HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-19 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, S eptember 19, 2022 C onducted by Remote P articipation* 6:30 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS P ub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minute s at the b eginning o f eac h me eting. E ac h s p eaker is limited to 2 minute s fo r c o mment. M emb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r re s p o nd, o ther than to ask questions of clarif'ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 45 80 if they wish to sp eak during public comment to as sist the Chair in managing meeting times. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update CONSENT AGENDA 1. Battle Green Use Request- Lexington Veterans Association 2. Approve One-Day Liquor Licenses 3. Approve S elect Board Report for F iscal Year 2022 Annual Town Report 4. Select Board Committee Reappointments & Resignation 5. Approve and S ign Proclamation- Recognition of Winston E. "P at" F lynn ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Public Hearing:All-Alcohol Package Store Liquor License -Art's Specialties, LLC, 6:40pm 1666 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue, Unit H 2. Liquo r Lic ens e - C hange o f Manager and C hange o f C o rp o rate Name - T he Up p er 6:5 Sp m C rus t P izzeria, 41 Waltham S treet 3. Discussion of Additional Funding Requests Under American Rescue Plan Act 7:OSpm (ARPA) 4. Special Town Meeting 2022-3 7:25pm • P res entation- S T M 2022-3 Artic le:Appropriate for Public F acilities C apital Projects (Town Pool Domestic Hot Water Heater) 5. Update on Liberty Ride 7:40pm 6. Approve Town O ffic e Building Emp loyee P arking P lan During P o lic e S tation 7:SSpm C onstruction ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment B:lOpm T he S elec t B o ard meeting p ac ket is typ ic ally availab le at leas t o ne b us ine s s day in advanc e o f the meeting:http s://lexington.novus agenda.c om/agendapub lic/ Membe�s of the public can view the meetz'ng webina�f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tz'me of the meetz'ng: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81038273879?pwd=dkhVeXkwdmIycDNTeWQ4dHlYY3Bhdz09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13126266799„8103 8273 879# or+16469313 860„8103 8273 879# Telephone:+1 312 626 6799 or+1 646 931 3 860 or+1 929 436 2866 or+1 301 715 8592 or+1 346 248 7799 or+1 3 86 347 5053 or+1 564 217 2000 or+1 669 444 9171 or+1 669 900 6833 or+1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 810 3827 3879 Passcode: 919195 *An Act Relative to Extending C ertain S tate o f Emergency Ac c omo dations:http s://www.mas s.gov/the-op en-meeting-law A S ummit meeting o f the S elect Board, S chool C ommittee,Appropriation C ommittee and C apital Expenditures Committee will be held on Thursday, S eptember 29, 2022 at 7:OOpm via remote p artic ip atio n. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will be held on Monday, October 3, 2022 at 6:30pm via remote participation. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: S elect Board Members LR.1 S UMMARY: Please see the attached S elect Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports for the S eptember 19, 2022 meeting. Und er this item, S elec t B o ard Memb ers c an als o c o mment o n any additio nal p o ints and c o nc erns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����u,�,,�;��a.����u��.�"�:����„��;�°�����������.:...��:���������I�����������,,,,,���;�����;�;�������;�:���%�,��:�,:�, ������c���� ��,�;�°u��� Select Board Concerns and Liaison Reports—September 19, 2022 Suzie Barry: Greenways Corridor Committee(GCC) • The Greenways Corridor Committee (GCC) met on Thursday 9/8/22 via Zoom.They have updated their Committee Charge to more accurately reflect the work they are currently engaged in and look to be doing.They would like to add up to 3 non-voting associate member positions so as to not lose the skill set and institutional memory of longtime members when they move from town and are still engaged with the Committee.They will be submitting the updated charge for approval at a future Select Board meeting. Please let me know if anyone needs further information from GCC prior to it coming to a future agenda and we can arrange that discussion. Monuments& Memorials Committee • The Monuments & Memorials Committee met on Thursday, 9/8/22 via Zoom and is making active progress on their crowdsourcing project to help locate, identify and research monuments and memorials in Town.The Committee is also in the process of working on the draft of their policies and procedures manual and has reached out to several stakeholder groups for input. Board of library Trustees • A reminder that the Full Board meeting of the Cary Library Trustees is currently scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at Noon. We have several important items to cover with the Board including: Children's Room Renovation Update, HVAC Project Update and Stone Building Update. Please check your calendar and if you are unable to attend, please let Suzie and Koren know.Tha n ks. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Town Manager Weekly Update PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: C arolyn Ko sno ff,As sistant Town Manager for F inanc e T M.1 S UMMARY: Attached please find the Town Manager's Weekly Update for the week ending 9-16-22. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � "��fryc:���� ��������;���� �������,����.:����� �����1����.�im����,��,,,,��"�°�;°�n �.��.���;�° II�����r��:� i ���'���� �� � � ��"",�� ,' �� • ��� ��� Town o L exzn ton ��� �� : u g � �� �� ��� ���� ���.w� �r �°° ���� ,���W � ,,�� Town Mana er's Of f ice �� g � .. ���m �� ��«���u��� ���d « ,��� �.��',� �,;�, ,w� .��.����(,�.�,�,�, James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: September 16, 2022 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the week ending September 16, 2022: Various Administrative Issues: • We have two additional ARPA recomrnendations that the Board will be asked to consider on Monday night as follows: 1. Public Safety Communications—As a result of moving the Police Station from their former location to 173 Bedford Street, we have been having serious problems with the radio communications system. We have had the contractor that maintains the system working on it several times and have learned the root cause of the problem is the age of the system and that it was designed work with copper lines, which were available at the former Police Station. At the temporary Police Station at 173 Bedford Street, the lines are VOIP, not copper and as a result we do not have consistent radio communications for the Police, Fire and Dispatch. Some examples of problems include the recent transformer fire, our Fire Department was not able to communicate with other Fire Departments that responded and instances where our Police Officers have called for assistance and found their radios didn't work. Chief McLean, Chief Sencabaugh and Mike Cronin have reviewed the equipment that needs to be replaced and identified 9 antenna locations and equipment that needs to be replaced. The cost is approximately $800,000. Given the seriousness of this issue, I am recommending the Board consider using ARPA funds so that equipment may be ordered immediately and installed as soon as possible. 2. Liberty Ride—The Board will be hearing on the future of the Liberty Ride next Monday. The report is attached, but the recommendation in summary is that we believe that while it will require more staff time, given the cost escalation from the contractor we've used in the past for the Liberty Ride, the most cost effective alternative is for the Town to bring this program in- house (see attached). We believe over the next decade, that the Town will be able to reserve enough from the revenues that we will be able to make the program sustainable, but we also believe it would be best to use ARPA funds for the initial capital purchase to move the program in-house. We are seeking the Board's approval next Monday night so that we can order the trolley and have it ready for next Spring. 1625 MAS SACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MAS SACHUSETTS 02420 • I have appointed Hemali Shah as the new Chief Equity Officer. She will be transitioning from the Human Services Department in a few weeks. We utilized two panels, including representatives from the Human Rights Committee, ABCL, the Commission on Disabilities and one Select Board member(Joe Pato) as well as members of the Senior Management Team and Middle Management Team and a Police Officer. As you are likely aware, Hemali has worked for the Town for approximately 7 years and is currently the Director of Senior Services. We are looking forward to Hemali j oining our team in the Town Manager's office! Department of Public Facilities: • Westview Cemetery construction proj ect—The foundation has been completed. The damp roofing and backfilling is 100% complete. The new water line is tied into the street and stubbed to property line. The excavation work for the under-slab utilities began this week and is on-going. Pouring the slab is scheduled to take place at or near end of September with steel erection beginning first week of October. Steel erection is anticipated to have a 3-4 week duration including the metal deck. Land Use Health and Develo�ment: • The Health Office received notice that the State was providing another round of COVID test kits to municipalities. We have placed an order for 13,000+ iHome test kits and other ancillary supplies. These kits, along with the ones we received this summer, have all had their expiration dates extended to Jan 2023. The test kits will be available at Town buildings. The Health Office will also make them available at the Medical Waste Disposal events, Flu clinics and other upcoming events. • In collaboration with Senior Services, the Health Office is offering 2 flu clinics for residents 60+ at the Community Center on September 27th 1:00 PM— 5:00 PM and October 6th from 9:00 AM— 12:00 PM. The Health Office has a shipment of COVID bivalent boosters which will be available at the event as well. The registration links can be found on the Town website home page and Health page under"Flu Clinics". • The Health Office is hosting a ServSafe Certified Food Protection Manager class for all permitted restaurants and retail food establishments on Monday October 3rd at the LPS Administration building. 105 CMR 590 requires that at least one person at each establishment be certified as a food protection manager. A notice has been sent to all permit holders informing them of the class with the link to register. Public Works: • Robert Beaudoin and Marissa Liggiero worked together to make rain barrels available for residents at a reduced cost. Approximately 140 barrels were purchased by residents. • Staff partnered with the Garden Club to replant around the Captain Parker statue on the Battle Green. • Verizon is scheduled to pull poles at Mass and Worthen on Friday September 16th which gives the Town back the intersection to complete the proj ect at this intersection. We estimate the work will be completed before the end of October. • Our APWA Reaccreditation review is scheduled for the week of September 19th—23rd. Human Services: • Mental Health Clinicianrn—The Town has partnered tivith Eliot Community Human Services to provide a dedicated clinician to Lexington residents through the use of ARPA funds. Baylee Fairhurst started on 8/23 and her caseload will be full as of next week. We are working at adding additional hours in the near future, but the second clinician the Town was supposed to have has a conflict and cannot provide services for the time being. • Bike Friendly Communities Application Update—The Town of Lexington Was awarded Bronze status as a Bike Friendly Community in our last application to the League of American Bicyclists in 2018. We will be re-applying in early February 2023. Because the application involves over 89 pages of data to collect from a cross-section of departments, we held a half-hour kick-off ineeting on September 8th with the range of staff and committee members that will be needed to contribute to the data collection. Mel Novner, Department Assistant for Human Services & Transportation, will be leading the effort. This process is not just about getting an award, but about tracking key metrics and outcomes that allow us to make progress on becoming a more bike friendly community. Recreation & Communit,�� r,� ams: • Community Center—The Outdoor Fitness Equipment has been installed at the Community Center. It is located in the rear of the building adj acent to the patio. A ribbon cutting ceremony is being scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 2022. More information to come. Please come by and try out this great new amenity and a BIG thank you to the Dana Home Foundation for providing funds to support this purchase. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Battle Green Use Request - Lexington Veterans Association PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he L exingto n Veterans A s s o c iatio n has reque s ted to us e the flagp o le are a o f the B attle G re en fo r the p urp o s e o f a Military F lag C eremo ny in ho no r o f W ins to n E. "P at" F lynn, the To wn's firs t Veterans S ervic e s O ffic er (V S O), to b e held on S unday, O ctob er 2, 2022 from 3:OOp m to 4:OOpm. T here will b e 24 memb ers o f the Mas s ac hus etts Army Natio nal G uard c o nduc ting the Military F lag C eremo ny und er the c o mmand o f C ap tain C hris to p her P o nd o f the M as s ac hus etts Army Natio nal G uard. A s p art o f the c eremo ny, s even memb ers o f the unit will fire a s alute. T he P o lic e D ep artment, D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks, F ire D ep artment and the To wn M anager's O ffic e have no objections to this request. At the Monday, S eptember 12, 2022 meeting, the S elect Board voted 5-0 to lift the suspension on permitting o n the B attle G reen as o f S ep temb er 3 0, 2022. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the reque s t o f the L exingto n Veterans A s s o c iatio n to us e the flagp o le area o f the B attle G re en fo r the p urp o s e o f a Military F lag C eremo ny in ho no r o f W ins to n E. "P at" F lynn, the To wn's firs t Veterans S ervic es O ffic er(V S O), to b e held on S unday, O ctob er 2, 2022 from 3:OOpm to 4:OOpm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor Licenses PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Lexin�ton Retailers Association: The Lexington Retailers Association has requested a One-Day Liquor License for the purpose of a beer garden within a cordoned o ff area at the end o f Muzzey S treet at Mas sachus etts Avenue to the south side o f 6 Muzzey S tre et. T he b e er gard en will b e utilized fo r the p urp o s e o f s erving b e er during L exingto n D is c o very Day on S aturday, O ctober 8, 2022 from 11:30am to 3:30pm. T he reque s t has b e en reviewed b y the P o lic e D ep artment, F ire D ep artment, To wn Manager's O ffic e and D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks With no c o nc erns. T he L exingto n R etailers A s s o c iatio n has b e en in c lo s e c o ntac t with To wn Engineering S taff to review the event lo c atio n relative to p o s s ib le wo rk in the area fo r the C enter S treets c ap e P ro j ec t. Engineering feels c o mfo rtab le wo rking with the ap p lic ant to finalize the event lo c atio n. Lexin�ton Historical Socie : The Lexington Historical Society has requested two One-Day Liquor Licenses to serve beer, wine and cider at B uc kman Tavern, 1 B ed fo rd S tre et, fo r the p urp o s e o f two "Tavern Night at B uc kman Tavern" events o n the following dates: • Tavern Night, Saturday, October 22, 2022 S:OOpm to B:OOpm(food and drinks to be served outside, directly behind Buckman Tavern near the garden area) • Tavern Night, S aturday, Novemb er 19, 2022 5:OOpm to 7:OOpm(fo o d and drinks to b e s erved ins ide o f Buckman Tavern) T he reque s t(s)have als o b e en reviewed b y the P o lic e D ep artment, F ire D ep artment, To wn Manager's O ffic e and D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks with no c o nc erns. Two p o lic e d etails are required fo r the alc o ho 1 at the event on S aturday, O ctober 22, 2022. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Lexington Retailers Association for the purpose of serving beer in a b eer garden within a c ordoned o ff area at the end o f Muzzey S treet* at Mas s achus etts Avenue to the s outh s id e o f 6 Muzzey S tre et during L exingto n D is c o very D ay o n S aturd ay, O c to b er 8, 2022 fro m 11:3 Oam to 3:30pm. *The location fo�the Lexington Discove�y Day bee�ga�den is subject to modification as may be�equi�ed by Depa�tment of Public Wo�ks and Town Enginee�ing up to the time of the event due to potential wo�k fo�the Cente�St�eetscape P�oject. To approve two One-Day Liquor Licenses for the Lexington Historical S ociety to serve beer, wine and cider at B uc kman Tavern, 1 B ed fo rd S tre et, fo r the p urp o s e o f the two events as fo llo ws: Tavern Night o n S aturd ay, October 22, 2022 from S:OOpm to B:OOpm outside, directly behind Buckman Tavern near the garden area; and Tavern Night o n S aturday, No vemb er 19, 2022 fro m 5:OOp m to 7:OOp m ins id e o f Buc krrlan Tavern. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �(�"�"�.�..,��������������:�����������y�:��.�.����r�����m�������.::...�.�c��.�.����r� ����:� .�������:����� �.�.������.� � �,��:�,:�,�..���m����.��������G����������q:���y�.��;��°��:������m���������,������°����I��������������p .��;�.������� �:���������.� �.�;����W��� tr i i+•� .,..i.�:�i,r ��o-V .�,,... 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One Berman's staffer will solely be checking ID's and running them through our IDScanner (it is a high-end IDScience scanner that can tell if an ID is fake, expired and is updated with new information on a monthly basis). If they have a valid ID that matches the person, they will be given a wristband to notify the pourers that this guest is of age. Our employees are TIPS certified with regards to checking identification and spotting intoxicated behavior. The second Berman's staffer will be selling "drink" tickets to the guests as well as "floating" around the beer garden, picking up garbage and keeping an eye on general behavior of the guests. We have not yet determined protocol and pricing of the tickets but we believe the scheme will be as follows: • Depending on pricing of the beverages, one ticket will be good for one "low ABV" beer and two tickets will be good for one "higher ABV" beer. •As of now, we are planning to allow each individual to purchase a maximum of four tickets. This can yield four "lower alcohol" beers or two "higher alcohol" beers or one "higher alcohol" and two "lower alcohol" beers. • No guests can take a beer outside of the fenced in beer garden. •Tickets are non-refundable. Beer will be provided by Harpoon/Clown Shoes. They will be providing two TIPS Certified (or equivalent) employees to pour at the event. We have not yet determined the line-up of beers but are currently thinking that we will have 4-6 beers available. Beerwill be available in cans only and we will open the cans for the guests. We will offer trash/recycling within the beer garden. We will allow children in with their families, but we will not allow unaccompanied minors into the beer garden. Well behaved dogs on leashes will be allowed in the beer garden. We will have tables and chairs set out for the guests and there will be a few EZ- UP Tents. One for Harpoon, one for our employees, and 1-2 to offer shade for guests. We are also hoping to have games to play at the backside (opposite Mass Ave) as entertainment for guests. There will be NO FOOD served by us but we will allow food to be brought into the beer garden. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Report for Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Town Report PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he s ub mis s io n o f rep o rts fo r the F is c al Ye ar 2022 Annual To Wn R ep o rt were due to the To Wn R ep o rt C o o rdinato r in early S ep temb er. T he draft vers io n o f the rep o rt was dis c us s ed at the S elec t B o ard meeting o n Mo nd ay, S ep temb er 12, 2022. At that me eting, M s. B arry was tas ked with re fining the rep o rt fo r final ap p ro val. T he S e lec t B o ard is b eing as ked to review and ap p ro ve the attac hed final vers io n o f the S elec t B o ard R ep o rt submission for the Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022)Annual Town Report. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the attac hed final vers io n o f the S elec t B o ard R ep o rt fo r s ub mis s io n to the F is c al Year 2022 Annual Town Report. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Reappointments & Resignation PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.4 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Reappointments: Annual Septembe�Reappointments O n July 26, 2022, an email was s ent to b o ard and c o mmittee memb ers who were up fo r reap p o intment o n S ep temb er 3 0, 2 022, reque s ting that they no tify the S e lec t B o ard O ffic e if they wis hed to b e c o ns id ere d fo r reappointment at the end of their term. The S elect Board O ffice requested an application and copy of the most rec ently c o mp leted S tate C o nflic t o f Intere s t Law O nline Training C ertif'ic ate (aka "ethic s"). T he S elec t B o ard O ffic e als o reque s ted that memb ers indic ate if they did no t wis h to b e reap p o inted. A remind er email was s ent o n b o th Augus t 9, 2022 and S ep temb er 8, 2 022 to any memb ers that had no t yet re s p o nd ed. T he c hairs and/o r c o-c hairs o f eac h b o ard and c o mmittee were als o info rmed o f the memb ers up fo r reap p o intment. Below is a list of boards and committees that are ready for reappointment(please see the attached list for more d etails). S tate C o nflic t o f I ntere s t L aw O nline Training is c o mp lete and up-to-d ate fo r tho s e ind ic ating reappointment. The attached list also includes those who a�e not to be�eappointed. The S elect Board extends its thanks and ap p rec iatio n fo r their time and e ffo rt in s erving the L exingto n C o mmunity. C ommunications Advisory C ommittee Design Advisory Committee F enc e Viewers Greenways C orridor C ommittee Housing P artnership Board Lexington Bicycle Advisory C ommittee L exingto n C enter C o mmitte e L exingto n C o unc il fo r the Arts Lexington Human Rights C ommittee Lexington S cholarship and Educational Fund C ommittee Monuments and Memorials C ommittee S ustainab le Lexington C ommittee Tax D eferral and Exemp tio n S tudy C o mmittee Tourism C ommittee Town Report C ommittee Transportation Advisory Committee Tree Committee Vision for Lexington C ommittee Water and S ewer Ab atement B o ard Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Board of Appeals Associates Resi nation: T�ision fo�L exington Comm ittee • T he S e lec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ac c ep t the re s ignatio n o f R ina Ko d end era fro m the Vis io n fo r Lexington C ommittee effective immediately. On behalf of the Town of Lexington, the S elect Board Members would like to extend their many thanks to Ms. Ko d end era fo r her time and s ervic e to the c o mmunity. SUGGESTED MOTION: To reappoint the board and committee members as indicated on the attached list effective on October 1, 2022. To acc ept the resignation o f Rina Kodendera from the Vision for Lexington C ommittee effective immediately. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � "�(�"�`�,���,����.���������������:�/C:.:"��r�r���.�.�����.����������m��:�r��m��.��/��������:���;������:���:��.�� .���c���:�:���� ���.��,��&����� � ����w�����p�m��������.��:�;��,,,,,,�� .��:�:�������.��°�� ����;�����:� ������°���� G O'' � R3 �. tly �+ }+ �+ ♦+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ ♦+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �+ �' C � � C C � � � � C � � C C � � � � � C C C C � 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O � a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a � a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a �; c� c� c� � c� c� c� c� c� c� c� � c� c� c� c� c� c� c� c� c� c� c� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� � � � � -� � � � * � � * OG � � � �'� � � OC * � � � � � OC � � -� * * � � � r r r L L t� t+ �� 0 � � � � �O �O �O � � � Q Q � � � � � � � � � Q � � � � � � � 0 0 ^' ^' ^' ^' � � � � � � � W W W W •�� •�� � � � U U � � � � J M J M N N N � E � U U � � � � ,� a� � a� U U U m m tn tn cq cn �� �� � � � a � O O O O � � j E N N N = � O O O M C'7 M C� � N � N (/�^(n^(n^ N N C� M M Q Q Q Q �� N �� N U5 �� �� �� c� t� N N N (n (n (n (n �(!� �(J� � � � � � � � O O O O O �°� �°� �°� Q Q (n (I� (/) - Qi � � M M M ' +� +� +� +� c�� 'c�� 'ca� v� u� E E � E E E .E � � � � � O O O � � +� +� +� J � J � J � � C � � � _ _ _ _ �- c'7 c� c� O O O O O O O O � � O O Q Q � N N N N N U� U� � . . . 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Do not click links, open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender, you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. H i Sta cey, Thank you for the info. Here is my resignation letter. Whom should i forward it to. I am moving out of state I am very sorry to leave the town where my children grew up. With a heavy heart I resign from my position in the town meeting and the Vision for Lexington. I was tremendously impressed by the dedication and drive of the people I worked with I look to contributing to the town when I return to Lexington Rina Kodendera On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 3:43 PM Stacey Prizio<sprizio@lexin�tonma.�ov>wrote: Good afternoon Rina, I heard from Margaret Coppe recently that you wish to resign from the Vision for Lexington Committee as you are moving out of state. Can you please confirm this?When resigning from a board or committee, members need to resign to the appointing authority(Select Board, in this case) and Town Clerk per the handbook. We will process the resignation at an upcoming Select Board meeting and create a vacancy on the committee. I will send you a resignation Ietter following the meeting. I appreciate your help! Thank you, Stacey Stacey A. Prizio i Department Assistant Office of the Select Board Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexin�ton,MA 02420 , Main: 781-698-4580 Direct: 781-698-4582 sl�rizio(�a,lexin�tonma.�ov s electboard(c�,lexin�tonma.�ov I lUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/N/U///4/U/F.RR��14Z'N'�N��NP2NlUlUIYlIIU/d/G/Ff4/NlPlfl4.! When writing or responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential. Regards, Rina 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamation- Recognition of Winston E. "Pat" Flynn PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.5 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n p o s thumo us ly rec o gnizing and ho no ring lo ngtime L exingto n re s id ent, and the To wn's firs t Veterans S ervic e s O ffic er(V S O), W ins to n E. "P at" F lynn. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and sign a proc lamation recognizing and po sthumously honoring Winston E. "P at" F lynn and to further name Monday, O ctob er 3, 2022 as Winston E. "P at" F lynn Day in the Town o f Lexington. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � :�,��:�,:�,.��.�;�,�.������.������:��° �ii�����,���.��,m"'�����.�� �a"�y������°�:��,����r������;����� �I���,�������� I[���,�;������ ����'������� ��,r ��q���� ;�� _ �_,.... � �, ��' � �J� �w �F ��ji �� ��, "",i,t� +����� � r, i�� . ��� � � ,� � �ok�� �t �.�xi�gt��, �.�c���c��ju�ett� � �;1 � �. � ',� n,�.��,..r �d�- ,�- � ` �„ � ��� X�� �"�°'���`������ SELECT BOARD OFFICE ���a�� PROCLAMATION Whe�eas: Winston Emery "Pat" Flynn was born in 1924 in West Lebanon, Vermont and entered military service with the US Army at the age of 18 in March of 1943 in Massachusetts; and Whe�eas: Pat went on to serve continuously on the front lines until 1945 during which time he made amphibious landings at Anzio Beachhead, Italy and St. Maxine Beachhead, France. He was buried alive when a direct shell hit his foxhole at Anzio killing his foxhole mate. He was hospitalized and returned to the front within a week; and Whe�eas: in 1950, Pat saw combat in Korea, leading over 80 consecutive patrols behind enemy lines. Wounded, he spent three days behind enemy lines in a foxhole, when his Battalion was overrun by the enemy. In 1951 Pat received a Battlefield Commission to 2nd Lieutenant for outstanding combat while under fire and in 1952, Pat became an original member of the l Oth Special Forces Group Airborne at Bad Tolz, Germany when he was personally recruited by Colonel Aaron Bank; and Whereas: during the cold war Pat went on to organize and command a Special Forces A Team; and Whe�eas: in 1962, Pat joined Company C, Sth Special Forces Group, Airborne at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Pat served as leader of a B Team controlling 7 A teams of Green Berets operating in the Delta in Vietnam and in October of 1963, Pat sustained catastrophic and career ending injuries during a combat jump in Vietnam; and Whe�eas: during his military tenure Pat earned the following awards and decorations: Bronze Star Medal; Purple Heart with three Bronze Oak Clusters; Army Commendation Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal with Bronze Clasp and Four Loops;European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with Arrowhead device and one Silver Service Star; World War II Victory Medal; Army Occupation Medal with Germany Clasp;National Defense Service Medal with one Bronze Star; Korean Service Medal with four Bronze Service Stars; Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Presidential Unit Citation; Combat Infantryman Badge with two Stars; Master Parachutist Badge; Expert Badge with Rifle bar; Marksman Badge with Pistol and Carbine bars; Special Forces Tab; Honorable Service Lapel Button-World War II; United Nations Service Medal; Republic of Korea-Korean War Service Medal; Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation; Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation with Palm device; and Whe�eas: in August of 2021, Pat was honored at the American Heritage Museum when he received the French Legion of Honor medal for his participation in the liberation of France during World War II; and Whe�eas: for over 45 years, Pat and his wife Edith have made their home in Lexington, Massachusetts where Pat continuing his civic minded leadership for the benefit of the Town and its residents including serving over 15 years on the Town Celebrations Committee including four as Chairman and originating with the approval of the Town's Selectmen, Lexington's Outstanding Youth Award Program. Pat served as the Town's first Veterans Services Officer, organized the annual Veterans Breakfast for many years and was a co-founder of the Lexington Veterans Association. Pat was named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, a life member of the Lexington Minute Men Company and was the 2006 recipient of the Lexington Lions Club White Tricorn Hat. Of all the honors Pat received, it is his White Tricorne Hat and Triple Combat Infantry Badge he is said to have valued the most. NOW, THEREFORE, WE THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby recognize and honor posthumously Winston E. "Pat" Flynn and name Monday, October 3, 2022 as Winston E. "Pat" Flynn Day in the Town of Lexington and encourage residents of all ages to participate in giving back to the Town of Lexington and the Country as Pat did so well. IN WITNESS WHEREDF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 19th of September 2022. JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: All-Alcohol Package Store Liquor License - Art's Specialties, LLC, 1666 Mas s achus etts Avenue, Unit H PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Artur N ergaryan,Ap p lic ant-Art's Specialties, LLC I.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached is an application from Arts Liquors LLC for an All-Alcohol Package Store to be located at 1666 Massachusetts Avenue, Unit H. All of the necessary documents have been provided by the applicant for this L iquo r L ic ens e ap p lic atio n. T he ap p lic atio n was s ub mitted to the relevant To wn s taff fo r review, inc lud ing Building, Zoning and Health Departments, and they have no objections to the Liquor License application in relationship to their departments. It was noted that the applicant must obtain any required permits or licenses from those respective departments that may be needed prior to opening the package store. In accordance with M G L C hap ter 13 8, the legal no tic e ran in the S ep temb er 8, 2022 L exingto n Minuteman and the ap p lic ant mailed the required notic es to abutters. Hours for a Package Store Liquor License would be the following hours within the Select Board Alcohol Regulation for Package Stores, unless amended by the Select Board: • Monday thru Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mr. Artur Nergaryan,Applicant/Manager on Record, indicated that his business model for this proposed p ac kage s to re wo uld als o inc lud e the s ale o f p ac kaged items s uc h as flavo red o live o il, vinaigrette, c ho c o late, crackers, hot sauces, dried fruit, m�nuts, dried meat, tea. The proposed hours the Store will be operate will b e 10 am to 8 pm, Monday through S aturday, 12 to 8 on S undays. Art's S p ecialties, LLC also has package s to re lo c atio ns in B elmo nt, Maynard and S herb o rn. Mr. N ergaryan will b e at the me eting to ans wer any questions you may have regarding his application for a package store to be located at 1666 Massachusetts Avenue. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to the application from Arts Specialties, LLC for an All-Alcohol Package Store to be located at 1666 Massachusetts Avenue, Unit H, for the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday thru S aturday and 12:00 p.m, to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday and after the application has been approved by the ABCC, to issue the all alcoholic Package Store Liquor License to Art's Specialties, LLC. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 6:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.������m�,��,����������������s,������,����c���°�,,,,,�.�:��������������������.�.::...��f..���� �:���������.� ��,����&��� � IC�,����������iim�����::..��c;���;�c:���c����"�;�a��������:����,�,:��:�����a��������+������:�������ue„���: ��c����u�I�� IC��,���a���� � �������������.�,���.��r� „,�.��,�����:����,,���,��������;�:��i�����;�.�m� �:���������:� ��,����&��� �'he C'ommanwealth af Massachusetts ,�� Alcoholi�Beverages Cor�trol Cammissian 95 Fourth Street, S'uite 3, C'helsea,MA 021 Sll-2'358 . www.mass.,gov/abcc � APPLICATIC)N FfJR A NEW LICENSE Municipality Lexingtc,n 1. L�CENSE CI�A551FI�ATIC�N iNFt�RMATICJN t�N1C1FF-PRENIISES TYPE CATEGCIRY CLASS iJff-Premises-15 §15 Package Stare All Alcahalic Beverages Annual Please prc►vide a narra�ive averview of the transaction(s�beir�g appii�d for.C�n-premises applicants shauld aisa provide a des�riptian af the intended theme or cancept of the business r�peration.At�aCh additianal pages,if necessary. I am opening a new speciaity fa►vd store with alcc►hol. Is this license application pursuant to spe�ial legislation? � y�� �; No �hapter Acts of 2. �►IJSI�'�IESS E�ITII�Y INFC1f�N1ATIt�IV The entity that will be issued the license and have operatic�nal contr4l Qf the premises. Enti�y I�ame Art's Speciaities,LLC �EIN 46-3833981 DBA Art's 5pecialties,L�.� Manager c�f Re�cord Ar�ur Nergaryan 5treet Address 1+5fif�Mass,Ave.�exington,MA�242(� Phone 857-998-7925 Email artsspe�cialties�gmail.+com Alternative Phone 617-484-0►435 Website www.artsspecialties.com �. aEsca��►-r�or� o� �►�c��n�s�s Piease prauide a camplete d�scripfiion af�he premises ta be licensed,including the nurnber c�f floors,nurnber of raoms on each floor,any outdoar areas to be in�iuded in the licer►s�d area,and to�al square fc�c�tage.Yau must also submit a floor plan. The lacatian is on�he 1st flac�r with ane entrance and one exit, it has no sitting.T'otal sq ft 1489. Tota)Square Footage: 14$9 �Jumber of Entrances: 1 Seating Capacity: �J Number af Floors 1 I�umber of Exits: 1 Occupancy Number: 3C1 4. APP�ICATICaN �CINTACT The application conta�ct is�he person wham the ficensing authorities should con�kact regarding this app�ication. Name: Artur Nergaryan Phone: 857-998-79�5 Title: Manager/Nlember Emai{: �rtssp►ecialties@gmail.cam 1 APPLICATIC.�N FCJR A NEW LICENSE . CC,�RPC�RATE STRUCTI�RE Entity�egal Structure LLC Date of Incorparation 14/2413 State of In�c�r oratian Massachuse�ts !s the Carporation publicly traded? C�` Yes C: No p �i. PRt�PC��rED t)FFI�ERS, STtJ�K f�R CJWNE�SHIP INTE�tEST List all individuals or entities t��t will h�ve a direct or indire�t,beneficial ar financial interest in this licens�e�E.g.Stockh�olders,Officers, Directars,���Managers,�LP Partners,Trustees etc.}.Atta�h additional page{s}provided,if necessary,utilizing Addendurn A. • The individuals and titles�isted in this section mus�k be identica!to those filed with the Massachusetts Se�retary af State. • The individuals identified in this section,as wel!as the proposed Manager of Record,must camplete a�ORI Release Form. • Please note the fal�awing statutary requiremen�s for C�irec�kars and LL�1Vlanagers: fJn Premises tE.g.Restaurar�t/Club/Hotel}Diret#ors ar LLC Managers -At least 50%must be US citizens; Off Premises(I.iquar S#are}pirectars ar L�.0 IV'tanagers -All must be U5 citizens and a majority must be Nlassachusetts resid�nts. • If yau are a Multi-Tier�d CJrganization,piease attach a flow chart identifying each corparate interest and the ir�dividual owners of each entity as well as the Articles of C7rganization fc�r each carpcarate entity. Every individual must be identified in Addendum A. f�arne c�f Principal R�sidential Address SSN DOB Ar�ur I�lerg�r�yan 5 Partridge st IN�tertown,MIA 02472 � _ � Tit1e and ar Pasitian Percen�ac,�e of Ownershi Directcar/LLC Manager U5�itizen MA Resident Manac�er 1�� (:Yes (�"No C�"`Yes C'`No C:Y�s C'"No �Jame of Princ�pal Residentiai Address SSN D(�B Title and or Position Percenta e of tJwr�ershi Directar/LL�Manager US Citizen IVIA Resident �"" Yes C�"`No �""Yes C'No C'Yes C'No Name of Principal Residential Address S5N DCJB Title and or Position Percentage of(Jwnershi Directc�r/LLC Manager US Citizen MA Resident C`'Yes ("``Na C""Yes �'"'No C"'Yes C`Na Name of Principal Residential 1�ddress SSN DC�B Title and or Positic�n Percentac�e of 0►wnershi Director/LLC Manager US+�itizen MA Resident C'Yes C'`No C�''Yes C�No �""Y�s C'`No Name af Prin�ipai Residential Address 551V DtJ6 Title and or Posifiian Percentaqe of 0►wnershi Director/LL�Manager US�i�izen MA Resident ('Yes C""`�Ja �""`Yes C'No C'Yes C"""No Additianal pages attached? �^Yes C:No CRIMINA�HIST(aRY Has a�ny individual listed in questian 6,and applicabfe attachments,ever b�eer�convicted of a (`Yes {: No State,Federal or Military Crime?If yes,attach an affidavit providing the details of any and all canvi�tia►ns. 2 APPLICATIClN FCJR A NEW LICENSE 6►A. INTEREST IN AN A�CC►HCILIC BEVERAGES LICE�ISE Daes any individual or en�ity identified in question 6,and applicabie attachmerrts, have any direct or indirect,benefici al ar financial interest in any ather license to sell alcahalic beverages? Yes � Na [� ��yes,list in table belaw.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table format below. Name License Type License Nam� Municipality Artur Nergaryan off-premises 15 Art's Specialties Belmant Artur Nergaryan afF premises 15 Art`s Specialties Maynard Artur Nergaryan off-premises 15 Art's Specialties 5herborn fB.PREVICIUSLY HEI.D INTERE5T IIV AN ALCC�HClL1C BEVERA�E5 LICENSE Has any individual or entity identified in questian 6,and applicable attachments,ever held a direct or indirect,bene�'ic�al ar financial interest in a li�ense�a sell alcohalic beverages,which is not presently held? Yes ❑ No �X Ifyes,list in table below.Atta�h additiana!pages,if necessary,utifizing the table farmat belaw. Name License Typ� License 1�arne Nlunicipality fC.pISCI.C�SURE t�►F LICENSE D►ISCIPLINARY A+CTIC�N Have any of the disclased lice�ses listed in ques�ion�Aor�iB ever been suspended,revaked or cancelled? ��,� � �� � If yes,lis�in table belaw.