HomeMy WebLinkAboutFINAL OS Minutes 2018-09-25.pdf September 25, 2018 OPEN SESSION MINUTES MINUTEMAN REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 6:35 PM PAUL REVERE ROOM,MINUTEMAN HIGH SCHOOL Present: Dave Horton,Chair(Lexington) Sue Sheffler,Vice-Chair(Arlington) David O'Connor(Bolton) Jennifer Leone (Lancaster) Carrie Flood,(Concord) Pam Nourse, Secretary(Acton) Jim Gammill(Belmont) Jeff Stulin, (Needham) Absent: Ford Spalding(Dover) and Alice DeLuca(Stow) Weighted Vote: Weighted Vote present at start of meeting: 87.46% Others Present: Ed Bouquillon,Kevin Mahoney,Jack Dillon and Julia Pisegna 1. CALL TO ORDER: OPEN SESSION The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no Public Comment. 3. CHAIR'S REPORT,Dave Horton a.For the Good of the Organization None. b. School Committee Goals and Actions for 2018-2019 Mr. Horton asked Committee members to review the list of School Committee Goals and Actions for 2018- 2019 and noted that no vote would be taken on this item this evening,but welcomed members to forward any comments to Julia. Mr. Horton will request the Strategic Planning Committee and Finance Committee to submit one goal for presentation at the scheduled October 16th School Committee meeting. Discussion ensued relative to the goals, specific Committee goals, and how the goals will be measured. Mr. Horton asked that comments be sent to Julia for further discussion at the next School Committee meeting. (Ms. Nourse and Ms. Sheffler entered the meeting at 6:35 p.m.) c. Subcommittee Assignments for 2018-2019 Mr. Horton asked Committee members to review the list of School Committee Assignments for 2018-2019. Ms. Flood reported that she will be leaving the Finance Committee and that they will need a new member. Mr. Horton asked anyone interested to email Julia expressing their interest. 1 ACTION 2018#64 Moved(Leone)and seconded(O'Connor) To approve the draft Subcommittee Assignments/Task Force Liaisons Assignments for 2018-2019, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: >43.73% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Final percentage results of vote: 87.46% Final status of the vote: Unanimous d. Section X(B)Update Mr. Horton updated Committee members of the discussion held at the July 17th meeting that the Committee voted affirmatively to create an exception to the policy set forth in Section X(B) of the Regional Agreement of the District by deferring the effective date for implementation of the policy stated in Section X(B)until June 30,2020 or until such time as the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has formally approved a revised Admissions Policy for the District incorporating the policy set forth in Section X(B)whichever date is later. Dr. Bouquillon reported that he had meetings with Lisa Sandler of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and with attorneys for the District. Dr. Bouquillon noted that responses are in the packet. He noted that the School Committee's decision to postpone implementation of Section X(B) is in compliance with the recommendations from the attorneys. Ms. Sandler exposed concerns about whether the implementation of Section X(B)would be in compliance with the Department. Mr. Gammill noted that he is very motivated by the topic for policy and long-term financial consequences for both member and non-member districts which needs to be brought before the Committee. He noted that a lot of work needs to be done in this regard and that a formal position of the School Committee should come after some period of a couple months and much more work is completed. Mr. Gammill also suggested two additional goals: investigating and analyzing the financial demographic and legal and political considerations of Section X(B)the Regional Agreement for review by the full School Committee for alternative policy options consistent with the intent of Section X(B)and asked for support to grant him the license to see what is possible and for further discussion at the next meeting. Mr. Stulin asked Mr. Gammill to add a date for his goal and at this point,what would a happy resolution be? Mr. Gammill stated a school filled to capacity, all students paying their fair cost, and that programs would be in demand. Ms. Flood reported that the Finance Committee does not yet have a position and it is on their agenda for review. Mr. Horton also noted that Committee members would be invited to the Finance Committee meeting. Mr. Gammill suggested a date of January 31,2019 for a review by the full Committee on Section X(B). Discussion ensued relative to adding this item as a draft goal and the decision was made that Mr. Gammill would send the wording of the goal out for review by all members. 2 4. SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT,Dr. Bouquillon In Mr. Spalding's absence,Dr. Bouquillon presented the School Building Committee update and reported that at this stage,two votes were needed to be taken for KBA Designs for the photo voltaic and the additional design work in order to understand more specifically the cost of moving forward with an enhanced athletic field complex with the Town of Lexington. KBA was open to negotiations in regards to their original estimates. This work has been confirmed with the MSBA and the Attorney General that we could move forward with those votes. Dr. Bouquillon reminded the Committee that the photo voltaic overlay district has been approved by the Town of Lincoln at the Town meeting in 2010, and that last year, Minuteman was included in the capital bond bill of$1.4 million to complete construction of the photovoltaic overlay district on the new student