HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Minutes 2017-04-04.pdf FINAL Approved 5.16.17 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 4,2017 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Jeff Stulin, Chair(Needham) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Carrie Flood,Vice-Chair(Concord) Sharon Antia(Lincoln) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jim Gammill(Belmont) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Pam Nourse(Acton) Ford Spalding(Dover) Doug Gillespie(Weston) David O'Connor(Bolton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Weighted Vote: 12 members present at the start of the meeting,with Weighted Vote: 82.42% Absent: Christine Lear(Carlisle),Vince Amoroso(Boxborough),Mary Ellen Castagno (Wayland),Dave Manjarrez(Sudbury) Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney, George Clement,Elizabeth Rozan,Ed DeLuca,Bill Blake,Michelle Roche,Al St. George,Amy Perreault,Katie Smith,Erin Bordeau,Cliff Kirkstead,Alison Salisbury,Robert Hilsinger 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. CHAIR'S REPORT,Jeff Stulin For his comments,Mr. Stulin noted that he has heard from some members expressing enrollment concerns. He emphasized that more will be discussed under Item 4b2,but that it is important to look at the entire spectrum, from what member communities can do,whether an additional town can expand the District, and the Admissions Policy. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 4. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Ed Bouquillon a. Related to Superintendent Leadership Goal 1 (District Improvement,Module 6) 1. Update under School Building Committee Report The Superintendent noted that he would give remarks under the School Building Committee Report,Item 5b. 1 b. Related to Superintendent Leadership Goal 3 (Student Learning) Report#1: Academy Development Team(Kathleen Smith) Kathleen Smith gave an overview of activities of the Academy Development Team. She described what the Academy Development Team is,who is on it,what they have done,and described details about "Minuteman 101," a course specifically designed for freshmen to be successful at Minuteman and with their post-secondary plans. She also described Senior Project enhancements,gave an update on the student portfolio,curriculum mapping,Rubicon Atlas, and next steps. Discussion included an explanation of what a 1-1 device is; a request for a simple document that could be understood by a lay person on what the advantages of the Academy Model are how it is different, and how the new building is essential to support the model;using professional development time to focus on the model;that Minuteman is showing leadership and making a great step forward in developing Minuteman 101, and a commendation about the way the Rubicon Atlas demonstrates how the vocational and academic sides work together. Dr. Bouquillon noted that this work has been most satisfying,that there is great wisdom in the members of the group,and that he has great expectations for implementing this model at Minuteman. Ms. Smith's presentation can be found as Attachment A. Report#2: Admissions Update and Enrollment Discussion(George Clement) Mr. Clement shared a comparison of application activity for incoming freshmen classes,2019-2021, outlining in-district,out-of-district,and October 1 total enrollment numbers. He referred to"The Perna Effect,"noting that the message is getting out there and is being embraced. He noted that he doesn't pay attention to numbers of applications,but rather is interested in actual enrollments, and that he is pleased with the trend, as he focuses on 8th graders. Discussion included that what resonates with students and parents is the Career Tree more than the abstractions of the Academy Model. It also included the need for a larger strategy, involving such things as bringing information about Minuteman to students earlier than Stn grade, changing the mindset of our District communities,getting more community involvement; that there is no silver bullet,but consistent messaging and persistent hard work, cooperation from partner communities,which varies from community to community and over time,making bridges to other School Committees, and what the School Committee can do right now, in terms of building relationships with school administrators in their own towns. Examples cited of how School Committee members might participate in getting the message out and to change perceptions included reaching out to school administrators, ensuring that a link to Minuteman's website is made on each member town's website, replicating the Needham model of discussion which involves a Town subcommittee that meets regularly with the Superintendent, and making connections with PTA groups. It was suggested that Mr. Clement let School Committee members know when there is a Minuteman activity in their towns, so that they can be present, since they are recognized faces in the community. The Chair noted that his idea is not to make more work for staff,but he would like to see ideas compiled about how members of the School Committee can support the effort. He suggested that the School Committee establish an Enrollment Task Force to gather ideas,review them for practicality with the Administration, and to create a set of guidelines. A number of School Committee members expressed an interest in this, and the following vote was taken: 2 ACTION 2017#21 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Antia) To establish an Enrollment Task Force, consisting of 4 members(Nourse, Gammill,Flood, Horton)to gather ideas,review them with the Administration for practicality, and create a set of guidelines VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle,Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.42% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously The member from Acton agreed to be the point person for this Task Force effort. Report#3: After School Program Report(Allison Salisbury) The Interim Director of Community Education gave a report on the Career Pathway After School Program for Middle School Students. She outlined the objectives, gave some quick facts, detailed enrollment by session,by grade,by town, and outlined goals going forward. Discussion included the time classes are held,the instructors,the program's value to younger students, exit polling, and publicity. Details are found as Attachment