HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL School Committee Minutes July 6 2021.docx.pdf FINAL
JULY 6, 2021 6.30 P.M.
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Jeff Stuhn,Vice-Chair(Needham)
Alice DeLuca, Secretary(Stow) Michael Ruderman(Arlington)
Steve LeDoux(Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Judith Crocker(Lexington)
Absent. Dave O'Connor(Bolton)
Weighted Vote Weighted Vote present at start of meeting 92 85%
Others Present Dr Edward Bouquillon,Dr Amy Perreault, George Clement,Anthony Chiariello,Katie
Bouchard, and Julia Pisegna
Note This was the first meeting of FY22 The Covid-19 worldwide pandemic was declared in March of
2020 and continues in its 16th month—continuing to affect decisions for the coming school year
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6.31 p.m.
VOTE To adopt remote participation by all members of the Minuteman School Committee
pursuant to and in accordance with Sections(2)and(3)of the Executive Order Suspending
Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law made by the Governor of Massachusetts on
March 12,2020, such adoption to be effective until said Executive Order is rescinded or the
Commonwealth's State of Emergency as referenced in said Executive Order, is terminated,
whichever happens first
ACTION 2021 #159
Moved(Stulm)and seconded(DeLuca)
To approve remote participation
VOTE 7 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 80 27%
Weight needed >40 13%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining none
Final percentage results of vote 80 27%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulin,Vice-Chair(Needham) (Yes)
Alice DeLuca, Secretary(Stow) (Yes)
Dr Bouquillon announced that no public comments were received
Mr Ruderman shared that he was pleased to see in an email correspondence that Dr Bouquillon and
members of the administration will be holding a meeting with the LABBB Program to look at what possible
options remain for offering LABBB services on the Minuteman campus,and he thanked Dr. Bouquillon.
Ms Crocker thanked the administration for a wonderful graduation ceremony that was enjoyed by both
students and parents
Dr Bouquillon shared that he was notified by Governor Baker that Minuteman was successful in round 3
of the Career Technical Institute Initiative (CTII) grant application for Minuteman Technical Institute
(MTI) He noted that while the information is embargoed,he was notified that he could inform his Board,
and reported that MTI was awarded the maximum amount of $480,000 to train people in advanced
manufacturing,biomanufactunng, allied health professions
Committee Chair Pam Nourse congratulated Dr Bouquillon on the wonderful news
Dr Bouquillon also reported that we received the Massachusetts Work Immersion Network (MassWIN)
Award which funds academic teachers,special education teachers,and vocational teachers to participate in
a paid internship in a work environment Minuteman has two staff members who were successful and who
will receive a stipend of$5,000, along with transcript credits
Lastly, Dr Bouquillon shared that as a result of the new building, the Superintendent's Office and the
Business Office merged, a step that was planned for in the architectural and design process in accordance
with the MSBA formula which limits the size of district offices These offices are now combined into one
Based upon this merger, the reorganization has been in development for some time. Dr. Bouquillon has
worked with consultants and other vocational school supenntendents to improve the effectiveness of our
offices and maintain a high level of customer service Dr Bouquillon also worked with Jeff Lawrence,
consultant with Organizational Agility Advisors, in preparation for the potential reorganization He
reported that the Director of Finance and the Human Resources Coordinator have resigned He shared that
the premise for this work is to have a better understanding of our individual strengths and how to leverage
these in the framework of collaboration and team development He noted that details are still in progress,
but that the current executive administrative staff will assume some of these responsibilities within the
existing administrative team
The Executive Team retreat is scheduled for the upcoming weeks and Jeff Lawrence will help identify any
training and professional development needed,as well as recognizing that the licensure process needs to be
part of this reorganization
Dr Bouquillon will continue to update members on how workflow and procedures might be changing in
the district office, as well as how the administration might better position themselves to help lead on the
review of future policy work of the School Committee and subcommittees
Committee Chair Pam Nourse shared that Ms Leone has been reappointed as the Minuteman School
Committee representative for Lancaster
She noted that the updated Weighted Voting Chart was included in the packet (page 3), and that the
weighted vote is formulated each year in accordance with the Regional Agreement She asked about the 4-
year rolling average total enrollment of 336 Dr Bouquillon shared that he assumed this was the number
from the October 1 report last year Ms DeLuca stated that it would be helpful to have the backup
documentation for this table Dr Bouquillon and Mr Mahoney will review the chart tomorrow and resend
it to Committee members
Committee Chair Pam Nourse shared that as this is the last meeting for the 2020-2021 school year, we
reflect back on the goals of School Committee for the past year.
