i�o,��� I��i�c��G~�.�1..�n��ill f,�u�u^.,r;:�umi� I I�4:�� ���I�a I�a�:r u�.�a u u�i 1�r�>�1 tl II i�r��i r��u��,a��:�rc��y^,I i i i�,<�i�s� Ia�����:V��r,t i i��i����x�9 i�rli�:y,::r i� k I��:�� I�bi��r^��n���r,�i..icl�ti�r 40�rli�.�aw I�r�s��p���,� iu�ir���r��I�r�clir,�ti�.i�� ���„�+r°9�ii�I�IM.�i�7�t°�i.ir��: lr� rru�ai�^�4u,��lit:i�~��u<-oQ�nr�-r�l�i�°ua�ur.i�� i�,uu,-A�,,.�. �""�����'���'.�.� Ilu�.�ll��������������Im�lu���a�����1 II����.�V��li�Il�u°a������.G1 t�����:a�l rai f�',�^;��r,a,��1` Ia4ar,ii°���� �w.���irr��li�r� I���ir,�,�,� �'ir,k:i�.ii�:°tr uirc�li�:�<wis��,i ,a i�.cr��sel�li�:ar.i iur 1�r�r��t� ti,�1'��:i� iuu.l�ai°.i��rau°�,oi°i�:;! I r,°,Ilsu���a�iy�?�)"�'".1.�.a�ui�pa.��r�.�r! �:c��t:h.u;� I.�i���rlia��a�,�rr;,�r� I.?a:^f:"?Y�.+""C„4�"oVlll�,•�� '`�z�a��d''Il��,,l+luu4",r,;rl""�„a.lu°u ,,Vq:C"l I�r,�r:�u„I"Y4'I"il�1t�`f�ir,1C.,?�, �" I ��I",'.�G.�'�� ., C;�l£�"v'�fl"1 IJ'p� ��'���''r'ilr v�11�II I"1iCali'k�:."�. II..W�u�,�a�lia���N�✓IIII''��umrcM����uu.I�.�cKKu�u:�u.11���u����°II��II���u.�iu����r���umu������ II���Il�ii� Il�u�an,��a���; I V�r�^t�,�'JIIL� ":n.":w� I��u�i�a��ri7�i��If�V;;��r��l wr;at:i�.,rui i a,i°�i��,u�.�i�����ulll I��s��i°imum!!��,�,,���.,., i°i��w 4���.h�y a�����il�r��rlu���l'i�ia�,�°��t;l i��y r:la�;^���-���{ r��r M���!rup�9r!,r��q�s� rr��vv ;,ain�l;�r ur^ ta��iiv�,1;o�:ai��y^s. A;1 tlr,:��� P:'iu��ra,.„�'�G7V11�> ll�<��w�^;�< :a�s.�r�,�l ��u�.0 1i�.�M�ur����a�,. li� 4•�4::1'iu��7�� Ai°�r�l �,irroaw � la�^a�'c,,,rt�i��i^� ��r�li�auq�ra;��i.,i IIiM!� I�lVui���sl:�^i����i��� ,i��a��� I;:�r�!I.�lur li�.M�oii �il I�,��d;��i����!^ �ria��nr��t� �:;�!i�i�!�n�l�� �4'��ai.�;a:,u�r�ru�°r�u.A�:iui,�„; �u„o�' i7�i�r.i�r;^�:�r�G�r;ll�iq:d;:��,sIa�V4a4:ai.. i r.� i'r�,����1 ir�i i r:��l�l�c�i ki,�ir�i�k'.ir���. Action Item V I�t�V��a�°,�V �ur'4;IT,�i°�uur�a�qii���; I�.�G-�r�l��uuur,� f I�;��r�ll:�i�;�ii�.:�+a°:ad �e�°pii���,:ta�i� IIN1�i�p.r�q�, I�G.�c;1�1�:rairaV�;�zr��P4..i, r�uu.i�1 � I;��'iuu�q¢�ui\flill��r�v;r��i'II� I,a�ah�lli,r„;uu�..u�. �nr��il��,�I a�r�u��a�qiir�;���;tr�u�4rirp,�,r.;::4�iriir���4'i�ruu, ��;�r�4:;�v�^�w^i� 1h.ir^ I"✓IllirG,s�1:a��i7i�,�ror.i ��illra�n��u�^��i i�;�l�P:17rM�Ih�u��^r;,. �lu�,�i ia:q, I I i���� i°7 iasi;al,,�nr��tslr� I:a�., r,c�r.7��°u��:aVx i��r.^��I:�i�° t�,>�:��.uu i�^�a:ai��.�ui�r�i�r�,I;a�P:i�r�°� f';~�i°.rr°�rr�°r� qu���iii�ai��r��'uV �a�;��r.C�i°u�,us-V�imi� ��, qlli����r�v+aaa4�ul��l 'iu.ir��ai.rr,i��lll�r�i r��+q:�n�.a��imi,�~��c::�i Ial�o�,r`��r.ix:�� �•�4��,,�Pii°�,�tia�r� ����:�Ih���c:e��rrir���u:4:iiti�i°� Iar�iirr4^��Il�,��4�rr�r���i°� il���. h�i4��;�c��rv��a��au.r��,l tlrr�ti��li����i ie°�:�.�i1��.��4:�,i�u�.�,i�����:�r tr���.0 h�i�<a�u�r,r,��r�r;�a��,�ri la���� p�i ie�i ii�ii�°r��:;l 11u,�t, s���i i,�l �I im��i�.�i �II��u� I�ai����aw;u°,ri7��:;c�,�Allr� �-��I;:�,si i,ml tM;:7��lu,�,��i���%u�°ic1^r, II���.�,��I I��r�u�i ut��u��,�,�nr�a�,�Ir:;N lar.�a.�umo;�a��r�����1 �i°���'h��.�r.;r��u<:ar�'liimi,�tl�:�bu�mo I i�su��mo�,�i';�i�.�l. 11�r���iiii�.�i.al i, x�umia:�l =�a;a:ar7�.wr7�ilqx•�r,���v��uu��I I,�r��� n�ai ir�rr�:�l tr�rsuc;���r.�r�r� 91���,�� I�i rr�r�:�:w,�, �i�c*r:�;nrrMi�il��� hw�x,� i°��9_�r�rP:i11r_�a��P:�a i°�i �aa;ii°�.ii°�� 4��ur�*rMI��I�c�u�4��M.uu���i°it��P:d�� I�i�ui��i�;"�lr,�!i�,,lr:� �iirlu°�^�s�ut!4iit�t�ii°��t�� tl�c����a��Vu,w,tiur�t:,s�, wrhroulr���uhu;t����nrraa��l�:� IJr".�,I1/M"^I li �;;o:"'I:o�)i''Il���r�I'"�311i1f'i�:"f"�'l'^� 111�ir„;I"I i I14?+"�G:���I,;a1i 'I:I'"o."�"il^��r�l"lla Ili"li��; �,r�r�rl�r.r�uitt������. � r�M�<,,�i�.�ip����tli�-+i�tir1°a�a~t�,•�ii i1:r�,�ui1�,a i„b Ih,a��lr,:,�enr. ]1 i���irl N'f,ce+v��r�/N�I,is-� I�:Niril�,ta�ri N'��f�,M,,,l�l�,N3r,�,�Ifa�r�l r"�tr�t�i N �_t�r.�il,�f�i�V'i.NN,if,�� 1,t�E� Action Item (cant'd) � II�Iu�u�nRi°r�y�Il�,�u.�u�m�u°��u�� ��u.u�� II"�ii�uKKull �'.�u°u��u°,�u�°ri�a�uu�nu�uui4����^Q�au°Il�iliu°rc� �°:�u�um�uu����uirp .�.I�,i��^V;a.�,,,�G:u°i^�i�u,�,l I':bi°a��4.',i ai��9u�i°�� q:V�ua����� qV�ur��q:p�<�i°t i�1r;,ri-,.r�il I u 4�;r,:ru°i�ur.�n��,Au�°i�u�q:}r u�°i���ua�umi�ll�,,i,,,;r rsi ici r�u�.���rri��,q:li�:arr,� �sa�wr,i.,i ii,.„��.p�,i;�t tlmia�^�,�i�.t�n����i�,ll�i^!� u�.t�.l�si� �a��,�i°��1�,�r1i°i�rr,rx��i 11�4�r;�:�uu���mui��w��M�au���ir���r,�i�ri iir��ri��s,:rlly��rl��l�u��llir��� 1c�, 1�h,ia�,��rw u�vlrr:a�ril���i:����ry i�q°. IL i, i���a;�inir���:�rw��l��r1 tr,�Ih��1vr�a°�r��t��,, I�r�Y�I�����irt 1ii������:��� ��t�,`�1i I�r�i.°�r•,i i ,��r,�^a�ir,�1r���! 1:� �It�o��, i^u'���i,sl I�i�`����u�;ii�(�i.,u,'�r,1,h¢���i��pru�V.ul'i��iM,�1:. ui��iii�;ii�r�r�l, V�,�v;r4!��rri•, it���P:hii�;u�,u�u'"�q: I�,�r,�,ill�+lo�, qV�a�ur ���a�.�ar�r.ru���ru�qir�a�����v�Vl u�����c��! �c�r h��,. f��i�i���mi�t;�^a� qs���a���.i,��:���^'q:ll��� Isi��c��r�w,�.;�u�.u�'�� I;�i a��r���,�� u;��r4�rs>u�p.��k. ��ur,~I �,r��+�u�.r,.liin�t�ia��u��� II I�,^�:;���uiru°i�uu�k����rM,ul°i���u�ul���l I�r��:s��arr�il�������r�l a:�� I�a:�y i�rroMuuuur iI�;�Q w���ffi rri���i i7�1��u ,, I�rr.;�Q I�,Ger�ii�r�r�m r��r,ri�rr_�i �(I.r,�u 4li��al ,oi II� iP.C1�4�^b` ����+ri� llr�� h�u�!il,�u��i,r, IaM�iu�����; I'���,iu�qr��:V�„ I4 4�r1r:�i��.,,lri°I�u�8�i���r,���rro Vr�a~ol a�i°ir„� C:Ylll�m�lllr""a�'�;OC%I"i,+� "v�l"1P�o^I1�xM4��?�t'1;U'�If;'}I�.III'lii4 (:"If",i m"�;�C�IG;�I.S;'(II �(! bll1io':^Mil l:'':+. ��,. Il��u�u�r��ll�����.��sll�����'ii����m�,��»��'ii���lh.�u II�rc���u�������u����uu�V����uu°u����iu����V� .V.h�i,u.�i��t.�u�°�I I.��ras�i����;;i�� ;I i�;z�.Ala,V I�w,i��'ir:a�u�°i1 i�°���t�h��;:rsi ii irun:;��i°4:rr,u laa�,ii��i��.^�, Il�s�q°,nr,�rr:^r�i 4I�i:� I�Iii�isi��i7���r.i I�oI {-,�nr�}� �i°iri q:ll��¢� I�r�s:,ir�i�a,cli�,ti i��t., Iai„si s��causl�����Il�c� iimi�iTl�ur,lu�� ,it�^,����s v�itl iiii~��P:h.54.. Iat�.irmia�:�.a, ��i a�t�i�.ip�t� I ���r.�i4��.;u�rmua�y ����,�;., I�e,�:°a��ir,nirl�=i e���e�.����iil���� 11 i�� I�ai�.����i�7u..i,.r�nrull �il,r���,r�sfi�;ar� v�vi�l..i�a�i�.rl��.... � irro�Gux,l:,, i°t ur�ra��Iw,{w� II����,Qlw,i:�il���r;r:rr�ilriVr: a Vi,�rai ;�Ql I.rr,x��ilwrl�. ,uqa,w,�:,�� �t.h,��t tl°i�^p��i ra�r.��u�r�u a,��i ilel l�:r�4 c^a�l.a��i���1a�a°�.T��a�;�4'I„��:,u�.�,�n,,.,ul�l��!w,i9 n��!sM If�u�����i„�i°�����bt�il ��;,���i,slrk ���.1r�,'�uo ��ecl'i�t;�:��=�111�;i�t:��,qll��,��i���u�mir;�n4 4�II��u�.* ��i r�u�w����... u.up�;�ir s�i�.ii'q:turi,a� /�;r���il����rw��4 srfl����'1�1'i�^i iii���,^'�,;itr�;,ir,'t's� pa�uq�,a�u,s� �� ��;;��I �P��a:�i �'°v,��rll��,��uu�� Il�a�:.u°����^�.°P..�..I�i��v+r�:ra.u���l iuuvr:�lua� I�G.slw�l'i�'i�^iuus,�tlh�� Iw�i�a��i����i�.rr� �:wui,�l t I�r,;^'t'��'b��,�r����'r�it4_�,s,�r�i.,nu�r� I���a:�l�ii�r;�d'�:bi�.„�i�r�l�o�l��,iuro,; I4�u Iwr�riVr�ii���;. {'�:ri fc.u�,��!!�r�aa�nri'it.�^u.9:, ir� rr^^!�;I�o�ar�4^I�r�ri�G�li il°ir�i°u'li'ii�r:�i�i��7��:�1ini'i �o�i�P:l'rr���,r. �:�ii�i1��,�11�„,�a-�u �ri,�u a���:ll����i rr°ir���uu°u°!����. �, II"���u�u�a��c�u�� Illi�����:�"�.....°��� Il+������:lia�u�u I�lai.,roll ��it;r^�,�nslll I:ur iaV4��„t`r�u iroiG,er°�sl�,"��au.r�a^c�i tI'��:�;�c^uc�4�i�kiti4�aV iro�,a� Il��,a�rt �,i;�r.r���i�.�u•irq� Iha,�i i id;�rss i�,�r��u��Uir.�ir� ilie�^si,.Au�,������'�'Ylla��� a�u. f�lh�4x M�i�7,�a��,er,irk� ����fl �.Ir•�,!�i^�ir,i-, �i�r-�ll I��u4�l��ri•����k'.i4�iii� i�,�r���:I�a4V ir,i �'�umalr��r ip'�If'z�ii��rt'.�u�°o a����r;l��u i��m,i.�r��^,,� r.i�7a.!r�rlu_t�iva;:��slM�l I�,���.hir� I�a��mm��r��� I��u�;�r,�u����q:ca h�����ll�� i�r��;ri�.r.r,a;n� �I�r�rii ih���� r;uq�^�u i:c:�uxi�;uuu°��� ili�i ih•i�����u°aa�a��:q �r��l V���¢��c�,�r,�l�lu�x�. �, II'�'���������a�u�u������„,�VII����ro�u°�u°��ii^:������ �w��i iz,���II���u 1c+I�M 1 ...��,� ,it�M:>r��;uu.4. ,4�I��r~��:4.v1 ,� '�:;w��ll �P-c�r.,�i li��,���,��^villl i i�^���°9 t���a Il�ua�u I.��A� n�t..�t, I I°ir;�d�u�,i��i��i1:t:�u���,vv�ill i°�r�r�c!tr:��;:�i�a:��i��.i�,i u�1 tl i�iwur.�� i^,��,I�+e�c:i1�'ir: t'�rlaa:�,„�% u���4su r�l 41��!�a��r�wr��ru,.ui�i4'.��na�r��ls� II��r�x.�ii4 f rx�i°7ri; c�u it q:ll����i•�ITr 'i�� tl�i��u����^qll��,iq �I�uc.� �i ti^,� ^:,Il��aru.slc.;l���I��i�M tc.:� (�,uAr.l��a I�ii�btnr.�r, i��ti.six.�, a��ut�.�. Itr���:I�a��slc1 I�a��:. i��,t�a�:;l, 11r�a1 11�r� ��ru,k�t� u����Muu�I���::�simru��� �si.,s�a;��o. 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Dear Students, This year, State elections will be taking place on November 8, 2022. These elections will decide who will be our next Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and many other positions within our State government. As you may know, the United States has three types of governing bodies: local, state and federal. It is often the elections at a local level that can make the biggest direct impact to where you live. Today, each of you will be given an opportunity to vote and let your voice be heard! Every year, Massachusetts Law requires dog owners to license their dogs. Anyone who does so receives a tag in a unique shape for that year. Today, you can make a difference at the local level by choosing to vote. You will have three (3) shapes to select from: a car; a rosette; or fire hydrant. You will each receive a ballot. Think carefully about what shape you would most like to be the winner for 2023 and then put an "X" in the box next to the shape that matches your choice. Remember—your ballot is private, so you shouldn't show it to anyone unless you need some assistance filling it out. When you're finished, your teacher will explain where you should place it. Then it's time to receive an "I voted" sticl<er! The Town Clerk's Office will collect and count all ballots and a winner will be chosen and announced after all the votes are counted. The winning shape will be used for all licensed dogs in Lexington in 2023. Your voice has a vote and your vote can make a difference! Tha `k you and Happy Voting Day! ?���k�1�-�"",�,��, `� ,��.,�,�� �� RA-ary de AI�`e�ete,Town Clerk � O N � O � N � , � N o � � W 0 0 � � � Z a N x � � ~ � ' � z z 1� o � ° o �u a�/ O � C U .U � � l i uv, � O � � °o � W � J �p � z � `�' V NO = V � X O � � � � � � LL 0 � W I.L O �r Q °C � Z � � O � 0 N � O � N � , � N o � � W 0 0 � � � Z ¢ N x � � ~ m '� C7 � o Z z Z 1� Q U °J O � CC 0 � U u = Z � � o pC �j � W � O U O � � �p � z � � V O = u � Z � � � W �i � � V � LL 0 LL W I.L O �r Q °C � Z � � O Discussion Topic: What is a Law Laws are a set of rules. Games have rules. Your parents or caregivers may give you rules you have to follow. But some rules are so important that are made into laws. Laws made by a government are rules that everyone affected by those laws must follow. Yoube probably heard the expression "It's the law!" In government, most laws are created to protect people and property. Those laws have a great deal to do with our daily life. You've probably seen a stop sign posted by the side of road, or a sign that swings open on the side of school bus that says STOP. These are pictures of laws that must be obeyed. Whv is it imqortant to vote? Voting allows people to tell the government what they want it to do. Increasing the number of people that vote in each election means better representation and more funding to communities. When people vote as a community, it sends the message to state and national legislators to help them better understand its needs. Education, healthcare, infrasti-uctuie, the economy, etc. are all affected by voting. Every Vote Counts Here are some important events in U.S. history that were decided by just a few votes: • Richard Nixon, not John F. Kennedy, would have become President of the U.S. in 1960 if one person from each voting place had voted differently. • If just one U.S. Senator had voted differently, U.S. President Andrew Johnson would have been removed from office in 1867. • TeXas might not have become part of the United States in 1845 if one U.S. Senator had voted differently. The vote in the U.S. Senate was 27-25 to invite Texas to become a state. If it had been a tie, Texas would not have been asked to become part of the Union. Early Democracv Democracy, the form of government used in the United States,began as an idea by early Athenians. They decided that a community should choose its own leaders. In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or"rule by the people" (from demos, "the people," and k�atos, or "power"). It was the first known democracy in the warld. Types of Democracv There are two main types of democracies: direct and representative. Direct- A direct deinocracy is one in which every citizen votes on all important decisions. One of the first direct democracies was in Athens, Greece. All of the citizens would gather to vote in the main square on major issues. A direct democracy becomes difficult when the population grows. Imagine the 300 million people of the United States trying to get together in one place to decide an issue. It would be impossible. Representative - The other type of democracy is a representative democracy. This is where the people elect representatives to run the government. Another name for this type of democracy is a democratic republic. The United States is a representative democracy. The citizens elect representatives such as the pi-esident, members of congress, and senators to run the government. What characteristics make up a democracv? Most democratic governments today have certain characteristics in common. We list a few of the maj ar ones below: Citizens rule -Webe already discussed this in the definition of democracy. The power of the government must rest in the hands of the citizens either directly or through elected representatives. Free elections - Democracies conduct free and fair elections where all citizens are allowed to vote how they want. Election Dav Vocabulary Absentee ballot: Used to vote when someone cannot physically be at the polling place on election day. Ballot: a sheet of paper used to cast a vote. Bill: a proposed law. Bipartisan: supported by both political parties. Campaign: a race between candidates for elective office. Congress: legislative body of the United States. Constituent: A person represented by an elected official. Delegate: one sent to act as a representative for a group. Democracy: government in which the people hold the ruling power. Enfranchise: to grant the vote to. Grass roots: the common people at a local level. Incumbent: someone currently holding an office. Law: A set of rules. Nominate: to names as a candidate for an election. Petition: a written request signed by many people demanding an action from an authority or government. Platform: a document stating the aims and principals of a particular party. Poll: the place where votes are cast and registered, or a survey of the public. Primary: an election for choosing the candidates who will run in the final election. Veto: to prevent a bill from becoming law. ��������,�� �� , ��� � ��, Town of Lexington �� �� � � : ��,a Town Manager's Office ��v���. :d ����,�� ���������z��^,,r, James J. Malloy, Town Manager TeL• (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: September 30, 2022 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the weelc ending September 30, 2022: Various Administrative Issues: • There are several additional ARPA requests that the Board will be asked to consider on Monday night as follows: 1. Derek Sencabaugh has inquired about the original 3-2 poll on the ATV Ambulance which has not come back for discussion (at the Select Board meeting when this was considered there were four Select Board members and it came back as a 2-2 split vote). 