HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal SC Minutes 2019-06-11.pdf FINAL June 11,2019 MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 11,2019 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton, Chair(Lexington) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Jim Gammill,Vice-Chair(Belmont) Carrie Flood(Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Pam Nourse, Secretary(Acton) Jeff Stulin,(Needham) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Absent: David O'Connor(Bolton) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 82.61% Others Present: Dr.Edward Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon, Michelle Shepard and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the regular meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. • 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a. Comments For the Good of the Organization Mr. Horton shared with Committee members that the updated Weighted Voting Sheet was included in their packet, and reminded members that the next School Committee meeting scheduled for July 16th will be a reorganizational meeting where officers will be voted in. Mr.Horton thanked Ms.Flood for her many years of service,dedication and contribution to Minuteman. Ms. Flood was presented with cake and flowers. (Brief recess taken:) 4. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Dr.Edward Bouquillon a. Dr. Bouquillon introduced Dr.Nancy Houle,Director of the Minuteman Technical Institute. Dr. Houle provided an overview of the Minuteman Technical Institute and highlighted the recruitment and marketing efforts, 2019-2020 programming, courses, career development components, student support services, as well as the members of the Minuteman Technical Institute's Program Advisory Committee. Dr. Houle also discussed the Council on Occupational Education accreditation requirements and timeline, industry recognized certifications, and the future needs of Minuteman Technical Institute to become the region's top-of-mind education and training campus. 1 Dr. Houle responded to questions by Committee members relating to accepted students, age of students, employment status of instructors, as well as enrollment,class size and tuition rates. Mr. Stulin inquired about the financial impact on Minuteman. Mr. Mahoney responded that Minuteman Technical Institute is similar to any other program run out of a revolving account, such as the post-graduate and post-secondary programs, and that enrollment targets and tuition rates reflect a self-supportive program so that a surplus of tuition in the revolving account can be invested back into the program, Mr.Mahoney also noted that one of the benefits to this program,from a fiscal point of view,was the eligibility of the Pell Grant and financial aid. Dr. Bouquillon noted that this is all part of our campus vision—to create a campus dedicated to life-long learning and meeting the need in the region for workforce development. Committee members thanked Dr. Houle for her presentation and look forward to future updates. Ms. DeLuca requested that the school track Minutemen Technical Institute students, especially those with loans,to see whether students were able to obtain employment and pay down their loans. b. Approval of the Appointment of Amy Perreault as Assistant Superintendent Dr. Bouquillon noted that due to the reorganization that has taken place, he continues to fill open positions and introduced his choice for the position of Assistant Superintendent and asked the Committee's approval to name Amy Perreault as Assistant Superintendent. Discussion ensued as members inquired as to the salary and responsibilities for the position of Assistant Superintendent. Dr. Bouquillon noted that a review was made of salaries for Assistant Superintendent positions in other regional vocational technical schools in the area, and that Ms. Perreault will also continue in her role as Director of Special Education. ACTION 2019#35 Moved(Ford)and seconded(Flood) To approve the appointment of Amy Perreault as Assistant Superintendent VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Committee members congratulated and applauded Ms.Perreault on her new position. c. Supervisor of Attendance Position Dr. Bouquillon discussed with Committee members the process that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education undertook to change the licensing requirements for this position and noted that the district does not currently have a school attendance officer. In the near future,Dr.Bouquillon will recommend Cheryl Mixon be named as the Supervisor of Attendance at Minuteman. 2 d. Staffing Update Dr. Bouquillon noted that there are two finalists for the position of Business Manager and two finalists for the position of Director of Communications and that final recommendations will be made later in the summer. Dr.Bouquillon announced the appointment of Katie Bouchard as the Assistant Director of Career Technical Education to replace Michelle Roche as she retires next year. Dr.Bouquillon will continue to update the Committee on any new hiring. e. Nashoba Middle School Update Dr. Bouquillon reported that he sent a letter to Nashoba Superintendent Brooke Clenchy in response to her request for confirmation on what material, supplies and equipment would remain at Nashoba,and noted that after our review and assessment of the expenditures,the equipment had very little value. Dr. Bouquillon noted that at this time, it appears that the intent of Superintendent Clenchy is