parking areas, and in anticipation of these bonds being released,we need to have the designs move along for further costs and implementation of that photovoltaic overlay. Dr. Bouquillon also reported that the project continues to be on budget and on time. Gregory Joynt of KBA presented a video presentation and updated the progress of the building site and highlighted the following: • masonry veneer progress on the North and West elevation • progress of light gauge wall and soffit framing • upper level insulation and masonry veneer activity in the north elevation • preparation for the support installation of water infiltration system • courtyard installation of air and vapor barrier progress • exterior framing and sheathing of canopy roof • temp weather protection at skylights in progress • construction progress of interior CMU in gym • framing to support MEP installation in progress • excavation and installation of deep underground plumbing for kitchen in progress • framework of cafeteria stairs and student breakout • construction of exterior CMU walls progress Discussion ensued relative to building progress,materials,weather conditions, and the numbers of workers on site. Mr. Joynt shared that currently there are 150-170 workers on site on a standard day. 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Dr.Edward Bouquillon Dr. Bouquillon shared that the District lost a long-time employee,Bruce Flood, and offered a moment of silence for Mr. Flood. Mr. Horton attended the wake and commented on how impressed he was by the staff, students and former students in attendance. a. Staffing Updates Dr. Bouquillon updated the Committee on the staffing changes,retirements,and non-returning staff. Discussion ensued as to whether this was a typical turnover or unusual staffing changes for the year, and Dr. Bouquillon shared that it was a very low turnover and it is not unusual. b. Campus Development Dr. Bouquillon reviewed the UMass Donahue Institute's work with the District to assist in the procurement for the development of private and public partnerships and Letters of Interest from partners. He also discussed with the Town of Lexington regarding the athletic fields renderings beyond the MSBA project. 3 Discussion ensued relative to future planning, synthetic field,tennis courts,bleachers,press boxes,kitchen bathrooms and lockers for a full athletic facilities. Dr. Bouquillon shared the potential vote to be taken: Agenda Item 5.b Proposed Vote: Be it moved that the Minuteman School Committee supports the consideration of a partnership with the Town of Lexington to augment the expansion of Athletic Fields on property belonging to the Minuteman Regional Vocational School District and further authorizes its Superintendent to develop a Memorandum of Understanding, or similar document, for consideration by the District. Discussion ensued relative to the potential vote and following amended vote was made: ACTION 2018#65 Moved(Gammill) and seconded(Sheffler) Be it moved that the Minuteman School Committee supports the consideration of a partnership with the Town of Lexington to augment the expansion of Athletic Fields on property belonging to the Minuteman Regional Vocational School District. Mr. Horton shared that he is going to abstain from voting. VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: >43.73% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: oppose (Concord, Belmont,Acton,Lancaster,Arlington, Bolton and Needham) abstain(Lexington) Final percentage results of vote: 0% ACTION 2018#66 Moved(Gammill) and seconded(Sheffler) Be it moved that the Minuteman School Committee supports the consideration of a partnership with the Town of Lexington to augment the expansion of Athletic Fields on property belonging to the Minuteman Regional Vocational School District and further authorizes its Superintendent to develop a Memorandum of Understanding, or similar document, for consideration by the District. Mr. Horton shared that he is going to abstain from voting. VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: 42.38> Names of towns opposing or abstaining: Oppose (Bolton),Abstain(Lexington) Final percentage results of vote: 68.79% c.Access to Minuteman Issues Dr. Bouquillon updated the Committee on the ongoing access issues due to the impact of new membership and restrictions being placed on students coming to Minuteman by the regulation and proposed the idea that if there are schools adjacent to Minuteman district that have students on a waiting list,that those students on the waiting list could apply to another vocational school that may have space. 4 Dr. Bouquillon noted that he and Kevin Mahoney had met with the Business Manager of Watertown and they will be presenting to the Watertown Budget and Curriculum Subcommittee on Monday, October 15th and have shared with them updated cost charts. Discussion ensued relative to Watertown. d. Superintendent Leadership Goals and Educator Annual Plan Dr. Bouquillon shared that he presented these goals to the Executive Team also, and presented his goals to the Committee as follows: Goal 1: Leadership Goal Goal 2: Professional Practice Goal 3: District Improvement—Increasing Membership Goal 4: District Improvement—Campus Development Dr. Bouquillon asked Committee members to send their suggestions to him and Julia. Discussion ensued relative to the Superintendent goals. Mr. Horton invited members to send their comments to Dr. Bouquillon for voting at the next meeting. (Dr. Bouquillon left the meeting at 7:44 p.m.) 6. Principals Report,George Clement a. Opening of School Mr. Clement filled in for Mr. Dillon who was attending a mandatory