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Lexington Sidewalk Coinm.ittee Meeting A�Iinutes
Monday, April 1, 2013, 9 AM
Battin Aaditorium, Cary Memorial Hall
Present: Judy Crocicer,Ma�y Hosmer Fanucci,Betiina McGimsey,Francine Stieglitz,Jeny van
Hook;Meinbers absent: Jeanne Canale; Liaisons: Hank Ma.nz(B�S), Marc Valenti(DPW),
Elaine Celi(Transportation};Guests: Residents of the Winthrop Street neighborhood
Juditli Crocker, Chau-man of the Sidewal.lc Comtnittee, called the meeting of the Sidewalk
Committee(SWC)to order at 9:02 AM. The puipose of this meeting was for proponents and
opponeuts of the proposed concept of completing the Winthrop Street sidewallc from Highland
Ave ta Walthan St to sha�-e their views with the SWC.The meeting was announced as being
recorded in arder to aid today's Comnuttee secretary in obtaining an accurate and complete set of
minutes as possible. Attendees were also asked to use the sign-inn sheets.
It was made clear by Judy Cracker that the St�TC committee has within its charge the authority to
only c�ffer recoimnendatians wi.th regard to any proposed sidewallc project to the Board of
Selectmen. It does not have jurisdiction to decide whether the sidewalk is actually financed or
constructed, or deterniine what side of the street it should be located.
The parameters of the meeting were established at its start. In order to provide equal opporiunity
for citizen corrunent, each member af the audience would have the opportunity to speak once foY-
a ina�mlun of 3 minutes. The speaker would be warned that their time is near completion at the 2
_ ininutes and 30 seconds mark. Proponents were asked to use the"Yes"microphone. Opponents
were asked to use the"No"microphone. Abutters were invited ta be the first ones to make theu•
presentations.The order of speakers alternated Uetween those for aud those against the proposed
sidew�.lk. Further,the coimnittee indicated that it would make no comment an the project today.
Discussion among the members of the SWC would occur at the May 6,2013 meeting. At that
time, the Committee will not take citizen comments and members will vote on whether or not to
recoimnend that the proposed Winthrop 5t�-eet side��alk project be approved.
As of April l, 2013,the SWC had.received a total of 40 letters regarding this project. Some of
these are from individuals unable to attend today's meering. Dan Kriapka, an a.butter,respectfully
requested th.at abutters be the first ones to express their opinions.This request was granted.
L Louis Counts, 45 Winthrop Street
NIr. Counts Is in favor of the sidewaik. He moved froxn Han.cock Street to Winthrop Street i.n
September 2012. He has observed peaple of a11 ages walking in the road. He believes this is an
issue of public safety.
2. Dan Krupka,40 Winthrap St�•eet
Mr. Kruplca emphasized that he is not against public safety. He believes there are other means
available for solving safety issues. He referenced the role and protocol used by the Traffic Safety
Advisory Committee(TSAC}in assessing traffic problems.He would like an eitensive tr�affic
study conducted to help understand traf.fic flow at his location. According to Mr. Krupka, during
a mid-March inid-week personal survey of pedestrians in the area,the average pedest�-ian i�affic
is 5 per hour. He einphasized that there are 9 abutters opposed to the sidewalk. They don't want
the sidewalk,nor do they feel that they need it. Mr. Ktupka also indicated th.at the process
followed by the S WC was not rigoraus. He believes that it is unfair and favored proponents. He `
said the SWC process only offerad guidelines, and did not provide far objecrive analysis of data.
He felt the process was undemocratic and that no alternati��es ta a sidewalk were considered.
3. Jason Ross, 38 Winthrop Street
Mr. Ross indicated he lives on the side of the raad,which would have the proposed sidewalk.
