HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Minutes 2018-12-11.pdf December 11,2018 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2018 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM, MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton,Chair(Lexington) Jim Gammill, Vice-Chair(Belmont) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Carrie Flood,(Concord) Pam Nourse, Secretary(Acton) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jeff Stulin.(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Absent: David O'Connor(Bolton) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 93.51% Others Present: Dr. Edward Bouquillon. Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a. For the Good of the Organization Ms. Deluca shared that she attended the first meeting of the High Quality College and Career Pathways Education Committee, which is the State Committee advising on the Perkins money this year. Ms. Deluca noted that the Perkins money is going to be used partly for the innovation pathway project being developed. Discussion ensued. Ms. Deluca will continue to update the Committee on this matter. Ms. Flood shared that she attended a meeting in Concord with middle school parents and Mr. Clement. She noted that while she was disappointed with the number of parents in attendance, she was very pleased with the questions. staff responses and the interest in Minuteman. Ms. Flood also shared that she had recently presented at the Concord Town meeting. Her presentation,which focused on what a difference a year makes, compared last year to this year. 4. FY18 audit and Financial Report Presentation-Sheol Stevens-Burke The Chair introduced Sheryl Stevens-Burke,of Melanson Heath.who gave a presentation on the Annual Financial Statements for the year ending June 30,2018. Ms. Stevens-Burke thanked the Business Office for their assistance during the audit and the process of developing the financial statements. She gave a page-by-page review of the financial statements, noting the independent auditor's report reflecting their opinion of the financial statement for fiscal year 2018 for the District. Ms. Stevens-Burke also reviewed the Statement of Net Position and highlighted the Pension liability and pointed out the excellent standing of the Retirement System being 92% funded. 000040 She referenced the fund basis income page noting that the District was well into their building project as of June 30t. Ms. Stevens-Burke commented on the accounting for the Student Activity Funds and the new requirements for controls over revenues, expenses and fund balances for these accounts. The District has these new requirements in place,and the audit of the Student Activity Funds is scheduled for January. In response to a question by the Chair of the Finance Subcommittee,Ms.Stevens-Burke confirmed that there was no Management Letter this year,as opposed to last year. Ms.Stevens-Burke stated that recommendations can also be communicated directly with management relative to system improvements and processes and if those recommendations do not meet the criteria for inclusion for deficiency or material weakness,there would not necessarily be a Management Letter. Questions were raised regarding the governance letter on Page 3. and if there were any major concerns that School Committee members should be looking for. Ms.Stevens-Burke responded that in her opinion,there were no major concerns. She highlighted the specific points for a board member to be aware of which include a clean audit opinion, fund balances, statements recorded in accordance with GATSBY,budget versus actuals,which had a positive result for the District,and that there was no Management Letter. All of these would be key items for a board member to look for,and there were none of those items noted for the District. Discussion ensued. Ms. Stevens-Burke acknowledged the work of the Business Office to reach this point and noted that it has been a pleasure to work with Mr. Mahoney and his staff. Mr. Mahoney also noted that it was a smooth audit and commended his staff for their hard work. No vote was taken on the Audit Report, and Committee members thanked Ms. Stevens Burke for her presentation. 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT, Dr. Edward Bouquillon Mr. Horton noted that Dr. Bouquillon will report on Goals#1.2, 3 and 4.and that Goal #5 will be discussed in Executive Session. Goal#1: Superintendent will support the Minuteman Academy Model No update. Goal#2: Superintendent will engage legislators,state workforce education advocates, local, municipal and business leaders in improving regulations to enhance the financial health of the district and expand student access. increase enrollment,and support a diverse student body. Dr.Bouquillon shared that he has had several meetings and discussions with Cliff Chang, Senior Associate Commissioner at the Department of Secondary and Elementary Education relative to innovative financing for after school vocational educational programs and conversations regarding 603 CMR 4.03 regulations that restrict students, who have met the criteria, from applying to other vocational schools. Dr. Bouquillon will continue to update Committee members on this issue. Mr. Horton encouraged Committee members to read the 603 CMR 4.03 regulations. Mr.Gammill shared his thoughts and noted that there are many issues that impact the financial health of the District. -2- 000041 Discussion ensued. Ms. Nourse shared that this discussion and topic of enrollment is scheduled to be discussed at the School Committee meeting set for December 18'h and asked for administration to prepare a summary of barriers to out of district enrollment. Goal#3—Increasing Membership in the District Dr. Bouquillon shared the Wicked Local article on Watertown postponing the decision to join the District until the 2019-2020 school year. He reported that we have received all the 8'h grade contact information and that a presentation to the Watertown middle school is scheduled for December 18th, noting that this is the first time that we have been allowed there. The District has also been given gold star access to Watertown by the Superintendent. Dr. Bouquillon also shared that both Cambridge and Lincoln have been asking about access to Minuteman. Discussion ensued relative to access and future events being held at Minuteman for incoming students. Goal#4—Campus Development Dr.Bouquillon noted that the Open House was very successful with over 650 people in attendance,including 215 students and 160 families. Mr. Spalding shared comments and noted the tremendous enthusiasm received from parents and students after tours of the new building and suggested offering additional tours in the future. Dr. Bouquillon asked Committee members to review Page 73 of their packet entitled Member Town Middle School Student/Parent Access Requirements. Discussion ensued relative to the wording of the document. Mr. Horton encouraged members to submit their revisions in writing to Ms. Pisegna by December 13'h. Enrollment Task Force: Ms. Nourse noted that the School Committee meeting scheduled for December 18'h will focus on the topic of enrollment and other items which the Enrollment Task Force would like to address, including access to Minuteman,parent talking points, work of the focus group and parent liaisons. Mr. Spalding made the suggestion of having an outside marketing company come in and work with the District to promote Minuteman. Ms. Nourse noted that this item will also be on the agenda. 6. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding a. Update on the School Building Project Mr. Spalding reported that the project continues to be on budget and on time and updated the Committee on the progress of the building. Mr. Spalding shared that while the weather has been challenging,the building is approximately 99% weather tight. Mr. Spalding encouraged Committee members to contact him for a tour. b. Possible adjustment to the 2019-2020 School Calendar Dr. Bouquillon will soon propose a calendar to the School Committee for approval to begin school after Labor Day,and noted that the holiday is early this year,and that this later start date will provide extra time for staff and students to become orientated with the building. -3- 000042 6. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney(continued) a. FY20 Budget Update Mr. Mahoney presented a 2-page report updating Committee members on the FY20 budget. This budget reflects recent budget adjustments geared towards the transition and accommodations for the needs we expect going into the new building and a new budget total of$19.667,796,exclusive of debt service. • Mr. Mahoney also gave an overview of needs the District is anticipating going into the new building, as well • as new staffing positions. Ms. Flood noted that the Finance Committee agrees with the position for the preparations for next year. as well as the annual increase in the operating budget for next year,and noted that communities will be adsorbing the capital charge over the next years. and that the difference between the 3.4% and 3% increase in the operating budget is relatively minimal at this point in time when balanced against the uncertainties of the new building and enrollment. Discussion ensued. b. Approval for the Request to Dispose of Surplus Property Mr. Mahoney recommended approval of the request for the disposal of surplus property. ACTION 2018#86 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(I.eoni) To authorize the disposal of surplus property,as presented, VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.51% Weight needed: >46.75% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: None Final percentage results of vote: 100% Subcommittee Reports Strategic Planning Committee: Ms.Sheffler shared with Committee members the work of the Strategic Planning Committee relative to Goal #2 which focuses on their vision for the next leadership of the District and presented the draft document the group worked on highlighting the CVTE environment in Massachusetts, as well as Minuteman historical information. Ms. Sheffler asked Committee members to review the document and noted that this item will be revisited with the Committee next spring. Finance Committee: Ms. Flood acknowledged the tremendous amount of work done by Mr. Gammill relative to Section X(B), and that the Finance Committee continues to discuss the content of the formula and how it fits with other policies and initiatives. At this point in time,the Finance Committee brings it forward to the School Committee for suggestions and input. Mr.Gammill provided a brief summary of the documents and noted that this discussion will continue at the next School Committee meeting on December 18'h. Mr. Horton encouraged members to review the documents to grasp everything being discussed. -4- 000043 Policy Task Force: 1.) JKAA: Physical Restraint on Students Policy(Revision) Ms. DeLuca, as Chair of the Special Policy Task Force, recommended approval of School Committee Policy JKAA: Physical Restraint on Students. After discussion, the following votes were taken: ACTION 2018#87 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the JKAA: Physical Restraint on Students Policy for Second Reading, as presented: VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.51% Weight needed: > 46.75% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.51% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 2) IHBF: Homebound Instruction Policy(Revision) Ms. DeLuca recommended approval on School Committee Policy IHBF: Homebound Instruction Policy. After discussion relative to the revision,the following votes were taken: ACTION 2018#88 Moved(Leone)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the IHBF: Homebound Instruction Policy for Second Reading,as amended: VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 93.51% Weight needed:> 46.75% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 93.51% Final status of the vote: Unanimous a. Approval of Draft Minutes of November 13,2018 With no comments or suggestions heard for amendments to this set of draft minutes, the Secretary made the following motion: ACTION 2018#89 Moved(Spalding)and seconded (Leone) To approve the draft minutes of November 13.2018, as amended, VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present:93.51% Weight needed: >46.75% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Gamrnill(Belmont) Final percentage results of vote: 84.59% 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Chair explained that there was a need for Executive Session related to contract negotiations with the non- union personnel. The following vote was then taken by roll call vote at 8:30 p.m.: Moved (DeLuca)and seconded(Nourse) To enter into Executive Session at 8:30 p.m., pursuant to: -5- 000044 a) to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel:and b) to consider the purchase,exchange, lease or value of real property if the Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body,with Dr. Bouquillon and Julia Pisegna remaining present,and that the Committee will not be returning to Open Session. Dave Horton (Lexington) Jim Gammill (Belmont) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Carrie Flood, (Concord) Pam Nourse(Acton) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jeff Stulin,(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Final status of the vote: Unanimous 9.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at the end of the Executive Session at 8:33 PM. Julia Pisegna, Recorder Respectfully submitted. Julia Pisegna Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary -6- 000045