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table farmat belaw, Date of Actic�n Name c�f I�icense �ity Reason for suspension,revocation or cancellation 7. C�CCU PAN�Y C�� PRE1�111'�ES �ieas�compl�te all�elds in this s�ctia►n. Please provide proof af legal accupancy of the premises. • If the appli�ant entity c►wns the premises,a deed is required. • If leasing or rerrting the premises,a signed��py of the lease is required. • If the lease is conting�nt an the apprQval af this ficense,and a signed lease is not availabie,a copy of the unsigned lease and a letter of intent to lease,signed by�he applicant and the landlord,is required. • If the real estate and business are owned by the same individuals listed in question �, either individually ar thrflugh separate busin�ss entities,a signed�opy c�f a lease between the two entities is required. Please indi�ate by what means the applicant will accupy the premises Lease l.andlard Name Sharan Spaulding Landlord Phr�ne 781-faa8-5074 �andlord Email sesC�spauldingco.�am �andlord Address 4g�Virginia Road�ancard,MA Lease Beginning Date 11/41/202� Rent per Month f2t�4 Lease Ending Date 12/31/2�31 Rent per Year 74454 Wil!the Landlord receive revenue based on percentage of alcoha!sales? (�"'Yes C: �10 � APPI.ICATIt�N Ft�R A NE1N LICENSE 8. FINANCIAL DISC�CaSURE A.Purchase Price for Rea!Estate 0 � B.Purchase Price far 6usiness Assets a C.t�ther*(Please specify belaw} 43504 �t�ther Cost{s}:{i.e.Casts associated with License Transaction including but not limited to: Property price, Business Assets, D.Totai Cast 4350� Renovations costs,Constructian costs, initial Start-up ccasts, Inventory costs,or specify ather costs};" S{�URCE QF CASH CtJNTRIBUTI(JN Please provide documentatian of available funds.(E,g.Bank or other Financial institution Stafiements,Bank�etter,etc.) Name of Contributor Amount vf�ontributian Art's 5pecia#ties �43500 �.m�..�� ,,,��a�.��r.��� ri.�.�.�._.�� m��w� .�__......._. w.� a� ..o.... .. .. . .. �_._.... _.. .._.... ` Tc�tal� 435 � � ���.. ll��,. ..�..�.����.__._...m. ��r�. ....�.....��.. � m,o�.�__.... w _ �..��_....... �u� _� S{�URCE{�F FINANCING Please pravide signed financing documentation� Is the lender a licensee pursuant Name of�ender Amount Type of�inancing to M.G,�.Ch.138. �"""Yes C�" No ("''Yes C�' No ('Yes C` Na (""'Yes C^`' No FiNAN�IAL!NF{JRMATitJN Provide a detailed explanation of the form�s)and sour�e(s}af funding far the�ast identified above. The initial cost of the renovation and inventory will ca►rne fram the ex�iting Art's Specialties business a�counts. 9. Pl.EDCE INFCiRMATIC�N Please provide signed pledge docurnentation, Are you seeking apprcaval for a pledge?�^Yes C:No PI+��S�IndlCat�Whdt yfJU d1'E'S�E'ICIt1g ta pIE'dC��(check all that app�y} � ���p�,� � Stack ❑ Inventory To wham is the pledge being made? 4 14. MANAGER APPI.ICA?I+rJIV A.MANAGER INFC7RMATIOIV The individual that has been appainted tc�manage and cantrol the licer�sed business and premises. Propased Manager Name Artur Nergaryan Date of Birth 55N Residential Address 5 Partridge st Wafiertown,N1A�2472 Email anerkaryan@yahoc�.cam Pht�ne 857-998-7925 Please indi+cate how many hours per week you intend ta be on the licensed premises 4a �,CITIZENSHiP/E3A�KGR(�UND INFCIRMATICIN Are yau a U.S.Citizen?�' (:Yes C~'Na �Manager must be a U.S.Citizen If yes,attach c�ne of the fal�owing as prc�of of citizenship US Passport,Vater's Certificate,Birth Certificate ar Naturalization Papers. Have you ever been convicted af a state,federal,or military crime? �"'`Yes C'Na If yes,fill out the table below and attach an a�fidavit praviding the details of any and all canvictions.Attach additional pages,if necessary, utiiizing the format below. Date Muni�ipality Charge Disposition C.EMP�OYMENT lNFORNIATION Please provide your employment histary.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the format below. Start Date End Date Position Emplayer Supervisor Name �C!/2�13 Manager A�t'S S�JE'CIdI�IES,L�C D.PRICIR DISC1P�Ih1ARY ACT1fJN Have yau hefd a beneficial ar financial interest in,or been the manager of,a license ta sell alcaholic beverages that was subject tc� disciplinary actian? ���� ��� If yes,please fill out the table.Atta�h additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the farmat below. Date of Action Name af�ic�nse State City Reason for suspension,revocation or cancellativn !hereby swear under the pains and penalties of perju that the inform io have pravided in this application is true and accurate: Manager's Signature � Date 08/17j2022 ,.,� ,� i 5 11. �ANA+�E�ENT AGREEMENT Are you requesting apprc�val to utilize a managem�nt company�hrough a management agreement? �y�� ,�';��, If yes,please fill aut section 11. P{ease provide a narra�ive overview af the Management Ag�eement.Attach additianal pages,if necessa�ry. INIPCfRTANT NC3TE:A rnanagement agreernent�s where a ficensee authorizes a third party to cantrol the daily aperations af the license premises,while retaining uitimate control over the lic�nse,through a written contract. 7his does rrat pertain to a liqut�r license manager that is ernployed directly by t�he entit�y. 11A. 11�ANACEIVIE�IT ENTITY List all prc�pased individua{s ar entities that w�ll have a direct or indirect,beneficial or financial inter+�st in the management Entity{E.g. Sta►ckholders,C7ffi�ers,Directars,LLC Managers,LLP Partners,Trustees etc.}. Entity Name Address Phone Narne of Prin�ipa! Residential Address SSN DC7B Title and or Position Percentage of C�wnershi� Director US Citizen MA Resident C``Yes C""No C'Yes �"""No �"`Yes C`I�v I�arne o�Pr�ncipa) Residential Address 55N DOB Titleand ar Pasition Percen�tage oftJwnership Director US�itizen MA Resid�nt C'Yes C�'No C`""Yes C"`No C'`Yes C'"`No �l�rne af Prin+�ipal Residentia!Address SSN DCt6 Title and or Position Percentage af awnership Director US Citizen MA Resident {`" Yes C""No C`Yes C"` Na C""'Yes C```No Narne of Principal Residentiaf Address `�� d�� Title and or Pasitian Percen�age of t�wnership Director U5+�itizen MA Resid�nt C"'`Yes (""No C'`Yes �""`No C``Yes C�`No CRINIINA�HIST(JRY Has any individual iden�kified abov�ever been con�ric�ed af a State,Federal or Military Crime? ("'`Yes ("�'No If yes,attaeh an affidavit providsng the details of ar►y and all cQnvictions. 116. EXISTlNG 11I�ANA�`aE�1/IEI�T 14►taREEMENTS AND INTEREST !N AN AL.COHCJl.IC BEVERAt'aE5 LICENSE Does any individual or entity iden�tified in questian�1 A,and applicable atta�chrnents, have any direc#ar indirect,ben�ficial c�r financial interest in any other license to sell alcaholic beverages;and or have an active rnanagement agreement with any ather iicensees? Yes ❑ No ❑ �f Y����ist in�able�ieyow.Attaeh additional pages,if neeessary,ufiilizing the table format belaw. Name �icense Type License�Jame 1Vlunicipality 6 11+�. PREVIt�USLY NE�D iNTEFtEST IN AN ALCC�Nt�LIC BEVERAGES LICENSE Has any individual or entity identified in questian 11A,and appli�able attachments,ever held a direct or indirect,beneficial ar financial interest in a license to sell alcoholit beverages,which is nat presently held? Yes ❑ Na►� #�Y�$��fst in�abl�below.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utifizing the ta�ble farmat below. Name License Type License f�ame Municipality 11D. PREVItJUS�.Y HEI.D f�l1ANAGEMENT AGREEMENT Has any individual or entity identified in question 11 A,and applicable attachments,ever held a management agreement with any other Massachusetts licensee? Yes [� Na � �f yes,list in table below.Attach additional pag�s,if necessary,utilizing the table farmat belaw. Licensee Name License Type Municipality Date{s}of Agreemen# 11E. a1S�LC?SIJRE C�F LICENSE DfSCIPLINARY�►CTIC�N Has any of the dis+�losed licenses listed in questians in section 118,11 C,11 D ever been suspended,revaked c�r cancelied? Yes � Nt� � �f yes,list in table belaw.Attach addi�ionai pages,if necessary,utilizing the table format belaw. Date c�f A�tion Name af License City Reason far suspensian,revocatian or cancellatian 11F.TERMS C)F A�REEMENT a.aoes the agreemen�provide for termination by the licensee? Yes � Na C] b.Will the li�ensee re�kain control of the business finances? Yes �] I�a [� c,Does the managemer�t entity handle the payroll for the business? Yes � I�a [� d.Nlanagement Term Begin Date e.Management Term End Date f.Now will the management campany be campensated by the{icensee?(check a�ll that apply) ❑ $per mon�hlyear�indicate a�mount} ��'� Q °!o c�f alcohol sales(indicate percentage� � ❑ %of averall sales(indi�cate percentage} � � other{please explain} ABCC[.i�ensee tJffiter/L�C IVlanager Management Agreement Entity C�fficer/�l.0 Manager Signature: �ignature: Title: Title: Date. Date: 7 APPLICAIVT'S STATEMENT I,Artur Nergaryan the: �sale praprietor; ❑ partner; ❑corporate principal; � LLCjLI.P rnanager Autharized Signatory of Art's Spe�ialties,l.1.0 Name of the EntityfCorporation hereby submit this application {hereinafter the "Application"�,ta the lacal{icensing autharity�the"�t�A"'}and the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 4the "ABCC"and together with the�LA callectiveiy the"�icensing Authorities")far approval. I da hereby declare under the pains and penalties af perjury that I have personal knawledge of the infarrnatian submitted in the Applic�tian, and as such affirm that all statements and representations therein are true to the best of my knawledge and belief. 1 further submit the following to be true and accurate: �1} l understand th�t each representation in this Application is materiai to the�icensing Authorities'decision on the Application and that the�icensing Authorities�vill rely on each and every answer in the Applicatian ar�d accompanying dacuments in reaching its decisian; �2} 1 state that the lacation and description af the praposed licensed premises are in compliance with state and local laws ar�d�-egu{ations; {3} I understand that while the Applicatian is pending, l must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the informatican submitted therein. I understar�d that failu�e to give such natice ta the Licensing Authorities may result irr disappro�ral a►f the Applicatic�n; �4} I�u�nderstand that upon approual c�f the Applic�tion, ! must notify the Licensing Autharities af any change in the ownership as approved by the E.i�ensing Authorities. 1 understand that failure to give such notice to the l.icensirrg Authorities may result in san�tions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; {5) 1 understand that the licensee will be baund by the statements and representations made in the Application,including, but nat limited to the identity of persans with an awnership ar financial interest in the license; {f} I understand that ali statements and representations made become canditians af t�►e license; ��} I understand that any physica4 alterations ta ar char�ges to the size af the area used for the sale,delivery,storage,or consumption af alcaholic beverages,must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior apprc�val of the Licensing Authorities; {8} I understand that the licensee's failure ta aperate the licensed premises in accordance with the staterrrents and representatians made in the Ap►plicatian rr�ay result in sanctia►ns, including the revc�cation af any license for which the Applicatian was submitted;ar�d {9} I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause far disapproval of the Applicatian or sanctions including revocatian of any license for which this Application is submitted. �1p} I confirm that the appiicant corporation and each individual listed in the ownership section of the application is in good standing with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and has complied with all laws of the Commonvuealth relating to taxes, reparting of employees and contractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. SignatUre: Date: o����12022 Title: Manager/Member ENTITY VtJTE Art's Specialties,LLC The Baard of C�irectors or LLC Managers of Entity Name duly voted to apply to the Licensing Authority of �exin�ton and the City/Town Connr�nonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Cantral C�rnmission on °$�°���a�� Date of Meeting Far the follawing transactians{Ch�ck all that apply}: Q New License � Change of Lacation a Change of Class c�.e.Annual!Seasonal) � Change Corparate Structure t�.�.Corp!�LC) � Transfer of l.icense � Aiteratian a►f LEcensed Premises ��hange af License T�pe c�.e.club I restaurant� ❑ �'ledge of Collateral t�.e.�.�ce�serstocka Q Change of Manager � Change Carporate Name ��hange of Categc�ry t�.e.All Akohpl/Wine,M,�it� ❑ ManagementlOperating Agreement �hange a►f Officers/ Change of Ownership Interest Q Issuance/Transfer of Stock/New Stockholder Q Change c�f Hours � Directors/��C Managers � {I.LC Merr►bers/��P Partners, Trustees} Q Clther � Change of DBA "VO►TED:To authoriz� Artur I�ergaryan �#ame of Persc�n to sign the applicatian submitted and ta execute on the Entity's behalfi, any necessary papers and do all things required to have the application granted." "VC}TED:To c�ppoint Artur Nergaryan Name of Liquar License 11�/lanager as its manager of recard, and her�eby grant him or her with full authority and control of the premises described in the license and authority and control af the conduct of all business therein as the licensee itself could in any way have and exercise if it were a natural persc�n resid i�g i n the Com monwea Ith af M assach usetts." For Cor�porations C}N�Y A true cc,py attest, A true copy attest, ,�� ,.���. , Corparat� icer/LLC anager Si,gnature Carporation Clerk's Signature C�� �� �` � � � - '� {Print�lame} {Print �Iame} �A SUC Filing Number: 2�221171055a Date: 3i11 i2�22 9:47:0� P� ro��,�,. ��,� fihe Commonwe�lth of ��ss2��hu�etts Minirnum Fee:$50U.40 '�i , ,, � . ��� �_� ��� ���� Wi�liam �rancis �alvin � � . ����.�. .� �, � � ., �"' .�. �� � � � °' Secreta af�he Commanweaith Car oratio�s D�visian �� � � �.Y , p �� �� � �� �� ��� .� � (Jne Ashburton Place, 17th floor �� ��� � � � � `� Bas�on,MA a2108-1512 ���� �;� ,�� ; �'�'�� ��,•��� Telephone: {d 1?}727-9C4(� f �� �� ;� �� , v. ,,� � . "- o� � s° w r �r �r w� � r. y�,- r� q'S,I ' Identification Number. Cl(31 I 18147 °`:� � � � Annual Report Filing Year:2C}22 `��� �r 1.a. Exac#name of the limited liability company: ART'S�PECIALTIES,LLC � , � 1.b.The exact name af the limited liability campany as amended, is: ART'S SPECIALTIES,LLC �4 � ;, �'���� 2a. �acation o#its princip�l offiC�: ;� � No.and�treet: 3f 9-371 TR:APELt�RD ,y�' � City or Town: BELMCJNT �tate: MA Zip: C124�8 Country: U�A ,�; ,�, f � n� 2b. Street address of#he office in the Commonwealth at vrrhich the reca►rds will be maintained: � ,; Na. and�treet: ��►9-3'71 TR,APELC}RD ��; City or Town: B�,LM{�NT Sra�e: MA Zip. a2��8 �ountry: USA ; 3.The general character c�f business,and if the limited liability campany is arganized ta render professicanal �� �; service,the service to b+� rendered: �� ���� ART'S �PE�'IALTI�� I�A SP��IAI.TY�t�CJRMET SHCJP.WE C)�ER�HE���,V�►�I1'�E BEER,FLA � ��� VC)R�D+�LI'�l�QIL,VINAI�R.�TTE,C'HC�C(JLAT�,CRAt�I�.��R�,SPIC�ES,SAL���S,DRIED F"RLJIT, r i , DRI�T�M�AT,T�A,AND MC}R�.CJUR MISSIt�N IS T(�►BE C�LJR�"USTOMER�' Cr(J-TC)PL�►�'E�tJ R FINE�C�CID�HC}PFING AND Tt�SFLL PR�}D�.�CT� t��THE HIGHEST C�UALITY AND VALLJ�T � � � � _ � � ��� HAT ARE HFALTHY,NUTRITIt�U�A�W�LI.AS Tt�►PR(��JID�O�tJTSTANDII`JG PERSCJ�A►I�,�ERV W:�' � � IC��S AT THE L.C�WEST PC)SSIBL�PRI��S. � ; , , 4.The latest date of dissoiution, if specified: � �� ����� 5. Name anc!add res�of the Resid�rrt Agent: :� , Name: ART[JR i'�I�ER�`rARYAN '' ,,u ` No. and Street: 82 FI�RC'F RD '; City ar Tc�wn: WAT�RTO►WN State: MA Zip: �2472 C'ountr�: U�A '� �.The r�ame and business address af each manager, if any: Tit1e Individual Name Address(no Po Box) First,Middle,Last,Suffix Address,City or Town,Sta#e,Zip Code , MANAGER AF�TUR NERGARYAN � '' 5 P'ARTRIDGE �����F WATERTC?WI�,MA 02472 USA , t�� �� �.� ' 7.The name and business address of the person(s}in additian to the manager(s},authorized to execute � ������� dacument�to be filed with the Corporations Division,and at least one person shall be named i#there are na ��� ��I t1'"li�11'dC„��f'S. ,�� �r i F� ;. T'itle Inc�ividual Na�me Address�no�o eax� zr� First,Middle,Last,�uffix Address,City or Tawn,State,Zip Code � ,� SC}C SIG�JATlJf�Y AaTl1FC NERGARYAN 5 PARTRlDGE�T ;`� ;: WATERTC3WN,MA 02472 USA ,f � <:; � 8.The name and business address of the person(s)authorized to execute,acknawledge,deliver anc� record ' , any rect�rdable instrument purporting ta affect an inter�st in real property: ' Title Individu�� N�me Address�no Po�ox� ��; , �; First,Middle,Last,�uffix Address,City or Tawn,State,Zip Cade REA�PRtJPERTY ARTUR NERGARYAN 5 PARTRIDGE�T WATERTC7WN,MA�2472 USA ,, �:�� ��� 9.Ad�ditional matters: ;�� ���� �I+�NED U1�D�R THE PEl'��►iLTIES UF PERJURY,this 11 Day of March,2�22, ���. ARTUR I'�1ER�"rA�.YAN ,Signature af Authorized Signatary. ' � � .;� �':X, �, 1!; v,l'; ,,,yi.,.,j ;...�.�"',I ..,.:';,�,i I C3 2�01 -2U22 Cammonw�alth of Massachusetts All Rights Reserved MA�C�C �iling Number; 20221171(�55� Date: 3I11/2022 9:47:Q� PM T����(�I���IfJI`���:EA.LT'�tJF I�'IA��A.C��:JSETT� I hereby cer�ify that, upon examinatiorr of this dacument,duly submitted ta me, it appears that the provisions af the�`reneral Laws relative to corporations have been camplied�rith, and i hereby approve said articies; and the f ling fee having been paid,said articles are deemed to have beer►filed with me an: March 11, 2a22 0►�:47 PM . - �' WILLIAIVI FRAN�I� �ALVIl`�1 Secretary of the C''ommonwealth �f � � w ����� .#.I.����/�r�����tT��i���� I�w1�.�.�.���' � 1��6�MA�S'�'A�'.�U�`�T.7"'�A����T�T�, L��C'I�V`+�Tt�'1'�, .��A Te�a�t: Art's �►peci�lties, LL+� .F'ir;�t��o►or, ;�'tore�� T�►:�LE ��' +��T�I'��� �ECT�� p�� �♦ �/�'^'����i �^I,��+�`����id� ♦M��s Y�r Y r Y�����r Y ir�i��r W�Y M M U 4 M��i Y 11 s�U r r r�r�Y\O r��4+Y M M���fr r r�Iw r t Y f�i s�r i�r�U���Y r r Ar r F r�s+i F��r�s 4�11��r a� �f ������i;�+`+�+w+`����+1�4r/♦�������!����r�����O��i�f�M�i�r��Y��Y��Y�r��4 Y�t r�r�M 0�����r��i 1�1 M 1 i i�W�#�M�t IY i 4�i Y r�r���Y i Y r Y�r i 1����•� �/'• ����.��4i�-i F�i�+1�IY►�1M w M�����1��*�i y��M�1�i�r r����i���r��IY�Y W��o��4���!���r��w w w r���1i w���r r i��Y�E 1/�r��r i�It��i i�11 W 4#���i�M#�r r�o i�������4 Y�4�i 1�i•� �i ��,�.`il+i.E E i��r��4��y i If��I���4�y y�����r���Y 4���F 4 i r�4�r A f�iY�Y�r����w i�P r Y Y�i W 1�r��F Y�w�IY��w Y 1�U�Y��i�Y r E r��w�`Y M Y�A 4 w 4�4 4�����Y e�!�����i F QY Y�4 4!r!i V 5. Z'IME A�1�PLAC�CJF PA�'�.VIEl��'I'�lI,,,ATE FE�/��C'�.JRI"I'Y I�EPt��,IT.......................4 6. �E�.T�,,I:�T(�PERATIN�CO�T�,T�i.��E��,,I"�I��.TTIL�`��''C}�3LI�A,TIfJN�....................5 7 f ��i 14.•i 1w�•���i i���I r�M�r 11�*U�11 r i����f i 11�i�Y��M��r r�r*f f II�i N IY i i Y r r��ill*t 11�r!!Y O��i�i Ii Y Y r F i��*U U�f ill R i����M f�1 w����r«/1�►���{i Y r���M��i O 1 O f 1i��/1 r� '�"r Y\r/ii�/�Jryl����l����r���y s W�*s*���r��r s����s�4�w����s r:���+���r w�����1r r:f�#�S�1r 1r���11��r�f k!�����r��F�11�w��r�r�r i�����a�w�w��i►/ �V. 9. t�C�l'�TII�►ITICJ,�l`�/PP:.EPA►��.A.TItJl`�1 CJF�'REN�I�ES/.��.I.,TE��A�I�IC►1'��/��EZ�.��'��T....................'7 1�. �!�AI�T��T.AI"�t�E.A]"��F�.EP.AIR'� •MiOMilir�rli�l��YY�I��Yi�Y�sli���Ulllilt�YMRw�4l�MIIM1M4f�iii�yh�Yi�y��MrrMl�yr��i�Y�i11�•�A. ��� ������'���F�"�'+',��•�r����1��i i i 1�����*M 4��i i�M��I�r���i M{*Y�i�i k 4!i�i a 6 r��f����4��F��i M i�*r r r i M t!�����i�1 4�i W i�i i M Y M������M M���i��i�i��i�� i Y• ��u�ly�W i i`�uV' �Yi./��{�/i i.rw�/�i #�/'�,.j��i.L 1y�.�y/��i��i�i M M r f��4 r�M a�!4 f i i.+Y�s�!U!M��s i�r�!���s�M�i r w!��i�b Y��11����U i►��M���M1 1 S�U M�11��i i.+r ��• �-"""����'�'^' �"*�'��+��r��r M r r i r�Y�W��Ilr�r 4 i r!r�r r�r��M M r Y k r w r r Y�r��r�`r w 4!t r�u r M�r��r�M r�1M�r�{*A���r�LL�M rF 11 b�r r�i M Y���+11�r r M r M��4��♦i IY/ ��Y �����Y{w����1��0��11 4 4 U 4 i Ii�IY R U�r q�IM IU y i�M�i w�y f��*{«�1�����i�1�!�N�i r y i�rt i f f�r s r W����r���r r r r���i Y Y�Y Y�i 1 i��i Y�r�t�f�U������#��M f 4 i��Y Y Y r�i V 1�M �*✓�i✓IY�/IV•Y 4�M1 y��y�y*y���i Y Y�y��Y M 111 Y r Y�Y�R�I!W i M 1M r i Y i i�y�y��{��4 0�w r W�r�r r Y i 111 O 4 i Y i Y Y��r f�i�4���Y i Y i����i�i Y��!11 t�i i Y�i��1�11���4 11 1e�i i Y Y i y�y f� ■ 1�• '""�•/'"•i�/���'�**����"'����+/.