HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2015-01-20.pdf FINAL Approved 2.24.15 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING AND REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 20,2015 7:00 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin,Chair(Needham) Kemon Taschioglou(Lincoln) Carrie Flood,Vice Chair(Concord) Dave Horton(Lexington) Nancy Banks, Secretary(Acton) Jack Weis(Belmont) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Sue Sheffler(Arlington Ford Spalding(Dover) Cheryl Mahoney(Boxborough) Judy Taylor(Carlisle) Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury) (left at 9:08 PM) David O'Connor(Bolton) Absent:Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland),Daniel Mazzola(Lancaster),Doug Gillespie(Weston) Others Present: Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan,Carole LaMond(Reporter),Werner Fritz,Diane Dempsey, Sheila Nagle,Connie Maynard,Kevin Lynn, Steven Sharek,Michele Resendes, Marjorie Daggett BUDGET HEARING ON PROPOSED FY 16 BUDGET 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION a. Presentation on Proposed FY 16 Budget,Kevin Mahoney The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM,noted that Mr.Manjarrez was recording the meeting,and invited Mr.Mahoney to give his presentation on the Proposed FY 16 Budget.Mr.Mahoney noted that the proposed FY 16 budget is for$19,831,003,with an increase in the overall budget of 0.9%. He noted that assessment totals will be adjusted to reflect the Governor's budget proposal to be issued in February,2015. He reviewed the FY 16 Budget impacts,the budget goals,the total enrollment and%change since 2010 for grades 9-12,and reviewed the 10 year freshman enrollment.He presented highlights of the revenue plan,the assessments,outlined broad budget considerations,and the impact of implementing the new education program plan.He reviewed professional development,and considerations with impact on Curriculum,Instruction, and Assessment, SPED and related services,Career and Technical Education,and Educational Technology.He discussed off-site projects,operations support,capital expenditures,and outlined the FY 16 Proposed Budget by state function code and the estimated revenue plan.(The Proposed FY 16 Budget and his presentation can be found as Attachment A.) b. Public Comment on Proposed FY 16 Budget With the presentation concluded at 7:20 PM,the Chair opened the floor for Public Comment. The Chair of the Finance Subcommittee commented that while she can't compare the process,this being her first time through it as Chair,she viewed it as a good process. She thought the Executive Team presentations were most helpful,and she extended thanks to Mr.Mahoney and his staff for their responsiveness to the Finance Subcommittee's concerns along the way. She explained that the Finance Subcommittee had endorsed the budget and voted to recommend adoption as presented. The member from Belmont,in his role as a member of the Finance Subcommittee,concurred,noting that he appreciated the discipline in putting this budget together to keep the increase down,without sacrificing services and while being sensitive to the member town assessments. Marjorie Daggett asked for clarification on SPED assessments to member towns.Mr.Mahoney explained that they are being allocated differently. The costs instead of a separate assessment to member communities,are now as part of the operating costs. David Manjarrez asked for clarification on enrollments,to which Mr.Mahoney explained there were no projections based on enrollments. 2. ADJOURNMENT With no further Public Comment,the Budget Hearing was adjourned at 7:30 PM. 7:30 PM REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the Regular Meeting of the School Committee to order at 7:30 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT David Manjarrez, Sudbury,commented that he has put the DVDs of School Committee meetings he has received on line,and he has created a directory of events from these meetings,which he will distribute. 3. STUDENT REPORT There was no Student Report. 4. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin, Chair a. Update on accommodation for Ms.Castagno The Chair explained that Ms.Castagno was absent and has asked that this item be tabled so that she could be present for the discussion. b. Update on request for SC Videos and possible vote The Chair explained that Mr.Manjarrez had emailed a request for a series of DVDs of School Committee meetings. He noted that occasional requests for a DVD have not been a problem,but this request necessitated a formal process due to the volume,cost,and time considerations.He explained that a number of years ago,the School Committee considered making the meeting recordings available on line,and the process was more difficult than it is now. He explained that he was,therefore,prepared to make a motion,and he asked the Vice Chair to read it. It was moved(Stulin)and seconded(Sheffler)to direct the Officers to work with the Administration and the IT Department to propose a policy regarding placing videos of School Committee meetings on line. The Chair offered his opinion that this could be a simple policy,and that implementation could be tried to see how it goes,perhaps starting with this meeting,and going forward. Mr. O'Connor referred to potential cloud storage costs for archiving if over a few hours,and the Chair noted that he is in discussion with the IT Depail.ment about this.His thought was having the material remain on line for 2 years,as a separate server might be necessary if longer. Caution was raised about straining District resources by funding a new function,when funds could better be used to serve students.Costs,additional demands on the IT staff,as well as the benefit of transparency,and the ability for members who are absent to view the meeting were points raised. ACTION 2015#1 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Sheffler) To direct the Officers to work with the Administration and the IT Department to propose a policy regarding placing videos of School Committee meetings on line Vote:Unanimous 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney for Edward Bouquillon a. Introduction of Interim Principal In Dr.Bouquillon's absence,Mr.Mahoney gave the Superintendent's Report. He introduced the Interim Principal, Jack Dillon,who's new role began today.Mr.Dillon