HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Minutes May 12 2020 _1_.pdf FINAL MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 12, 2020 6:30 P.M. VIA REMOTE PARTICIPATION Present: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) (arrived at 6:50 pm) David O'Connor(Bolton) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) Absent: None Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 94.85% Others Present: Dr. Edward Bouquillon, Dr. Bob Gerardi, Dr. Amy Perreault, Kevin Mahoney George Clement, Luke McCoy(KBA), Greg Joynt(KBA) and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. 2. ADOPTION OF REMOTE PARTICIPATION Moved(Horton) and seconded(LeDoux) VOTE: To adopt remote participation by all members of the Minuteman School Committee pursuant to and in accordance with Sections (2) and (3) of the Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law made by the Governor of Massachusetts on March 12, 2020, such adoption to be effective until said Executive Order is rescinded or the Commonwealth's State of Emergency as referenced in said Executive Order, is terminated, whichever happens first. ACTION 2020 #16 Moved(Leone) and seconded(LeDoux) To approve remote participation VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 94.85% Weight needed: >47.42% 1 Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 94.85% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) 2. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT, Pam Nourse a. Comments for the Good of the Organization Chair Pam Nourse recognized and thanked all the teachers, students, and the administration for their hard work in adapting to the remote learning environment during this very difficult time. Ms. Nourse noted that the following School Committee members terms are expiring on June 30th: • Pam Nourse (Acton) • Alice DeLuca(Stow) • Dave Horton(Lexington) • Sue Sheffler(Arlington) A letter will be sent to each Town to advise them of their member's expiring term. b. Proposed School Committee Meeting Dates for 2020-2021 VOTE: To approve the proposed School Committee meeting dates for 2020-2021, as presented ACTION 2020 #17 Moved(Leone) and seconded(LeDoux) To approve the School Committee Meeting Calendar for 2020-2021 VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 94.85% Weight needed: >47.42% 2 Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 94.85% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) 4. SCHOOL BUILDING REPORT, Ford Spalding a. Project Update Dr. Bouquillon provided a building project update and noted that the punch list items continue to be completed. Dr. Bouquillon will be meeting with a potential new vendor, Select Energy, on the photovoltaic project and expressed his confidence regarding the LEED points previously at risk. Mr. Joynt of KBA responded to Committee members' questions regarding permitting, cost benefits to the District, kilo watt hours, and the potential for leaks after adding to the roof noting that the system to be installed is a non-penetrating ballasted system and is done in accordance to the roofing manufacturer's warranty guidelines and installed by certified contractors. (Mr. Spalding joined the meeting at 6:50 p.m) Mr. Spalding reported that the Lincoln Town Building Inspector has accepted the theater and the final Certificate of Occupancy is expected in the next few weeks. Mr. Spalding also reported that a settlement in the amount of $800,000 has been reached with Griffin Electric, and that to date, 40 open items remain on the punch list, noting that most of them are outside jobs. He also noted that the process is underway for the soil to be removed where the petroleum-based ground contamination was found near the old greenhouse. b. Athletic Fields Update Dr. Bouquillon introduced Luke McCoy of KBA. Mr. McCoy presented an overview of the various build options, estimated costs, schedule of completion, as well as the benefits of synthetic turf versus natural grass, annual maintenance/life cycle, and field usability per event cost comparisons. 3 Mr. McCoy then discussed the various phase option plans and detailed the scope of work, estimated break-out of project costs, and the anticipated project schedule for each. Mr. Mahoney presented the plan for financing of the athletic fields and highlighted the source of funds, including the MSBA building project, sale of 16 and 22 Mill Street, facilities rental revolving account, stabilization account, FY21 capital fees, tax-exempt lease purchase and the amount of funds for each phase option. Mr. Mahoney noted that he has reviewed all options with the District's outside auditing firm and they see no issues in moving forward with any or all of said options. Mr. Mahoney then discussed the other potential financial benefits, including annual field rental revenues, savings on fees for transportation and rentals of other fields, savings in field maintenance, as well as additional assets of the District for supplemental rental revenue from the theatre, gym and conference