HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2015-06-16.pdf FINAL Approved 7.7.15 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 16,2015 PM 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin,Chair (Needham) David Horton(Lexington) Carrie Flood,Vice Chair(Concord) Jack Weis(Belmont) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Sharon Antia(Lincoln) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough) Doug Gillespie(Weston) Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury) (left 8:30 PM) Pam Nourse(Acton) David O'Connor(Bolton) Absent: Judy Taylor(Carlisle),Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland), Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Also present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan, Steve Sharek,Connie Maynard, Carole LaMond,Robert McLaughlin,Nancy Pierce,Diane Dempsey,John Pelletier 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Bob McLaughlin,Belmont Warrant Committee,raised a concern about Item 6a.on the agenda(Considering a District Wide Ballot). He expressed his opinion that this represented a breach of trust on the part of the School Committee and Superintendent,raising issues for him about character and integrity,and how this educational institution serves as a role model.He also expressed his opinion that this was a"sleight of hand",and urged the School Committee to go back to its promise of getting consensus from all 16 towns before moving forward,and to vote down any action on Item 6a.without unanimous consent of 16 towns. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT a. Reminder: Reorganization Meeting: July 7,2015 The Chair reminded the Committee members of the reorganization meeting scheduled for July 7,2015 at 6:00 PM. He asked that anyone interested in nominating him/herself or someone else to serve in the role of an officer should notify Ms. Rozan. Additionally,he clarified details related to subcommittees. He explained that these will be reconfigured in September,as the Chair consults with the Officers and Superintendent to determine need and to make assignments. He asked members to email Ms. Rozan with any preferences,and also asked that people remain in their current subcommittee role(s)until they are reconfigured. b. 2015-16 School Committee and Finance Subcommittee Meeting Dates The Chair added July 12,2016 to the draft schedule of School Committee meeting dates,and noted that additional dates may be added as needed.The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#44 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Flood) To approve the 2015-16 School Committee and Finance Subcommittee Meeting Dates as amended VOTE: Unanimous c. Review of Policy BEDD Rules of Order The Chair suggested that the Rules of Order,which were included in the packet,be reviewed. He explained these as practical rules for this School Committee to govern itself. He explained the way he handles a number of issues in chairing the meetings,including balancing the sharing of ideas with the time limitations,motions vs.discussions, recognizing speakers with fairness,time limits on discussion,and the right of committee members to move a question when considering that all have spoken. He also noted the count for a quorum,and the various voting options for specific votes. He called attention to the possible ways someone is out of order,the appeal process,and how points of order or points of information can be used. The member from Sudbury suggested the counts of votes may be off due to abstentions,and the Chair disagreed with his understanding. 4. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT a. Report on Graduation and Summer Activities Principal Dillon commended the efforts of all involved in the June 5 graduation,and thanked the School Committee members who were present. David O'Connor noted that he was deeply honored to participate,that the room was electric,and the speakers articulate. Ford Spalding offered congratulations to all involved,particularly Diane Dempsey,who coordinated the details. He stressed that the graduation gives an appreciation for why we're involved at Minuteman—for the kids--and he urged attendance in the future. The member from Boxborough noted that Gatehouse Media had a full write-up in her community paper,and urged people to look up the article. For summer activities,Mr.Dillon reviewed what has been done in past years,and explained that he intends to have an ice cream social for incoming Freshmen in July/August(date to be determined). He noted that he welcomes School Committee member participation,and he will forward the date through Ms.Rozan. b. Admissions Update Assistant Principal/Director of Admissions,George Clement,presented information on admissions strategies and activities.He distributed an Admissions Schedule,and highlighted the guiding strategies developed under the guidance of consultant Mark Perna,reviewed what's been done to date,what we're doing,and what we're planning with regard to getting more of the right students in the right programs for the right reasons. (The Admissions Schedule and presentation detail can be found as Attachment A.) Offering exploratories in the communities,the number of out of district students who applied this year,past success with a computer camp,having the right Admissions Director,adequate funding to support this marketing effort,and use of the term"partners"for in district towns were items raised. Additionally,the Superintendent called attention to the fact that Mark Perna will be the keynote speaker on the morning of Monday,June 29,at the MAVA conference at Blackstone Valley Technical School. He extended an invitation to School Committee members to attend. 5. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT a. Report on Preferred Schematic Report Submission and Communications The Chair of the School Building Committee reported that the draft Preferred Schematic Report(PSR)was submitted to MSBA on June 11,2015,and that additional materials will be provided to MSBA,based on conversations with them. Members of the School Building Team will meet with MSBA's facilities subcommittee next week,in preparation for the August Board of Directors Meeting. He explained that the report is over 1000 pages,and it will be released after they meet with MSBA and work out the final details of the report. b. Status Update: NEASC's May 19,2015 Letter The Superintendent referenced the letter included in the packet,pointing out the areas of progress acknowledged by NEASC,as well as their request for a Special Progress Report by October 1,2015. c. Evaluating Support for the Building Project The Superintendent gave a brief summary of the scope of collaboration with The Education Alliance. Questions on this scope of collaboration included clarification on how it knits together with other things underway,outreach to the business community to build partnerships,the potential for financial resources,the new energy,the positive outlook on what Minuteman contributes to the area,the cost of the service,the focus groups that have been held and those that will be held.The Superintendent pointed out that the draft Prospectus they are working on will be made available to the School Committee when it is ready. 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a. Considering a District Wide Ballot The Superintendent distributed two documents,a letter from Ed Lenox confirming his opinion regarding incurring debt for the school project,and a list of Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)on the District Wide Balloting option (both shown as Attachment B). The Superintendent pointed out that efforts have been made to reach out to communities and get support for the project,and that there is still not support in every community. He stressed his concern over the potential loss of$60-70M in state funding,if MSBA withdraws from the project because the District can't come to a decision by June 30,2016. He expressed his opinion that the District Wide Ballot option is an intelligent solution to this problem,and that the voters should have a voice. He referenced a number of questions on the FAQ sheet,including whether this option has been done before,the cost involved,bonding,the process,and the political campaign restrictions. The member from Sudbury expressed concern that this was being painted as a desperate situation due to the loss of funding,and that this continues to erode trust,reiterating concerns raised under Public Comment. He offered his opinion that this option will create chaos if the concerns of the towns are not listened to. He also suggested the possibility of reapplying if agreement is not reached by the deadline,and the Superintendent outlined his view of the impracticalities of this. Whether this was the right option,the most expedient option,the logistics involved,the discussion already underway in some communities,and the need to convince other towns were some of the issues raised. Some expressed that they are becoming more interested in this option,while others felt that it was tyranny of the minority(if a district-wide vote is not utilized),that it didn't sit right,that the popular vote would change the dynamics,and that only a few people are the gatekeepers in some towns. That the District needs to consider other options and work with towns,the impact of this as a political campaign,locations for polling places,and low voter turnout were additional concerns raised. The voiced- opposition to the building project and the need for a unanimous vote for the project to happen were underscored. The issue of timing was raised,as was the idea of using the scheduled fall special town meetings as a gauge of support for the building project.It was pointed out that a town meeting vote requires that facts be disseminated to inform the public,and a longer time frame is involved. Concern over the message sent to towns if this route is pursued was expressed. It was noted that this issue will come back in July/August/September for further discussion or action. [At 8:30 PM Mr.Manjarrez left the meeting.] b. District's Compliance with Regional Agreement The Superintendent pointed out the request from Wayland to withdraw from the District,which was at the table. He noted that their vote is valid,and that the District must secure a revision to the Regional Agreement to honor Wayland's vote. He suggested that in pursuing this,other revisions to the Regional Agreement could be considered as well. The Superintendent clarified that Wayland's request is covered under the terms of the current Agreement, and that he is suggesting that additional,less controversial changes be considered to allow for 16 affirmative votes, at the same time. Concerns about amending the Regional Agreement were voiced. The member from Weston pointed out that the Building Project vote may be jeopardized if coupled with the Regional Agreement. He suggested that the revisions to the Regional Agreement should be taken off the table and to move forward under the current Agreement. The member from Dover pointed out that the School Committee is bound by the current Agreement,which comes from the towns. He suggested that the Selectmen from the 16 towns get together and take responsibility for crafting a document that they can all agree to,so that the School Committee and Administration can get out from under it. It was pointed out that Wayland's vote was based on 130 people saying no to Minuteman. It was also noted that the District does not need to comply with Wayland's outlined terms,and that the revision prompted by Wayland's request could be worded so as not to set a precedent or imitate an Inter-Municipal Agreement(IMA). The Chair summarized the two issues as follows: 1.)The School Committee is required to address Wayland's request,and will take it up as a future agenda item. The lawyers will draft the language for a warrant article for Spring Town Meeting. 