noted how happy he was to be serving in this role,as he had been a finalist for a Principal position a few times. He offered commendation to the process,and noted that the staff involved represented the School Committee and Minuteman in a most professional way. b. Introduction of Director of Outreach and Development Mr.Mahoney introduced Steve Sharek as Director of Outreach and Development,explaining how the role relates to Workforce Development,co-op opportunities,and communications efforts in general,and referring to his wide and varied background. Mr. Sharek expressed how happy he was to be appointed to this role,and that he will do his best to make the School Committee proud of his efforts. c. Review of Amended School Calendar 2015-16 Mr.Dillon presented the proposed School Calendar for 2015-16,outlining the changes made since the last version was brought forth.He explained that this will come before the School Committee for a vote at the February meeting. (Draft v. 5 dated 1.20.15 can be found as Attachment B.) d. Approval of Overnight Field Trip: 85th Annual FFA State Convention March 16-18,2015 in Sturbridge, MA Mr.Dillon reviewed the materials received related to the proposed FFA State Convention field trip. He amended the count of students attending,from 12 to 15,and provided additional material on anticipated activities for the days of the stay(Attachment C). Mr.Mahoney confirmed that the trip is in accordance with all rules and regulations, and Mr.Dillon clarified what"dinner on your own"means. The availability of this state convention to Minuteman students was commended,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2015#2 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the Overnight Field Trip: 85th Annual FFA State Convention March 16-18,2015 in Sturbridge, MA as presented Vote:Unanimous e. Update on Status of Regional Agreement Mr.Mahoney explained that meetings have been held with Dover,Lincoln, Sudbury,and Boxborough related to the Regional Agreement. Meetings with Wayland and Belmont will be scheduled.He also referenced the Draft Minutes at the table of the most recent Regional Agreement Advocacy Group held on January 14,2015,provided as information.He pointed out the goal of providing consistent financial information to support better decision making. f. Possible Discussion of IMA Agreements Mr.Mahoney explained that this was a placeholder,but there is no information to share at this time,as it is still a work in progress. Non-member tuition,capital charges,SPED components,and the negotiability of items except capital fee and preferred access/seat reservation for former members were items raised. 6. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. FY 16 Budget and Preliminary Assessments The Committee discussed details of the proposed FY 16 Budget.To the question of enrollment numbers, Mr.Mahoney explained that the numbers on pg. 12 of the budget book reflect the most current detail. It was noted that the Budget Hearing presentation was impressive,and appreciation was extended for the creativity and planning that went into it,which reflected a positive indication of the future of the school. It was noted that assessments were increased due to a decrease in the revenue. The goal of increasing member community enrollment was noted,as was the Administration's initiatives currently underway toward that goal. The effort is to better educate communities to increase member enrollment and decrease non-member enrollment.It was suggested that the road repairs noted in the capital budget be consistent with the building plan. The sequence of steps related to transitioning to the Education Plan was mentioned,with the emphasis on being a component of the building plan, not independent of it.Details related to nomenclature and competencies of Advanced Manufacturing/Welding were also discussed. Appreciation was extended for the forethought involving in planning to create curriculum,and the clear supplemental financial information.The effort to reduce the reliance on out-of-district students and how it relates to operating costs was discussed. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#3 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Horton) To approve the FY 16 Budget as presented Vote: 12 in favor, 1 opposed FY 16 Assessment v.2.0,January 6,2015,as noted on pg.42 of the Budget Book were discussed. It was noted that assessment totals will be adjusted to reflect the Governor's budget proposal to be issued in February,2015, and may related to specifically to changes in Ch. 70 funds. The rules related to adjusting these numbers were discussed,and the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#4 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Weis) To approve the FY 16 Preliminary Assessments as presented Vote: 12 in favor, 1 opposed b. 2015-16 Post Grad Tuition Mr.Mahoney presented detail related to 2015-16 Post Grad Tuition,noting that he is recommending an increase to reflect better comparison to community college rates. He described changes within the programs,and he pointed out that the Finance Subcommittee reviewed this material.He explained that the rates are market driven,and explained how the tuition is paid by the student and the towns. Concern was raised that there is a decrease in enrollment in these programs,and that there is a need for quality education that gets people out into the workforce. The concern was for potentially pricing people out,just because of the market. Mr.Mahoney pointed out that Minuteman cannot lag behind the market and that costs are going up. It was suggested that the market comparison be considered,as well as what the outlay is for students and whether there is alignment between the two. It was also pointed out that one factor in the decrease in post graduate enrollment is the ineligibility for grant money;Minuteman is working towards getting certified for the financial aid eligibility. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#5 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Weis) To approve 2015-16 Post Grad Tuition as presented Vote: 11 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention c. Regional Transportation Reimbursement Fund Mr.Mahoney explained the details of a new statute that allows for the establishment of a Regional Transportation Reimbursement Fund. Proceeds in excess of the budget can be put into a fund to offset these costs,with a School Committee vote. He explained that the DESE guidelines are still being worked out. It was noted that the Mass. Association of Regional Schools(MARS)was recommending this vote,so that this could be used as another tool for managing funds and a motion was made(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) to establish a Regional Transportation Fund according to Section 16C of Ch.71 of MGL. Concern was raised on the restrictions,whether it would really be beneficial,and the timing being a bit off due to the mechanics not yet clear. A suggestion was made to table it and bring it to the Finance Subcommittee. Voting it and funding it at-0-,that it could be a beneficial vehicle,that the state could chip away at it over time,the history of regional transportation funds,and that it could evolve into the prior year tuition issue were points raised. An amendment was offered(Weis)and seconded(Horton)to table this motion and send the item to the Finance Subcommittee for consideration first,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2015#6 Moved(Weis)and seconded(Horton) To table the establishment of a Regional Transportation Fund and send the item to the Finance Subcommittee for consideration first Vote: 11 in favor,2 opposed d. Retirement Board Indemnification Local Option Mr.Mahoney explained the details of this proposed vote,that coverage would be under the general liability plan at no additional cost,and noted that it had been reviewed by the Finance Subcommittee. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#7 Moved(Flood)and seconded(DeLuca) To adopt and approve the local option to indemnify the Minuteman RVTSD Retirement Board members for costs and damages in civil actions against them while conducting Retirement Board business,unless it is shown that there is a breach of fiduciary duty,an act of willful dishonesty,or an intentional violation of law on the part of the Board Member.This local option is pursuant to MGL Ch. 32, S.20A,and was approved by the Minuteman Retirement Board on Nov.20,2014. Vote:Unanimous e. Acceptance of Donation: 22 flat screen Dell Monitors from Wide Horizons of Waltham Mr.Mahoney presented this item,and confirmed that all the monitors are in working order and ready to be utilized. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2015#8 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) To accept the donation for Dell Monitors as described Vote: Unanimous 1. Possible Vote for Additional Donation Mr.Mahoney explained that this was a placeholder,and that there was nothing to present for this item. 7. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. Membership Update Mr. Spalding referenced the resume included in the packet for Paul Lynch,and highlighted his experience with School Committees,the Sudbury Vocational School group,and his work as an attorney. Mr.Manjarrez noted that he has met him,and offered his opinion that he fits right in. The Committee then took the following vote. ACTION 2015#9 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Banks) To approve the recommendation of the Sudbury Board of Selectmen for Paul Lynch to serve as voting member of the School Building Committee Vote: Unanimous b. Upcoming Meetings Mr. Spalding also called attention to the 7:00 PM February 2,2015 meeting of the School Building Committee,to which the School Committee has been invited. The agenda and some of the materials have been sent out. He explained that at that meeting,the group will review the Non-MSBA Building Project Report and the report from the Design Team,which will be available next week. He emphasized that these reports are drafts and will be taken to the communities for input. He also noted that there will be no long debate,as input will be requested in writing. He also noted that the Minuteman Building Communications Subcommittee will meet at 6:00 PM the same evening. Additionally,the Municipal Breakfast is scheduled for February 6,2015 at 7:30 AM. It was clarified that a save the date notice was sent to local officials,and will be forthcoming to the School Committee members. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Update from Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee/School Committee Evaluation Subcommittee,Dave Horton Mr.Horton noted that since the Superintendent's December Progress Report was not discussed at the 12.16.14 School Committee meeting due to time constraints,this report and the evidence will be put on the website for School Committee member review. He emphasized that the Subcommittee is looking for input on form,style, and/or content,and asks that it be sent to Ms.Rozan. Ms.Banks concurred,noting that silence means the format is fine. Mr.Horton reported on the recent meeting with Jim Hardy of MASC,on the School Committee's Self-Evaluation data. He explained that Mr.Hardy offered a reorganization of the data by rating,and made recommendations related to conduct of meetings,governance,and member relations. He explained some suggestions offered, and noted that efforts to develop a concrete proposal are underway; further ideas can be submitted through Ms.Rozan. Mr. Horton also noted that with regard to Mission Statement, School Committees typically do not create their own,but operate through the one the school has developed. Responsibility and accountability were raised as factors to consider in developing this action plan. [Mr.Manjarrez left the meeting at 9:08 PM.] 9. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Nancy Banks a. Approval of Past Open Session Minutes: 12.16.14 Ms.Banks noted that minor amendments had been received from Mr. Horton. The following vote was taken: ACTION 2015#10 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Banks) To approve the past Open Session Minutes of 12.16.14,as amended Vote: 9 in favor,3 abstentions 10. ADJOURNMENT Mr.Mahoney called attention to the informational item distributed at the table,specifically the articles in the Boston Globe and Boston Herald related to Minuteman. All business being completed,the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Nancy Banks District Assistant Secretary ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 1.20.15 A. FY 16 Proposed Budget and Presentation B. Draft School Calendar 2015-16(V. 5, 1.20.15) C. FFA State Convention Activity List