HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Mtg Minutes 2017-05-16.pdf FINAL Approved 6.13.17 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 16,2017 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin, Chair(Needham) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Carrie Flood,Vice-Chair(Concord) Sharon Antia(Lincoln) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jim Gammill (Belmont)(arrived at 6:40 PM) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Pam Nourse(Acton) Christine Lear(Carlisle) Mary Ellen Castagno(Wayland) (left at 7:40 PM) David O'Connor(Bolton) (arrived at 6:40 PM) Weighted Vote: 9 members present at 6:30 PM,with Weighted Vote: 51.45% 11 members present at 6:40 PM,with Weighted Vote 62.75% 10 members present at 7:40 PM,with Weighted Vote 58.94% Absent: Sue Sheffler(Arlington),Doug Gillespie(Weston),Ford Spalding(Dover),Vince Amoroso (Boxborough),Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury) Supt. Bouquillon was also absent. Others Present: Kevin Mahoney(until 6:40 PM),Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan, Steve Sharek,Michelle Roche,Amy Perreault, Connie Maynard,Kathleen Smith, Cliff Kirkstead, Student Representative Anna Brooks,and many students and parents. 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM,with a quorum of 9 members present. 2. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin a. Comments from the Chair The Chair made a motion to reorder three items on the agenda,per Mr. Mahoney's request,due to his need to be at the Lincoln Planning Board meeting at 7:00 PM. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#28 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Leone) To reorder three items of the agenda to accommodate Mr. Mahoney's schedule, as requested VOTE: 9 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington,Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury,Belmont,Bolton) Weighted Vote present: 51.45% Weight needed: >25.725% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 51.45% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 1 3. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney Mr.Mahoney provided updates on the following three reordered items: Agenda Item 5(c)-Updates: FY 18 Budget He reported that the FY 18 budget has been approved,with nine towns passing it. Agenda Item 6(a)—School Building Report He reported that the permitting process with the towns of Lincoln and Lexington continues. The District is addressing concerns and satisfying all requirements. It is anticipated that the Lincoln Planning Board's public hearing will close tonight, and they will soon vote to accept their Order of Conditions and give their stamp of approval for the project. He explained that the timelines on this process coordinate with the Lincoln Conservation Commission's hearings related to wetlands and drainage, anticipated to conclude May 31. Additionally,the Lexington Conservation Commission has been on site to review wetlands,and their hearing closes May 30. He explained the Team is optimistic and anticipates being permitted to prepare the site for construction on schedule. More details will be forthcoming after tonight's meeting. Agenda Item 8(a)—Update on Inspector General's Request for Documentation He explained that the Inspector General(IG)has requested more documentation related to professional development, and that the Administration has met with the IG's office to discuss professional development offerings and benefits. The IG's office will be talking with additional staff members as they continue to gather information, and as Minuteman complies with their requests and cooperates. 4. STUDENT REPORT Anna Brooks,under the guidance of Student Government Advisor Tracey Sierra,reported on the accomplishments of the senior class. She covered senior projects and portfolios, college acceptance letters, donation drives, student government day, swimming awards, student ambassadors' involvement at the Dinner with your Teacher night,the Minuteman Players'performance of A Night of One Acts,the Walk for Hunger, the Carnival,the all-school assembly, and the Junior/Senior Prom. Images from these various activities were also shared. Her full report can be found as Attachment A. [Mr. Gammill and Mr.O'Connor arrived at 6:40 PM; 11 members were now present.] 5. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a.Related to Superintendent Leadership Goal 3 (Student Learning) 1. Report on Skills USA and Request for Field Trip/Funds Approval Student Colin Kelly gave a brief report on the activities of the Skills USA group. He noted achievements in Gold,Bronze, and Silver categories, and that those in the Gold category were hoping to go to the National Conference. He explained that 44 students participated,with talent concentration in web design, career pathways,community action,technical math, employment application,humanoid robotics, mechatronics, and engineering. (The list of Skills State Winners can be found as Attachment B.) He extended thanks to all who participated, and to the advisors, and respectfully requested that the School Committee favorably consider the request for approval of both the National Leadership and Skills Conference trip and the funds to finance it. A slide show highlighted moments at the State Conference where students won the awards. The following vote was