HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2014-11-18.pdf FINAL Approved 12.16.14 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 18,2014 6:00 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin,Chair(Needham) Kemon Taschioglou(Lincoln) Carrie Flood,Vice Chair(Concord)(arrived 6:03 PM) Dave Horton(Lexington)(arrived(6:03 PM) Nancy Banks, Secretary(Acton) Jack Weis(Belmont)(arrived 6:05 PM) Alice DeLuca,(Stow) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland)(left at 9:10 PM) Ford Spalding(Dover) Sue Sheffler(Arlington)(left at 9:35 PM) Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough) Judy Taylor(Carlisle) Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury)(left at 10:00 PM) Absent:David O'Connor(Bolton),Daniel Mazzola(Lancaster), Doug Gillespie(Weston) Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Ernie Houle,Elizabeth Rozan,Christina Laskey(student rep.; left at 6:30 PM),Diane Dempsey,Sheila Nagle,Eugene DiPaolo,Tracey Sierra,K. Smith,Michelle Roche, Marjorie Daggett,John Pelletier,Brendan Dutch, Caitlin Kelleher,Reporter 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair opened the meeting at 6:00 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair opened the floor for Public Comment,explaining the parameters. David Manjarrez, Sudbury representative,read his letter to the editor,from a recent Sudbury Town Crier entitled"Don't Shoot the Messenger", in which he expressed his concerns about non-member town student enrollment,the impact of this on the budget, and his perception of threats and retaliation against him for raising issues. (See Attachment A.) 3. STUDENT REPORT, Christina Laskey Ms.Laskey reported on a number of activities at the school,including: school tours over the last two weeks,during which 335 students viewed the school;the upcoming Open House for prospective families;a recent career fair;the student meetings with the Superintendent regarding the building design, and sports activities including the Powder Puff game and the Turkey Bowl on Thanksgiving Day. She also reported on the student council elections,a mock state gubernatorial election,and participation by 2 Minuteman student representatives in the Greater Boston Regional Student Advisory Council of DESE. She reported that the freshmen have won the most perfect attendance award for Q1,and will be treated to a BBQ hosted by the Superintendent,and that the golf team won the state vocational championship.Dr.Bouquillon explained that the BBQ is offered in conjunction with the Culinary Arts Program quarterly as an attendance incentive. 4. MEMBER REPORT a. Report from MASC Business Meeting Delegate, Cheryl Mahoney The Boxborough representative reported on her experience at the November,2014 MASC/MASS Conference on Cape Cod,noting that it was not only a time to catch up with acquaintances,but an opportunity to attend informative workshops on budgets,governance,and personal dynamics. She reported on the resolutions discussed at the MASC Business Meeting,and explained that the detail on these resolutions is located on the MASC website; brought attention to upcoming legislation and professional development offerings of MASC; commended the dedication of the keynote speaker,and noted that Nashoba has a marketing subcommittee. 5. DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON LETTER OF CONCERN TO SUDBURY REGARDING DAVID MANJARREZ,Jeff Stulin Follow-up to 10.14.14 School Committee unanimous vote giving Officers permission to draft a strong letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez to Myron J.Fox,the Moderator of Sudbury,for School Committee approval. The Chair opened the discussion by circulating the draft letter(Attachment B), and members took time to read it over.A motion was made(Flood)and seconded(Manjarrez)to approve the letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez as written and send it to Myron J.Fox,the Moderator of Sudbury. A second motion was made(Manjarrez)and seconded(Spalding)to move the question and end debate. The following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#114 Moved(Manjarrez)and seconded(Spalding) To move the question and end debate Vote: 4 in favor,9 opposed Since the motion did not carry,the discussion on the matter began. Opinions expressed included that the letter was well-crafted,and could be supported;that it was sad that the School Committee has come to this in its professional work;whether the letter captured the essence of concerns,including costs and time expended to defend the range of OML complaints,and whether a pattern has in fact been articulated;that the member's behavior is intolerable; whether material from the OML complaints should be included,and what the desired outcome of sending such a letter is. The Chair articulated that the only recourse is to complain,that the particular components of the letter were included because they point to concerns about judgment,particularly with regard to students,and that there were practical considerations involved in choosing what to include.He apologized for the imperfections in the document, but noted that in his judgment,and after consulting with counsel,he was happy with the result and urged that the School Committee approve it as is.A motion was then made to move the question,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#115 