Two and a half years ago he sent an email regard.ing road safety in his neighborhood to Jer�y Van
Hoalc of the SWC. He observed that the neighborhood is large,with no connecrion on�jinthrop
Road. Vehicles travel on the road at high speeds.There is a lot of traffic.He feels that the process
is no langer the issue. This sidewalk is a matter of safety not aestherics. He called on us to
recoirunend the installation of the sidewalk. He called on his neighbors to see the benefit of safety
for everyone.
4. Mari.o��Krupka, 40 Winthrop Raad
Ms. Krupka shared traffic observations she inade near her home over a few days time. See
attached dacument. She emphasized that as a result of her study, the neighborhood doesn't need
or want the sidewalk. She also indicated th.e process for dealing with.this issue via the SWC
committee was flawed.
S. Aiu� Groves, 1�Winthrop
Ms. Graves d.iscussed the dangera��s cun�es that exist an Winthrop and Vinebroak Roads. She
suggested the idea of using a crushed stone walkway instead af an asphalt or conerete sidewalk. —
Sh.e l�as one near her home. The Lexington DPW did soine woxk for her to improve draina�e and
floading prablems she was having. She has seen improvement. Her suggestion.is to have a simil�•
walkway installed on Winthrop Road, as this would be more aesthetically pleasing. Ms. Groves
discussed haw she maneuvers her car so she doesn't have to back out of he.r driveway. The curves
are dangerous and she prefers to exit her driveway going forward so she can avoid collisions.
6. Alex Bonner, 37 Winthrop Road
Mr.Sonner reiterated the position that the neighborhood daesn't need or want a new sidewalk.
He also emphasized that the SWC process was flawed. He said the majoriry of abutters do not
��vant the sidewalk. It would be a waste of money. Of the 13 residences in the area, 9 are opposed,
1 is unknown, and 3 are in favor of the project. 75%do not want the sidewalk. N1r. Bonner
suggested the members ofthe SWC speak with each abutter to hear for us. And,he referenced a
January 12, 2013 comment by Jerry Van Hook of the SWC. Nfr. Bonner said that Mr. Van Hook
- zndicated, "Abutters need to agree". Mr. Bonner asked what is to be gained by continuin�this
7. Suzanne Shavelson, 8 John Poulter Road
Ms. Shavelson Shared tha.t evelyone in the neighborhood is directly affected by the lack of a
sidewalk. There are 2 dangerous S curves. She would like to be able to walk instead of driving.
The street is hilly and eurvy. She is fearful for her kids and herself when they walk. Cars travel at
high speeds and have poor sight lines. She has resorted to walking on lawns,but feels
nncoinfortable about this. She wants a sidewalk an John Poulter Road,too. She said we shauld -
- realize this issue is not just about aestl�etics. It's alsa about safety.
S. I�atherine Bower,44 Winthrop Street
Ms. Bower has lived in Le�ngton.for 44 years, She stated they don't need or want a sidewalk on.
Winthrop Road. There is no data indicating the need for one. Slie suggested walkers use other
routes and that e�sting sidewalks be improved. She enjoys the se�ni-ruxal feel of her
neighborhoad. A sidewallc would change the appearance of her neighborhood. She also worries
about erosion. She said the area where the sidewalk tivould be is too narrow far one. She feels it
would be dangerous because walkers would be close to the nearby brook. She also indicated there
are wetlands in the area. She has been very unhappy with the SWC process for this project. She
said discussions about this project have been happening for 4 years, but she only learned about it
this year.
9. Ed Dziadzo, 36 Highland Avenue
Mr.Dziadzo has a daughter who is a fi�eslunan at LHS. She walks to schoal with 3 fi•iends. The
snow banks in the winter make it dangerous because the road gets very narrow, and there is no
place for the girls to waik safely. He also has a son in 6t1i grade. V�Tinthrop Road is a cut-through.
Mr. Dziadzo has empathy for the abutters,but feels the sidewalk is necessary.