2. Dave Pinsonneault and I have discussed adding a permanent electronic sign at the entrance of 203 Bedford that would be used for regular announcements. Attached are quotes for a hard- wired sign ($52,000) and a solar sign($90,000). This would free up the portable sign boards for emergencies and construction work. 3. As the Board is aware, the Town currently provide the INTERFACE referral service to Lexington residents. With the current demand so high and the waitlist we have, it would be beneficial to continue to provide the INTERFACE service. Their price is going to be increasing in the next contract year that starts in November,based upon our usage from this year multiplied by their cost per referral rate. The total cost will be $35,000 for the next year, which is up from $20,000 for our current year. The Town and Schools split this evenly each year and we would like to request that the additional $15,000 (beyond the current $20,000) to pay for the upcoming contract year come �rom ARPA funds instead of increasing our individual budgets so significantly. COVID caused a significant increase in mental health needs as well as a decrease in provider availability. • The High School Building Committee held it's first meeting and Kathleen Lenihan was selected as the Chair and Milce Cronin as the Vice Chair. Land Use Health and Develo�ment: • On September 28`h the Planning Board unanimously adopted LexingtonNEXT. LexingtonNEXT will serve as the Town's ]ong-range master plan to guide development over the next 10-15 years. This was a five-year effort]ed by the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) that 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXiNGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 worked with the community to bring forward a plan to the Planning Board. A special thanks to everyone that participated from CPAC members,Planning Board meinbers, Select Board member liaisons, town staff, residents, and many other members of various boards and committees that provided valuable input throughout the five-year process. LexingtonNEXT can be found on the Town's website at��n.�w l�w�v�v��������ra���u�,pc��������lC��•���..���� �°€;I�ea�:����..➢'��� • At the October 12 Planning Board Meeting, the Town's Consultant Nelson/Nygaard will be presenting the draft plan and recommendations to update the Hartwell Area Transportation Management Overlay District Plan(TMO-1 Plan). The final Plan will include some infrastructure improvements, since we are looking ahead to 2030 and the full reconstruction of the corridor the plan also includes programmatic recommendations. O O O �/1 O O O O 01 O c-I N 01 O O �l O O h lO O O 01 O O O O N lD O O O O �fl O p� I� O O O M � O M I� O c-I ttl O O O O �o CO O � O O m O p� �n tD N O � O O .--i CO O O� O �'1 ifl V1 e-I N �fl V O O O O � I� �D h O 7 N O N t'/1 W tD �fl O � N � I� � u'1 u'1 1� O M N V M � N � N �--I M .--I N �--I � c'/7 N C N � m V} VT V} V} V? V} t/? V} V} V} VT V} i/} V} V? V} VT V} VF t/T V} VT V} V} V} V} VT V! 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Estimate 763 South Street Suite A Date Estimate# Holbrook, MA 02343 9/21/2022 2578 Name/Address Lexington bPW 201 Bedford St Lexington,MA 42420 Project Description Qty Rate Total "baktronics"Galaxy�Outdoor El�cfronic Message Center- I 90,400.OQ 90,OOO.flO GS6 Series-15.85mm RGB;2V-two one sided displays-same content Model;G56-60Y150-15.85-RGB-2V Cabinet Dimensions:3'8"H X 8'1"W X 0'S"D Daktronics Verizon Lifetime 4('r Cellular Data Plan Per 1k[odem,far Venus Cantrol5uite on Displays Up to 100,60a pixels.Excludes streaming data Feeds and diagnostics Installed in&'ont of Lexington DPW building on two steel post With: 5olar Powered pptzon MassDOT State Wide Contract INT`FODOOK03CU0111753 IVIassDOT State'l�Vide Contract INTFflOQflK03C00111753 Subtotal $g0,000.D0 This estimatelquote is valid for 30 days. Sales Tax (0.0%� $o.00 To�al �90,000.00 Phone# Fax# E-mail Web Site 339-987-5525 339-987-5528 wbainter@baincor.com www.baincor.com SainCor� =nc. Estimate 763 South Street ��ite A Date Estimate# Holbrook,MA,02343 9/14/2022 2567 Name 1 Address Lexington bPW � 201 Bedford St Lexington,MA 02420 Project Description Qty Rate Tota[ "baktronics"Galaxy�Outdoor Electronic Message Center- 1 52,000.00 52,000.00 GS6 Series-15.85mm RGB;2V-two one sided displays-same content Model;GS6-60X156-15.85-RGB-2V Cabinet Dimensions:3'8"H X S'1"W X 0'S"D Daktronics Verizon Lifetime 4G Cellular Data Plan Per Modem,for Venus Control Snite on bisplays Up to I OO,OQO pi�cels.Excludes streaming data feeds and diagnostics Installed in front of Lexington DPW building on two steel post I20vac power will be from ground mounted transformer "right side front of building" MassDOT State Wide Contract IIVTF0040K03C00111753 , MassDOT 5tate Wide Contract ��oaooxo3caoi1i�s3 � Subtotal $s2,000.00 This estimate/quote is valid for 30 days. SdIF:S TaX �{}.�%} �o.oa Total $52,000.oa Phone# Fax# E-mail Web Site 339-987-5525 339-987-5528 wbaintercrbaincor.com wvr��r.baincar.com AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License ITEM PRESENTER: NUMSER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C.1 S UM MARY: Category:Decision-Making S�nectacle Management: Spectacle Management has requested a One-Day Liquor License to serve beer and wine in the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of one event on the following date: . Chris Isaak Concert, Friday, November 25, 2022 7:OOpm to 11:OOpm The request has been reviewed by the Department of Public Facilities w-ith no concerns. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for Spectacle Management to serve beer and wine in the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of one event as follows: Cl�ris Isaak Concert on Friday, November 25, 2022 fiom 7:OOpm to ll:OOpm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Report for Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Town Repoi�t ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C.2 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The submission of reports for the FiscalYear 2022 Annual Town Report were due to the Town Report Coordinator in early September. The draft version of the report was discussed at the Select Board meeting on Monday, September 12, 2022. The Select Board is being asked to review and approve the attached final version of the Select Board Report submission for the Fiscal Year 2022(July 1, 2021 -June 30, 2022)Annual Town Report. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the attached fmal version of the Select Board Report for submission to the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Town Report. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �`�a,V€,�tlE��ua9l�'a��sc,mt�or�r��u��'lf'r�wu;�r�pr�mt�4�JJ�..�u��s�r;�uc�����;��.27� lEraa�lkiul's1VI����u�i�l SELECT BOARD Five members, elected by the voters at-large to overlapping 3-year terms: Jill I. Hai, Chair, Douglas M. Lucente, Vice-Chair, Joseph N. Pato, Suzanne E. Barry, and Mark D. Sandeen. In March 2022, Mr. Pato and Ms. Barry were re-elected to three-year terms. While FY2022 continued many of the challenges faced since FY2020, there was a resumption of some pre-pandemic activity, and some significant new activity, including the launch of the Center Streetscape Project and the initial deployment of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID-19, which was issued on March 10, 2020 was continued again, through July 15, 2022. Special Town Meeting in the fall of 2021 and the Annual Town Meeting in spring of 2022 were both held virtually.Public meetings continued in a virtual format, accessible by the public using the application Zoom, though some committees chose to begin meeting in person. Town Celebrations and events began to resume, following the lifting of the State of Emergency at the end of FY 21. A full Veterans' Day parade and celebration was held and widely enjoyed. All municipal buildings re-opened to the public. The Town continued to monitor each building for safe and continued operations and services to residents. Initial ARPA funds were used to further the health and safety of the community, and to improve the economic situation of our local businesses and non-profits through direct grant assistance. The Select Board held its biannual goal setting retreat, establishing five goals for the coming years: Community Compass, Livable Lexington, Quality Services, Fiscal Stewardship and Thriving Local Economy. The full report can be found at ➢�n�� ^�� ��v�vo��^x�mu.g��r�:�-�n.�. �a��r/1C7���au��rr���'�^r���:p� V:a���r �49� �������-1��p�.ira�-����.��- ...............� ....... .......................................................................................................................................... 1F.�'2��2.2.-..-.-���`�2�1�23. These goals continue to guide the work of the Board as FY22 comes to a close. Select Board Priorities for Arnerican Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Spending The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was passed by the federal government to support communities across the country in responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal funds from ARPA are intended to address the negative health and economic irnpacts caused by the pandemic. Lexington is receiving$9,903,381 in ARPA funding. The allocation for Lexington, which is distributed through the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, is based on the Town population. ARPA funding must be obligated by the end of 2024 and fully expended by the end of 2026. The federal government has outlined the primary objectives for the use of these funds: • Support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control 1 � Replace lost revenue for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs � Support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses • Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic. • Provide premium pay for essential workers - offering additional support to those who have and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors • Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure -making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water, support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and to expand access to broadband internet: The federal government specifically noted uses of funds that are NOT eligible such as: contributions to Pension Fund; contributions or replenishment of reserves or 'rainy day' funds; direct or indirect application of funds to reduce tax revenues/tax rate; Payments for legal settlements; payments for debt service; general infrastructure spending (above amount identified as lost revenue). The Select Board set priorities for ARPA spending in the following areas that address the immediate needs of our residents and businesses: housing,food insecurity,public health and safety and economic stimulus and resiliency for our community. As of June 30, 2022, the Select Board has approved using$3,156,388 in ARPA funds in the following areas: • Public Health$567,200: $100,000 for ongoing support for the Public Health Office; $175,000 for community COVID Testing Events; $25,000 for purchasing of rapid at home tests; $36,000 six replacement bottle filling stations on the bikeway; $22,200 AED Devices for the Lexington Police Department; $24,000 bottle filling stations for Recreation Department; $160,000 outdoor shelters for programming-Recreation Department; $25,000 for N95 masks. • Affordable Housing $475,000: $115,000 for design work on the LexHAB Vine Street project; $315,000 for down payment on affordable housing units; $20,000 to assist in the development of an Affordable Housing Trust; $25,000 to assist in the development of the Special Permit Residential By-Law. � Economic Developrnent$1,374,000: Grants for small businesses that have been impacted by COVID $900,000; Grants for cultural (music/arts) organizations that have been impacted by COVID $50,000; Picnic tables for Center $24,000; Pop up business incubator $100,000; Accessibility ramp $25,000;Visitors Center website $75,000;Grants for non-profits that have been impacted by COVID $50,000; Lexington Retailer's Association for Center programming$50,000; Store back/store front improvement plan $100,000. • Human Services $140,000; mental health clinician services $90,000; local food insecurity programs $50,000. 2 � Salaries $80,188 for increase in Fire Department overtime due to COVID related illness. • Participatory Budgeting (PB) $520,000 - a democratic process through which community members directly decide how to spend public funds, aimed to increase equity and access,foster civic engagement and community spirit, and ensure that public money targets real community needs. The Select Board will continue to prioritize addressing the urgent needs of the community and will work with the Town Manager to determine how the remainder of the Towri s ARPA funds should be allocated. Fiscal Resiliency FY22 closed with the Town continuing in a strong financial position. Real-estate tax collections and other revenue sources remain strong. Residential real-estate growth continues, and new commercial projects are progressing on Hartwell Avenue and Hayden Avenue commercial districts. While the Select Board remains committed to avoiding the need for proposition 21/2 operating budget overrides, the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for major capital investment in obsolete buildings present a continuing challenge for the community. New Capital Stabilization Funding Framework In November 2021, the Select Board approved a new Capital Stabilization Funding Framework. In anticipation of the need for a Lexington High School construction project, the largest capital project the Town of Lexington has ever seen, we sought a long-term, financially sustainable funding mechanism to provide dedicated funding for the Capital Stabilization Fund (CSF). This is meant to ensure that larger capital projects and future debt service do not place an unmanageable burden on taxpayers. The framework recognizes the effort by the Town of Lexington to simultaneously identify and attract opportunities for commercial development and accommodate the substantial need for capital project funding. Rather than having "New Growth," from significant commercial developments be allocated between the Town and School departments via the Revenue Allocation Model, any additional incremental property tax revenue generated from certain new commercial developments shall be dedicated and annually appropriated to the CSF. Projects affected will be commercial developments which: � Go through the Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan (PSDUP) process and have an approved project Memorandum of Understanding to create a Planned Development District; • Are developed through the zoning changes approved at the 2020 Special Annual Town Meeting for the Hartwell Avenue area. Economic Development and Commercial Growth 3 The Select Board has continued to prioritize economic development and commercial growth in an effort to enhance our commercial tax base, and take advantage of opportunities for growth. With the passage of zoning changes in the Hartwell Avenue/ Bedford Street corridor in both 2020 and 2021, the Town is beginning to see new development projects brought forth. Commercial growth is not limited to the Hartwell Avenue/ Bedford Street corridor. At Annual Town Meeting 2022, Article 38 passed by a vote of 169-6-2 which proposed