HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Mtg Minutes 2017-01-19.pdf FINAL Approved 1.31.17 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET HEARING 6:30 PM REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING 7:00 PM RESCHEDULED JANUARY 19, 2017 PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin, Chair(Needham) Pam Nourse(Acton) Carrie Flood,Vice-Chair(Concord) Sharon Antia(Lincoln) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jim Gammill(Belmont) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Ford Spalding(Dover) Vince Amoroso(Boxborough) Christine Lear(Carlisle) David O'Connor(Bolton) Weighted Vote: 11 members present at the start of the meeting,with Weighted Vote: 59.03% Absent: Jennifer Leone(Lancaster),Doug Gillespie(Weston), Sue Sheffler(Arlington),Mary Ellen Castagno (Wayland),Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury) Others Present: Mary Ann Williams,the Gilbane Team,William Blake, Connie Maynard, Bob Domnitz of the Lincoln Planning Board BUDGET HEARING ON PROPOSED FY 18 BUDGET 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION a. Presentation on Proposed FY 18 Budget,Kevin Mahoney The Chair called the Budget Hearing to order at 6:30 PM. Mr. Mahoney gave a presentation on the Proposed FY 18 Budget,covering such topics as: Guiding Values, School Wide Goals,Overall FY 18 Budget/Assessments,Achievements, Spring 2016 MCAS Results,District Challenges,FY 18 Budget Guidelines, 3 Yr. Budget History,Revenue Plan,FY 18 Budget Considerations, Staffing,Enrollment,and Expenditures by Function Code. He noted that with the exiting of Lincoln,the Budget Hearing can be moved to a few weeks later next year. b. Public Comment on Proposed FY 18 Budget There was no Public Comment. The floor was offered to School Committee members,who expressed comments on who was included in the total number of visitors for showcase days,the noteworthy success of 1st try MCAS passages,how grants relate to the budget,how state funds impact the budget,the multiyear perspective necessary for planning, and per pupil cost. Mr. Mahoney was commended for an excellent report,and he extended appreciation to the Superintendent's Executive Team, staff, and the Finance Subcommittee. The Chair pointed out that the lack of controversy points to the effort that went in to preparing the budget, and the Vice Chair noted to those staff in the audience that,while they weren't able to get everything they requested, she feels their pain. 1 2. ADJOURNMENT The Budget Hearing item being completed,the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2017#1 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(O'Connor) To adjourn the FY 18 Budget Hearing at 7:00 PM VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. STUDENT REPORT There was no Student Report. 3. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT a. Update on Design Process,Ford Spalding Mr. Spalding invited the guest speakers to sit at the front of the table, introducing MaryAnn Williams, Skanska, and the Gilbane Team including Joanna Kripp,Walter Kincaid, and Tripp McElroy. He then gave a summary on the status of the design process,referencing materials included in the packet on meetings that have been held,the next round of renderings, and the budget estimates. He commended staff who have been phenomenal as the process continues. He noted the involvement with the Preservation Area Lab of Rhode Island,which will be looking at the site for artifacts, and commended the Superintendent for his serious involvement with the National Parks to address this upfront, and he noted the involvement with Lincoln,Lexington,and Hanscom with regard to permitting. b. Update on Construction Manager at Risk Selection Process,MaryAnn Williams,Skanska MaryAnn Williams gave a comprehensive overview of the Construction Manager at Risk Selection process, from the Request for Qualifications to the interviews and selection of Gilbane Building Company,that stood out as the most advantageous firm to recommend to the School Building Committee in order to commence negotiations. She commended their capacity as a seasoned team with experience both with a project of this scale and with Ch. 74 programming, and also commended their creative thinking. c. Presentation by Gilbane Building Company, Walter Kincaid and Joanna Kripp Gilbane Team members then gave a presentation,highlighting the scope of work by the Gilbane Building Company,the skills and experience of members who will be working on the project,and the anticipated schedule from Spring,2017 through to occupation of the building in Fall,2019. They also described anticipated demolition of the current site from the Fall,2019 to the Summer of 2020,when they will be done. They emphasized that they like to build schools. They described their interest in supporting the academics, supporting the students to get experience onsite in the real-time laboratory,they spoke of the passion everyone on the team has for what they do, and they discussed the value of professional skills development for girls in the trades and Gilbane's advancement efforts within their organization. They also addressed that the learning happens organically and automatically in this kind of environment. The project is the core curriculum, and it is a source of employment,given the need for good trades people. The current intern at Kaestle Boos,who was a student at Minuteman,was cited as an example of this collaboration. 2 They also discussed cost savings anticipated with the truncated schedule, as well as the realistic focus and attention to contingencies. It was noted that meetings with the Lincoln Planning Board have been underway since October,2016,and that there are some hurdles still to discuss. It was noted that the good news of cost savings and a shortened scheduled was not foreseeable, given the delays and the unpredictability of the approval process along the way. The Chair emphasized that there are many unknowns in a building project such as this,and there are no guarantees. Good design, flexibility, and competence of the team were noted as key ingredients. It was pointed out that some items came off the design, and may be able to be added back in,with the cost savings,but real clarity won't be known until the costs estimates are put out to bid. The extent of the risk will be known with early packages of two independent estimates reviewed 3 times. Bob Domnitz, seated in the audience,offered some suggestions based on his experience as a member of the Lincoln Planning Board. The member from Stow commended the inclusion of facilities management in the curriculum, as it supports Minuteman's standing as a cutting-edge school. She also hoped some of the virtual reality material can be brought to the presentations,as this,too, is cutting-edge. The School Building Committee chair invited all to attend their meetings, and noted that the next one is scheduled for Monday