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Approved 4.14.15
FEBRUARY 24,2015 PM 6:30 PM
Jeff Stulin,Chair(Needham)(arrived 6:50 PM) Kemon Taschioglou(Lincoln)
Carrie Flood,Vice Chair(Concord) Dave Horton(Lexington)
Nancy Banks, Secretary(Acton) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland)(left 8:56 PM)
Alice DeLuca(Stow)
Ford Spalding(Dover)
Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough)
Judy Taylor(Carlisle)
David O'Connor(Bolton)
Absent: Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury),Sue Sheffler(Arlington),Jack Weis(Belmont),Daniel Mazzola(Lancaster),
Doug Gillespie(Weston)
Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan,Steve Sharek,Michelle Roche,
Diane Dempsey, Sheila Nagle,Connie Maynard,Eugene DiPaolo,Marjorie Daggett,Dan Cassidy
Pursuant to Purpose 3 (MGL Ch. 30A, S.21 (a)(3)): To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with
the Minuteman Faculty Association,as an open meeting will have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of
the Committee.
ACTION 2015#11
Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca)
To enter Executive Session for the purposes described above,with Dr.Bouquillon,Mr.Mahoney,Mr.
Dillon,and Ms.Rozan remaining,and to return to Open Session
By Roll Call:
Castagno yes DeLuca yes
Horton yes Spalding yes
Taschioglou yes Mahoney yes
Banks yes Taylor yes
Flood yes O'Connor yes
Vote: Unanimous
a. School Committee Subcommittee on Negotiations with the MFA,Kevin Mahoney
A motion was made,and seconded. Mr. Stulin,who had arrived during the Executive Session,noted that he would
be abstaining from the vote,and the following vote was taken:
ACTION 2015#12
Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding)
To ratify Memorandum of Agreement for a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the
Minuteman School Committee and the MFA
Vote: 9 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention
The document was circulated for signatures,and can be found as Attachment A.
There was no Public Comment.
5. STUDENT REPORT, Christina Laskey, Student Representative
a. Activities and Student Awards
Ms.Laskey reported on the February Girls in STEM camp,February as Black History month, Skills USA activities,
the Northeastern ACE program,and the Boy's Basketball Team. She also called attention to two awards: one for
the Walter J.Markham Award,sponsored by MAVA,awarded to Maria Cid,a senior in the Biotech program,
chosen for her leadership in school or student activities,excellence in technical area of study,and excellence in
academic achievement. The other was the 29th annual Outstanding Vocational Technical Student Award,given to
Emma Clemente,a senior in the Environmental Program,chosen for technical competence,excellence,and
leadership qualities. Michelle Roche introduced Emma Clemente,and commended her accomplishments.Dr.
Bouquillon added that MAVA will recognize the students at their annual dinner held in Worcester's Mechanics Hall,
and that the Massachusetts Secretary of Education is anticipated to be there.
b. Report on February Girls in STEM Camp
Michelle Roche shared excitement about the February Girls in STEM camp,noting that it was covered in the Boston
Globe and in a NECN segment to be aired on tonight(and will be posted on the website tomorrow). She introduced
Becky Quay,and two students, Sarah Joseph and Kaleena Guttredge,commending them for their leadership skills
and success with mentoring middle school girls through the program. These students then gave a presentation,
noting the mission of the program,statistics about girls in STEM, details about how this program worked,and the
outcome projects and events. They also shared photos,offered anecdotes about the experience for the participants,
and described their evaluation data collection process. (Related materials can be found as Attachment B.)
6. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding and MaryAnn Williams
a. Update on Non-MSBA Project Subcommittee's Report
Mr. Spalding referred to Non-MSBA Building Plan Subcommittee's report(Draft v. 5, 1.13.15) that was included
in the School Committee packet,outlining the composition of the Subcommittee and their charge. He emphasized
that all the documents that were reviewed,which were existing reports, are included in the Appendix of the Report,
and are on the website,and that the numbers in the report do not include"soft costs". He noted that the School
Building Committee has accepted the report,which remains a draft,and that he is open to receiving comments in
writing. MaryAnn Williams noted that she views it as a solid report, compiled by competent people who asked a lot
of questions and got clarifications.