`�4.I�1.-i.,LJ.4�i •�a��Y�r w r M 4 M s�r��W�r��r 1 n��f�r s Ir IM 11 11�e r n IM r���lY 1+Y��r�����iR��r�a r�r�r r r���r r r M�s�r r i�•i ■ ��. I�►EM(`JJLITI(�I"��.���r�w�M�y����rw���r���rr��rsrr����������rsrr�r�rrrMri�rr�rw���r�rasrrrr*wr���r�rrw��rrrrrrwrrrrrWtt���r�wwrbr�rw•i 1 1�. �tTBC�F�II�TA.T�C�I`��............................................................................�..............................14 1�. TENA:NT'� �1J►��]EI"�A�3T�.....................................................................�........................15 2U. TEl`��A,�NT'�I��FAt.TL,TS...................................................................................................19 �.1. RI+C i�i�I'S�CJ�`L.�►1�II�L(�R.T�UPt�►�TEl'�,A►�'�T'�II;]►►EF.A�LT..........................................�.t 2U Y.�IwF• a�.���./'V�i J.��4 M�r M M r y i IY�U��IY y�'r r M���R s�M w f��+I/�F����F 4�II�i�Y r M�w��4�4�y��11 11 w r y i ilr k����U 4 M���f�����11Y�1/+Y M��r�M r Y i M fr f�Y�11�«��i�M�*��Ir i O���4I�f <i1�. LIA�ILITY C�F LA�I�►L,(�►R'�►♦���a�i��xr�������ww���raN�+r��w�rM���rr.���r�r�4�wa��W������w���4�rwM������w��sa��rr.����������1f�/I�l rlll�• �V�V i�./IL���R�`4.+/+�`r������Y 4�w IY r 11 s s r�Y 11��w f����r�Iw r 4�y�s s�O��s�r%����M�4���*%Y��s�i���Y a���k������r O i�����s'��k w���������r M M�����4 r��I�f All/ ��� ����"/��'�'I�������rJ Ji.hY��M Y�i�M����O�11�i Y Y����11�Ir��t 1:�Y����f U�#i f�Y���Y��II�4 i i i w���Y�Y�Y�►Y M M f i i i M�If i!`F��Y M M M W f�r Y M 1�M i t U M k M Y r�r Y 4�Y�I��I Y\/• ������•A..i�Yr/V\J.•illlw v.L✓ �+i.•i.yl �S.iI��i w'�/�F i��1Y�.�/i.i 1r/���,��II�A��i M+i#i�1 iR��i 1�U 11 1 4 Y#Y AY�!�M O 4 r!4 i��*U M��U�i 4!�4 f����`����M Ii r y�AII��YI 1 4/!♦ �y�J.�.�.•�I.��1k.1����i r r��W r IY U r���Y�����F�4��w r y������y r r�Ir����IY b����M����a rY����M�Y�f��NI M+!��r���11!��w II M��S��t f�����1�,s��w f r 1�i����rt r���I�I V ��` ���*,�+��i a 1Y V�i.��V�F�/•{�1 IF U i 4 i i i�ii r�f*!i i�i Y��R i i 4 M�i�Y M��f r XI 6!i�i M Y f��{i IY i f i Y�Y�f���M U M�i i-i�r��i�U�O�i��i�Y��f�f�4�i r�V ��� � ,. � � �/�• .�l+L 7L.i�/��Ir./�V�•M�r4�4Y�wWiiY�Y���������+YrrM��.M4ME�4��Mr�M��rrr��r��1�Y�r r�r�r�rY rr r Y1�MMr�kMww�rssF��rrrrrrrrrtU�Yi�YM���Y���L�i a��r�r/� '*+`�. �i"�J�TI�ES�•i��r��Mrti�i�i��Y�i��i�r�rtt�rwl:�l�4�t�iYM����1���1Y��yYkM��r����ii�rMMYFkt��kr�liUi���ir�i{YY�ii�Y►YY�Yf1r��r�riil�llif�������!• ��• �'f'+'w'�IM�����k+/ y,/��.�/'.�W+���II JI..��r•�Y #1��4 i 6 i��1.����U��{�i����i w.F��1��i�IY i Y f��i�f r Y*Y��i 4 M R i i i i�i�M�r�i�i{i�{�i M�i�11�t r�11 U 1�1�i W IY�M�r M��I�1�II� �III s ��V��.i��V 1I" ♦��•W�r i��W�i��4 i i���r r s i Y��1 I��i�4������li r 11 4 M���s�r w����s���1r�����1��M�N��*i���i�M��{�Y 4 4 il W i i�Ir e�i�s��rv�����r��Y i���1/• fi.�V• y/�y\�,V f�J��F./ i.'#"�k/�i 1rr/.R.i"Y`.i/'irf�y/♦M i U��r r�M i�U.�Ir�4 s fl����r r�r Y r 4 w Y�4�M�F F F r w II�Y r M�r�AY O�11 11���s M r r r r r i w r Y F r r M t��r�i�i i Y Y�������I�f� Jrlw���M.i ii��i��f E�1 lt A � Plan.of Prem�u�..SeS E�hibit B M Rul�es and�.egula�io�s (�i} � � , � � « ����� T�.i.s lease(t1a��"Lease'�)er�t�red i�to b►�at�d.be�vv+een: T:R.tJ�►TE�,O�F LE�I`�C1TCJl`��►t�LTA��J:TR.LT�T'under I�eclaration a►f Trust dated.1�.u�u.st 9, 19'7'7, SS���1C�.��"�L�'1�'lt�f)1"G�"�, d�l1t�. ��RT'S �,PECIALTI�'�,LLC, a l��a,ssachu.setts l�u:r�%ted 1i�bilit�r c�ampan..�r(".�enaarrnt"�. 1. LEA.�E t�►F P:��I��I��� In consider�,t�c�n of`the rer�ts a.n.d c+avenan�.ts cc►�ta�in.ed her�ir�ta be pa�.d,p��rft�r��.ed and observed by the Tenant,�l�.e La�.dl�rd h.�r�by leases to�.+�Tc�.ant ar�d t�.e T�na�.t h+�;rreby 1�ases from�he L{:�ndlc�rd, s�ubject to th.�t�r��.s a:r�d���.c�i.tic�ns h�r�ina�er set for��.,the Pr�r��is�s�as de�in�d in�ectia►n�b�lo►w). 2. I�EMI�E t�F PR�E�v�I S�� 2.a. Pr�,.,�se�. T'h�pre�r�i�es c��m�ised her�eby(the".P`remises"}are Ia�ated in the Landlc�rd's p►ropert�r knovv�as Le��ngton �qu.are, a�nc�pr�sently numbered 1�d�6�r�a�ssachus�tts.t�.�renu�i.n.Le�a�.gton,Mass�.chu�etts�t�e".�'uilding"�. T�.e£3uild%n.,g tc►,�ether v�it�h the�and upo�.which it is Ia�ca�ed are refe�rred ta as "��rt�l"t�S.�'l"O��`I'l�"Cf1"�1�"�`�`G►�'7`��`l�J". �1��"'�'I211S��S CCi�'1S1St tJ�'C�1'�c�1.t]. rer�table�pace an the Fir�t�`laa►r c,fthe Buuilding des�,�ated as���;��, v�rhich space�s shca��an E�lhib�t.A. att�ched heretc�. .2.b. E�ce,��ons ar�d R.e�,e��i�ons: E�cepted ar�.d r�served tc�the La�dlc�rd, hovc�ev�r,frc��aa.�he P�remi.ses, is the space r�ecessa��r t�ir�.sta11,m�t��i�.ar�d a►perate,by means of pipes, duct�,vvires or otherw�se�hose utilit�es and se��.+��s required fc�r the Build�i�g ar�.d com�mon facili��s��ere�►f��.cludai.:�g th+� Prem�ises}, a�d�he ri�h�+�f access a.�d en#�ry tor t�h.e Premises by the L�.dlcard an.d�ts agent�fc�r the p►�u.rpc�se of mal�ing rep�irs, alter�,�ons ar�.d addition�to the�'rem'.ses�nd to the Build�n.g and other te�a�t spa�e t�.erei�. 3. 'I�CER:1�I 3.a.. Te.�r�. Subj�ct to the conda�#�on�hereiar��stated,th�Tenant s�.a:�l ha►ld�he F'rer��ises f+�r a te�r�.of appr�►�i�:nately�ve�.rs a����„n�a��(the"Ter�r�"}, cam�.�.�:�.cin�,on��.e ec�rl ier�f�i}the date c�f�ubstan�al��o�r�pl��.c��.c�f Landlord's Wc�rk,ar�i��I�ovember 1,�CI��(the``ler��C.��"crmr�encemer�t.�at�" or"Camm�ncemen�I�ate"), and t�rminatin,��1VIav�l.2�2�3. ,As used.in this Leas�e,th�e te�rm"lea�e year" shall m�an each s�ccessive 1�-mont�h p��od�n�lud�d in vvha►le or in p�art in the T��n�,v�.th th�e fi.�rst leas���ar begiaa�n�.ng an the{�ar,�.menc�rn.�nt I��.te and��din�an Ma�y 3 l, 2�23,and�u��eque:n.�leas�years�be�g�.ing on Jur�e 1�t a�.d e�.di�,g on��ia� 3Ut�c�f th+�subsequent cal��.da�r year. 3.b. 0�►fiic�n.ta Extend t]he T�,rm. � ....,,�.,��,..��....���,..__ (1� Tenan.t s��.all h�ve the crptio�.ta extend the Ter��.of t�us�ea.se for 1 addi.�io�a15-year ter�m, fro�m.Jur�e l, 2028 ta►�rlay�1,2+�33�tlh.e "E'x�ension �"er�m"�,p►rovid�d th.�t: �i}Ten.ant h�.s�.t��as►�ig�ed this Lea�e or subl�t a�.y�►c�rt%a►n.af t�.e Prer��.s�s, ar�d�ii}Tena��t�rovides Landlord with v��r�itte��.orice c�f�uch elect�on t+�e�t�nd�e Te��r�.at least 9 months prior to t�e�xp►ir�,tic��ofthe T�r��.. IJpon t��ie o��w�rence of ar�y default by T�nant,vvhi�h defa�.lt has nc�t bee�. �ured�withii�applicable nc�tic�and cure periods,T+�n�:�t's op�.or�to r�.� . � � W � � �5� extend th�T�rm h�reunder sha11, a��lhe+�lec�io�of Landlord,becor.�e nu11�ur�d vc�id a�a.d�f n�fii.��tiher forc�and e�`ect. (2� I�.the eve�.�that T�nant shall extend�e Ter��pursuant tv�this 5e�.c�:�, su�h e�tension sha11 be on the sa�ne ter�ns ar�d conc�.tions as set fc�rt:h in t��.s Lease,e�c�pt: {i)t�here s�ha11 be nc��ur��her right to ext�d the Te�r.m of�us Leas►e;an.d�ii)�he aru�u���'ixed R.ent du.��ing the E�tensic�n�'erm sha�.l be a�s follov�rs��►e"t�'ptxar�l�ent"}: The an�.ua1�`i�.ed R.ent due hereunder duri�.g the E�tensio�Ter��sha11 equal t�� gr+�ater�►#`: (��the a:r�.ua1 Fix.ed R.e�.t payab►le du:��g,the last l��.s�year of t�� c�ri�,i�.a1 T�increased b�the�PI Increase,+�r(ii)�h�f�i.r market rental value of the Premises as of�he car��menc��.�:at a►f th�E�ter�s�ian Te�rr.r�. The�I'I Incr�as+�shall be fu11�r applicable�to th�F`i�ed:�.ent payab��during,�he��.ten�ia►n T+�:rxn. I7�:rir�g,�he E�ension T�rm,Tenant shali�an�inue to pa�a11 ad�di�onal rent a�.d+�th�r charg�s a� �rt�vided hereunder. �►hau.lc�Te�a�t fi�er ea��nd the Ter�r�as provided h�r�in,the ter�n"Term",a�s used h�r�ei�.sh�:�I refer to►the Term toget;h.er with t1��:�xten�ion`�er�r�. (3� The t�►p�on l�.ent shall b►�ini�i�lly estt�.blished by L�nd.lord by v+►r�iit�n n�tice to��Tena�.t;giv�nn fo��c���g T��.ant's exercise c��th�opt�an to extend. �►uch determ�i�.a�a►�sha:ll be dee�aed.th.�t�►p�ion�.e�t�f based�►n the F�.ed Rer�t pa�able du.r�ng the las�t year of th+�original Tern�,i�.creased b�r�he�pI I�cre�tse, t�r�if no�, if Te�.ant does not c�bject in v��riting wi�.in 7 days ofrec��vir�.g s�ch notic�. IfTe�a�t does sa►ot�ject, �.d the par�.es�ure unab►le�c�agree on such value v�ritl�i.n 3 U d.�,�s tih�re�:E�er,t�e��he fa�r;mark�t ren���a�:�.ue sha,�be deter�m�n�d by appr�i.sa.l as follows: Landla►rd a�nd Tena�.t sha11 each promptly designa��a fit a�d impa��ia�.comm�rcial r+�a1 estate broke�, cansulta�nt v►r appraiser havi�r�g a�least 5�ea�rs'e�perie�.ce�n the 1ea.si�.g crf o:�`i.ce sp�.ce i��he suburban Bosto�market, and the�twa► ap�►ra�sers so d�s�gna�ed sh�11 d�signa�e a third appr�ser v�rith si��nilar quali:�ca�.ons.T"he t��ee apprai�ers, so des�i�a�ed, sh,�.�ma�e a det�r.�r.�.iY�atia�.a�f`the fair market rent��l v�ue of�e 1'remis�s in a�cca►rda�.ce�ith ge�n.era:lly accep��ed r�a1 estate appra�i.sa1 practic�. Their de��r:m.:i�.a�c�n c�f t�.e�'�ai�r��,rl�+�t r����.va�.ue a�.d the resulta�t deter�m�i.nati�n cr�`th�C�p�.c�n Rent(as�e gr��,t�r of�lhe fa�ir market re�artal va�lue as�a de�er�an�.�d�, or�he Fixed Rer�t pa.�abl�du�ri�g t�,e last lea���e,�.r�f th�ari�,in�Terr.�,p�u�the��'I as ap�pli�ab►le��ha�l be co�.clu���e, �.na1 a�.�b�a.dii��c�n�h�p�ur�ie�a�ad enfvr�eal�l�in any cour�havi�.g jurisdxc�o�.over t��parties,ar�d�e�osts of the appra.isal�►rocess sha11 be sh.ared equ�ly by tlh+�pa��ies. If the+�►p�on�.+��t has not been fnally det��ar.,�i�a►.ed as c�f�he�irst day of�a.e:�xt�nsion Te�m, Tenant�ha11 make pa��m.erits of�'i�ed l�.e�t hereu�der in th+e amou:n�of�e�t�on R.e�►�prop►crs�d by Landl�rd, and upon such(�ption Rent being de�er�a�ined, a�approp�ria�e adc�tic�n�1 p�,y�,��t sha11 be made�a�a c�r credat given to,T�nau�t follovving such de�ter��na�on,�f�.ppli�able. 3.c. L%��„+�r L�cense ,+�c�n�.,n,,,�e��� (1) Te�.ar�.t's obligations u�de�r t�u�Lease ar+�co�da�on�+ed on T�n.ant obt��n.ing a liquc�r Iice�.se�ssu�d b�r th+�ap�aropria�e governm+ental �utha�ty or author��.es p�r�m�t��ng 1t t�►sell u.nc�pe�.ed bottles or c�nt��u.ners of alcohol��beverages�at�►r from the Prer�uses(t�he ".Liquor License"�. Tenant shal.l us�its b�st effor�s�o ob►��i:n a Liquor L�cense b�the date 2 m�nths��er the da�e of t��s Lea�ev(i.h.e _�,_ , � � � � ".Liquor Lieense C�"uts'de.L�ate"�. Te�ant s�ha11 keep Land.lord fii�ly informed of its pragress i�obt��i�.g the Liquor L�cer�se,in��uding cc�pies of a11 submittals mad�a�ad�i�m.el�r not�ce of the dates of a�a� hea�rings. Upon obt��i�.g the Liquor Lic�nse tthe"Liquor.Lxce�e L)ate�'),Ti�nant sha11 p�ron�.ptl�r sa►natif�r Landlord.,a��.d pravide Landlc�rd with a cop►y af same. If de�pite Tenant's be�t e�`'ar�s,it ca:nnot o�►t��i.n a Liquor L�+�e�.se by the Liquor Licens�e+(�ut�ide D►ate, Tena�n.t sha��have the right ta termu.�at�this Lease by��rtt�r�n�t�c� ta LancU.ord�►at la�+�r than th�e Liquor L�ce�nse C.�utside I�ate, �.n.d if Tenant duly e�ercises su�ch right,thi�Lease shall�hereupon terminate and be of�o fia�:�th�rr force a�d e�"'ect. If Te�ant sha11 f�l to so terimi�.ate this Lease by the Liquor License C�►utsid��ate,the�the pravisia�rs of this subsection s1�a11 b+�deeme�irrevacably wai�red and of`no fi.�r�h,er for�e aa�n.d ef�"ect,, and this Lea�e sha�.l continue and be aaa�d re�:naa�n ir�fi�11 force an.d e�`ect. (�) It is agreed that,notwi�hstar�d�n,g anyt�►ing to the con�ra�.y�n this L��se,L,�.dlord shall not be required to commen�e Lan.dlord's'VV�or1�, and T�nant may nc�t�.ter tb.e prap�r�r for�he p►urpose af c+am�r�encing Tenant's Work, ar athervv�se use au�d a►ccupy th� :Premises prior to the Liquor Lice�.se Date{u.n�.�ss Tena�.t has dul�r vvaived�he pravi�io�.s a►f t�%s subsectio►n}, 4s i����rlE.;l''�'T 4.a� Fi.�ed R.ent. The an�.n.ua�.f xed r�nt("�'ixed 1�ent")payable by the Tenant to th� Landlord durin�,th+�T+�rm sha1�be�s�`ollows(subject ta the�PI Increase, as pro�ided in th+��ast par�~a�ah of this Section): L+�.�,�����r �u;�,1 Fi,�ed R�� �a►n.t�hly Installm+�nt� - ...�.,.�...,�, 1 thrv►ugh 5 �;��„�„� ����� In ord�r��reflect in�reas�s in the�+�st of livi�.,g a►v+�r the Te�m c�f this L�as��as�.t�a�.y�b� e�.t�nded), t�h.e Fix�d l�.ent ta►b+�pa�id by Tena�n.t h+�reunder�a�set fc�r#1�abc�v��sh�1l b+�in.creased �very l�ase year du:ri�n.,g the Term(and any�xt+��.sic��.�thereaf�,c�n a cumulativ��basis�,ca►�.�+�ncir�.g c�n Jun� l,�023,anc�ev�r�r+�ther Jua�.+e ��ther�a;fter du:r�.��fih+e Ter�n(a�.d�a.y e�t�nsic�ns thereo�, c�n a curnulat�v�basis,b��a p+erc+�nta�,e equal tc�the C�'I I�creas�. Th+e"�`Fl lr�c�ease"sha11�qu�. th�g�reate�t�f���3%�,a►r(��)perc+��tage�ncrease in th.e�c�nsum+�r P�c�I�nde�dur�ir�g�hhe s��r.�e peric�d�t�he"�.nrrual�'�;"�`.1"�. �"�e A�n�u�1 t�P'I sha11 be deter�a�ined�b��.t����g t�►e C�a�sum.e�r Pric� I�.de�for a11 Urban C�onsumers�C��'I�CJ),Basta►�.Brc�cl�ton.:�Tashua��.A-�.�H-.ME-C�T�198284= 144), a,s publ�.shed by the Buareau c�f L�,b�►r�►ta�s�.cs, Il�epa�:�me�.t af Labor,based an th�i�.c�e�.p�ublished ne�t prior�o the dat�c�f�h.�last.A�ual CPI deternn�i�atio��ar th+�Terrn Commencement L1ate, if it is th�fi.rst increase)and th�inde�.p�ublis�hed ne�.t pricar ta the eff�ctive date of t�.e i.�.crease provided�h.at t�e A�.ua1�PI her�under sha1�never be l�ss��han$0. If such i�ade�sha11 b+��alte�red or upda.�ed or disc�nt�n�uec�,the Landlc�rd sha1�.appropriatel�adjust the i�de�to be used here�der or desi,�.�.t�a comp�arable i�.de�. Th+�t�PI I.�.crease shall be in additian to ar�.y sch.�duled increases in the Fi�ed R.�nt hereunder, if any,as set fort�.in i1�.i.s�ection. Th.e o�►lig�.t�.a�to�ray the Fixed R.e�t sha1�con�.nr��nce c►n�� , ��, ��� :� ��, for the rent due for the month af Jar�uary 2423 (t.he"Rent l,�ommenceme�t.L)ate"�. A11 F���d:�.e�.t sha11 be payabl�in monthl�inst��n�nt�,beginnu�g on th�Re�t t�orr.��e�ceme�t I�ate an.d due on the first day af every monfi�.th�er�af�er du.r�i.ng the Term, A11 rent payments are due�un.a,dva�.ce v��thout no#�ce, d+�ma.�.d,deduc�.on or s�t-o�: If the first�ea�►e year or last lease year is�ha�rter or longer�h.an ane 12-�rn.o�.t�.year,the ac�r�ua1�'��.ed Rer�t for such l+ease year sha�.l be decreased or i�.creased p�ropo�tionately. _3_ � , � » IM " 4.b. Ad.�.tia�nall�.e�.t. Tenant sha11 also pay,in add�t�o��o�h�Fixed:Re�.t, as rn�� ��w i�M�rw�rrrrir��w�wr additional re�t h.ereunde�,wi.�haut notice(e�cept a�sp�eci�.c�ly prc��rid��d u�.de� t�a.is L�ase), demar�d,deduc�.an�r se�-a�, a11 su��s, ��pasitions�cc�sts, �xpenses a��ad a►ther payrm�n�s which Tena��t in ar�y of t�he p►rc�v�.sic�ns a�f��is Lease ass�umes ar�.grees to pa�,and,�.n ca�s+�af aa�.y na�.pay�r�e�t t�herev►� Lan.d.l.orci sha1�.have i.�.additic�n to any o�lh.er rights a�.d remt.�edaes,a11 of the ri.,ghts at�d remedies p�r�►vided by lavv ar pravided for i�►�he Lease far th� r�o�.pa�m.ent a►f re�.t. 5. T�l�r�A��► P'LA+�E(�►F PAY:��I��T�/L�T�FEE/��C�TJ��ITY�I�EPC��IT 5.a. Pav_�e�t af,,..R;��t. .All p�.y�rn.ents of rent a�.d other a��.ou�.ts du+�her�under sha�1� be made by the T�nan.t ta►tl�e L�:�dla►rd�vithout no�ice or demand at such p�ace as the Lan.dlc�rd ma�y from tir�.e tc�ti��e d+�s�gnate in v�►rr��i�.g,v�vh�ch sha1� iru�.�.�1y be La�n.dlo�rd's�.a�c�addr��s, as pro�rided in Section 3U. T`he extension a►f�d'�m.e f�►r t1�e p�.�c�ent af a�.y�u�.ount due hereu�.d�r, or�h� a�cep�i�.ce therec�f af��r the ti�r.�at�v�ch�t is paya�►1e�h.al1�at be a w�iver of th�rig,hts�of the La�..dic►rd tc�i�.�is��an h�.vi.ng a11 other pay�m.e�ts m�,de i�.the manr�.er at th��i�.m.e�herei�.�p�ecif ed. 5.b. La,�F� . In t�e ev�nt a�ny F��ed�.ent, adc�itia��.re�t c�r any o�h.�r pa�ments aare nc�t pa�.d wi�hin 1�days c�f�lh.e due d�,te t��.er�c�f,Tena�t sha11�be char�,�ed a late fee of$�U�fa►r each late payment for each mar�th or pc�rt�.c�n th�reaf that sa�d p�ay��a�.t rem�a.i�.s outs��ding. 5a�.d l�.te fe+e s1�a11 b�payable in add�.�ion ta �un.d n:+��in exclu�ion of addi�.a�.a1 r�medi��here�.provided�tca Lar�dl.ord. 5.�. �ecuritv„I�e�►as t. T�nant sh�11 p�ra►vid+�a se�u:rity dep�►s��tc�Landlard in t�re amount c�f`�,1 Z�. T�e s�cu:��r d�p�osit sha11 be paa.d tc►Landlard a�fc�llo�vs: �(i�$f,2C14 sha11 be paid simul�a�eous�y wi�Tenant's e�.ecut��n and deliv�ry of th�s L�as�;and(�i}$�,2f�4 sha11 be pa�%d a►n Nvvem.�ber �,2�2�,c�r eaarli�r+��.the sati�factiv�n or vva.iv�r b►y Tenant of th�Liquar L�cen�� co�.��.gen�y,as pravided in�►ect�on 3.c, Saic�secur�ity deposit shall be h�ld a��ecur�t�f�►r�e pa��n�t of th��rents and�h�e p�rfc���an+�+� and ob�e�-�cr�.nce af the agreements a�d cond.i�c►ns�i�t1�is Lease c��ta�ined o�n the paart af�h.e T��ant tc�b�perfa►rmed ar�.d abs�erv�d. T��he securi�depasit sha11�be held bry Landl.c�rd a�d may be cc�r�iingled with Laandlard's o�ther asset�,acn.d Te�a�n�sha.11 not b►e er��t�ed tc�a�ny ir�.terest on th� security depv►sit. In the+�vent of an�defau�t or defau.Its in such payrment,perfor��.ance or o�►se�aa��e, Lan.dlord ma� apply s�.id s�c�r any paiart th.eret�f toward the cu�:ring�►f aa��r su�h defaul�or d+�fau�lts a�t�.dla►�r tow�rd ca►mp►en�ating Landl�rd for�y lass ar d;amage arising�rom a:�y�uch.d�fault or d.efault�,inci�.dai�� any d;a�r�ages�c�r deficiencies i�.the rel+�tt�.n.g afthe Pre:rruses, �rhe�l���r such d;�r�a�,e or d+�fi�iency c�ccurs�refa►re or a�er a repossession pracee�iin�g or c�ther reen�ry b�La�rdlord. It is u.�d�rstood and a�reed.th�.t Landlc�rd sha11 always have the right ta appl�r sa�d suar.�►, or ar�y�aa�rt thereof, a�s afor�said in the eve�at of an.y su�ch default or de�`aults,w��hcaut prejud�ce to any o�er r�a��+�or remedie s which Landlc�rd m,ay have or Lan.dlard ma�r p�ursu�a�.y c��er�u��remedy or r�m�dai.es i�a lxeu of a.pplying said sum or any p�art thereof. If La�adlord sh.all app►ly sa�d su.m or an�y paart thereof as aforesaid,Te�.ant sha11 upon d�ma�d�ray ta La:�.dlord the a��.ou�.�sa app�lied by Landlord, to restc�re�h.e secur�ty depv�s�t to�ts c�r�g�na1 a��au�.�. LTpon y�eldi�g up af t�h.+e�`rer�use�a.t the e��ra�can or other ter�r��.a�.on c�fthe Ter�m,�fTenar�t sha11 not th�en be in defau�t or�the:rvvise liable tc�Lar�.dlord, sai.d�u�m c�r the u�.a.p�►lied ba.�.anc��:hereof s�a11 be r�t��r�.ed�o T�n�:�t. VVhe�e�rer the ha►lder a►f I,and.l�rd's interest i�this Lease shall traasf�r it�inter�st ir�t��s Leas+�, sa�%d�.ol�.�r sha11�over to its tran.sfer�e said sum or�e ur�app�ed�balance therec�f,a,�d thereaft�r such�.alder sh.all.be releas+�d from an.y an.d a11 liab►�lity ta Tena�t r�ith respect to sa�.d suam or its appl�ca�ari or ret��. Th.e�o�der of an.y m.or�,gage upon Lar�.+d�.ord's Propert;�sha1�never be resperr�s�ble to Tenant f a►r sa�d sum,or�ts app�ication or ret��.ua�.es��aid su�.�hall actually h�►ve b�n rec�i�red�by s�.ch ho�der. -4- � � � � �. ��RTA�C�PE��`�'I�TC`r �C�►�►T`�, T�►���AI����.TZ�LIT'Y+(�B�LIt�r�A.Tlt�l'�T�► 6�.a. T��.�nt'���►�►era,�n�Ca►st and Ta�(Dbli�ations. � i�rr�.r����■ i i� �����iir��n��rr.i��i ��rrrr�rr������i�n�.wrrr (1) Ten.ant sha11 p►ay t�L�nd1v►rd., as add��a�a1 rent h�re�.nder,duri�g�he Term a�.d an..y e��tensic�ns tlhereo�`, 10►4%of�ny casts of a►peral.�n,g ar m,�.a�ing the P'rop�arty which are i�curred by Lan.d.l.ord a:�d ei�h.er are caused b�r a�.:y act�►r���l�g+��.c�by�.e T+�n�nt or Tenant's Age�.ts, c�r ar�p�rfc�r.m.�ed as s�►ec�a�.serv�c�s for T��.a�.�t.T��.ar�t s�.a�.l pa�su�h ad.d.�.tivnal re�t t�►L�.d�a�rd v�ithain 3�da�s of billi:��,th�refor. (2� Tenant s�h�11 p►ay tc�Landlo�rd, as additiar�al rent hereun.der, du:r��g t�ie Ter���r�d.any e�t�:�.sior�thereof 10Q%,of a�y real estate taa�es or ass�s�me�ts att�-ibutable tc�any of Te��:nt's prcape���.Tenant shall pay su+ch ad.d�i.ti�r�a1 r��t to La�ndlard wi�h.in 30 day�ofbilling t�h�r�far. �.b. Tena�t's CJ�.1it�Q►bli,�,a�o„n�. T"`he Tena�.t sha11 p►romptl�y pay f+�r a�.ut�.lit�es ■�r�r�ri i rrr��i���wrr� i��� rr� fiuu�n%shed to the�'remises which are s+�p�arately metered c�r measured,includi�.g withc►ut limita�a�n a11�lectrical ser��c�tc►��P'remis�s. If ar�.�u#�l�ty is fia`rn%shed to the P'r�mises�a�well as to a►t��er ten.ants�but not all o�er tenants, of th.e�uildin�g,Tena�.t sha11 pa�r, a�s add�tion�:l�ren.t hereu.�d.er,upt�n dema�..d, its pr�r�.t�.shar�af such ut�lity� upt�n a sq�.are foc�t�.�e ba.sis,v�ri�k�t.h.�other te�.ants to whom.such u�tility i�fi��.ish�d. �M �ill�.�4���� 7.a. El�c�.c,�ent� �iTith r�spect to�l+�ctri.ca�.s�rvice,zt is agre�d as fc��la►ws�: (1) The P'r�mises�cont��n a s�p�rate el��tr�i�meter or meter��`or mea��ng�e�ect�.city��nis�hed tc�t��P�r�r����,. �"�na:nt shall contract v�ith the com.pany su�pply�g el�ctr�ical cunren�fc�r the purch�css�and c�bt�a�n�ir�g o�`electric�cu�rrent d:i�r+�c�ly fro�n s�uch ca�mpany,vvhich sha11 be�►illed d%r���l�r to a�d paid far b►y Tena�.t. This sha1X include a�.l�lect�ici�y used i�t�h.�P'r��r�ses, i:r�cluda�.g but not lim�ited tc�,a11 electricity u�sed f�r he�.