HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Mtg Minutes 2016-11-15.pdf FINAL Approved 12.13.16 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 2016 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin, Chair(Needham) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Carrie Flood,Vice-Chair(Concord) Sharon Antia(Lincoln) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jack Weis(Belmont) (arrived 6:35 PM) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Pam Nourse(Acton) Ford Spalding(Dover) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Christine Lear(Carlisle) David O'Connor(Bolton) Weighted Vote: 11 members present until 6:35 PM, with Weighted Vote: 76.17% then 12,with Weighted Vote: 83.07% Absent: Vince Amoroso(Boxborough),Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland),Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury), Doug Gillespie(Weston) Others present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan,Diane Dempsey, Connie Maynard,Maria Hylton,Robert Hilsinge 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin a. Introduction of Student Representative,2016-17 The Chair introduced the Student Representative for 2016-17. Anna Julia Brooks of Belmont is a senior in the Culinary Program. She is on the Student Council, Student Government,the Principal's Committee, and is now the student representative to the School Committee. b.Acknowledgement of Receipt: October 24,2016 Letter from Belmont re Certification of Vote to Withdraw The Chair noted that under the new Regional Agreement,once the District receives notice of a member town's vote to withdraw,two actions are necessary: 1.)To notify the Town Clerks of all member towns within 7 days of receipt, and 2.)To acknowledge receipt of the letter at the next School Committee meeting, for inclusion in the minutes of the meeting. Notification to Town Clerks was sent on October 28,2016, and a copy of this letter from the District Secretary was included in the packet. The Chair acknowledged and duly noted for the minutes of this meeting that on October 26,2016,the District received a letter from Belmont dated October 24,2016, certifying their vote to withdraw from the District. The Superintendent confirmed that no other School Committee action was necessary. 1 c. Subcommittee Assignments 2016-17 The Chair presented a draft of the proposed Subcommittee,Task Forces,and Liaisons for 2016-17,and extended appreciation to all members who agreed to serve as noted. He raised the concern that the new Regional Agreement does not specify how voting is to occur at subcommittees, and that the School Committee must specifically state how this will work. He explained his view that weighted voting is impractical at subcommittee meetings, and that he has consulted with legal counsel on this matter;three options were suggested, and he reviewed the pros and cons of each option. He recommended that in approving the assignments for 2016-17, specific wording be included that defines a quorum as a majority of the subcommittee members,and that subcommittee vote is by majority of subcommittee members present and voting,regardless of weights. Such language would make the methodology legal for this year, and for the future,he asks that the Policy Task Force review the Rules of Order and include wording that addresses the School Committee's intention. With no opposition to this suggestion,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2016#76 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Leone) To approve the list of Subcommittees,Task Forces,Liaisons 2016-17,as presented. For the subcommittees a quorum is defined as a majority of the subcommittee members. Subcommittee vote is by majority of subcommittee members present and voting,regardless of weights. VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland,Weston, Sudbury,Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: 11 in favor, 1 abstention(Belmont) Final percentage results of vote: 76.17% Final status of the vote: Passed d. School Committee Goals 2016-17 The Chair presented the proposed School Committee Goals for 2016-17,noting their overarching alignment with the more specific Superintendent Goals. Discussion ensued around making them more concrete,including specific indicators of how to measure success,vs. leaving them as is,using them to develop the School Committee meeting agendas, and supporting the Superintendent as he addresses more specificity. Adhering to the Building Project timeline to deliver the building on time and on budget, viewing enrollment as a 5-year goal,taking opportunities to speak positively as a liaison for the District, increasing enrollment from each member town,and suggesting enhancements/specificity were issues raised. It was agreed to leave them as presented, and the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2016#77 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Leone) To approve the School Committee Goals 2016-17, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland,Weston, Sudbury,Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 83.07% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 2 3. STUDENT REPORT,Anna Julia Brooks Anna Brooks reported on what life is like for students at Minuteman. She explained various recent activities,provided a short video, and expressed her enthusiasm for both Minuteman and getting to know the School Committee. Her full report can be found as Attachment A. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 5. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT a. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Dave Horton Mr. Horton,as Chair of the Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,reported on the development of the Superintendent's Leadership Goals and Annual Plan 2016-17. He reviewed the accompanying deadlines,pointing out that there will be no mid-term/formative evaluation this year, and that the aim is to have better alignment with the School Committee goals and the school-wide goals. He explained that the Summative Report in May will include summarized evidence that will facilitate the School Committee's online evaluation to inform the Subcommittee's final review and recommendation. Subcommittee member Jennifer Leone added that the Superintendent and his staff will give reports at monthly School Committee meetings that will show progress being made. It was pointed out that it is late in the year for this to come before the School Committee, and it was noted that this was intentional, given the need to know the outcome of the District Wide Election. How these goals address the enrollment issues through the School Improvement Plan,and the expectation of engaging families and the community through ongoing communications were additional items discussed. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2016#78 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Leone) To approve the Superintendent Leadership Goals and Annual Plan 2016-17, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland,Weston, Sudbury,Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 83.07% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 6. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT,Jack Dillon a. Out-of-State Field Trip: DVC Students to NY Mr. Dillon explained the details of the trip,responded to the question of accommodating those students who may be recipients of free and reduced lunch, so that they can fully participate in the experience, and noted that he will inquire and ensure that this is not an issue for anyone participating in the trip. It was noted that the trip meets all the guidelines for out-of-state field trips involving late-night travel, and the following vote was taken: 3 ACTION 2016#79 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Sheffler) To approve the DVC student out-of-state field trip to MOMA in New York in April, 2016, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland,Weston, Sudbury,Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 83.07% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously b. Update: October 1 Enrollments Mr. Dillon presented the October 1 enrollments for a three-year period(2014,2015, 2016) as informational. There was a discussion about the extent to which the numbers reflect the impact of the state regulations regarding exploratory programs. The member from Stow noted that Minuteman students are all our students,no matter where they come from. 7. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Ed Bouquillon a. Related to Goal 1 (District Improvement,Module 6) 1.Update on Design Work,Ed Bouquillon and Ford Spalding The Superintendent called attention to the list of meetings included with this item, as well as the material from MSBA related to Module 6. He noted that the Design Team includes some new people,who in his opinion are brilliant. He pointed out that they are finalizing the design and streamlining the footprint for efficiencies. They have been talking with staff,making site visits, and broadening their learning about design. He anticipates a Spring,2017 ground-breaking. Mr. Spalding added that he is impressed with the contributions of the faculty,who know this is now a reality,not just a hope. b.Related to Goal 2 (District Improvement, Goal Alignment) 1. Update on District Targeted Review Report The Superintendent gave an update on the District Targeted Review,noting he had received a draft in September, and sent it back, pointing out errors of fact. He received a second draft, and again,he sent it back with additional suggestions. He noted that no one on the DESE review team had had any experience with a Regional School, and he was pleased with the give and take and reflective nature of the interactions with DESE. He anticipates having a final report to share with the School Committee in the December timeframe. 2.Draft School Improvement Plan(SIP),Ed Bouquillon and Jack Dillon The Superintendent referenced the Draft School Improvement Plan included with the packet. He noted the reduction in length, as material has been focused. He noted that no vote is necessary from the School Committee, as the School Council group will review it. He asked that any comments be sent to him through Ms. Rozan, and noted that he anticipates having this in place by December. To concerns raised about community involvement,the Chair asked that specific suggestions be forwarded to the Superintendent as noted. It was pointed out that parents and students serve on the School Council,along with staff members. 