HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-28-CLARKE-minPUBLIC MEETING NOTICE ________________________________________________________________________ Jonas Clarke Middle School School Site Council Meeting February 28, 2022 3:05 PM Virtual Meeting, Jonas Clarke Middle School 17 Stedman Road Lexington, MA 02421 Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/ras-yijc-vww Or dial: (US) +1 208-843-1555 PIN: 739 389 718# Members present:Dane Despres, Jonathan Wettstone,Stephanie Kozak, Meghan Olsson, Jillian Clark, Emily Sayre, Yu Wei, Dana Silverberg, Melanie Alexander. Agenda 1.Call to Order, Welcome, & Public Comment ○Principal welcomed attendees and previewed tasks for today’s meeting. Welcomed public comment before getting to reports from current members - no takers. 2.Review & Approve Last Meeting’s Minutes January 25, 2022 minutes ○Motion to approve - voted and confirmed. 3.Parent, Staff, and Admin Reports: 15-minute limit ○Parent check-in: i.8th parents concerned about placement tests? 1.Admin - LHS has specific timelines and processes in place. ii.Parent - motivation for hall pass changes? 1.Admin - observed a significant change in hallway behavior, which is having an impact on classroom learning and interactions with staff. Post pandemic, flexibility has gone too far, with students taking advantage of situations and staff members. We need to be aligned as a school - how to engage with students and keep things consistent. iii.Parent - school report card from DESE? Reaction? 1.Admin - we performed better than expected, given all the chaos, alternating days/weeks. They didn’t revise the test, chopped it in half and gave it to the kids. ○Staff check-in: teacher reported staff being in a good spot, but some apprehension around changes to mask mandates. Some staff and some students bring up concerns - peer pressure. We need to be aware and support students/staff that wish to keep wearing their masks. i.March 7th - next BOH meeting. We won’t see any changes until after that meeting. Even good intention comments like, it’s so good to see your faces/smiles - how this can make things awkward for those not wanting to put their mask down. ii.History MCAS testing? We are not interested in it this year - not participating in the pilot. ○Administrative check-in: i.Tomorrow is a return to traditional lunch in the cafeteria. This aligns with our goals to tighten things up within the school - not wandering around the building, leaving food, and knowing where students are physically. We still have alternate rooms available for those interested. This will be a transitional period over the next few weeks, getting accustomed to the new expectations. ii.What are we doing? What is missing and what might be too far reaching over the two year time span? What’s a priority? Consider the amount of PD time we have at our disposal. We can also revise what we have here - different order or manner? 4.Revising Clarke’s School Improvement Plan 2022-2024:“Innovation Plan” (See notes/slideshow) ○Draft of Innovation Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vfhAxwynz5f-5v-_Y3vjfWRBpnI mPJ_V4_HMzv7swCQ/edit?usp=sharing ○Principal - Last meeting - talked about all 4 goals. This time - review, insert our ideas and add/delete as needed. ○Principal - shared the draft “on screen,” reviewing the structure of the plan. He focused on the details within each objective - the what and the why - what are we trying to accomplish? What benchmarks? The evidence of benchmarks will come after that. ○Paused and asked for questions, before stating the editing process - no questions. i.Introduction Section - items highlighted in yellow - I added. I also added notes/thoughts on the side - things to consider. ii.Background Sections - fairly well set, but welcome to help edit. Content is already set. iii.Process Benchmarks - the bulk of our work. This is an open document - please add your comments and notes. iv.Objective 1 - Equity Gaps. This is the one with the most of our ideas. We inserted more process benchmarks. ○Objective 1 - Process Benchmarks i.Forming relationships, holding high expectations - students of color, students on IEPs. ii.Examining office referrals - is the order important? Is this connected to another item? iii.Establishing PD for Restorative Justice - training staff. iv.Tier I, II, III interventions to help ensure equity for all students. 1.Teacher - this is a very large bundle of services - might need to be more specific. So many aspects to think about. v.Examine the hiring and interviewing process - we’ve begun including students in the hiring/interview process. vi.Consistently providing transportation for students that need equal access - our Boston based students as well as others. vii.Parent - perhaps share a draft with a parent/student focus group, before finalizing. viii.Teacher - who are we targeting with this plan? Teachers, parents, students, admin? We might need to adjust accordingly - being more specific or changing language used. Answer - this is for everyone, so we may need to expand our glossary of terms, as jargon may be appropriate. ix.Principal - this all makes sense to me, but the parent perspective is more important - what is confusing? 1.Tier I, II, III - not sure what this is. We may need to refine this more clearly in the document. 2.While we have the Tiered interventions - might be more about listing the strategies and resources already in use, acknowledging what we’re already doing. This might be an area of “background,” adding to the collective knowledge. x.Parent - I do better digesting this one on my own - print it out, write down thoughts, etc. xi.Principal - I’d like to get this done by next Monday. I can print it out and send it home for you. 5.Selecting Next Meeting Time & Adjournment ○Week of March 21st - maybe Tuesday 3/22/22 in the afternoon? ○Tuesday, March 22nd at 3:05PM - will send an email reminder.