HomeMy WebLinkAbout3_ FINAL OS SC Mtg Minutes w att_ 2018-04-10.pdf FINAL Approved 5.15.18 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 10,2018 6:00 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton, Chair(Lexington) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Pam Nourse, Secretary (Acton) Jim Gammill(Belmont) Jeff Stulin, (Needham) David O'Connor(Bolton) Not Present: Sue Sheffler,Vice-Chair(Arlington), Carrie Flood, (Concord) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 68.37% Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney, Jack Dillon,Elizabeth Rozan,Tracey Sierra,Jala Maracle, Connie Maynard,Malcolm Paradise with Skills USA Students,Michelle Shepard 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a.For the Good of the Organization Ms. DeLuca noted that she attended the joint board meeting in Stow on Feb. 27, and that people were happy about the status of the building project. Mr. Gammill reported that he had met with all the School Committee candidates in Belmont, and encouraged their openness to building positive relationships with Minuteman. Mr. Horton reported that he and George Clement met with the PTA presidents in Lexington and shared the values and benefits of Minuteman High School with them. They were invited to attend Clark Middle School's Back to School Night and commended George for his ability to discuss the elements of the Power Point he had prepared,without reading from it. 4. STUDENT REPORT,Jala Maracle Ms. Maracle reported on students signing the beam of the new building; the New Orleans community service project; the field trip of the plumbing shop to the Boston Water Works Museum; and the recent Drama Club's production of Blithe Spirit. Superintendent Bouquillon added that Adam Powell, a student from Arlington, recently won the 2018 Edward F. Markum Award, and extended congratulations to him. 1 5. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT,Jack Dillon a.Approval: Overnight Field Trip for Mass. Skills USA State Leadership and Skills Conference Mr. Dillon described the details of this trip,confirming its compliance with all policies. It was noted that there were 47 students and 5 adults participating. Student Nick Delori extended thanks to the School Committee for their commitment to this program, as it means a lot to the students. The Skills USA Chapter President,Tarin O'Connor,with input from teacher Malcolm Paradise, summarized the winning categories, and Vice President Jordan Mills underscored appreciation for the support. The School Committee Chair noted his pride in how the Skills students represent the school, and another member expressed appreciation for their sartorial presence. ACTION 2018#17 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone) To approve the Overnight Field Trip for the Mass. Skills USA State Leadership and Skills Conference, April 26-28,2018 in Marlboro and Upton,MA as presented, and to authorize the Superintendent to approve up to $5,000 for student travel expenses VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous b. Approval: Overnight Field Trip for Environmental Technology Program Mr. Dillon described the details of this trip,noting that 22 students were scheduled to attend, and that it is the same trip this program has gone on in the past. ACTION 2018#18 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To approve an Overnight Field Trip for the Environmental Technology Program on May 8-11, 2018 to the NEED Building operated by the National Park Service, Cape Cod National Seashore in Eastham,Massachusetts VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous At 6:15 PM, all students in attendance left. 6. FY 17 AUDIT REPORT,Sheryl Stevens-Burke Ms. Stevens-Burke presented the FY 17 Audit Report prepared by Melanson Heath. She reviewed the highlights,outlining the responsibilities of both parties, describing the clean audit opinion, and pointing out financial information from various accounting methods. She described the compensated absence liability, and a request was made for additional detail on what makes up the number. She outlined the pension liability number, and pointed out that no law requires it to be funded,but rather that it must be included. 2 She also referenced the GASB 45 and GASB 75 requirements. She highlighted specifics in the Governance Letter related to the treasury function and the audit required every three years. She responded to questions, offering assurance that there were no abnormalities, that there were no issues that had not been discussed or that caused concern, and the service they provide of correcting misstatements. As a follow up, a member of the Finance Subcommittee suggested that the 3 year treasury audit become part of a checklist for the Finance Subcommittee, and that they revisit the details of the audit at the May 1 Finance Subcommittee meeting. Mr. Mahoney added that they had identified areas of lag in FY 17, and addressed the cash reconciliation with the general ledger through January. This could also be reviewed at the next Finance Subcommittee meeting. He noted that for FY 18,he is interested in having an outside auditor review this, and that MASBO offers the service for approximately$2,000. In response to a question,Ms. Stevens- Burke pointed out that funds in the Student Activities Accounts is approximately$55,000. Thanks was extended to everyone involved for the work that went into this audit, and Michelle Shepard was commended as the lead coordinator. Appreciation was extended to Ms. Stevens-Burke for the way in which confidence in the financial operations of the District has been improved, and the collaboration shown between her and Mr. Mahoney. ACTION 2018#19 Moved(Leone) and seconded(DeLuca) To accept the FY 17 Audit Report, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 7. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Ed Bouquillon Superintendent Leadership Goals: Goal#1: Student Improvement: Academy Model Development a.Academy Development Team Update: Curriculum Mapping,Eric Marshall Mr.Marshall described how Curriculum Mapping,using Rubicon Atlas,has been beneficial in the strides towards developing the Academy Model for Minuteman High School. He described the accomplishments over the 2017-18 school year, including the value of common planning time, and the use of Office 365 tools,as well as the development of subject matter experts. He reviewed the Academy Pathways Overview, and described a number of topics from the pathway based integration projects. A request was made for the Power Point to be sent out electronically. In response to questions,Mr. Marshall pointed out that proximity is a value in the Academy Model as it relates to the new building,that academics mesh with vocational to get the job done, and that scheduling will continually evolve. The importance of curriculum mapping software,teaming tools, tagging, and availability of 1-1 devices for all students were noted as way to stay step with the technology curve. Appreciation was extended for the concept that curriculum is not stagnant. It was also pointed out that students do not want to be isolated; rather they want to be a part of one school, which will require creative and flexibility in scheduling. b. Update on Other Goals 1.)Bond Bill Amendment With regard to his second goal of Legislative Engagement,the Superintendent reported that State Senator Cindy Friedman of Arlington has sponsored an amendment to the State's Bond Bill,which would authorize $1,400,000 for the design and construction of a photovoltaic overlay district on the parking lot of the new 3 Minuteman High School. He pointed out that this is now in Conference Committee, and he has written to the 8 members of that Committee urging their support of this amendment. In response to a question,he affirmed that if School Committee members have a connection to one of those 8 members,he would appreciate their reaching out to them urging support. (His letter is shown in Attachment A.) 2.)Enabling Legislation With regard to enabling legislation,the Superintendent distributed an email from Representative Jay Kaufman re HD4737, and the final version of the Act Authorizing the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District to Lease Certain Land and Buildings(Attachment B). 3.) Staffing With regard to Ms.Rozan's decision to take retirement at the end of the contract year(June 30, 2018), and with Steve Sharek's similar decision and elimination of his position, the Superintendent distributed a draft proposed timeline for filling a combination position by May 10(Attachment C). He noted he has developed a draft job description and has shared it with the Chair. Mr. Spalding expressed concern for the needs of the School Committee over the next few years,with regard to this position, and asked that the School Committee have an opportunity to review the job description. The Superintendent agreed to send it to all for their input. Ms. DeLuca pointed out that it sounds like the way support will be provided to the School Committee is changing. She expressed concern for this, given the building project, campus development, and other complicated agendas that require attention,and that she would like to safeguard this for continued success. The skills and professionalism Ms. Rozan has brought to the position were noted. The Superintendent concurred; he noted that the needs of the District are changing, and that this turn of events provides an opportunity to reshape the position to address these changing needs. He agreed to send the draft job description and asked that people send suggestions to him and the Chair directly. 8. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding Mr. Spalding, as Chair of the School Building Committee,reported that construction is in the final phase of erecting the external structure,with the topping off scheduled for Thursday April 12,2018 at 11:00 AM. He explained that Gilbane conducts weekly coordination meetings; the permits are in place,paid under protest with the right to appeal;the buildings are now connected,the roof decking in in place, as are electrical and drainage systems, and multiple subcontractors are on board. He noted that by June 18,the School Building Committee will approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price(GMP). He pointed out that it is an ongoing process,and hopes for good news, and that the project continues on budget. He then showed a short clip compiled by Black Kettle Films, of progress as of 3.20.18,which is on the website at https://www.minuteman.org/Page/803, along with all progress reports to date. In response to questions,he confirmed that except for occupancy,the permitting is done,that some bids remain outstanding,with 80% of funds committed. In response to questions on bonding,Mr. Mahoney noted that the first issuance was for $35M,the next one is scheduled for Oct/Nov. 2018 for$46M, and the 3rd at completion will be for$30M. 9. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a.Acceptance of Scholarship Funds Mr.Mahoney called attention to the revised detail on this scholarship, placed at the table(Attachment D). With gratitude,the following vote was then taken: ACTION 2018#20 Moved(Gammill) and seconded(Leone) To accept$2,500 to establish the Alan J.McLaughlin STEM Scholarship, as presented in the revision dated 4.10.18 4 VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous b. Legal Services Contract Extension Recommendation Mr.Mahoney explained the recommendation to extend the contract with Murphy,Lamere&Murphy for one additional year,per the current contract. He pointed out that Legal Services are exempt from 30B bidding requirements, and that with the extension MLM's rate would continue at$210/hour for legal services (not paralegal services). The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2018#21 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone) To extend the contract with Murphy,Lamere&Murphy,PC for 1 additional year,July 1,2018- June 30,2019 (2nd extension of 2 allowable,per current contract) VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous c. Audit Services Contract Renewal Recommendation Mr. Mahoney pointed out that Melanson Heath began providing this service to the District in FY 08, and that their contract expires with the FY 17 Audit just presented. He noted that Auditing Services are also exempt from 30B bidding requirements. He noted that the District has been very satisfied with them, and that it has been helpful not to have to reeducate, as the same people have been involved. He noted that if the Committee authorizes this award,he would solicit a proposal from them. He pointed out that he does not anticipate their proposal would be far afield from the $30K, 31K, 32K listed in their current contract. Mr. Gammill pointed out that it is prudent to move on to another firm after 7-9 years. Mr. Stulin pointed out that his confidence in the District's financial standing has increased with this firm,noting that communications and clarity have greatly improved. He is very happy with the services, and appreciates all that Sheryl Stevens-Burke brings to the process. ACTION 2018#22 Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone) To authorize the awarding of a 3 year continuation contract to Melanson Heath for Auditing Services VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Belmont Final percentage results of vote: 59.21% Final status of the vote: 7 in favor, 1 abstention 5 d. Transfer of Inactive Accounts Mr.Mahoney referenced a list of 5 student activity accounts included in the packet that were found in the Audit to be inactive, and noted his request to transfer the funds to active accounts that serve similar purposes. It was pointed out that the Finance Subcommittee had reviewed this request and had voted to recommend favorable action. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2018#23 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To transfer funds from inactive accounts, as presented VOTE: 7 members in room at time of vote [not Needham] Weighted Vote present: 59.65% Weight needed: >29.83% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 59.65% Final status of the vote: Unanimous e. Special Education Increment Fee-Nonresident Students Mr.Mahoney referenced the analysis included in the packet that identified the Special Education costs in conformance with reporting requirements on the DESE End of Year Financial Report. He explained that this analysis summarizes the FY 17 actual costs and the FY 18 budgeted cots to calculate both the total costs and the per student costs of Special Education Services. He explained that based on this data,he is requesting a vote to establish an increase in the increment for FY 19 and FY 20, as establishing the fee for two fiscal years allows adequate time for sending towns to properly plan their budgets. ACTION 2018#24 Moved(Gammill) and seconded(Leone) To establish the Special Education Increment Fee for Nonresident Students at$5,300/student for FY 19 and at$6,200/student for FY 20, as presented VOTE: 7 members in room at time of vote [not Dover] Weighted Vote present: 63.11% Weight needed: >31.56% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 63.11% Final status of the vote: Unanimous f. Informational: 1.)Notification of Retirement Board COLA Consideration Mr.Mahoney explained that as information,with no action required of the School Committee,he was giving notice that the Retirement Board will consider whether to increase the COLA up to 3%on the first $13,000 of the retirement allowance for eligible retirees of the system at their upcoming meeting. 