HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL SC Minutes 2018-11-13.pdf November 13,2018 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 2018 6:30 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM, MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton,Chair(Lexington) Jim Gammill, Vice-Chair(Belmont) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Carrie Flood,(Concord) Pam Nourse, Secretary(Acton) Ford Spalding(Dover) Jeff Stulin,(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) David O'Connor(Bolton) Absent: Jennifer Leone(Lancaster) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 89.10% Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. �! 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. • 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a. For the Good of the Organization Mr. Horton shared that he took a tour of the new building with Mr. Spalding and encouraged all Committee members to contact Mr. Spalding for a visit to the new building. b. School Committee Goals and Actions for 2018-2019 Mr. Horton reviewed the revised list of School Committee Goals and Actions for 2018-2019 which was provided to Committee members in the packet and asked members for their comments. Discussion ensued relative to the wording of the goals, the order of priority of each goal, and the variety of work being done in each subcommittee and task force towards these goals. Mr.Gammill shared that after further discussion at the Officers Meeting and Finance Subcommittee meeting regarding the language for Section X(B),it was agreed that this matter would be presented at a future meeting. Discussion ensued. ACTION 2018#79 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Spalding) To approve the School Committee Goals and Actions for 2018-2019. as presented. 111 VOTE: 9 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 89.10% Weight needed:>44.55% • Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 89.10% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Mr.Horton has received a request for a Special School Committee meeting which will focus on the topic of enrollment. The meeting will be scheduled for Tuesday, December 18th at 6:00 p.m. 4. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Dr.Edward Bouquillon a. 2018 National Blue Ribbon School Dr.Bouquillon shared that Minuteman received the great honor of being named a 2018 Blue Ribbon School. Principal Dillon, along with long-time teachers John Fusco and Greg Donovan, attended the ceremony in Washington, D.C. and accepted this award on behalf of Minuteman. Mr. Dillon shared some of the highlights of their trip and how proud he was to be there to represent Minuteman. Committee Chair, Mr. Horton, congratulated Mr. Dillon and the students and staff of Minuteman on this incredible and well-deserved achievement. b. Update on Superintendent Leadership Goals #3—Increasing Membership in the District Dr. Bouquillon updated the Committee that he was just informed that the Watertown meeting scheduled for this evening has been cancelled and rescheduled to Monday, November 19th. #4—Campus Development Dr. Bouquillon also updated the Committee on the discussions taking place with Lexington and noted that while there has been good discussion and there seems to be a lot of support, questions remain that need to be worked out. Discussion ensued on the timeline for the School Committee to review and vote on the Memorandum of Understanding with Lexington. Committee members suggested receiving a draft copy of the Memorandum of Understanding in advance for their review. Dr. Bouquillon shared that he hopes to have an update by the next scheduled meeting, as well as an update on the Request for Information and noted that there will need to be a School Committee member on that Committee. Committee Chair, Mr. Horton, invited Ms. Nourse of the Enrollment Task Force to update Committee members on their work. Ms. Nourse shared the work of the Enrollment Task Force's last meeting where plans were discussed to move ahead on the various initiatives of the group and to schedule a Special School Committee meeting which will focus on enrollment issues and how each Committee member can support the efforts of Minuteman administration in their own towns,and what each of us can do to help meet our enrollment goals. Mr. Stulin suggested that the Committee create a document of what we believe each community should be doing to support the admissions process and put it to writing. Mr. Horton thanked Ms. Nourse for her update to the Committee. (Mr. Gammill left the meeting at 7:02 p.m) -2- 112 • 5. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Ford Spalding Mr. Spalding reported that the project continues to be on budget and on time. and asked Mr. Stulin to update the Committee on the progress of the building. Mr. Spalding and Mr. Stulin took a tour of the building. Mr. Stulin shared that he looked at the building through a teacher's eye and was very impressed at the great corridor,classroom sizes,the natural light coming in, the size of the gym,and noted that the design was done very thoughtfully. He was very impressed at this stage of the building. Mr. Spalding also described the major project milestones that will take us to the next meeting as follows: • Road will be in around the building; • Walls should be weather-tight by mid-December; • Two more floors will be put in; and • Windows will be in Mr. Spalding shared that the building is incredible with spectacular views. Mr. Horton encouraged Committee members to contact Mr. Spalding for a tour. 7. Principals Report,Jack Dillon a. ALICE Drill Mr. Dillon shared with Committee member that the practice ALICE (Alert-locking-inform-counter- evacuate)Drill held on October 29'h went extremely well. Students and staff evacuated the building in two minutes. Lincoln and Lexington Police were involved and reported that it went very well. Discussion ensued. b. Approval of the 2019 Community Service Trip to Puerto Rico Mr.Dillion presented the request for approval of the 2019 Community Service trip to Puerto Rico. ACTION 2018#80 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(Nourse) To approve the 2019 Community Service trip to Puerto Rico,as presented, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 80.18% Weight needed:>40.09% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 80.18% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Discussion ensued relative to cost of the trip for students and fundraising efforts. c. Approval of the Out-of-State Field Trip for the Minuteman Ski Club to Loon Mountain Ski Area in Lincoln,New Hampshire on January 12,2019 Mr. Dillion presented the request for approval of the out-of-state field trip for the Minuteman Ski Club to Loon Mountain Ski Area in Lincoln,New Hampshire on January 12,2019. ACTION 2018#81 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(O'Connor) -3- 113 To approve the out-of-state field trip for the Minuteman Ski Club to Loon Mountain Ski Area in Lincoln. New Hampshire on January 12, 2019,as presented. VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 80.18% Weight needed:>40.09% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 80.18% Final status of the vote: Unanimous d. Approval of the Out-of-State Field Trip to New York City for the Dual Enrollment U.S.History • Since 1865 Course on May 24,2019 Mr.Dillon presented the request for approval of the out-of-state field trip to New York City for the Dual Enrollment U.S. History Since 1865 Course on May 24,2019 ACTION 2018#82 Moved(Spalding)and seconded(O'Connor) To approve the out-of-state field trip to New York City for the Dual Enrollment U.S.History Since 1865 Course on May 24,2019, as presented, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 80.18% Weight needed:>40.09% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 80.18% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 7. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney(continued) a. Quarter 1 Financial Reports In Mr. Mahoney's absence, Assistant Business Manager, Michelle Shepard, presented to the Committee the Quarter 1 Financial Reports. Ms. Shepard began with the Budget Expense Report and highlighted the realignment of positions, new utility rates in place for gas and electrical and the new bond issued with a higher interest rate than in the past. On the Revolving Report, Ms. Shepard highlighted the additional new line items for the post- secondary programs and the Community Education. Ms. Shepard noted that the Food Service item will be discussed at a future date. Ms. Shepard also commented that the preliminary FY20 budget, along with the membership assessments, were reviewed by the Finance Subcommittee with the budget guidelines established and reflects an initial 5.75% increase in the operating budget. Discussion ensued relative to the operating budget increases to go along with the transition to the new building this year. -4- 114 Subcommittee Reports Finance Committee: Ms. Flood reported that tuition rates remains on the agenda,but unresolved at this time,and commented on the upcoming budget preparations that the Finance Committee will be working on with the staff. Ms. Flood invited Committee members to attend any or all of the four budget meetings that will be held beginning on December 6th,December 1 8th,January fIth and January 3151 followed by Budget Hearing before the full Board on February 8th. Discussion ensued relative to a future presentation discussing the ongoing operating expenses in the budget for the new building for long-term budget planning purposes. Ms. Flood described the process the Finance Subcommittee is following relative to the budget, post- secondary programs, Section X(B)and the Regional Agreement and noted that further discussions on these matters will be held at future meetings. Strategic Planning Committee: Ms. Sheffler updated Committee members on the #1 goal of the Committee - to support evolution and support for new member towns joining the District. The second goal was to complete a report that will support the School Committee as we begin to think about the skills and talents we would like to see in future leadership teams, where Minuteman is right now, and the direction it is moving in over the next couple of years. Ms. Sheffler noted that this document highlights the CVTE environment in Massachusetts, as well as Minuteman historical information,and the report written by staff on the new programs and academy model coming to the school which will be presented to the Committee for discussion at the next scheduled meeting on December 1ph Mr. Horton asked those members whose terms are coming to an end to contact him with their intent for reappointment to continue or to finish their term and asked for suggestions on how he can interface with their individual towns. Policy Task Force: Ms.DeLuca,as Chair of the Special Policy Task Force,explained that most of the policies were established at the time of Educational Reform. The entire manual underwent a review in 2009 with a consultant from MASC. From that time,there has been a review of many policies. She explained that upon the recommendation of MASC and Am) Perreault, two policies are up for review and first reading on this agenda. 1.JKAA: Physical Restraint on Students Policy(revision) 2.IHBF: Homebound Instruction Policy(revision) 1.) JKAA: Physical Restraint on Students Policy(Revision) Ms. DeLuca explained that the previous policy was a very minimal policy and that this is the MASC policy. After discussion ensued on the meaning of mechanical physical restraint,training of staff members,and the estimated number of times physical restraint was used,the following votes were taken: ACTION 2018#83 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(O'Connor) To approve the JKAA: Physical Restraint on Students Policy for First Reading,as presented: -5- 115 VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 80.18% • Weight needed: >40.09% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 80.18% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 2) IHBF: Homebound Instruction Policy(Revision) Ms. DeLuca explained the revisions to this policy. After discussion,the following votes were taken: ACTION 2018#84 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(O'Connor) To approve the IHBF: Homebound Instruction Policy for First Reading,as presented: VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 80.18% Weight needed:>40.09% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 80.18% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 11. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Approval of Draft Minutes of October 16,2018 Comments and suggestions were heard,and amendments to this set of draft minutes,the Secretary made the following motion: ACTION 2018#85 Moved(Nourse) and seconded(DeLuca) To approve the draft minutes of October 16,2018,as amended, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 80.18% Weight needed:>40.09% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: O'Connor(Bolton) Sheffler(Arlington) Final percentage results of vote: 50.18% 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Chair explained that there was a need for Executive Session related to contract negotiations with the non- union personnel. The following vote was then taken by roll call vote at 7:37 p.m.: Moved(DeLuca)and seconded(Nourse) To enter into Executive Session at 7:37 p.m.,pursuant to: Purpose 2(MGL Ch. 30A, Sec.21 (a)(2))to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations, including contract negotiations,with certain non-union personnel,namely Kevin Mahoney,the Assistant Superintendent of Finance,with Dr. Bouquillon and Julia Pisegna remaining present,and that the Committee will not be returning to Open Session. Dave Horton(Lexington) Sue Sheffler(Arlington) Carie Flood,(Concord) Pam Nourse(Acton) Ford Spalding(Dover) -6- 116 Jeff Stulin,(Needham) Alice DeLuca(Stow) David O'Connor(Bolton) Final status of the vote: Unanimous 9.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at the end of the Executive Session at 7:40 PM. Julia Pisegna, Recorder Respectfully submitted, Julia Pisegna Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary -7- 117