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Mahoney) To move the question and end debate Vote: 11 in favor,2 opposed A motion was made by Mr.Manjarrez to reconsider the question so that he could comment. The Chair apologized, but said this was not possible. The following vote on the main motion was then taken: ACTION 2014#116 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Manjarrez) To approve the letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez as written and send it to Myron J.Fox,the Moderator of Sudbury Vote: 10 in favor,3 opposed A second motion was made(Flood)and seconded(Spalding)to send an electronic copy of the letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez to Myron J.Fox,Moderator of Sudbury to each School Committee member. It was explained that it would be easier to forward to anyone who might wish to see it. A member suggested sending it electronically only if someone requested it,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#117 Moved(Castagno)and seconded(Manjarrez) To send an electronic copy of the letter to each School Committee member,only if requested Vote: 2 in favor,9 opposed,2 abstentions This vote did not pass. Mr.Manjarrez began to explain the outcome of his OML filings,but this was found to be outside of the motion on the table. He further noted that this letter gives solidity to Sudbury's growing concerns about Minuteman. The member from Boxborough noted that this letter answers her town's concern about what the School Committee has done about these issues; she also noted that she has never heard from Mr.Fox about the concern she wrote to him about. Her comment was found to be outside the scope of the motion on the table. A motion was made to move the question,and the following votes were taken: ACTION 2014#118 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks) To move the question and end debate Vote: 12 in favor,1 opposed ACTION 2014#119 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Spalding) To send an electronic copy of the letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez to Myron Fox,Moderator of Sudbury to each School Committee member Vote: 11 in favor,1 opposed, 1 abstention 6. FY 14 AUDIT REPORT,Sheryl Stevens-Burke Ms. Stevens-Burke,auditor from Melanson Heath,noted that this report is being presented much earlier than recent past,thanks to collaborative efforts of Kevin Mahoney and Michelle Resendes. She indicated that the reports represent a fair representative of the schools financial position and that this is a clean report. She reviewed the annual Financial Statements for the year ended June 30,2014,pointing out pertinent detail from various pages. She noted that the Management Letter shows no new issues,and reviewed the status of prior year recommendations outlined in it.Open issues,requirements for changes in practice,student activity funds,PG funds,and additional concerns were discussed,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#120 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Mahoney) To accept the Melanson Heath FY 14 Audit Report as presented Vote: Unanimous,with 1 member out of the room Appreciation was extended to the Auditor for the quality of the analytical work,to the Finance Subcommittee for their oversight,and to Kevin Mahoney and his staff for receptivity and earnestness in making improvements. The FY 14 Auditor's Report and Management Letter can be found as Attachment C. 7. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin a. Governance Issues: Remote Participation Report,Mary Ellen Castagno The Chair extended appreciation to Ms. Castagno for looking into this issue and drafting a policy. Ms.Castagno extended thanks to Mr.Horton for his help,and explained the history of this issue up until March 5,2013 when the issue was tabled by the Policy Subcommittee. She explained that her draft is based on the law and discussions she had with the Department of Justice and the Department of Disabilities. Application to subcommittees,permissible reasons,geographical distance,need for Chair's approval were raised,and the Chair distributed a list of concerns about such a policy that the School Committee would have to address (Attachment D).He noted that given the concerns,the question is whether the School Committee wants such a policy,and if there is an alternative to a policy. Occasional vs.routine usage,the need for members to be responsible to attend or to resign,the dangers of people abusing the policy,and use of a written request were considerations discussed. The idea of having the Policy Task Force review it was raised,and the chair of that Task Force pointed out that she didn't want to become engaged in time-consuming issues not related to the school,and that a remote participation policy might work well for single districts,but her sense is that large regional school districts are not using it. She also pointed out that a good faith effort to investigate does not necessarily mean proceeding down a path that is onerous for the School Committee.A question was made to the IT Director about whether costs would be involved in setting up a trial basis. Ms. Schrimpf concurred that there are costs involved,as the room is not set up for video conferencing. A point was made that using this for a small group of selectmen is different than using it for a 16 