6 2.) Certified E&D Notice Mr.Mahoney referenced the Certified E&D notice sent out as informational. He explained that the Finance Subcommittee will review this at the May 1 meeting, and a vote will be prepared for the May School Committee meeting,to set aside a portion of these funds for next year's budget. 3.)Town Meetings Mr.Mahoney explained that 7 of 10 towns need to approve the budget, and noted that so far,three have done so: Lexington,Acton, and Concord. 10. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Strategic Planning Report(Informational),Jim Gammill Goal 1, School Committee Development On behalf of the Strategic Planning Group,Mr. Gammill summarized the activities related to Goal 1, School Committee Development. He referenced the materials submitted in the packet,which included a list of resources listed on the website at https://www.minuteman.org/Page/819; a draft letter to the appointing authority from the Chair in the case of appointment expiration;the 2010 job description; a guidance list for candidate consideration; a welcome letter to a new member from the Chair,and a template for School Committee member bio,which will be listed on the website. He asked that members provide the bio to Ms. Rozan, and Ms. DeLuca will format it accordingly. He explained that the purpose of these materials is to facilitate the scouting for new members. Mr. Spalding added that there will be a major turnover on the Committee in a few years, and this material is a first draft at setting some standards with the appointing authorities, so that new members will arrive at the table prepared. He pointed out that these are working documents, and that input is requested. A few suggestions were offered: that there be one or two meetings/year between the School Committee and member towns, rather than just sending documents that might be overlooked or be insufficient for real dialogue,and that the materials do not take the place of the departing member meeting directly with the appointing authority. Mr. Spalding suggested that the School Committee play an active role in the process,to emphasize that this is a serious body and School Committee membership is a serious position. He suggested that this goal be wrapped up soon, so the Strategic Planning Group can move on to Goal 2,the Superintendent Succession Planning. He asked that any suggestions on the documents, and a bio be sent to Ms. Rozan within 10 days. b. Special Policy Task Force,Alice DeLuca Ms. DeLuca, as Chair of the Special Policy Task Force, explained that most of the policies were established at the time of Educational Reform in 1993. The entire manual underwent a review between 2009 and 2012, with an MASC consultant. From 2013 to the present,there has been a review of many policies, as indicated in the documents included in the packet. She explained that upon the recommendation of MASC and the Superintendent, four policies are up for review review and first reading on this agenda. 1. EFD: Meal Charging Policy(new) 2. JICH: Alcohol,Tobacco, and Drug Use by Students Prohibited(revision) 3. GBEBD: Online Fundraising and Solicitations(new) 4. ILD: Student Submission to Educational Surveys and Research(new) 7 1.) EFD: Meal Charging Policy(New) Ms. DeLuca explained that this policy is required by the USDA. After discussion on how refunds are made,the following votes were taken: ACTION 2018#25 Moved(Leone) and seconded(O'Connor) To amend Draft New Policy EFD to delete"Accounts with$3.50 or less will not be refunded." VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous ACTION 2018#26 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To approve Draft New Policy EFD,as amended, for 1St Reading VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 2.)JICH: Alcohol,Tobacco,and Drug Use by Students Prohibited(Revision) Mr. Gammill expressed that the term"controlled substances"on line 3 of the revision was not clear. He agreed to cross-reference and provide details to Ms. Rozan for 2nd reading. To the question of notifying law enforcement,the Superintendent explained this is procedural and outlined in the Student Handbook. There was also discussion about what was meant by"screening tool". The following vote was taken: ACTION 2018#27 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To approve Draft Revised Policy JICH for 1St Reading VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 8 3.) GBEBD: OnLine Fundraising and Solicitations—Crowdfunding(New) Ms. DeLuca noted that the goal is that the Superintendent would curb this activity. It was pointed out that the use of the plural Principals did not apply and should be singular, and that Principal of each school also did not apply. The following vote was taken: ACTION 2018#28 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To approve Draft New Policy GBEBD, as amended, for 1St Reading VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 4.)ILD: Student Submission to Educational Surveys and Research(New) There were no comments or amendments to this policy draft,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2018#29 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To approve Draft New Policy ILD for 1St Reading VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 11. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Approval of Draft Minutes 2.6.18 Having heard no comments or suggested amendments to this set of draft minutes,the Secretary made the following motion: ACTION 2018#30 Moved(Nourse) and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the draft minutes of 2.6.18, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: >34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 68.37% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 9 12. POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION The Chair noted that there was a need for an Executive Session. The Superintendent confirmed that there was nothing to discuss under the first listed purpose: a.)Pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21(a) 6, to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, as an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body, and the Chair so declares. The following vote was then taken by roll call at 8:40 PM for the remaining purposes: ACTION 2018#31 Moved(Horton) and seconded(Leone) To enter into Executive Session as follows: a.)Pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, S. 22 (f)to review, amend, finalize and approve minutes from Executive Session of the Committee held on 1.16.18 and to determine whether continued non- disclosure of such minutes is appropriate. b.) Purpose 2(MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21 (a) (2))to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations, including contract negotiations,with certain nonunion personnel,namely Dr. Edward Bouquillon. VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 68.37% Weight needed: > 34.19% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: by roll call 68.37% Spalding(Dover)Yes DeLuca(Stow) Yes Stulin(Needham) Yes Gammill(Belmont)Yes Horton(Lexington)Yes O'Connor(Bolton)Yes Nourse(Acton)Yes Leone(Lancaster)Yes Final status of the vote: Unanimous (8 in favor) 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned from the Executive Session at 9:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Rozan Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary 10 Attachments to the Minutes of 4.10.18 A. 4.10.18 Letter to Chair of Senate Ways&Means re amendment to the State's Bond Bill B. 4.5.18 JKaufman Correspondence re An Act Authorizing the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District to Lease Certain Land and Buildings C. Draft Proposed Timeline for Assistant Position D. Alan J. McLaughlin STEM Scholarship, as revised 4.10.18 11 let MINUTEMAN April 10, 2018 Chair Karen Spilka Senate Ways& Means 24 Beacon Street State House - Room 212 Boston, MA 02133 Dear Chair Spilka: I am writing to urge you to retain an amendment in the state's Bond Bill. The amendment, sponsored by State Senator Cindy Friedman of Arlington, would authorize$1,400,000 for the design and construction of a photovoltaic overlay district on the parking lot of the "new" Minuteman High School. The amendment was included in line-item 1102-2017 of S.2300: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/S2300. As you may know, Minuteman is currently building a new high school on land in the Minute Man National Historical Park, on the Lincoln side of our property, immediately adjacent to our current building. Since 2010, we have been working with the Town of Lincoln and its Green Energy Committee to develop opportunities for alternative energy use in our new building and in our region.The funding inserted in the Senate version of the Bond Bill reflects the opportunity identified by the Green Energy Committee to develop photovoltaic energy at the new school. Using photovoltaic energy on this project would have several direct benefits. First, it would assist the Town of Lincoln in its efforts to actively pursue and utilize alternative energy sources within the town. Second, it would allow Minuteman students another opportunity to monitor and work on alternative energy as part of their curriculum. Third,adding photovoltaic energy to our project will help maximize our reimbursement rate from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), which is committed to reimbursing Minuteman for about one-third of the overall project costs. Minuteman's project history has been long and arduous. To make a long story short, Minuteman has now been in the Massachusetts School Building Authority(MSBA) pipeline longer than any other school in MSBA history. While construction is on time and on budget, the funds inserted in the Senate version of the budget through the efforts of Senator Friedman would help ensure the project's success and enable us to generate the greatest benefits for the Town of Lincoln, Minuteman students, and our region. I urge your support for Senator Friedman's amendment. If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail at e.bouquillon@minuteman.org or by phone at 781-861-6500, ext. 7301. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly, Edward A. Bouquillon, Ph.D. Superintendent Minuteman High School 758 Marrett Road, Lexington,MA 02421 T 781.861.6500 F 781.863.1747 TDD 781.861.2922 minuteman.org District Members;Acton,Arlington,Belmont,Bolton,Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham,Stow From: Kaufman,Jay- Rep. (HOU) <Jay.Kaufman@mahouse.gov> Sent:Thursday, April 5, 2018 5:01 PM To:Atkins, Cory- Rep. (HOU) <Cory.Atkins@mahouse.gov>; Benson,Jennifer- Rep. (HOU) <Jennifer.Benson@mahouse.gov>; Garballey, Sean - Rep. (HOU) <Sean.Garballey@mahouse.gov>; Garlick, Denise- Rep. (HOU) <Denise.Garlick@mahouse.gov>; Hogan, Kate- Rep. (HOU) <Kate.Hogan@mahouse.gov>; Naughton, Harold - Rep. (HOU) <Harold.Naughton@mahouse.gov>; Rogers, Dave- Rep. (HOU)<Dave.Rogers@mahouse.gov>; Barrett, Mike (SEN) <Mike.Barrett@masenate.gov>; Brownsberger, William (SEN) <William.Brownsberger@masenate.gov>; Eldridge,James (SEN)<James.Eldridge@masenate.gov>; Ross, Richard (SEN) <Richard.Ross@masenate.gov>; Rush, Mike (SEN) <Mike.Rush@masenate.gov>;Tran, Dean (SEN) <Dean.Tran@masenate.gov>; Friedman, Cindy (SEN) <Cindy.Friedman@masenate.gov>; Kaufman,Jay- Rep. (HOU) <Jay.Kaufman@mahouse.gov> Cc: Gordon,Amanda (HOU)<Amanda.Gordon@mahouse.gov>; Bunker, Catherine (HOU) <Catherine.Bunker@mahouse.gov>; Keenan, Derek (HOU) <Derek.Keenan@mahouse.gov>; Mortimer, Tatum (HOU) <Tatum.Mortimer@mahouse.gov>; Rainey, Courtney(HOU) <Courtney.Rainey@mahouse.gov>; Kilcoyne, Meghan (HOU) <meghan.kilcoyne@mahouse.gov>;Arnott, Kira (HOU) <Kira.Arnott@mahouse.gov>; Hunter, Rosie (SEN)<Rosie.Hunter@masenate.gov>; Missouri, Peter(SEN)<Peter.Missouri@masenate.gov>; Hearn, Erin (SEN) <Erin.Hearn@masenate.gov>; Cushing, Ann K. (SEN) <Ann.Cushing@masenate.gov>; Rajadurai, Benjamin (SEN) <Benjamin.Rajadurai@masenate.gov>; Swanson, David (SEN) <David.Swanson@masenate.gov>; Stephens, Nicole (HOU)<Nicole.Stephens@mahouse.gov>; Bouquillon, Ed <e.bouquillon@minuteman.org>; David Horton <Paulrevereroad@aol.com>; Ford Spalding <fspalding@fbeins.com>; Matthew Tobin <mtobin@mlmlawfirm.com>; Rozan, Elizabeth <e.rozan@minuteman.org>; Mahoney, Kevin <k.mahoney@minuteman.org> Subject: Invitation to co-sponsor special legislation for Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School Colleagues, Please accept in LAWS an invitation to co-sponsor HD4737 An Act authorizing the Minuteman regional vocational technical school district to lease certain land and buildings. This enabling legislation would allow Minuteman to lease lands or buildings for periods of fifty years if they are consistent with the school's mission. Revenues earned from this would be used to pay down debt incurred in the building of the new facility.This language has been vetted by counsel. I've also attached a copy of the language for your perusal. This legislation was filed on behalf of and with the consultation of Minuteman. We would appreciate your co-sponsorship and support because of your district's membership in Minuteman's school district. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Warmly, Jay and Cindy HOUSE DOCKET, NO. FILED ON: 4/5/2018 HOUSE No. Ejc CCommonioeattj of fitt55arbu5ett5 PRESENTED BY: Jay R. Kaufman and Cindy F. Friedman To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled: The undersigned legislators and/or citizens respectfully petition for the adoption of the accompanying bill: An Act authorizing the Minuteman regional vocational technical school district to lease certain land and buildings. PETITION OF: NAME: DISTRICT/ADDRESS: Jay R. Kaufman 15th Middlesex Cindy F. Friedman Fourth Middlesex 1 of 3 FILED ON:4/5/2018 HOUSE No. [Pin Slip] Tfje Commoutneattfj ofa55acrju5ett5 In the One Hundred and Ninetieth General Court (2017-2018) An Act authorizing the Minuteman regional vocational technical school district to lease certain land and buildings. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1 SECTION 1. Notwithstanding section 16 of chapter 71 of the General Laws chapter 196 2 of the acts of 1984or any other general or special law the contrary, the Minuteman regional 3 vocational technical school district, acting by and through its school committee, may lease or 4 enter into any agreements for the use and occupancy of the land owned by the school district, 5 taken for school purposes and described in orders of taking recorded in the Middlesex South 6 registry of deeds as (i)book 12153,page 374, (ii) book 12162, page 430, (iii)book 12162, page 7 433, (iv)book 12171,page 627, (v)book 12181, page 639, (vi)book 12317, page 338 and 8 buildings and parts thereof for periods of up to 50 years for purposes consistent with the mission 9 of the school district. The school district may enter into contracts for the design, construction, 10 installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of buildings, structures, improvements, parking, 11 and recreational facilities on land owned by the school district. 12 SECTION 2. The Minuteman regional vocational technical school district may establish a 13 receipts reserved for appropriation account for any revenue generated from leases or other 2 of 3 14 agreements authorized by section 1. Monies from this account shall be appropriated by majority 15 approval of the school committee for the school district. The account shall be used to offset the 16 debt service payable on the financing of the design and construction of a new high school 17 building and facilities project and the debt service payable on financing, or otherwise defray the 18 costs of, the design and construction of any other capital improvements, renovations or repairs of 19 the buildings and grounds of the school district, as determined by majority approval of the school 20 committee for the school district. 