HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2014-10-14.pdf FINAL Approved 11.18.14 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 14,2014 7:00 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin,Chair(Needham) Kemon Taschioglou(Lincoln) Carrie Flood,Vice Chair(Concord) Dave Horton(Lexington) Nancy Banks, Secretary(Acton) Jack Weis(Belmont) Alice DeLuca,(Stow) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland)(left at 10:00 PM) Ford Spalding(Dover) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Judy Taylor(Carlisle) Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury)(left at 10:00 PM) David O'Connor(Bolton) Absent: Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough),Daniel Mazzola(Lancaster), Doug Gillespie(Weston),Ed Bouquillon Others Present: Kevin Mahoney,Ernie Houle,Elizabeth Rozan,Christine Laskey(student rep.;left at 8:45 PM), Michelle Roche,Connie Maynard,Diane Dempsey,Tracey Sierra,Maryanne Ham,Brendan Dutch,Marjorie Daggett,Ed DeLuca,Georgi Condon,Gina Condon,DeAnne Dupont,Bill Rubin,Lesley Litman,Jerome Lerman 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair opened the meeting at 7:00 PM,with 13 members present. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chair opened the floor for Public Comment,explaining the parameters. There were two speakers. David Manjarrez,Sudbury representative,voiced a public apology to the Rubin family and to the School Committee that an email associated with him went outside of the Minuteman community. Lesley Litman,parent of former student Solomon Rubin,the subject of the email mentioned by Mr.Manjarrez,read a statement on behalf of her and her husband,Bill Rubin(shown as Attachment A)in which she expressed concern that their son'private information was shared outside the Minuteman community, specifically with someone from the press. She acknowledged the lapse of judgment of the School Committee member from Sudbury in violating their privacy,and expressed concern with the process used to inform their son of this violation,noting that the way in which it was handled had a negative impact on them. She clarified points around the original email,and expressed her opinion that Dr.Bouquillon,in addressing the violation within the law,should have consulted with her and her husband about the best way to inform their son. She then requested that Solomon receive an apology from Dr. Bouquillon,from the School Committee member,and from the School Committee. She urged compassion and understanding going forward. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin a. Governance Issues 1. Remote Access The Chair expressed appreciation to everyone who submitted comments in response to his request for input on Governance Issues,and asked that people continue to submit them.He explained that the member from Wayland had approached him about revisiting the development of a Remote Access policy. The member explained that she was requesting this as an accommodation for a medical condition that has direct impact on her vision,and with the hope that the policy can be addressed expeditiously.The Chair explained that he is less concerned with the technical problems that were at issue when the policy came up a few years ago,but that there remain complications, such as for whom it is applicable,how votes are taken,document distribution,presentations,voices being heard, and Executive Session rules). He asked for a volunteer to look at the law,to look at what other towns are doing, so that a draft policy could be developed to try it out on a trial basis. Ms. Castagno volunteered to investigate this. The 1 member from Lexington offered to provide information on what was done in the past,and the member from Sudbury offered to help with the technical details. It was suggested that the complications cited above might only apply in 5%of the cases. The Chair urged Ms.Castagno to talk with the Superintendent,as he is aware of the request,and to report back when her research is complete. 2. Discussion of preparation/dissemination of information re selected agenda topics The Chair addressed one suggestion related to Governance Issues,namely the dissemination of information by School Committee members in advance of meetings. He noted that he discussed this with the attorney,and was advised that materials from School Committee members cannot be disseminated in advance,either by email to the group,by email from the Assistant,or in the packet,but rather,are to be at the table at the meeting for discussion,to avoid violations of Open Meeting Law. He clarified that he as Chair can request that comments be submitted,and that they can be compiled and presented as part of the presentation material at the table,as was done with the comments requested at the last meeting,currently at the table.The member who submitted this suggestion expressed his frustration that the Administration is allowed to do this,and it gives disproportionate weight to the Administration.He cited his own analysis on the 628 student number as an example.Another member expressed that this is not only an OML issue,but a process issue. The Chair explained that the