b. Design Team Report—3 Options
Ms.Williams reported that the Design Team is developing options for Renovation,Renovation-Addition,and New
that reflect the 628 student enrollment,and that they are finalizing the layout and recommendations,and
incorporating the educational program into the plan to make it a school. She explained that these options have been
developed with input from the engineers and include narratives from the Daedalus consultant. She noted that the
conceptual information is being refined,and that the result will not be 100%perfect,but will provide data for the
district to make an informed decision on what is the best option for educational opportunity,cost effectiveness,and
c. Action Plan/Communications Report
Mr. Spalding described the action plan in anticipation of the School Committee's vote at the May meeting on their
Preferred Schematic Design Option to submit to MSBA.He noted that there will be a special School Committee
meeting on Thursday March 12,2015 at 6:00 PM,which will focus on a review of project costs,training for School
Committee members on how to communicate with the stakeholders in their town,and a review and discussion of the
project options. He then gave a presentation to demonstrate what will be communicated in each community,and
how it will be personalized for each town. He emphasized that this was a draft,and that he will request edits,
comments,and suggestions.The presentation slides covered the following areas: who we are,why we need to act,
what we've already done,a look at our options,what it's going to cost you,why act now,and the next steps
benchmarks from April,2015-2018. The conclusion asked: Which option do you prefer? He then described the
reasons why stakeholder input is so important,and how feedback will be gathered.
He also emphasized the request to School Committee meeting members to set up dates in their towns for the
Minuteman School Building Committee and the Administration to make this presentation to town officials,
Minuteman parents(current and past),and citizens in each town. He noted that these presentations need to be
complete by April 30,and asked that members coordinate the schedule through Steve Sharek by March 12. He
distributed a sample invitation letter,to send once School Committee members set up the date.
Concord Finance Subcommittee member Dan Cassidy requested that a context for the numbers presented in the
slides be included.Another point raised was that"accreditation"is a hot button issue,and that this needs to be very
clear in the materials.In response to the request for the Power Point itself,Mr. Spalding noted that he will send it
out,but that it is a draft,and he will be accepting suggestions for edits through March 2. He also asked that any
specific issues that members want addressed at the special School Committee meeting on March 12 be submitted to
Ms.Rozan by March 9.Ms.Banks,as co-Chair of the Minuteman Building Communications Subcommittee,noted
that she is keeping track of who is accountable in each community,the presentation meeting date,and what is
needed to make it happen,and will be in touch if Steve and Ford do not hear from people.
Superintendent Bouquillon then asked Mr.Mahoney to distribute the projected costs document that has been
developed for the Building Project Options.He explained that there have been many requests for different scenarios
with varied nuances,and that this document represents the best forecast based on the underlying assumptions.He
also noted that the model as presented makes no guarantee of future obligations given the number of variables that
can impact the calculation. Mr.Mahoney explained that the report attempts to forecast assessments to member
towns under three state supported building project options and two self-funded building repair options. The five-
year forecast projects bonding impacts of any project to affect assessments in FY20. He then explained the
assumptions as follows:
1. Full student enrollment of the school is projected at 628 students,of which 525 are from member towns.
2. Member town enrollment growth is 8%per year.
3. Annual financing of bonds assumes a 30 year level debt service schedule at a 3.5%interest rate.
4. Other factors include a
a. 2%inflation rate
b. 60%transportation reimbursement
c. Non-resident tuition set at 125%of statewide foundation budget.
d. Non-resident capital fee based on the per pupil costs of all 628 students
5. No assumptions have been made about towns that may decide to withdraw from the district.
Dr.Bouquillon noted that there is little impact from a taxpayer perspective.Materials related to the School Building
report are found as Attachment C.
Dr.Bouquillon also announced that he had been at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education earlier
in the day for their hearing on the Proposed Amendments to Regulations for Vocational Technical Education 603
CMR 4.00,and that they voted and approved the regulations. Capital fee,MSBA project status,cost to member
towns,effective date,September 1 tuition,and delay on exploratory were discussed. He noted that DESE will be
releasing a press release.His comments can be found as Attachment D.
7. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin, Chair
a. Update on Accommodation Request of Ms.Castagno
Mr. Stulin explained that since the Remote Participation issue was no longer on the table,an accommodation had
been presented to Ms. Castagno,specifically that a Minuteman van could pick her up and take her back home,but
that this was not satisfactory to her. Ms.Castagno explained that she was disappointed with Mr. Stulin,as she did
not feel a collaboration ensued relative to her request,and she was simply presented with an option,without
discussion with her. That the issue was off the table was questioned,and Mr. Stulin summarized the earlier
discussion on the matter,and the vote from the 12.16.14 meeting was read(Action 2014#137: Moved(Flood)and
seconded(Weis)To table all motions related to Remote Participation indefinitely Vote: 12 in favor and 1
b. Update on Trial Run of School Committee Meeting Video On Line
Mr. Stulin noted that the first trial of the School Committee meeting video on line can be directly linked from the
Minuteman website.Mr. Stulin suggested that a few more meetings be put up within a week of the meeting. The
possible need for a formal announcement was raised,and it was suggested to wait until fully satisfied with the
process and result.Ms. Castagno suggested that the full packet be listed as well,and it was agreed this would be
simple to implement.
a. Marketing/Enrollment/Retention Strategy,George Clement
Superintendent Bouquillon introduced Steve Sharek and George Clement. George,as the Interim Assistant
Principal of Education Services,explained Marketing,Enrollment,and Retention efforts,focusing on changing
public perception,increasing positive exposure,and trying out new ideas,under the guidance of consultant Mark
b. Update on Communication Efforts,Steve Sharek
Steve highlighted the many reasons to be optimistic,the outreach and communication efforts,and summarized that
work is being done to strengthen the way the school is marketed to attract new students,and to strengthen
communication efforts both internally and externally. (Presentation materials can be found as Attachment E.)
Ford Spalding commended the efforts,and pointed out that in his work with him on the School Building related
communications, Steve is a great listener,digests information and gets back quickly.Mr.O'Connor pointed out that
students are the biggest advocates for what goes on at Minuteman,and he encouraged enlisting them to focus on the
"evolution"of the"revolution".Additional points raised included the importance of student advocacy offering
credibility with parents,using a student ambassador as honor/upper classman model,and use of social media.
c. Regional Agreement Revisions Report
The Superintendent referenced the success of the Municipal Breakfast Meeting held on 2.6.15,and the status of the
6 remaining votes relative to the Regional Agreement. He noted that he thought he might have material to discuss
related to Inter-municipal Agreements,but that he had nothing to bring forth at this time.
[Ms. Castagno left the meeting at 8:56 PM.]
d. School Calendar 2015-16
Interim Principal Jack Dillon presented the revised school calendar for 2015-16,noting that V.6,dated 2.19.15 was
at the table. He explained that including the MCAS dates is the only change from the earlier version circulated. A
suggestion was made to repeat the circles noted on the calendar on the accompanying text; a suggestion was made
to print in colors that might accommodate those with color-blindness,and the following vote was taken:
ACTION 2015#13
To approve School Calendar 2015-16(v. 6 2.19.15)
Vote: Unanimous,with 9 members present(1 having left,and 1 out of the room)
The approved calendar can be found as Attachment F. The Superintendent raised the issue of the last day of school
going until late June,but noted this is not yet firm.
a. Update:Auditor Contract Renewal
Mr.Mahoney explained that he has raised with both the Officers and the Finance Subcommittee the fact that the
contract with Melanson Heath will soon expire. He noted that this is a contract that is engaged by the School
Committee and is exempt from Ch. 30 B bidding law. He offered the recommendation to engage a successor
contract with this firm,given their performance,responsiveness,and presence.There was some discussion about a
one-year extension or a three-year contract,and there was agreement that given the high level of performance,the
significant progress that has been made, and the desire to stay with this firm,that Mr.Mahoney should pursue a
quote and comparison for a 3 year successor contract,and report back.
b. Financial Reports as of 12.31.14
Mr.Mahoney reviewed the highlights on the Expenditure Reports included with the packet,noting areas of increase
over anticipated expenditures,including legal services,testing,school bus,utilities,and snow removal.A suggestion
was made to pursue emergency assistance if schools are eligible. Areas of projected savings were also highlighted.
