Mr. Alan Fields
Trustees of Public Trusts
Town of Lexington
Lexington, MA 02173
December 30, 1991
Re: Lexington Nature Trust Fund
Dear Mr. Fields:
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
(617) 862 -0500
This letter is to set forth the terms on which the Trustees of Public
Trusts agree to hold the Trust Fund established by the Lexington Conservation
Commission to receive certain donations. The Trust Fund shall be named
"Lexington Nature Trust Fund,"
1. The Trustees will hold and invest the fund as part of the common
trust funds administered by them for the benefit of the Town of Lexington.
2. Net income from the fund shall be paid from time to time as
requested by vote of the Lexington Conservation Commission to provide for the
acquisition, maintenance, management, promotion and beautification of open
space in Lexington.
3. Principal from the fund may be used from time to time to provide for
the acquisition, maintenance, management, promotion and beautification of open
space in Lexington upon a vote of the Lexington Conservation Commission that
such use of principal is necessary for such purposes.
Very truly yours,
Joyce A. Miller, Chairman
Lexington Conservation Commission