changes to the existing zoning and zoning district at 128 Spring Street and 95 Hayden to expand the existing lab / office campus by razing and modernizing existing buildings and adding an additional 314,812 square feet of lab / office space with structured parking. The proposed project brings additional jobs and tax revenue and bolster's Lexingtori s reputation as a biolab hub. Tourism remains an important component of our Lexington economy. The Lexington Visitors Center's Official Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony took place on October 7, 2021. The new Visitors Center is an inviting, inclusive and accessible modern facility which helps to inform visitors and residents with a wide range of interests on where to spend their time while visiting Lexington. Further, at Annual Town Meeting 2022, Article 12n passed by a vote of 167-2-4 which sought $4,975,000 to fund design, construction and project management for the roadways and intersections around the Lexington Battle Green, known as the Battle Green Streetscape Improvements. This project will allow for any construction to be completed in advance of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington in the year 2025. This project includes improvements to the sidewalks and roadway infrastructure with a focus on safety, accessibility and improved connectivity to our tourist attractions. Town Meeting Use of Virtual Technology With the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, most public meetings continued to be held virtually. Both the fa112021 special town rneeting and the 2022 annual town meeting, including two special town meetings held during the spring annual meeting, were successfully conducted as fully remote meetings. Town Meeting members were polled by the Town Meeting Member Association to determine preferences for holding meetings remotely and a large majority favored having remote attendance option for future meetings. Based on that preference, and reflecting on the substantially increased participation rate in remote meetings, the Select Board recommended instituting a permanent remote attendance option. Town Meeting passed Article 3, to amend our bylaws to permanently allow remote participation at town meeting, at the Special Town Meeting 2022-3 by a vote of 166 in favor and 10 opposed with 5 abstaining. This article included a home rule petition to the legislature to request permission to hold these hybrid meetings without statewide emergency legislation as had been provided for since the onset of COVID-19. As of the end of FY22 the amended bylaw has not yet been approved by the Attorney General's Office, as the home rule petition awaits action by the legislature. 4 Housing Options One element the Select Board defined as part of its goal to further a "Livable Lexington" was'Actively seeking development of affordable and accessible housing". In furtherance of that goal, in September 2021, the Select Board created the Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee. The committee was charged with creating proposals for both an Affordable Housing Trust and a non-profit Housing or Community Development Corporation. The former can hold and deploy funds from sources beyond municipal funds and the latter would be eligible for participation in community investment tax credit programs. Together, the two-prong approach is aimed to improve the opportunity for and creation of affordable housing in Lexington. The Select Board's Special Permit Residential Development (SPRD) Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee continued its work to create incentives for creation of more diverse housing stock. The nine- member committee was charged with gathering stakeholder input, reviewing housing data and drafting a statement of values, to inform the drafting of a zoning bylaw amendment and warrant article to either revise or replace the current Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw. Data, drafts and other documents are all available on the webpage at ll���. �: wwvv.�����u ��rr��-a��. �v � �����- ��a�n��-�������m���.�-��ar���r irn�n�irn�....��->��� ��Ib ��v�- ............... ���rn.���,�,��.�m�,�.-��a���A�����..-�.�r��9-�.�-1�.�� and the meetings are available on LexMedia on demand. The committee has begun workshops on target proposals, drafting actual plans and visual representations and has worked to review the proposals with a variety of stakeholders Center Streetscape and Sattle Green Streetscape Projects The Center Streetscape project broke ground in the spring of 2021 and is focused on: improving pedestrian safety, accommodating bicycle traffic, making sidewalks and crosswalks more accessible and safer for people with disabilities and renewal of the mid- century modern landscape. In the summer and fall of 2021 work was focused on the easterly end of the project near the post office and the Town Office Building. In the spring and summer of 2022, the work shifted more to the west and the core of the center as sidewalks were dug up, a modular suspended planting system was installed to allow for proper tree planting,new lighting was installed and amenities such as benches,bike racks and some trees were planted prior to the drought. Communication with direct abutters and the community continues to take place through a variety of ineans including:weekly project emails, updates in Town e-newsletters, a dedicated page and updates on the Town's website, a dedicated email and phone number and direct one on one outreach. It is anticipated that the project will be substantially complete in the Fall of 2022 with a few items being held over to the spring of 2023. The Battle Green Streetscape project advanced as the Select Board gave their support for a roundabout to be located at the Harrington Road/Bedford Street/Hancock Street intersection. The project was then brought to the 2022 Annual Town Meeting under Article 12n-Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equiprnent-Battle Green Streetscape Improvements where it received a vote of 167-2-4 for $4,975,000 in funding. 5 It is anticipated the project will start in 2023 and be completed by fa112024 in anticipation of the 2025 Town Celebration. Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue Update Traffic issues in the Hartwell Avenue corridor are one of the key concerns cited by residents and business owners. 2019 Special Town Meeting appropriated $1.5 million for the 25% design of the Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue/Wood Street Corridor.The Town formed a 25% design working group in November 2020, and hired an engineering and planning firm in January 2021 to develop 25% design level plans for complete streets reconstruction that addresses safety, traffic flow and pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and alternative modes of transportation. The Towri s consultant has substantially completed the data collection task, the environmental permitting task, the land use & development build out analysis, and has made significant progress on the transportation analysis, concept development, and public outreach tasks. The Towri s consultant has identified that the roadway capacity will begin to be exceeded at approximately 60% of the"likely" redevelopment as properties within the project area are redeveloped to current zoning limits. The Towri s consultant has recommended several options to address this concern. Based on input from the Select Board, the consultant will be revising the build out and traffic analysis to include future residential development.In addition,Town staff and the consultant are coordinating with MassDOT to acquire state fundi�lg to expand the study limits to include the I-95�Zorthbound half of the interchange. The project is expected to culminate in a formal Massachusetts Department of Transportation public hearing targeted for FY24. Municipal and School Buildings The Board continues to address the issues of maintaining and improving our municipal and school building infrastructure. • Lexington High School - With severe overcrowding, outdated building systems, and spaces that do not adequately support the academic program,Lexington High School needs replacement or renovation and expansion. To that end, the Superintendent, with the support of the School Committee and Select Board, submitted a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) requesting state support for a future high school building project. The MSBA invited the Lexington High School Project into the MSBA's eligibility period, which started on June 1, 2022 and will conclude on February 27, 2023. During this time, the Town must complete the preliminary requirements defined by the MSBA. 6 In Apri12022,Lexington Special Town Meeting 2022-2 appropriated$1,825,000 for a Lexington High School Feasibility Study.Moving forward in the MSBA's process requires collaboration with the MSBA, and an invitation to Feasibility Study will require a further vote of the MSBA Board of Directors. • The Westview Cemetery Building replacement project was approved at 2020 Annual Town Meeting with an appropriation of $3,290,000. The initial Westview Cemetery construction bids came in higher than the appropriated amount. As a result, Special Town Meeting 2021-1 approved additional construction funding of $770,000. The second round of construction bids came in within the updated project budget. The Westview Cemetery Building construction work started in Apri12022 and is expected to be complete in early 2023. • The Lexington Police Station building project is in the construction phase. Special Town Meeting 2022-1 approved an appropriation of$32,400,000 for the design and construction of a new Police Station building to be located at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue. On June 6, 2022 in a Special Town election, Lexington voters approved a Proposition 2 1/z debt exclusion for the borrowing for the Police Station Project. Town staff expects construction to start in September 2022 and be complete by June 2024. (see more detail below) • The Select Board and School Committee authorized the installation of 2.6 MW of solar energy systems at Hastings Elementary School, Lexington Childreri s Place, Diamond Middle School, Clarke Middle School, Harrington Elementary School, Bridge Elementary and Bowman Elementary School. Final interconnection approval from the utility is expected by the end of 2022. When fully operational, the solar installations will enable Hastings School and Lexington Childreri s Place to be net zero schools. When combined with the Town's previous solar installations, they will generate approximately 64% of the Towri s municipal and school electricity. • 2020 Annual Town Meeting approved $100K in design funds for the Center Recreation Bathroom complex. At the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board recommended indefinite postponement of a warrant article requesting $915K in construction funding. 2022 Annual Town Meeting approved $680,000 in construction funds appropriated frorn the Community Preservation Fund. Town staff expects to open construction bids in September 2022. • The Old Reservoir Bathhouse renovation project was approved at 2019 Annual Town Meeting with an appropriation of$610,000.The bathhouse construction bids came in higher than expected and over the appropriated amount. Town staff was in the redesign and rebidding stage for this project as of June 2022. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 7 The Select Board recognizes that social and racial injustice has deep roots. The Select Board has adopted Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as one of the Towri s top priority goals, including a commitment to develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan, consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes, and incorporate the goals of Town Meeting's systemic racism resolution in each department's goals and objectives. The Select Board recognizes that accomplishing these goals will require an ongoing staffing and budgetary commitment to continuous improvement. The Board has made a proactive and ongoing commitment to engage in comprehensive and ongoing comrnunity conversations to better understand community needs and to consider diversity,equity,and inclusion in policies and plans,all with the goal of making Lexington a truly safe, equitable, and just community for all. The following steps were taken toward furthering that goal: The Town of Lexington hired a Chief Equity Officer (CEO) reporting to the Deputy Town Manager to lead the Town in achieving these goals while prioritizing community engagement. The CEO has focused on expanding the applicant pool for Town staff positions,with the goal of hiring and retaining staff of diverse backgrounds and identities. The Town has adopted a diversity hiring policy and enhanced the existing hiring process to include an equity lens. The CEO published the results of an employee demographics survey based on race, gender, age, salary and length of service and compared that data to historical hiring trends. The CEO initiated a series of community engagement and communication programs including: • Forming the Strategic Equity Advisory Team (SEAT) with representatives from as many communities within Lexington as possible, • Participating on the COVID-19 Effects on Persons with Disabilities working group, in consultation with the Human Rights Committee and the Commission on Disability, and • Launching the Coffee with the [Police] Chief program to foster better understanding and communications between the community and the Police Department. � Created a centralized resource page on the Town website for links to all equity- related resources, discussion, and learning opportunities: LexingtonMA.gov/DEI The Police Department has completed the implementation of 30 of the 32 p�licy change recommendations to remove any unintended bias or discriminatory policies presented in Lexingtori s Town Counsel (Anderson & Kreiger LLP) report on Lexington Police Department policies. The Police Department is in the process of implementing the remaining 2 policy change recommendations. The Police Chief has expressed the department's commitment to implementing the recommendations of the report and to continuous and ongoing improvement in this area. s Police Station Project The Lexington Police Station,originally built in 1955,became inadequate in both size and condition to serve the needs of the Police Department and Lexington residents. Project planning to replace the building began in 2011. Town Meeting appropriated funding for a feasibility study in 2016,and design in 2018. In the wake of a national debate on policing in 2020, the Select Board paused further funding and design development to allow the Lexington community to have additional comprehensive conversations about the future of policing. Select Board Members Joe Pato and Doug Lucente presented the "Report on Community Feedback on Police Station Project and Policing in Lexington". The report was initially presented in two parts. Part one (July 2021) focused on community feedback specific to the construction of a replacement police station. Part two (October 2021) examined feedback focused on how the police operate in Lexington. The report represented the compilation of comments by Lexington community members collected over a three- month period. While some direct concerns were addressed, generally, community members were very supportive of our Police Department and of proceeding with replacing the Police Station. Feedback specific to replacing the Police Station was varied, however, participants were clear that they wanted a Police Station that serves both the Police Department and the entire community. In light of the findings in the report,and the specifics of the first presentation in July 2021, the Select Board voted to authorize the Town Manager to re-engaged the architectural firm, Tecton Architects, to proceed into the Design Development Phase of the project. In October 2021, the Select Board stated its preference for proceeding with a building designed that is flexible, inclusive and welcoming. In March 2022 Town Meeting passed Article 2 of the 2022-1 Special Town Meeting for construction of a new police station. On June 6, 2022, 12.5% of Lexington's voters turned out for a Debt Exclusion override vote to construct a new police station. 