HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Mtg Minutes 2016-09-27.pdf FINAL
Approved 11.15.16
SEPTEMBER 27,2016 6:30 PM
Jeff Stulin, Chair(Needham) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)
Carrie Flood,Vice-Chair(Concord) Pam Nourse(Acton)
David Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jack Weis(Belmont) (arrived 6:35 PM)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland) (left 7:30 PM)
Ford Spalding(Dover) Sue Sheffler(Arlington)
Vince Amoroso(Boxborough)
Christine Lear(Carlisle)
Absent: Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury); David O'Connor(Bolton); Sharon Antia(Lincoln); Doug Gillespie
12 members present until 7:30 PM;then 11.
Also present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon, Bill Blake, Elizabeth Rozan,John Donato,
Al St. George, Bob Halsinger,Ed DeLuca
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
2. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin
a.Welcome to New Member
The Chair welcomed the new member from Carlisle,Christine Lear.
b.Results of the September 20,2016 Election
The Chair summarized the District-Wide Election results,noting that the citizens voted yes by a 70%
margin. Remarking that it is a"new day for Minuteman,"he enthusiastically extended thanks to the
Superintendent's administrative team; the OPM and architects; the parents, staff and teachers who
supported the vote,the countless students who demonstrate success from their Minuteman education; and
all the citizens who voted in support of a new Minuteman school. He emphasized the focus now is
Module 6 to bring the new school to fruition, on time and on budget.
c.Update on Subcommittee Assignments and Goals
The Chair noted that due to the scheduling demands of the last few weeks,the 2016-17 Subcommittee
Assignments have not yet been developed. He referenced last year's assignments, and noted that these
will continue until new ones are approved. He asked members to review and let him know through an
email to Ms. Rozan what subcommittee is of interest for 2016-17, so he can present a new list at the
November meeting for approval. He noted that he anticipates presenting Minuteman District Goals at the
November meeting as well.
d.Reminder of Weighted Voting Parameters and Procedures
The Chair reminded members that Weighted Voting is now in effect,and asked Ms. Flood to give a
refresher on how the votes will be recorded,which she did. The Chair emphasized that there are still
kinks in the process,but that the pace of voting will pick up as it becomes more familiar.
There was no Public Comment.
a. Opening Day
Mr. Dillon reported that Opening Day was the best he's experienced in 11 years. He explained that there
were many factors involved to make a smooth opening, and he noted that draft schedules had been sent
out to students,there were few discrepancies,and people could hit the ground running.
b.Unofficial Enrollment Report
Mr. Dillon reported that the updated unofficial total number of active students at Minuteman, in the
building, as of 9.22.16 is 583,with 386 In District and 197 Out of District. This number includes:
New 9th graders total 128, with 100 In District and 28 Out of District
New 10th graders total 11, with 4 In District and 7 Out of District
New 11th graders total 8, with 5 In District and 3 Out of District.
He explained how two students who moved were counted,and he explained that enrollment data is being
collected relative to the new regulations and the impact on exploratory options. He also noted that as a
result of the recruitment efforts,total applications are up 33%. Since many apply,but a significant
number then decide to go elsewhere,the recruitment focus is on capturing more of those applicants. His
updated report can be found as Attachment A.
c. Status Update on School Improvement Plan
Mr. Dillon explained that over the last year,he met with the School Council to review the current School
Improvement Plan(SIP), and that as a result of these meeting,the SIP is being refined. The goal is to
have a draft ready for the November meeting, one that will cover a two year period,November, 2016-
November, 2018.
d.Approval of Overnight Field Trip
Mr. Dillon reviewed the details of this trip, and apologized for the error in the memorandum,related to
financial hardship. He emphasized that no student has to work off the cost of a trip,and he will ensure
that this language is stricken from documents. He confirmed that the trip conforms with the School
Committee policies, and the following vote was taken:
ACTION 2016#70
Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone)
To approve the Overnight Field Trip: Environmental Students to AMC Facility in Russell,MA
Sept. 29-Oct 2,2016, as presented
Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Acton,Arlington,Belmont,Boxborough, Carlisle,
Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham, Stow,Wayland)
Weighted Vote of those present: 82.32%
Weight needed: 41.16%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None
Final percentage results of vote: 82.32%
Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously
5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Ed Bouquillon and Bill Blake
a. Update on Targeted District Review
The Superintendent reported that he received a draft of the DESE Targeted District Review Report,after
their review of many documents submitted by the staff, and their site visit last May. He explained that
this report is not yet ready for distribution, as it is being checked for errors of fact; some descriptions in
the report were incomplete and did not address the SPED population. He explained that one suggestion
made was to better integrate the School Improvement Plan with the District and the Superintendent Goals,
and this is being addressed. He hopes to have the final report for the November meeting.