10. t�lan Simpson,2 Highland Avenue
Mr. Sim.pson indicated he has issues with the pracess the SWC has followed for this proposed
_ project. He said the SWC poli.cies are not sufficient. The process is skewed to proponents of any
project. He said the prablem sho�ld Ue cleaz•ly identified. ThThere should be better
coinmunication, data, alternarives to be considered. What are the rights of abutters?He referenced
the TSA�website.They have a traffic calming policy on their website. There's a flow ch.art, etc.
for making decisions. This project needs to be reconsidered. There was no Y�igor in the evaluation
of it.
1 l. Carolyn Fantasia, 217 Walthaan Street
Ms. Fantasia said there is no place to cross Waltham Street at Winthrop Road. She said traffic
speeds up past the light. High school students dash across the street. She said a sidewalk is
necessary there.
12. Masazaini Nagai, 42 Winthrop Street
Mr.Nagai maved to Lexington from Japa�i. He said the process for this project has gone against
the p�inciples of dernocracy. Everyone should have a right to be infonned,at the begu�ning of the
project. There was not enough notice given to abutters.
I3. Emily Cooper,31 Winthrop Roa.d
Ms. Caoper visits the Fariners Market every Tuesday fram April through October. She walks her
children in a douhle stroiler. She said her route is dangerous and that she has had several near
misses with automobile traffic. She said�uallcing on Winthrop Road is daiigerous for anyone and
asked us to particularly imagine how d.ifficult it would be to travel on this street in a wheelchau�,
an crutches,with a walker, siroilers,etc. She also indicated the area is a school zone. She said the
issue is na longer about tl�e process,but how to get the sidewallc.
14. Steve Cooper,28 Winthrop Road
Mr. Cooper indicated he doesn't want or need a sidewalk on Winthrop Road. He said the process
for evaluation is flawed. He asked,where is the data? What is the pedestrian activity?There was
no data gath.ering by proponents. He said he there is no evidence of a neighborhood poll. No one
contacted him about landscaping implications. There has been no verification of infornlation from
proponents. He said the data is not correct. Winthrop Sheet is not a gateway. There are plenty of
alterriative routes.Mr. Cooper said he thought the SWC should have an audit function. There
should have been validation of tl�e need for a sidewalk montks ago. He also said na money�=ould
be wasted.
1.5. Georgia Glick,21 Elliot Road
Ms. Glick has lived for 40 years at the top of Monroe Hill. She said residents of Monrae Hill
were nat contacted about tke proposed sidewalk. She is delighted with the idea. She said she is a
frequent walker and this sidewalk would give better access to`Valtham Street and Massachusetts
^� 16. June Fanaure,20 Sherburne Road
Ms.Fanaure said that Winthrop Road is not busy, only occasionally. She said that a sidewalk
wouldn't solve t�•affic speeds. She wanted to know if traffic calming measures had been
considered. 5he wondered if stop signs, flashing lights,etc. would be better. She asked the S�VC
to please consider alternatives as nane of these are being used on Winthrop Road.
17. Laura Keiper, 6 Winthrap Road —
Ms.Kerper is one of tlze original proponents of the Winthrop Street sidewalk. She said she made
4 separate trips, on 4 separate dates to speak with residents about the need for this sidewallc. If, on
the 4th attempt, she was unable to reach soineone, she Ieft a self-addressed stamped envelope at
the residence. The envelope contained the petition, along with contact infoi�nation for Lauren'???,
and an invita�ion to sign the petition. She indicated that Dave Cannan and Charles Sargent of the
Town of Lexington Engineering Depat�nent watched the traffic on Winthrop Street. They agreed
a sidewalk is necessaxy. Ms. Kirker said this is a vital safety issue. Her children wallced to LHS.
They are grown now, but she wants this sidewalk for the safety of the community.
