HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Minutes 2019-05-14.pdf FINAL May 14,2019 MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 14,2019 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton, Chair(Lexington) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Jim Gammill,Vice-Chair(Belmont) Carrie Flood(Concord) Ford Spalding(Dover) Pam Nourse, Secretary(Acton) Jeff Stulin, (Needham) David O'Connor(Bolton) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Absent: Dr.Edward Bouquillon Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 100.00% Others Present: Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon,Michelle Shepard and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the regular meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a. For the Good of the Organization Ms. Sheffler thanked the administration and staff who assisted with the Arlington Sister City visit and noted that it was well hosted and a wonderful event. Ms. Flood shared that there were presently four people from Concord interested in her School Committee seat. b. Proposed 2019-2020 Meeting Dates for School Committee VOTE: To approve the proposed 2019-2020 meeting dates for the School Commitee,as presented ACTION 2019#25 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Stulin) To approve the proposed 2019-2020 meeting dates VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed: > 50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 1 4. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT,Jack Dillon Ski11sUSA Students and officers of the Minuteman Chapter gave an overview of this year's Minuteman student participants and the results. Committee members congratulated them on their projects and wished them well in Louisville. a. Approval for the out-of-State trip on June 24th to June 29th,2019 to Louisville,Kentucky for the Ski11sUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference VOTE: To approve the out-of-state trip on June 24th to June 29th,2019 to Louisville,Kentucky for the Skills USA National Leadership and Skills Conference, as presented ACTION 2019#26 Moved(Spalding) and seconded(Leone) VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% • Weight needed: >50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Community Service Group Student Presentations,Erin Bordeau Erin Bordeau and students who attended the community service learning trip gave an impact statement. Those who gave statements referenced the eye-opening experience of unfamiliar areas,weather related disasters,the personal satisfaction in being able to help others, and in helping them rebuild a house and a community. A slide show with images from the trip was shown. b. School Choice Mr. Mahoney explained that this item is an annual vote, and the School Committee usually votes not to participate. He noted that the option of School Choice for the district is a cost consideration. VOTE: Not to participate in the School Choice Program for 2019-2020 and to inform DESE of this decision by the June 1st deadline ACTION 2019#27 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Leone) VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed:> 50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 2 c. Nashoba Middle School Update Mr.Mahoney shared with Committee members that the District received notification from the Superintendent of the Nashoba Regional School District that they intend to terminate the Minuteman Outreach Program currently in operation at the middle school. Discussion ensued relative to staff impact and equipment. Mr.Mahoney will continue to update the Committee with any new developments. d. Reorganization Update Mr.Mahoney noted that interviews have been completed,references are being contacted and Dr.Bouquillon will be announcing the appointments in the near future. FY19 Goal#1: Superintendent will support the Minuteman Academy Model. No update. FY19 Goal#2: Superintendent will engage legislators,state workforce education advocates,local,municipal and business leaders in improving regulations to enhance the financial health of the district and expand student access increase enrollment and support a diverse student body. a. Massachusetts Clean Energy Program/Solablock Update Mr. Mahoney shared with Committee members the announcement of the Baker-Polito Administration Funding for early stage clean energy companies and that Solablock was awarded $152,333 to fund the delivery of a training and teaching module on the installation of solar masonry and associate solar electrical systems to the Minuteman Regional Vocation High School. Mr. Mahoney noted that this is in the preliminary stages and Dr. Bouquillon will continue to update Committee members with new developments. Discussion ensued. FY19 Goal#3: Superintendent will communicate all appropriate information to Watertown school and city officials regarding membership in the Minuteman District and will secure a Memorandum of Understanding Mr.Mahoney noted that while there has been no active discussions with Watertown, students who have been accepted into Minuteman received a letter from the Watertown Superintendent congratulating them but asking them to consider what Watertown schools have to offer. Discussion ensued. FY Goal #4: Superintendent will support and guide the expansion of a robust marketing, recruitment and visibility campaign to increase member town applications. Enrollment Task Force Update: Mr.Mahoney presented the enrollment update as follows: Total in-district enrolment forms returned as of May 10th for the Class of 2020= 127 