to end its relationship with Minuteman. Dr. Bouquillon will continue to update the Committee on any new developments on the status of staff members at Nashoba. FY19 Goal#1: Superintendent will support the Minuteman Academy Model. a. Fund Code 336 Improving Student Access to Behavioral and Mental Health Services Grant in the Amount of$103,600,Amy Perreault Ms. Perreault shared with Committee members notification received from the Office of the Governor that Minuteman was awarded the Fund Code 336 Improving Student Access to Behavioral and Mental Health Services Grant in the amount of$103,600, noting that this grant will continue to move the academy model forward and deepen the collaboration of teachers and support service providers, and noted that all funds received are allocated for fiscal year 2020. Mr. Stulin inquired as to how we anticipate continuing to keep these programs running in the future from the general budget. Ms. Perreault noted that during the course of the year,this grant allows us to find out what works for us as best practice in training teachers,and once we have these best practices in place,there will be no further costs and it will sustain itself. b. Meeting with Commissioner Riley and Cliff Chaung of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Regarding Chapter 74 Regulations Dr.Bouquillon updated Committee members on two separate meetings which have taken place recently with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: The first meeting with Dr. Bouquillon, Commissioner Riley and Cliff Chaung centered around the topic of access. The second meeting,which Mr.Horton noted was requested by letter and approved by the School Committee, with Jeff Wulfson, Cliff Chaung, Dr. Bouquillon, Dave Horton and Jim Gammill centered around the Regional Agreement. 3 Mr. Horton shared that he felt it was an excellent presentation with good discussion and questions. Mr. Gammill shared that the Deputy Commissioner would continue to look further into this matter. Ms.Flood thanked Mr. Gammill for the time and effort he has put into this matter. Mr. Spalding commented that he was confused relative to where this item will go in terms of the decision the School Committee needs to make if we have communities that want to come into the District,and he believes that anyone should be able to come in as long as they are on an equal basis to all of us here. Mr.Horton explained that that would be left for the Committee-to discuss and to rule on, and that there were no conclusions on how we would go about that and under what conditions discussed at the meeting with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Mr. Stulin commented that the financial structures makes it impossible politically for a community to come and join the school due to the fact that they do not have to pay the current rate, and that if progress is made on that key issue,then there is incentive for towns to join us, but noted that as long as there continues to be an artificial gap created by State regulations, it will be difficult for towns. Ms.Nourse reiterated the importance for us to stress the benefits to towns for joining the district. Mr.Horton noted that the work continues and we will hear from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in the near future. Mr.Gammill shared that there is a possibility that the conversation will start informally this summer with the Belmont Town Meeting and continue to go on to a more formal basis as to whether there is a path for Belmont to rescind its Notice of Withdrawal. FY19 Goal#2: Superintendent will engage legislators,state workforce education advocates,local,municipal and business leaders in improving regulations to enhance the financial health of the district and expand student access increase enrollment and support a diverse student body. a. The Superintendent was recently informed of items relative to House Bill No. 70. He continues to learn more about particular items within this Bill, including increasing the choice rate for vocational schools to 15,000 or a foundation and the general increase of Chapter 78 aid to vocational schools. Dr. Bouquillon will continue to update Committee members as he receives new information. FY19 Goal#3: Superintendent will communicate all appropriate information to Watertown school and city officials regarding membership in the Minuteman District and will secure a Memorandum of Understanding No update. FY Goal #4: Superintendent will support and guide the expansion of a robust marketing, recruitment and visibility campaign to increase member town applications. a. Enrollment Update Dr. Bouquillon provided an enrollment summary highlighting the following: • As of June 1St, 189 students have completed enrollment paperwork; • Class of 2023 = 145 students in district;44 students out of district; and • Projected total school enrollment for fall of 2019—585 students FY19 Goal#5: Superintendent will develop an Inter-Municipal Agreement with the Town of Lexington to fully build out the Athletic Facility,will implement a Phase II Campus Development Plan, and will keep the MBVA project on time and on budget. a) Update on Request for Proposal(RFP)Process 4 Dr.Bouquillon shared that he is scheduled to meet with UMass to discuss reissuing the Request for Proposal to a broader audience and has identified 30-40 potential bidders. Dr. Bouquillon and Mr. Mahoney confirmed that UMass has a better understanding of what the District's expectations are and exactly what we are looking for,and he will continue to update Committee members as this item moves forward. 5. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT,Jack Dillon a. Approval for the 2019-2020 Student/Parent Handbook Amendments: • Minuteman Dual Enrollment Program of Studies Mr.Dillon recommended approval of the 2019-2020 Student/Parent Handbook Amendments to include the Minuteman Dual Enrollment Program of Studies. ACTION 2019#36 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the 2019-2020 Student/Parent Handbook Amendments to include the Minuteman Dual Enrollment Program of Studies,as presented, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed: >41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 6. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Budget Transfers Mr.Mahoney explained the details of the proposed budget transfers,noting that they have been reviewed by the Finance Subcommittee,and seeks approval for$114,000 that has been identified as an uncommitted funding source of Professional Salaries—Information Technology due to the result of a resignation last year and recommended it be transferred to the five accounts of postage,contracted services—Business Office, copies, copier leases, interest,feasibility study, and interest—building project. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2018#37 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Nourse) To approve the FY19 Budget Transfers, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed: >41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous b.Fund Account Transfer _ Mr. Mahoney recommended approval of the fund account transfer for Community Education to fund the summer school deficit which resulted from the closure of the summer school program this year due to the construction project. 5 ACTION 2019#38 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Sheffler) To approve the fund account transfer in the amount of$60,000 from the District Retiree Health Insurance account to the Summer School account, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote:Unanimous c.Approval for the Authorization of the OPEB Trust Agreement Mr.Mahoney recommended approval for the authorization of the OPEB Trust Agreement. Mr. Gammill discussed his memorandum which identified the few minor technical issues that were updated from the previous version of the OPEB Trust Agreement presented to the Finance Committee. Ms. Flood reminded Committee members that the rules have changed at the State level since the last OPEB Trust Agreement was discussed in previous years. Ms. DeLuca expressed her concern with the inconsistencies of Article 5.9 and Article 17.2.2. Mr.Mahoney stated that he has corresponded with Ms.DeLuca regarding her concern and believes that Article 5.9 superseded Article 17.2.2. ACTION 2019#39 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Flood) To approve the authorization of the OPEB Trust Agreement,as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous d. Approval for the Second Reading of the OPEB Fund Investment Policy Statement Mr.Mahoney recommended approval for the second reading of the OPEB Fund Investment Policy Statement. ACTION 2019#40 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Nourse) To approve for the second reading of the OPEB Fund Investment Policy,as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: 6 Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous e. Approval to Authorize the Extension of the School Bus Transportation Contract Mr.Mahoney recommended approval for the authorization for the extension of the school bus transportation contract, and noted that he has worked with a consultant company to make the Request for Proposal more attractive to potential transportation companies. ACTION 2019#41 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Sheffler) VOTE: That the School Committee authorize the option to extend the bus transportation contract with C&W Transportation until June 30,2020,pursuant to Bid 25-08, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% - Weight needed: >41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous f.Approval to Authorize the Extension of the Renewal Option on the Energy House Lease Mr. Mahoney recommended approval for the authorization of the extension of the renewal option on the energy house lease, and explained that after the project completion, Skanska and Gilbane will reduce their workforce and both companies will move to 16 Mill Street, and the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents will move to 20 Mill Street which will result in an estimated cost of$20,000 for painting, carpeting and plumbing updates. ACTION 2019#42 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Nourse) That the School Committee authorize the one-year option to extend the energy house office space lease with Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents until April 30,2020,pursuant to Bid 16-07, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous g, Approval for Request for the Disposal of Surplus Property Mr.Mahoney recommended approval of the request for the disposal of surplus property. ACTION 2019#43 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Nourse) To authorize the disposal of surplus property, as presented, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed: >41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 7 h. Approval for the Request for the Removal Furniture Mr.Mahoney recommended approval for the request to remove furniture. ACTION 2019#44 