��g, a�i�r�c►nc�i�.c�ni�n�,a�t� �aenti�atian,l��ghtir��„ cc�n�ren.�+�nce outl�ts, �quip�e�t�r�d m�.�h.i.n.es (2) 1��Lar�.dlv�rd sha�ll have the right,i�►�ts sa��e d.�scretion,to desi�nat� fram iin�.e t�►time(and tc�cha�►�e any p►revious des��g�ation)th� par�i.cular utilit�ca�m�ra:r�y or comp�a�.es v�rho v�ill be�uppl�in�, �lec#�.ca:l ser�.ces�o the Butld�i�g or a�.�r p+�r�ion�ereo� anc�, if Landl�ard has sc�des�ignated such c�►mpa�c�es,Te�n�t sha1�cc�r�t�-a�t for its e�ectr�i.ca1 s�rv�i�e exclusivel�firc�m such comp�es. (3) If Ti�n.a�nt sha11 require e��ct�ic�.�u��r+�nt for us�i��e Premise�ir� exces�s c�f th�pres�.t capacities and if i�L�;�d1c,;rd's rea;��►nable ju.d.,�m.ent, Landlord's fa�ili�es are i�.adequate far su�h.e�ces� requairemer�t�or such��c�ss r�ec�uiare�a��nts vv�11 result in a� a.dc��ona1 burden an the Buildai�g s�ystems ar�d addi�anal cc�st to La�.d.lord on acce�u�t thereca�then Landl�rd sh�:�.upa►r�v��ritten reques�t and at the sc�1e cost and exp►�nse ofTe:�ant,fi�u�ish a�,d�.st��.l �uch a�dditia�.a1 wires, co�duits,f�eders, svc�.tchboards and ap��aurte�ances�.ss reasc�nably rrza�r b�requir�d to su�►pl�r su�h additional r+equ:ire�:nents c�f Ten.�,nt,provid�d cu�rren��+�refc�r��ava�ilable#c�Lar�dl�ord*�.nd prvv�ded furt�er that the sa��.e sha�.l be per�nr�.tted b�ap�p►licab�le l�w-s �c�insurance r�gula�io�.s a�.d sha.�l not caus�per��.a�.ent da��age to th�Buildi���.g c�r the Pre�cuses,ca�use ar cr�ate a da�ngerou�or �.azardous cc�ndi.tic�n.�enta�.l e�cessiv�or u�rea�onable alteratio�s or repaa�-s, or i�.t�rfere vv�th�r dishurb+a�h�r tena�.ts or occupan.ts�of th� _�_ ,. � � � Bu�1�ii��. Tena�nt s�ha1l r+�imburs�Landlo�d on der�au�d for a11 costs incurred b�r i,andl+�rd a�accourit therec�f. {4) Tenant sha11 be respans�ible,at Tenant's exp►ens�, for 1�eeping a11 Iight fi�tures pra�perly lamped at all�irn�s a�r�..d fc►r�►urchasing and instal.li�.g a11 iamps and replacement 1a�:�ps(inclu�ling without limita�.o�.b�oth incandescent a�nd.fluoresce�t)u.sed i.��he Premis�s, such�khat th�F'remis�s are sa�`'ely 1it at a11�i�mes of use. (5� L�.dlord sha11 not ir�an�r way l�e 1iable or resp+�ns�ble to Ter�ant far any los�s, damage or exp�nse whi+ch T'enant may sust�n or incur if the quantit�r, ch�ract�r ar sup�ply of�Iect�rical en�er�y is cha.�nged or is no lang+�r available o�r�uitabl�for T+enant's r+�q�.irements. (�) T�nant�.gre�s that it sha11 na►t ma1c��.y ma.terial alteration or m�aterial ad�t�an to th.e�lectr�ical equ�ipment ar a��alia�r�.�es�in th�e Prernis�es withc�u�t c�btainin�th��riv►r��r�i�ten�t�n�+ent of Landlord in ea.+ch i�.s��ce,whic�.cc�nse�t wil�n�t�be u�n.reasonably w�it��eld, a�a�.d Tenant sha11�ramptl�advis��,an.dlc►rd t�f aa�y a►ther al�eratic�n c�r addi�c�n tv s�u�h���ctr%ca1+�quip�m�nt applia�.c�s. 7.b►. �T� Lar�dlord shall fiu�ish ha►t and cold wat�r tc�com.man a.rea res�roc�ms f�►r c�rda�.a��af�'ice-t�►�e cle�ng,toilet, �a�rator�and d:rir�l�ing purpos�s,and, if the Premises cont��ins a�y lavatc�ries or oth�r similar fac�lit�es vvhich u�ilize wat�r fa►r su�h purpases, Landlord sha11 alsa�i�rnis�h hot and cold�avater to su�� lavatories and�`ac�lities. If Tena�.t requ�res,uses or co:nsumes water for ar�.�r pu:rpos�other than.for the afore��entioned p�urposes ar ath�rwise in e�cessive quar�.ti�es, Land�ord may(i)assess a r+�asar��.ble charge for t�e ad�itio�.a1 v�at�r used ar�o�sumed by Tenant, or(i�)ir�st��.1 a�vate�r�+eter and thereb�:mea��.re Tena�n.t's water co�.sumption for a1l purpas�s. In�h�l�.�ter event, La�dlard sha1l pa�r the cost of the met�r and the cost of ins�allation the�reof and sha11 k.eep said met�r and.instal.latio�.�quipment in gaad wor�g order and repa�.r. Tenant agree�to pay f+�r water+�ansu.med, as sha►w�n on�aid mete�r,tc�gether w�ith the sewer u�e charge based on said m�ter ch�urg�s as and when b�lls are r�ndered. (�n default in m.akin�such payment,Landlord may pay�su�ch charges and collect the sam�from Tenant a�s addi�.ana1 re�t hereunder. Any pipin�an.d other�qulpm.ent a�..d faciiities for use of water witha.n�the I�remises ��f any)wi11 b+�maa.��t��aa�.ed by�`e�.ant at Ten�.t's so1�cost a�d expense. '7.c, H+��.�/.,A,ir�►�da%�ianwr��, Landlord�hall fiu�nis�i.h+�at�d air condit�aning to the -- .......�_ _.....r�.._��„�w...M�r. �amurn+an�lreas af'th�Builc�.i�g du.ring t�e�u.�lding's busirie�s haurs and busi�.�ss�days, as��tablish�d by La�.d.lc�rd�r�►m ti.m.e ta t��m�(".B�siness .Hc�urs"},d�uur•ing the�o�m.a1 heati�.�an.d cv►olin,�seasc�r��. Tenant�ha�l.).b�e re�pa►�sible fc�r all u�l�ty c+�sts relatin.,g tc�heating�md air�a�ditic�nir�g th� 1'r�mi��s, and Landlord��.a11 b+�re�p�►��ib1�fv►r mainte��nc�and re�►aaur of t:�� ��TA��ys�e�m a�nd its cc�mpor�e�ts�.at serve the:��mi�+���e�cept ta►the e�t+�nt ca�sed by Tenant's n�,�l�gence c�r�r�isuse c�f s�u���as r�ason�.bl�requir+�d. �'a►llcrwi.�g v��rritten r�a►�ic�fra►m Tenaaa�t af any m�tenanc�a►r repa�r issues v�rith sa�:n�. T�nant cc�ve�.ants and�.grees to�eep�the Prer��.ses h+�at�d and a�ir cond�.tioned to usual ar�d.custa�c�uy leve�s du.ring�usia�es��Iours and tc�k+��p� the Premises h.eated at least to minimum levels t�►pr+atect the Pr�mis�+�s a�.d build.ing syste.�s du.r�ng a11 hc►urs vvh�n th�Premises are�aot o+��upied. 7.d. Elevata►rs. If the Bui�dlir�g,�a►���elevators, and if t�e Pr�mises are located o�.a floar requiring acc+�ss b�elevator,Lar�d�.ord shall prov�de elevatar facilities(which ma�be man.ually or automa�cal�y operated, either ar bath, as Landlord ma�r from.tim+�ta time+�l+�ct�duri�g Busi�.ess�Iours and during other _�,.. . � � . hours that t�.e E�uild�ing;is c►pe�., for Te��t's u�se,non-exclus�ive�y,tagei�er �t�h.athers hav�n��business�n th�B�ld�.ng; 7.e. I�.t `an r� " r� of S�r�`r.ces La�ndlord res�r�es�e right to �.terru.pt, cur�ta�%1, st��►or�uspend th.e fi�rrcishii�g of s�rv�.c�s��.cluc�.ing the �levatc�r�an.d the cap.�,ratic�n+�f the piumbin�,mechau�i�al,heatin.g and elect�c systerr�s whenev�r�.ec�ssar�r fv►r r+�p�irs,alt�ratic�r�s,rep�a�ce��.�s ar i�a�.provements desir�.�1e or�.ec+��s�ry ta 1a�ma.d�in tlh��reaso�abl�jud,�me�.t af Landlc�rd�r whenever neces��`y du�tc�ac��d�nt+�r e:m�rg;e�.�y, t�i�`iiculty ar inability%� securing supplies�ar l�.bor s��es, c►r ar�y a►iher cau�e beyand the rea�a►nable cv�ntrol�f I,,andlord,whet��r such+�th�r c,�.us�be si�:�.i�ar or dissivanailaur to�h.ase h�reinabove specif ca1�y me�tic��ed, �.�1 said cause has been remc,v�d. E�cept vvl�en�au�ed by t�he grc��s n��;�ige�►�e a►f La.ndlc�rd,fihere �h�.l.�b+��.o dai.minu.tian or ab►a�eme�t of r�n�vr a�h�r+�omp�ns�atic��.due�rc�m Tenant to L�uakdlc�rd hereur�.d�r,r�ar s�.�1 tlhis Leas�be ai��ct�d or any t�f Tenar�.t's+�bligatic�ns hereunder reduced,a�d Landlord.�ha:�.have n� respon�ibility c�r li�.b►ili�y fc�r any su+�h inter��up�.on, �u:rt�.l�nent, stopp►ag�a►r suspensia►n v�f s�c�vices or�yste��s,e�.cep��hat Lar�dlord sha11 e�ercise reas+�nable due c�li,�ence to+�liminat+��lhe�ause of s�a�+�. �.f. En�r�v �/,,Jn��rv�.�;.on. I`�otwith�t��.di�g a���.ing�o the�ant�a�ry c�►��+�d i�. - i 1��r�r 7.+.n�r��w�rr� t�is Lease,Landlc�rd may institut�su�ch r�a�on.aiale p►olxc�es,prograa�.s�►r me�.s�:res as may be necessa��r,required c�r e�pedier�t for�he�crns�ation and! or preservatian af energ�a►r�n+�rg�services�,pravid+�d ei�.�r th�ma,j o�.t�r of si��uilar build�.n.gs�in the area�n which th+�1�3ui1c�in,g is 1o+cated aare�ubj�ct to similar pvlices,prt�gr�a�ms or measures,or such ar��ec+�s��cy ar r�qu.ir+�d to comply�i�.applica.ble g�►�rernme�.�1 code�,r��e�,reg�.l�t�c�ns or�ta�.d�rds. 7.g. C1e�;n%�,.n . T��.a�a�t sh���►e re�pc�n��ble,�.t its sole cv�st and��Pe�.se, f+�r a�l clea�n:ing c�f`the i.nteria►r a►f the P're��s�s,includai�g a11 star��'ronts an+d glas�. S. QLJ�ET El'JJ(�►�h!���TT The Ter�ant,u.pon prc�mpt p���me�r�t of tl�ie rent a�..d o�lhe�r a��.ouu�.ts herei�reserv�d, a�d upan the performance c�f a11 c�f it�+�bligations u�der�us Leas�,�ha:�at a11�t.um.es du:ring the Term an�.durs.ng�ny e�t�e�.sia►n c�r re�.ewa�.ther�a►f,peac+�ably a�.d.quie�ly enj oy the F'r+��r�i ses wit�.out any disturbance�`r+am the La.n.dlord or from an�a►tl�.�r p�rs+�n clai�r�in�t��raug�the La:�.+c�.ord, �u�ject, ha►vvever,to t1�.e rights of holders v►f mc�rtgag��a�.d�o�b.�ter��.s a�d prt��sions af this i,ease. 9. �(��TI�ITIC��I/P�EF'A�;ATIt�I'�Ti C�F P`F;�11��I��S/.��:LT��;.�.TIC�I��I��ET���'� 9.a. C�o i�.c��of,�;�,,�,.I�r'_���;,��• T'h�:�'re��.ses ar+�l��sed to the T�na�a.t in�heir"as is"cc�nditian a�d La�dl+�rd sha:�l h�.ve na obligat�on ta compl�te a��wor1�to prepa�r�the Premises fc�r Te�.an.t's occu�p►an�y, e��ept far La�.dlord's��Tark�a� pravid�d belcrw�. Tex�ant�cc�pts t1��Pre�ises in�i�ir present�c�ndi.ti�►n�but subjec��o#��e co�.ple�io�.of'La�uc�.a►��d's '�ark�,�w�thout r+�presenta�.c�n c�r warrar�ty,e�press�►r impliecc�, �fa��or i�la�,by Laundlord an.d withcru� r�c�aurse to Laaa.dlord as to the nature,co�.c�itic►�or usability�hereof. I�t is u:nderst+�od ar�d agreed�hat t�ie Lar�.dl�rd has rr�ad�nc�rep�reser�tations as�tc�the cc�ndi�io►�.c�fthe Pre�r�ses c�r the Buildin.,g, c�r as ta►�h.eir fit�ess�for any specific purpase. Te�.a���sc�confr�m�s�hat�h.e nat��re, e�.te�.t�n.d qualit�-�►f th�management,mai�.te�a�.ce a�d services a�+�u�r.rer��l�r pravided by Landlc�rd t�►th�I'�•e���is�s a�.�d La.r�cll�rd's Proper��a�•e sat�sfa+��o���� �'l re�p�ct�a��d,�e an.�s��a1� be deemed to b�in fu11 c�mplia�ce with the ter�ns of��s Lease; and Ter�ant h+er�by i��revocab�y wa.�ves.�.y incc�nsistency,n��.confarmi.ty+�r deficiency in su�ch e�i.sti��and c�u�rent co�.di�.ons a�.d serv�ces��r�th the r�qu�rement�c�f this Lease. _�_ � � ��- �� 9.b. „La�n,�lord'�,s,,,,�T�r,�. Land�ord a��r�es the p�r.�orm t�e follo�ing wor�, at L�ndlord's expe�s�,ut�l�,g Build.��g st��dard m�a.teria'!s, cc��ars,f�t�ures�nd selectio�.s, tc�prepare fi�h.�Pre:ac�ises fvr Tenar�.t(".�arru,�lord s t�T�ork"): Ci} prov�ding cann�c�o�s at the poin�of ent�ry of`�irat�r and s�wer lines t��he F�r�mises for T�nan�'s�lumb►i�.g�eeds;(ii}a�y coord�i�atio�.v�.�h�lh.e Building's cc�n�.o�.plu.mbin,g s�r�t�m n+�ed�d i�.c�nn���o��rith T+enar�.t's in�tallation�►f si�i�s�d grea�e traps;{1ii�repa�rs ta►interior wa1�surfaces,as� needed;and�i�r)th�pain�ing o�'pai�.�ed interio��a11s�vit��n th�l�rer��ses, usi�.g Building stan.dard p►aints a�.d colo�rs. T��ant shall make a��se�ec�ion�, a�n.d desig�ate any 1oc�.�.o�.s or other�eeded informa�ic,n promptly,so as�ot to d�lay Landlc�rd's Work� c�r th�c�rde�ri�g of products and ma��rials i�.co�ection therewith. Tenant understa�nds th.at,as pro�d�d in�ection 3.��2},Landlord sh.all�ot be obligated to comn�.e�.ce La�.+�lord's�'�iTc�rk u�.til Tenan�h�s obt��+�d �he Liquc�r Lice�se or o�lher��rise du.l�r v�raived th�pra►�risio�.s of 5����:c�n 3.a. ��ubject to tir�+�l�r sel�cticrns an.d desig�natic►ns by Te�arant, and subject ta Tenant obt��in.ir�g t�he Liqu�c�r Lice�.se�La�c�l.ard will u��co�nmer�ia:�y reasa�ab►1e ei�orts ta substa�.tia�.ly com.�alet�La�.dlc�rd"s Wa►r�C a� soa►�.�.s reasanabl� practi�able. 9.a. T�n�,nt'�W�►rk. �I��I IYI AI (1} Tenant shatl be re�ponsible� at T�na�.t's sa►le ca►st a:r�d e�e�se,fc�r ar�y and�.1 wor�or improvements to the Premus�es to prepare saa�.e for Tenant's�►c�u�►anc�r,otlher than La�c�c�rd's�J'c�rk(".��nant s Wark"�. �`enant's�orl�s�ha11 be d�:med for a11 pu.rp'oses to be A�lt�ratxc►ns, as de�ned hereu�n.der, and subject to th�pravis�it�ns hereof applicable�+�re�o. (�) Tenan.t's�o�rk sha:�include, vrrithv►ut L�na.itatic�n: �i�fi�he recor�figu.ration a�n.d r+�buildiing of the o:�`ice in tlie Frer��is�s;�ii�the installatic�n c�f a�riple bay s�i��,hand washing facilii�r,�nop sink��d grease tr�.p;and{iii)all other imprc,vement�to the Pr��ruses required by an.y go�e��me�tal aut�ority or l�y th�terms crf any Approv�ls,to per�mit the�`e�nr�tted T,Jse to occ�r at the Premises. {3� Te�rant sh�.l iae responsible for the prompt prepar�.tic�n a��. submiss�on ta Land�ard for approval�f all archit+�ct��ra1, el�ct�i.ca1, mechaa�.ca1, lif�safety,pluumb.i.r�g�nd all ather cc�ns�ru.c�.on dra�rin,gs, plans ar�d spe�i�.�at�ons r�e�essary fcrr th�canstruc�on of T��ant's V�Ta►r�C;and a11 su�ch plans�un.c�specificatic�ns sha�l be subject tcs Landla►rd's priar written approva�,vvhich app�roval.will not be u�r�reasc��.a�bly v�it��held+�r de��.yed(such p1an�and speci�.ca�or�s, v�hen approved by Landlc�rd,are r�ferred to as the"�'lans"�. �4) Tenant sh.a�ll c��r�rnence consixuction ofTenant's�or�as soon�.s �►+�ssi�r�e a�er�he a�prova� of�he P1ans, and prc�ce+�d dali�ently a�d ca►ntinut�usly to com�lete�sa�:�e as s�►or�as r�asa�abl�r�ractic��bl+e. {5) Under r�v►circu.ms��ces sha.�l Te�nant aper�fc�r bu�siness at�e Pr+���ises un�.l: (��a va:lid,pe�r�a�..ent ce:rt�ficate of accupaacy�c�r temp►�ra��y cer�i�cat�of occupanc;y,if per�mitt�d by the Tow�,w�1:h. Te�.ant ta�herea;�er ta�ke all�teps.�ecessa��y to p�romptl�r ob��.a p�rman��t cer�.�.cate of o�cup►anc�)has been issued for Tenar�t's Work a�a�..d per�m.itt�.g the us+�of`�:he P'rem�ses for�e Per�m�.it�ed TJse b�r �.ie Tawn of�oncord, a�.d a copy thereof has been delivered to Lar�..d1a►rd,a:n.d�ii}a�i�.a�.co:mplet�on cer�ificat�has laeen issued b� T�a�.t's ar�hltect, and a cop�r t.h.ereof h�s bee�delivered to La�n.dlo►rd, a�n.d f iii)�,�e a�nd 1if�s�.fet��ava�i�t�.�-ough of the Prer�u�es has b�.n _g_ M' A � � s�;heduled and�c�mpleted wit1�Ten,�nt and.Landlard,ar�d a�.y de�ic��enc�es+�r�.camp�et��tem�s�d���f+ec���.such v�r�l��.hraugh ha�re be+�n remedied, f�ed a►r cc,mp►let+ed b�r Tena�.t, a�d�`��ant has p►rovided La�dlord with r�asc►�able evide:r�ce c�f t�ie satisfactory completia��.af same; ar�d�i�r�T�a�►►t��.s provided La�.dlord vvith mecha�n�i.c's lier�releases fra�m.the general cor��ractor and a��majcrr su.b�cc►n�ra��ars ar�d su�ppliers. (�6) A11 work to�ae do�.e here�ur�.der b�r T�.�ant i�n con.n.ec�on with T+��.ar�.t's WQrk sha11 be done in a goad and wc�r�erlike fashic�n usin,g ne�v or li.�e new materi�.s a�d in a�.irst-class ma:�er;�;�d Tena�t's Wor� sh�l.I be per#`�►rr�ed i.n accardaa��e v��th, a�d whe�caxnp����d shai�.i�. a1�respects�omply with, all ap►�alicable law,includ��.,��he ap►pli��.b1e pr�►visians of the.�!►mericar��'t�"�ith�►i�abi�i�e�1�,ct,���ire,l�fe safet�r anc�bu�ld.ing�cades, a11 zo��.,�requir�ments,th�te�rrn�a�.d cv�ncii�i+�ns t�f a11 p►ern�uits and approvals,and w�.th�1I insura�.c�req�.:i�re��.�.ts v�rhi+ch may be t�.�r� applicable. �7} Tenant's�Work sha11 only�re p�rfa►��ed by�on�bractc►rs ar�.d su�bco�t�ra�tt�rs�vho have been appra►v�d in w�rit�ng in advance by i.�d1c►rc�, s�c�.approv�nc►�to b►�u.r�+�aso��.b►���w�tlh��eld or dela�ed. In the coua�se of the performance af Tena�►t's�or:k(in.cl��iing wi�h.a�.t limitatian t�.e inst�al.latio�.of ar�.y afTe�a►.an.t's prap+�rty�,Tenan.t agrees to�.se labar cc�mpat�b�e with th.at being em��c��r+�d t�y I.,andlard for work in c�r se�vices provided to the Buil�aing or other b�i�daings ov�rned by Lar�dlor�d or its a�i�iates, and no�to�r�ploy or p+�r�m�t the use o#`an�1�.bar c,��a�.��-,w�s�take an�ac�c�n��ch��gh�re��t�n a lalaor dasput�i�.volving pers���el provit��n�w�►rk in.t�r ser�►rices to th+�Bui�da.r�g pursu�nt t�►�u�r�,gemen�s made by Landlord. (�� A11�worl�tc�be done her�ur�der b�r T�nan.t sh�l b�scheduled an.d perfar�med:i.r�su�h a mw.a�n.n+�r as to result i�r�no material interf�rence wi�h.th.e t��mmar�Fa.cili�es of t�a.e Buildiing a�.d vc�ith the use and e�.jc�y�m.ent c�fre��able�p►a��b�r a�ther tenants in the�uild�i�g, and Te�ant agrees�to pra►mptly fc�llov��e re�o�abl�i�nst��.ct�ons of Landlard with resp�ect tc�ar�.y ac�.o�.�a►fTe�.a�.t or T�:�ant's Age�ts which may�t+�ri.atly interf`�r�v�vith the use of such area:�. In additian,Te��t agrees as follaw�with r+�sp�cz to t�he perfor�na�ce of Tenant's Wc►r�an.d any�.lteratic�ns per�rr.�i�ted.here�nd.�r: (i�Tenatn.t sha11 keep the Premises,�►.d all equipme�.t and materials th.+�re%n,and a11 adjacent(�crr��.n.+�n Faci�iti��,in reas�onab�y�eat and.t�rt�erl� condi�.o�., swept a�.d wi�h debri�d%�pos�ed c�f o�.a d;��y b�.�is;�ii�na 1��.d naises,v�ibrat�ans,dust a:�odors�a�r��.�ht u��r��so�.ably+c�.stwrb c�th�r tenants or�ustam+�rs or users of th�Bu�1�g�hall be p+��nitted tc�emanate�rom th�PremYses du�ri�g canst�a.ct�.v►�;prov�dec�, if Tena�.t's wo�k sha11 require act�vit�es�hat r��ght sc�affect athers,su.��a as d+�:�v�liti+�n work,Tenant sha�11 advise Landlo�rd of s�a�e xn ad�rance, sha11 rea.�c►nably�cooperate ar�d coord.i�.ate th�s�hedulin�,c�f su�h wor��with Lar�.dlord sa as ta avv►id c�r r���.mi��e s�.ch irnpa+c�s, and if��+qu�.red by Land�ord,shall perform such r�ar�o.�nly autsid+�af Business�-Ir�urs;(iii)Tenant shal�p�rcav�de�its cc�n��r�uc�io►r�and �e�.dc�r ca►n�racts for Tena�t's Worl�tha.t�,a�dl+�rd�r�a�d:i�rectly proceed�.ga��.s�t such par�ies with respect ta►�eir responsibility for a.ny clairr�s,r�paixs,rem�diatiorl.,, clean.up or�c�.�gatio�.that ma�y re�ult£rom su.ch impacts that do ir�.fact accur, a�.d T��a:r�t sha1l re�sonably caoperate and ass�st Landlo►rd in conn+�c�on�avit�i same; s��r » . ,� . (iv)Te��nnt sha11�e+�p L�.ndlord reasonably ir�ft�rm+�d regard�ing tlhe vvt�rl�s+�hedu�e far#�ie T�na:�.t's�ork, s1��1 prc�v�de L�d.�ord vcri�r. rea�n�a.�ble access ta the P'remis�s d.urin.g the�a►uarse of cons�r�uctia►n; (v}vvc�r��ru��s and other cca�.s�ru.c�on veh�c�es sha:�l no�be parked i�. the Buiic�i�a.g's pa�rk.ing areas or an au�y�om�m�c��Fac�lities,and such vehicl�s a�d ca�nst��ctxon equipment sha11 na►t b�loca�ed so�s tt� hinder acc�ss to parl�in,g and to the Bu.ildaun:�c�r the visibility of any other re�.table space�n t�he Buildi�g; �v�)Tenant s�a11�ot use the �uildin.g's dumpster ar cather B►uild7i�a�g rubbish receptacles for fi�he disposal c►f a�.�:y cons�ructi�►n debris;a�rYd�v�i)v�or��ruc1��aaa�.d+�t�er co�.�tructiv��ve��icles shall�ot be par�ed.,, a�.d.equipme�.�shall�ot be �tc�red, a►�.sidew�k:s�►r parked in�`ro�.t c►f th�Bu`.ilci�iing ar�n any Com:r��on Faci�i�.es, e�cept as�may be specific�:ll�r p+�r�mri�te�d by L�un.�.ard i��v�ri�n�,a�.d subje�t to�uch ru�es a�.d d�i�-ec��res as Landlord ma�require in+�onne�tion v�1�.same, and in.�o event shall such ve�.�cle�ar�d�quipmer�t be located�a as tc�hin.der acc�s�to p�.r�in��.nd t+��lh��uildii�.g ar the visibilit�r af�y o�]her r��.table spa�e ir�.the B��Iding. 9.b. Alter�c�ns� �o a�teratic��s,adc�i�ons+�r i.�riprt�vem�nt��herei�►�:[�er `��41 t�r�atians")ta t�h��'r�r��s+�s sha1�be made by�he Tena:r�t�vithout the pric�r writte�cv�nse�t of the L�.dlc�rd,vvhich may be granted or witb�held at Landlc►rd's so1�dis�r�tit�n. .��1 wark done i�cc��.ec�on wit�h.�y A►1ter�.�t�ns, fo�la�w.�g La.ndlv�rd'��.pprov��hereaf, �h�11�be d�►�.e in�.good a�.d warkm.aa�like ma:r�ur��r,in acct�rd��.ce with a���,p�plicable l�.�s,�vith�l.I p�r�m.i.ts and apprc�vals th+�refor abt��i�ed by�'enant a�d perforrned by�ontractv►rs ap►prc�ved by Landlc�rd. �.ny such�antractar s�ha11 be requ:ired to�ra�ide cer�i.�.cates c�f compr�hen�iv��,eneralliab��i�r and proper#,y daanag�i�a.surar�ce in amoun.ts r+�a�sc►r�ab►1�r r�q�ui�ed by Landlt�rd,nam�ing Landlard as ar�additianal insured. t�n.c+e cc�murnenc�d b�Ter�an.t, such wv�r�shall p�ro�e�d d�.�i�ge�tl�a:r�d continuausly to ct�mpl+��.an, �.d i.�perf+�rnnang such Alt�ra�ions,T�ar�t shall avaid interf��n�wit�,t�he use a:r�d accupa�.�y�£'�►�t.�.c-�t+�:�ar�►.ts o�`t�e Bu��c�ing a�d s�ha11 keep a11 areas outside the Prenn�i.s�es cleari and free of debris�at�:ll �i�.mes. Tenar�.t sh�l comply, an.d shall caus+�its con�ractars�o camply,with a:n.� reasonable d.irective�rom the La�dlord regarding the pe:�:-�`c��:�ance of�he Alterations. Any A1�era�.o�.s m�.de b►y t�e Tenant a�er such+�onsent shall have �b�e�.giv�n,and any non•trad+�f�.t��res installed as part th+�rreof(and any Altera�t�.ons or nan-�cade�a�ri;�res inst��l��l durin�,the ter�m of the F�i sti�►� Leas+��sha11 a.t the La.r�.dlord's optia►n.becc�m.e the praper��af t�.e Lar�dlord upc�n the�x�iration c�r c�tlh.er soon�r t�r�mir�ation a►f this�Lease. If La:r�dla►rd. sh�1.l fa.il to e�.ercis��u+�h aptia�.,�he T�nant shall remove such fix�;ures (including v�rithout�imita�ia�a11 Alterations and f�tu.res in�t�.l�d du.�ing fi��� term c�f the E�ii.sti.�g Lea�e)at th�T�nant's cc�st up+�n th�ter�rr.�na�.o�.of thi� Lease,lea�rir���the P'r�r�u�es in go►od arder�.nd repair,reaso�able wear a�d t+��r c�nl�r e�cepted. 9.c. �.�tx,��rn,vf;,P"r�m�,�,,,_u�`.�e�. T`he Tenant s�ha11, at th.e e�.pir�.tion ar�arlier termination of'this Lease,rema►ve its�oc�d�s ar�.d e:ffects and p�aceab►ly�i.eld up the Pr�mises c1ea�.