56.7% of the voters supported the project. Construction is expected to start in late summer of 2022, and will likely continue for about 18 months. The Lexington Police Department will operate out of temporary headquarters at 173 Bedford St. during demolition and construction. Several attempts were made to relocate the Hosmer House from its current location because it is in the way of the new Police Station construction. In the Spring of 2022, the Town issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the sale and move of the Hosmer House. In May 2022, the Town opened the one bid from the RFP issued to move the Hosmer House offsite. The bid proposed to move the house to a property located on Waltham Street adjacent to Route 2 and for the house to be renovated with an 800 square foot addition. The Select Board unanimously supported the proposal. The final project plan for the Hosmer House is expected to be reviewed by the Historic District Commission, the Historical Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for further approvals. 9 10 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Accept Fund Terms - Jeffiey I,eonard Jazz Musician Award Fund ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C3 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Select Board is being asked to accept the terms of the Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award Fund, which will be managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts. The purpose of the fund is to honor the teaching legacy of Jeff Leonard and the opportunities he has created for those studying jazz in the Lexington Public School system. The award will recognize and honor a graduating senior at Lexington High School who has demonstrated strong jazz and interpersonal skills. SUGGESTED MOTION: To accept the terms of the Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award Fund, which will be managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: ]0/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� ��,➢�u�ey 1L�;cru�rr4�.n�xre Pv��u�i�;iiaru��n✓ar�Q�1F��u;�i U'eu��u�u 1�a�A�}�iV��b�u��c�Z September 26, 2022 Mr. Alan Fields, Chair Trustees of Public Trusts Town of Lexington Lexington, MA 02420 Subject: The Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award This letter is to set forth the terms on which the Trustees of Public Trusts hold the Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award Fund. The purpose of this fund is to honor Jeff's legacy of teaching excellence, and particularly his leadership in overseeing the creation of outstanding academic and performance opportunities for those studying jazz in the Lexington Public School system. This award will recognize and honor a graduating senior at Lexington High School, who, like Jeff, has demonstrated strong jazz and interpersonal skills. 1. The Trustees will hold and invest the fund as part of the Endowment Fund administered by and for the benefit of the Town of Lexington. 2. Each year the Trustees will transfer a fixed amount of$1000 to Lexington High School, if the Trustees deem it appropriate. 3. By signing this letter, we acknowledge that contributions to the Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award fund are irrevocable and any changes to the terms of the fund must be approved by The Trustees of Public Trusts and/or the Select Board or their successors. 4. Each year Lexington High School shall award one award to be known as The Jeffrey Leonard Jazz Musician Award. To be eligible, the recipient must meet the following criteria: 1, Be a graduating senior at Lexington High School who has participated in jazz study and performance at LHS for at least two years. 2. Be well respected as a musician and as an individual by their LHS faculty and peers. 3. Be determined to continue theirjazz studies at an accredited 4-year college or university. 4. This award may be used for books, tuition, room/Board and fees 5. The K-12 PerForming Arts Coordinator for the Lexington Public Schools will present the award at an appropriate venue. It is our strong desire that the LHS jazz faculty participate in this presentation, and that Jeff Leonard, and Stephen and Gail Leichtman (or our children shall we not be able) will be invited to attend. Sincerely, Stephen E Leichtman Gail P Leichtman AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Appointment & Reappointments ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C.4 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Annointment• Zoning Board ofAppeals . The Select Board is being asked to appoint Jim Osten to the Zoning Board ofAppeals as a full member for a five-year term set to expire on September 30, 2027. Mr. Osten has been as associate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for the past nine years. He would be filling the seat left vacant by a member who met their term limit as of Septeinber 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up- to-date. Rea�ointments: Economic DevelopmentAdvisory Comrnittee • The Select Board is being asked to reappoint Lisa Murray to the Economic Development Advisory Committee, whose three-year term expired on September 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. Lexington Center Committee . The Select Board is being asked to reappoint Jeffrey Lyon to the Lexington Center Committee, whose three-year term expired on September 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to- date. Sustainable Lexington Comrnittee . The Select Board is being asked to reappoint Paul Chernick to the Sustainable Lexington Committee, whose three-year term expired on September 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. Tourzsm Committee . The Select Board is being asked to reappoint Kerry Brandin to the Tourism Committee, whose one-year tenn expired on September 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. Trustee of Public Ti�usts • The Select Board is being asked to reappoint Alan Fields to the Trustees of Public Trusts, whose siY- year term expired on September 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. SUGGESTED MOTION: To appoint Jim Osten as a full member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five-year term set to expue on September 30, 2027. To reappoint Lisa Murray to the Economic Development Advisory Committee for a three-year term set to expire on September 30, 2025. To reappoint 7effrey Lyon to the Lexington Center Committee for a three-year tenn set to expire on September 30, 2025. To reappoint Paul Chernick to the Sustainable Lexington Committee for a three-year term set to expire on September 30, 2025. To reappoint Kerry Brandin to the Tourism Committee for a one-year term set to expire on September 30, 2023. To reappoint Alan Fields to the Trustees of Public Trusts for a six-year term set to expire on September 30, 2028. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� i?!'l7le�nim� ���a�:ir�v�u`lblplp���05/1p�sp�a0ic�.�tiaao� :U.4�4�,iru I�.�Ik���Iv��4�,iri�nl APPLICATION FOR BOAItD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encauraged to also include a letter af interest or current resume along with their submisston of this applrcation. Baard/Comrnittee Name(one application per Committee): �G� � � �t ��J� � Q'� � ,!� �,.,,J Would you like yaur applicatian kept on file for up to one year? Yes: )( No: Full Name: � � M�-�, 1� � � �'�� ��j�� {'� Nickname: �� � Preferred Title: Horne Address: � ��`' v�r�.. � City: ��X 1 Z `� Zip: �-1 �� 120 ��� r� Length of Residence in Lexingtan(note:ZBA requirement is a minimum of 8 years): ,J� � ,.�^.�../�{' Occupation: Y'� `f" ! Y��G� Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: !-r5� a��� ��. -�j )r � ' �' � � � ��_� ` l � � .�..�b�R � � � What is your interest in this Committee? How did you hear about the Committee? Have you recently attended any meetings of the Cornmittee? Yes: 7C No: Have yau confirmed your availability to attend the Cornnmittee's meetings? Yes: �_No: (For questions regarding the meeting schedule,please cantact the Board/Committee via the Toum website.) Da you currently serve on another Board/Cammittee? Yes: ,�_ No: Email:setectboard lexin tonma. ov or mana er iewn tonma. ov If Yes,please list Board/Cornmittee Name(s): i/����� t�,.}� �' �G�,��(� '�-^�'�� If Yes,pl list date af mast recent Canflict of Interest Law Training*: �G� �,��.-� Signature: �--_ Date: � ����— �r�, *If cu ntly s rving on another Board/Committee,please attach a copy af your State Conflict of Interest Law nlin raining Certificate, which can be obtained from the Town Clerk's Offic� Email:selectboardCa7lexinqtonma.aov or manaaer@Iezinqto�ma.gov 10l9/2020 ���� �� ����,-� r , ' � Certi f icate of ¢ ���� ��� � ���a� . Co letion � � Canflict o terest Law Jarnes Osten Associate, Board Member Board of Appeals, Water and Sewer Abatement Board Town of Lexington hns completed #he Conf lict of ��`'���,�.`�'`'�rr Interest l.aw � � ' onlir� traini prograrrr on � " 1 U/9/�020 J�s���1 ��`���0 ; �'h�� 1° ", �Af '� II ����Y c M� � � i � �� ., .K'x o� ru r r v��`�' www.muniprog.eth.state.ma.us/a001_popups_and_me�us certificate certificate.html 1/� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Battle Green Use Request - Le�ngton Minute Men Cl�ange of Coinmand Ceremony ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C.5 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Lexington Minute Men, Inc. have requested permission to use the middle of the Battle Green on the Harrington Road side by the flagpole on Sunday, October 23, 2022 from 1:OOpm to 4:30pm for the purpose of theu 2022 Change of Coininand Ceremony as follows: . 1:OOpm S etup . 3:00-4:OOpm Ceremony . 4:00-4:30pm Cleanup There will be two tables, two 12x12 tents for shade and a dozen chairs. There will be one cannon of artillery that will fire 6-12 rounds during the ceremony. The Police Department, Deparhnent of Public Works, and the Fire Department have no objections to this request. The Police Department directed the applicant to work with the Traffic Bureau to secure parking spot reservations within the area of the Battle Green. The Fire Departlnent will be issuing a permit for the cannon. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the request from Lexington Minute Men, Inc. to use the middle of the Battle Green on the Harrington Road side by the flagpole on Sunday, October 23, 2022 from 1:OOpm to 4:30pm for the purpose of their 2022 Change of Command Ceremony. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �l,c^arfn�ta°IIB,iiV.Vcfia<°<rud2can,ui.V,.��narats V§���;�;�u�;P+/�an1e°niEn( �3C➢������+`5�:�.,1��:'"C"1���,�' �2ff�'.Cg1.JI,r�'�"ICDCd 116S��; �)F" %�IC�" /�f&i""!/,�; ��ftI;�1V I��t� �.�����>v��� 1�3� ��C)`�: Sa�;;r��tr.��4���`(."�a���: �I�ov��l���r 1�, ��1� �`c�� � cr� �,�� '�f"h��c�q��w���� �r��aq�;� �n� ����7��tuc>�a�� k��v�Y����a� ��c���i:�� a��� ��.�;c>�d��ra�;�wai:h th� �:"����c��'th�.[�"c>w�r� c7�'C��;x�zro�;t�r�, ��`�����t�� 9{�f)-lC�, �� �1���a�c����. ���y c�t}7�;�•w�5�; ➢���� �ct�v�t��s r���>t�;x���n�nt�y �7�-c��7��sA1�� l�y 1:17��c �-��;n������c7���, ���c�����9i��;i�7� �";°z�1;����-A��; c��`�;a-c,��� arc 1h�, E���tt�� �:���,�t� £c�»-�h� �c>q��5���4pc�s�; c��`�x��➢c��-ara� bt� ha�;1;c��-y �r�c�wh�cl7 c.1c� ��c>t ������a� �`c>�-��c��-� th�� �`c�c��-hc��:��-��;, �s�� a��c��v�cl. ��'tl�i��� ���;����9�c�r��, c����rc��`1,�c�r��� 1;11�r��c��', cc����`fl�c;9 �v�t➢.� t�7� (:;c���, t➢.�c C`c��� s17���➢ t�➢c�; ������;�����z���. �. 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AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Adjustments ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jill Hai, Select Board Chair C.6 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Select Board is being asked to approve the attached Water& SewerAdjustments as recommended by the Water and SewerAbatement Board (WSAB)on September 9, 2022 for interest only at 3 Idylwilde Road. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the attached Water& Sewer Adjustments as recommended by W SAB on September 9, 2022. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Treasurer/Collector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� �dd��ra;st a�rbVy�Il�ig��o��ulls94°�]E��B �crr4rr Co��a�a L� ��I";�'01�n"E".V�zntG°u��xnt 1[unac,rc°w�-&�u,Vy Vc;�t�n�...,Vaflyl�+ill�c;II,"s�a�.� ]�zu;��u�s 11��z�a;n�i�l h, FY 2023 � "17s ADJWSTMENTS Td WATER/5EWER ��� ��� AS RECOMMENQED BY THE WATER ANa SEWER A6ATEMENT BOARD ; ,�vau,r r W5A8 SEPTEMBER 9,2022 5E�ECT gdARO 10/3/22 �.. . r � • 0300875400 3 IDY�WILOE RpAD NA NA NA 1043490 2p22 INTF.REST pNLY_ f • S • 5 - It is the recarnmendation af the Woter and Sewer Abatement Board that the 7own Cqllector be authorized to waive interest that has accruad orr the biVls included herein,unless sTated here atherwise�,from the due date of the bill until 3�1 calendar days after the date af wrinen notification to applicant of the Selectmen"s action. WATER SEWER TOTAt $ - � - $ - �,,„� µ� _.,.�._.�.. ,�i`'�7,��- �..�i 61RECTC7R C7F PU6LIC WC7RKS SELECT BOARD 10/3/22 Town of Lexington Department of Public Works �5 M�pN' Wate�/Sewe�Division o��° ��75 "� Samue/Had/ey Pub/ic Se�vices Bui/ding Q�a ;�� r So w 3 201 BedFo�d St�eet i m z � Lexington, MA 02420 3 ` �'� APRIl19"' �FXINGtn� September 9, 2022 LIN &YAN WANG 3 IDYLWILDE ROAD LEXINGTON, MA 02421 RE: Location: 3 IDYLWILDE ROAD Acct #: � Bill #: 1 L L LL L Dear Customer, A request for an abatement was presented to the Town of Lexington Water and Sewer Abatement Board (WSAB) on September 9, 2022. The WSAB will recommend to the Select Board that the abatement below be made to your account: Abatement: INTEREST ONLY � LI�I , l" l" LI� 1"I 5 �T lJ IT°T°E I7' I � Y F ILL I��IJA CE A7" If you disagree with the Board's recommendation, you may exercise your right to appear before the Abatement Board at its next meeting to appeal its recommendation. You have already exercised your right to dispute this decision to the WSAB. Should you wish to contest this decision further with the Select Board, you must contact them on your own accord. After the 14 days and upon approval by the Select Board at their subsequent meeting, you will be notified of its action. At that time, an adjustment in the amount of the abatement shown above will be applied to your account. Any penalty interest that may have accrued on the bill in question will be waived and you will be given 30 days to pay any balance due. If you would like more information regarding the basis upon which the Water and Sewer Abatement Board's recommendation was made, please contact me at 781-274-8370 or via email at vwalsh@lexingtonma.gov. Please be advised my office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7:OOAM to 3:30PM - email is the preferred form of contact. Sincerely yours, V�c�-vri� W�lsl� Utility Billing & Meter Operations Manager Water/Sewer Enterprise vwalsh@lexingtonma.gov 781-274-8370 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing and Discussion- Fiscal Year 2023 Water and Sewer Rates PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Carolyn Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager for Finance L 1 SUMMARY: Category:Informing Staff will present FY2023 proposed water and sewer rates and supporting information on the Water and Wastewater Enterprise funds. The Select Board and staff will also receive public commerns on recommended water and sewer rates for F Y2023. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 6:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ ��axac°c aanb��",c;v»c^c�;�:�tc<'zfll4;aullEndnarn�IV��:nrcmF �;ar�rr i`�'iia��rcm� L� ��Ia7.�e;r�rr�a�w�a�,e���r�2�td;�'ir��s��rrib�v'r�k�� l�rc�>enuitabn�rr� ..oa�rvnoqki,y.... c ,.�, �...,�. � � �S 3~` �y�g m w � ; �Fx,ty<�"r�-' Town of Lexington . Memoranda To: James Malloy, Town Manager From: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance Date: September 30, 2022 Subject: Proposed FY2023 Water and Wastewater Rates The attached packet contains information in support of the proposed FY2023 water and wastewater rates. The following reports are included for your reference: a. FY2022 Operating Results for the water and wastewater operations b. Water consumption history and chart for FY2016 to FY2022, and estimates of FY2023 usage used for calculating proposed FY2023 water and wastewater rates c. Water consumption graphs provided by MWRA- MWRA system wide CY2020 - CY2022; and Lexington CY2020 - CY2022 d. Water and wastewater expenditure history including amendments to the FY2023 budgets proposed for the 2022 Fall Special Town Meeting-3 to serve as the basis for proposed FY2023 rates e. Proposed FY2023 water and wastewater rates f. A history of water purchased from the MWRA, by month, from 2000 through August, 2022 g. A presentation of the combined impact of FY2023 water and wastewater rates at various levels of annual usage h. Community comparison of water and sewer charges and assessments from MWRAAdvisory Board's 2021 Annual Water and Wastewater Retail Rate Survey FY2022 Water and Wastewater Enterprise Operating Results The Water Enterprise ended FY2022 with an operating loss of approximately $(979,000). This loss was due to a shortfall in estimated water revenues of approximately $(1,238,000), partly offset by a turn-back of$259,000 in expenditures. The Water Enterprise Retained Earnings balance as of June 20, 2022 was sufficient to cover the FY2022 operating loss. The shortfall in FY2022 Water revenue was largely due to user charges coming in under estimates, particularly a dramatic drop-off in usage at Hanscom Air Force Base (AFB) for the second year in a row. Usage at the Base was estimated to be 207,000 HCF in FY2022, but came in at 69,641 HCF - a shortfall of 137,359 HCF or approximately ($975,000). FY2022 usage at Hanscom AFB was down 68% compared to the average of the preceding 5-years, including FY2021 which was the height of the pandemic. Staff are working to understand if this decrease in water consumption is related to long-term operational changes at the Base resulting from the pandemic, if our existing meters are not correctly registering usage, or a combination of these two issues. Town 1 Management has been in contact with the Base to discuss this change and better understand what should be expected going forward. In addition, the total tiered usage came in $(228,000) under estimates, and irrigation was $(372,000) under estimates. These revenue shortfalls were partly offset by usage from the Town of Bedford which exceeded estimates by approximately $299,000, and strong collections of non-rate revenue. Water Enterprise expenses were under budget in several areas including compensation, contractual services, supplies and debt service. Detailed operating results for FY2022 can be found on page 8. A review of FY2022 billed water use versus budgeted estimates (page 10) shows a shortfall in most categories, as well as overall lower usage compared to prior years. Domestic usage across tiers 1, 2 and 3 came in (34,726) HCF under projections, resulting in the deficit of approximately $(228,000) noted above. Overall, FY2022 water consumption across the three primary tiers was Lexington's lowest recorded usage in the last 15 years. FY2022 results continue to reflect a downward trend in domestic consumption that began in FY2018 (with the exception of FY2021 which reflected a change in behaviors related to the pandemic.) The Sewer Enterprise ended FY2022 with an operating income of$482,440, which reflects a $98,358 revenue surplus and turn-back of$384,082 in expenditures. As with the Water Enterprise, Wastewater usage was down across all three tiers, but the shortfall in tiered rates was offset by collections of liens and other non-rate revenue. Expenses were favorable in compensation, debt service, contractual services and supplies. FY2023 Water and Wastewater Enterprise Fund Budgets On a combined basis, Lexington's water and wastewater budgets are increasing 2.6% from FY2022 to FY2023. Detailed budgets for the enterprise funds are on pages 13 and 14. „ ii ii iiiii iil iiiii iil iiiiiii i�i i ii i„� ':. ,� m Im : ^, FY2022 FY2023 Budget Budget* $ Change % Change Water Enterprise $ 12,624,466 $ 12,707,237 $ 82,771 0.7% Wastewater Enterprise $ 11,203,270 $ 11,731,877 $ 528,607 4.7% Combined Enterprise Budgets $ 23,827,736 $ 24,439,114 $ 611,378 2.6% �Reflects proposed wastewater budget adjustments at 2022 Fall STM for final MWRA assessment. The FY2023 Water Enterprise budget is $12,707,237 inclusive of indirect costs, which represents a $82,771 increase, or 0.7%, from the final FY2022 budget. The Town's FY2023 MWRA assessment is decreasing by $(250,445) or (2.9)% compared to FY2022. This decrease is being offset by the addition of$200,000 in cash capital into 2 the operating budget, an increase in indirect expenses, and a modest increase in debt service (page 13). The FY2023 Wastewater Enterprise budget is $11,731,877 inclusive of indirect costs, which represents a $528,607 increase, or 4.7%, over the final FY2022 budget. This increase is attributable to a $255,579, or 3.1% increase in the MWRA assessment compared to the FY2022 budget, the addition of$100,000 in cash capital, and a $130,904 increase in debt service (page 14). The largest expense in both the water and wastewater budgets is our annual assessment from the MWRA, which represents 66.8% and 71.9% of the total budgets, respectively. Several factors impact the Town's assessments from year-to-year, and they are largely driven by changes in the MWRA's annual budget. Our water assessment will also fluctuate based on Lexington's consumption of water during the previous calendar year, and our Town's percent share of consumption in relation to the total MWRA system. Our share of the overall MWRA system consistently increased from calendar years 2018-2020 which added to our assessment for the past three fiscal years. This trend reversed in calendar year 2021, which resulted in a lower FY2023 assessment. For wastewater, our assessment will fluctuate bases on our Town's average sewer flows from the past three calendar years and our Town's wastewater contamination levels. Proposed FY2023 Water and Wastewater Rates Preliminary water and wastewater rates are proposed to increase 6.5%, on a combined basis. This average increase reflects an 6.8°/o increase in water rates and a 6.4% increase in wastewater rates. The proposed rate calculations are based on budgeted expenses and estimated water and wastewater consumption for fiscal year 2023. Detailed rate calculations are on pages 15 and 16. �� �� � � � . Proposed Proposed FY22 FY23 Residential/ FY22 Water FY23 Water Wastewater Wastewater Commercial/Industrial Rates Rates %Change Rates Rates %Change Tier 1 $4.75 $5.07 6.7% $8.77 $9.33 6.4% Tier 2 $7.12 $7.60 6.7% $14.32 $15.24 6.4% Tier 3 $9.40 $10.04 6.8% $22.77 $24.23 6.4% Irrigation $9.40 $10.04 6.8% NA NA NA Municipal $3.27 $3.46 5.8% $3.68 $3.68 0.0% Hanscom/Lincoln Labs $7.00 $7.48 6.9% NA NA NA VA Hospital $8.37 $8.94 6.8% NA NA NA Bedford $3.30 $3.49 5.8% NA NA NA Flat Sewer Rate(annual) NA NA NA $401.38 $427.01 6.4% *" Rounding on °/o change may differ slightly compared to pages 15 & 16 due to rates being rounded to the whole penny. 3 The proposed 6.8°/o increase in water rates is attributable to the 0.7°/o increase in the FY2023 water budget and a decrease in projected usage across several categories including Hanscom AFB and the 3 tiered rates. Hanscom's assumed usage in this scenario is assumed to be approximately 50°/o of pre-pandemic levels, however this assumption many need to be modified depending on operations at the Base. Irrigation for FY2023 is level compared to the prior year's budget and is expected to meet or exceed projections due to the drought conditions experienced in the summer of 2022. The proposed 6.4% increase in wastewater rates is attributable to the 4.7% increase in the FY2022 wastewater budget and an overall (1.5)% decrease in projected wastewater production for the coming year. The estimated consumption used to build the preliminary FY2023 rates is shown on page 10, which reflects a decrease increase in the overall projected usage for the both the water and wastewater funds when compared to the prior year estimated amounts. � � m :.� � o :. P � ' :. :. � � � � �m :. n s � � � �, Estimates for Estimates for FY2022 Rates FY2023 Rates $ Change % Change Total Water Consumption 2,215,000 2,121,000 $ (94,000) -4.2% Total Sewer Consumption 938,000 924,000 $ (14,000) -1.5% Staff estimated consumption from review and analysis of the data shown on pages 10 and 17, including 5 and 10 year averages of the Town's usage by category. These estimates were further adjusted for the actual trend experienced from FY2018 through FY2022 which may be reflective of future consumption levels. Behavior changes that were seen in FY2021, likely as a result of the pandemic, are included in averages, however in making adjustments this year was discounted as pre-pandemic trends seem to have continued in FY2022. Total water purchased from the MRWA increased significantly in July and August 2022 which may be attributed to excess lawn irrigation during the summer's drought conditions. Water trends can vary depending on weather, and in an effort to show wet year versus dry year variations, the history of water purchased from the MWRA by month and fiscal year from 2000 to 2022 is presented on page 17. Wholesale Water and Sewer Rates Bedford's contractual rate and the rate charged to municipal operations is based on Lexington's wholesale water rate. The wholesale rate for any given year is calculated by dividing the Town's current MWRA assessment by our total consumption from the previous calendar year (the FY2023 MWRA assessment is a function of the Town's calendar year 2021 purchases of water from the MWRA). Lexington's MRWA assessment decreased by (2.9)% year-over-year, and our water purchased from MWRA in calendar year 2021 decreased by 8.2%. The decrease in our usage was greater than 4 the decrease in our assessment, resulting in an increase of 5.8°/o in the wholesale cost of water (lower consumption results in a higher cost per unit of water). Staff is recommending that our municipal wastewater rate remain flat for FY2023 as the calculated wholesale rate remains lower than the 2019 rate we have carried forward for the past two fiscal years. The wholesale sewer rate is calculated by dividing the Town's current MWRA sewer assessment by an average of the past three calendar years of sewer flows (the FY2023 assessment is a function of the Town's calendar years 2019-2021 sewer flows to the MWRA). Historical Rate Increases: Cost Impact on Household of Average Consumption For the period FY2009 to FY2023, the table below depicts the cost impact of annual changes in water and wastewater rates on a household consuming 120 hundred cubic feet (HCF) annually, which is the MWRA's determination of average household usage throughout its system. As noted above, the FY2023 proposed rates would increase the annual combined cost of water and sewer for an average household by 6.5% or approximately $126.40 per year. ����������n����� ������������ �������� �� �������������m m,. � � :. � � � � :.,. $ Change from % Change from Water Sewer Total Prior Year Prior Year FY2023 $709.60 $1,356.00 $2,065.60 $126.40 6.5% FY2022 $664.80 $1,274.40 $1,939.20 $112.00 6.1% FY2021 $615.60 $1,211.60 $1,827.20 $69.60 4.0% FY2020 $573.60 $1,184.00 $1,757.60 $120.00 7.3% FY2019 $554.00 $1,083.60 $1,637.60 $96.40 6.3% FY2018 $544.40 $996.80 $1,541.20 $20.80 1.4% FY2017 $526.40 $994.00 $1,520.40 $40.77 2.8% FY2016 $501.96 $977.67 $1,479.63 $(28.37) -1.9% FY2015 $483.20 $1,024.80 $1,508.00 $27.20 1.8% FY2014 $463.60 $1,017.20 $1,480.80 $24.00 1.6% FY2013 $448.00 $1,008.80 $1,456.80 $49.48 3.5% FY2012 $436.79 $970.52 $1,407.32 $157.28 12.6% FY2011 $411.60 $838.44 $1,250.04 $9.64 0.8% FY2010 $407.60 $832.80 $1,240.40 $(48.80) -3.8% FY2009 $415.60 $873.60 $1,289.20 Average Annual Change: FY2009 to FY2022 3.2% Recent staff analysis on actual meter data indicates that the average consumption for a single family household in Lexington is approximately 70 HCF/year, significantly lower than the 120 HCF/year as defined by the MWRA. Based on consumption of 70 HCF/ year, proposed FY2023 rates would increase the annual combined cost of water and sewer by $61.60 per year. 5 I��p�u ,��''�, �f�lfJf�;�rJfr�J�'111ff�11(JID(�1N1Jl11�l�l/////I(I�«I1��J1111UII111111!!!�l((I(((�ffff0�JJ�»�111111�/JI1J1�j»1tr(���u ,..w °//�,/, , /��///,l/%�����(((I(�JIIJ!!11�i�rrrr�ii« ��� s�r�prrrrr�»�„ + ����«n����l��dh���������������l�llflll���iff���il��������lfdi�lllll����i���������h��������llfffflfll�����i�l(6�III����IIIh'h°-/���o�����II�Jh�����iil��lllllll��lffh������ii������o�����o�������h�ll��°��iih�������iff������ll��(h�l�°';������f�������NY��iIIm����fflVill�ll��lllfo�'��ii�����f�((( II $ Change % Change from Prior from Prior Water Sewer Total Year Year FY2023 $ 354.90 $ 653.10 $ 1,008.00 $61.60 6.5% FY2022 $ 332.50 $ 613.90 $ 946.40 $54.60 6.1% FY2021 $ 308.00 $ 583.80 $ 891.80 $34.30 4.0% FY2020 $ 287.00 $ 570.50 $ 857.50 The impact of the proposed FY2023 rates on a low (50 HCF), average (120 HCF) and high user (240 HCF) is shown on page 18. Also shown is the impact on an average single family home in Lexington and a hypothetical commercial user of 1000 HCF per year. Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings History The retained earnings history of both the Water and Wastewater Enterprise funds as of June 30th are in the table below. The retained earnings balance will fluctuate from year- to-year and will increase by surplus revenue collected and unexpended appropriations. It will decrease due to annual operating losses, appropriations for capital improvements or to mitigate rate increases. i�i iiimu" i im iiiiiiii i �� � , Projected Certified as of Certified as of Certified as of Retained Earnings 6/30/2019 6/30/2020 6/30/2021 as of 6/30/2022 Water Enterprise $ 1,346,448 $ 1,737,914 $ 3,537,851 $ 769,999 Wastewater Enterprise $ 995,546 $ 1,297,665 $ 2,565,157 $ 1,807,854 Water retained earnings as of June 30, 2021 was $3,537,851 and is projected to be approximately $770,000 as of June 30, 2022. The year-over year decrease reflects $1,820,000 in cash capital appropriations in the FY2023 budget as well as the FY2022 operating loss noted in the Operating Results section above. Wastewater retained earnings as of June 30, 2021 was $2,565,157, and is projected to be approximately $1,808,000 as of June 30, 2022. The decrease in wastewater retained earnings reflects $1,365,000 in cash capital appropriations in the FY2023 budget, partly offset by the FY2022 operating surplus as noted in the Operating Results section above. It has been the practice of the Town to maintain a balance in retained earnings for a variety of reasons including the funding of unanticipated emergency spending; to cover potential revenue shortfalls; and, to serve as a source of working capital so that General Fund cash does not have to be used for water and wastewater fund operations. It is 6 proposed that this practice continue and any amounts in excess retained earnings be applied to finance capital projects. Community Comparisons Finally, included is a comparison of Lexington's proposed rates with those of the other MWRA member communities based on the MWRAAdvisory Board's Annual Water and Wastewater Retail Rate Survey for 2021 (pages 19 and 20) and a comparison of assessments for all member communities that purchase water and wastewater services from the MWRA(page 20). 7 Water Enterprise Operating Results - FY2022 Favorable/ Revenues FY2022 Budget FY2022 Actuals (Unfavorable) User Charges $ 12,316,466 $ 10,892,419 $ (1,424,047) Non-Rate Revenue $ - Penalties&Interest Late Charges $ 35,000 $ 74,465 $ 39,465 Tax Liens/Titles Redeemed ' $ 9,148 2021 &Prior Water Liens ', $ 59,608 2022 Water Lien ' $ 182,260 Total Tax Titles/Water Liens $ 165,000 $ 251,016 $ 86,016 New Meter Charge $ 35,000 $ 84,872 $ 49,872 Misc. Dept Revenue $ 15,000 $ 26,161 $ 11,161 Backflow Testing $ 50,000 $ 46,553 $ (3,447) Interest Earned $ 8,000 $ 11,196 $ 3,196 Sub-total Non-rate Revenue $ 308,000 $ 494,264 $ 186,264 Retained Earnings $ - $ - $ - Water Enterprise Total Revenues $ 12,624,466 $ 11,386,683 $ (1,237,783) Expenses-Direct Costs Compensation $ 865,454 $ 823,447 $ 42,007 Expenses: Contractual Services $ 269,800 $ 248,643 $ 21,157 Utilities $ 17,000 $ 21,545 $ (4,545) Supplies $ 202,500 $ 109,252 $ 93,248 Small Equipment $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 Cash Capital $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ - Debt $ 1,179,794 $ 1,097,696 $ 82,098 MWRA $ 8,743,912 $ 8,743,912 $ - OPEB $ 2,761 $ 2,761 $ - Total Direct Costs $ 11,706,221 $ 11,447,256 $ 258,965 Indirect Costs Equipment Maintenance and Depreciation $ 36,369 $ 36,369 $ - Auto Insurance $ 6,114 $ 6,114 $ - Indirect Departmental Expenses $ 296,339 $ 296,339 $ - Workers'Compensation $ 18,038 $ 18,038 $ - Employee Benefits $ 208,331 $ 208,331 $ - Retirement Costs $ 174,971 $ 174,971 $ - Indirect Town Expenses $ 173,468 $ 173,468 $ - Generallnsurance $ 4,615 $ 4,615 $ - Total Indirect Costs $ 918,245 $ 918,245 $ - Water Enterprise Total Expenses $ 12,624,466 $ 12,365,501 $ 258,965 FY2022 Surplus/(Deficit) $ - $ (978,818) $ (978,818) $ Wastewater Enterprise Operating Results - FY2022 FY2022 FY2022 Favorable/ Revenues Revised Budget Actuals (Unfavorable) User Charges $ 10,841,270 $ 10,831,707 $ (9,563) Non-Rate Revenue Penalties&Interest $ 60,000 $ 114,595 $ 54,595 Tax Liens/Titles Redeemed ' $ 18,306 2021 & Prior Sewer Liens ' $ 117,140 2022 Sewer Lien ' $ 198,037 Total Tax Titles/Sewer Liens $ 282,000 $ 333,483 $ 51,483 Previous Connection Charges $ 0 $ 1,824 $ 1,824 Misc. Dept Revenue $ 12,000 $ 14,193 $ 2,193 Interest Earned $ 8,000 $ 5,827 $ (2,173) sub-total Non-Rate Revenue $ 362,000 $ 469,921 $ 107,921 Retained Earnings $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 WastewaterEnterpriseTotalRevenues $ 11,203,270 $ 11,301,628 $ 98,358 Expenses-Direct Costs Compensation $ 389,779 $ 279,417 $ 110,362 Expenses: Contractual Services $ 207,400 $ 119,436 $ 87,964 Supplies $ 103,250 $ 28,811 $ 74,439 Utilities $ 130,000 $ 145,003 $ (15,003) Small Equipment $ 14,000 $ 0 $ 14,000 Cash Capital $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 0 Debt $ 1,464,513 $ 1,352,192 $ 112,321 MWRA $ 8,177,213 $ 8,177,213 $ 0 OPEB $ 3,004 $ 3,004 $ 0 Total Direct Costs $ 10,689,159 $ 10,305,077 $ 384,082 Expenses-Indirect Costs Equipment Maintenance and Depreciation $ 27,231 $ 27,231 $ 0 Auto Insurance $ 4,058 $ 4,058 $ 0 Indirect Departmental Expenses $ 243,416 $ 243,416 $ 0 Workers'Compensation $ 6,388 $ 6,388 $ 0 Employee Benefits $ 36,297 $ 36,297 $ 0 Retirement Costs $ 51,756 $ 51,756 $ 0 Indirect Town Expenses $ 134,714 $ 134,714 $ 0 Generallnsurance $ 10,251 $ 10,251 $ 0 Total Indirect Costs $ 514,111 $ 514,111 $ 0 WastewaterEnterpriseTotalExpenses $ 11,203,270 $ 10,819,188 $ 384,082 FY2022 Surplus/(Deficit) $ - $ 482,440 $ 482,440 9 � N a �>Nd a a o 0 0 o a � o 0 0 0 o a o l6 c7 N � u� c7 c0 c0 � O � � N V V in � l�i V m V�LL � ..� � ..� ..r ..r I � N V � ..� � ..� ..� I ..� � � o LL m ..r N � NM lE O Q O O � O O Q O p O � O O � O p N C �1 O O O O O O p O O O O p m �LL•£�; o a o 0 0 0 o a o I o 0 0 0 0 0 � m o 0o uS o o � T c-i co v v � l! � �� � � � � N M � o o N � � � � o � M �F L a liS � � � N � � � � � O � r N � � M N � N d i M � 00 00 � (O (O � � � CO � CO N � O � W W �Q � � � � pj M � f� � N � � � � p � 00 N M i d M 6� ln r o o� N � ln p�p I� N I� � � � 4j 1C GI c.0 CO f� O V V � �y N � t0 <O �y } R I� CO � � � N M � � � h � CO 00 � 01 � O � (�O O O � lf) O � M N M � � O tND N � N �Q (O N O) M M I� N N N (D � N � 01 M N yN O O O O O O p O O O O p } � O � O O � O O O O p O � O O � O O Q �LL y, O 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Ef-J Ef-} Et} Ef} E!> E!-} E!3 Ef-} E!J Et} 64 b4 ER y � N O O C4 I I M I Cfl O� M O f� C� f� r M (+') � •L "8 6� N OD �!7 CO O M M OD M O f� OD CO t0 � � N� c+� O 6> M Cfl � 6> CO � f� � M a0 � Cfl O � Q N � � � �f> O � (D CO CO lf) O f� 00 � � � C'7 N r 6� � N � Cfl � N � � _ � � U N � CO N � LC) N W '8 LL Q CO a0 O> L � ffl 4fl Efl b4 EA Efl Ef3 Efl Efl Ef} Ef3 Efl ffl Efl Ef} Efl Ef3 ffl ER i��+ ++ y N � � I� M �f) Cfl � � CO � � O O o0 � � ('� � 3 p� � � 00 N M N � d� O 00 O M CO � N M � f� � M M � cfl o 00 � � a� o o co � � � � c� c� c� rn ao � 3 O � � � N O� M CO 00 � 00 f� ti O f� � M � � 6� 00 � � Op f� r Cp M N C� M � � 00 M f� CO O (�/� m �() Cfl � � � � CO M � � � 00 � (a LL Q � f� 6� O � r f� ffJ E!-} E!T Ef? E�? f!T f!? f!? ff-} Ef-J E�} f� f!T ff3 E!? 64 b4 Eh � O� f� � CO CO I f� f� Cfl � CO � � O I� O ti � � � L1') N I� 6� ti O O 6) Lf') � N f0 O r LfJ N � O r CO 6� a0 O� � 00 ln � Ln N I� � N �— _ _ p � � V M � (D � CO �A O I� � Cfl I� � � M f� M M f� � I� M ti ti 00 � O r 00 N 6� f� � �U C9 � � M M I� M � � � a0 � LL Q � I� � O T f{� f�} ft} f�} f'�} f� f'/� f'�} ft} f'� f�} ff} f'/� ff} f'�} ft} f{� f{� �} � � � U � � y � — cn 'C U � � � � N � � � Q .� � � � � � � Q � � � N � � '� X �' V) � � N V� � a C � (/) � � U N � U � � � � w � U W y +.y+ � (p ��' � C C Q p m U � � U L C � � � U O L � y U � C O C � +' Q � (n (� � (n (6 V �•� (0 d � c � � � Q w � � m Q v � � �n � � �n � � U � � 3 �C c — � � � c � o � � � d W v fl- � � � Q � cn � w � �-� � � y� � � � +-'— a� � a o �— � E ca a� � � � '� n o Q � n . � � y+° o U w c> > cn cn c� o � o � � w o Q �w � w � � c� � �� � - � � -� FY23 FY22 FY21 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 FY16 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water Budget $12,107,237 $12,224,466 $11,522,329 $10,881,995 $10,749,241 $10,722,659 $10,766,291 $10,022,950 Capital/ $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 I nfrastructure Less: Estimated $�310,000) $(308,000) $(308,000) $(292,500) $(272,920) $(314,675) $(308,773) $(299,000) Non-Rate Revenue Less: Use of $_ � $— $— $(61,000) $(168,100) $(248,900) $(275,000) Retained Earnings Net Revenue to be Raised from Water $12,397,237 $12,316,466 $11,414,329 $10,589,495 $10,415,321 $10,239,884 $10,208,618 $9,448,950 Charges a b c d e f Estimated Tier Range Tier as%of Consumption 1 '� Tier (HCF) Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 70.2% 660,000 $ 4.75 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 9.6% 90,000 $ 7.12 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 20.2% 190,000 $ 9.40 Subtotal 940,000 Irrigation All @ Tier 3 Rate 370,000 $ 9.40 Municipal Flat Rate 30,000 $ 3.27 Hanscom/Lincoln Labs Flat Rate 207,000 $ 7.00 VA Hospital Flat Rate 8,000 $ 8.37 Bedford WaterAgreement Flat Rate 660,000 $ 3.30 Subtotal 1,275,000 Total 2,215,000 Estimated Tier as%of Consumption % Rate "�'• � 1 '• Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Revenue Increase Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 70.3% 650,000 $5.07 $3,295,500 . :'. Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 9.4% 87,000 $7.60 $ 661,200 . :'. Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 20.3% 188,000 $10.04 $1,887,520 . :', Subtotal 925,000 $5,844,220 Irrigation All @ Tier3 Rate 370,000 $10.04 $3,714,800 . :', Municipal Flat Rate 29,000 $3.46 $ 100,340 :'� Hanscom/Lincoln Labs Flat Rate 107,000 $7•4$ $ 800,360 . :'. VA Hospital Flat Rate 10,000 $8•94 $ 89,400 . :'. Bedford WaterAgreement Flat Rate 680,000 $3.49 $2,373,200 Subtotal 1,196,000 $7,078,100 Total 2,121,000 $12,922,320 Estimated Gross Water Charges $12,922,320 Collection Rate 96% Estimated Net Revenue $12,405,427 Revenue Target $12,397,237 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 8,190 15 � . . �. FY23 FY22 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 FY16 FY15 Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Wastewater Budget $11,431,877 $11,003,270 $10,453,931 $10,057,978 $9,682,514 $9,396,747 $9,151,553 $9,511,297 Investment in Capital/ $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 I nfrastructu re Estimated Non-Rate $�370,000) $(362,000) $(362,000) $(365,000) $(363,000) $(363,000) $(320,000) $(322,000) Revenue Use of Retained $_ � $_ $_ $_ $— $— $(50,000) Earnings Net Revenue to be Raised from $11,361,877 $10,841,270 $10,091,931 $9,692,978 $9,769,360 $9,033,747 $8,831,553 $9,139,297 Wastewater Char es a b c d e f Estimated Tier Range Tier as%of Consumption � � '� Tier (HCF) Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 67.3% 652,000 $ 8.77 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 2 41-80 10.3% 88,000 $ 14.32 Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 22.4% 188,000 $ 22.77 Municipal Flat Rate 10,000 $ 3.50 Total 938,000 Estimated Tier as % of Consumption % Rate "��• � 1 �� Subtotal (HCF) Rate/HCF Revenue Increase Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 1 0-40 70.4% 643,000 $9.33 $5,999,190 . �'. Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier2 41-80 9.3% 85,000 $15.24 $1,295,400 . �'. Residential/Commercial/Industrial Tier 3 80+ 20.4% 186,000 $24.23 $4,506,780 . �'. Municipal Flat Rate 10,000 $3.68 $ 36,800 Total 924,000 $11,838,170 Estimated Gross Wastewater Charges $11,838,170 Collection Rate 96% Estimated Net Revenue $11,364,643 Revenue Target $11,361,877 Surplus/(Deficit) $ 2,766 16 I� N 67 f� M d� O fh �!'i N � f� f� � O M � O � N � Q> M !� lC) I` � C'7 O� 6� � r � O � � 00 6� r � O M � CO f� � CO +��+ O f� O � M 00 N CO N Cfl � CO N CO � � � f� CO O � � � O O I� I� 00 I� I� I` c0 0� c0 00 c0 � 6� O� o� oJ rn rn c0 00 a0 a0 ~ N r r r r r r r r r r r N r r r r r r r T T T O f� N C`7 I� N CO � � � O � CO � Cfl N r 6� ti CO h O h � Lf� CO f� O� LS� M O LC) 6� f� � M � Lf) N � O N � O CO 00 6� � O 00 CO W W Cfl I� O M � 00 O 00 � N N � O r 3 � � � � N � � � r r � N N N � N � N N N r N N 7 � O N CO 6� tfl GO M N 6� CO � � � � � f� � CO CO �f� 1� CO � CO N CO a0 a0 6� O f� N I� c0 � � M CO o� 00 M � O� t�0 c��9 � fC � � M � � � � � � � � � � f� � � � f� CO I� � � � � � � � � � r � � � N � � � � � � � r T T N N � � r N � ti N M M 0� � 00 CO � LS� N O� f� M Lf) � � M M N � O) M � 6� � N O M I� M N O) � 00 C9 � M � � I� M N G� O Q M N N N � N M � r N � r Ln � � � N N N � N N r � Q r r � � � � � � r � r � � � � � � � � � � � � M O (�V f� f� O N � ch � 6> Cfl f� � � ('� � N � O O f� f� t0 O CO � i f� 00 00 c'� Lt� 6� CO � f� � f� O� CO CO CO O� (O O f� N � O � L fd M � � N r N N r N O N O N � r � N N N � N r N r � C T T T � � G � (� O � M C� 00 00 ('7 � M M I� � 00 00 � O� N r N CO N 00 Q1 (,� � � O f� � f� M a0 Cfl o� � 6� � N a0 M M � � M Cfl M 00 1� N y y � N O O O O � O O O O O N O O O O � r O � � � N .� LL r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r T T LL N � � � � co �n � o �n � rn cfl r� rn �n �n c+� � �n oo � � rn � ti �n � � � M CO CO N I� � � O f� (fl O M � � 00 CO (D O) 6) O � � M � � � Lf� N � N � � M N r O N N M � � M � N � N N N N = y� ' � � � � � � � � r r r � � � � � � � r � � � r � _ 0 � N 6� c0 O O 6) O � o� c0 (D � � � O 6� 6� � O O � � ti � �+ t� I� CO I� 6� ti Ln Ln Lf> � M Ln CO N ti CO t0 Cfl CO M O h Q1 � � N � N � N O O N � r O r � N � � � � M � � N � � Q r r r a � � � O � f� r C+� f� lf) 6) O � � 00 � O � N 6� � f� O M {(� � � O f� CO � d� N � CO N 6� 00 � LS� LC) 00 M � 67 � f� 00 � r nj A, p M � � � O O r O � O) � N N � � N � N N � � r N p W Z r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r T T T � � � � � � f� C�'� C�'� � O O N N CO N f� � 00 O� � M r N � M 00 � � r+ 6) O 00 M Ln � r N O) 6� ln M f� CO Ch � � CO � CO 1� LC� f� �r t1 Lf> � M � M � M N M N M CO f� Lf> Lf) CO � lf) I� � � Y� �A N � O � � � � � � r � r � � � � � � � � r � � � r r �O � =N � N � O 00 6� � Lf� f� ln Lf� Cp O CO Cfl C� � � � � 6� I� � Ln M r � Q, � � 00 CO � N N N � CO M LS� CO N O N CO u) � Q ti � ti y O� CO CO 6� Ln O tD I� 6) Ln I� O � N � � � O� r f� m 00 � Q1 � � N N N N N N � r T T r � � � � � � r � r � � � � � a � 00 O N � d) N CD M r � r CO C� f� 00 O� 6� 00 6) � I� � N M �.+ � Lf) 6) � � M Lf') ti 6� r C9 � Lf) � CO O M f� N M � � CO � O {�j � � Lf� I� oD N O N f9 aD M c0 Cri C'� M � ti N N Cri Lc� r N M � � a N � � N N N � � N � N N N N N N N N N N � N N N N CO � 67 6� M d� O �(7 f� � M � � O O OJ � N � M CO � � M L 6� N � � � CO O O � � CO f� 6) I� CY1 � CO M � � CO 00 00 �fl �O � N N 6� � O � 6� CO � M M N N M 00 6� � N N f� � N N N O ' N N � N N N r � N N N N N N N � N N N � N � =N � r r r N N N M � Ln CO I� 40 � O r N M � Ln CO I� O� � O r N M �� L �� �� O O O O O O O � r � � � � � � � � N N N N �LL � �LL � �LL O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LO � LN � if� N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N d0 � G1r d Glr � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Q� �Q� �}aQ� Combined Water/Wastewater Bill for Low, Average & High Users: Impact of Proposed Rate Changes � � FY2022 FY2023 Proposed Water $ 237.50 $ 253.50 Wastewater $ 438.50 $ 466.50 Combined $ 676.00 $ 720.00 $ Change from FY21 $ 44.00 °/o Change from FY21 6.5% � riaiir,'/'/aii�iaaiaa%i/a//%�%/r�%/////%//////O%/%/"%%%////%////�/%%/////%%fi/%////%%%fi/%�/%%/////O%//i/ � � '//';�� r,; i ;,,. / ,,;,, .a, � '� : „i� / FY2022 FY2023 Proposed Water $ 332.50 $ 354.90 Wastewater $ 613.90 $ 653.10 Combined $ 946.40 $ 1,008.00 $ Change from FY21 $ 61.60 % Change from FY21 6.5% � �n FY2022 FY2023 Proposed Water $ 664.80 $ 709.60 Wastewater $ 1,274.40 $ 1,356.00 Combined $ 1,939.20 $ 2,065.60 $ Change from FY21 $ 126.40 °/o Change from FY21 6.5% m � FY2022 FY2023 Proposed Water $ 1,701.60 $ 1,816.80 Wastewater $ 3,668.80 $ 3,904.00 Combined $ 5,370.40 $ 5,720.80 $ Change from FY21 $ 350.40 °/o Change from FY21 6.5% a � a FY2022 FY2023 Proposed Water $ 8,845.60 $ 9,447.20 Wastewater $ 20,974.00 $ 22,318.80 Combined $ 29,819.60 $ 31,766.00 $ Change from FY21 $ 1,946.40 °/o Change from FY21 6.5% 18 o�li m m i i u o ii u il�ll�l il�ll�l ihi i�i i u i lii�ii il�i�� m�i i i ollli i�re m � '"' m Community Water Sewer Combined Everett $ 291.60 $ 793.20 $ 1,084.80 Waltham $ 407.28 $ 715.32 $ 1,122.60 Malden $ 682.08 $ 797.76 $ 1,479.84 Boston $ 735.58 $ 1,010.01 $ 1,745.59 Chelsea $ 656.40 $ 1,136.40 $ 1,792.80 Brookline $ 667.04 $ 1,135.76 $ 1,802.80 Norwood $ 765.24 $ 1,041.12 $ 1,806.36 Watertown $ 618.00 $ 1,213.20 $ 1,831.20 Medford $ 860.40 $ 1,073.28 $ 1,933.68 Lexington $ 664.80 $ 1,274.40 $ 1,939.20 Revere $ 487.20 $ 1,470.00 $ 1,957.20 Arlington $ 939.92 $ 1,094.12 $ 2,034.04 Framingham $ 900.36 $ 1,134.72 $ 2,035.08 Quincy $ 866.40 $ 1,232.28 $ 2,098.68 Stoneham $ 834.