HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Minutes October 22 2019.pdf FINAL October 22,2019 MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 22, 2019 6:30 PM MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Pam Nourse,Chair(Acton) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Jeff Stulin,Vice-Chair(Needham) Steven Ledoux(Concord) Dave Horton, Secretary(Lexington) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jim Gammill, (Belmont) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Absent: Dr.Edward Bouquillon David O'Connor(Bolton) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 94.85% Others Present: Dr.Amy Perreault,Dr. Robert Gerardi,Kevin Mahoney and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the regular meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Comments for the Good of the Organization a. For the Good of the Organization Ms. DeLuca attended the High Quality and Career Pathways Program meeting last week at the Department of Education where they are beginning work on the Perkins V Report. Ms. DeLuca will.continue to provide Committee members with future updates. Ms.Nourse shared that Dr.Bouquillon is not at tonight's meeting due to his presence at the Lincoln Planning Board meeting. The Chair noted that the agenda would be taken out of order in order to accommodate the presentation of Lynne Foster Welch. 4.DIRECTOR OF FINANCE'S REPORT,Dr.Robert Gerardi a. Authorization to Issue$5 million Bond Anticipation Note VOTE: to authorize the administration to issue a$5 million Bond Anticipation Note,as presented, Dr. Gerardi introduced Lynne Foster Welch, Vice President and Senior Fiscal Advisor of UniBank. Ms. Foster congratulated the Committee on the beautiful new school,and explained we are now getting into the last phase of our financing piece. Ms.Foster Welch referenced the"AA"Long Term Bond rating received from Standard&Poor which reflects the efforts of Mr. Mahoney and Dr. Gerardi to establish policies that would be looked upon favorably in the assessment. Ms. Foster Welch explained the process for the issuance of the $5 million bond anticipation note, which brings us into the new calendar year,noting that with the current market and current variables,this provides the district the ability to meet cash flow needs,and at the end of January/early February,we will issue a bond for the district's share of the construction costs pointing out that the market is typically an attractive market at that time. Ms.Foster Welch also shared that the district has done very well on the market,and noted that this item will be certified by the Department of Revenue and,therefore, does not need a vote of the School Committee to accept the bid. Ms.Foster Welch addressed questions related to current rates, level debt,the criteria for credit rating and also confirmed the district's credit rating of"AA"with Standard&Poor. Mr. Mahoney referred to Dr. Gerardi's memorandum which references the results of the BAN sales, and noted the following: Coupon Net Financial Principal i % Total j Less: Interest , NIC% Institution Amount ; Interest Premium Pd Cost [NIC) UniBank for Savings ! $1,000,000 ' 1.850% $4,162.50 $0.00 $4,162.50 1.850% Century Bank $1,000,000 1.850% i $4,162.50 $0.00 $4,162.50 1.850% Oppenheimer&Co. $3,000,000 2.250% $15,187.50 $429.00 $14,758.50 2.186% Estimated Interest Cost $23,083.50 At maturity of the BANs,the district plans to issue $12M in General Obligation Bonds to take advantage of favorable bond market interest rates and pay off the short-term BANs. After this sale, approximately$4.5M will remain as authorized and unissued debt that can be bonded at the completion of the project. Ms. Foster Welch also noted that the next step is waiting for the final audit from the Massachusetts School Building Authority. Dr. Gerardi and Mr. Mahoney discussed that while a vote of the Committee is not required for the purposes of filing the Notes with the Bureau of Accounts, a vote can be taken. ACTION 2019#64 Moved(Gammill)and seconded(DeLuca) To authorize the administration to issue $5M in bond anticipation notes,as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present:93.49% Weight needed:>46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous -2- Ms. Nourse and Committee members thanked Ms. Foster Welch for her presentation and look forward to future updates. 5. CHAIR'S REPORT,Pam Nourse(continued) b. School Committee Goals and Actions for 2019-2020 Ms.Nourse reviewed the School Committee Goals and Actions for 2019-2020. ACTION 2019#65 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Leone) To approve the School Committee Goals and Actions for 2019-2020,as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed: >46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous c. Subcommittee Assi..nments for 2019-2020 Ms.Nourse reviewed the Subcommittee Assignments for 2019-2020. ACTION 2019#66 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Stulin) To approve the Subcommittee assignments for 2019-2020, as amended,to reflect the addition of the School Building Committee VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed: >46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr.Spalding requested that the School Building committee be added to the list of Subcommittee Assignments for 2019-2020,noting the School Building Committee will be active for another year or two. 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Dr. Gerardi a. A. royal of Dr.Bouctuillon's trip to the Athletic Business Show in Orlando. Florida on November 12-16. 