� 18.Baz-cy Sandberg, 2� Sherbu2ne Road
Mr. Sandberg is nat intrinsically apposed to this sidewalk. He said he wants a better process for
evaluating the project. He believes it shouid be further investigated and that data is needed. He
said a distincrion should be made between guidelines and data. The proponents worked accoi•ding
to the guidelines. The SWC did not audit their inforxnation. There was no notification to the
neighborhood. The SWC should eYcuse petition�rs fi�om the discussion. He did agrea that safety
is an issue. However,he also said that a sidewalk is not the only solutiou, aaid may not even be
the best one. He said there are no traffic signs on the raad. He would like to see a inoratorinm on
the proposal, and a caneiliatory solution developed.
I9.Meena Kothendorlamer, 7 Sherburne Road
Ms. Kothendarlamer's daughter walks to Wintlu�op Road and Waltha�n Street on the lawns of her
- neighbors. Ms. Kothendorlamer never walks oii Winthro�. She is too fearful. She says traffic
speeds have increased and there are more cars. She said there are be many more children growing
up and going to LHS, so a sidewalk is necessaiy.
20, Lois Zizzi,28 Wizithrop Road
Ms. Zizzi indicated that Dave Cannon's"observations" are worthy. She never saw a petition.
21.Trish G4-een, 7 Winthrop Road
Ms. Green thanked the SWC for their work on this issue thus far. She has been involved from the
beginning. She said it is a safety issue and that 200-300 paople would benefit from the sidewalk.
She understands the concerns of the abutters,but also said that sh.e thinks t��ey will all adapt to the
changing landscape. She said this project is good for the coinmunity and shared pictures of the
road with the SWC.
22. 3anet Simpson, 2 Highland Avenue
She said that she is au enthusiastic walker. As af now, she is on the `no' side,but could be a
`yes'. She lamented the divisive feeling in the neighborhood. She said she has no issue with the
actual sidewailc. She worried about drainaDe issues and doesn't want an asphalt sidewallc. She
also said she wants ta be pa�t of the process and do what is best.
23. Laura Aguirre, 17 VVinthrop Road
Ms. Aguirre wanted to make it clear that she wasn't accusing anyone of lying with regaxd to the
petition that was distributed asound the nei.ghborhood. She said they started working on it two and
a half years ago. She said everyone should have an equal size in what happens.There are many
peaple wlzo will be affected by the decision of wheflier to install a sidewalk. Ms.Nagury sai.d the
sidewalk is uz keeping with the town's objectives of znaking the town rnore accessible to bikers
and pedestrians. She also asked if the project could be cost effective and be piggybacked on
another project. She also said she thought the process could be improved.
24. John Currie, 20 Winthrop Road
Mr. Currie learned about this project 2 months aga. He said the proponents never mentioned it to
hun. He said other oprions have not been considered. Speed is an issue on their street, even with
the school busses. He indicated there has not been enough open discussion abont the proposed
25. Sasa Arnold, 15 Washington Street
Ms. Arnold walks on Winthrop Road regularly. She lamen.ted the lack of a sidewalk. She also
said she hea�-d about tUe project indirectly. She'd like to hear both s.ides ofthe argiunent. She said
she syrnpathizes with the abutters,but still feels strongly that walkers should be safe. She also
said that cars need traffic calming ineasures. She doesn't want to rely on those measures for
pedestrian safety.
2b. E11ie Baker, Vinebrook Road
Ms. Baker has lived in Leacington for 10 years and has spent years worrying about this issue. She
believes the sidewalk would benefit everyone. She would like to know how many children li.ve in
the area.That would be good data. She said she's had a few clase ca11s with cat•s herself.. She
thinks the sidewalk would be a siinple solution to the safety i.ssue. She said the process should be -
unproved. She asked that we let the sidewalk happen.
27. Clair Shef�22 Vinebrook Road
Ms. Sheff said she has 4 children. She indicated that the argument that the sidewalk is
"not needed"is circular. People don't walk on Winthrop Road because there is no
sidewalk. The end of Winthrop Road with a sidewalk is well travelled by pedestrians.