Total out-of-district enrollment forms returned and approved Chapter 74 as of May 10t'for the Class of 2023 =35 Final date for enrollment collection is June 1St 3 Discussion ensued. Ms.Nourse noted that she is in the process of scheduling the next Enrollment Task Force meeting date. FY19 Goal#5: Superintendent will develop an Inter-Municipal Agreement with the Town of Lexington to fully build out the Athletic Facility, will implement a Phase 00 Campus Development Plan, and will keep the MBVA project on time and on budget. a) Update on Request for Proposal(RFP)Process Mr.Mahoney shared that discussions with the Town of Lexington have been paused for the time being. The Request for Proposal (RFP) process has been issued and proposals were due on Monday, April 22nd. The District received one response, which was received late, and therefore was rejected in compliance with the laws. The District continues its work with UMass Donahue to revisit the original goals and language of the Requests for Proposals. Discussion ensued as Committee members commented on the Request for Proposal language and Phase 2. Ms. DeLuca requested that the record reflect that the School Committee should reconsider the wording of Superintendent's Goal#5, since the District is not working with Lexington to the exclusion of other entities. 5. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT(continued),Jack Dillon a. Approval of the Field Trip for the Fishing Club to Plum Island during the Month of May,2019 Mr. Dillon recommended approval of the field trip for the Fishing Club to Plum Island during the month of May,2019. Mr. Horton noted that due to the fact that it was not an out-of-state field trip,the item did not require a vote. b. Approval of the Overnight Field Trip on May 24th,2019-to Seabrook Power Station,Seabrook, New Hampshire Mr.Dillon recommended approval of the overnight field trip on May 24th,2019 to Seabrook Power Station, Seabrook,New Hampshire. ACTION 2019#28 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Leoni) To approve the overnight field trip on May 24th,2019 to Seabrook Power Station, Seabrook,New Hampshire, as presented, VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed: > 50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 6. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. 3'd Quarter Financial Statements Mr.Mahoney referenced the documents in the packet related to the 3rd Quarter Financial Statements, specifically the FY19 Expenditure Report by Summary and by Function Code,the Revolving Funds, and Schedule of Cash Balances and Interest Income by Bank Account, as of March 31,2019,as well as the 4 Cash Summary Reconciliation for the period ending March 2019. He highlighted some key points and noted that these documents were reviewed by the Finance Subcommittee at their last meeting. With regard to the Cash Summary Reconciliation,he pointed out that including this information was recommended in the recent Audit Report.He also noted that the Auditors were in two weeks ago and thanked Ms. Shepard for her assistance with the auditors and budget preparation. Ms.DeLuca thanked Mr.Mahoney for the quarterly reports. Mr.Mahoney noted that there no action required on this item. b.Approval for the first reading of the OPEB Trust Agreement Mr.Mahoney presented the OPEB Trust Agreement,which has also been presented to the Finance Subcommittee,and noted that it reflects legislative changes which took place with the municipal modernization act of 2016. The draft document was prepared by District counsel for consideration. Mr.Mahoney pointed out some technical edits with the document, and thanked Mr. Gammill for all his hard work on this item. Discussion ensued relative to the Trust Agreement and Policy Statement and recommendation was made to vote on this in June when the Committee votes on the Policy Statement. Ms.Flood shared some of the work and review of the document completed by the Finance Subcommittee and noted that she understands if the full Committee would like more time to review the document. Mr.Horton noted that this item will be tabled for vote at the next scheduled School Committee meeting in June. Mr. Gammill shared that if any member has any questions,please send them to Mr. Mahoney by May 28th for further explanation. c. Approval for the first reading of the OPEB Fund Investment Policy Statement,as presented Mr.Mahoney presented the OPEB Fund Investment Policy Statement, and noted that the Finance Subcommittee has drafted an investment policy statement brought forward for consideration by the full Committee for a first reading. Discussion ensued and questions were raised and answered relative to the policy and issue of a single trustee. Mr. Gammill noted that this updated version incorporates the previous request of Ms. DeLuca to change the quarterly reporting to the full School Committee,rather than a semi-annual reporting process to the Finance Subcommittee. ACTION 2019#29 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Leone) To approve the first reading of the OPEB Fund Investment Policy, as presented VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed:>50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 5 d. Authorize entering into a 25-year lease for a photovoltaic canopy system Mr.Mahoney noted that we are at the point in the building project where we need to give direction to the project team whether we intend to move forward with this project, and shared that we continue to await release of the funds by the Governor's office,and there is no indication what the timeframe