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Sheffler) To approve the request to remove furniture,as presented, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed: >41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Policy Subcommittee—Alice DeLuca Ms.DeLuca shared that the Policy Subcommittee met several times and began work on the Admission Policy revisions required to better match the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulations, waiting lists requirements, addressing slot allocations, work with the Administration relative to waves of applications,discussion for the idea of a four-year rolling average,and collaboration with the Massachusetts Association of School Committee regarding the systems they have in place. Mr. Horton asked that if Committee members have any thoughts or concerns, bring them forward to Ms. DeLuca through Ms.Pisegna. b. Enrollment Task Force—Pam Nourse Ms.Nourse acknowledged that,to date, 189-200 students have registered. The team would like to continue work with the Administration for an action plan process to keep the message on target, as well as follow up work with the parent liaisons and the Middle School document. Dr. Bouquillon would like the Enrollment Task Force to also consider how they might be helpful in Minuteman Technical Institute's recruitment and marketing, and asks that the Enrollment Task Force be a conduit of that integration. c. School Building Committee—Ford Spalding Mr. Spalding reported that the building continues to be on time and on budget and noted that a major presentation is scheduled for the July 16th School Committee meeting. Mr. Spalding requested that the agenda be taken out of order after the approval of the minutes. 8. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Approval of Draft Minutes of May 14,2019, and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2019#45 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Gammill) - To approve the draft minutes of May 14, 2019,as amended VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% 8 Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr. Stulin expressed the importance of details in the minutes as they ensure an accurate record of what transpired during the meeting. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS(continued) c. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Ford Spalding Mr. Stalin opened the discussion on the review of the evaluation of the Superintendent, noting that this evaluation tool has strengths and weaknesses, and believes that the goals set were hard goals and were difficult to measure,and suggested the addition of a general comment section to add comments for the quality of the goals,as well as the level of achievement. Ms. Flood agreed, as she found some goals that Dr. Bouquillon achieved on the effort side, but not in completion of the specifics of the goal. Mr. Spalding also noted that goals set were difficult,namely campus development,the athletic field,and the Watertown Memorandum of Understanding. Mr. Stalin commented that the effort, talent, creativity and skill was there, and some of the goals are aspirational which goes against the idea of a smart goal, and suggested we include somewhere that we have a high standard for the goals which does not directly fit into the measurable and attainable model. Ms. DeLuca also founded the evaluation difficult to fill out and suggested that we look at the timing of the goals and suggested that we change our process and review the goals in the summer. Mr. Spalding agreed and recommended that July would be a good time, and perhaps the Committee should consider adding an August School Committee meeting to the calendar. Mr.Horton suggested that we take an August meeting under advisement. Dr. Bouquillon commented that he has similar feelings regarding the process and noted that goals are transactional in ways and transformational in ways, and that aspects of leadership, mentoring others, development of a vision, and connection with students are not captured in the evaluation. Dr. Bouquillon also shared that he is grateful to work with this Committee and for all the work they have accomplished. Members continued to share their thoughts on Dr. Bouquillon's leadership and vision, noting that they are invaluable,but not measurable. - Mr. Spalding noted that the Superintendent Negotiation and Evaluation subcommittee was recommending a 3% increase and made a motion for a salary increase of 3%, with Ms. Nourse seconding. Mr. Spaulding then noted that the contract stipulated an increase up to 2.33%, A discussion ensued about the reasons why the subcommittee recommended a 3% increase. Mr. Spaulding explained that the subcommittee made an error regarding the contract, but wanted to recognize Dr. Bouquillon's efforts with the new building, the academy model, staff development and graduation accomplishments. Ms.Flood moved to approve a 2.33% salary increase. 9 ACTION 2019#46 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Gammill) To approve the salary increase of 2.33%for the Superintendent for the year 2019-2020 VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed:>41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2019#47 Moved(Stalin)and seconded(Spalding) To adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 82.61% Weight needed: >41.30% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 82.61% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Respectfully submitted, Julia Pisegna Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary 10