4 c. Related to Goal 3 (Student Learning) 1.Update on Academy Development Team work: Summer PLC Training; Spring Report 2. Update on Administrators work: participation in SPED Training Task Force The Superintendent noted that these two items listed under Goal 3 (Student Learning)are related. The staff members participating in the SPED Task Force are Bill Blake,Amy Perreault,Michelle Roche, and Margaret Teehan. He noted that the cost involved in participating is time,and the time commitment is significant. He explained that with this activity,the District may be eligible for other DESE opportunities as well. He anticipates an update from the Task Force in December or January. d. Discussion 1.Intergovernmental Agreement for the Acton-Boxborough Middle School Outreach Program The Superintendent called attention to the Draft Intergovernmental Agreement found at the table, and shown as Attachment B. He explained that this will be an agreement between the two School Committees (Minuteman and Acton-Boxborough),is included as informational, and that no vote will be taken until the Acton-Boxborough School Committee has an opportunity to review it fully. He noted that he and Mr. Mahoney will meet with them. He explained that this agreement will formalize the billing process for this Outreach Program. How this will appear on the Minuteman budget sheets was also discussed. 2. Update on Admissions Policy and Exploratory Selection Process The Superintendent noted that he is developing an update on the Admissions Policy that incorporates the impact of the state regulations and enrollment of students from non-member towns,and will be asking the Policy Task Force to review it, after the language is finalized with input from Counsel. He explained his view that it will probably take less than the 3 years it previously took for the Department of Education to approve it, and that it will not impact this year's recruitment process. The Superintendent noted that there is an assumption that in-district students will have an advantage in the shop selection process. How that advantage is described in a policy acceptable to DESE needs to be determined. The Superintendent will implement"the policy"once approved,NOT the regulation. The regulation is silent on the selection of shops of exploring students. The Superintendent emphasized strongly that he abhors the idea of restricting access to our programs,but he will implement the regulations as required. The Policy Task Force Chair urged that the concerns of leadership and the student body be taken into account so that the final result is not divisive. 8. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. CM at Risk Selection Subcommittee Report Mr. Spalding explained that the activities of the School Building Committee have been in two main areas: the design of the building and the selection of the CM(Construction Manager) at Risk. With regard to design,he explained that at least 19 meetings have been held with the Administrators,the Building Committee,the Design Team, and faculty. He reported that the space of the building is becoming three- dimensional, as the envelope of the building is being smoothed out and costs are being reduced. He commended the work of the new member of the team,KBA architect Seunghwan Lee. He anticipates a presentation of the status of the design at the December 13 School Committee meeting. With regard to the CM at Risk Selection process,Mr. Spalding reported that 9 firms submitted Requests for Qualifications and toured the building. The Selection Subcommittee found 1 firm to be not qualified (Bacon-Agostini),and 2 others have withdrawn(Fontaine Brothers and Turner Construction). The RFPs have been distributed to the firms,and are due back to Skanska on November 29. The remaining 6 firms (Consigli,Dimeo,Gilbane, Shawmut, Suffolk,and Rich-KBE)are scheduled to be interviewed on 5 Saturday December 10. With two of them in competition for the Somerville high school building project, the final interview number may end up being 5 firms. The School Building Committee will meet on December 12 and vote on their recommendation, and Mr. Spalding will be bringing this recommendation to the School Committee on December 13. He referenced the updated interview questions, and the School Building Committee's meeting schedule for 2017,both at the table(found as Attachment C). He pointed out that there is a lot of construction underway in Boston, and underscored the intention of a spring ground breaking. He also commended the talent of members of the School Building Committee, and expressed appreciation for the recent work of Dana Ham and Dave Frizzell. In response to a question,he explained the benefit of bringing a CM at Risk to the project,namely that this position shares the risk,hires and supervise the general contractor,puts up the bond, and that money saved goes back to the owner,not them. He further explained that most building projects go this route. Related to the Building Project,the Superintendent called attention to the letter from MSBA regarding the Project Funding Agreement,received a few hours ago and placed at the table. (See Attachment D.) He noted that MSBA is supportive of the Minuteman project. He noted that he will be asking for a vote at the December 13 meeting to enter into this Agreement and to authorize him and the Chair of the School Committee to execute it. He further explained that the full lengthy agreement will be sent electronically to the School Committee for review prior to the vote. 9. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Renewal—Bond Anticipation Notes Mr. Mahoney explained as informational the details of the Bond Anticipation Notes (BANs)due on November 18,2016,related to the Feasibility Study, including the amounts and the bid results for this BAN renewal. He further explained that no vote was necessary. b. Update on Budget Process: FY 18 Process Calendar Mr. Mahoney gave an update on the Budget Process, specifically the FY 18 Budget Calendar included in the packet. He pointed out that he is well into the process,that departments have submitted requests,the Executive Team will give a presentation to the Finance Subcommittee on December 1, and the School Committee will review the preliminary budget on December 13, in preparation for the public hearing on January 17. To the question of whether there are any items the School Committee should be aware of,he noted that he is developing the assessments to the towns; at the next meeting he will have a BAN for the 1st phase of the design, and that there will be some impact from the transportation costs. He noted he will be meeting with the Finance Subcommittee along the way to review all the details. He also informed the School Committee of recent staffing changes in the Business Office,with Michelle Resendes moving on to the Business Manager position at the Maynard Public Schools, and with Michelle Shepard, a CPA who has owned her own firm for 20 years, and most recently was employed in the Treasurer's Office in Fitchburg, as her replacement. He explained that Michelle Shepard will be at the December School Committee meeting, along with the Auditor. c. FY 17 Q1 Financial Report Mr.Mahoney called attention to the Pt Q Financial Report,noting that it was reviewed by the Finance Subcommittee on October 25,and that it is being provided as informational,with no vote necessary. d. Bid Results: Gas and Electric Mr.Mahoney informed the School Committee that the electricity supplier contract with Constellation New Energy expired on November 1, and natural gas contract with Spark Energy expires on December 1. 6 Proposals were solicited on behalf of the District for successor contracts by our energy consultant Beacon Integrated Solutions,and he referenced the results and summary report included in the packet. e. Book Donation from MIT Press Bookstore Mr.Mahoney reported that a donation was received from the MIT Press Bookstore for books in such fields as engineering, DVC,robotics, programming,biotech, and environmental sciences. He noted that the variety of topics will provide a valuable resource to both students and instructors, and that no vote was necessary. f. McCarthy Horticulture Scholarship Mr. Mahoney informed the School Committee of a recent donation of$10,000 to establish a scholarship related to Horticulture. He introduced Diane Dempsey who further explained that the donation was made by a resident of Lexington,Edward McCarthy, in honor of his wife's 75th birthday. His wife, Christel,is a member of Lexington's Field and Garden Club. They held a small birthday party at the school's Fife and Drum Restaurant for her, and it was an exciting event,prompted by the publicity in the town related to the building project. The start-up of$10,000 will allow an annual$1,000 scholarship for a graduating student in the Horticulture program. An essay is required as one criterion for consideration. The Chair expressed that this was a ray of sunshine,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2016#80 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Antia) To accept the gift of$10,000 to establish the annual McCarthy Horticulture Scholarship, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland,Weston, Sudbury,Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 83.07% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 10. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Dave Horton Having received no suggested amendments,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2016#81 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Leone) To approve the Minutes of 9.27.16,as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland, Weston, Sudbury, Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: 11 in favor, 1 abstention(Bolton) Final percentage results of vote: 78.67% Final status of the vote: Passed 7 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2016#82 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) To adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Wayland,Weston, Sudbury,Boxborough) Weighted Vote present: 83.07% Weight needed: 41.54% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 83.07% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan David C. Horton District Assistant Secretary ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 11.15.16 A. Student Report B. Draft IGA MM-AB Middle School Outreach Program C.Updated CM at Risk Interview Questions and SBC Schedule of Meetings 2017 D. November 15, 2016 MSBA letter re the Project Funding Agreement 8 9