2019 Dr. Gerardi recommended approval of Dr. Bouquillon's trip to the Athletic Business Show and detailed the purpose of the trip, noting that due to the Conflict of Interest Laws, Dr. Bouquillon is seeking approval for his trip to the Athletic Business Show in Orlando,Florida on November 12-16,2019. ACTION 2019#67 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Sheffler) To approve Dr.Bouquillon's trip to the Athletic Business Show in Orlando,Florida on November 12-16, 2019 VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed: >46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none -3- Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous b. Superintendent Goals and Educator Annual Plan Ms.Nourse noted that this item was discussed at the previous School Committee meeting, and a copy of the revised Superintendent Goals and Educator Annual Plan which reflects some grammar edits was provided to Committee members in their packet. ACTION 2019#68 Moved(Leone)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the Superintendent Goals and Educator Annual Plan VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed:>46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr.Gammill shared comments on Goal No. 3,Increasing Applications and Sustaining Full Enrollment, and referenced the minimum of 160(current)member town 8th grade applications per year,with the possibility of Belmont leaving,and asked if the Committee would discuss what that new minimum number would be. Mr. Stalin shared that there are many variables to what full enrollment means and what the appropriate number of students housed in this new school is.Mr. Stalin stated that at this time,that point remains an open question, noting that over time, that number may change, but as of now, that is a number that the Superintendent feels comfortable with as a goal. Ms.Nourse noted that it would be premature and total speculation to discuss that point further at this time. Mr.Gammill then referenced Goal No.4,Legislative,Community and Business Engagement,and shared that while he is fully in support of this goal as it is written, he would like it noted that this needs to be a collaborative process with the Superintendent, and that we are not sending him off on his own to set a legislative agenda and we would discuss policy matters here first. Ms.Nourse thanked Mr.Gammill for making that reference, so that it is stated,rather than assumed. c. Skills Capital Grant Dr.Gerardi shared that he worked with Dr.Bouquillon and Michelle Roche on this Skills Capital Grant noting that this equipment will create an automated supply chain logistics management center in the warehouse and an expansion of the robotics automation program and integrated into engineering and advanced manufacturing which will be utilized by Minuteman students and staff Dr.Gerardi also noted that with this grant,the Department of Education will match$3.00 for every$1.00 that we put in. The amount of$500,000 will be used from the Capitalization Fund and they would return to us $1.5 million. In addition, some of the company partners have donated a total of$188,000 in equipment. The grant is a wonderful opportunity for the district, and we expect a very fast turn-around time from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Dr. Gerardi will continue to update Committee members with any further developments. -4- d. Belmont Update Ms.Nourse reminded members that this item was discussed at the previous School Committee meeting, and that Belmont will vote on the matter of rescinding their withdrawal from the district at their Special Town Meeting on November 13'. Mr. Gammill has requested a discussion with the Committee in order to have a sense of the member's opinion of this matter and provided the Committee with an update of what has transpired since their last meeting,including the vote of the Belmont School Committee of 5-0 to support the motion to rescind the Notice of Withdrawal. The next three Committees to vote on this item will be the Capital Budget Committee,Warrant Committee and the members of the Select Board. Mr. Gammill noted that completion of the new building, enrollment numbers, and the waitlist for 9' grade are very powerful indicators so the situation has changed from previous years,and that this is Belmont's best chance of returning to the district. Mr. Gammill thanked members for their support and encouragement throughout this process. Ms.Nourse stated that she looks forward to a positive outcome from Belmont and thanked Mr.Gammill for all his hard work and dedication to this matter. Mr.Ledoux inquired as to whether there was any further discussion about Belmont splitting up the$472,000, the total amount of the debt payment covering the new school that Belmont would have been assessed over the three most recent fiscal years,had it not voted to disapprove incurring debt for it and then submitting their Notice to Withdrawal from the district. Mr.Gammill responded that his sense is that come budget time, if it were an issue,they can discuss that with towns on a case-by-case basis, but he believes that will be resolved shortly. Mr. Stulin noted that it if that issue arises again, it would be good to remind Belmont that other communities have financed that expense for three years already. Mr. Gammill acknowledged that, but believes that Belmont will find a resolution. Mr.Horton thanked Mr. Gammill for his dedication and effort on this matter. 7. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT—George Clement a. 2019 MCAS Data Review Mr. Clement reviewed the MCAS data from 2019 and highlighted the following: • ELA,math and biology trends for previous years; • Next Gen ELA and math scores for 2019; • Accountability classifications; • Cumulative score range; • Rating comparison; and • Admissions summary for the class of 2019, 2020,2021, 2022 and 2023. b. Prparation for MCAS 2.0 Mr.Clement explained some of the staff and student training,tools,and the challenges involved in the MCAS 2.0 test. The team will begin work to develop stronger skills for the math and persuasive writing sections. Mr. Stalin commended Mr. Clement on his preparation efforts, the training involved, and noted that he is very aware of the challenges in transition for the MCAS test. -5- c. Open House Dates Mr. Clement discussed the Middle School Exploratory Day/Open House scheduled for Sunday,November 17th from 10:00 a.m.to 1:00 p.m. Mr. Clement also shared that Showcase Day is scheduled for November 21St and Shadow Day is scheduled for December 13th,2019 and January 10th, 2020. d. Approval of the Overnight Field Trip to the Annual.Skills USA Fall State Leadership Conference in Marlborough,Massachusetts on November 24-26. 