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 2,154.00 Somerville $ 733.52 $ 1,500.12 $ 2,233.64 Melrose $ 931.60 $ 1,439.12 $ 2,370.72 Milton $ 894.48 $ 1,481.04 $ 2,375.52 Newton $ 967.80 $ 1,486.20 $ 2,454.00 Belmont $ 877.88 $ 1,622.20 $ 2,500.08 Reading $ 1,308.00 $ 1,308.00 $ 2,616.00 Winthrop $ 1,419.00 $ 1,419.00 $ 2,838.00 "Data from MWRAAdvisory Board's 2021 Annual Rate Survey, based on average annual household use of 120 HCF (FY2022 or most recently published). 19 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �, � �, � � � � � � � � � � � m � � � � � .- aa n.' +af �i c�' w+" a� wa rr �;r' w- aes �ro �wn n� u�w U � a'�xr a'�r s+�"� a�a� : c�v � r�t r�a � � +�ar� � �+ra "� a�"v .�»�5 � "� r� �� ati` � +w" wY` �^ Wip` � � �u�N 2"'� 4q���1 471 �U'A .� CTA . 6a��V 2&� C,�'h �"wl B"„ d"5 941'b dm"�^*^ P�ry, . 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FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 7:OOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� �aaauwumznxi�;aaau�,dd�;1PI�u�b II tc�re�.�sotli�n�n �sr���r tV/Il�an�m� ����illlll � �I m uuum�IIII III u���ll IIIIIIIIII � � I ����I��� �i , ,. i�ii Ill��i I„IIIIIIIii�i iiiiiiiiiiii�i e � �, � a � � 1 0 .r�ae.a�cqn:., �oa r� o;. o ��Iz�l 1 � � g ����� ��� 6� i �'7 b iVHM`.,, � , � e � , � � e ' • 1 � � r e � � e � e � � e e e e e ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v a � �, �: � � � �, � a - w � � � ' Ilr 1 � � a d � � w � � � , - � .p�MEqICqt:. O t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N " h j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v � m � 9 ���', e 1 e � � � � a � d s � � � e 0 a a � � � e e a � �, � � a m ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v � a e a � � e � � � � e � � ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v ' � � � � ' � � ,I ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v e e � 4 �1 � � 6 6 Q;% i � 1 � � 1 / 1 ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v e ' e • � • � � ' e e t � ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v ..p�MEqICqt:. C1 t�� � 0 a � O �Z'�I I\N , i� j�' 'ObOr'�4 dYNM�v AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Lead and Copper Rule Changes - Update on Proposed Project to Remove Lead Pipes PRESENTER: ITEM Tyler Schmidt& Robert Rafferry, NUMBER: Environmental Partners; Dave Pavlik, Supt. of Water/Sewer L3 SUMMARY: Category:Informing The DP W is worlcing on a proposed project to identify any existing lead pipes in the Town's water system and systematically replace them over the next 2-3 years through a loan program established by the MWRA. This presentation will provide information to the Select Board on the approach the Public Works Department is taking. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion required at this time. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE T1ME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 7:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �^r��;�^nuv:7.un��rn �.'dr�;cr @!Ga:xr�, �+ U � �O � � �--� � � � 4) U C� Q � � �°� � c � � � � I � �1 � � �, � � _� � � � � � � � �, � �x z � � � �, 4ly f � J � � w� � ,,�i�l��ii�ii i��i I���°�'�� � � �„, *� '��I�� V `� ,,,,�'"�,,, �� � "���� ��� °"'�� - O �.0 I ���,�� „ � �_...�m� � N � � � � C� N J � � � O � O � � %%"":%i ��� �,,;i i %���/i � � � � � � � c.a � � � � aa � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� � °� � � � � .� � .� � � � � � � � � � � e� � s� � � � � � �� � � _ �� � e� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � °� ,I s� � s� � � � �� � �� � � � � � � � �� � �, — °� � � � � � � � � � � � ��ro�,�f � � !i% % �� ; � ;�� %��i�0/ii � � � � > � � � a� � � V e� � � � � � � � � W � �� � , � � � ��,���,mm�' � � � � � � �� � s� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � �/���/i �%i �� su Imio�i illl i/����%i�/ /i/� �, �% �� �i � //j�ai� � � �, ,, / � ���pr r f � ��/��j ��j � � %/G!�/ � fl�l�� � ���NV u 1 I�j����J� � �� ��� ' '���� � J % ����� � � ��� J U � A � � / � � � ' � � ; � ;; , , �l � � i% � Cn � � " �� J �` i'iiii%j �1���� �/,;:;;/% ,, „, , �� � � , ��� �,�� � � � '%% � ! a ��''� ,,� � � , a� � ,, � °o � � � � � � � � � �i��� ��,. �f �� �� �� � ��� � � � � �� jj/a/ � � ,�� % / 1�,//// �� 0 „�� � ����' I� �'li� ,,��1����,. � I�,�� ��� ��; I ��� r,�> �� ✓i � 1� ,�� � / � , J �� ; a� � /� ` V �� 1 '�. �� { "� ; � p ��f L ,� � ' � �� I ��x;" /�� Ca �� �;`�,j4 J �� �o � � � � ; � � � /�ro�,� � � �� %i% % "i '<.;:��. %irr%�///// � V ,�., � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � C� � °�o �� � � � � � � �� � � � � U � C,1 � � � � � o� � Q3 — �jC � CIJ � � C�J � � �� � � � � e�[55 � � � �J � � � � � � ,. � � � � „� — �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � — � � � � � '� � � � � � � C,3 I � I m� I l.1 I � I I �� I � �� � � CJ a� c� t�a a� c� cn c�s � �� � � � � � � � � �w � � � � � � %%�1/ � �'p� r�./�% �//!��/� ........ . � . � � � "'"M � `� ""'% ."h"Y � � � � � � � "�". +� � � � � "� � � � � � � � � � � � � V � QJ � � O ""��* u C� � a� u^� a,� � �C "c� ,� � �a c � � � � � � � s�. � � no � .G2 qJ � � ft1 � c,i Qi � � ;�, � � a.+r t� � ��� � � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � .... � � � � � � � � � �� '" «,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � "�� �" Q � IC`� RL �1 L"�9. �I �U" /,,,,,,/ r, � � � ' O ,, ,; � , ' � %���/i � � � � s � � a� � � � � m� � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � C) � � � a> � � � � v � � � � � � a � � � a� °� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � � � � � �' �� � � � �, � � � � � ��� � � �� o �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � �_ � � � �� � � � �� � � — � � � � � � � � � � � � � ��ro�,� � � ii/�i% %- i x;,�� : �//l���/ � O � � � � � � .� c� � � z � °- � � � � Q � _ � � � � AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Additional Funding Requests Under American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.4 SUMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached please find a spreadsheet updating the total amount approved to date and the impact of the three additional requests explained further below: 1. Derek Sencabaugh has inquired about the original3-2 poll on the ATV Ambulance which has not come back for discussion(at the Select Board meeting when this was considered there were four Select Board members and it came back as a 2-2 split vote). 2. Dave Pinsonneault and I have discussed adding a pertnanent electronic sib at the entrance of 203 Bedford that would be used for regular announcements. Attached are quotes for a hard-wired sign ($52,000) and a solar sigl($90,000). This would free up the portable sign boards for emergencies and construction work. 3. As the Board is aware, the Town currently provide the INTERFACE referral service to Lexington residents. With the current demand so high and the waitlist we have, it would be beneficial to continue to provide the INTERFACE service. Their price is going to be increasing in the next contract year that starts in November,based upon our usage froin this year multiplied by their cost per referral rate. The total cost will be $35,000 far the next year, which is up from$20,000 for our current year. The Town and Schools split this evenly each year and we would lilce to request that the additional$15,000(beyond the current$20,000)to pay for the upcoming contract year come from ARPA funds instead of increasing our individual budgets so significantly. COVID caused a signif'icant mcrease m mental health needs as well as a decrease in provider a�ailability. SUGGESTED MOTION: Should the Board approve of these requests, the motion would be: Move to approve additional ARPA Spending for$93,876 for the ATV Ambulance, $52,000 (or$90,000)for the permanent electronic signboard and $15,000 for mental health services. Or modified as the Board fmds appropriate. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 7:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� Fa����A�I�ro4➢aab�c➢IE2�;��i<oti4 ➢6J�:i�..�7�" �:"aa��;r�l0�r;uu� L� ��a;nvi��,:m�emh'wn�.Arr�IEkc'r�arcB If warro�lla Q�"aa���r Ml�rr�ra� O O O vl O O O O O O O O O I� �O O O O� O O O O O O O N �D O O O O O O ui O p m .ti O ti O O O O O O O �D W a O O O O I� O N O O ti a O 01 O O O O O vl O +�-i O O vl O O vl O oJ �/1 O t� V W V O W O vl O a M �-' V1 O O 7 a � N a N t0 N N N y m m �n c m m .n .n +n .n +n .n vi .n.n .n +n .n vr .n .n.n vi .n .n +n .n vr v� .n vi v� vs r � -a a v �. 3 Y � v � r c ,- � c 0 3 0 � � v o Q N v - v v a v � U � � o ° � v m 9 � o s "a � E � v �a v $ .. :; Z v � � y v � v Z a r v °1 p a�i z Z � u o a�i a ov " L � o t ., � L 3 � o .�'"- oa o � �' � v � w a c y N N y > N - 09 � � z N V1 � p`I O N v '� -6 d a ? -6 � -6 y m ¢ U w N O O O O O O O O O O O O O N T oJ T O � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O W O W O O � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O O O i0 O O O O O O O O W iD O � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a i0 M vi O O O O O O O N' W O' �D O � O �+1 �/1 O vt O N N a O vt O O u'1 O vt O �I1 �I1 N t+1 a I� O e-I �fl ifl O O O OJ '-I O] N Ol � rl N N O I� N N �O I� N �--I N ill N N N 'i 01 G F .n .n .n +n .n v� .n vt .n vt v� .n +n +n .n +n .n vt +n .n .n vt .n v� .n .n +n .n +n v� .n v� va v* v� .n Q +� � p� p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � p a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m p� O O O O O O O O O O m N �1 W O� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 � 3 3 O O O O O O O O O O 3 W O O O � O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O V O ~O ~ O O O ~ O] �p ^� p O vt a v �o 0 o vi o 0 0 . o 0 0 o vi ' o ' a o �ri o vi o � � � � N M O N O N � O O � W W lD O � � N N 00 � N N � N O O N � N O 'UT 'VT V I� t/T '✓T M W rl N LT 'VT 'V} LT LT I� N .-i 'VT 'V} �I1 � N M N � N N � £ - - - O O O O Z � � � O O C O O C � M � (7 C7 (7 a � � .�.�, �, .n .n`^ ti ,n w ,.� ..� `^ W 0 � O Y �0 Y y O � U � � Q m bA � � O C � _ Y � - W � v'�i O � � N � � -a O W O � ti �' � _ � � (7 " `^ � O Z > m � O ~ Q > - N � Z N E tY0 U � v LL p -o � � 2 � a - O � 9 v � � _ � O -6 � j O � Q O. � p Q C `O � � ' - - i > o = a v � - ap Q = v `v z w c v = o � > .. 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SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve and sign the Special Town Meeting 2022-3 Warrant and authorize staff to make non- substantive edits as necessaiy or as recommended by Town Counse]oi•Bond Counsel. FOLLOW UP: Deputy Town Manager/Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE T1ME ON AGENDA: 10/3/2022 7:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� ���Sa�x�l"V��u�,wr�1�lfieebc�ut "ti�2.1�..�:�����rr�u��.rr�b 1F�'�f'�f�1C, lE�;�a:➢c,.up iV�m�R��rri�il ❑ `�,'�N�?,Q�L2,i 4til�nrMwcirnr,II�,c°u.iiim�G�rut`�,a;➢a^c,t Q�a�car�8 Q"�n�ntnenrnu: Q�4xa;lk�u�r P+�Iaaba:n•c�tif TOWN OF LEXINGTON WARRANT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 2022-3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables or Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet by means of the audio/video conferencing platform described more particularly below on November 1, 2022 at 7:30pin, at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and deterinined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. Pursuant to Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2020, as amended, the Town Meeting shall be held remotely by the means requested by the Moderator as follows: Town Meeting members will attend and vote by logging into: (1)the Zoom videoconferencing platform, (2) the online VVoter module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies OR comparable online voting tool developed by Select Board member Joe Pato, and (3) an online queuing function developed by Select Board member Joe Pato to facilitate the process of debate. Other Town residents who wish to follow the proceedings may do so via LexMedia at htt�s://www.voutube.com/user/LexMediaMATV. Other residents who wish to participate in the Meeting may contact the Town Clerk's Office at clerk(a�lexin tg onma•� and by completing the online form at www.LexingtonMA.