b. Update on MCAS Results
Mr. Blake noted that in the spirit of optimism felt as a result of the vote,he was happy to be able to share
the Grade 10 Spring 2016 MCAS results. He noted that the top achievement is that the Level 1
Accountability Rating has been reestablished, and this is good news for the District. He reviewed the
entry points for students,the pass rates, and the positive trends in ELA,Math, and Biology. He addressed
Minuteman's strategies to help students and the professional development offered for staff. He then
alluded to the longitudinal graphs. He noted that while proficiency can't be legislated,the law requires
proficiency by the year 2017. In response to a question,he addressed how Minuteman is preparing for the
next generation MCAS,which the current Freshman will be taking. He noted that teachers have been
preparing, as some elements of the PARCC test will be in it, and it will take some practice. In the Science
and Math areas,he thought teachers were in good shape. In English,there will be a rhetorical model
where the students will need to make a case in writing. Strategies such as paired readings for themes will
be used in the teaching. Additionally, students will have to get used to taking the test online. However,
he emphasized that things are subject to change. He also pointed out that the results are held to a strict
business model, so that the poor performance of a single student can undo the accountability rating. In
response to a question,Mr.Blake gave additional information about the co-teaching model used,if
required in the IEP. One member pointed out that this was a big deal to go from Level 2 to Level 1
Accountability. It was also noted that it is damaging to students who take,but fail the test a number of
times before passing, and that it is important to appreciate their perseverance and hard work. A request
was made for information on what a school needs to do to meet the target numbers, and Mr. Blake agreed
to direct the member to the explanatory material. Additionally, a member asked about CTE school
MCAS comparisons, and the Superintendent noted he would forward the information. (The presentation
material is found as Attachment B.)
a.Report on September 26,2016 School Building Committee Meeting
Mr. Spalding expressed congratulations on the successful citizens' vote that allows the project to move
forward for the benefit of the students. He noted the preliminary numbers of 12,158 in favor and 5,320
against,and indicated that this was a huge endorsement. He offered a slogan to guide the work going
forward: "Build it for Minuteman's Future!" Mr. Spalding further emphasized that the School Building
Committee will hold to doing this on time and on budget. He reported that the amended contracts for the
Design team were approved at the Building Committee meeting, and the revised schedule and cash flow
were reviewed, as were the target dates. He noted that next steps with the MSBA will begin as soon as
the certified votes are in from the Town Clerks. He described the process for selecting a Construction
Manager,noting that the final design process will begin next week. He also expressed deep appreciation
to all the Town Clerks.
b.Next Steps
Mr. Spalding also referenced the Project Timeline, and noted that occupancy is expected by September,
2020. He highlighted specifics shown on the chart, and noted that the clear design outlining what the
money will buy will be developed within the year. He noted that there is a great deal of work ahead. The
change in mood in the building and in the towns was noted, one that reflects optimism,with the
expectation that there will be no problem filling the school to capacity. The Vice Chair concurred,noting
that she has heard from many people who have expressed congratulations. She pointed out that in her
town of Concord,there are 42 additional students in their middle school, some of whom will attend
Minuteman. Mr. Spalding's full report materials can be found as Attachment C.
a. Report on Election: Preliminary Costs
Mr.Mahoney referenced the election preliminary cost sheets included with the packet, and noted the
estimate of$125K. He explained that the budgeted amount was $120K,and that the additional funds will
be identified. He noted that he has requested that reimbursements from Town Clerks be submitted by
mid-October, and once he has them,he will compile a schedule and share this with the School Committee
at the November meeting.
b. Summer Projects Report
Mr.Mahoney reported that much work was done over the summer. He outlined specifics, including
resurfacing the access road and improving the front entrance for ADA compliance and aesthetics.
Additionally,painting and electrical work was done in the Advanced Manufacturing shop,with the help
of Kyle Romano and Al St. George,present in the audience. The new machinery was also installed.
[Ms. Castagno left the meeting at 7:30 PM; 11 members were then present.]
In response to a question raised about approving the Advanced Manufacturing program,the
Superintendent reminded the Committee that this program was approved as part of the Education Program
Mr. Mahoney reported that additional summer work included painting the swimming pool,resolving the
issues with the sewage service,preparing the former Lincoln Lab building for the Tremont School's
occupancy, and renovating Room 2S50. Additionally,routine maintenance work was underway,
involving the chiller/boiler and floors in some spaces. He agreed with Mr. Dillon that it was a smooth
opening day, and he commended the Maintenance staff for their efforts. The Superintendent added that
this was a very challenging summer(more so than the summer of the Trades Hall upgrades), as there
were projects underway in many areas of the school simultaneously.