She noted that the first overall goal of the School Committee was to support the administration in providing
high quality education to students in the current environment She shared that while all goals are important,
this is the reason we are all here She stated that all of the successes over the past year are due to the talented
and committed team of faculty and staff, and that in this past year of unprecedented challenges, everyone
rose to the occasion. On behalf of all School Committee members, she shared they are all extraordinarily
thankful for all the members of the team and thanked the phenomenal leadership of Dr Bouquillon
Dr Bouquillon thanked Ms Nourse for her compliment and for acknowledging the staff and teachers He
shared that the School Committee is strong and focused on the things they are working on together which
has made a tremendous amount of difference for all, and he is grateful for their collaboration and support
Ms Nourse noted that the second goal was to work together towards the completion of the athletic fields
project,and thanked Dr Bouquillon,the administration,Finance Committee,the Building Committee, and
Mr Spalding for the wonderful athletic fields that the students will have
Ms.Nourse then called on each Subcommittee Chair to share their update.
Mr Ledoux shared that one year ago, he was the only member of the Finance Subcommittee due to the
retirement of Mr Horton and the departure of Belmont and their rep, Mr Gammill They were replaced
with Ms Leone and Mr Ruderman who have been great members, always asking a lot of good tough
questions as the year progressed
He stated that one of their goals was to review and understand the annual budget and non-budget accounts
as they go through the budget process and hear the recommendations of each department and work through
all the iterations of the budget that the Superintendent has worked through before the School Committee
final view He noted that they also review the up-to-date budget reports each month which illustrate how
we are doing expenditure wise, including the revolving funds The group also ensures that issues from the
annual audit are addressed He noted that while we had the audit presentation a few months ago,it was the
first audit that he has seen that did not include a Management Letter recommending changes This made
their job a lot easier this year
They also reviewed recommendations in policies in Section D, Fiscal Management, and examines the per
student costs though he noted that part was not reviewed due to all the other issues taking place,in addition
to developing opinions regarding financial items that came before the Board. They were also very involved
with how the fields were going to be financed and reviewing the recommendations for the end of year
transfers that the Committee will be voting on
He shared that it was a busy year,in addition to being a transition year for the Committee with the two new
Finance Subcommittee members
Committee Chair Pam Nourse thanked Mr Ledoux,Ms Leone, and Mr Ruderman for all their work with
the Finance Committee
Mr Spalding provided an update on behalf of the School Building Committee
Mr Spalding shared that the building project was completed and is operational There are still some items
remaining to close out the building,with the largest item being the growing of the grass in the area of the
wetlands He reported that until that is complete, we will not receive our final Certificate of Occupancy
from the Town of Lincoln He suspects that will probably be done in the fall, but progress is being made
slowly but surely
Mr Stuhn provided an update on behalf of the Communications, Access, and Admissions (CAA)
subcommittee which began in September to work on full admission to the school He noted that we have
now reached beyond full admissions from in-distnct students, the focus shifted, and changes were then
made in order to accommodate the new reality of having a school with a possible waiting list
(Ms Leone arrived at 6 38 p m)
Ms Leone provided an update on behalf of the Superintendent's Evaluation and Negotiations
Subcommittee The survey was sent to members and Ms Leone will coordinate with Mr O'Brien so that
the final report will be submitted to the State prior to the end of the month She noted that nothing else
needed to be done seeing that salary negotiations for Dr Bouquillon's contract have already been
Mr Stuhn thanked Ms Leone for her work on the evaluation She noted that the survey was put together
by the administration and she found the new format to be very easy
Ms. DeLuca provided an update from the Policy Subcommittee and reported that the major goal of getting
the Policy Manual updated online is close to completion with the remaining work to be completed on the
footers The next project is Section I which she and Ms Crocker have been going through policy by policy
and companng them to MASC, and that Section B is with the attorneys While they did not meet the goal
of having everything complete regarding getting the Policy Manual online, it is very close
Committee Chair Pam Nourse acknowledged the work of the Policy Subcommittee and thanked Ms
DeLuca,Ms Crocker, and Dr Perreault for all their work
Ms Nourse also thanked all the members of the School Committee for all their hard work and active
participation in the meetings and in their subcommittees which has led to a lot of successful work moving
our goals forward
a Review of Approved 2021 Teacher Summer Work