�nd i�n good order,repaair and co�d��c�r�, �r�i�.a��r wear and��a�r ��cepted(but this e�cep�.c�n sha�.apply ox�.ly if Ten�nt has emp�+��ed gaod mainte�an�e practices, and thi�+��cep�ian sha11 not�xcuse Tenant�`rcam any abligati�n h�reu.�der t�m�:���.ecessa�y repai�r�and r�pla��men�s�,and���ept �`ar repairs which t'h�Lanc�.ord�xpressly a��rees tc�ma1�e as her�i�provid�d; and Tenan.t shall repaair a�a.y injur�done to the Premises c�r the Building or th� Proper�y by the ir�stallation or remo�al af the Tenant's�x�i�res or c�t�►er P�''�:��`• _���. 1 U. . . ,�����.� � . . ..�"� �� Ten.ant sha11 ma�ntain al1 p�►rr�i.a►ns ofthe P`remises a�at�im.mediately adjo�in�ing ar�a�s, and :interi+�r�ides a�f wir�,.dows�, iu�a cl��ar�.d c�rderl�r ca►nc�i.�.on, free of di.rt�ru�bb►ish a�n.d c�bstructio�s. The Te�.ant sha'll make all nons�r�,ic�.i�ral repa�r����essa�:�tc�r��i�t��n the Premises in�o►ad Qrder ar�.d repair, e�cept repa�i.�-s related tc�com�.�.v��.facili�.es or util��r installat�ons for t�e co�r�rno�.use af`the Buildi�,�(but if such r,, a.7ir��.re required as a resu��ofTenant's�e��.ect ar�`ault,Te�.a�t sha11 be respo�as��ble for�h+�costs�Ir�.er+eof�. 11. Il'�1►� �T��A.�3�E 11.a. In��r��,���,���.�. The�`�;��t sh�1l sa�e�he L�.dl+ord har��r�.ess and i�d��ni�.ed from�nd ag�i�s��all i�.ju.r�,lv►ss,cl�:i��.or da��nage tc�an�r p+�rsa�ar proper�►while c►�.the Pr�em�ses ar La�►dlcrrt�'s I'rc�p�.�.y arising,out c�f the use a►r occupanc�r c�f't�.e Premis�s�by th�Tenar���unless caused by t�h�g�ross r�egli�ger�.ce or d�f�ult��the La�dlord,it�ernplay�+es,ager�ts,licensees or con�ractars�ar�.d fram ar�.d agaa�.st a�.1 injury,lv��s, cla:im or da�r�age�o�ny persc�r�or pra�pert�r�►cca�ioned by a:�y act,�+�g�ect a►r d��`ault of fiJhe Tenant or any c��`Ten�t's�.g+�nts�,+��plo�e�s c�r ca�.�ra�tc�r�. l l.b. Li�.b�l�t�In��.ra�nc�. T�.e T+��.aa�.�sh�a11�a�aint��:n�vi�h respec�tc�th+�Fremi�es ar�.d�ppu�r�tenances ther�ta,�ompreh�ns��ve�e��ra��i�.bility and pr�►pert:� d�amage in�luding the brr�ad fa�rr��c�mprehensi�re gen�ralliabilit�r e�.dorse�n�nt and a�c�ntractual liabil��y c+�verage en.darsement,in limits caf nt�t�ess than $1,UO�U,OC�C?.�p�►per occu�rrence,+ar such greater�r�au�t�.s L�:n.d1a►rd sha11 reasa�.ably require�rom t��:m.�ta►�i�me du��.n�th.�T�r��.,for comb�ned sing�e li�mui.t boc�iy injusy and praperty d�u�n�.�,e li�bility,in cc,:narp�r�+es qu�l.if ed to do bu�iness in Massachusetts�.d�.ccepta.ble��►Lar�.dlord.,in.su.��.,��he Landlc�rd as w�1I as t�.e Tena�r�t agai�.s�t injury ta persans c�r dau:�age t�►prt�p�r�.y a.s he�r�in provided, 11.c. F�a��,,�+�rt�,r In�urance. The Tena�n.t shall m.�i�.ta.u�, �.���s�ol�cost a�d e�pe�.s+e, fir�and e�tended co�aera,ge insur�.n+ce for a:ll a►f i�s cont�nts,fi�r�.�t�ure, f�a�rnis�.�ii�gs, ec�uipm�nt,improvements, fiu.�ds,p+erso��a1 pr�pert;�, flt�ar caverings�d fix�ures lacated w�t��in or ab+�ut th�Prer��s+�s,prc��v�idaing protection i�an am�►unt equal�0 100%percent�f th�fi�ll r�pla�e��.en.�value c►f said ite�s�repla.cement value m.ea��i�►g�th.e cost of repa�i�ri�g or re�lacing t�h� d;a��ma�,ed prap�rty wi�.hv►�.t dec�uction fc�r d�pr�ciation}. l l.d. Ins�.rance Poli,cies. T�.e Tena:�.�s�ha11 d+�posit vvxt�h�he Lar�dlo�rd cer�ti�icat�s c�f insurance that it is�req�ired tc�mai�t�in t�r�der t�us�ection,at or p►riar ta th� T+�rm�a►r��m�ncemer�t T�at�of this Lease, a�.d fiJh�rea�E�er, �ri��in 3�c�ays p►ricar tc�th�e�.pirativn c�f�ach su�h pc��icy. �uch p►olicies sha1l�a►�e�e�t�nt �btai.�abl�,provide that the pa�i�c�es�ay n�►t be cha�,ged or canceled v�i.�au.t at �east 30 d.ays pri.or wri.tten��►�.ce t��he La�.dlc,rd.. �u�h insura�.c�may be m.ai�.ta,i.r�ed�y the Ten�.nt under a b��et polic�or polxci�es so-called. 11.e. La,n.d1�►rd'�I,nsura�ce. L,andiord shall m�.�.�ai�f�re a�d��tended co�er�e i�r.surance on t,he Bui�daing providii�g pro�ectior�in ar�a�r�oun�deter�r�ined b►y Land�ord to be ade�quat�. T�.��v►sts c�f su�h insurance a:�.d any�►ther�n�ura:n.ce c��t��i.r�,ed by Lan.dlord with resp►+�ct to t�h�e Prc�pert�r�.n.d its op��r�.�ic�ns. 11.f1 W�.iv,+�r c�f�u;,�ro�atio�. Lan.dlard and Tenaa�.t an.d a11 pa�rt�+es cla:i�ning u�nd.er then�.m.ut�xally relea�se ar�.d d�scha�rge ea�h c►�her f�c�m�l claims�:nd liabilities ar�.sing frc�m c►r ca�used by any casu;�l�y crr hazard ccav�er�e�c�r r�qu�i.red h�reu�.d�r ta be cc�vered ia�.�ho1e c�r�n p�rt b►y i�suranc+�a►n�l�ie 1're�rruses or:iu� conn�c�on�with p►rc►p�r�t�r on or activities co�.ducted+a�th+�Prer�use�,and v�raive a�.y right c�f subro�atian which m�.ght a�th.erv�ise ea�.ist in ar accrue to any p�rson a►n accou�t�her+�of,pra►vided tihat su�h r�elease�Jha11 not operat�in any -11�- iM � �, "" case where t�ie e:ff"ect is to invalidat+e c�r:�%�crea.se the cc��t of such ir�suranc� caverage(prov�ded,that in the case of increased c�►st,t�he ather�a�rt�y shall h.ave the right,wi�3+�days fa►1lowing vc�ritten nc��.ce,ta pa�such i�.cr��.sed cost,�here�►�I��eepin�such release a:r�d�va�iv�r in fiu�l1 force a�►d effect}. 12. FII�:�`,A:�� �A ST,�ALT�LL�►A.��L�.ts� I�.a. T�er�a.ti�►n. Shc�u.ld a11 c�r a p►ort7ion of��Pre�rus�s, or oft�e�uilc�i�g,be subs�a�n.ti�l.ly da��.a�ged(as de�n+�d�aelc�w�by�r-e or oth�r casua�.ty,the Land.1�►rd at its op�.an ma�elect�o t�r�minat�t��s�Le�,se. �hc�uld a11 or a portivn c�f fih.e P`r�mis�:s be substan.�ia:�y d.a��aged(a�defi�.ed belc�w�by�i�re or +�ther casualty,the Te�.a�.t may elect to ter�mui.nat�t��s�Lea�e��`: �1} The La.�dlard fa�ils tca give v��.�ten r�o�ce vc��t��in C(�c�ays a:�ter such d;anr�.ag�of its i�te��o��o restore�l�e I're�uses, ar (2� �u+�h d;a�mEage caus�s�he Prer��ises ta b�unt�nantable fo�T"en�:n�'s use thereof for mc�re th�n 12�c�ays. Tenant shall�xercise its�pt�an tc�termi�nate b�r giv:ing writt��no�ice to La�.dl�rd, as appli�abl�, wit�un�4 d�ys a:fter Laanc�:lc�rd.'s fauilure tc►noti�,r car vvithi�30 d�.ys,�fter su�h �.20day p��.od. T�ie t�rrn 4Cw74i�rJ�i.�.�.��Gi.����IL�.1.11��V77 as used h�r�i�sh�:l1 refer ta da�nage c�f s�u�h a chara�t�r�ha.t t3h+� sa�ne ca�.nc�t,�n c�rdi�a�y couurse, be reasanabl�r e�pected tc�b►e r�p�ired.wwit��� 12U da�ys from�h.e ti�.me that such wa►rk commences, as reasana�►ly d�ter�mir�ed by L,ar��c�rd, 12.�►. R�,ra�or� ,�►.d A,b►�t,,�er�t. If��Ter�r�c�f�is L+�ase�s r�c�t so�ter�rr.u�.ated, La�dlord will,with reasa�.able diligenc.�a��d a�its�a�pre.nse,r�pa�ir ar�d r�eb�aild the F'remis�s a�nearly as reasonably pract�cab►�e to the sa��e c+�nc�%�on as it v�as p��►r to �uch da��age. Landlc�rd's ab►li,ga�.ons to r+�pa;ir a�.d reb�u�ld sha11 in a11 ever�ts be limited.tc�the ir�sura:r�ce pra►ce�ds mad�avai�able to Landlord. . Landlo►rd shall nc�t be vb�i�ated t�r��►aair or restor+�Tenan.t's persa►�a1 prop�rt�, fi�t�ures,fi�rniture, �qu�i�m�;;�.t�r floar coveriri.gs or any Altera�ons p�rfa►r��.ed by T�naun.t. If th+�T�r�� af this Leas+�is nc�t s�r t�r�r�%�a,ted,fc�r sa l+�n��.s such f re c�r�asua�.ty re�de�rs t�.e Premis�s substan�ally u�su�ta.ble fe,r the T��.a�.t's use,a just a�d prop►a►rt�o�ate abatement a►f r�nt �ha11 be mad�un..ti1 L�.dlc�rd's repaairs have�b�een completed. It is e�►r�ssly u�,�ders�ood and a�;reed that nc�t��in.�,in t��s Lease ca►�t��ed s�.a11 be deemed to create in Ten�t any ir�terest�n an�hazard in�ur�n.ce p+�licies or�lhe proceeds�h.erec�f. 13. E:M��:�l'�T I�►�f1��AIN 13.a. Te�or�. ;�n the ev�r�t that t�.e vvhale of�lh.e P'r�mises�r La�.dla�rc�'s Frop+��ty sha1�be 1a�wfiu�.l.y c+�r�de�o�.�d+�r t�:l�en in a�.y r��:nner ftar a,r�y publ�c or quasi-public u�e,th.i�Lea�e�:nd th.e Terrn�h�r�b►y gra�.ted sha11 fort�v�ith t�rminate as of th�e date of�he di,ves�ing of L�andlord's t�tle. Should a pc�rtic�n. af th�Pr�mis��, or a►f the Bui�d�ng,or of L�.n.dlord's Prop+�r�y,�►e so c+andemned v►r ta��r� and suc�.t�l�i�ng is sub�tantial(as d.e�i�.�d be�ow},tl�� Landlord at its c�ptic�n m�y�lect tc�ter�mi�ate��.i�L�as�. �hould a pc�rt�%on af t�e P'rernises be sa cc�ndem�ned or t��er�, and suc�i t�l�ng is subs��.�i.al�as defined belc�w),the Te�aant may elect tc�ter�rr.�.�.at��.is Lea�se if: �1) �uch t�ng or condemun.a�on resul�s��h+�per��anen�lc�ss c�f:rea�so�a�ble a.ccess t€�the�'rer��s�s,or 1�D%ar:�.�r�e of the Pr���se�,c�r fac�li�ies�that supp�y heat, auir co�di�o�.in.g,wat�r�drainage,pl�am.l�i�ng, electriciiy or C1�'.1��`U.1�.�.I�"l.�S C��`SI��`'�.C���+D 1:�I.�'�"��:CI�S��;t��' (2) �uch tak.ing�r cr��.dem�.a�ian causes�lhe�'re��.ses�c�be u�.tena�tab�e far Tenant's use therec��f+�r mor��aa 124 �ys. _1�_ w 4 � +r " Ten,�t sh�l.l e��;rcis�its�►pt�a►n to termina�e b�y�i�:i�.�v+v�itten no�c�to La:��ord w��'h�a.6tl da�s fa►11o�i.�.g t�.e date an�rhich Landlord's tit1�has been d.i.vested b�r sucl��.uth�►rity. T�i�term"subst��tia1"as used herei.� �ha��1 ref�r tv�a cc�nde�r�.ati�►n or t��;ing whi�h:r+�duces the floor area of the Buildi.r�g, or reduces the tc�t���.rea af L�.d�ord's Property b�r more tha�. 5°10,c�r a.�`ects par�ir�g andlor acc��s to La�.dl+�rd's Prc�p�ert�a�d�e�u%�daing, c�r will require, i�. Landlcrrd's�judg�men.t,more th��n. 1�fJ days to re�tore. �3.b. �.�s�t�r��.�►n and�i.�b�tem��. If r�eit�her��ie L.a�d�a�rd c��'�"e�.�t elects to termi�.a�e this Lease as a�`a►resai�.d,t��.s Le�se sha�1l be una.:�`ect+�d by such tal�ng, e�.cept that th�Fixed R.ent sha1�lae abatecl equitab►1�. In t�e eve�.t tha�only a p�rt af the F'r�mises sha11 be sa condemuned or ta[�en and t��s Lease is not terminat�d as herei�n�aefore prc��i d�d�Lar�.dlord wi11,v�ritlb.r��,sona�bl�dilig+�nce and at its expense,restor+�the rema:i��.n�,por�ion c�f the Prer��se�a�s near�y as re�sc�nabl�pr�.��.cable to the sa��e can.d.��o��.s�t�r�prior ta�uch canc�em�rYatic�n ar�alkang. Land�.orc�'s t�b►li�,a�cans�ca restare�ha�.l i��11.�ven��be 1�r�ruted to the condemn.a�.an prace�ds made avai�able to Lar�dlord. 13.c. Avv� In the ev�r�.t af any cc��.demna�on or ta��in�herei�abefore m�ntic�n�d c�f a�l ar pa�rt of Landlcrrd'��'raper�,r,I„a�dlord s�ia�l be en��led ta►rec+eiv�th+� �ntire award in the condem�n�.t�o�:p►ra►c+�eda�gs,:�.cl�.d��g a��award�ade�"ar the�ralue of`the estate vested b�r�lhis L���i��h�Tenant, a�nd T�:�ant hereby e�ressly assi�ns t�the La�+d�ord an�r an.+d a:El ri�,h�,t�tle an.d in�erest of Tenant nc�w ar h�reai��r a�i.si�.g in or to ar�.y such a�ward ar an�r p�urt�lh+ereaf. :�atv�rithstar�.d.in.g the foregoing,T�ant sha[1 have�]he ri�ght��►la�ing a s�eparate cor�den�.na�c���►raceed�ing for reloca�ion e�pen�es�r�d th+�una�r�art�zed�a1ue c�f`t�rad�f�t�res p�.yat�le in�]he mar�ner ar�d���nt as, a�►d�f,pra►�ided by 1av�. 14. �ItJ:I'�� Tenant sha11 not p�lace any signs c►r�ther fo�rr�s of adver��si�.g on or about th+�e�.t+�rior of the Premises or the Buildin.g�r upc�n any sid�vvall�s,��terior ar e�.te�.or wa��vvays or road�or c�ri.ves�.djacent to the Buildain�,,v�ithc�ut Lan.dlord's pr�.or�a�ritte�conse�.t,wh.ich may be wit]h�h.+�ld at Land�.ord's sole discr�tia�n. The fa►regai�.�,pro�.i.l��t�an sha1��.so prv►hibit a��.y sig�.s or other advert%�ing o�.the wiu�.dows c�f th.e P'remises ar I�cated�it��.n t]he�.terio�r c�f�'�a.e�`re�mr�.ses that are visible outsid+�the P'remises�, and., speci�.�ally,n.o ba�:�ers a�.d�+�signs adhered direct�y ta the P"r+�mises'windov�vs sha11 be p+��uitted. I�T�a�withsta�n.d.i�a.g the fc�regQing,�f�.d sc�long�s"I�enant is�ret�.�tenant of th�Bu:ildi�.g and the Frem�i.ses has an��eric�r sto�re�ro►nt and en�rance,Te�.a,�.t may,�.t its s�l�+e�p��.se,place on�si�n t�n t1�.e exte�ior o�`the�3ui1d.%n.�,at the P're��.ses'stc�refr�►nt,th�s�iz�,d��i��ar�d lc►c�.t1+�n of�vl�i�ch s�.a�.� b�s�ub j�ct ta►Lan.d�c�rd's pric�r writt.�approval,whi�h sh�.11 not b�u�ure��+�nably wi�]�.h.eld. W��hou.t li�ani.tatia�n, in na►�vent will Landlord b�re�ui.r�tc��pprave of near�,�as, illu.�r�inated or flashin� si�n.s�. Such si�n sha11 ide�.tify Ten,an.t's�ra+�e�.�a�e anl��ar.d s�hall be in acct�rdanc�with �.,a�.d�ard's building standards for signag,e,as est�.b�ished from�i�me to fi�me,a�.d�uch�i,gn.sha11 c+�mpl�with.a11 app�icable 1aws,in��ud.ai�.��all�odes, ordi�.ances and re,g�a�la�c��.s of the Tc�v��c�f C��►r��c+�x d,a�.d Te�.�,n.t sh�1.1 ab���i.n a11�r��u�.red�rer�mits ax�d apprc�va.ls�►ric��r�o i�scalli���;such si��, includir�,g a�.�r approvals required fram the Tovvn.'�I�istorical�c��r��c�.ss�on. '�u�h sigr� sha11 be fab►�ca�ed and instaJ,l�d by Te�.a�t witl�ui.n 45 da�rs a�E��r the�c�mm+�nce��.�:�t T�ate, shall�be :m.�taiu�ed in,gaod condit�c��by Tenant��roughout�lhe T�r��.�f this�L�ase,and sha:ll be re�:�c�v�d by T�n�t upc�n the t�r�caina.tic��.c�fth�.s Lease�w�th a�.y d;a��age�au�ed to t�h�e F're�.uses or Bu�ildiing b�such sign or�ts remc�val be�n,�promp�y repaaired by Te�.a��t at i�s+expen�e�. �Totwithsta�.din.,g the fc�regc�ing, if Te�.ar�t is a r�tai�te�.ant�f�e Bui�cl�ir�,�and�he Pre�aa�i�es has an �nteriar ca►�.cc�urse st+�refra►�.t and entran.ce,T.e;n.ant n�ay, at its sale��p�ns�e,p►lace an.e si�,n on the concourse face of th�e�teriar wall of the F're�r�s+�s, at the l'remises�cc�ncc�ur�e stc�re�`rant,the si�ze, de�i�.n and locatian�of which sha11 be as d�t�r�m�i.ned by La�dlord,and in.a:�.ev��ts�ha11 be at a11 -13- � .. � � �i�mes in accord�.�ce with Landla►rd's�3uildiing stat�d�rds for concaurse sig�n.age,as�establ��h�d�`rom �iim+�to�i�m�. 1�5. .At��.�,�� T`he pvrtia�s�►f the Bu�lda�.g n�c�ssa��f�r acc�ss to the Pre:��ises shall rem�.n a�pen during�usiness Hours, �s prc�vided her�in, ar�d Ten.ar�t's empl+a�ees, age�.ts,custc�m.+�rs and business invite�s sh�11 h.�.v��.ri�.t of�.�c�ss,.in ca.�:��a��ith c�t�iers��titl�d fi�hereta►,t�the l�remises d�%r�g Business I�c�urs, s�u�bj�ct to e��.ergen.c�y cc�nd�iE.�ons. �ubject to a:�er-hc�urs secu:ri�,y arran.,�,� ne�ts,if any, that may be esta.blished b�L�dlord firom�time to time, and ta emerg�ncy cc�nd.itians,T+enant's employees shall ha��access to the T'remises du:ri�n�t�t.�er�i�mm+es. The Landlard sha11 have acc�ess�ta t,he Pr�mis�s a�a:11 r�aso�ab�e t��mes upc��.reaso�able prior v��ritte�.or oral�.otice, exc�ept�.n the ca�e of emergency such restrictio�s on access sha1�be i�applicable� 16. S�.TF�►LEA�E A��►A�.��I(�-:�J:i��JEI��"T The Te�.a�.t sha11 nc�t as►sigr�.th�Lea�e or sublet tlh.�Pr�rru�+�s for i��.e rer�:��inder of the Term except wi.�i the pria►r wr�itten approval�►f th.e Landlard.,�r�.i.ch ap�rc�val rn�.y be�rar�.ted ar w�itlkil:�eld at Landlard's so�e and absalute da.scretio�.;i�t bein��derstoc�d�b.a:��he tenant�the nat�ure a►f�.y tenant'�business,and th�id�:�.�.t�r a�a.d��er�.�nc�e of a�.y prop�s��d���.ant is af crucial impc�rtanc�tv Lar�.dlard and tc�the h�cc�n.�.ued suc�e�s a►f��.e Pra�►�r�Y,c�f ather tenan�s crf the Building and of the due�a.d proper�y m�.n.agenr���t a��d c�p+�ratio�.of�.e�"rc�per�.y. I'�otwitk�st�ur�d�i�.,g a�ar.y su�h a�ssi��.��.t or�ubl��l�ng,i�is u��.derr��oca�.a�n.d�reed tha��lhe��.ginal Tenant named h.er�in sha11 alwa�rs rem�i�n pr��r�.arily and uncc�nditic►nally liab�.+�to La�n.cil.c�rd far th+� observance and p�rfarmar�c�af th�c�bligatio�s and agree�:���.ts a�`Ten.ant�n t�his Le��se cc��t���.+�d. I�sha�.1 be a�a►ndition pr+�cedent to th.e gra�.�.ng af any ca�.s�;nt�by La�.d�.�rd hereu�.der that Tenar�.t and any su�h ass'gn��or subtenant shall ent�r into a�.a�;reement�ri.th La�.dlord,i�.form satisfa.ctory ta��vunsel tc,Lan+�.l�ord,pursuant to wh.ich such.�ss�ig�.e�or subten��agr��s d:i��ct�y w�.th Landla►rd tc�assume and p►erf`�arm.�l c►f t�h.e obliga.tio��and agree�n�nts a�f Tenant co�.t��:ned in t:his�,eas�e,and conta�g such oth�r conditiv►ns a�.d provisi�►�s as La�dlc�rd sha�.l requixe. Tena�.t a�;��e�tv►pay all+�f Land.�ard's costs i�.co�:�.e+�t�on with the car�sid+�ratic�n a►f a�.�such pr+�pa►s��d assig�.m�.�r�t c�r sublet�.g, includ�.ng r��.sonable attorn.ey's fe�s. Te�.aan.t sha11 p�y t+�Landlord rr��►n.thly v►ne-half�►f the�a�c�ss of�tih.e re�.ts�n.d other�h�r,�e� received by Tenant pursuant ta►the assig��.mer�t or subleas�e c►ver�e rents�.d c►ther cha�r,ges r�s���r�d to Landlord ua�c�er t�is Lease attributable ta the space as�si�ed or sublet. 1'7. :��;1�IU�,ITI(�1`� If,ai�er January 1,2�25, the L�d1or�.sha11 det�une��dema��ish�nd rebuild�he Buildi�.�,,�r ta�underl;ake a su.bstantial re�ova�o�of the��.�ldai�g,�+�r�L�:�dl�rd h�.s tihe right t� ter�mi�.a,te t1�ai.s L�ase by�gi+vi�a.g to Tenant 6 manths�'v��r�tten no�ice+af La�nd.�ord's d+et�r�rr.��.atia►n to derr�o'sh and rebuild or ta re�.ovate, an.d thereu�c�n the Lease sha:[1 ter�mrin.�te at�Jh�e�pira�o�.of suc�6mc►�th p►eria�d. . 1 S. ��.�C�►�;.I�►I�T.ATIE�►�rt This Leas�is�subject and su�►ardainate to a11 real estat�mc�rtga.,�es and ground�eases prior to or subseq�.ent to the date af ea�ec�u'o� and deliv�r�y of��.s Lea�e�nd to a:C1 ren+�w�ls, modi�.cat�a�.s,cansolidatic�ns,repl�:c�r�e�.ts or e�tensic�ns t�iere�f. LJpan��e r+�ques�of Landlard., the Tenari.t sha�l prc�mpt�y e�ecute and deliver all such i�:s#�uments a�m�.y be approp�.ate to subordinate this L�a�e tc�any gr�und 1��ses a�.dlor�.art,ga;�es,and tv►�.�a�d�r�.c��mad+� th�reu�.d�r a�.d tc►the i.�.terest th+�reon,a�nd all renewal�,repla�em�.ents and e�te�sion�thereof, prov�ded that,in the cas�c�f grc�und leas+�s or ma►rtgag�s enterec�ir,�ta�u�bs�quent tc� �omm��ce���t I�ate, on the request c�f�",�.a�.t,La�a►dlord sh�:[l use reasonab�e e�`'+ort�to have�he -14- �, M * � � mortgagee agr�e, on its customar�,r far.m,not ta►dist��rb�lhe accupaa�c�af Tena�.t ur�der��Lease in t�h.e ev��t of f�,�ecl�o���if Te�a�:t i�nc�t��:defa��t o�'ar�y af �t�rms a��d cc���.#��r��of�h.%�Le�:�+�. 19. TEl'�AI'�T'� �CJ'��7E1'��.l��I"S 19�.a. Tenaa�.t's C�,��era� �c�v�en.a�ts. The T�na�.t cov��a�.ts ari.d a��rees a�fc�l�ov�rs: (a� Tenant sha1�perfc,r��.p►rc,mptl�al.l c�f the obli�,a�.ons of tlh.e Tenant set forth in thi.s Lease�.a.d shall pa��vhe�due a11 r�.t�in.cludi�.�,all�"i�ed�.er�t aua�.d addi�ic�nal rent}a�d�l.l c�t�er charges vvh�ch by th.�ter��s af this Lease are to b��►a�d by th�Tena�.t. (b) Te�.a�r�.t sha11�bta�in a11:�ec�s�a�:��ave��.m.e:�.t��.li�e�.ses a�a�.d p+�rmits req�uired far the prop�r and lavv�'u�cc��.duct ofTenan.t'�business and Tenant's use of the P`rem�is�es. Tena�t, at�'�nant's e�p�e:r�se, s��a11 ca►mply v�ri�h al�hea�t�h, safet�r and. p��%ce r�q�a%rer�.�r��,�affeci��or�,�p►�%ca�al�e t�►�b.e�'r��s�es�or the c�ea��1�.�.ess, safety, a►+��upancy an.d use tl�er�c�f,vvh��h�r�►r not sa�.�are sub�ta�.�.a1, ft�re�een or unforeseen, ordi�n�r�y ar e��r��►rda�.��r.T�na��.t sha11 a�all times c��.d�.ct�ts busi�.ess ia��.a reputable m.a�r�.�n.er. (c} T�e�.a.nt s�i�11 pa�a11 cas�ts an de��a�n.d far a1�la►�s or dama�e�uf�`ered or iu�curred by L�nn.dlord caused by�'enan�c►�r ca.u�ed b�r�u�.�ance c�r n�gl.ect �uf�'er+�d c�n t�.e Premises due tc►Tenant, its agents,�mplayees,i�.v�:�ee�or . as��gns. (d) Tenant sha1�k�ep the interic�r+af�he P�r+�r�uses��.c�e�:n, �ea�and+�rderly, �andit�an. Te�aa�.t sha11 k.e�p a.11 r��fiu�e,na.bb�sh a�.d d�bris in cc�v�red. �ont��iu�►er�located anl�r i�a�rea�s�.ppra►ved by Lar�dlord and sha1�remave rubb�s�h an.d d�bris#�am�h+�Pr�rnrn�-�es�a�a��q����;�ca�.�� ��:#�ith gac�d fre safetY, �.Y�ene practi�ces a�.d�ea�ness�. If addit�o�a1 rubl�ish pickup is requ�.red, c�r if the d.�umpster neec:�ta be+�nptied due ta�Tenant'�usa,ge,th�n �uch ad+�i.tic��.al cost sha11 be paid b�Tenan�, as�.d�l�onal rent hereunder, prc�m.pt�y upon demaan.d frc�m La�a�.dlard. �e} T��.a�►t sh�ll p�nm�.it Lan.c�ard a�d its a�e�ts to��aumine�he Prer��.ises at reas�nabl�times,�nd tt� shov�r th.e P're�ruses t�prt�specti�e tenat�ts,l�nde�s, buyers and ather p►art�ie�. T'he La�.dlo►rd may enter the P'r�e�uses to m�.a��ar�.y replacem��ts and r�paa.rs or for c�ther puarp"oses,af��r reaso�ab�e�otice is�;iven ta►Tenant. (fj Tena�.t sha11 u.��the�'r�ses c�nly far a specialty gou�et shap far th�ret��l sa�.e of pre-pac�aged foad�,beverag�s and good.s such as ch�e�e,wine,be�r, flavc�red olive c�il,vina�.�r�tte, choc�►1at+�,crac:�+ers,hot�a�uces,c��ed�ruait�r�u�c nuts, c�ied meat,tea and si�cul�r pra�duc�s(v�hich use sha11�.ot include the preparation, �c�:�.ng c�r servi�g of foc�ci at th�Pre�ruses,ar any restaurant use� which uses shall�be prohibit�d}��lh.e"P`e�tnitted"t�,Tse"�a�.d for nc�ather purp+�'� . Te.nant shall always cond.uct its bu�sines�in tJhe.Phr+�mises u.nder its cu�rr�nt trad.e r�a��+�, "��rt's�►pec1alt�e�", t�r such o��r trad�r��e a�s may reas�c�nably l�e apprc�ved of in v+�ri�i�.g b�Landl�rd. �g� Tenant sha1��v►t i�jur�, over�aad, d�fa+��or at�.erwi��haarm�he P'rer�us�s, cc,mmit a�►�r nuisance or p►�r�m►it the em�.ssion af an�r objec�ic�nable odor, ar ma�e�.n.y u�e t�f the�'r�s�s wh.ich v��.11 increa�e the cost af��Landlard's insurau�.ce(unless T+�na.nt pa�s far su�h increased cc�st�. Tenant sha11 nat sell or disp�a�r.