HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL OS SC Mtg Minutes 2018-02-06.pdf FINAL Approved 4.10.18 MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDDGET HEARING AND REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 2018 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton, Chair(Lexington) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Sue Sheffler,Vice-Chair(Arlington) Carrie Flood,(Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Pam Nourse, Secretary (Acton) Jim Gammill(Belmont) Jeff Stulin, (Needham) David O'Connor(Bolton) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 100% Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan,Tracey Sierra,Jala Maracle, Michelle Shepard,Ed DeLuca,Brian Burke,Esq. (Stow, Selectman) BUDGET HEARING ON PROPOSED FY 19 BUDGET 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION a. Presentation on Proposed FY 19 Budget,Kevin Mahoney The Chair called the Budget Hearing on the proposed FY 19 Budget to order at 6:30 PM. The Assistant Superintendent reviewed the guiding values to create success,the school wide goals 2017-18, and the FY 19 budget considerations. He described the debt service and overall budget/assessments. He outlined the details of the capital/debt service, gave a budget history over the last 4 years, showed graphs related to enrollment(overall and 10 year freshman enrollment), and described the admissions numbers. He reviewed the revenue plan,outlined the FY 19 budget priorities, described program changes and staff changes,reviewed the major items in the budget, and summarized the revenue plan,the expenditures by function code, and the capital/debt service. He extended his appreciation to the Superintendent,the Executive Team, and staff in the preparation of this budget, and to the Finance Subcommittee for the thoughtful questions along the way. The presentation materials can be found as Attachment A. b. Public Comment on Proposed FY 19 Budget There was no Public Comment on the proposed FY 19 Budget, and there were no questions from the School Committee. 2. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2018#10 Moved(Stulin) and seconded(Leone) To adjourn the Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 19 budget at 7:00 PM VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >50% 1 Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous REGULAR MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the regular meeting to order immediately following the adjournment of the Budget Hearing at 7:00 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. STUDENT REPORT,Jala Maracle Accompanied by Student Government Advisor Tracey Sierra, Jala Maracle gave a report that covered recent student accomplishments across the programs, FFA happenings,Horticulture happenings, and the Drama Club's upcoming spring performance of Blithe Spirit. Her full report can be found as Attachment B. It was noted that the student presence at the meetings is appreciated. The Superintendent noted that if any of the School Committee members wish to attend the MAYA Student of the Year event that Jala mentioned as part of the recent student accomplishments, they should contact him. 4. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a. Comments for the Good of the Organization The Chair explained that he has suggested adding this 5 minute item to the agendas so that School Committee members can take a moment to share what they have done in their towns,which could be of interest to others. He noted that there is no expectation that everyone will have something to report,but that this is a place where they could.As an example,he reported that he recently wrote a letter to his town's newspaper and Town Meeting members to describe how to access the progress reports on the Building Project on the District website. He noted that this reporting opportunity will be on the agenda next time,to see how it goes. 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Ed Bouquillon a.NYC Trip The Superintendent reported on the recent field trip to New York City for the taping of the segment on Minuteman students, to be aired on the Harry Cormick, Jr. morning show. He noted that the kids did great, and everyone was grateful for the School Committee's support of this activity. He also noted that his concerns had been addressed. The show will air on February 22. He also noted that he may invite the students to the next School Committee meeting to give a report on their trip. b. Legislative Update The Superintendent reported on recent legislative activity focused on Career Tech in general and put forth by the Alliance for Vocational and Technical Education(AVTE). AVTE is seeking an Amendment to the Capital Bond Bill to continue equipment grant programs and to supplement MSBA funding for construction and renovation of vocational technical high schools. He explained that efforts were made to secure co- sponsors for the Amendment, and he expressed appreciation to the School Committee members who reached out. He pointed out that the AVTE group will be creating a white paper on Career and Technical Education that should be ready in early March. Additionally,he explained that Senator Cindy Friedman is sponsoring an Amendment to the Bond Bill that addresses Minuteman's Solar Photovoltaic Facilities 2 Overlay. Specifically, it would fund the photovoltaic overlay that has been part of the construction plans for the new building,which requires total of$1.5 million to complete. This amendment will be taken up on Thursday. He also noted that he met earlier in the day with Senator Cindy Friedman and Representative Jay Kaufman regarding the enabling legislation for long term ground leases (voted by the School Committee on 1.16.18) for mission compatible and campus centric development activity. He explained that this is moving forward, that it will be filed as a budget amendment in the House, in the Senate, and as a bill itself,and that these legislators anticipate a better than average chance at passing this before June 30. He reminded the School Committee that this legislative activity is related to his Leadership Goal 2 Professional Practice: Legislative Engagement. 6. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. Budgeting and Permitting Update Ford Spalding, Chair of the School Building Committee reported that last Friday, Gilbane hosted 40 Minuteman students representing our building trades and engineering curriculum in the Paul Revere Room for a 1 '/2 hour class on their current Building Information Modeling(BIM)process. He explained that this process moves from traditional two-dimensional technical drawings to a three-dimensional(3D) spacial system showing width,height and depth. He explained that the BIM concept envisions virtual construction of a facility prior to its actual physical construction,in order to reduce uncertainty, improve safety,work out problems, and simulate and analyze potential impacts. This process allows subcontractors from every trade to input critical information into the model before beginning construction, and provides opportunities to pre-fabricate or pre-assemble some systems off-site. He then shared some slides showing students participating in that class. He noted that the students were fully engaged, and Gilbane did a fabulous job. He also noted that there will be follow-up to this session over the next several months,where students will be invited to attend the actual weekly planning meetings involving BIM at the Gilbane field office. He also reported that the Team will be working over the next six weeks to finalize the anticipated budget for the project as a whole, as final subcontractor bids are nearing completion. He emphasized that there is every reason to believe the project is on time for completion late spring 2019 and on budget,possibly able to include some of the important educational add alternates which were previously valued engineered out of the plan. In response to questions,he explained that student engagement was a result of collaboration between the Superintendent and Gilbane,both mindful of how to engage students educationally in the project. All Juniors from the 6 shops were required to attend this class,and for the follow-up sessions, small groups will be invited every Friday from 8:30-10:30 AM to attend the planning meetings. With regard to the budget,he explained that all the bids are in, and there is great scrutiny at the team level and the Building Committee level. With regard to permitting,the Superintendent distributed a February 5,2018 letter from the Town of Lincoln(Attachment C), sent in response to his correspondence of January 31, 2018 in which he requested justification for the permit fees. He explained that their adjusted balance totals $922,421.63. Being unwilling to put the project at risk,the District will pay the amount,under protest,and will not acquiesce any rights. He also explained that at a future Executive Session,possibly with Counsel present,they will discuss options. In response to questions,he noted that while he can't say with certainty what Lincoln is thinking about real costs,this is a controlled cost project with high scrutiny, and the fees are excessive. In his survey of superintendents across the state regarding reimbursement for projects completed over the last 10 years, of the 18 respondents, 80%reported discounts for permits and 50%reported full waivers. He also noted that still outstanding is the building permit, and this is needed in a few weeks. He also confirmed that none of these fees are reimbursable by MSBA. Mr. Spalding noted that earlier in the day,he attended a 3 meeting of a private school project in Dover. When he asked them how the fees were handled, he was told: "This is a controlled cost project; there are no fees." 7. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT,Jack Dillon a. Approval of FFA State Convention Overnight Field Trip Mr. Dillon explained the details of this trip, including the mix of Horticulture and Biotechnology students. There was a discussion on how the gap between these two fields is growing smaller, and that while students will be engaged in fundraising,the Superintendent will make funds available, up to $1,000, so that no child is left behind for financial reasons. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2018#11 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Spalding) To approve the overnight field trip to the FFA State Convention on March 14-16,2018, in Sturbridge,MA, as presented, and to authorize the Superintendent to approve up to $1,000 for travel expenses not covered by student fundraising VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 8. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Approval of FY 19 Budget and Preliminary Assessments The Chair highlighted the wording of the Regional Agreement regarding the budget vote: In order to approve the District's annual budget, a combined total of weighted votes equal to or exceeding 66.67%of the weighted vote of the entire Committee (i.e.,not merely two thirds of the weighted vote of those present)shall be required. The Assistant Superintendent pointed out that his intention through the Budget Hearing was to provide broad detail for the School Committee. He also noted that this is the last budget for the old building. He addressed questions related to moving expenses, and pointed out that exact numbers are not known,but there will be some funding available, some rigging will be necessary to move the machinery, and that he is taking a conservative approach. The Superintendent added that an area that will require attention is personnel. Some restructuring/reorganizing will be necessary; skilled professionals, such as licensed engineers,will be required,and maintenance staff training will be necessary. Facilities policies will need to be reviewed and capital for maintenance will need to be in place. He is hoping to develop an Operations/Maintenance Plan, so they can do it right. Evaluation criteria for supplies and staffing/training will be guided by Gilbane. Reviewing the science and best practices in maintenance and maintaining a healthy capital component to address this regularly is important. It was noted that the Special Legislation can be viewed as one way to build this cushion. The Superintendent also clarified that there is no collective bargaining restraint for the maintenance/training. How capital fees will be collected for FY 20 and used in FY 21 was also explained. To facilitate conversations with the towns, some members requested