Dr Bouquillon shared that as in past years, money received from the federal Perkins Grant, which fiscal
year ends September 30th, was used to support teacher work over the summer He noted that the academy
development team was reenergized for 2021-2022 He thanked Ms Bouchard and Mr DiPaolo for their
work in reengaging staff, especially after COVID put things on hold for some time, and there is now a
larger academy development team There were approximately$35,000 worth of proposals submitted, and
all of the 25 proposals submitted were funded to some level
The five projects submitted and funded for the academy development team included cumculum mapping,
which is a system used where teachers on the academic side and the vocational side can look up any other
teacher's curriculum to see where they are working on that day and be able to draw on opportunities to
integrate.The second project funding was for school-wide integration.Others included integration of career
and technical curriculum with academic curriculum, core foundational beliefs, work to improve the
portfolio and senior projects which is a requirement for all seniors to graduate, as well as the integration of
the LEED curriculum for the photovoltaic system
He noted that Eric Marshall, Chair of the Science Department, is working with all of the science teachers
to incorporate ten hours of sustainability curriculum into all of the science classes so that all students will
receive a sustainability component which gives us compliance with the LEED credential Lastly, the
Wednesday academy time project which allows for time during every week where the academies would
work together on integration projects, senior projects, and other projects as teachers work together on how
to best use that time
There was an additional project funded, outside of the Perkins Grant, for continuing to develop our peer
leadership program These are typically juniors who receive training over the summer and during the fall
to work with Mr Chianello on admission recruitments, marketing, enrollment, and mentonng of the
freshman students
Dr. Bouquillon shared that he is pleased with the work of these projects. He will be receiving a summary
of the work completed over the next couple of weeks,and this information will be used during the Executive
Retreat where we will begin to implement some of the changes recommended by the teachers
b School Building Report and Athletic Fields Prosect Update
Mr. Spalding provided additional items to his previous report. He shared that while there have been a few
leaks from the roof, which often happens with new buildings and most of them have been resolved He
reported that the leak in the Environmental Department has been investigated and requires the removal of
some of the roof in that area This work will be done over the next 16 weeks, A new membrane and
installation will be placed,all of which will be taken care of by the contractor who installed it
On the athletic side,Mr Spalding shared that he has been on site and is very excited He reiterated that the
athletic fields are the icing on the cake for the school and encouraged members to stop by and see the
progress He reported that the project is on time and on budget
The baseball field is scheduled for completion in late August,football field and track date of completion is
set for mid-September, and the softball field area is scheduled for late September The concrete has been
installed and really shows what the project is going to look like The track and walkways around the stadium
have been installed This process takes approximately 30 days to cure, and then work will begin putting
down the turf above the three feet of gravel
He noted that with the three inches of rain recently,the drainage system is working beautifully The lights
poles have been installed and fencing installation will begin soon Work on the softball field will begin in
approximately three weeks He shared that the general contractor, Heimlich Construction, is doing a
fabulous job, and the Skanska team commented on the wonderful job they are doing also He shared that
when he stood in the middle of the whole complex,he noticed that it is all framed by mature trees, except
for the space off to the west when looking at the building. He can picture young kids telling their parents
that they want to come to Minuteman,
Mr Stulin stated that he shares Mr Spalding's excitement that after all the years of talking about the athletic
fields, we were able to very intelligently complete that portion of the project, especially considering all of
the restrictions, so that in the fall, students will be back on campus in a truly excellent sports environment
despite the incredible obstacles overcome to come to this point
Ms DeLuca shared that Mr Stulin has inspired her to say that anyone who has been following this school
for the past 20 years,the fields have been the culmination of a very long project to bnng equity to vocational
students,and that a very long time ago,they did not have music,they did not have art,they had sub-standard
fields, and in light of the words pnvilege and equity, it was not the same. It was not equitable, and now
they have a fine school It is more than just the school, it is a trajectory of improvement for education in
general, and a celebration of that culmination in these fields, and she thanked Mr Spalding and Dr
Mr Spalding shared that he has had the opportunity to see many high schools and see their athletic fields
and that nobody will even come close to what we are doing.