room. Mr. Mahoney suggested bringing this presentation forward to the Finance Committee for their review and analysis and for final recommendation to the full Committee. Mr. McCoy responded to concerns of Committee members regarding the uncertainly of school opening in the fall, the need to plan for some option, additional costs in labor to maintain these fields, as well the lot sizes for 16 and 22 Mill Street. Mr. Stulin shared that he could foresee voting on Option 1-B as a first step by June and member Towns agreeing to it, and then deciding on additional options as circumstances change in the future. Mr. McCoy responded to questions relative to the student needs, calculation of event hours, escalations in the life-time costs analysis, and the environmental impact of synthetic fields. Mr. Gammill thanked Mr. McCoy for the useful information and noted that the Finance Committee will review the information and asked for a direct charge from the Officers for the Finance Committee. He would also like to take a look at the fields, without the additional expense of a track. Ms. Nourse reiterated the need to be sensitive to the costs of the fields in the current environment, and requested that the Finance Committee take a more in-depth review of this information and report back to the full Committee with recommendations for further discussion at the June School Committee meeting. Mr. Gammill shared that the Finance Committee is happy to review the finance piece of this, but there is also a non-financial educational and District management point of view and encouraged members to review the non-financial process also. 4 Ms. DeLuca expressed concern with spending down the stabilization fund and leaving the District with nothing, and shared that the Town of Stow is cancelling some of their capital expenses. Mr. Spalding asked if Committee members continue to agree to utilize the money left over from the project on the athletic fields. The consensus was unanimous, with Ms. Sheffler expressing an uncertainty about future investments and return on the fields. Dr. Bouquillon reminded Committee members that we are in an MSBA project, and that the money left over is for use by the District for this project, and that a delay in the fields would mean a delay in the project and would affect the receipt of a 5% reimbursement which would be held until the project was closed. Mr. Joynt confirmed that the MSBA project requirement is for some level of closure with the contractor and permitting-wise up to the full build of the fields. Ms. Nourse suggested the need of an additional School Committee meeting before the June 9m meeting to discuss the athletic fields further. Mr. Spalding agreed, and reminded Committee members of the importance of providing athletic fields for students. Dr. Bouquillon noted that the District has a no cut/no fee sports program, and Mr. Clement stated that potential students always inquire about sports at Minuteman. Mr. Horton shared with Committee members an email he received from the Town of Lexington regarding athletic fields. Mr. Spalding thanked Mr. McCoy and Mr. Joynt for all their hard work on the athletic field options. 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT, Dr. Edward Bouquillon a. Plans for Remote Learning and On-Site Learning for Fall 2020 Dr. Bouquillon shared that the administration has been meeting and discussing the opening of school in the fall and putting together different models as we continue to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Dr. Bouquillon shared that the priorities are the health and safety of the students, staff, continuation of quality hands-on learning in a reduced capacity, support for students on IEPs, technology, and being mindful of all the resources available to us. We will have a plan in place in few weeks,built by all, and the plan will be flexible. Dr. Bouquillon noted that there are financial challenges if the District goes into to a 1/12 budget, and that smaller class sizes will require less support staff, and that the 1/12 budget scenario will be discussed further at the next Finance Committee meeting. Dr. Bouquillon will continue to keep Committee members updated with new developments. 5 b. School Choice VOTE: Not to participate in the School Choice Program for 2020-2021 and to inform the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of this decision by the June 1st deadline ACTION 2020 #18 Moved(Leone) and seconded(O'Connor) To not participate in the School Choice Program 2020-2021 and to inform the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of this decision by the June 1St deadline VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: > 50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) c. Approval of Out-of-State Travel to Nashville, Tennessee for the ACTE's CareerTech Vision Conference, December 2nd to 5th, 2020 Dr. Bouquillon shared that he, Dr. Perreault, and some teachers have been invited to participate in the ACTE's CareerTech Vision Conference. The District will have two presentations: 1) bees and 2) on the District's admissions procedures and how we went from low enrollment to full enrollment. VOTE: To approve the out-of-State travel to Nashville, Tennessee for the ACTE's CareerTech Vision Conference, December 2nd to 5th, 2020 ACTION 2020 #19 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Spalding) 6 To approve the out-of-State travel to Nashville, Tennessee for the ACTE's CareerTech Vision Conference, December 2nd to 5th, 2020 VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: > 50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr. Gammill suggested booking a flight during this fiscal year, as flights are very reasonably priced now. Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) 6. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT, George Clement a. 2020 Graduation Plans Mr. Clement shared the details of the drive-in graduation plans for the Class of 2020 to be held on Friday, June 5th, as well as the virtual celebration planned for afterwards. Mr. Clement invited all School Committee members to attend. b. Teacher Appreciation Week(Video from Administration) Teacher Appreciation Week was held last week. A video tribute was put together to thank the teachers for all they have done, especially with remote learning and for their amazing care and collaboration. Mr. O'Brien, Communications Director, will send the link to the video to all members. c. Calendar Updates Mr. Clement noted that MCAS dates have not been provided, so there are no calendar updates at this time. 7 d. Admissions and Enrollment Mr. Clement updated Committee members with the current enrollment numbers = 182 freshman students, which includes 175 in-district students, 7 out-of-district students (Watertown, Belmont and Boxborough). Admission testing for math, English, reading and writing were held online. To date, 92% of the incoming students have completed all sections of the online testing, along with 72% of families who have completed the entire enrollment packet. Parent orientation information will be sent out in the coming week. 7. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE'S REPORT, Dr. Robert Gerardi a. Finance Subcommittee—Jim Gammill • Discussion of Draft Memorandum Regarding Capital Projects from Finance Subcommittee to Full Committee Mr. Gammill reviewed with Committee members his memorandum regarding capital projects to be used as a resource while reviewing all the information relative to the athletic fields and building projects and to frame the discussions as they speak with members of their towns. Mr. Gammill highlighted the good news/bad news of enrollment and the enrollment projects to FY26, operating budget and assessment projections, new building debt service schedule, capital charge projections, financial forecast for the nine member towns, and the proposed capital project and funding sources. Mr. Gammill then reviewed the photovoltaic project, athletic facilities, additions to the curriculum program spaces and the next steps of the District. Ms. Nourse thanked Mr. Gammill and the Finance Committee for the information and asked that any questions be forwarded to Ms. Pisegna for further discussion. b. Bid Results - $3.8 M Bond Anticipation Notes Mr. Mahoney shared that the district will need to borrow $3.8M in Bond Anticipation Notes for one year to meet the cash flow requirements to complete the new school building project and the MSBA final audit and close-out of the project. Mr. Mahoney also shared that once the final audit is complete, the MSBA will finalize the total eligible grant amount and Minuteman will then issue a long-term bond to finance the remaining portion not covered under the grant. Mr. Mahoney noted that a formal vote of the Committee is not required, as only the signatures of the School Committee Chair, Secretary, and the District Treasurer are required to authorize the notes. 8 c. 3rd Quarter Financial Statements Mr. Gerardi presented the 3rd quarter financial statements, and noted that these financial statements were reviewed at the previous Finance Committee meeting. Mr. Gerardi noted that some financial disruption due to the closure and events not held can be found in the revolving funds statement in horticulture and food service. Student activities report is strong. Mr. Gerardi is now preparing bi-weekly reports for review at the next scheduled Finance Committee meeting to show the different strategies that the District is undertaking in these uncertain times and tracking the numbers to show the impact of the school closure to the District budget. d. Discussion of FY20 and FY21 Budget and 1/12 Budget Dr. Gerardi provided a summary that has identified all the resources and considerations for the FY20 and FY21 budgets. Dr. Gerardi shared that he and Dr. Bouquillon have participated in conference calls, webinars and Zoom meetings with numerous entities regarding the budget and State funding and continue to learn various strategies for dealing with the budget. The District is waiting