training session, and reported that the opening of school was going very smoothly, low amount of schedule changes, and that first year exploratory is going great and freshman have adjusted well. Mr. Clement also updated the Committee on the National Blue Ribbon Award. We await the official announcement which is scheduled for the first week of October. Mr. Clement also commented on the loss of colleague Bruce Flood. b. Enrollment Update Mr. Clement reported on a total number of 517 students and noted that retention numbers are good and that the official numbers will come out on October 1St Discussion ensued relative to enrollment numbers,presentations to various schools,website improvement and enrollment efforts of the District. Ms.Nourse suggested that the report of the Enrollment Task Force be discussed at this point in the meeting to provide additional updates to the Committee. Mr. Horton noted that the agenda would be taken out of order. Subcommittee Reports Ms.Nourse shared with the Committee that the work of the Enrollment Task Force is really focused on how can we support efforts to increase enrollment of member towns. The group met twice during the summer to look at and define how we can create an environment where we can reach families who children can benefit from Minuteman and how to get those families to listen. Ms.Nourse noted a proposal that Dr. Bouquillon had put before the Committee for recruiting parent liaison positions for five of the member towns who are not supporting Minuteman at a 6%level. 5 Continued discussion ensued relative to enrollment efforts. Ms. Sheffler reported that the Strategic Planning Committee will be on a future agenda for presentation to the full Committee and one item to be addressed is that there are five local vocational schools with 20% increase in enrollment and will report on the group efforts to look into what these district are doing differently and the need for an updated website. Mr. Horton noted that the agenda will continue on with Item 6b. Principals Report,George Clement(continued) b.Approval: Overnight Field Trip for the Environmental Technology Program to Nobel View Facility,Russell,Massachusetts September 25th—28th Mr. Horton noted that the students have taken this trip before and confirmed this is compliance with requirements and policies. ACTION 2018#67 Moved(Leone) and seconded(Flood) To approve the Overnight Field Trip for the Environmental Technology Program to Nobel View Facility,Russell,Massachusetts September 25th—28th VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: >43.73% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 87.46% Final status of the vote: Unanimous d. Approval: Field Trip for the Hospitality/Culinary Program Out of State Field Trip to Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire—October 23rd or October 25th Mr. Horton described the details of this field trip for the Hospitality/Culinary Program Out of State Field Trip to Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire—October 23rd or October 25th. ACTION 2018#68 Moved(Flood) and seconded(Nourse) To approve the Hospitality/Culinary Program Out of State Field Trip to Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire—October 23'or October 25th VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: >43.73% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 87.46% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 7. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT,Kevin Mahoney a. Student Activity Accounts: Fund Activity and Balances Mr.Mahoney explained that the requirement that the list of Student Activity Accounts was being reported to the School Committee reflecting the account name,balance and expenses. The following vote was then taken. He explained that these are active accounts, and attempts were made to locate class officers to gain approval to close out the accounts or to transfer the funds. The following vote was then taken: 6 ACTION 2018#69 Moved(Stulin)and seconded(Leone) VOTE: To approve the Student Activity Accounts, as presented VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: >43.73% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 87.46% Final status of the vote: Unanimous Discussion ensued relative to outstanding class balances. Mr. Mahoney informed the Committee that the District is planning the second of three bonds sales in the amount of$46 million in general obligation bonds of level debt service for 30 years with a sale date of October 8, 2018. The Committee will be asked to authorize the issuance of those bonds at the October 16`h School Committee meeting, and that the District's credit rate is AA. Mr. Horton shared with the Committee an update from Alice regarding the Policy Task Force: "The admissions policy is under review as it needs update. Ed has been in touch with the DESE,and is working with his team. After a drafting process,a recommended revision will be brought forward to the school committee for their consideration and vote." 11. SECRETARY'S REPORT,Pam Nourse a. Approval of Draft Minutes July 17,2018 Comments and suggestions were heard, and amendments to this set of draft minutes,the Secretary made the following motion: ACTION 2018#70 Moved(Nourse) and seconded(Flood) To approve the draft minutes of July 17, 2018,pending revisions, VOTE: 8 members in room at time of vote Weighted Vote present: 87.46% Weight needed: >43.73% Names of towns opposing or abstaining: none Final percentage results of vote: 87.46% Final status of the vote: Unanimous 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Julia Pisegna Pam Nourse District Assistant Secretary 7