member board.Ms. Castagno noted that she had discussed various options with Ms. Schrimpf. She also noted that she was disheartened by the School Committee's reluctant attitude towards implementing such a policy. The Chair pointed out that remote participation is only one option to deal with a disability. How documents could be reviewed,what is actually needed in a policy,and that the remote option is not a perfect substitute,but a better alternative than not attending at all.The Chair underscored the legal concern about how the policy could be abused relative to dissention on a vote. Three possible options were presented: to accept the draft for 1"reading,and have officers revise it to minimize concerns; to look at it only in terms of ADA compliance,or to ignore it and try a new accommodation for the ADA disability.A motion was made and seconded for the 1"option. The legal rules for public bodies vs. general conference calls,that the options are too open-ended,concerns about roll call votes,and legal concerns were raised. It was confirmed that 1St reading does not mean the policy goes into effect,and it was pointed out that previous discussions by the Policy Subcommittee on this issue were sidetracked by issues related to terms of office in the By- Laws and ethics issues. Executive Session issues; the amount of energy and time involved in this when it is not related to the school,the building,or the students;the need for ADA compliance,and the caution not to be paralyzed by fear of abuse were raised. A suggestion was made to include Ms. Castagno,as the issue is of greatest concern to her presently,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#121 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Weis) To accept Ms. Castagno's Draft Remote Participation Policy as 1st Reading,and to direct the Officers,in conjunction with Ms.Castagno,to revise it to minimize the concerns raised Vote: 7 in favor,4 opposed,1 abstention(with 1 member out of the room) 8. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Ed Bouquillon Hearing no objection,the Superintendent reordered the items of his report. a. Report on a Request to Establish a 501 (c)3 Susan Carrabio,a member of the General Advisory Committee and 1St Vice President of the Lexington Rotary,read a letter from Chris Bateman,Chair of the General Advisory Committee,in support of establishing a 501 (c) 3 at Minuteman(Attachment E). Members of the School Committee shared their experience with such organizations, explaining the benefit to the schools. They urged careful consideration of the purpose and structure, and the need to avoid commingling of funds.The many rules associated with these organizations, setting priorities for fundraising, and referencing other successful organizations were discussed. The Superintendent noted that this is for information only at this point,with no vote being requested, and he extended thanks to those involved in the effort to date. b.Overview of the Minuteman Middle School Technology Outreach Program,Brian Crossman and Andrew Patenaude,MM Tech/RJ Grey Middle School Teachers,Acton-Boxborough Regional Michelle Roche distributed materials related to the middle school program(Attachment F), and informed the School Committee of efforts underway for mentoring girls in STEM. She then introduced two teachers at Acton- Boxborough Regional who described work they are doing in 7th and 8th grades focused on confidence building in the engineering design process. These teachers explained their program,and shared samples of student work,which included a model bridge,a shoe,a truck,a bob-sled,and a speaker. They emphasized the importance of communication,and discussed 3D printing and biotech projects. Some School Committee members wondered why this program is not being offered in all schools of the district,and the Superintendent explained that scheduling and communication with other superintendents are typical stumbling-blocks. He pointed out the benefit of students feeding into Minuteman through this program. c.Out-of-State,Late Night Field Trip: Design Visual Communication(DVC)Students to Museum of Modern Art,New York City Details of the proposed trip were discussed,with assurances that it meets all School Committee requirements. Associated costs were raised as a concern,and the Superintendent noted that there is a fund available to help any student for whom the cost presents a burden. He also noted that this trip involves a celebration,as this the first graduating class of the DVC program. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#122 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Weis) To approve the out-of-state late night DVC student trip to the Museum of Modern Art May 15,2015 from 8:00 am-10:30 pm,as presented Vote: Unanimous d. Out-of-State Overnight Field Trip: Minuteman Baseball Team to Double Day Field,Cooperstown,NY during April Vacation,2015 Details of this proposed trip were discussed,and it was noted that it meets all School Committee requirements. Having a similar experience for girls was discussed. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#123 Moved(Castagno)and seconded(Mahoney) To approve the out-of-state overnight field trip of the Minuteman Baseball Team to Double Day Field, Cooperstown,NY during April Vacation,2015,as described Vote: Unanimous e.Admissions Survey Results Dr.Bouquillon reviewed the two year results of the Minuteman High School Admissions Survey,covering 2012-13 and 2013-14,which was sent out to approximately 125 families(shown as Attachment G). He pointed out that there was a 24.3%response rate,and that 52%of the respondents were from in-district communities.He also pointed out that the reason cited most frequently was that students want to be with their friends. He noted that while Minuteman is in competition with district high schools, and students want to be with their friends,the effort is to engage a large percentage of the visiting 8th graders to enroll at Minuteman. As confirmation,the member from Boxborough shared an anecdote about her son's desire to be with friends,while deciding to stay at Minuteman. f. Update on Passing the Revised Regional Agreement The Superintendent reminded members that there are 6 communities that have not passed the revised Regional Agreement. He explained that Town Managers have been meeting,and have developed a proposal to establish a committee to provide information to these communities and to advocate for the passage of the Regional Agreement. He noted that they would like the blessing of the School Committee in order to move forward,to be available to meet to explain details and to understand their needs as warrants are being developed for the upcoming Town Meeting.He explained how this committee would work with the Joint Communications Subcommittee,and expressed his opinion that there will be no building project without the passage of the Regional Agreement.It was pointed out that the MSBA wanted evidence that the School Committee can move forward together.It was also noted that the group would meet with towns by invitation, and that there would be no amendments to the proposed Regional Agreement. How communications to date have been beneficial was also noted. The following votes were then taken: ACTION 2014#124 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Horton) To establish a committee,consisting of 4-6 members appointed by the School Committee,to represent the District in providing information and advocacy in support of approval of the revised Regional Agreement Vote: 11 in favor, 1 abstention(with 1 member out of the room) ACTION 2014#125 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks) To appoint the following people to serve on this committee: Carrie Flood Dan Matthews Carl Valente and a representative from Arlington,to be determined Vote: 11 in favor, 1 opposed,and 1 abstention [At 9:10 PM,Ms.Castagno left the meeting.] g. Discussion on Intermunicipal Agreement and Related Admissions Policy Revisions The Superintendent called attention to the draft IMA documents and related revision to the Admissions Policy circulated at the table. He noted that this has been discussed by the Town Managers and drafted by Attorney Ed Lenox,and because they have been fully vetted,he was presenting them to begin discussions(shown as Attachment H.) He pointed out that the Department of Education insisted that any Intermunicipal Agreement be between the Minuteman District School Committee and of the School Committee of the municipality,not the Board of Selectmen. Negotiation with each town that includes such things as number of slots,length of time,renewal clause, must be approved by the School Committees involved.It was pointed out that it may be more economical to come to Minuteman as a non-member. The Chair noted that the documents are too complex to be approved tonight,but that this item can be added to the December agenda for a discussion. Some members asked for the documents electronically, so they can review and share,and the Superintendent agreed to send them out next day. He also noted a related issue of the capital fees and circulated a document entitled Proposed Amendments to Regulations for Vocational Technical Education 603 CMR 4.00(shown as Attachment I). He pointed out that just before the meeting began,he received notice that the DESE lifted the embargo on distributing these proposed revisions. He noted that these will be presented to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for initial review and vote to solicit public comment on November 25,2014;that the public comment period will be through January 16,2015,and that final action by the Board is anticipated February 24,2015. He underscored that these proposed amendments will have dramatic effect on Minuteman. He suggested this be discussed in December as well. The Sudbury representative noted his opinion that if Sudbury became a tuition paying district with a capital fee,the town would retain Ch.70 funding and tuition would be decreased by$5,000. 9. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. Update on School Building Design Mr. Spalding reported that the School Building Committee voted"to endorse the concepts in the Draft Design of 11.17.14 presented by the Design Team"at their 11.17.14 meeting,endorsing the draft design concepts for renovation,renovation/new, and the new. These are not the final designs. He explained that the next step is for the Design Team to work with the consultants to develop information so they can determine preliminary projects costs for each plan,all in accordance with the MSBA and Minuteman's Feasibility Study scope of work. He noted that they will be discussing this information at their December 15 and January 5 School Building Committee meetings. He explained that the Non-MSBA Subcommittee is working on the scope of work,estimated costs and time line that will have to be done to the building if the final building plan is not passed by all 16 member communities. He noted that there is not a"no cost"option for member towns. He explained that within their voted charge,their work should be completed around the first of the year. He also explained that the Communications Subcommittee is working on a timeline,interviewing prospective PR vendors who will assist in messaging for presentations to 16 member communities,and that they anticipate these presentations will begin after the first of the year,with School Committee member help.He then referred to the November 3 Design Options included in the packet as informational. b. Joint Communications Subcommittee Report,Nancy Banks Ms.Banks reiterated the Mr. Spalding's explanation of the work of the Joint Communications Subcommittee,and noted that an important consideration for messaging that the Joint Communications Subcommittee has discussed is why Minuteman is valuable. She noted that this work will hopefully address the District's enrollment goal. c. Membership Update Mr. Spalding called attention to two recommendations for representation on the School Building Committee,Jerome Lerman from Carlisle and David Manjarrez from Sudbury. A motion was made(Horton)and seconded(Spalding) on the Carlisle representative,and Mr. Spalding noted that the recommended candidate meets the qualifications articulated by MSBA. The following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#126 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the recommendation of Jerome Lerman,Carlisle,to serve as a voting member of the School Building Committee Vote: 11 in favor,with 1 member out of the room (with 12 members present) A motion was made(Flood)and seconded(Weis)on the Sudbury representative. Mr. Spalding explained that he was unable to vote to accept Sudbury's nominee because in his opinion,Mr.Manjarrez exhibits disrespect for members of the School Committee,the Committee leadership,and the Administration;he continues to ignore acceptable committee behavior through his communication practices;his actions have caused the Administration and the School Committee to spend District funds over the years on legal advice to address his individual demands and threats;he believes the Town of Sudbury should have a different filter for what is happening here at Minuteman, and that Mr.Manjarrez's bio does not fit the criteria submitted to the towns for their nominee. Quoting from the November 16 editorial online at Lexington Wicked Local(see Attachment J): "We hope the committee can take a lesson from the instructional side of the school and once again find professionalism for the sake of the students." Mr.Manjarrez explained that he had suggested Michael Melnick as a representative,but no one followed up,and he is now unavailable to serve. He also explained that his goal has been to alert the town to what the liabilities and risks are going to be. He also read from the October 15,2014 Wicked Local article(Tempers Flare)reporting on the October 14,2014 School Committee meeting(see Attachment K) in which School Committee members were quoted,and he noted that the School Committee needs to be careful about the message they are sending to the Town of Sudbury.The member from Boxborough noted that if the candidate needs certain qualifications to serve,she will defer to the judgment of the Chair of the School Building Committee.The member from Belmont noted that he has worked positively with Mr.Manjarrez on the Finance Subcommittee and the Education Plan Task Force,and would defer to the judgment of the Selectmen in Sudbury. The inconsistency inherent in approving this recommendation and sending the letter to the Town Moderator of Sudbury approved earlier was raised.MSBA's role in approving membership was questioned and explained. [Ms. Sheffler left the meeting at 9:35 PM.] Mr.Manjarrez attempted to explain that a statement he made and outlined in the letter was taken out of context,and this was found to be not germane to the current discussion. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#127 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Weis) To approve the recommendation of David Manjarrez, Sudbury,to serve as a voting member of the School Building Committee Vote: 2 in favor,9 opposed(with 11 members present) Mr. Spalding suggested that the Chair write a letter to the Board of Selectmen informing them of the decision. Mr. Manjarrez noted he had forewarned his Board of Selectmen of this possible result. 10. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR FINANCE REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Review of Financial Statements: Q1 FY 15 period ending September 30,2014 Given the hour,the Chair suggested deferring this item to the December meeting. The Vice-Chair argued against it, noting the importance of the material. Another member suggested scheduling 2 meetings/month to wrap things up and to keep the meetings shorter. Mr.Mahoney asked for a moment,and was given the go-ahead to inform the School Committee of two items: the savings in fuel costs has resulted in a savings in the transportation budget, which has allowed for a late bus every Tuesday. The Governor has issued 9c cuts because of a projected revenue shortfall for FY 2015. This action impacts regional transportation,and details will come out over the next few weeks. The reimbursement rate is anticipated to be cut from 93%to 75%. Mr.Mahoney pointed out that Minuteman is still in excess in this area,but he wanted the School Committee to be aware of the possible impact. The member from Stow noted that regional transportation is often cut when a new governor takes office,and she suggested that a letter be written in support of this line item. The Chair saw this as the Superintendent's purview. 11. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Policy Task Force The Policy Task Force Chair noted that there have been no comments about these policies. It was confirmed that the auditor has reviewed the policies,and that they were discussed at length in the Finance Subcommittee meetings. A clarifying edit was made on DIBB,and the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#128 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Flood) To approve for 2nd Reading three policies from Section D(DIB,DIBB,DIBC) Vote: 10 in favor, 1 abstention The policies can be found as Attachment L. b. School Committee Evaluation Subcommittee The Chair of the School Committee Evaluation Subcommittee explained that in addition to developing the evaluation of the Superintendent,the Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee was charged to implement District Goal No.4-Relational Functionality: improve professionalism of the School Committee, beginning with a baseline measure gathered through a self-evaluation tool. He explained that to establish a baseline, the Subcommittee has adopted the"School Committee Self-Evaluation" instrument developed by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees(MASC). He explained the process that will be followed after each School Committee member fills it out and returns it,noting that the Subcommittee will compile the data,present the results at the December 16th School Committee meeting,so that the School Committee can determine next steps,such as a no cost workshop led by a field director from MASC.He asked that the evaluation be filled out by hand by each School Committee member,signed and dates,and returned by email,US mail,or in person to Ms.Rozan. He noted the holidays November 26,27,28 when the school will be closed,and asked that people return their forms by Monday December 1 at the latest. He pointed out that if received after that date,it will not be included in the compilation of the data. [Mr.Manjarrez left the meeting at 10:00 PM.] Given the lateness of the hour,the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2014#129 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Weis) To continue the meeting beyond 10:00 PM Vote: 9 in favor, 1 opposed (with 10 members present) 12. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Nancy Banks a.Approval of Past Open Session Minutes: 9.10.14,9.16.14,10.14.14 The Secretary noted that there were 3 sets of Open Session minutes to approve,and each was considered separately. 1. The past Open Session Minutes of 9.10.14,amended with comments received in October,were presented,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#130 Moved(Banks)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 9.10.14, as amended Vote: Unanimous 2. The past Open Session Minutes of 9.16.14 were presented,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#131 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Taylor) To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 9.16.14 Vote: Unanimous 3. The past Open Session Minutes of 10.14.14 were presented,clarifying amendments received from Ms. Castagno were reviewed,and the following votes were taken: ACTION 2014#132 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Taylor) To approve the amendments to the Open Session Minutes of 10.14.14, as presented Vote: Unanimous ACTION 2014#133 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 10.14.14,as amended Vote: 9 in favor, 1 abstention 13.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Nancy Banks District Assistant Secretary ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 11.18.14 A. Public Comment: David Manjarrez Letter to Editor Don't Shoot the Messenger (http://sudbury.wickedlocal.com/opinion/letters) B. Letter of Concern Regarding David Manjarrez to Myron J.Fox Moderator of Sudbury C. Melanson Heath FY 14 Audit Report and Management Letter D. Jeff Stulin's Concerns about Remote Participation Policy E. Chris Bateman Letter of Support for 501 (c)3 F. Program Sheet on Middle School Outreach Partnerships G. Minuteman High School Admissions Survey Results: 2012-13 and 2013-14 H. Draft Intermunicipal Agreement Documents(Type A and Type C)and Related Admissions Policy Revision Language I. Proposed Amendments to Regulations for Vocational Technical Education 603 CMR 4.00 J. November 16,2014 editorial online at Lexington Wicked Local: The Good, the Bad (http://lexington.wickedlocal.com/article/20141116/NEW S/141117471) K. David Eisenstadter Article October 15,2014 Tempers Flare as Minuteman School Committee Members Discuss Sudbury Rep. (http://lexington.wickedlocal.com/article/20141015/News/141017660) L. Approved Policies DIB,DIBB,DIBC