Superintendent is the CEO,and is not a School Committee member,therefore,not subject to the restrictions of the OML. The Vice Chair concurred, noting that this has been an issue for a long time in many public bodies,but the School Committee is not allowed to offer opinions until the open meeting. b. Approved District Goals 2014-15:Measurement Criteria,Nancy Banks The Secretary explained that she reviewed the material received,and fine-tuned the language of the approved goals to reflect the SMART goal language,and responsible parties. She pointed out a typo in Goal#2. The member from Wayland urged that School Committee members need to be included in scheduling of events related to enrollment, such as 8th grade family nights,assemblies at the school,and community tours. She noted that there has been no Minuteman representative in attendance for the last 4 years at a particular 8th grade event in her community,and there is only 1 Wayland student at Minuteman this year. In response to a request for clarification,the Secretary pointed out that goal#5 was reflected in the Superintendent goals,to be presented later in the meeting by Mr. Horton. Concern was raised about shifting the responsibility of the goal to increase enrollment to the School Committee,which has no control over resources. It was clarified that School Committee members need to advocate for the school and that it is a collaborative effort,given the Administration's inability to attend every event in every community. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#94 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the amended District Goals 2014-15 (items 1,2,3,4,and 6) as presented (with#5 incorporated after the later discussion/vote) Vote: 11 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention(with 13 members present) The approved amended District Goals 2014-15 can be found as Attachment B. 4. MSBA BUILDING DESIGN DISCUSSION a. Expert Presentation: Advanced Manufacturing The Chair noted a delay in this item;the presenter did not show up by the end of the meeting. b. Discussion re comments received from SC Members on"Next Steps/Innovative Ideas",Jeff Stulin The Chair expressed appreciation to the members for taking the time to forward comments on this topic.Members each took a moment to voice their comments(as shown in Attachment C). The Chair pointed out that these were all good ideas,which need to be taken seriously,and may become future School Committee agenda items.The member from Lincoln,pointed out that some of these ideas relate to concerns he will report on at a future meeting related to his role as liaison to the Advisory Committee.The member from Arlington expressed that the ideas need a context and need to be folded into the goals process,in conversation with the Superintendent. The member from Dover noted that the ideas need to be aired immediately to be taken into consideration in the Building Project discussions, and requested that they be forwarded to the School Building Committee and the Design Team.The Vice Chair offered to prioritize them with the officers. 2 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney/Ernie Houle(in absence of Superintendent) a. Out-of-Country Field Trip: Costa Rica Principal Houle explained the details of the trip,and addressed questions regarding the school sanctioning the trip, insurance,fundraising by students,and whether it meets the criteria of School Committee policy. It was suggested that at the completion of the trip that the student provide feedback to the School Committee. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#95 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Flood) To approve the Out-of-Country Field Trip to Costa Rica,April 18-24,2015,as presented Vote:Unanimous b. Overnight Field Trip: Massachusetts SkilisUSA Fall Leadership Conference in Marlboro Principal Houle explained the details of this trip as well,noting the number of attendees,the educational value,the core values of Skills USA,and the student schedule during this trip. He also confirmed that this trip is covered out of the student activity account,and that students do engage in fundraising. ACTION 2014#96 Moved(Weis)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the Overnight Field Trip to the Massachusetts SkillsUSA Fall Leadership Conference in Marlboro,November 23-25,2014,as presented Vote:Unanimous c. Retirement Board Re-Appointment Assistant Superintendent Mahoney explained that the Retirement Board engages in Retirement concerns of the non- teaching staff,and that he is the School Committee's appointed member.He explained further that his term is up in November,and that this is a request to re-appoint him to a three year term. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#97 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the recommendation to re-appoint Kevin Mahoney to the MRVTSD Retirement Board for a three year term(November 16,2014-November 15,2017) Vote:Unanimous d. Appointment of Student Representative to the School Committee Principal Houle explained that several students applied for this position, and that after a number of them were interviewed,Christine Laskey was selected. Christine introduced herself as a Senior from Stow,in the Health Occupations shop. e. Update on Student and Staff Engagement in Design Process MaryAnne Ham gave an update on how the Superintendent has been engaging the students and staff in the design process(Attachment D). She described the number of sessions,the questions leading the discussions,the documents reviewed,and brainstorming process around the academy concept. She pointed out that both the staff and student discussions have shown a shared commitment to design a building and investigate educational models that will contribute to a state-of-the-art facility that supports the future educational program plan.The Chair of the School Building Committee noted that the staff and students are working hard and being honest. In response to a question, the Principal described the way delayed openings are scheduled as professional development days that do not negatively impact the required student hours.The member from Stow suggested that a succinct summary of this kind of activity would be good to send to towns as an example of what is happening at Minuteman.It was suggested that perhaps this could come from the Joint Communications Subcommittee. 3 f. Current Enrollment Report and Class of 2019 Recruitment Update,Jack Dillon Admissons Director Jack Dillon compared numbers from 2011 to the present on total enrollment,9th graders entering the building, students from member town and non-member towns,numbers of withdrawn students,and numbers who declined acceptance. He noted that usually the reason for withdrawal or declining acceptance is due to parental consideration of what is best for their child,and he emphasized that from his experience,he's heard nothing negative about the school itself. He referenced the parent survey sent earlier in the day to gather more data.He noted various events,including Freshman Orientation in August,Information Nights in September, Open Houses in November and January,and extended Shadow Days,December-March.The value of personal phone calls to parents, and mailings to 8th grade parents were discussed,as was the negative impact of the SOLVED Collaborative on enrollment. Commendation was extended for the content and visual impact of the materials distributed at some of these events. Competition between Superintendents who do not want their towns to lose funding was raised,as was the issue of recent bad publicity about Minuteman. It was suggested that parents may not be willing to talk about Minuteman being perceived as a school"in transition"and"administratively dysfunctional"as reasons for not sending their child here. Mr.Dillon noted that some member communities have high schools listed among the top 35 in Massachusetts,and if parents are paying taxes in those communities,why not send their children to the local high school. The member from Lincoln concurred,noting Lincoln-Sudbury High School as a"palace". The length of time it has taken to address a new building at Minuteman,and cutting back on programs here were cited as disadvantageous to enrollment. The member from Bolton pointing out that his daughter,a student at Minuteman, often accompanies Mr.Dillon to these recruitment events,and he is aware of the hard work of Mr.Dillon and his team.It was pointed out that the School Committee members have received some information about events,and their attendance can be helpful to support recruitment efforts. At this point,at 8:45 PM, the member from Arlington expressed concern about the length of the meetings. She suggested taking up the priority issues first,and noted that longer meetings are not better meetings. She also pointed out that the School Committee is a policy-making body,and that while there's a lot going on educationally in a school,the School Committee meetings are not the place to do it all. The Chair explained that the School Committee meets once a month,and that there are many distractions that take the Committee off task. g. Update on Regional Agreement and Possible Vote The Assistant Superintendent explained that since the Town Meeting votes in the spring,discussions have been underway on next steps regarding the Regional Agreement. He explained that a subgroup of the town administrators has been meeting to discuss intermunicipal agreements,and they are developing proposals. He further explained that the Superintendent is recommending a Task Force be established to address the communications efforts needed to engage the towns that passed over the vote. The Vice-Chair read the proposed vote on this Task Force,and a motion was made(Flood)and seconded(O'Connor)to consider it. It was determined that there was not enough clarity,in the absence of the Superintendent,and a replacement motion was made (Spalding)and seconded(O'Connor). The following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#98 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Manjarrez) To table this item on the Regional Agreement Task Force Vote:Unanimous 6. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. Membership Update The Chair of the School Building Committee explained that in response to his invitation,he received recommendations for two additional members,both of whom are well-qualified to serve. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#99 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Castagno) To approve the recommendation of Ryan McNutt,Town Administrator Lancaster, and Michael Majors, Vice-Chair Finance Committee Acton,to serve as voting members of the School Building Committee Vote: Unanimous 4 b. School Building Committee Updated Calendar 9.29.14 He then reviewed the updated calendar,pointing out that the Building Committee has between now and June 15 to determine the final project schematic report for submission to MSBA for approval. The School Building Committee will meet on October 20,and will review the drafts of the three options(new,renovation,new/renovation combination). He also explained the two recently established subcommittees: one to look at the Non-MSBA Project option and the other,a Joint Communications Subcommittee(School Committee and School Building Committee). c. Joint Communications Subcommittee Report,Nancy Banks As co-chair of the Joint Communications Subcommittee,Ms.Banks explained that the purpose of this Subcommittee is to look at common interests,time needed out in the communities,and clear messaging. She asked each member to provide to Ms.Rozan within one week updates on the key stakeholders master list; a list of other key people in the community,with names and contact information,who would benefit from ongoing communication with Minuteman; and a list of the town's issues. It was noted that this is a good way to structure communications, with the town stakeholders in mind. The member from Wayland expressed her view that in this communication effort,the School Committee members should be getting everything being sent out to the towns. She would like to review the content so that she can forward to the appropriate parties,in keeping with her role/responsibility to communicate with her town officials.Ms.Banks noted that the vote on the draft editorial in the packet was being withdrawn. 7. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR FINANCE REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Staffing Report The Assistant Superintendent called attention to the 9.30.14 Staffing Report,provided as informational. b. Car Donations He explained that two car donations were recently offered to Minuteman,and the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2014#100 Moved(Horton)and seconded(DeLuca) To accept two car donations(2003 Toyota Camry and 2002 Toyota Sienna),as presented Vote: Unanimous c.Bond Anticipation Note Renewal He explained the details of this renewal,the bid process,and clarified why it was being renewed. ACTION 2014#101 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Horton) To award the$254,400 Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District Bond Anticipation Feasibility Study Note,sold on October 10,2014,to be dated November 21,2014 and maturing November 20,2015 to Eastern Bank,at a net interest cost of 0.55% Vote: Unanimous d. Update on FY 14 Audit Process The Assistant Superintendent explained that the Auditor is scheduled to give a report on the FY 14 Audit at the November 18,2014 School Committee meeting. The Chair pointed out that this is much earlier than the FY 13 Report. e. Review of Timeline for FY 16 Budget Process The Assistant Superintendent also reviewed the timeline for the FY 16 Budget Process,resulting in the January 20, 2015 School Committee Meeting/Public Hearing,with a snow date of January 22. 1. Review of Financial Statements for Period Ending June 30,2014 The Chair tabled this item until next meeting when it will be fully explained and reviewed. 5 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Dave Horton As Chair of the Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Mr.Horton called attention to the draft of the Superintendent Goals 2014-15. He explained that the goals were reviewed,input was received and considered,and the goals were reformatted incorporating the SMART Goals concept. He explained how they related to the District Goal#5. He also called attention to the anticipated dates for progress reports from the Superintendent,during the December,March,and April-May timeframe. The enrollment goal was discussed as a shared partnership target, which may or may not be met. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#102 Moved(Horton)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the Superintendent's Goals 2014-15 as presented Vote: 11 in favor, 1 abstention(with 1 member out of the room) The approved Superintendent's Goals 2014-15 can be found as Attachment E. b. Policy Task Force,Alice DeLuca Ms.DeLuca noted that no comments were received for these 1St Reading drafts of these three policies in Section D of the Policy Manual,and explained that the Excel spreadsheet model used for large numbers of policies in the past is no longer necessary. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2014#103 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve for 1St Reading three policies from Section D(DIB,DIBB,DIBC) Vote: 12 in favor, 1 abstention These policies can be found as Attachment F. She noted that these will appear on the next agenda for 2nd reading; and that another group for 1St reading is in process. c. Advisory Committee Report,Kemon Taschioglou In the interest of time,this item was tabled for another meeting. 9.OPEN MEETING LAW COMPLAINT Open Meeting Law Complaint filed by David Manjarrez on September 30,2014 and consideration of possible response to same: This item may be taken up in executive session pursuant to Purpose 1 of the Open Meeting Law (MGL. C.30A, s.21 (a)(1)),to consider an Open Meeting Law complaint against a public officer,namely the Minuteman School Committee officers,such complaint having been filed with the District by David Manjarrez on September 30,2014;and pursuant to Purpose 7(M.G.L. c 30A, Section2l(a)(7) ) to comply with or act under the authority of a Massachusetts General Law by receiving legal advice from counsel protected from disclosure under Massachusetts General Law with the relevant citations of law being M.G.L.c.4, Section 7,clause twenty-sixth, MGL. c. 30A,s.21 (a)(1)and MGL. c.214, s. 1B. The Chair asked if there were any objections to consider this item in Open Session. Hearing none,the Committee remained in Open Session. The OML materials(Attachment G)were distributed,and time was given to read through them. The main motion was made(Banks)and seconded(Flood)to authorize the Chair to respond to the complainant and the Attorney General's Office in substantially the form drafted by counsel and presented to this meeting. Mr.Manjarrez stated that he gave the Chair the opportunity to correct and apologize for the error,and he offered his opinion that the litigious attitude is a waste of time. An amendment was offered(Banks)and seconded(Manjarrez), to send a copy of the responses to the moderator of Sudbury,Myron J.Fox so that he is aware of the actions of the Sudbury representative.Ms.Banks noted that the complaint was against the Officers,and that the facts were not straight,including the dates of the meetings. She also noted that Mr.Weis had been asked and had taken the time to 6 explain the votes of the Education Plan Task Force. The Chair noted that the information sent to Mr.Fox needs a context. Concern was raised at the amount of time and money being spent on these matters; it was clarified that if an OML complaint is received,it must be responded to,and that legal counsel is necessary.A member noted that because these are now public documents,Mr.Fox could receive them from anyone; another opinion was expressed that he should know the costs involved, and another was expressed that the process applies to all School Committee members,not just the one involved in this most recent complaint.The following vote was then taken: Amendment#1 ACTION 2014#104 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Manjarrez) To amend the main motion to add: and send a copy of the response to Myron J.Fox, Sudbury Moderator Vote: 5 in favor,5 opposed;3 abstentions This amendment did not pass. The complainant noted that he did not go to the Attorney General with this complaint. With this clarification,the question was raised about whether a response should go to the Attorney General or not. It was pointed out that the OML complaint document was date stamped,implying that it had been filed,and that an allegation had been made against the Officers. A member referred to the School Committee's Bylaws and to Robert's Rules of Order regarding the value of abstention votes,as related to the complaint. Amendment#2 A amendment was offered(Weis)and seconded(Horton)related to confirming with Counsel about the obligation the School Committee has if the OML complaint was in fact not filed. At 10:00 PM,Ms. Castagno and Mr.Manjarrez left the meeting. Frustration was expressed that the member about whom the items relate,had left the meeting. A motion was made to move the question,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#105 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Spalding) To move the question about the time and end debate Vote: Unanimous,with 11 members present A motion was made to continue the meeting beyond 10:00 PM,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#106 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Horton) To continue the meeting beyond 10:00 PM Vote: 9 in favor,2 opposed The amendment offered by Mr.Weis was on the table. In the interest of time,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2014#107 Moved(Banks)and seconded(Spalding) To move the question about the amendment and end debate Vote: 8 in favor,3 opposed A vote on Amendment#2,incorporating the main motion,was then taken as follows: ACTION 2014#108 Moved(Weis)and seconded(Horton) To amend the main motion by substituting with:To authorize the Chair of the School Committee to send a response only to the complainant,subject to confirmation by Counsel that the School Committee has no duty to send an OML violation response to the Attorney General for a complaint that has not been filed with the Attorney General. 