2.)The general sense is that there is a low level of support for putting additional effort into revising the Agreement at this point. Some other group(e.g.,the Selectmen from the towns)could look at drafting revisions they can all agree to. 7. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a.Acceptance of Scholarship: The Dick Ham Memorial Award The Assistant Superintendent read the details of the proposed scholarship as presented.A concern was voiced that it might be too restrictive,but it was agreed that honoring the family's wishes was important and that this was similar to other scholarships that outlined specific parameters. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#45 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To accept the Dick Ham Memorial Award as presented VOTE: 11 in favor, 1 opposed b. Bid Results: Feasibility Study Bond Anticipation Note Renewal The Assistant Superintendent pointed out the details related to the bid results for the Feasibility Study Bond Anticipation Notes that were included in the packet,and the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#46 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To award the$180,000 Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District Bond Anticipation Feasibility Study Note sold on June 10,2015 to be dated June 26,2015 and maturing June 24,2016 to UniBank for Savings at a net interest cost of 0.60% VOTE: Unanimous c. FY 15 Proposed Budget Transfers The Assistant Superintendent described the details related to the FY 15 Proposed Budget Transfers,and clarified that they represent accounting process to balance out line items by function code. He also noted that the revolving funds balances will be presented in July. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#47 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the FY 15 Proposed Budget Transfers as presented VOTE: Unanimous d. Summary of Summer Work The Assistant Superintendent gave an update on planned summer work,including site improvement around the perimeter road and front of the building,the energy generator,the fire alarm panel,floor repair, showers,and painting. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. School Committee Self-Evaluation Workshop Review and Next Steps Mr.Horton noted that he was not recommending a next step at this point,but rather wanted to call attention to materials related to the workshop,including comments from the exercises. Areas that might be further explained or worked on in future were discussed. The Chair extended thanks to Mr.Horton for setting the workshop up,as he found it valuable. It was pointed out that it has value only if followed up on. b. Policy Task Force Ms.DeLuca explained the process for policy review for the benefit of new members,pointing out that new or revised policies related to fiscal matters are reviewed by the Finance Subcommittee before she receives them,and they are considered for Pt and 2nd Reading before they become effective. This year,the focus has been to review policies in Section D(Fiscal Management). She presented Policy DJE(Bidding Requirements)and the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#48 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Flood) To approve Policy DJE(Bidding Requirements)as presented for Pt Reading VOTE: Unanimous She presented Policy DN(School Properties Disposal Procedures). In response to a question,it was explained that the statute allows for a change in the amounts listed,and an additional sentence was added for reportage. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#49 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Leone) To approve Policy DN(School Properties Disposal Procedures),as amended,for 1St Reading VOTE: Unanimous These two policies will be brought forward at the next meeting for 2nd Reading. 9. SECRETARY'S REPORT a. Approval of Draft Workshop Minutes: 5.26.15 The Secretary presented the draft minutes from the workshop of 5.26.15,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2015#50 Moved(Horton)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the Draft Workshop Minutes of 5.26.15 as presented VOTE: 7 in favor,5 abstentions 10: POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:30 PM,the Chair explained the need for an Executive Session,for the reason stated below,noting that Dr. Bouquillon,Ms.Rozan,Mr.Mahoney,and Mr.Dillon would remain,and that the Committee would not return to Open Session. The following roll call vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#51 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(DeLuca) To enter Executive Session,Pursuant to Purpose 6(MGL Ch. 30A,S.21 (a)(6)): To consider the purchase, exchange,lease,or value of real property,as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body,and so the Chair declares. O'Connor yes Horton yes Mahoney yes Weis yes Spalding yes Antia yes DeLuca yes Leone yes Stulin yes Gillespie yes Flood yes Nourse yes VOTE: Unanimous 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned from Executive Session at 9:55 PM. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan David Horton District Assistant Secretary ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 6.16.15 A. Admissions Schedule and Presentation, George Clement B. 6.15.15 Letter from Ed Lenox re Incurring Debt for School Project and FAQs on District Wide Balloting