��rchar�.d�se i.n a:�sto�e t�r d�spc�s�e c�ftrash or re�i�.se i�.or a►th�r�►��se c�bst�uct�th.e driveways,�a��s,halls,pa�rrki.ng area, c�r c►�h.�r ca►m�ar�a►�.;�rea�. The sidevval�s,�nt�anc�s,int+�rior cor�ridors, and s��ways sha11 not be obs�ructed or+�n.cum�ered by the T�.an.t ar used for any purpo►�e other tha� egress to and from the Pr+�m�ises. _��.. x . � M � (h) Te�aant sha11 nc�t suffer ar pe�rmit strip+�r w�a�t�. (i� Tenant sha11�.ot permit any u.se that may be de�emed ab►no�.i.ous or vvhich ua�reasonably i�.t�rf+�r�s with c�r a,j�'�cts�.ny a►�h�r ter�ants.�n the Bui�daing ar creat�s�public ar parivate nuisau��e a►r fire ha�ard. C.l� Tena�nt sha11�.ot conduct a��auctic�n,f r�,b►a:r�:�rup�c�or gc�ing-out-�f- busi�e�s sa1e,nar use o�r per:mit a�y sound a�p►�r�.tus fa►r r+�pr�►c�u��ion o�r tra��m.%s��on of m�.,��c a►r�c,�.�r�.d which sh��.b�a��.����b��rond t�e p��s�i�ca1 in�erior of�he Pr�.i.ses. �1�� T"en�a.t sha1l�omply vvith Lau�.d�r��rd's:Rules ar�d Regulatic,ns a�s are cu�rre�tly in effect ar�.d.such reaso�.able rule�an.d regula.�v►ns as shall from.�i��.e ta�b'�me hereaf�er be esta.bl�sh�ed by th�Land�.a�rd for�he safet�r,care, clear�liness ar orderly�or�duct of the P'remi�es a�.d La�d.lard.'s�'rop�rt�r,a�nd far t�he bene�t, cc�m�`c►rt and conven�.e�.ce t�f�11 of the c�ccupawn.ts v�f th�B�.lc��.�. T�.e R.ules a�.d Regul�tt�ans as��uarrrentl�r in eff`ect ar�e as set forth in��hi it I�a�;a�hed h�reto. (1� If during the Ter.rr�and ar�.y��te�.sia�.�lhere�f,the�'�re�nsurance rate of'the Build�i�g ar the P"r�mi ses i s�in�reased due to�h+�r�at��re of�he T`ena�t's o+�c�.�a��c�r,T+er�a�n.t s�a1i pay t�o the�,a�.ti�-��d a��a��i�i�+�.�!i�sur�:�� pr�miums r��ulti�.,g frc�m su+�h rat�incre�se. A�ny such additianal p�r�rruu���s payable b�y�he Te�a�.t sh�11 be adc�irional r�nt�nd.sha�l�►e paid tca th�Landlord within 1 t�da�ys a,f�er�av�riiten dem�.d�cca:m�pani�d b�r�h.e insur�:�.ce pre�r��u� n+��.�e ar c�ther sa�is�`actary e�idence of th+�a�nau�n.t due. (m� T+enant sha11 not at ar��r�ime u�se ar occup►�r�lhe:�`rr�mis+�s in v�ic►�ation ofth� cer�f��c�,t�e of�ac+�����r or bu�1t��.g p►err����s-s��ed f+a�r th�8�:����g or a�y applicab►le zoning ord�i.�.a�nce. The s�tat�m�:nt in t�h.e L+���s�c�f the nat��r�c�f th� busines��o be cc�nducted by the Tena�r.t i�.the 1're�ises d.o�s nc�t ca�.s�tut�a repr�s�+��.tt�.tican or guar�n.ty by th�Land�+�rd tha�such busi�.e��m�,y be �on.d�ct+�d vn the Pre�mises or i�law�ul under�hhe c+�r�i�.c�.te of occupar�cy c�r bui�ding per�r�.i�or is atherwis�p�er�mitted b►�law. (n) Tenant sha�1 no#vacate�►r aba�.dc�n t,��Premises, and s��►a1l cc�n�nu�a►usl�r �p�rate a�d c�►nduct its b►usi.ness vvit�un t�.e Pre�cuses�n a first class a�d r�puta.ble rnan�er. Tenant shall cc�nduct its business�n such a maru�.�r bo�lh as re,gards n+�ise a�d ot�er r�uisa�.ces,as will�c���u:�re�sonab��r inter#`ere with, �n�nc��v►r dist�urb any ot��r t.�ant in the cor�duct af��s busi�ess, or the Landl�rrd�t1�e management of t�e Build��.,g. (c�) Tenau�t, a�.d Tena.nt's emp�oyees, a.gents, cor�tract+�r�,�icensees, ir��ritees,gu�st� c,r�u.stc�mers, sha�1�nat gen�rate, stc�re or spi11 upon,daispose of or�ra�r�sfer t�►c�r �ra►m the F'remises a►r Laa�dla►rd's�'rop+�r�;�an�ha�ardaus v�raste mater�a�.s�� de�ined b�lc�w), a.nd Tena�.t s�ha�l st�ictly�ca►m.pl�y w��a11 appl�+ca�ble lavvs rela�ing tc�ha.zard�u�w�ste mat�rials, T+�nar���ha�l save La�dlord��o�e�er wit�.its�p��rs�,b+�r���cia�o��rs�,t���t�ees�, e��►lc,�ee�a ag+�n.��, �o��ractars, attar�r�.e�rs aa�.d mortg�.�,e�s)ha�-.�.ess and�.ndem�i�ed�'ranr�and agai�.st any and a1�dauac�.a,ges�i�.�ludi�.��rithaut�imui.t��tion clean.-up and r�media�ian costs� which ma.y�re ass�rted o�accou�t+af the presen+c�or release of ha��rdaus wa��e materials on,in�►r firom the F're�r�.ses d�.ri.n.�,the T�r�r�a�nd an�r period whe�.Tena�t(ar t.hc�se cla�mi�.g by a►r t�uraugh Tc�na�r�t}a�cu.pies�he Prem�is+�s, a�accau.�.t o�`t,�.� acti�it�es�afTena�a.�t�or th+�s�e cl�a��cung;b�or t��rc��.gh Ter�a�a�:t) in viala�on af�ur�.y app►licable lav�s re��.ti�g to ha�ardous wa�te mate�als, c�r ar� account o�f th�br�ach af any a►f the cc�v��an�s conta��.et�in the pre��ous se�.t+�nce. Tenant a��r�es th.at i�`it c�r ar�.�c�n�clair��.�g u�.der�t via►�a�+�s th�s provisic�n,Ten�n.t shall far�a.with r�:�c�v�th.�har�ardous waste r��a�eri.als i�n �h.e ,.��_ � � �. ma:rau�►er provided by applicable law,regardl�ss c►f v�hen su�h ha.zardous waste ma��r%a�:s-sh�:ll b+�di.�ca�er+�d, a�n.�:T�na�:t s�a11 f�M�with repa�.r a��re�#or�a�� portion�►f the Premise s or Landlv►rd's Proper�y which it shall di sturb in so rema�vi�n.g sa�d h�zardous w�.ste materials ta the conditio�which+��i.sted priar to Te�n.ant's dist�.�rbanc+�thereaf. �"�.e provis��o�.s of th�is subp►aragraph sha11 be in adc�itian to any other c�bliga�o�.s or liabili�es of Tenant under thi�Lea.se ar wr�der appli�a.ble�a�v, a�d.in add.���►n tc�any other r��edies of Landlord ur�.der t��%s�Le�:�e c�r�.nd�r applicab��e�a�,a�d th.e obliga��►�-�c�f�`���:t u�.der t�us- subpara�,raph shall s�urviv�the ter�r��n.atic�n of t1�i.s Lease. Far pua�pases a�'this subpar�.graph,"hazardaus waste materxa�s" sha11 mean.any sub�tan�e vvhich is�c�r be�am+�s d+�firi.e�.as hazard�►us wa�ste,ha�ardc�us m�at�rial a►r v►il u�der�.y Federal, Sta.te c�r 1oca11aws,c►r which is to�.ic, exp�osive, ccrrros�ve, fla:m�nable,iri.f�ctiou.s,rac�ioactive,carcinag�n�c or othe�wis�hazardaus to he�l.th and �vhich is or becomes regulat+ed u�.der an�r applicable law. (p') Tenant sha11 temporarily keep a11 refuse and rubbish gen�r�.ted at the�'rer��ises in�c�v�red co�.tai�.ers�w�.thin th�F'r�mises, store same in a sanitary ar�.d sig:h.tly manner, an.d re�,ularly remove such r+�f�se and rubbish from the P'r�ses to an e�teri�r dur�pster or other�ontai�.ers p►rc��rided by L�.ndlord at the Prop�r�y. If Z"+��.ar�.�'s.use of th�d�u.��r���r or a�h�r�on��rs-s�!�����d�+��n.�d���+��sive b►�r Landlord, Landlc�rd ma.y require Tenaant tc�pay a fee for such use and c�i.sposal, or may requ�ire T,, a�t to be responsible, at its sole cc��t a�d e�pen�e, for the re��a►va1 c�f a11�ts r�:�'u.se and rubbis�h f�am the Proper��r. �q) Tena�.t sha11 k�ep the Pr+emi s�s�i�11y equipped with a11 required safety a�►�►lia��a�es and equipment,in+cluc�.iin.g wit�haut li��n.itatiar��i.re��ti.�r�uish�rs. {r� T�enant hereby r�presents tt�th+�Landlord�hat i�t has the au�t�ha�ty ta e;nt�r intv► t�us L�as�,that t�.�e�ecutic�n a�.d delivery af this L�ase is not in cc�ntrav�ntic�n c�f its�haurt+er a►r by�laws c�r appli�cable state Iavvs, and that th.i�L��.�e has been du�y autliori�d by, as�.ppra►priate,its�3oard c�f�'ur+��tc�rs and S�ar��.c�lders, i�t� �'arjbr�ers,its M�mb+�rs,its Bene�iciaries�ar ath�r ov��ers�i.p+�r r�a��.�,ement . ��er��t- c�l..+�rs. 19�b. Te�ar�.t's,���,,,�e,cific.t�,�avenants. In ad�.it�c�n ta►th�cc►v+��a�ts abc�v�,T���.t ccave�.ants and agre�s as fc�l��v�vs; ��� T+ena�t s�ha11,duri.�g th�ent�re T�r��.�f this Leas�e,:keep#�.e P�emises fu11�r stacked,fi�r�ished an.d set u.�a with m�rcha�a�dise,ma.t�r�i�.ls and d.ecor af a t�y�p� a�d qu-a�.ity�c��:s��#en��it�th�Per�m�:tt�d-IJs�. T��.a:�x�ha1�ct���i��.�u�s�ly� c�p�rat��d co�duc�t its busin�ss at t�e Pre�r�ses dur�in�,t�ie entire T�rm oft�ais Lea�e,a�.d shall keep t�.e Premis�s fi�lly st�ffed ar�d apen for busir�ess d.uri�g the hours that Tena�n.t's busi.�.ess i�op�n. Te�.ant s�.al1�ot cic�se,reduce its c�pera�ion�,aba�.da�.th�pre�m��s�s,�1c�s�tlie busi:r�ess at the Premis�s ar ot,�er��i�e let th+�Fremis�s"go dark"at�u�.y�'�n.e duri��the Ter��n. (�a� Ail stor�frar�ts at th�Pr�mises and all ather p�urt�thereof v�sible fraxn the ��.t�riar of the Build.�c�g sha11 be kept in a n�at aa:�.d orde�r�y ca►nditian, :�ee af a11 litter and trash,consi�tent with th�Per�mritted Use and the f rst class�.at-ure crf t�a+�Builc�i.ng and its vther te�a�t�. 1"�a pasters ar pap�r will b�a1lav�red on the win.dow�ofthe Premi�es at an�t�ne, except far sig�.s as e�pr�ssl� provided i�S�ec�on 14. �c) Tena�t sha�.�keep a11 doars between the Premuises a�d the Buil�,�'s interic�r cancaurse clased at a11 t�mes�e�cept wher�peaple are actual�y enteri.n.g ar leavi�.g the Pr�mises}, and said daars�sha1�n+��rer be pro�p�d open or othe:�vise�+�p�in an ope�.positio�.� _1�_ � � N (d� Tena�nt sh�:lll�e re�p�o�sible fa��r l�eep►ing the e�teriar areas i�.f�c�nt of th+� Pr�mi�es�f�ee o�'s�.��a��d�+ce�:�d pro�►erly.��1�ted a��!s�a��d�d., �o s�uch are�� are ar�.d rema�in.�afe far pedest�ia.�.s, custam�rs a�d employ��s accessing the Premus�s. (�� Tenant�ha111�e�p th+��'�e�c�.�es an.d adjv►ini�g port�ons�af Land.Io►rd's�"rop�rty free�f pests, insects,rc�d.ents and c�ther��r.�r�i�., acnd�ha1l�aus�e s��ne tc�bte e��r�minat�d�by�.p�ra►fes�ic�nal pest ca►ntrol compa�y o�.a r�a�,anabl�schedule �.s requ�red,bu�t nc�less frequer�t�y than.quarterly(u�1es�pest pra►�►�e�r�s are discovered,i��hich event more fir�quent��t�erm�natian:may�b�required by L�r�.d�ord), a�n.d�`ena:r�t sh.a�[i p�ro�%de Landlc�rd with a cc�p�r�►f��s pest�on�r�rl s�r�r�ce contra�t. (f� Ti�nar�t sh�1 riot per��ruit ar�y laud so�unds or r�oise�(incl�daing music}tca be e:m�.tt�ed-frc�m t�.�Prem%��s�sc��to be reaso�.�.#��y a�d�b►�e in the C�o���n.c��. Ase�c�r to c�th.e.�r tena�.�s�►:��c�up�ts af t�e�u�dai��, t�.�s�devv�l:�s�.d str�ets adjacen.t ther�t��r an.�adjoini.�.g prope:�.�s. ��� Tenant sha11 nat per�n�i.t a�y c��Tenan.t's custa�mers,vendors, �mplv�yees, cont�actvrs�►r ag�nts tc�pa.rl�i�a�.y of�he parka�g,a�eas�ar�pa.ce�on �,andlc��rd's Property�e��ept ta�h.e�a�tent Ten.ant�as righ�ts�ta�use any par�g space�, pursuant ta separat+��arra�.,g�m.ents with La�dl�rd�� a�nd�h�:ll��k� reas�or�a�ble st�p►s ta�.d�i.se it�em.pla►y�e�an.d cu.�ta►mers th�.���y ca��:�ot park . �n.su.c ar�as. �h� La��dlord agrees that,in�c�n�..�+�t�a►n with th�e Perm.itt�ed Use,T�nan.t may engage in�he ret��l s�:le of�c+�b.o��c laeverag�s�i�.sea�ed and�:nc�pened bc►t��les a��.d�on��.ers-(".14�cvhalie�'����a��s"}.at car fram:th�1'�e�r���f�ar��'- pr�mis�es�cansu�mption. T��.a��acl�.awled.g+�s that,but for T+�a��t's a�sur�:���s ,given.belc�w, L�:�dlard wou�d n.c�t permit�he sale afAlcoholic�3e�r�;rages an #�h.e Premuises. A��c�rd�iingly,Te:nan.�cavenants and agrees v�ifi�h Lan�c�rd a�s ft�lla►vvs: �. Tenar�t m.ay se�l Alcc�holic��verag�s��►n or from the P'remises o��1y if it �.a�.�rst r��+�ived th�Liquvr L%�+�n�, a,�d��+�d-i�:�e+��ion 3.c, a�:d� long as sa���e remaa�s�fi�.1 fc��c+e and e�`ect, ar�d a11 Al.coholic Bev�rages sha11 be sold on.l�y�s�rict accardar�ce�ixh the Liquor Lic+�nse, an.d�:�1 of it�ter���, conditia�s and l�:nitati�►�.s. �. Prior tc�any sa�.e c�fAlcaholic��vera,ges,Ter�a�a►t,�ha11 pro�de L�tndlc�rd vvith a copy of t�h�Liqu�r Li�ense, �d sh�provide .�.,a�.d1.�►rd wit�h.+ca�pi�s af�ur�y renewa�ls c�r mo+c�fic«�t�ons�+�rr�to p►romptly u�pt�r�r+�ceipt fih.�r�a►�:Tenar�t sha1�also promp►�1�provide Landl�rd with�c�p�es c�f a�.y�otice af vicrlat�a►rY,revoca�.on,h+�a��.�,g c�r cc�mplai�nt T+��.ant rece�ves from gov�r�a�.mental authori�ies or a�y other paartY:�co�.n.ec�an�wi�h�he Liquc�r License�ar other�vv�i�e i.�conn�c��on w�t�its s�le of Alcoh�alic Beverages at the l�r+�mises, �.n.cluding�v�fi�C�a�ut �imitation,notificat�on t��.,��it has be�n p�aced.c�n th+�+�c�mmanwea�.th c�f:Massachuse�t��►1+ct�holic.�everage t�on�rv�l�am.mission'� deli�.qu�:n�Iist. 3. A�a�y A��ah�►lic B�verag+�s sold sha11 be s�l�ly f�►r later co�.��p�i.o�by cor�swmers. In�.o ev�nt sha11 an.�A1�oholic B�vera�ges b�e opened or �,rved at th�F�ren��.-�es�or a�.�where o�:t�.�e P�ra►g�rt:�,a;��.�.�o.A�1�oh�a�c E�3ever�.ges sha11 b�e cc�ns��m.ed at any t�ume at the�'remis�s t�r a�a�wher+� a►�the 1'rcap��-�y. It�ha1�b►e T�n.�nt's c�bli�a�c�n,at�t�cost,to properl�r p►c��ce the Pre�c�ses a:c�d Pr�operty ta assuare t,hat nc�r�e of��foregoing occu�rs. _�,g_ ,. M . . � 4. Te�arYt sha11, at is s�ole cost a��.d e�pense,at a11 t�es prov�ide a�►�rc�p�a��a�.c�ad+�q�.a���cu�r�t��.�#�.�P'r�mis�;�f'- +�ludli�.�g a�: alaurr.r�ed�ecurity�ystem}for the storag�of,a11 Alcohal�c Beverages thereat a�nd#�ie p�rotection af person�a�.d propert�y in con.n�c�on th�rev�ith. 5. At a1�times,Tenan.t sha11 l�eep ir�force, at its e�p�nse, dra��shap i.�su�ar�ce na�ming Landlord,La�►dlord's m.anagement comp�y a�r�..d an� mo�t,gagees as in.sureds, in t�i+�a��►ou�t of$�2,00►�,C�U�.0�4�,o�such higher aa:�ount as Landlord ma�r firom�me ta time reasonably requ.ire, a�nd shall promptly provide Landlord v�ith a cer�ificate af such insurance prior to�.e commenr�;m�:at of the�ale of Alcoholi+� Bevera,ges at the Premises and at lea�t 3�3 d�ys p►rior ta the exp►�ration of su.ch policy, a�►d if Te�ant f�i1s to�racure,l�eep i�force and pravide such ce:r�ificates to Landlord,Landlord may obt�such insura�ce o� Tenant's behalf, and Te�.a�.t sha1�pay Landlord fc�r a11 costs of s��.e as add�itional rent hereund�r prt�mptly upor�billing t�er�for. 6. La.n.dl�rd's agre+��ent to pe�rmit t�h.e s�al�ofAlcohol�c Beverages by T�ant,or its px�►cur�m�nt or pay�n.ent far any insuuraan.ce in c+��ur.�ec�.or� �h.�r+��avith:, s�ia1l not in any res�ect�v�a�so+��er 1ae+��+�m+�d ar� acl��.owledge�nen�by L�.dlard t�hat its ov�nershi�r of th+�Bu.�.ldaing,t��s Le�se, or the P�r�mitted Us�e her�u�a.d�er,1�.�CfS�S c''�.��'�S�t��'151�►111�jT upt�n Landl�rd for hazards or liabilities ar�ising xh.er�fr+�m, all of vvh�ch are hereb�r e�clusiv�ly ass���ed b�Tenant;and in addition to other i.�d+em►nit�pro�isio�.s�set for1h in this Lease,T+e�,a�t her+�by indenr.�n.i�ies a�+d ho��d��ha�:�rr.il.e���La�:dlord,its-o�'i.�cer�,p��tn�rs�,rnembers�, ma�a.ager�,co�.tractc�rs,agents and emplayees,�nd those in privit�af estate with Land�or�.or a�n.y of sa�i.d pa�rties, fram an.d against a11 cla:�s�, e�pe�.ses or liabilities of whatever nat�ure(in��udiing attorn�ys"fees� a�r-i.�i�.�,d�irectly or indirectly, fram an�a�cid+e�.t, injury or da��.age t�at results ar is cla�%med to have re�ulted�'rom the pr+�sence c�r sale of a��a�.�►�ic bev+�r�;�es�on c�r fro►m t.�.�e Premis��. 7. In additian to a�y other r+�med�es Lanc�lord has u�der the Lease,upon �.y E�ent of l�efaul�u�.der this su.bse�ction,Laa�dlord ma�r�:�ar.�:mediate�y �arohibit Tenant fram selling�a�y Alcoholic�ev+�ra�e�o�or from th.e Premises. Ter�a�.t under�t��%� tha��ac�o#'�a.e co�v+��.�.��in t�:i��►�c��� l'�:b; �ach�f�rhi�h rela.t�to T�nant�� operations at the Premis�s, ar�of cruc�al and material impor#:ance t�►Landlord and to the overall success c�fth+�Build:in.g as a m.ultitenant reta�il fac' 'iy,and Te�.ant understa�nd.�that Landlard would nat e3a�t+�r into this Lease wit�Te�ant abser�t Te�ant's a,�reement to cornply fi�11y aand stric�I�w�ith each af`the foregoing covena.�.ts. 20. �1�tAl'�T'� I�►E�'ATJLT� The foilov�in�sha�l be deem.ed to be+�efaults hereur�der. (a) If Te�.a�a.t sha11 f�%.1 to p�.y th�e Fixed Rent when due hereunder a�nd such fa�i.lure cont�nues�`or more than'1 days af�er the da�e due;or ifTe�.�.t fai.ls to pay ar�y other�.dd.itio�.�1 r��.t or�►th�rr�har,�es pra�i.ded for h+�reu;nd�er�n,.d such�`ailure car�tinues for more tha�ar.7 da.ys�:t�er writte�.no�.ce from La�ndlord designa�%n� s�:�h f.�ilure;or (b�► If Tenant sh�.11 fa.�1 to comply vvith an.y ot�.er obligation or co�e�.ar�t hereunder and su.ch f�.ilur+e cont�a.ues for more t:�.a�.3�days af�er v��ritten notice firom Landlord to Tenant spe+ci:C�ri�.g such fail�re�e�c,, t that the not�c+�and cure period for Tenar�.t's faa.l�:re to comp��wi#.�th+�covenants cont��ined in �ec�on -19- � � � � u I9.b► sh�a11 be 2 c�ays�;p►r�vided,if su�h fa�.�u�re b��ts na�;ure canr�o�b�cur+�d ���n 3�.d�y�,Tenant s�ha1�b��iv+�n�u�h�ad�.�.�►�.�a�.��m�.e as�is�r��:son�:bl�r nec�ssa�y,n�t ta►e�.ceed d��da.ys in total�a�n.d p�rovided if'su�h failure relate�to a cov�nant ua�d�r�ect�ion 1�.�r anc�is cu�rai�le b►ut ca�:not be cur�d�v�it���2 r�ays,Tena.nt shall be�,i�v�n.such a.dd�nonal t��m.e as is rea�onably n+�cessa��r, not to�xceed�day���total�,prc�v�ded T��.ant ha�co►�c�men�ed d��ige:r�tl�r tc� corr�ct s�t�fa�.lure and�her+�a�:��r diligen�.y pursued such co►rre�ctior�t� com�►�etio�.; a►r �c) �fT+�na�.t or an.y guarantar ofT�:�a�..t'�obl�ga�ions�nder��.s Lease ma�es a�a��r assi�n:nr�ent fa►r the be�.e�it of��r+ed�it�rs, commits any act v►f 1aa�r��:ruptc��r ar files a peti�r,n under a�y ba�l�rup►tcy or insolvenc��aw; if a pet��o�.is fil+�d a�aa�.�t Tenant v�r an.y�u�ara�.tvr a�d�s n�at+�i s�cuss+�d wit��n 45 day�;if�rec��.ver or si�m%lar o:.�i.cer becomes ent�tl��.ta Tena�r�t"s leasehold hereunder a�d is�ot ret��rn.ed to 7`en�n�wit��in.45 days; or if such le,�seh�►ld i�ta�en from Te�ant or� e�.ecu�.on�►r c�ther prc�cess a►f law i�.any acti�an.;or (d� I�`T�nar�.�t is a�orpc�ra�.�n c�r t�ther enti�y,�ts�"a�l�a�re to rern�n a�orpora�o�or oth�r entity�n goad s��di�.g aan..d qualif�d to do�busi.�.+�ss in 1'v�assa�chuset��. 21. F�I�I�T� 0►�'I,,A►��DLC►�;:I�LJ�'C�►N T��NAI`�T'S II��FA�.TLT �:��a. La�n.���►rc�s�:+�m�c�i,�es. In the even�t any�efau�t s�ha11�►ccur,La�a�c�ord sh.a�:[1 have the�g,ht,t�.en.or�at any time there�.f��r,a�i�s sale elec�ian eit�er: (1� T�terminate this Leas�e�by�v�t�en notice to Tena�.t,�vhich fi�r�rr.�i�.ation s�ha11 t��e e�`ect a►�.the dat�of Lan.dlord's gi.v�ng of s�aid no�.�e v►r o►n any later date sp►ecified�n La�dlt�rd's�er�m%�.a�an no�ice�crr (�;� To+�n�er u�pan ar�.d t��ke pc�ssess�ian +��`�3�.e Pr+�r��ses(or ar�.y p�urt�]�iereo#�in the name a►f th�w�hc�l��wi�:h.out de��and or�.c�tice,aad r��r�►s�ess t�.+�s�a��e as a►f th.e Landlord's�'�r��er�state, �exp��ling Tenar�.�a�d t�k�a►se clair��ing ua�.der Tena�.t, forc�b��if ne�essa��,v��.tho�.t b�i�►g de+�r��.ed guilt�r of any rr�.a�n�.er of tresp�.ss and vv�th�►�.t p►r�j�dice tc��y ot�er remedy for a�y defau�t h�reund�r. Landlord'�rep►oss�ss�on of th�Pr�mises u�a.der this�►ection sha11 no�t b�cc��s�r�ued to effect a termi�a�.an of this Lea�►�,u�.l�ss Laar�.d.lord sends Tenant a��i�ten notice c�f ter�rr.�na�ion as req�ired hereu�der. Te��.nt hereby wai�res any rights a►f r�demp�io�und�er M�ssa+�hus+��ts tsenera�L,a�s �hapt�r 18�6. 2�.b. TT�.e�e..,,tti�n�. I.,anc�c�rd sha11 hav��he rig:h.t{at�ts sole elec�t�r�a�r�.d wh+��her or n�►��:%s L�a,���ha�.l b�t�r�rr'na#�d}to r�1�t th��'r�����s-o�a�n�pa�r�t�h�r+�c�f for such periad a►r periods�whic�.m.a�r e�te�.d beyc�n.d�Jh.�ter��.}�:�.d a�such r�rit a►r r�e�:ts an.d up+�n such c�t�.er t�a�r�.s a�.d cond�i.�.ons as Lar�d�ard ma�deem ad�visable, �nd in connec�a���i�h an�r suc�r�lettir�g,Lan.dlard:ma�y�n�.�:ke c�r cau��tc�be made such addi�.ans,a�.t�ratia��and improvements tv►�lhe Prem�se� a�s Landlord may deem adv%sab�e. 21.c. Remov�.l.c�f tsa�od�. If Land1�►rd s�a1l ter�r�inate�his L�ase+�r t��e p+�ssessi�n - ��i.r. r+r��■��iiiirYr���ww of t�h�Premises by r�eas�n�►f a default,�'en.ar�t, ar�d�c��e cla�irn�in,g under *I'ena�.t, sha11 fc�rthwith remove�h.eir good.s a:�.d eff�cts�rom the Pre�ruses. If Te�a,�t or a�.y�u�h c�aimant sha.l�f�:il so�to remov�fort��ri�,Lan.dlard, w�..thout liabilit�r to T`e�.an�t or to those cla�r�un�under Te�an�,m�,y remove s�c�i goods and e�'�cts and m�.�r s�tc�re the sa��.e for t�e accc�uu�a..t af Tena�►t or o►f the owner thereof ir� any place s�le�ted by Landlord or,at La��orc�'s s�ol�elec�on, Landlc�rd may se11 the s�u�.e at p�ublic au+c�.on or at privat�sale a►n such terms and candi�.ons as ta►pri.ce,�3�.��1���,�t�t�.#�►�l.�:i`W1S��.S L`c�.C�t3�'+I�, 1.I"!1#$ �a1e judgm��.t,may deem ad�isal�l�. �'+�n.ar�t s�h�l b►e respansible for a�.�costs of _�p_ �� � � . remova�, starrage and s�.:l.e, a:r�d;La:ndlord shal�have t�ie ri�,ht to reimb�.rse i�s��f f�ro�n.th�p��rc�ceed�c�f a�r�.�r ��h s��e fo�r�1 s��ch cc►�ts�p►a�d c��r incwrred b� Landlord. If�y su.rplus s��pro�+eeds shall remaan a�er su��h r+�imbuar�+�ment, La�.dlord ma�r d.educ��'rom such su.r�plus any ath er su�r�du+�to La�.dl�►rd h�reunder and sha�l pay over to T,��.a.t the rema�i�ni�g ba�.�c�of such�urp�us sale proce�ds, if a�.�r. 21.d. �,�"'urren����s �10�er�n�na�on or reposse�sic�n prc�vided for i�t��is'��c�io� �ha�l.reli�v�Tena��c��r a�.y g�a�ra�.�t�r of its�lia����t%es�a�n.d c�b�x�a�%on��hereu�.d.+�r or under its iu�st��a�m.ent+�f guar�.���, a11 of which sha11 su.rvive such t+�rmi�atio�or r,, �►�s�ssi�n. �a�.#�h.e event of any su.ch ter�r�n�.tio�or repossession,Te�.�n.t�ha11 pa�Lan.dlord, i�ad�van�e, c�n t�.e�ir��da�y of each manth(a�d pro rata for the�`rac�c��r�f a�y manth�far vvhat wa�uld ha�ve be�nn the enti�e balan�e a�`�h.�ter�m, one-t��relf�h of t�.