C. Report#4: FFA/Skills USA Report(Michelle Roche and Advisors) Michelle Roach and Cliff Kirkstead, carpentry teacher/advisor,gave an update on what has been happening with these two student activities over what has been a busy year. The students involved,their recent field trips,their activities in the community related to agriculture,homeless veterans, seed starting, and apple tree planting, and their attendance at the state convention were highlighted. Activities related to Skills USA were also highlighted,with an emphasis on leadership and pride, connections made, and medals won. Her report can be found as Attachment D. Report#5: Schedule for New Ch.74 CVTE Programs (Michelle Roche) Ms. Roche also gave an update on the new Ch. 74 program applications for Advanced Manufacturing and for Multi-Media Engineering. She described the details of the process to date,and noted that she anticipates that Advanced Manufacturing will be in place for the Fall,2017, and that she has had two excellent teacher candidates. She noted the details for the Multi-Media Engineering program as well, and noted that she anticipates that this program will begin in the Fall, 2018. She also addressed career prospects for these two offerings, describing the climate for them and the interest in application of the skills to various fields. Report#6: Report on Special Education Project(Bill Blake,Michelle Roche,Amy Perreault) Mr. Blake, along with Ms.Roche and Ms.Perreault, gave a brief overview of their involvement with the Special Education Leadership Academy,in which their focus has been to expand and diversify work experience opportunities for students at Minuteman High School. He explained that the focus is on designing alternatives to the co-op work experience,through a survey data-gathering, and developing ideas for authentic opportunities. Discussion included actualizing a"least restrictive environment"for students, and encouraging their development of social skills that are also necessary for the world of work. 3 Some members of the Committee offered suggestions, and noted that if they were made aware of a need, perhaps they could broker a connection. Details on this project can be found as Attachment E. c. School Choice Dr. Bouquillon noted that the School Committee must decide this by the June 1 deadline,but he is still exploring whether there could be selective choice,to address the 9th grade enrollment challenges. It was pointed out that the $5,000/student hasn't changed since 1993, and that once in the school, a student would remain in. No vote was taken,but this item will be on the next agenda for consideration. 5. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. Meetings to Date Mr. Spalding had included a list of meetings held to date with the packet. b. Update on Schedule,Budget,and Submissions Mr. Spalding asked the Superintendent to join him to present information presented to the Lincoln Planning Board on March 28,2017. The Superintendent presented information on the overall site;the site development; site modifications; site utilities on the campus and in Lincoln; overall height; details related to the flyloft, including purpose,what it looks like,what the design is,why it is critical, and its height; site screening with trees; light control,and he summarized the details outlined in the letter to Lincoln related to the Dover Amendment rights. He noted that the next Planning Board meeting will be April 11,2017, and that he anticipates the discussion will wrap up and the permit process will move along. He noted also that with the construction project anticipated to begin soon,Minuteman's Child Development Center will be moving back on site next fall. His full presentation can be found as Attachment F. Mr. Spalding noted that to date,the project is on time and on budget as we move through Module 6. The Design Development documents were submitted to MSBA on March 14,2017,and we are waiting for approval. He pointed out that due to security,this document is not on the website,but is available for perusal in the School Committee Office. Once this is approved,he explained,the project moves into Module 7,Construction. In preparation, early bid packages are underway;the actual schedule depends on the permitting process from the Town of Lincoln,but that as first steps,the ground will be cleared and the foundation work will begin. He explained that he does not anticipate any roadblocks. He explained that consultants are being hired,and that Minuteman will cover the cost. He noted that there has been no formal discussion about the Dover Amendment letter that was sent to Lincoln Planning Board yet. He also asked people to save the date of June 14 for a groundbreaking event,to be detailed soon. He described cost estimate activity,commitment of the team, and that over 100 meetings have been held. He noted that funds from MSBA and from various grants through Steve Sharek's efforts will contribute to funding the project. He emphasized that everyone is working hard toward the goal of a Fall,2019 occupancy. 6.ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. FY 17 Budget Update: Review of Financial Reports, as of 2.28.17 Mr.Mahoney referenced the Financial Report documents dated 2.28.17,included in the packet. He called attention to the comments,and noted that the results are not a surprise. He noted that the delay in the District Wide Ballot(resulting in postponing the need to pay debt service)and the 3 staff positions that 4 remained unfilled were the major drivers that left$854,000 unspent as of that date, and he clarified specific details related to bond anticipation notes. He also noted that the Revolving Funds are all in good order as well. b. FY 18 Budget Update With regard to the FY 18 Budget,he noted that there was an overestimation related to prior year tuition, and that he has been looking at different options to addressing this, all of which have no impact on assessments. He will be bringing this forward at the June meeting for School Committee action to recertify the FY 18 budget. c. Legal Services Contract Extension Recommendation Mr.Mahoney explained that in 2014,the School Committee awarded the Legal Services contract to Murphy,Lamere &Murphy, and that this agreement may be extended for two additional one-year periods. If extended,he explained,the rate for the firm's services would be exactly the same. The School Committee then took the following vote: ACTION 2017#22 