digital 4 copies of the FY 19 budget book and presentation. It was noted that this material has already been posted to the website. Ms. Sheffler,Arlington,raised the issue of whether this is the year to be increasing the Stabilization Fund, given the jump in assessments, and expressed a concern about precedent setting. She also expressed a difficulty she anticipated addressing the potential questions in Arlington. Members of the Finance Subcommittee noted that they had spent some time considering the increase in the Stabilization Fund, and the decision was made to be visible,transparent, and straightforward about noting that a cushion is needed, and that the Stabilization Fund is a place to put the cushion. Underfunded FF&E for vocational schools that require significant equipment,reductions in the Perkins grants,the idea that some factors of the budget may be harder to explain until the new building is occupied and the new systems are up and running,that costs would be higher next year,that there is a 3%COLA in the 3'year of the MFA contract, and that it is important to have a more realistic view of the Stabilization Fund were points offered. Ms. Sheffler suggested that if the funds are planned for equipment,perhaps that should be noted. The Chair suggested that she could discuss it further with Mr. Mahoney. Ms. Sheffler noted that she will vote in favor of the budget, as she has no interest in holding things up, and that she appreciates the work of Mr. Mahoney and respects his thinking that it is a real need and a good strategy. The following votes were taken: To approve the proposed FY 19 Budget ACTION 2018#12 Moved(Stulin) and seconded(Spalding) To approve the FY 19 Budget of$21,160,140, as presented VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >66.67%(per Regional Agreement) Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous To approve the FY Preliminary Assessments ACTION 2018#13 Moved(Stulin) and seconded(Flood) To approve the FY 19 Preliminary Assessments of$14,139,855, as presented VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >66.67%(per Regional Agreement) Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous b. Approval of 2018-19 Post Grad Tuition Mr.Mahoney addressed the questions related to this item,noting that there has not been an increase in 3 years, and that the survey data show a rationale for increasing. He explained some details of the survey, the current numbers in these programs, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2018#14 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone) To establish the Post Grad tuition rate as $7,600 per program, effective July 1, 2018 5 VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous c. Q 2 FY 18 Budget Report Mr.Mahoney explained the details of this report, calling attention to the Administrative Holds that serve to encumber funds. He noted that he is cautiously optimistic at this point in FY 18. With regard to the Revolving Funds,he noted a caution in the area of Community Education which shows a dip in the Summer School enrollment. He pointed out that his sense is this is related to the managerial transition in this area,which had a negative impact on marketing the program. He explained that he is watching it, and anticipates an increase going forward. He explained that other programs, such as Post Grads, facilities rentals, and utilities show positive trends. The Superintendent added that the Post Graduation program will need to be restructured, and he is seeking approval of these programs as Post Secondary Ch. 74 programs, with access to Title 5 financing options. He noted that the ability to charge the state set tuition, and for students to access Federal grants or loans will be beneficial. He noted that this will be brought to the Finance Subcommittee for a full review. When the good news in the Food Services area was pointed out,the Superintendent explained that he attributes it to the hiring of a great director,who is creative, collaborative and adaptive. She works well with Kevin and has created efficient systems. 9. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Update on Strategic Planning, Sue Sheffler Ms. Sheffler reported that the Strategic Planning Group met on Thursday 2.1.18,to review priorities. She explained that the first priority is to focus on Board Succession. The group will review the materials and develop a draft a document for full School Committee review that articulates: 1. the candidate selection process,with a clear sense of what is required for the job, 2. the onboarding process, so that new members can get up to speed quickly, and 3. the role of the new member relative to their town. It was suggested that the appointing authorities can provide input, and Ms. Sheffler suggested that at this point,the goal is to provide guidance to them. The member from Concord explained how things work in her town that have proven effective. The member from Needham suggested that appointments have been made in the past out of neglect or malice. He would like to see the process include a long-term commitment to take the job seriously. The member from Dover explained that the charge of this group is to create a document that describes a process. They will be seeking School Committee input to make it a working, living document that can serve as a guide over time. 10. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Approval of Draft Minutes 1.16.18 (Joint Meeting); 1.16.18 (Regular Meeting) Ms.Nourse explained that no amendments had been received on the two sets of minutes, and the following vote was taken: 6 ACTION 2018#15 Moved(Nourse) and seconded(Leone) To approve the two sets of draft minutes of 1.16.18, as presented VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Needham Final percentage results of vote: 91.28% Final status of the vote: Passed 11. POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no need for Executive Session. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2018#16 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Sheffler) To adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary Attachments to the Minutes of 2.6.18 A. Presentation: FY 19 Budget Proposal B. Student Report C. Feb. 5,2018 Correspondence from Lincoln re Building Fees 7