for the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to compile the template for the 1/12 budget, and shared some of the guidelines for the FY21 regional school dist Dr. Gerardi will continue to update Committee members on any new developments. e. Discussion of Transportation IFB Re-Bid Dr. Gerardi recommended approval of the Transportation Contract with NRT Bus, Inc. VOTE: To award to NRT Bus, Inc. of North Reading, MA the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District Transportation RE Bid 20 03, dated April 8, 2020, representing the regular in District Transportation, late buses, athletic practice buses and athletic and activity buses at a bid price of$1,033,329.00 for regular route buses, $265.00 per day for late buses, $250.00 per bus for athletic practice buses and$4.10 per mile and $64.00 driver waiting cost for athletic and activity trips, such total Bid cost of$1,373,245.00 and on the basis of their being the lowest responsive and responsible bidder and in the best public interest. ACTION 2020 #20 Moved(Spalding) and seconded(Leone) To award to NRT Bus, Inc. of North Reading, MA the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District Transportation RE Bid 20 03, dated April 8, 2020,representing the regular in District Transportation, late buses, athletic practice buses and athletic and activity buses at a bid price of$1,033,329.00 for regular route buses, $265.00 per day for late buses, $250.00 per bus for athletic practice buses and $4.10 per mile and $64.00 driver waiting cost for athletic and activity trips, such total Bid cost of$1,373,245.00 and on the basis of their being the lowest responsive and responsible bidder and in the best public interest. 9 VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: > 50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Dr. Gerardi described the changes made in the new contract due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. Dr. Bouquillon noted that due to the possible social distancing that may be in place next year, he is currently exploring creative ways for students to get to school, including the legal ramifications of paying parents to bring their student to school, changes in the driving privilege requirements, carpooling, as well as the possibly of a transportation stabilization fund. Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Jennifer Leone • Review of Process • Superintendent's End of Cycle Progress Report Ms. Leone reported that the Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee met and noted that the survey indicated universal support for Dr. Bouquillon's accomplishments last year, as well as what he has had to deal with during the current COVID-19 crisis. Ms. Leone shared under the current fiscal hardships for Towns and municipalities, it would not be appropriate to recommend an increase in his compensation higher than the Contract allows. The Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee recommended an increase of 2.33% in the Superintendent's salary for FY20-21. VOTE: To approve an increase in the amount of 2.33% for the FY20-21 year to Dr. Bouquillon ACTION 2020 #21 Moved(Spalding) and seconded(Horton) 10 To approve an increase in the amount of 2.33% for the FY20-21 year to Dr. Bouquillon VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: > 50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Ms. DeLuca noted that the vote on this item should be included in the next agenda for purposes of the record. 9. SECRETARY'S REPORT, Dave Horton a. Approval of Draft Minutes of April 7, 2020 and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2020 #22 Moved(Horton) and seconded(Leone) To approve the draft minutes of April 7, 2020, as amended VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: > 50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Acton Final percentage results of vote: 90.2% Final status of the vote: Passed Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) abstained Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill(Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) 11 Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) 10. POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION Dr. Bouquillon reported that there was no need for an Executive Session at this time. 11. ADJOURNMENT Committee members applauded and thanked Dr. Bouquillon for his leadership over the past year. There being no further business, the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2020 #23 Moved (Leone) and seconded(Spalding) To adjourn the meeting at 8:55 PM VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: > 50% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 12 Roll Call: Pam Nourse, Chair(Acton) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) David O'Connor(Bolton) Steve LeDoux (Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Jeff Stulin, Vice-Chair(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Respectfully submitted, Julia Pisegna Dave Horton District Assistant Secretary 13