January 23, 2017 at 5:00 PM in the Paul Revere Room. It was also noted that some of the details presented dovetail nicely with Admissions efforts, and that this is very positive, as the major opportunities the project presents for students can be used as active promotion of the education Minuteman offers its students. d. Approval of Construction Manager at Risk Contract Mr. Spalding noted that the School Building Committee has voted to recommend that the School Committee approve the award of the contract to Gilbane, and that the contract has been reviewed by legal counsel for both Gilbane and Minuteman. He then read the motion,and the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#2 Moved(Spalding) and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the award of a contract with Gilbane Building Co.,Inc. ("Gilbane")to act as Construction Manager At Risk in connection with the replacement of the existing high school building through construction of a new high school facility and related work(the "Project"), such contract to be in substantially the form presented to this meeting with such revisions as may be approved by the Chair of the School Building Committee (the "Contract") VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously e. Authorization of School Building Committee Roles and Responsibilities Mr. Spalding then explained that the next vote is a clarification, outlining the School Building Committee's role and responsibilities. He confirmed that this was written by counsel, and that it is typical for Building Committees. He noted that the School Committee has approved the three major contracts, and because of their meeting schedule,this vote will expedite approval of future amendments to contracts and payments. He explained the oversight currently in place with payment approvals. He then read the motion, and the following vote was taken: 3 ACTION 2017#3 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To authorize the School Building Committee to act on behalf of the District and the School Committee in connection with such Contract as follows: to make final and binding decisions on behalf of the District with respect to such Contract and any amendments thereto; to enter into,execute and deliver the Contract and any amendments thereto at any time and from time to time and to bind the District to its terms and conditions; in the discretion of the School Building Committee,to designate one or more of the members of the School Building Committee to sign the Contract and any amendments thereto on its behalf;to review and provide approval recommendations to the Finance Subcommittee regarding invoices,requests for payment and other disbursements with respect to the Project and/or pursuant to or related to the Contract at any time and from time to time with the Finance Committee to review and sign warrants related to the Project acting directly on the recommendation of the School Building Committee and without further authorization from the School Committee; to take all actions necessary or related to the administration of the Contract and any amendments thereto; and to authorize the School Building Committee, in its own discretion,to delegate one or more individuals acceptable to the School Building Committee to represent the School Building Committee and act as a contact person for the School Building Committee with respect to the Contract VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously With no objection,there was a brief recess at 8:00 PM to sign documents, so that the Gilbane Team could leave with them for execution. The meeting resumed at 8:10 PM. 4. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin a. Amendment to Public Records Law: Effective January 1,2017 The Chair noted that explanatory materials had been included in the packet. It was explained that preliminary details had been posted on the website at the first of the year, and that this vote ensures compliance. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#4 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Horton) To designate Edward A. Bouquillon, Superintendent, and his designee, as Records Access Officer(RAO) and post contact information conspicuously on website VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland, Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 4 5. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S LEADERSHIP GOALS REPORT,Ed Bouquillon Goal 1: (District Improvement,Module 6) Update under School Building Committee Report The Superintendent noted that this was covered previously. Goal 2/4: (District Improvement/Professional Practice) Update on District Targeted Review Report The Superintendent reported that the District Targeted Review Report has been received and that key concerns were addressed. He noted one of the main areas was the development of a more streamlined School Improvement Plan,which is now in place,as reported earlier in the year by Principal Dillon. He noted that he anticipates sharing the District Targeted Review Report with the School Committee and posting it on the website soon. Goal 3: (Student Learning) a. Status of Anticipated Reports to the School Committee The Superintendent reported that his Executive Team members are working on a variety of reports for the School Committee. With the soft enrollment deadline of February 1,he anticipates that Mr. Clement will have an Enrollment Report for the March meeting. Additionally,the Academy Development Team will be ready to report on their activities in March, and the Team working with DESE on the SPED Task Force will be reporting by April. He also noted that to address the students at risk issues,he will be instituting an annual training in suicide prevention, and will be sending out letters to parents soon. b.Intergovernmental Agreement with Acton-Boxborough Dr. Bouquillon reported that he was informed that the Acton-Boxborough School Committee did approve this agreement at its recent meeting. He reminded the Committee that this was for the Middle School program. The Vice Chair noted that the Acton representative had stated her desire that the AB School Committee consider and approve it before Minuteman, and that having been done, she (the Vice Chair) was comfortable with taking the vote now. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#5 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Acton-Boxborough, as presented(v. 4 12.13.16) VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland, Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 7.ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Approval of FY 18 Budget and Preliminary Assessments To approve the FY 18 Budget, as presented To approve the FY 18 Preliminary Assessments, as presented The Vice Chair explained that the vote count in the room was 59.03%, falling short of the requirement of 66.7% of the weighted vote of the entire Committee, as stated in the Regional Agreement(excerpt, 5 Attachment B). The Chair noted that a special meeting will need to be scheduled to take the budget votes, given the legal requirements for conducting the meeting. The member from Stow suggested that if it is a problem getting a quorum and taking votes with required percentages of weighted votes,between now and the end of June,the Depat latent of Education should be notified. b. Approval of 2017-18 Post Grad Tuition Mr. Mahoney explained that changes to the program are under consideration due to enrollment concerns, and until those changes are finalized,he is proposing leaving the FY 18 rates the same as FY 17. He also explained that member towns pay 50%of the tuition and the student pays 50%,while the student pays full tuition if from a non-member town. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#6 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the FY 18 (2017-18)Post Grad Tuition rate, at the same rate as FY 17 (2016-17), as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland, Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously c.MARS Legal Fund Contribution Mr.Mahoney explained that addressing the FY 15 mid-budget cycle, 9C cuts to Ch. 71 Regional Transportation Reimbursement became a priority. MARS challenged the 9C reduction and asked members to contribute $500 to a legal fund. This was brought to the School Committee on 12.16.14, and after the Baker Administration reviewed the 9C reduction, a smaller cut was made and it asked that MARS not take legal action. The consensus from MARS members was that MARS should retain the funds. They are requesting a formal School Committee vote,because there may be future considerations of a 9C reduction, and they would like to remain transparent. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#7 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding) To affirm the contribution of$500 made to the MARS Legal Fund in FY 15,intended to support a possible challenge to 9C funding reductions, and to notify MARS of this action by February 1,2017,as requested VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously d. Acceptance of Grant Funds Mr.Mahoney explained the details of these funds, specifically how they were split between equipment and supplies, and the following vote was taken: 6 ACTION 2017#8 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(O'Connor) To accept the Mass. Life Sciences Center grant of$108,172 for STEM Equipment and Supplies VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland, Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously 8. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT,Jack Dillon a. Out of State,Overnight Field Trip: Community Service and Learning Group to New Orleans Mr. Dillon confirmed that all the trips presented for approval meet the requirements as outlined in School Committee policies. He corrected the dates for the New Orleans trip, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#9 Moved(Spalding) and seconded(O'Connor) To approve the Out of State,Overnight Field Trip: Community Service and Learning Group to New Orleans,April 9-15,2017,as presented,with dates corrected VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously b. Overnight Field Trip: SkillsUSA Leadership Conference Mr. Dillon reviewed the details of this trip, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#10 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(O'Connor) To approve the Overnight Field Trip to Marlboro and Upton,MA for State Leadership and Skills Conference April 27-29,2017, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously c. Overnight Field Trip: FFA Convention Mr. Dillon explained that this trip will involve 10-20 students,and that the start date of this trip was not yet solid, and the following vote was then taken: 7 ACTION 2017#11 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the Overnight Field Trip to Sturbridge,MA for the FFA State Convention March 14 or 15 through 17,2017,as presented,with dates to be determined closer to the date VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland, Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously 9. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Dave Horton Mr. Horton presented the minutes for consideration,noting that he received no amendments, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#12 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Antia) To approve the past minutes of 12.13.16, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of vote: Passed Unanimously 10. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Teacher Negotiations Subcommittee,Ford Spalding At approximately 8:30 PM,Mr. Spalding explained there was a need for an Executive Session, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#13 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To enter Executive Session pursuant to Purpose 3 (MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21 (a)(3))to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Minuteman Faculty Association, as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee,and the Chair so declares. Mr. Spalding asked that Dr. Bouquillon,Ms.Rozan,Mr. Dillon, and Mr. Mahoney remain in the room, and that the Committee return to Open Session. VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland, Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% The vote was taken by roll call: Acton yes Stow yes Belmont yes Dover yes Lincoln yes Boxborough yes 8 Lexington yes Carlisle yes Concord yes Bolton yes Needham yes Names of towns opposing or abstaining:None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously Return to Open Session The Committee reentered Open Session at 9:00 PM,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#14 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Antia) To ratify the December 9,2016 Memorandum of Agreement between the Minuteman School Committee and the Minuteman Faculty Association for a successor Collective Bargaining Agreement for the period of July 1,2017 to June 30, 2020 VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Belmont(Opposed) Final percentage results of vote: 52.13% Final status of the vote: Passed Mr. Spalding requested that School Committee members remain after the meeting to sign copies of the ratified document(Attachment C). 11.ADJOURNMENT ACTION 2017#15 Moved(Antia) and seconded(O'Connor) To adjourn the meeting at 9:02 PM VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 11 (Absent: Wayland,Lancaster,Weston,Arlington, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 59.03% Weight needed: 29.52% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 59.03% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan David C. Horton District Assistant Secretary 9 ATTACHMENTS TO THE MINUTES OF 1.19.17 A. FY 18 Budget Presentation B. Regional Agreement Excerpt on Budget Vote C. Fully Executed MoU 10