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Sheffler) To extend the contract with MLM for 1 year,July 1, 2017-June 30,2018 VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle,Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.42% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously d. Acceptance of Grant Funds: Workforce Skills Capital Grant Mr.Mahoney explained the details related to this item,noting that this award adds value and allows the District to have the capital to get the Advanced Manufacturing program up and running. He also referenced the list of competitive grants included in the packet. The following vote was taken,with thanks to all that made it happen: ACTION 2017#23 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Leone) To accept the Massachusetts Workforce Skills Capital Grant of$495,000,which will be used to increase machining and ancillary training simulator capacity used to teach Advanced Manufacturing. The new equipment will support student instruction in bio- manufacturing, digital fabrication,precision measurement, and quality control VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle,Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.42% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 5 e.Informational: Notification of Retirement Board COLA Consideration Mr. Mahoney explained that the Retirement Board, of which he is the Chair and Ms. Rozan is an elected member,may elect to pay a COLA increase greater than the recommended percentage increase,up to 3% on the first$13,000. He explained that this comes to approximate $390/person and there are 41 retirees who would benefit. This vote of the Retirement Board can be done only after notice has been made to the legislative body,in this case the School Committee, at least 30 days before their vote. No action by the School Committee is necessary. f. Informational: Update on IG's Request for Documentation Mr. Mahoney updated the Committee on the Inspector General's (IG's)March 10,2017 request for additional documentation. He explained that he met the deadline and submitted materials requested, and there has been interest in further information on the contract with Tools for Schools(TFS),Mark Perna. The IG's office asked that the District put a pause on any additional scope of work with this consultant, and that he is meeting with representatives of the IG's office next week for further clarification. No vote was necessary on this item. g. Informational: E&D Certification Mr.Mahoney explained that he recently received certification for Excess and Deficiency. Based upon the unaudited balance sheet submitted,Minuteman was certified by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue,that the amount of Excess and Deficiency, as of July 1,2016 for Minuteman's general fund, is $699,484. No vote was taken, as this was presented as informational. h.Informational: Bid Results: Security Services Mr.Mahoney explained the bid results for Security Services, awarded to low bidder,Hunter Protective Services, for a contract effective March 20,2017-June 30,2019. No vote was taken, as this was presented as informational. 7. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT, George Clement a. 2016-17 Calendar Amendment Mr. Clement,on behalf of Mr. Dillon who was absent, described an amendment to the current calendar, due to snow days. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2017#24 Moved(Leone)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the 2016-17 Calendar Amendment reflecting a half day on Friday April 14, 2017, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle,Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.42% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously 6 Mr. Horton asked for a historical report on actual attendance that half day,April 14,2017. b. Review of Draft Calendar 2017-18 The proposed draft calendar for the 2017-18 school year was presented as informational, and will be brought forth at the May meeting for a vote. The Superintendent asked that any comments be forwarded to him. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Teacher Negotiation Subcommittee,Ford Spalding Mr. Spalding, as Chair of the Teacher Negotiation Subcommittee,explained that the Collective Bargaining Agreement document for 2017-2020 is complete, incorporating the details of the December 9, 2016 MoA,that was ratified by the SC on 1.19.17 and signed by both parties, and that signatures are needed on page 34. The following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#25 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Leone) To approve the completed Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2017-2020, as amended by the December 9,2016 MoA(ratified and signed by the SC on 1.19.17),and to sign page 34 of the completed document VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle, Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.42% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously The document was circulated for signature,to be submitted to the MFA for their signature as well. 9. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Dave Horton Mr. Horton presented the minutes from the 1.31.17 School Committee meeting, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#26 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Antia) To approve the past minutes of 1.31.17, as presented VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle,Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Lancaster abstained Final percentage results of vote: 75.42% Final status of the vote: Passed 7 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the following vote was taken: ACTION 2017#27 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Leone) To adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM VOTE: Members in room at time of vote: 12 (Absent: Boxborough, Carlisle,Wayland, Sudbury) Weighted Vote present: 82.42% Weight needed: >41.21% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.42% Final status of the vote: Passed Unanimously Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Dave Horton District Assistant Secretary Attachments to the Minutes of 4.4.17 A. Academy Development Team Report B. Admissions Update and Enrollment Discussion C. After School Program Report D. FFA Report E. Special Education Project Report F. Superintendent's Presentation to the Lincoln Planning Board March 28,2017 8