21 SECTION 3. In the event of any conflict between this act and any other general or special 22 law to the contrary, this act shall control. 23 SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. 3 of 3 "Chief" Executive Assistant to the Superintendent PROPOSED TIMELINE Purpose and Scope:The retirement of the Director of Outreach and Development and the District Executive Assistant has created the need to review roles and responsibilities in support of the District Superintendents Office. April 2—April 11: Revise Job Descriptions and solicit input from stakeholders April 12: ADVERTISE POSITION: WEBSITE, School Spring, MASS, MASC, MAVA List Serve (Deadline for applications April 25, 2018) April 25 -26: Preliminary Paper Review of Applicants and Schedule Interviews INTERVIEW COMMITTEE Superintendent Assistant Superintendent of Finance (Kevin Mahoney) Principal (Jack Dillon) Director of Career and Technical Education (Michelle Roche) School Committee Officer (Dave Horton) May 1, 2018 (PM) and May 3 &4 (AM): Conduct interviews with finalists and "committee". May 9, 2015: 6:00PM (IF NEEDED): Final Interview with Superintendent and Interview Committee. *Interested School Committee must RSVP in order to observe interviews May, 15, 2018: 6:30PM: Superintendents selection introduced. (Goal is May 10 as the date of hire to have adequate transition support with Liz Rozan) Note: Candidates should possess the following qualifications: Bachelors. Masters Preferred. Excellent communication and organizational skills Strong work ethic, enthusiasm, and sense of humor Prior success as a District Level executive assistant Other DRAFT April 2, 2018 REQUEST TO ESTABLISH SCHOLARSHIP Per School Committee Policy DDA DATE: 2.8.18 FROM: From parent Allyson Huntington REASON: To establish a Scholarship to honor her father NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP: 2018 Alan J. McLaughlin STEM Scholarship INITIAL DEPOSIT: $2,500 CRITERIA: Attached 2018 Alan J. McLaughlin STEM Scholarship Qualifications: 1. Student is a current graduating senior at Minuteman High School 2. Student is enrolled in a STEM-based track at Minuteman High School; 3. Student has demonstrated excellent academic achievement (general scholarship application may be used); 4. Student will enter a STEM-based program at a college or university the year following graduation 5. Student submits an essay(300 words maximum) answering one of the two prompts below. ESSAY PROMPTS: 1. What made you choose a STEM track at Minuteman? Describe a key experience or activity that has helped you explore your desire to study and possibly pursue a career in STEM 2. Why have you chosen to pursue further education in STEM, and how do you see a career in STEM as having a global impact? Review process: 1. Applications shall be reviewed for qualification under#1-4, by the Minuteman Scholarship Committee, who will select the top 5 candidates 2. Essays for the top 5 candidates shall be reviewed by Allyson M. Huntington and/or a committee selected by Allyson M. Huntington 3. Recipient shall be selected by Allyson M. Huntington in collaboration with the Minuteman Scholarship Committee in accord with district policy DDA. Funds shall be held by the Minuteman Scholarship/Business Office, separately dedicated to the Alan J. McLaughlin STEM Scholarship, with the intent to award$500 per year as long as the scholarship is funded(minimum of five years). Rev. 4.10.18 Approved 11/17/15 DDA GIFTS, GRANTS,DONATIONS, SCHOLARSHIP POLICY A. Overview The School Committee recognizes that individuals and organizations in the community may wish to contribute money, supplies, or equipment to enhance or extend the instructional program. This policy is intended to establish guidelines and procedures for such gifts in compliance with Chapter 44 Section 53A of the Massachusetts General Laws. The School Committee has the authority to accept such gifts and donations as may be made to the District by resolution duly passed at a public meeting. The School Committee may authorize through general resolution, that the Superintendent or his/her designee be authorized to accept gifts of cash or property valued up to $5,000.00. Gifts exceeding $5,000.00 shall be authorized by separate resolutions. The School Committee shall be notified monthly of any gifts or donations accepted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. No donations shall be accepted without the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee, or the School Committee. B. Gifts and Donations All gifts must be evaluated according to the following considerations: -source of gift -age and condition of gift -cost of installation of gift -cost of maintaining or upgrading the gift -all safety, liabilityinsurance, and regulatory issues -suitability of gift for intended purpose -issues raised by acceptance of the gift -whether the gift would increase workload of district staff The Administration reserves the right to refuse to accept any gift which does not contribute toward the achievement of the goals of this