He noted that there may need to freeze expenditures before the fiscal year is over. He also reviewed the mechanics
of moving funds within Revolving Funds,and pointed out that end of year deficits in these accounts may be offset
by revenue allocated from the Ch. 70 formula. He stated that his goal is to eliminate deficits in these Revolving
Funds,and this may be possible with a reorganization of the deficit so that district resources are used more
responsibly.The Chair of the Finance Subcommittee clarified that to the extent the Post Graduate students are
counted in Minuteman's foundation enrollment,state aid can lower the assessment to member communities for
regular students,and this is a good thing.
c.Acceptance of Donation
Mr.Mahoney presented the donation from Hub Foundation for 5 Miller welding machines. He clarified that these
are new machines that will be used for the Metal Fabrication/Welding program area.Dr.Bouquillon pointed out that
this donation is from Jim Maxwell,who had extended a generous offering back in September,and that he is engaged
with Minuteman through the Advisory Committee.The following vote was then taken:
ACTION 2015#14
Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca)
To accept the donation from Hub Foundation Co.,Inc.for 5 Miller welding machines
Vote: Unanimous
It was noted that a thank you letter had been prepared for signature.
d. Update on Roof
In response to a request for clarification,the Superintendent explained that the school had been closed on Monday
2.23.15 due to the need to remove snow from the roof. He explained that an analysis had been done 2 years ago to
assess the load-bearing capacity of the roof,and that a current analysis with different engineers reported a reduced
capacity. People were available to remove snow on Monday morning,and it was suggested that the school be empty
until safe capacity level was attained.
a. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee/School Committee Evaluation Subcommittee
1. Follow-up on Superintendent's December Progress Report,Dave Horton
Mr.Horton,as chair of this subcommittee reported that no comments on the December 16,2014 Progress Report
had been received since the last meeting,and that the subcommittee met to review this document. They determined,
and he has discussed with the Superintendent,the interest in his adding metrics in qualitative or quantitative form
for the future Progress Reports to measure results. The point is to stand proud as an organization with goals that
have measured,tangible impact.
2. Follow-up on School Committee Self-Evaluation Process,Dave Horton
Mr.Horton reported that he had nothing specific to report,as Jim Hardy was not available for the scheduled
meeting on February 12,and this has been rescheduled for February 26.
3. Mid-Year Review of the School Committee's District Goals and Measures 2014-15,Nancy Banks
Ms.Banks reviewed the progress on the School Committee District Goals and Measures,pointing out:
1. that we are on target with the School Building Project;
2. that an entire thought process has coalesced around enrollment,as seen by George Clement's report
3. that in the Finance area,policies are moving along,(next item from Ms.DeLuca),but that no progress
has been made with regard to the Per Pupil Cost Analysis;
4. that we are working on the Self-Evaluation process for the School Committee,as just described by Mr.
5. that,as noted,the Superintendent will report on the Teaching and Learning goals with specific
measures to see changes over time.
Mr. Stalin pointed out that the Per Pupil Cost Analysis would allow us to look at operational costs to offer
transparency and increase credibility.He offered his opinion that most of the discrepancy can be answered as being
due to the model or the population served. Ms.Flood concurred that it is important to look at why it costs more on a
per student basis at Minuteman,and that it may be necessary to look at large categories,if not comprehensively.
Mr.Mahoney concurred,and noted that there has been some difficulty engaging someone to do this work,but he is
beginning to look at some of the areas himself,and he is pursuing another lead.
Ms.Banks noted that while this item is a work in progress,an amazing job has been done this year on goals,with
help from a lot of people.
b. Policy Task Force Report,Alice DeLuca
Ms.DeLuca referenced the Policy D status summary and 3 policies included in the packet,pointing out that these
have been reviewed by Mr.Mahoney,the Auditor and by the Finance Subcommittee. With extensive vetting,she
was comfortable offering them for consideration. The following vote was then taken:
ACTION 2015#15
Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Banks)
To approve for Pt Reading the following 3 policies from Section D of the Policy Manual:
Policy DBJ,Budget Transfer Authority
Policy DBI,Budget Implementation
Policy DB,Annual Budget
Vote: Unanimous
These drafts, shown as Attachment G,will appear on the March 24 agenda for 2nd Reading.
a. Approval of Past Open Session Minutes: 1.20.15
Ms.Banks explained that minor editorial suggestions had been received by Mr.Horton,and the following vote was
ACTION 2015#16
Moved(Banks)and seconded(Spalding)
To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 1.20.15
Vote: Unanimous
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Rozan Nancy Banks
District Assistant Secretary
A. MoA for period July 1,2014-June 30,2017
B. Student Report/Student STEM Presentation
C. School Building Report Presentation
D. EBouquillon's comments to DESE 2.24.15
E. Sharek/Clement Presentation
F. Approved Calendar 2015-16 v. 6 2.19.15
G. 3 Policies:DBJ, DBI,DB