might be. Mr.Mahoney stated that due to this uncertainty,the next logical arrangement would be the third-party ownership model,and he seeks Committee support to enter into a 25-year lease to design and construct the project,and pointed out some key items and benefits in the report by Beth Greenblatt as follows: • No upfront costs or annual operational,maintenance or capital costs to Minuteman; • Projected cost savings estimated at$300,000 over the term; • Additional LEED points from the construction of the solar array term savings estimated at$1.9 million; • Minuteman will benefit from a long-term hedge of the costs of approximately thirty-percent of the energy supply requirements; and • SunPower will provide curriculum enhancement Discussion ensued relative to third-party involvement and LEED certification. Mr.Mahoney noted that the project team needs some direction,and that we need to give them a vote that the School Committee intends to enter into this 25-year lease if it is beneficial to the District as we continue work on the final agreement. ACTION 2019#30 Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Flood) To authorize the Superintendent to enter into a long-term lease with SunPower Corporation, a Power Options preferred contractor, as authorized under M.G.L. c. 164, Section 137 for a term not to exceed 25 years,to design, construct,own,operate and decommission a solar photovoltaic array constructed as a carport/canopy over the easternmost parking area. Further,to authorize the Superintendent to enter into a co-terminous solar power purchase agreement with Sun Power on terms and conditions favorable to Minuteman, as presented VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed:> 50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: O'Connor(Bolton) Final percentage results of vote: 93.51% Final status of the vote: Unanimous e.Approval to authorize the expenditure,not to exceed $200,000,from the Stabilization Fund Mr.Horton noted that a 2/3 vote of the School Committee is needed on this item for it to pass. Mr.Mahoney reported that this item has not been discussed with the Finance Committee or the Officers due to the fact that we have been soliciting final quotes on fixtures,furniture and equipment and they were just received last week. Mr.Mahoney recommended approval to authorize the expenditure,not to exceed$200,000,from the stabilization fund for the purpose of purchasing furniture and emergency communication equipment with 6 the added language of, subject to the approval of Commissioner Riley of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Mr. Spalding noted that a significant amount of work has been done on this and that a substantial number of cuts have been made. ACTION 2019#31 Moved(Flood)and seconded(Leone) To authorize the expenditures,not to exceed$200,000,from the Stabilization Fund as written, subject to the approval of Commissioner Riley of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, as presented VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed: >50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous f, Approval for Request for the Disposal of Surplus Property Mr.Mahoney recommended approval of the request for the disposal of surplus property. ACTION 2019#32 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Flood) To authorize the disposal of surplus property, as presented, VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100% Weight needed: >50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Spalding(Dover)(absent) Final percentage results of vote: 94.74% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr. Stulin requested a listing of the disposed property each month. g. Update on Town Meeting and FY20 Budget Approval Mr.Mahoney reported that the FY20 budget has been approved,and he presented Committee members with an updated Town meeting budget vote and noted that to date,nine towns have approved the FY20 budget assessment and Belmont's next meeting is scheduled for May 29th. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS a. Policy Subcommittee—Alice DeLuca Ms.DeLuca shared that the Policy Subcommittee met and began work on the Naming Policy,Admission Policy,process for the Policy manual and requested the administration to present any policies that need to be reviewed. b. Superintendent Negotiations and Evaluation Subcommittee,Jen Leone 1. Review of Process Details on the process and timeline were discussed. Ms.Leone noted that the next step is that the survey will be sent out to members on May 15t with a May 28t''return date,and the results will be discussed at 7 the June 11t School committee meeting. 8. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Approval of Draft Minutes of April 9, 2019,and the following vote was taken: ACTION 2019#33 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Leone) To approve the draft minutes of April 9t,as amended VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed:>50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Flood(Concord) Final percentage results of vote: 92.65% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,the School Committee took the following vote: ACTION 2019#34 Moved(Leoni)and seconded(DeLuca) To adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m. VOTE: 10 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 100.00% Weight needed:>50.00% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 100.00% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Respectfully submitted, Julia Pisegna Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary 8