Mr Stulin stated that the price was very reasonable, the timing of it helped, and we will get a lot for our
money as we did on the school building
d. Enrollment Canacity Proiects and Update
Dr Bouquillon reported that the athletic fields project looks very promising in providing some additional
funding for the capacity building projects, and while we may not know that for a few months, he does
believe the project will come in under budget for the athletic fields
He shared that they would spend all the money borrowed for lighting,but there is$1 2M,which was voted
on by the School Committee, out of the Capital Stabilization Fund if it was necessary to expend it, and he
is hopeful that we are able to conserve some of that,in addition to the transfers which will add more to the
budget for the capacity projects His sense is that is that we have enough funding to complete the North
building, which includes the completion of the metal fab shop and will free up space at that end of the
building for advanced manufactunng and welding
He shared that he held a tour of the building on the east end of campus, which includes an approximately
16,000 square foot building The group included the architects, members of the Advisory Committee of
the Animal Science Program, a consultant who equips dental offices and veterinary hospitals They toured
the space, and he hopes to have a design process in place towards the end of the summer
He also reported that our Animal Science Program was recently officially approved by the Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education
e State CTE Admissions DESE Approved
Dr Bouquillon reported that the Board of Education approved new regulations for admissions but overall,
the top 10 changes previously distributed to members, were voted on The Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education has yet to share any update or guidance on implementation of these changes
and regulations He stated that he believes these changes will impact the 2022-2023 admissions cycle
The DESE will meet with MAVA in August and Dr Bouquillon will attend
Dr Bouquillon provided testimony to the Joint Education Committee, Chairman Peisch, and Chairman
Lewis from Western Massachusetts regarding several bills which are in Committee He expressed the
need to expand access, to add additional seats, to make the process easier, as well as the need for the
establishment a Deputy Commissioner for CTE in the Department of Education
d Annual Town Meeting Update
Dr Bouquillon shared that all nine member towns have passed the budget
e MAVA Leadership Update
Dr Bouquillon announced that Steve Sharek is the new Executive Director of MAVA and Ernie Houle is
the President of MAYA, both of whom previously worked at Minuteman, and Dr Bouquillon will be co-
chair of the Legislative Committee for MAVA in the coming year
Mr Ruderman shared that if he is reading the notes correctly-the Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education(DESE)has written into their requirements for the coming years that admissions will be governed
by a strict in-district-applicant-first rule and he would like to know what they mean by the program, is it
program by program as the notes in the School Committee packet indicate? Does that mean per shop as
space is available?
Dr. Bouquillon responded that there has been no change in the regulations around accepting qualified in-
district students.
Mr Ruderman clarified his question as the notes read all qualified students from within the district will
be admitted into the program,and wondered if that mean that the Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education was differentiating by shops,rather than by school?
Dr Bouquillon stated that they have always had that language, and that the problem with that language is
that most applications for 8th graders ask the applicants to put in three shops that they are most interested
in and sometimes they are ranked 1-2-3 to indicate what shop they are more interested in,but in reality, a
student is not placed into a program until after exploratory is completed He stated that it is confusing and
a grey area because students do not apply to programs,they apply to Minuteman Students then go through
an exploratory process, and at the end of that process,a program is made available to them He stated that
that has never been clarified or dealt with in any kind of DESE regulations despite years of asking for it
Mr Ruderman shared that he sees this as a point of contention and that itis unfortunate that we do not have
guidance on this at the State level He reads the plain words, and he knows that parents are going to read
the plain words also and suggests that we are going to have to offer an explanation of what this means if
the State does not, and perhaps they are setting us up for failure here,but this point remains unresolved in
his mind
Committee Chair Pam Nourse stated that there will be further discussion on these topics, and while the
State has not put out any guidance yet,we do anticipate that it will be coming at some point and there will
be other opportunities to continue this discussion
a Approval of FY21 Transfers
VOTE To approve FY21 transfers,as presented
Dr. Bouquillon expressed his thanks and appreciation to Mr. Mahoney for staying on as a consultant as
we continue to move through this reorganization period during the summer and fall.