then taken: 2 ACTION 2017#29 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone) To approve the Out-of-State, Overnight Field Trip and Funds for Skills USA National Leadership and Skills Conference June 19-24,2017,Louisville,KY, as presented, in the amount of$29,984,and as may be reasonably modified by circumstances VOTE: 11 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington,Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 62.75 % Weight needed: >31.375 % Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 62.75 % Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 2. Report on Community Service and Learning Group Trip to New Orleans April 9-15,2017 Connie Maynard asked those students present,who attended the service learning trip and who wished to, to give an impact statement. Those who gave statements referenced the eye-opening experience of unfamiliar area-specific weather related disasters,the personal satisfaction in being able to help others, and in helping them rebuild a house and a community. A slide show set to music with images from the trip was also shown. The Vice-Chair pointed out that her reportage on Minuteman to Concord will be much richer,having heard about all these student activities. 3. Academy Development Team Report Referencing material included in the packet,Kathleen Smith outlined details from the Integration Showcase event giving examples of how various curriculum sectors of the school collaborated with each other to create great learning experiences for the students of Minuteman. She noted that the aim is to make this a yearly event. Amy Perreault outlined the new program,Minuteman 101,geared to acclimate Freshmen to a number of learning areas that will contribute to their success. She explained the rotation format,the equivalency of 25 contact hours, and the focus on financial literacy, executive functioning, career planning, character development,Minuteman culture, critical thinking, and mindfulness. Comments included whether this could be used as one of the promotional tools to increase enrollment,the benefits of such a course to all high school students, and the idea of using peers as mentors. The Chair suggested an update once the program is in place. b. School Choice The Chair noted that this item was discussed at a recent previous meeting;with no further comments,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#30 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Sheffler) Not to participate in the School Choice Program for 2017-18, and to inform DESE of this decision by the June 1 deadline VOTE: 11 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington,Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 62.75 % Weight needed: >31.375 % Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 62.75 % Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 3 c. Updates: NEASC Progress Report and DESE's New Programs Approval Process Steve Sharek referenced the April 25,2017 letter from NEASC,which was included in the packet, received in response to the recent Special Progress Report that Minuteman submitted at their request. He highlighted the good news,namely the vote to continue accreditation of Minuteman and to remove the school from warning status that was related to the physical condition of the building. The anticipated construction of a new school building,about to get underway,was noted in the NEASC letter as a reason to remove the school from warning status. Michelle Roche explained the process for submitting to DESE requests for new program approval. She noted that this is completed in two parts,A and B. She reported that the recent Minuteman submission of Part A for both Multi-Media Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing&Metal Fabrication,which included a needs survey, labor market analysis,and advisory board detail,were approved, and she is on deadline to submit details for Part B by this Friday. She explained that the expectation is that there will be some back and forth with DESE,as details are finalized, and she anticipates Minuteman will receive final approval by November, 2017. She noted the need to be very well-organized in the submission process and to observe DESE's protocols for written material that is submitted. School Committee member comments included the importance of submitting materials according to DESE's criteria to continue the success that has occurred in the past,and for the long-term benefit. The member from Lincoln expressed her interest in perusing the submitted materials. The Chair expressed that he shares Ms. Roche's excitement for the pending final approval. 7. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT a. Approval of 2017-18 Minuteman High School Calendar Mr. Dillon referenced the Draft 2017-18 Minuteman High School Calendar included in the packed, and noted two amendments: making April 13,2018 an early release day and changing the showcase day from November 14 to the 16th. He also noted that the MCAS dates have not yet been determined,but once received,this would be updated and circulated. Attendance on Good Friday,the possible impact of snow days, and that the time for the Sunday Career Day Open House,listed as TBA,is still under discussion,were other items raised. With no objection to the two articulated changes,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#31 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Leone) To approve the 2017-18 Minuteman High School Calendar,as presented and amended VOTE: 11 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington,Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 62.75 % Weight needed: >31.375 % Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 62.75 % Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously The approved calendar can be found as Attachment C. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Superintendent Negotiation and Evaluation Subcommittee (SNES) Superintendent's End of Cycle Evaluation Report(5.1.17) Mr. Horton explained that the materials related to this item were included in the packet and in some cases, references were made to where additional data can be found. He explained the process for members to provide their input via the Survey Monkey instrument, and that a review of this input will be included on the June meeting agenda for discussion. The Superintendent Negotiations Subcommittee,which includes 4 David O'Connor,Jennifer Leone, and himself,will then meet to consider a salary increase (up to 2%) for the Superintendent,to be voted on at the July meeting of the School Committee. He explained that the Survey Monkey instrument link will be sent out in the morning and will be available through Monday, May 29th,and he suggested that extensive comments could be included as a word doc. A question arose about whether the survey needs to be completed in one sitting. It was agreed that clarification will be forthcoming with the link. The Chair acknowledged that there has been great improvement in the materials/evidence provided, and the clarity and simplification of the process. Mr.Horton asked that if anyone has ideas for further improvements to let him know. [Ms. Castagno left the meeting at 7:40 PM; 10 members were now present.] b. Enrollment Task Force Update Pam Nourse gave a brief summary of the activity of the Enrollment Task Force. She noted that she met once in April with Jim Gammill and Dave Horton, as Carrie Flood was unable to attend. They clarified the goal as defining how School Committee members can support the admissions process,without putting undue pressure on the Minuteman staff They brainstormed some ideas, and determined that it would be helpful to have information on roadblocks that staff might be facing in the various member towns. She explained that she circulated a summary to the Task Force earlier, and once that list is reviewed,they will schedule a meeting with the Administration to determine what is doable and what would be supportive. She clarified that she anticipates this meeting in the June/July timeframe. c. Policy Task Force Ms. DeLuca explained that the need for a policy on the Guidance Program came to her attention. A review of the MASC template Policy JLD yielded a number of iterations of the draft,including the removal of items 1-4. She explained her rationale for adding the items 1-4 back in, specifically that they are guiding principles that encourage a process where students are the ones making decisions,based on guidance received. She emphasized the importance of self-realization for the Minuteman students. The Chair suggested that the line beginning with#2 could be clarified. Ms. DeLuca noted that she had given this some thought,but had decided the MASC boiler plate language was adequate, as it did not unduly constrain or specify in a restrictive way. She asked that any suggested language be forwarded to her. No changes were made, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#32 Moved(Gammill) and seconded(O'Connor) To approve Draft Policy JLD Guidance Program, as presented, for Pt Reading VOTE: 10 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington,Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury,Wayland) Weighted Vote present: 58.94% Weight needed: >29.47% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 58.94% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously The draft policy, approved for 1st Reading,to be brought forth again for 2'Reading in June,can be found as Attachment D. 9. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Dave Horton Having received no amendments on the draft minutes of 4.4.17, Mr. Horton made a motion to approve them,and the following vote was taken: 5 ACTION 2017#33 Moved(Horton) and seconded(Leone) To approve the draft minutes of 4.4.17, as presented VOTE: 10 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington, Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury, Wayland) Weighted Vote present: 58.94% Weight needed: >29.47% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 58.94% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#34 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone) To adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM VOTE: 10 Members in room at time of vote (not Arlington,Weston,Dover,Boxborough, Sudbury, Wayland) Weighted Vote present: 58.94% Weight needed: >29.47% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 58.94% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Dave Horton District Assistant Secretary Attachments to the Minutes of 5.16.17 A. Anna Brooks- Student Report 5.16.17 B. Skills State Winners Information 5.16.17 C. MMHS Calendar 2017-18 Approved by SC 5.16.17 D. Draft Policy JLD,v7 Approved by SC for Pt Reading 5.16.17 6