�ov/Fall2022STM . For more information,please see the Moderator's letter dated September 6,2022 to the Select Board attached to this warrant as Appendix A. ARTICLE 1 REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES To receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article remains open throughout Town Meeting and reports may be presented at any Town Meeting session by boards, officers, or committees. ARTICLE 2 APPROPRIATE FOR PRIOR YEARS' UNPAID B1LLS To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate money to pay any unpaid bi11s rendered to the Town for prior years;to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time 1 DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request funds to pay bills after the close of the fiscal year in which the goods were received or the services performed and for which no money was encumbered. ARTICLE 3 ESTABLISH,AMEND, DISSOLVE AND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town wi11 vote to create, amend, dissolve, rename and/or appropriate sums of money to and fiom Stabilization Funds in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Section SB of Chapter 40 for the purposes o£ (a) Section 135 Zoning By-Law; (b) Traffic Mitigation; (c) Transportation Demand Management/Public Transportation; (d) Special Education; (e) Center linprovement District; (� Debt Service; (g) Transportation Management Overlay District; (h) Capital; (i) Payment in Lieu of Parking; (j) Visitor Center Capital Stabilization Fund; (k) Affardable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund; (1) Water System Capital Stabilization Fund; and (m)Ambulance Stabilization Fund; determine whether such sums sha11 be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, from fees, charges or gifts or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unlrnown at press time DESCRIl'TION: This is an annual article to establish, dissolve, and/or fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money in those funds may be invested and the interest may then become a part of the particular fund. These funds may later be appropriated for the specific designated purpose by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting, for any lawful purpose. ARTICLE 4 AMEND FY2023 OPERATING, ENTERPRISE AND CPA BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations, to be used in conjunction with money appropriated under Articles 4, 5, 9 and 10 of the warrant for the 2022 Annual Town Meeting to be used during the current fiscal year, or make any other adjustments to the current fiscal year budgets and appropriations that may be necessary; to determine whether the money shall be provided by tax levy, by transfer from available funds including the Community Preservation Fund, or by combination of any of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Board) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to permit adjustments to current fiscal year (FY2023) appropriations. ARTICLE 5 APPROPRIATE FOR CENTER PLAYGROUND BATHROOMS AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING To see if the Town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee and, pursuant to the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee, to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund a supplemental sum of money for renovation of the Center Playground bathrooms and maintenance building; and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, 2 from the Undesignated Fund Balance of the Community Preservation Fund,by transfer from other available funds,including enterprise funds,by borrowing,or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the Coininunity Preservation Committee) FLTNDS REQUESTED: Center Playground Bathrooms and Maintenance Building Renovation - Supplemental-Unlcnown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article requests that Community Preservation funds and other funds, as necessary, be appropriated for renovating the bathroom and maintenance building located near the playground at the center recreation complex. This appropriation request is supplemental to the $680,000 authorized for the Center Playground Bathrooms and Maintenance Building under Article l0e of the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. ARTICLE 6 APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations to be used in conjunction with sums appropriated in prior years for the installation or construction of water mains, sewers and sewerage systems, drains, streets, buildings, recreational facilities or other capital improvements and equipment; determine whether the sums sha11 be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from the balances in other articles,by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds and the Community Preservation Fund, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request fiuids to supplement existing appropriations for certain capital projects in light of revised cost estimates that exceed such appropriations. ARTICLE 7 APPROPRIATE TO POST EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to the Town of Lexington Post Retirement Insurance Liability Fund, as established by Chapter 317 of the Acts of 2002; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer froin available funds, including enterprise funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Board) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article will allow the Town to continue to fund its liability for post-employment benefits for Town of Lexington retirees. Beginning with the FY2007 audit, the Town has been required to disclose this liability. Special legislation establishing a trust fund for this purpose was enacted in 2002. ARTICLE 8 APPROPRIATE FOR 250th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON CELEBRATION To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the celebration of the 250t" Anniversary of the Battle Of Lexington, including the planning, promotion and advertising thereof, as 3 coordinated by the Semiquincentennial Commission-Lex250 with the approval of tbe Select Board; and determine whether the money will be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select BoaNd at the request of the Semiquincentennial Commission-Lex250) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unlcnown at press time DESCRIPTION: The amount rec�uested is to fund initial startup costs of planning and coordinating the events for the yearlong celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington which will take place in 2025. Time frame for events is anticipated to be Fall of 2024 through Fall of 2025. ARTiCLE 9 OP�O�D SETTLEMENT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate amounts received from Statewide Opioid Settlements between the Massachusetts Attorney General and non-bankrupt opioid industry participants, for the funding of prevention,harm reduction, treatment and recovery programs as further detailed in the Massachusetts State- Subdivision Agreement for Statewide Opioid Settlements, ar act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Board) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article will allow the Town to spend abatement funds received from the Statewide Opioid Settlement for purposes and programs outlined in the settlement agreement,including supplementing and strengthening community resources available to residents and fainilies for substance use disorder prevention, education, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery programs. ARTICLE 10 APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECT5 (TOWN POOL DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATER) To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the purchase and installation of a domestic hot water heater at the Town Pool facility, including the payment of costs of demolition, architectural and engineering services, original equipment, construction, landscaping,paving and other site improvements, or other costs incidental or related to such installation, and to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy,by transfer froln available funds,including enterprise funds,by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) FLJNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: At the 2022 Annual Town Meeting, the funding was appropriated for engineering and design work for a new domestic hot water heater to be installed in the bath house at the Town Pool facility. This article is a request to move forward for the purchase and installation as approved by the Select Board. ARTICLE 11 APPROPRIATE FOR CENTER STREETSCAPE SIDEWALK EXTENSION To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to replace brick sidewalks in and around the Town center; and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy,by transfer from available funds,by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) 4 FUNDS REQUESTED: $700,000 DESCRIPTION: The Center Streetscape Project was approved at the Spring 2020 Annual Town Meeting. The project focused on storefront to storefront along Massachusetts Ave and did not include sidewalks extending from the center. DPW has identified 3 areas that are in need of new sidewallcs for both safety and aesthetics. These areas include: a. The sidewalks on Meriam Street from Mass Ave to the Alley(from Abbotts to Pinots Palette and from Mass Ave to the Visitor's Center). Approximately 3151ineal feet. b. The sidewalks on both sides of the Emery Park driveway along the storefronts (fiom Eastern Bank to Sanyo and from Brookline Bank to Lexington Liquors). Approximately 316 lineal feet. c. The brick sidewalk on Edison Way froin Mass Ave to the f�rst driveway(from Beijing to the end of the building). Approximately 1201ineal feet. ARTICLE 12 CREATION OF HOUSING TRUST To see if the Town will vote to: a. establish a municipal affordable housing trust pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section SSC; and b. add a new Chapter to the Town's Code of Bylaws to govern said municipal affordable housing trust; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Board) DESCRIPTION: This article, Lexington would join 128 Massachusetts towns and cities that have adopted Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section SSC,to create a municipal Affordable Housing Trust. The Affordable Housing Trust would be a Town of Lexington municipal entity and fund, with fiscal oversight by the Finance Department. The Select Board would appoint the Trust's Board, and a member of the Select Board could be required to be a member of the Trust Board by bylaw. An Affordable Housing Trust is a municipal funding entity that can help fund the construction of new affordable homes, help fund the rehabilitation of affordable homes, increase the affordability of income-restricted homes in new developments, and preserve affordable homes whose affordability restrictions are expiring. The Affordable Housing Trust can also act quickly to acquire or hold land for affordable housing when opportunities arise. ARTiCLE 13 TECHNICAL CORRECTION-GENERAL BYLAW(FOSSIL FUEL) To see if the Town will vote to make technical corrections to the Town's Fossil Fuel Bylaw, adopted pursuant to Article 29 of the 2021 Spring Town Meeting, to be consistent with Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022 authorizing a demonstration program for municipal regulation of fossil fuels in new construction; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select BoaYd at the request of the Sustainable Lexington Committee) DESCRIPTION: The state's Climate Bill passed this suinmer includes authorization to implement a pilot project that authorizes ten communities to regulate fossil fuels in buildings if they have passed a Home Rule Petition(which Town Meeting passed in 2021). Technical changes are needed to the bylaw adopted in 2021 to conform it to the state's requirements for participation in this program. 5 ARTICLE 14 LEXHAB REORGANIZATION To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to petition the General Court for legislation reorganizing the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) as an independent nonprofit housing corporation; and further to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments to said act before its enactment by the General Court that are within the scope of the general objectives of the petition; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Select Boa�d) DESCRIl'TION: The purpose of this article is to allow the Select Board to petition the General Court for special legislation that will reorganize the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) as an independent, nonprofit housing corporation. This will allow LexHAB to more efficiently and effectively carry out its inission of developing, managing and preserving affordable housing in Lexington. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet via Zoom videoconferencing platform, the online VVoter module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies or comparable online voting tool and online queuing function beginning on Monday, November 1, 2022 at 7:30pm., at which tilne and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referenduin provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. A true copy,Attest: Constable of Lexington Jill Hai_ Chair Josenh N. Pato Select Board Suzanne E. Barry of Dou�las M. Lucente Lexington Mark D. Sandeen 6 <�'Q�5 ����� o �T75 �c c, a� a " - �a m �'� � y � W�m 3 ,a� y APAI61''1"" ��ktrv�Ci1'Or' Town of Lexington MODERATOR DEBORAH BROWN September 6, 2022 DELIVERED BY EMAIL Dear Select Board Members, In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I request approval to conduct the 2022-3 Special Town Meeting through remote participation. I propose to use a combination of: (1) the Zoom videoconferencing platform, (2)the online VVotei module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies OR comparable online voting tool developed by Select Board member Joe Pato, and(3) an online queuing function developed by Select Board meinber Joe Pato to facilitate the process of debate. I certify that all components of the system described above have been fully tested and utilized successfully for prior Town Meetings, and I am satisfied that this systein enables our meetings to be conducted in substantially the same manner as if they had occurred in person at a physical location. I certify that the system(i) allows the moderator, town meeting members, town officials and any other interested members of the public to identify and hear the moderator and each town meeting member who attends and participates in the remote meeting, as well as any other individuals who participate in the meeting, (ii)provides the ability to determine whether a quorum is present; (iii) allows participants to request recognition by the moderator and makes such requests visible to the meeting participants and the public; (iv) allows the moderator to determine when a town meeting member wishes to be recognized to speak, malce a motion, or raise a point of order or personal privilege; (v) enables the moderator to recognize a town meeting member, town official or other individual and enable that person to speak; (vi)provides the ability to conduct a roll call or electronically recorded vote; (vii) allows any interested members of the public to access the meeting remotely through LexMedia for purposes of witnessing the deliberations and actions taken at the town meeting; (viii) allows members of the public to participate in debate through the submission of statements for or against a motion; and (ix)provides for the town meeting to be recorded and available for future viewing. I further confirm that I have consulted with Lexington's Commission on Disability regarding system accessibility. Sincerely, Deborah Brown Town Moderator 617-512-7901 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 7 � � a A � � a � x ti H z � z � a � M o W �' z N a � � � � � � a O ,� � � � �, � W � � � w a � W � �- � � � � � a � -� � � w � � o � vo � �� � : E� h � �° aa � � � a � � � � � � � � � y � � � � Y .� � H � y � w � .� .� _ � � � � w .� � � �a/1 �' o a �1 � ° � � � � Y � W y � Li N � 0¢.. �' .�', '� y„ Q ,� p C� O O � � � � � "� O .y U �� O y , y � � �' � 'G 0� `C � .N � .� 'G � c+'d H 3 � � �, � �, � � :� y � � •� y � � � � w •' -c � � � � � a Cc1 '� Q °' � � c� � ° � o � o � � p.., � � � �� c s� O � � � �,' � � a� � p — � � .,� W � � � � a`�i � o �� Q .? � � � U ��' U � c r' '� ,'� -a N a o � � o � � o � � •� a � �, � ,,., � � � a �. x � �- � 0 0 � � �� �� � " � � � a� � °' °J � W �. iy W �" y -.� v c� � d+ ,� y� � O � � O � U � � � � U O +�. o O � � ,j � V1 P-. �C �, p '� Y '� N O E-+ a� � a� � � � c�c � m w � N a� `*" � Q � F+ F�-+ v� U f� H U P; � � � � >' � � '�. � � '�. i• O � cC � U 'G N 4-i ,L' X'i ''��' � � Vj O a� �-+ W a C�i Q LTa Q � U � � � N M � �n M N � � N N � � O D U U .^ .� � Q' Q d ¢ d � � a A � � a � x ti H z � z � a � H x Woa � �aa w H v � �7 � � W � � 0 � � � o '�, M � � o � Q U o o P; -� � �' �� o � w ,� � � .� � � O y � � � Y �� W � � a � a � w ' � � a � � � ° � .�' �- � o � � � � � w � rn O � � � � � � � N �y" � c3 N � � � '� U � � � „y �--� "a O .� � � � � ,� w Y � � N � v, � � �� � c W ,� � u�i F� � o � `n � �, � N ��.' � N �' � N � P" L� A, v • . �' � �� 0 0 �o � �° ,-. �o o � `� �� x y�,� � Y y N Y i-�-` �I--V � � � c� �C N c� � c� O � s. c. � c/� � � �" O U � � O O O O O � O •�, �,' ,� ¢. ... 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