Mr Mahoney detailed the information which was included in the packet on page 19 He shared that at
this time of year, we "clean up the books" so that all function code balances are positioned in a surplus
position and identified areas where there are over expenditures,as well as other areas where we see excess
balances in an effort to balance those out when the auditors come in and close the books
He detailed the summary budget transfers(page 19)which totaled$1,319,000 and the items listed on the
transfers from account as identified as surpluses, followed by the items identified below as some of the
areas where we needed funding
He noted that the unique thing about what we are proposing this year is moving $550,000 into the
stabilization reserve account which speaks to Dr Bouquillon's previous remarks regarding funding
opportunities for campus expansion He noted that given some of the surpluses that we were able to
identify this year,he believes there is an opportunity to allocate some of those surpluses from the district
budget into the stabilization reserve fund with an authorized transfer from the School Committee which
will increase the stabilization fund so that upon completion of the athletic fields,we can identify what the
balance left over is of the$1 2M which was authorized for the athletic fields,add an additional$550,000
for work on the buildings as Dr Bouquillon previously descnbed, and part of which would be
accomplished by this vote
Mr Mahoney proceeded to page 20 of the packet and detailed the summary analysis where we project
where our excess and deficiency (E&D) balance will be as of year-end, with the excess and deficiency
taking the fund balance from the previous year and adjustments of revenue received in excess of what we
anticipated, as well as the unexpended balances that were remaining as of June 30th and deductions used
in fiscal 2022 to balance the budget,in addition to some revolving account deficits incurred,such as food
services as a result of the environment we were working in(COVID-19 pandemic)
He continued down page 20 to the line item for the stabilization account of$550,000 meaning that amount
will come out of the fund balance and move over into the stabilization account, with the bottom line
entitled projected E&D on 7/1/21, we are anticipating a balance of approximately $696,000, which is
slightly better than where we have been in past years, in addition to maintaining the $796,000 (sic) we
also have the ability to allocate the$550,000
Mr Mahoney described pages 21 and 22 which goes through the line items by function codes which were
reviewed in detail at the previous Finance Committee meeting
He noted that vote which he is asking for is for authorization to move forward with the transfers as
presented, and he invited questions from members
Mr Stulin asked for confirmation that the food services deficit is a result of COVID, and not something
that we anticipate moving forward Mr Mahoney confirmed that was correct
Mr Stuhn stated that considering all the financial impacts of COVID, as well as the unanticipated
expenses and the grants we were able to receive from various sources,he is happy to see how the budget
went and these transfers
Mr Mahoney noted that at this time last year, Dr Bouquillon was rolling out some of the staffing
adjustments being made as a result of COVID, we were unsure of what to anticipate as far as State aid
goes, so we knew moving into this fiscal year that we had capacity in our staffing and health insurance,
in addition to transportation costs being less, and because of the way the model went, it provided some
surpluses which we can now use for an opportunity to expand the campus
Mr Stuhn noted that it is fairly good news financially at the end of this year partly because of the State
aid and partly due to the good planning
Mr Ledoux shared that the Finance Committee is very happy also and they unanimously recommend this
expenditure plan
ACTION 2021 #160
Moved(Leone)and seconded(Ledoux),
To approve the FY21 transfers, as presented
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed. >46.42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulm(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
b Approval of List of Monthly Donations
VOTE To approve the list of monthly donations, as presented
Mr Mahoney presented the list of five monthly donations, included in the packet on page 23, for the School
Committee to accept with gratitude from the donors
ACTION 2021 #161
Moved(Ledoux)and seconded(Leone),
To approve the list of monthly donations, as presented
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining
Final percentage results of vote 92.85%
Final status of the vote.. Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stuhn(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
c Approval of Disposal of Surplus Property
VOTE To approve the disposal of surplus property,as presented
Mr Mahoney reported that when surplus property is identified,we seek approval by the School Committee
to authorize the disposal of surplus items pursuant to School Committee policy. There is an extensive list
of technology items which we are seeking to dispose of, and he asks for a vote to support this request
Mr Stuhn asked the age of the computers and whether they lasted the anticipated lifespan expected when
they were purchased Mr Mahoney responded that he did not have that conversation with the Technology
Director specifically, but he does know that we were on a revolving inventory management of our
technology and that we have had to expand our method of capability of these machines as a result of the
virtual learning so there may have been some early obsolescence as a result of that
Mr Stulm stated that when you purchase technology,you make a guess as to how long it will last because
you cannot anticipate 100%future needs and he is hopeful that the lifetime of this equipment,whether more
or less time, is used to instruct us for the future of understanding better how long laptops and teacher
computers can last,though this past year was an exception,because not only did they have to go onto Zoom
on a regular basis,the amount of software used on a daily basis was greater than anticipated
Ms DeLuca asked if we have been able to replace equipment noting that there have been significant delays
due to the pandemic
Dr Bouquillon responded that the supply chain is still strained and that is the reason we are trying to order
things in advance,and we anticipate learning in the next week whether all of our 1-1 devices will arrive for
the incoming freshman class in August or in September He shared that Victor Woodroffe, Director of
Technology, has been very proactive regarding purchasing, and though we are on track, we are still not
100%certain that we will be fully equipped for this fall and added he is not aware of anyone that can
ACTION 2021 #162
Moved(Ledoux)and seconded(Leone),
To approve the disposal of surplus property, as presented
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining
Final percentage results of vote 92.85%
Final status of the vote.. Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stuhn(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
a Strategic Planning Subcommittee Update—Ford Spalding
Mr Spalding thanked Mr Mahoney for his participation in recent meetings He reported that the
Superintendent's search firm search resulted in two candidates - Massachusetts Association for School
Committees (MASC) and New England School Development Council (NESDEC) Both companies submitted
proposals, and both met the criteria for an interview On Thursday, July Pt, Ms Nourse, Ms DeLuca, and
himself met with each firm for a separate one-hour meeting each Representatives from NESDEC included Dr
Art Betterncourt,Dr Michael Palladino and Dr Carolyn Burke Mr Glenn Koocher represented MASC
The Strategic Planning Subcommittee developed 11 questions in advance that were asked to each firm,and both
firms represented their services professionally and in great detail, and both firms are qualified to assist us in our
After the interviews,the group met and discussed the applicants,proposals and answers to their questions, and
a motion was made to recommend to the July 6th School Committee the Massachusetts Association for School
Committees (MASC) to provide technical assistance and support for our Supenntendent's search process, and
the vote was unanimous
Mr Spalding shared that the decision was made on the following factors 1) they have experience and were
successful in searches for vocational schools, including recent ones such as Greater New Bedford Vocational,
Blue Hills Vocational, and Essex Technical They were impressed with MASC's first-hand knowledge of
Minuteman and vocational education in general Mr Koocher will be the MASC representative to lead our
Mr Spalding then made the following MOTION
to enter into a contract with the Massachusetts Association of School Committees(MASC)not to exceed
$15,000 to provide Superintendent search services to Minuteman lead by Glenn Koocher
Ms Crocker thanked members of the Strategic Planning Committee for all their hard work
Mr Ledoux asked Mr Spalding to explain in further detail the tasks that the consultant(MASC)will undertake.