Ms. Sheff also indicated that the data collected by the opponents is not formal either and
contains intrinsic flaws. There are 70 school age kids (elementary, middle and high
school) in the neighborhood. The neighborhood is turning over, so there will be more
children. She said she wanted to forward a website to the SVVC regarding the importance
of sidewalks.
28. Ronnie Skerker, 52 Winthrop Road
Ms. 5kerker said she would be personally affected by the installation of a sidewalk.
However, she recognizes that it will benefit athers. She has a high school aged child. She
said the roads get icy and safety is a concern. She believes this project would be making
an investment in the future. She wants to have a vibrant, accessible neighborhood. She
also said that a crosswalk is critical. Ms. Skirker said this project will enhance the
29. Kathleen Lenihan, 60 Bloomfield Street
They have several children, one of whom will go to LHS soon. Winthrop Road would be
a direct route to school. As of now, she/he (didn't get name here)won't walk on
Winthrop. It's too unsafe. She said no one would ever see her walking there. She said
cars and people do not belong in the same physical space. It's a town issue.
30. Elizabeth McLaughlin, 5 Sherburne Road
Ms. McLaughin pointed out that people come and go in neighborhoods. This project
would be for the greater good. She said that everyone would experience soine
inconvenience, but that it would be temporary. This project is for the future and for the
greater community. She doesn't let her children walk on Winthrop Road because it is too
31. Maureen Gaines, 9 Highland Street
Ms. Gaines has a one child in middle schaol and another in high school. She drives them
to school sometimes. It is a busy time of day. There are always people in the street.
Sometimes her high schooler rides his bike to and from school. He has to cross Waltham
Street. She fears for his safety on this route. When they walk they sornetimes walk on
lawns to avoid the street. She is also a runner and said that the area is a scary place to run _.
- because she has to use the road instead of a sidewalk. She does commiserate with the
abutters because she had a similar experience where she lived in Illinois.
32. Beth Briggs, 20 Percy Road
Ms. Briggs said there is a lot of speeding on this road. She also pointed out there are
many blind corners. She would like a sidewalk to increase the walkability of Lexington.
She has a son who will be at LHS in the fall. She avoids Winthrop Road at all costs. She
drives the area to avoid walking. She would like the opponents to consider the many
people who would use and enjoy the sidewalk. She also asked that the sidewalk be
concrete instead of asphalt.
33. Wendy Savage, 22 Slocum Road
Ms. Savage has lived at this address for 2 years. Her family wanted to live closer to the
town center. She would like to increase walkability in the area. She wants to give her kids
more free reign to walk,but feels the neighborhood needs inore sidewalks to connect the
streets. She doesn't feel safe on Winthrop Road. She tells her children to walk on the
lawns. She is nervous about her kids walking just 2 blocks on Winthrop. Tkere are many
young children in the neighborhood. She also said the opponents low traffic count is
because people avoid walking on Winthrop Road.
34. Laura Brainard, 15 Sherburne Road
Ms. Brainard drives her daughter to LHS everyday. She said it is a short drive,but she
doesn't feel it is safe to walk. She is embarrassed to drive such a short distance.
35. Painela Cohen, 12 John Poulter Road
She walks her dog on Winthrop Road and says it is scary. She says we need to keep
people safe on the sidewalks. She doesn't want her kids walking to their friends' homes
because it is too dangerous.
Ms. Crocker clased the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. The next scheduled
meeting for the SWC will be May 6 at 9ain in the Selectmen's Meeting Room of Town
Hall. At that meeting, the Committee will nat take cominents from citizens on the topic
of the praposed Winthrop Rd sidewalk. It will ask members if each has enough
information to make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen. If yes,then members
will vote on a recommendation. If not,then members will obtain any additional
information needed.
The ineeting was adjourned at 10:35am.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Hosmer Fanucci