c. Bid Results
Mr. Mahoney explained the bid results at the table,which included one for painting/cleaning services, one
for plumbing services, and one for security services, as shown in Attachment D. To the question of why
the Lexington School Committee had to approve the Tremont School on one of their recent agendas,the
Superintendent explained that the state regulations require the local School Committee to review the
educational programming of any new school in town. The Lexington Schools will make regular visits to
the Tremont School, for final authorization by the end of the 1st school year.
d. FY 16 Year End Expenditure Report
Mr.Mahoney called attention to the FY 16 End of Year Expenditure Report included in the packet. He
explained that somefunds that would be moved to the E&D balance. He addressed some specific
questions from the report in the 2300 Teaching Service line item,noting this as a source of transfers; in
the 4400 Network and Telecommunications line item negative balance,which he will follow up on; and
in the 6200 Community Education line item,noting staffing changes. He also reported that that the
auditors are doing their field work for their FY 16 Report,which he anticipates will be presented to the
School Committee in December.
e,f,g. Donations
The Chair suggested that these three donations be taken as one vote. Mr.Mahoney explained the details
of how these donations will be used in the Biotechnology program and the Post Grad program, and the
following vote was taken:
ACTION 2016#71
Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone)
To accept the donation from Ischemix,LLC. for Misc. Lab Equipment
To accept the donation from David Spotts for 2001 Mercedes
To accept the donation from Michael and Patrice Smith for 2001 Toyota Prius
Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Acton,Arlington,Belmont, Boxborough, Carlisle,
Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham, Stow)
Weighted Vote present: 78.51%
Weight needed: 39.26%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None
Final percentage results of vote: 78.51%
Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously
a.Policy Subcommittee,Alice DeLuca
1. JLCD (Administering Medicines to Students)
Ms. DeLuca presented this policy for 2'Reading. The question of whether students may carry their own
EpiPens was raised,and Mr. Dillon explained that all students keep them in the nurse's office while in
school. When they go on job sites,the pens are given to them. He also noted that all staff are trained in
how to administer them. It was agreed that the policy as written covers the concern, and the following
vote was taken:
ACTION 2016#72
Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Leone)
To approve Policy JLCD (Administering Medicines to Students) for 2nd Reading,as
Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Acton,Arlington, Belmont, Boxborough,Carlisle,
Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham, Stow)
Weighted Vote present: 78.51%
Weight needed: 39.26%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None
Final percentage results of vote: 78.51%
Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously
2. EBBA(Accidents and Illnesses)
Ms. DeLuca presented this policy for 2'Reading. The paragraph in the policy referencing the presence of
an Athletic Trainer at sanctioned home games and/or as required by MIAA rules was discussed,as was
the need for all students to have access to assistance in the case of accidents or illnesses, and that
Minuteman is taking a leadership role by including the last paragraph of the policy as written. The
following vote was then taken:
ACTION 2016#73
Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Leone)
To approve Policy EBBA(Accidents and Illnesses)for 2nd Reading, as presented
Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Acton,Arlington,Belmont, Boxborough,Carlisle,
Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham, Stow)
Weighted Vote present: 78.51%
Weight needed: 39.26%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None
Final percentage results of vote: 78.51%
Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously
b. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Dave Horton
1. Update on 2016-17 Process
Mr. Horton reported that the Subcommittee will be meeting later in the week to begin this process for the
2016-17 school year, and the Superintendent's Leadership Goals will be brought forward at the
November meeting for approval. Referring to the schedule included in the packet for the Superintendent
evaluation, a member suggested eliminating the mid-year review, as there seemed to be so short a time
between the mid-year and the final. Mr.Horton agreed to look into the DESE requirements,to support a
realistic timeline.
a. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Horton explained that one amendment had been offered to the minutes(Weis) in lines 15-16 on page
5 of the draft included in the packet. He explained that it had been reviewed for clarity and accuracy with
Mr. Mahoney, and he then read it. With no further wordsmithing,the following vote was then taken:
ACTION 2016#74
Moved(Leone)and seconded(DeLuca)
To approve the past minutes of 7.12.16,as amended
Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Acton,Arlington,Belmont, Boxborough,Carlisle,
Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham, Stow)
Weighted Vote present: 78.51%
Weight needed: 39.26%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining: 3 (Boxborough, Carlisle,Dover)
Final percentage results of vote: 67.18%
Final status of the vote: Passed
The Chair reminded the Committee that this is a brand new world for Minuteman, and he looks forward
to a very cooperative year. The following vote to adjourn was taken:
ACTION 2016#75
Moved(Leone)and seconded(DeLuca)
To adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM
Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Acton,Arlington, Belmont, Boxborough,Carlisle,
Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham, Stow)
Weighted Vote present: 78.51%
Weight needed: 39.26%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None
Final percentage results of vote: 78.51%
Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Rozan David C. Horton
District Assistant Secretary
A. Updated Unofficial Enrollment Numbers
B. MCAS Presentation Material
C. School Building Report,with Project Timeline
D. Bid Results