7 Further,if the complaint is filed,or if Counsel advises that a response should be sent immediately to the Attorney General,the School Committee authorizes the Chair to respond to the complainant and the Attorney General's Office in substantially the form drafted by Counsel and presented to this meeting. Vote: 9 in favor,2 opposed Another vote was also taken as follows: ACTION 2014#109 Moved (Spalding)and seconded(Sheffler) To send a copy of the response to the town officials in Sudbury Vote: 10 in favor, 1 opposed 10.CONSIDERATION OF ISSUES Consideration of issues arising out of the disclosure of a student record by a School Committee member. The Chair distributed a redacted version of the material related to distributing private student information to the press that had been prepared by Counsel(Attachment H). He pointed out that when he received this email from the member from Sudbury,he did not read it,but was urged to by another member because of the legal issues involved. He further explained that the Superintendent did respond,although the parents had concerns about this response, which were expressed under Public Comment. He noted this was being distributed for information only. 11.CONSIDERATION OF COMPLAINT Consideration of complaint regarding conduct of School Committee member,David Manjarrez,and possible actions to take with regard to same: This item may be taken up in executive session pursuant to Purpose 1 of the Open Meeting Law(MGL. C. 30A,s.21 (a)(1)),to discuss a complaint regarding the conduct of David Manjarrez which may include discussion of the reputation or character of an individual,potential discipline,and complaints or charges brought against a public officer;and pursuant to Purpose 7(M.G.L.c 30A, Section21(a)(7) ) to comply with or act under the authority of a Massachusetts General Law by receiving legal advice from counsel protected from disclosure under Massachusetts General Law with the relevant citations of law being M.G.L. c.4, Section 7, clause twenty-sixth,MGL. c. 30A,s.21 (a)(1), MGL.c.214,s. 1B and 603 CMR 23.07. This item was also held in Open Session. The Chair noted that the School Committee has been engaged with a number of issues related to the behavior of the School Committee member from Sudbury for a number of years. He pointed out that the School Committee cannot fire him or fine him,but has only been able to complain. He therefore was submitting a letter of complaint to the School Committee(Attachment I),and presenting two motions for consideration. 1. To give Officers permission to draft a strong letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez to Myron J.Fox, Moderator of Sudbury,for School Committee approval The desired results,history of past attempts to inform Sudbury of concerns,the impact of judgment errors on Mr. Manjarrez's credibility, that the behavior of the Sudbury representative results in diminished participation by the Town of Sudbury on Minuteman matters,and the need to emphasize that his behavior is not endorsed by the School Committee were issues raised. The following votes were taken: ACTION 2014#110 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) To move the question about drafting a letter and end debate Vote: 10 in favor, 1 opposed ACTION 2014#111 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Taschioglou) To give Officers permission to draft a strong letter of concern regarding David Manjarrez to Myron J.Fox, the Moderator of Sudbury,for School Committee approval Vote: Unanimous 8 2. To give Officers permission to file an OML complaint against Mr.Manjarrez The history and pattern of his filing OML complaints against the School Committee,or its Officers,whether this would escalate or reduce behavior,filing a complaint with sufficient impact,the sense of being morally offended by this pattern,and confronting bullying behavior were issues raised. The following votes were taken: ACTION 2014#112 Moved(Banks)and seconded(DeLuca) To move the question about filing an OML complaint and end debate Vote: Unanimous ACTION 2014#113 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Spalding) To give Officers permission to file an OML complaint against Mr.Manjarrez Vote: 10 in favor, 1 opposed 12.CONSIDERATION OF WAIVER To consider whether or not to waive the estimated$434.00 cost of preparing a response to a Public Records Request from David Manjarrez dated August 16,2014 as described in the Chair's initial response to the same. This item was tabled. 13. SECRETARY'S REPORT a.Approval of Past Open Session Minutes: 9.10.14 and 9.16.14 1. VOTE: To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 9.10.14 2. VOTE: To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 9.16.14 This item was tabled. 14.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Nancy Banks District Assistant Secretary 9 ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 10.14.14 A. Litman Public Comment B. Approved Amended District Goals 2014-15 C. Comments received on"Next Steps/Innovative Ideas" D. MHam Report E. Superintendent's Goals 2014-15 F. Policies approved for 1st Reading: DIB,BIBB,DIBC G. OML Complaint Materials H. Consideration of Issues I. Complaint against SC Member 10