2019 Mr. Clement recommended approval. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2019#69 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Leone) To approve the overnight field trip to the Annual Skills USA Fall State Leadership Conference in Marlborough,Massachusetts on November 24-26,2019,as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed: >46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous e. A:yroval of the Out-of-State Field Tri to the Museum of Modern Art.New York Citi on May 15.2020 Mr. Clement recommended approval. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2019#70 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Leone) To approve the out-of-state field trip to the Museum of Modern Art,New York City on May 15, 2020,as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed:>46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous f. Approval of the Out-of-State field trip to the ReVision Enema Facility Open House on November 15. 2019 Mr. Clement answered questions by Committee members relative to cost,method of transportation and the hours for the trip. Mr. Clement recommended approval. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2019#71 Moved(Ford)and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the out-of-state field trip to the ReVision Energy Facility Open house on November 15, 2019,as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote -6- Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed:>46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 8. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE'S REPORT,Dr.Robert Gerardi(continued) a. FY20 Revolving Funds: Fund Activity and Balances Dr.Gerardi reviewed the listing of FY20 Revolving Funds which was included in the packet and highlighted the projected receipts and expenses for several accounts, and noted that this information is required in our budget books and has been reviewed and approved by the Finance Subcommittee. Dr. Gerardi recommended approval. The following vote was then taken: ACTION 2019#72 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Sheffler) To approve the FY20 Revolving Funds: fund activity and balances,as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed:>46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr. Stulin commented that while there are accounts with projected balances greater than the projected receipts, due to it being a transition year between the old and the new buildings,the expectation is that this will change next year,and Dr. Gerardi confirmed that these accounts will generate income next year. Mr. Stulin shared that there is a long history with the Committee and work done on the Revolving Funds,and requested that a revision of these documents with the balances of all accounts be sent to Committee members. b. Use of Stabilization Fund Authorization to Purchase Automotive Tools Mr. Gerardi recommended approval to authorize expenditures,not to exceed$60,000,from the stabilization fund for the purpose of purchasing automotive tools to outfit each automotive technology work area with Snap-on tool cabinets,equipped with a full set of Snap-on hand tools,which will replace the need for a central tool crib and match industry standards for a total cost of$54,258.40. Dr. Gerardi noted that the pricing is based on the Massachusetts State blanket contract and that Snap-on is the only vendor that offers vocational schools a 50%discount. Dr. Gerardi reported that alter this authorization is spent,the stabilization fund will have a balance of $648,027.91, and that the Finance Subcommittee has reviewed and approved this item. ACTION 2019#73 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Ledoux) To approve the authorization of expenditures,not to exceed$60,000,from the stabilization fund for the purpose of purchasing automotive tools, as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed:>46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: -7- Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous c. FY20 Budeet Calendar Dr.Gerardi presented the FY20 budget calendar to Committee members for informational purposes,and noted that the budget calendar has been reviewed and approved by the Finance Subcommittee. d. RFP Contracted Cleaning Dr.Gerardi shared that the Request for Proposals for cleaning services was signed on September 19th with MP Building Services with a start date of October 1St and an expiration date of June,2020,with two optional years at the discretion of Minuteman. Eight bidders participated in the RFP process,and MP Building Services showed high quality standards, impressive management,wonderful references from neighboring districts,and came in under our projected costs. 9. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT—Ford Spalding Mr.Spalding reported that work continues on punch list items on the new building. Workers are working in the evening and on weekends.Mr. Spalding noted that the elevator inspectors have completed their inspection, and the bell system continues to be an ongoing issue. The three major items outstanding are the following: • Child center/playground,which has an anticipated completion date of two to three weeks; • Greenhouse is waiting on the arrival of parts coming from Holland,with an anticipated date of arrival of mid-November; • Theater work is almost complete. Mr. Spalding referenced important dates including the inspection by the Department of Education on November 4th for certification, and the paving of Marren Road which is scheduled to begin on or near November 4th. Mr. Spalding reported that the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was a huge success with over 250 guests in attendance, including town and state officials,and reminded Committee members of the Open House event scheduled for Sunday,November 17th and invited all to attend. 10. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Enrollment Task Force U date—Jeff Stulin Mr. Stulin reported that the Enrollment Task Force met and their number one focus is the personnel issue, as the positions of Communication Director and Admissions Director remain open and he expressed his concern that the lack of personnel is affecting work progress and he is hopeful that these positions will be filled by mid-November. The Enrollment Task Force also discussed the idea of full enrollment and what, in fact, the real number is that defines full enrollment, and hopes that we have a better sense of that number at the end of the year. One other project that the Enrollment Task Force is working on is the roll out of the Memorandum of Understanding between Minuteman and its member towns regarding student access and defining the role of the member towns. Mr. Stulin noted that this item will be discussed at a future meeting for final approval by the School Committee. -8- Also discussed by the Enrollment Task Force was the role of the parent liaisons and the effectiveness of that position. The group will continue further discussions regarding that role, as well as work on the first draft public information budget which demonstrates the cost of public education. Mr. Stulin will continue to provide updates on these items to Committee members. b. Strategic Planning Task Force—Sue Sheffler Ms. Sheffler shared that the group is working on leadership succession for Minuteman and will speak to a number of people who are specialists in this area and will provide an update at the next scheduled School Committee meeting. c. Policy Subcommittee—Alice DeLuca Ms.DeLuca shared that the Policy Subcommittee seeks approval for the Second Reading of the Admissions Policy(JF). Ms.DeLuca reviewed with Committee members some revisions that were made to the previous version and responded to questions regarding the policy from members. Ms. DeLuca noted that the Admissions Policy will be forwarded to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for approval. ACTION 2019#74 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Sheffler) To approve the following policy for Second Reading,as presented 1. JF: Admission Policy(revision) VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present:93.49% Weight needed: >46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote:Unanimous 11. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Dave Horton a. Approval of Draft Minutes Mr. Horton noted that no amendments were received,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2019#75 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Leone) To approve the draft minutes of September 17,2019, as presented VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 88.34% Weight needed:>44.17% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Dover Final percentage results of vote: 88.34% Final status of the vote: Approved 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Chair explained that there was a need to enter into Executive Session,pursuant to MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21(a)6, for the following reasons: 1. To consider the purchase,exchange, lease or value of real property if the Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on thenegotiating position of the public body. 2. Pursuant to Purpose 3 (MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21 (a) (3)) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Minuteman Faculty Association,as an open meeting may have -9- a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee, and the Chair so declares. 3. Pursuant to M. G. L. c.30A, §21(a)(7), to comply with or act under authority of, any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements,specifically M.G.L. c.30A, §22(f) and(g) with regard to the review, approval, and/or consideration for non-disclosure of executive session minutes for meetings held between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013 and/or related appointment of one or more designees to review such minutes. M.G.L. c. 30A, to review unreleased executive session minutes for meetings held between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013 and she so declared,noting that the School committee would not return to Open Session,and that Dr.Amy Perrault,Dr. Robert Gerardi,Kevin Mahoney and Ms. Pisegna would remain present. The following vote was then taken. ACTION 2019#76 Moved(Horton)and seconded(Leone) To enter into Executive Session,pursuant to MGL Ch.30A, Sec. 21(a)6,for the following reasons: 1. To consider the purchase,exchange, lease or value of real property if the Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body. 2. Pursuant to Purpose 3 (MGL Ch. 30A, Sec. 21 (a)(3))to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Minuteman Faculty Association, as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee, and the Chair so declares. 3 Pursuant to M.G.L.c.30A,§21(a)(7),to comply with or act under authority of,any general or special law or federal grant-in-aid requirements,specifically M.G.L.c.30A, §22(f)and(g)with regard to the review, approval, and/or consideration for non-disclosure of executive session minutes for meetings held between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2013 and/or related appointment of one or more designees to review such minutes. M.G.L. c. 30A, to review unreleased executive session minutes for meetings held between January 1,2012 and December 31,2013 VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed: >46.74% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.49%by roll call: Gammill(Belmont)Yes Spalding(Dover)Yes Leone(Lancaster)Yes Nourse(Acton)Yes DeLuca(Stow) Yes Ledoux(Concord)Yes Stulin(Needham)Yes Horton(Lexington)Yes Sheffler(Arlington)Yes Final status of the vote: Unanimous 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2019#77 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Spalding) To adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. -10- VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.49% Weight needed: 46.74>% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 93.49% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Respectfully submitted, Dave Horton Julia Pisegna Secretary District Assistant -11-