District. Any gift accepted by the School Committee or its designee shall become the property of the District, may not be returned without the approval of the School Committee, and is subject to the same controls and regulations as are other properties of the District. The School Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of any gift it accepts,unless otherwise stipulated. For non-cash gifts and donations in excess of$5,000, the Business Office should record the value of said gifts in the General Ledger. Original Adoption: Revision: First reading: 7/21/09;10/13/15 Second reading: 9/22/09; 11/17/09;11/17/15 Adoption:11/17/09 Review:Finance Subcommittee,Policy Task Force,Auditor,recommended for F'Reading 6/23/15;held,then ready for F'Reading for 10/13/15 Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District Approved 11/17/15 DDA The School Committee will make every effort to honor the intent of the donor in its use of the gift, consistent with the educational program of the District. The School Committee may choose to decline the gift if it does not further the goals of the District. In no case shall acceptance of a gift be considered to be an endorsement by the School Committee of a commercial product or business enterprise or institution of learning. A potential donor will inform the department/program of their wish to make a donation. Acknowledgement and acceptance of a gift or donation will be made by Administration of all gifts received by the District. A receipt of the gift or donation shall be made on the form provided by the Business Office. In no event shall the District supply any valuations for the purposes of tax deductions; it is up to the donor to provide the value. C. Scholarships The students of the Minuteman District have benefited from the generous donations of its supporters. The District has welcomed such support and wishes to continue to maintain and build relationships with its community and family members, and business partners. The Minuteman School Committee accepts individual donations of any amount for the General Scholarship Fund. Named scholarships may be established within the General Scholarship Fund for initial gifts totaling $1,000.00 or more. These named scholarships will be disbursed to graduating seniors according to their criteria until the balances decline below the annual award level, at which point the scholarships will be closed and the remaining balances will be transferred to the General Scholarship Fund. Additional donations to named scholarships will be accepted at any time. Perpetual named scholarships may be established by a minimum initial donation totaling $10,000. In order to guarantee that a contribution will live on in perpetuity, the sum is protected and only the interest is used to fund annual scholarships that satisfy the terms specified by the donor. The School Committee shall formally approve any named scholarships before they are established. All scholarship funds received by the District will be held in a separate account and deposited in a savings bank, trust company, national bank,banking company, or cooperative bank organized under the laws of the Commonwealth, and a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)pursuant to Chapter 44, Sections 55 and 55B. Original Adoption: Revision: First reading: 7/21/09;10/13/15 Second reading: 9/22/09; 11/17/09;11/17/15 Adoption:11/17/09 Review:Finance Subcommittee,Policy Task Force,Auditor,recommended for F'Reading 6/23/15;held,then ready for F'Reading for 10/13/15 Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District Approved 11/17/15 DDA Award recipients will be selected annually by the Principal upon recommendation of the Minuteman Scholarship Committee. D. Computer/Related Technology Donations All gifts of computer and/or other technology equipment must be approved by the manager of information services and, whenever possible, must be in compliance with District hardware standards as defined in the District's Technology Plan. All equipment must be in good working order or capable of being restored to good working order by District personnel. Donors must provide software licenses for any donated software, including operating system software. Recognition of the donation shall follow the procedure in"B" above. E. General Conditions Any accepted donations of equipment having a value of$5,000.00 or more, or computer equipment of any value, must be reported to the Assistant Superintendent of Finance to be tagged and added to the fixed assets system. A complete list of all donated equipment, supplies, materials, or furniture must be given to the Business Office. The list must include, to the extent possible, source of the donation, serial numbers, descriptions, models, brands, and approximate values. In the case off expendable supplies and office furniture, exact quantities and descriptions must be reported. LEGAL REF: M.G.L. 44:53A Original Adoption: Revision: First reading: 7/21/09;10/13/15 Second reading: 9/22/09; 11/17/09;11/17/15 Adoption:11/17/09 Review:Finance Subcommittee,Policy Task Force,Auditor,recommended for 1St Reading 6/23/15;held,then ready for F'Reading for 10/13/15 Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District