Mr Spalding explained that they will assist a future search committee in the process of working with the
information that was developed after the two School Committee retreats to develop a profile, which will
eventually be voted on by the School Committee, before it is made public, They will assist in the advertising
piece which will be sent the community at large for a nation-wide search They will also help in the formulation
of a search committee,identifying the types of people that we would like on the committee and who they might
represent, and will assist us through the entire process
They will advertise for candidates through a full search using their extensive channels They will also assist in
the screemng of the candidates, along with the committee, and we will present the candidates to the School
Committee for approval The committee will not be an appointment committee,but rather will find appropriate
candidates for the School Committee to select
The timeframe set was to form a search committee whose members would be appointed by the School Committee
by September, followed by advertising for potential candidates and hopefully the appointment of a successful
candidate by January of next year and a start date at the end of the school year
Mr. Ruderman asked for confirmation that MASC assisted New Bedford Vocational with their search
satisfactorily with their School Committee, and Mr Spalding confirmed that was his understanding
Ms Leone asked about the size of the search committee, and Mr Spalding noted that it has yet to be defined but
estimates under 12 members Ms Leone remarked that too big gets to be cumbersome and too small gets to be
VOTE. To enter into a contract with the Massachusetts Association of School
Committees (MASC)not to exceed$15,000 to provide Superintendent search services to
Minuteman lead by Glenn Koocher, as presented
ACTION 2021 #163
Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca),
To enter into a contract with the Massachusetts Association of School Committees
(MASC)not to exceed$15,000 to provide Superintendent search services to Minuteman
lead by Glenn Koocher, as presented
VOTE. 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulm(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
b Finance Committee Update—Steve Ledoux
Mr Ledoux noted that their last meeting focused on discussions regarding the end-of-year transfers and he
had nothing additional to add
c Communications,Access, and Admissions (CAA) Subcommittee Update—Jeff Stulan and Anthony Chiariello,
Assistant Principal of Admissions
VOTE To direct the Superintendent to explore the long-term financial stability and diversity of the
district under the new state Admissions Regulations, including additional membership and
community-based solutions
Mr. Stulin reviewed with members three major items that were discussed at the last CAA meeting as
1) How the changes voted on by the Massachusetts DESE and mandated by the DESE impact our
admission and slot allocation procedures
He explained that there are sub-questions included in that question, for example,what is the meaning of
a qualified student?He noted that if we are required to take all qualified in-district students first,we need
to be careful in how we define qualified students
2)Under what circumstances do we offer slots to out-of-distract students?
He shared that if there comes a time in which we have slots available in the school and there are currently
no in-district students vying for those slots, we have to give them to out-of-district students and that
include a process which would need to be coordinated and kept within the rules
He noted that the lack of clarity from the State makes our job extremely difficult in defining how to move
forward but suggested the reorganization of MAVA may be helpful in creating the line of
communications with the State to assist with these issues
He further shared that we need to address the Admissions Policy and slot allocations policy based on the
new rules
3) In addition,he noted two other items that need to be addressed
1) Should we explore adding a new member town?
He explained that should we add another member town, we would become more financially stable over
the long term because we still do not know if the number of applicants to the school is a new normal or
just temporary, so by choosing to add a new appropriate member town, we would have more long-term
financial stability,but then fewer slots would be available to the current member towns
2) What does diversity mean for Minuteman?
He shared that diversity is a topic where there is a lot of disagreement as to what it means, and it could
mean different things for different schools, and in order to move forward more formally on this topic,we
need to explore the opportunities and financial impacts of these items
He explained that the motion before the Committee this evening will give the Superintendent the authority
to start exploring these issues,which would require some financial analysis, and noted that with respect
to bnngmg in an additional town, our member towns would have to vote to approve that
VOTE To direct the Superintendent to explore the long-term financial stability and diversity
of the district under the new state Admissions Regulations; including additional
membership and community-based solutions
Ms Leone asked if the conversations with any new member would include how we allocate slots to that
new member because they would come in with a zero four-year rolling average
Mr Stulin shared that the entire process of what it means for a new member town to come in and how
that impacts what the Regional Agreement says,as well as how we want to handle the financial part, and
is all something that would need to be discussed further and all member towns would have to vote to
approve it
ACTION 2021 #164
Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Leone)
To approve the Superintendent to explore the long-term financial stability and diversity
of the district under the new state Admissions Regulations, including additional
membership and community-based solutions
VOTE• 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining none
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulin,Vice-Chair(Needham) (Yes)
Alice DeLuca, Secretary(Stow)(Yes)
d Supenntendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee-Jennifer Leone
Ms Leone thanked Mr O'Brien and members of the Executive Team who put together a synopsis of the
accomplishments of Dr Bouquillon for the past year and the challenges he has faced
Mr Stulin remarked that he thought it was a very good and sensible process which included only four areas to
cover which allowed members to focus on them easily and the evidence was very clear
Ms Leone agreed that the process was very clear, straight forward, and the supporting documentation justified
the evaluation She will submit the information to the DESE by the end of July The Chair will need to sign it
Ms Nourse agreed that it was a very good process and noted that no vote is necessary
Mr Stulm stated that the accomplishments of Dr Bouquillon from the beginning of the year when we realized
that we were going to have so many students applying to the school, he moved forward with a sensible idea for
increasing capacity in a remarkably short period of time and in a manner that would allow a lot more students to
come to the school without over-burdening member towns
He commended Dr Bouquillon on his plan which was coherent, imaginative,unexpected, and a great benefit to
our member towns It will allow a lot more students to attend with very little financial impact He shared that he
wanted to emphasize that because he has not known any leaders m this profession who would have been able to
do the same
a Approval of Draft Minutes of June 8, 2021
Ms.DeLuca presented the draft minutes of June 8t",2021,for approval. There had been no comments/edits
VOTE To approve the draft minutes of June 8,2021,as presented
ACTION 2021 #165
Moved(Leone)and seconded(Crocker),
To approve the draft minutes of June 8,2021, as presented
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulm(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
a Process
Ms Nourse noted this is the traditional time for electing officers for the new year She noted that we are
a small School Committee and invited all members to think about stepping into leadership for the
School Committee
The School Committee took the following vote for the reorganization to occur.
ACTION 2021 #166
Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone)
To allow the Superintendent to preside temporanly
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present. 92.85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining. none
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stuhn(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
b Nomination for Chair
The temporary Chair,Dr Bouquillon, opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chair
Ms DeLuca nominated Pam Nourse if she is willing Dr Bouquillon called for other nominations There
were no other nominations
When asked if she would be willing to serve,Ms Nourse responded in the affirmative,but noted that she
is willing to do it for one more year and wanted to note that so that others can begin to think about stepping
into the role as Chair
The following vote was taken
ACTION 2021 #167
Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Spalding)
To appoint Pam Nourse as Chair for 2021-2022
VOTE members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining none
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote• Unanimous
Roll Call.
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulin(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
c Nomination for Vice-Chair
The newly appointed Chair,Ms Nourse,then asked for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair
Ms. DeLuca nominated Steve Ledoux. Ms.Nourse called for other nominations. There were no
other nominations.
Mr Ledoux affirmed his willingness to serve in this capacity, and the following vote was taken
ACTION 2021 #168
Moved(DeLuca) and seconded(Leone)
To appoint Steve Ledoux as Vice-Chair for 2021-2022
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining none
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote. Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone(Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulm(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
d Nomination for Secretary
The Chair asked for nominations for the position of Secretary Mr Stulin nominated Alice DeLuca
Ms Nourse asked for other nominations There were no other nominations
Ms DeLuca affirmed her willingness to serve in this capacity, and the following vote was taken
ACTION 2021 #169
Moved(Stulm)and seconded(Crocker)
To appoint Alice DeLuca as Secretary for 2021-2022
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present. 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining none
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) (Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover) (Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stuhn(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
Ms.Nourse gave a special thank you to Mr. Stulm for his service as Vice-Chair and as part of the
Officers meetings over the past year
There being no further business,the School Committee took the following vote
ACTION 2021 #170
Moved(Leone)and seconded(DeLuca),
To adjourn the meeting
VOTE 8 members in room at time of vote
Weighted Vote present 92 85%
Weight needed >46 42%
Names of towns opposing or abstaining.
Final percentage results of vote 92 85%
Final status of the vote Unanimous
Roll Call
Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton)(Yes)
Michael Ruderman(Arlington) (Yes)
Steve LeDoux(Concord)(Yes)
Ford Spalding(Dover)Yes)
Jennifer Leone (Lancaster)(Yes)
Judith Crocker(Lexington)(Yes)
Jeff Stulm(Needham)(Yes)
Alice DeLuca(Stow) (Yes)
Respectfully submitted,
Julia Pisegna Alice DeLuca
District Assistant Secretary