�An:n�.a1�.ent��l for the Pre�a�.ses-, �d�f n.ed i��ectic��21.e.h�erea#�, I���th�p�rocee��if a�y}af�.�r relet�ing c�f t�.e Prer��ises whi�h r���in a���rr deductin.�La�d1�►rd's exp►e�.se�in conn�ctic�n w�.th.suc�.relettir�.g, �u�h e�.penses sha11 includ.e,vvithaut lim.itatia�n,re:ma►��.11, stc�rag+�a.�.d re�:nodeling c�sts,the ca►st a►f paa�nt�ng and refi�rbishiu�g th�Pr�e�i.ses,a�.�.a�tc�rneys'�d bra►��rs'fees. 21.e. A,:r�.nua�,.R�n.ta�.l� Th��4�r�n.u.a1 R.ent��l far the P'rer�r�%�es sha�1 b�tlhe t+�ta1 of�e Fia�e��R.�n��t a�.d a.��t%o��re�.�, a�.�.a:11 ather cha�rges�p�a�ra�a�+�by�"e�:,a�� {whether or not ta L�:�dla►rd��`ar the year end�.n.g ne�t p►�.or tc�s�ch ter.�r�i:�.a�.on � or re�►ass�ss�on. 2�..f. Lic�u.ic�,i.te�i I�►ayma�e�. I�.lieu of an�v►ther d;ama,ge�c�r ind�m�.nity�n.d in l�eu of - ■i � i■ii.r�■n�..■i ni■m� .■...■ fi�il recc►very�b�r Landlor�.c�f a��l �u�a��pa�abl�ruunde�a11 th�e foregc�in�, prav�sions ofthis Se�t�on, Lan.dlord may by writt�n na���+�tc�Te��nt, �.�an� i�ume af�er t�rminat��►n af t��is L��.se t�r repo►ss�ssion of th+�Prem�.s�es,a��.d before such fu11 recc�very, elect ta►reco�er,and Tenant shal.��hereupt��pay,as �iquidated d;amage�,an.aa�aunt equal to the A,�un.ual II�.�nt��1 accrued in the �re�ve m�ntlis ended�e�t p�ric�r to such termi�a�a►n plu.s�h.�a�noun.�+�f r�nt+�f ar�.y�d�ccru�ed a�d ur�paic�at t�e tiume of term�ir�.ation c�r repass�ssion ar�d�es� the amount a►fany recc�very b�y Landlord under t.�e f�re,gaing�►rov�isia►�.s�►ft�ais� 5ection up to the time of pa��m.ent of such liquidat�d damag�s,plus in a:ay event a11 cv►st�c�f en�orce:r.�e�.t. �ot��.�.g cont��e�.in t�.s L�ase sha�l, hawever,lii.mit or prejudaice th�ri�ht of Landlord tc�prove fc�r and obtaan�. proceed�ngs for b�ur��.ru.ptcy or ir�.solvency by reasc�n of�he termin�.tion of this Lea.�e, a��n►►amo►ur�t equa�to�he ma�.i.x�u��.a1law�d b�y a�a�y statute or r��.e of law in ef�`ect at�.he tiurne wh�n, an.d ga►�er��ng the proc�ding�i�vvhich,�e dauar�ag�s ar+�to b�proved,wh��h�r or not th�amouu�t b�greater, equal to, or less th.�n.the a��ou�nt raf'the lc�s�c►r da�a�ag+�s referrec�tc�ab►c��r�. �1,�g. R.em�c;�es,Curri.ul,a�tive. Any ar�.d a!!l rights and r�nedi�s�rhi�h Landlo�rd m�a� have under this L�ase and at law and equity, shall be��ur�.ulati�e a�d sh��na►x be de�med inc�►nsist+��.t�w�th eac�.other, and an�r twa a►r m.a►re�►f�:�su.ch rig�ts anr.�..rem�c�es r.�.,�y b►e e��rcis�ed a�t1�.�e s�a.��ie i�s�#'aur a:s-�►+�r�m�.tted b�r 1av+�. 21.h. La.�.dlord'�„,:�.i�.i��v�ure.�t�.f�.,u1�s. La�r�.dlord sha11 hav+�t1�.e�ght but no�the obli�,a�a►n,t+�cure at a:n.y tirm.e a�.d�ithaut�otice, any d�faul�b�T�nan.t�der �.i�Lease. �JVhenev�r Lar�dlc�rd sa►elects, all�a►sts a�.d e�pe�ses i�.cu�rred.by Landlorc�, i�.clud��g rea�on,�ble attorney's fees, �.curing a default sha1l be paid b�T�nar�t tc��,an.dlv�rd on d�:nand,as additia.�a1 rent hereu.�►d+er,to,gether�.t� lavvful i�t�rest th.er�e�n�`rom t�h.e d.ate of payment by Lar�.dlc�rd�o�:h.e date of paym.ent by Tenant. ��.i. �.ost�nforc�em,��� Te;n.ant sha1�pay,vvi.thin 7 days a�k�er receip►t of Landlord's bill th.�refv�r, �1.1 ca►sts and e�penses(i�ncludi�rg v��i�out li���.ta�a�. _��.� . � wr . �i M rea�sanable atto��ys'fe+�s}incuurrred by Lar�..d�c►rd in er�for�cing Tenant's a�b��a�i��:�s�o�L ��r��rd's�ri�h#s��d�r th%�L�a;�. 21.j. I�ter��t. In t�he event an�rent(whether�`:i�ed Rer�t e►r addi�icanal ren�}or�:ny c�th�r�►a,y�e�.ts du��rc�rn.T�nant under this Le�.se ar���t p�%d�rhen due,then Tenant sha1�pa�tc►Landlard, as addi�ional re�t,�.n�+�rest c�n su�h a�rerdue �a:�ounts�f�rc�m tlhe da�e such amour�ts b►ecom�due�c�the d�.te on which same ar��r�.%d at a�r�i�teres��rate equaJl to 1 1/2% p+�r mc��th. �2. F�.E�t�►�',.I�►I�`�T�`'`i The part�es�agree nc�t tc�record��s Lease. Howev�r, �f tlii.s L��s��s fc�r�.t��r�. (inclu�.ing a�n�c�pti�►�s�of more t�han"7 years,Tenan.t may record a I'�c�ti�e of Lease in t�he for�r� sug�ested b�the ap�p�icable staturte, �ith such re�ord�i.n.g to�►e at Tenaaa�.t's�expens�. �3. LI�ILIT�t��` I.,.,�.��L+�►��:I� �n na►event shall Landla�rd b�e liable for a�y breach o�"�ovena�nt du�ri�.��hhe T��r�.un�es�s the sam�shall o�ccur duri�.g ar�d�it�hi�r��h.e period aft�um.e�hat it is�he recc�rd ow�.er af�:�.d:i� possession c�f L�.diord'�P'ropert�r. I�i�sp�cifically understc�c�d and agreed that th�r�s�h�b�e�a► personalli�.bilxty under�us Leas�for ar�.y of the obliga�ians of�he La�dlord.her+�u,nd�r, and no t�ruste�, �ber�efici��, ac�i�.t v�nt��rer,���a�.t in cor���.an,pau�dri.er(g+�neral or liar.�ited},mem��►�r, shar+�hc,ld.er,�.ire�tar or caffi�er c►f Landla►rd�ha11 have ar��y p+�rs�►na1�iabi�it,�h+�reu.nder. T+�na�nt a�;rees�ta lc�c�k c�r�ly to Landlord�s in.��re��in fi,he Buildi�,g for sal�sfaction af arz.y cla'u�a.against Landl�►rd hereunder. Th�fa%lure c�f Lar�diard or a��.y ut�lity c�r��iility supplier to p►rv►vide any service ta the�'r�mises to an�r�p+�c�fic d�gree, qua.�tity, qu�lit�or character sha11 nc�t fvr�m�,basis af cla:i�r�far da��ag�s or b���,�.i c�f'�c�v�xant ; ��i�:�t Lanc�:ar�d:;c�r an�r c�f�'s�t c�f r��#. T�r�p���c;+�n��b���'�n�a��c��`�.�,�c�vc��►, war�s a�d m�rcha�n.d`%se i�.the P�rer�uses or an.y areas wit��in Landla►rd's Prop+�rt�y sha11 be at�e sa►�e ri��.and h�.zard af�e T�na�r�t. In nc►event a�.d u.n.der na circu�r�.�tan.ces whatsa�ver s:ha11 Landlard be liable to Tena�.t far a:�y indir�c�, in�idental ar cansequential da�nage�in conn.ectic►n wi�h any act�of Land.�ord,i��ag�n.ts c►r emplc���es. �4. FC��R�E 1���.J�E�:��JE; I�an.y case v�rh�re La�dlord is requ:i.red ta►da►any act, the time for�he perfo��.ance th�reaf sha11 be�:�tended b�a periad equa� ta►,�y d��ay�cau�ed by ar re�ulting�rom Ac�c►f`��►t�„ wa�r, civil com;mcr�.on., �iire+�r+�t�.+�r casu�t�,Iab►a�r di�.culties, s�io�es a►f lab�r,mat+�rial.s car �c�uai�am.�n�,g�±��rer�m�.�.����.�%c�:n.s ca�c��u.��c�.us�1��yc��..s�u.�.�.p�u�.y's.���s.a�,�l�.c.c�n.:�c�l, wh+et�er such time be de�ign�.ted by a fix�d ti�m.�or"reasc►�.ab�e time." ��. l�![�+��:LAl�1It��►'L I��I'�� Th+�Tenar�.t�vill�.ot per��rut a�.y�nr�ech�a�c's c►r maxeria:lm�n's or o�h.�er 1i�ns ta►sta�nd against the Pr�mises or La�dlc�rd's P'rc�p�rt.y far any�abc�r c�r materi.�s�i�rrushed i�i+e Te�an.t i� c+�n�.���ti�►n w�.th�or.�of a:n.y��h�ra�t�r p�rf'o�m�d a�th.�Pr�m�.s�s l�y or at t�ie d:iare���►�.of�lb.e T�nar�.t. Any such lien sha11 l�e d�i.schar��ed within ten da�rs. IfT�nant fails to dischar�e�uch li�n, Landlord.may dc►so at Tena�.t's sc���e cas�a��.d exp+�n.��. 26. V�TAI��E�..;.A.CCC3�;.�A�T��► �►ATI►�FA.C�TIC�I�I T.�.e w�,iv+�r+�f c�ne failur��a cam►piy v�ith any ter�m, cc�nc��on* c�vena�t�obi�,g�.�.on c,r ��r�em�e:�t c�f��i�.�Lea��e�ha�l nc��b�cv���.t��r�d to-be a r�aiver o�`t�r.,at o�a�y c�t�er���r� co�.c�%�+on, obligari.on ar agr�ement c�r of�:r�y sub�equent£'ailure. I�a ac:�c�pta.r�.ce b�r Land1�►rd c�f a less+�r s�um than any sum due under ar�y pr+�visions of t�s L,ea�e shall be deemed ta►be at�.�r tlhar�csn a�+�c�unt of t,h.e earliest in�tallment o�`su�ch��cn due,�.or shall ar�.y endorsem�nt+�r st�ctem.�nt�o�any ch�+�k o�letter a�cam.pany�t�g a��ch+�c1�c�r pa�r�e.�t�be _�.�_ �� m « . dee:med an accord and sa�isfa�ct�on, and.L�ndlard may ac+cep►t s�uc�i che�1�ar p�a�r�+��.t v�i��c�u� p�ej��%�ce t�a a��ri-g���t�►-r�co�rer�he b �a�.�c��af s���.�:s�t;a��rr�e�.t ar pu��u.e a�.�ot��:�r r�:r�.�d�i�. this Lease provided, �7, I�►EFI�L�TITIC�►:�T� The words"Landlord"and"Tenan.�"as used herein sha1�include their respec�ve heirs, +�X�,'CLi�t3IS, d.{��11111.5�"'i�.�tJ►�`S, SU.CCt�SStJ�"S,3`���`!'��1t21�1'�Tt�S, c'�551�;,�iS,12]Vl�t�+��, ��,'11�5�1C�.St�1"V��t1tS. 7�'�lt� ���`d�s�"it"7 "�.e", "��.+�", "�"a� '"��r",or�%mui��r�c�r�;�here a�p��cable�~ all appl�t+a t�.+� La�ndlord or Te�.ant regardless a�f gender,n�.m.ber, carpvrate en�.t�r,trust c�r c�ther body. If m�►re than ane p�urty s�gns this Lea,se as Tenaa�.t,the cove�ants,c�►�.d�itians and agre�m+�n.ts of the Tena�t s�ha11 b�joi�t and sev+�rral obligat�c�ns af each p�ur�y. 2 S. �i-�;��]ERAL P'R+�7►VISIC�I�T�. It i�a�reed a�foll+��s: (a� If any provisia►n of thi�Lease or th�applicatian thereaf to any p►�rson or circu.m.�ta��ce sha11 b�e to ar�y e�.tent ia�valid or u��:nfarce�.b�e,the re��.ai.n.der of this Lease and�la.e application ta pers+�ns ar�circumst��nce�c�ther than.t��►se as� ta which it is inva,�.id or unenfc�rc�able shall nat be affect�d thereby,a.nd each term and pravision of th.is I�ea��e sha11 be�ral�d a�.d be enforced to the fullest e�.t.+�.t per�m�.tted b�1aw. (b) In nc�cas+�s�.a1�mention of specific�.nstances u�.de;r a mor+�gen�ra�.provisiv►n �+�+�U�S1�'U.�C�tC��L�llt�'1���11��"�1�(J��S�.lt�.�l�'+C�V1�1C111. (c� �'h.e�ect�c�n and�trti.cl�headi�.�s t�ur+�ugha�t t��i�ins�r�.tnen.t aure f+or con�eni+�nce and re�`erer�n.ce an1�,and th�wa�ds con.tair�ed t�ierein sha1l�in�.o way b�e h�eld tc�liaa�it, de:��c�r d�s���be the sccape t�r in.tent aft�us Lease c�r in any way a��'ect thi�Lease. (d) Thi�L�ase sha11 b��c�nstrued withc�ut re�ard ta►an.��►resu�aptic�n c�r a►ther ruJ.e requiri�.,g co�.stru.�tia►n a�,ai.�.st the p►a�r�y causing thi�L,eas�tc��be dra:fted. ��� This L�ase�ha11 cons�titute the anl�r a�reem., t b�tv�reen t�.+�pa��es reiative t� the Pr�mises a�.d nc�aral�tatements aa�d n.ca pric�r v+vritt�n statem.e�ts, ��r�ements c�r c�ther m�.i�ers r�lative t+��ie;C're�mises and�.c�t specifically i�.corpc�rated her+�in shall b►+�a►f a�y�'a►rc�+�r e�`ect. �n�nt��.:a.,g�ta►��is L�as�, �he T+�nant r+elies sc�l�ly u.pa►�the r�prese�ta�ans and a��re�m�nts c~,�►�t��iu��d herein. T`h%s Lease sh.a1��.c�t b�mc�+d�.�ed���ept b►�y v�rri�ng e�.e�uted b�r bv►th . p►ar�..es. (�j T�nax�t cov�n.a�ts and agrees th�,�.atwiths�undiE.ng a�.�r at�a.�r p►r�visia►n of this L�ase ta the contr,��r: �.�c�bli�ati�►ns a►f Te�.ant u�.der the Leas+�, i.�cludin�th� c�bligation to pay th�Fia�ed R.+�nt,add�.ti+��al r��t and other charge�wh+�n.a.nd a�pr+��id+�d for therein,ar+�cov+�r�a�.t�r�rhich are ind+�p�ndent of a�y covenants c�r ab�i,gatia�s ta►be performed by Lar�.dlard thereunder;and�a breach of any obl��,at�io�.s or covenants ta b+�perform:er�by La�a.divr�t�►.e�reun:r�+er s�ia�li�;i~ve rise to any right af ter�r�i�.ation of the Lease by Te�.�nt,vr a�.y ri,ght ta witlb�.c�ld, s�toff,abaxe or other�wise reduce t;h�payment and oth�r obligatia�.s of Te�.a�.t thereunder. �(�,) A.ger�.ts ar+�r�playees+o�`the Landlard hav�r�a aut�a.arity t�a rr�a.ke ar a�ree to �r�,�e a lease or ar�.y other�eem+�nt in con�,ectiar�herew�.th.. The sub�russion of t�his docu�ment or a s�rr�ma�y af some or a11 ofits provisians for e�a�unation �.n.d nega�.a�i�n, ar the e�+�cutian af a�e�ter of ir�tent or a pro�osal l+�tter or s�a:nilar docum�er�t does nat car���.tute an option to 1eas+�, or a reserva�on o�, or optian for,the Pr+�mises�,and t�us dc�cument, a�.d the ri�;hts of Tenant wi�h ,.�,3_ � � � � , r��pect to th.e P`r�mises, sh�l�►�ca►m�+�:f�`�c�ive ar�c�b►�ndaing a��y upon t�.e e�c�.�.�.�a�r��:d�l.i�u�ry��;r���'by bo�p►a��s-. �9. f�����t�TI(J� T��is Leas�may�e e�.ecut�d in any number c�f ca►un�erpa�r�s a�d each fi�.ly executed coun.t�rpart shall be deemed a�►original. 30�. :�CJTI�E� Any no�ic�s requuired ur�der�.s T.e�.se sha�.�:be�n�vr�%�.g a�.d d+�liv+�red�by han.d or mailed by registered or ce�if��d m�i� c�r by ov+�rni.�,�.t n��r1 b�a natia►nal�.�r re�og��ed carri.er: ifto T�nant,to the P`remises; and if to Landlc�rd,care�af its rn�.anag,�eme�.t a,gen�, Spauldin�,I'Vlanagement LLC�,(�►.n.e t�v�nc�►rd F�urr.�.s,4��Virginia R.oad,Cv►�.�ord, ��assachu�+�tts t�1742. �►uch addresses m4ay be�hang�d by eith�r p�urty b��avr%tten�ot�ce ta�he c��h.er in accordance vc�.th th%s�ectian. Tim�is�►f`�th�essence�ith r+�spect tc�a11 notices ar�d peric�ds�for ,g�.vin�not�ces c�r tal�ing an.y ac�c�r�theretc�under�i�Lease. 31. BR.(��:.ER.'�► �E��f.'�TT� Te�.an�and�,and.l+�rd each repres�e�t�:n.d wa�rr�:�t th�,t they ha.ve de�.�t witlh na�brokers in cannection with this Leas�, c�ther th�,n.F�ryan.I�.. Ern.st ofA.ccess t�v�r�r�erc�.al(th�"Broke�"). Tenant h�rr�by agrees to�.old Landlc�rd haa��less�'ra►r��, a�d i�de�a��fi�d ag�i�s�,,�.1 lo��or da��.�e �incluc�in�,without limi.tatic�r�,�he cc�st af defend��ng sa��.e�ar�.sing from any c�air�by a�.y broker ar f�nder�lai��.%.n�,to have dealt�vith Tenant,ot�.er tha�n.�e Bro�er. 3�'. �I(�L�I�.`�T(ir C�►��l�R If for any re�son Tenant hc►lds t�ver a►r c�ccupies�he Pr��uses beyond�h.e Ter�m, then Tenant sha11 h�.ve no m+�re rights than a t�rYant at su�'era:nce�or, at Laa�.dlord's sale op�.�n, such hold�i.ng ave�r shall constitute a tenan�y from m�nth to mt�n�h,ter�r���able by eitlh�r paurt�upon 30� days p�rior written natic+��a the a►ther}, ancl, in a��case,Ten�:��s�a11 be liabl�for payme�►t ofr�r�t du.ri.ng such peric�d in an amou,�t equal to tv�rc��m�s th.+�r+�nt�inc�u.�i�g Fia�ed Re�t aad a.11 additia;�a1 rent)payable h�reunder far�he�na�.�ear c�fthe Ter��prior ta such holda��over. �uch ten;a�c�r sha11 otherwise be c►n�he same ter��s and conc��.c�ns,�s set fort�in the Leas�, �s far as� a�pli�abl�. �Nc���g iun.this�ectio�n sh.all b►e cc�nstru�d tc��er�rr.'t su+�h holc�i.�g ov�r,c+r to li�x�.t La�.dlard's o�h.er rights a�.d r�m�d.i�s on acca►u�t there�f� 33. LA��LC��D'� M(�R.T�`rA(�-:��► Af�er receiving no�ce�rarr�La�r.dlcard�r firom,�n.y person, �.rm or o�lh.er er��t�r th.at such p�rsa►n, frm a►r oth.er entity hc�1+c:��a mc�rt�;age,which inc�udes#�i.�I'r�rn��es a�p�rt of`th+� martga�e�.pr�n�s�s,no noti���'ra►r.�.Tenar�t ta Land�ord sh�.11 b�e�'ec�ve u���ess a�.d u�t�l a cc�py of the�a�m.e is given in accordance�r%th this Leas�t�►such hc�ld.�r,and t�.e�u�ri�r.�g of a�.y of L,a�.dlard's defaults by such h.older s�.a11 be treat�d as p+�r�"o�.r�.a�.ce���,andla►rc�, it b►ei�.g ur�.ders�toad and agreed that s�uch hold�r sha1�be a:�'ard�d a reasonable p�r�od af tim��;fter the receipt of such n�ti�e in whi�h ta effect such cur�. Te��unt sh�.l�co�perate wit�.La.n.dlord st�t�at L�ndlc�rd.�r�l��be a�a1�tc��arc��ure mo►rt,ga�ge fina�.cin,� for a�.y a�d a�t of La�n.c�.��d's�p�oper�i�s�. tJp+�n r�q�.�es�,T"ena��a���+e.�t�e�+�cute a�►d d�live�r ta Landlord estappel or�ffset letters as reasa►�.ably requ�r�d 1��r Lar�.dlord's r�c�rtga�ge lenders. jsignatur�es on�text fallawirtg�ra,ge� ..,�4_ � � � � E�ecu���d.under seal as a►f Au,gust ( 4� ,2t�22. 7'E.NA.1'�T.• �T'� �PEC�I��.L'I'I��,LLC� � B�y: .��p . l�a�e: �!� aryan Titl+e: �� er du1�autho� � L�C.�TIL�LtJ'h'.1�: LE��;I��`rTCC���►t,, �[JAPJ:�'R�.7�►T �y its�aa��gi.�g a.�er�t �PAULI�II'� M.��A(�E��IE�1T LLt� ��. � . .�� . ��a. ��� a.r�.a,�er .��..�.�m�.. _���. � � [ � � �an +�f : r�m l��es �-� �tiIIA����AV� 19'—fi1/2" �� .r ..W. e.,: f,$r� ,. ".rsn tt.o- "fi W '1..""',.Vn 6 .'k•a�'�,rri,n �II . ��a'Po , n� � �. .i, � & ���� . ',.�.,. �..�,�K WI� :�^ . w . . .. . ��w , ', wy�,�� u,�M ��� w,� ^,..'„ k., 5P� M �*,. �"^w� e T °w �;�' F;�" �� �I`. .�r�; "„'�a°" "'�"'" ",��r" �'�� 'I .�, ,`�ti� ,„� °,� .. �,. . , q . .p�> f .��' ..,4" �Y_��. . .,,.�. , "qN , , �w�� yxi�&",� ��,�,,.�* M a a.. , wXw,r �„' A�A�' �,,' �u n, . ��.�a'�� ,p�tl. ���' �h,G�ry,., v��p� I,' ',�r" `"`�� ,. ,q�,�^ "» e'"� "��" "�� � n ,. �d �,' � �, � v I ^� �" „�, �•�k , ""v�"ru �V `'"Ju �us� ro,,,��^ "`"�",�`„1 m,�,� .ry�, ��,,s„J .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY�YYYVIW�IIYMMMNMMMMNW� � . �x ,v � po nM d ry�Ma ��a s ,, ,,,� �,P�" v�4 `w r � � .f„ �,A ,,, 4r� � yF �° '"ikr .ryr� x�,� e ti� � 1 .n,r xW�4 xwN���' ,Q�u✓ `'.vfyd y:4" u'n"eP"� ar,mx" ',��.tl r,,,�^flP� m q� ,x'1 r �r4� 7$ aa�m� J4 N�Tv °�p+"� `` "r�� _ .�r'.. ,,e� ��M"� ;re�v �Mb,C,�r 0",*a,°.." . �r ^. � �'�° r 1 ws�F `°��,r"� �� '�,� '�,�. , �y "r �r{ �.,�t� � ��, �',�,F�, �M� �- ���^"� r" �r�a5"�,� ,. a.�.�. ,�� q i�M% /� � ��,+"a ,r S✓ ��. r�,° ..�o ""� , � Tr a � , , e . � , . � ( .,., . . „ „..... ,� i. WM�MMY�MMMNIIAMMMMNMMMM/MiV11WN�Y � � " r� ,a � � v�� N„ ��.� ����� A�.. ""� �. ��. V:� '",�" ,��� � iv�LL �2f n �� �.d o�. � NIT�+C��J� b � .a� ��A� � �- ��' �' �' n C� � 1281 U�F �� ��� ���� A ����� i � � � � �,, � � `,� `°.� p�� � �� , ���� � � � 1�� ��F �, ���;� �.��r � � � �TM�", �°� �, `�� ��,� �.. 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M• , , ', � , a �'.F ., . � �o�� ., i , `r" r�, .r — rt.. � , �, , , � , w , w . � � o � ' ,,. n, �°�, ,.. , '� . ,. ��;.,' �✓„��� . , �t . 'x M . .. f , a '�'; , , 4 �"sd'� ,� . y� ��� .""�. ,Q� "� � , C�olin �mith Architecture 1��� �assachuseits Avenue ��cale: 1/8" = 1,-�" C��-1�-22 Hitran� �� �, . ,� �. ������� � :�uies �.nd R+���l�.tit�r�s �� The e�.trances and sta�irways sha11 r�ot be encumbered o�r ob►str�a.cted�y Te�ant,T�nant's a�e�.ts, ser��r�.ts, employees, licensees or visitors or be u�s►ed b�them for anS'purp'c�se other than far in�r�s�a�.d eg�ress to and from t�.e Pr�mises.La�n.d�ord res�rv�s th�right to r�str�ict and regulate the us�e vf the public areas af the Buildir�g b�Ten.ant,Tenant's agents, empla►�ees, servants�, lic+�nnsees and�isitors and b�persor�s�na��.ng d�liveries t�o Tenant and the right to designate vvh�.ch buildi�g entrar�.ce or entran.ces sha11 be used by persans mak.ian.g deliverie�in the�uildi�.g. 2. N+�sign, advertise��.ent,notice a►r oth�r Ietterin,g shall b+�e�.hibited, ir�s�cribed,paa�.t+�d c�r a�"i�ed b►y Tena�n:t o�.a�.�v�rin�o�a►r pa�r�of the ou�t�de or i�.�de of th�Premi�s�or Build%��g wi�haut the priar writt�r.cc►nse�.t of Landlord. I�.the�vent af the violation of th+�faregoir�g by T�ar.ant,Landlc�rd rnay remave same v�vitha►ut any liab►ility and may charge�h.e��.pense in.curr+�d b�such remav�rl.to Te�.,�t. A11 i�.t�ri.c�r aYr�d ea�teriar sxgnage sha�.l.be inscri.bed,pa�in.ted or af��::�.ed by Landlt�rd or by La�dlard's vendars, �.rst �,pproved by L�.n.dla►rd,and s�all be c�f a size, cc�lor a�nd�t�1e acceptab�e to the Landlard. ��. A buildai��d,i�re�tory tablet fc,r o�`i.ce tena�.ts will be fiarn..ished�d install.+�d at the e�p►ense c�f Landlard,and t�.e nuum.ber of listings�therec�n for Tenant s�all be at the di.scr�etiv►�of Land.lard. 4. Th�wind+�ws an.d d+�ars that re�e.�t or admit�ight and air inta t�.e�al1s,passageways or o�h�r pu.blic places in the�t�ilding shall nat be�avered c�r t�b�tructed�b�Tenant, nc�r s��al����battl�es,p;�r�els�or a��er a�%c1e�b�p�ac�d o�fi�e�via�.�.o�r-s��.l�-. �. No displa.ys,pc�sters or other�c1es sha11 be put in frc�r�t af or af�i.xed tc�a�riy p�art of the +��t��c�r c�f the Bu�ld�ng nc�r placed u��hh.e cv►rri d.c�rs or labbies,with.t�u.t the p�rior v��ri.tt�n cc��s�nt c�f Lan+�lc�rd. +�. 7�h.e water an.d w�sh�la��t��nd�►th�r p�lua�.bin,���t��res sha�l nc�t b►e used f+�r a�.y pua�p►a►ses a►th�r tha�r�th.a�fv�r�w�ic�.t.�.�y v�er�cc���at��t�d; and no s��v��pi�n.;�,rubb�:��., ra�s,pap►er tt�wel�c�r v►ther subs�a�n�es sha11 be th.�c��vr�therei�.. A�l d�a�an.,�, ,es r�sulting f�cam aa�y r��.suse+�f fix�ur�s by Tena�.t,its servants,�rnp►lc��r�e�,a,��nts,visitar�c�r lic�nse�s sh�1�b��bc�rn.e b►y T�nant. �'. Ten�.t�h�l1 r�a►t marl�,p�i�t, dri�l intt�t�r in�.n�r way def�.�e a�y part a►f t�e P'r�anises car the�uilding. �Jc�b►oring, cuttir�.g or�trir�ging c�f wires shal��ae per�mitt+�d e�cept with the pric�r v��.tten cc�nsent�f Landlord and as Lar�.dlard ma.y d�rect. Tenant sha�l r�c�t 1ay f�c�c►r co�-eri.�g other thar�.rugs, s��that the saar�e sha11 cc�me in d�rect contact wit�a t1�e flc�or c�f th�Premi�,�s;t�.e us+�af cement or s�r�:ilar aclh�sive mat�r�al bei�.g ea�pres�sly pre�hibit�d. The fore�c�in�sha11 nat be app�licable to any alterations approv+�d�►f b►y La�.dlard pursuant to t�h.e terms�af the Te�a.�.t's leas+�. 8. I�T+�b���ycl�e���eh�cle�c��r ani�nal�af a�n�1�in�.s�ha��be br+��.g�t into c►r��p�t ir�or a�v�ut th� . en�ses. 9. �1a space in t�a.�Bui1�g sha11 b�us�ed�`or m�.nufact��.r%ng or far 1od�ng, sleepi�.�;or a�.y illeg�l.pu.�•pc��es. ��space oth�r tt�.a�a�►space so desi�nate b�Lanc�llcrrd shaJl be used fvr t�e storage of inercha��.c�i se or for�h.e sale of inerc.�and�se,goods ar p►ra►ptierty, and.no auct�on sales shal�be made by Tenant without the priar v�rritter�cons�r�t af Landlard. 1�. Te�.ant sha�l nc►t�.ake,or p�r�mit ta�be made, any uu�aaseer�ily or disturb►i�.g naises vvhich cl�i.st:u.rb or interfer�v�i.th occupa�.ts af this or neighboria�g buildi�gs ar pr�mises or�hose having bu.s�i.�ess�i.th th.�m.whether by�he use of a�n.y musical inst��u�.m.ent,rac�io, television, tal�:ir�g m`achin.e,u��u�.usfcal na►ise, whistling, siu�g�i�.ng or in any other vva�. � � „ �� � � Te�an.t sha11 n�t t��ro�v any��g c�ut of fi�he door�ar wind��ays,c�r dav��n ti��s��s,nor s�a�eep.a�y�g.i���►.the car���.t�r�, s�#aa�:��o:r oth�r p�b��c a�re��a►��'�������g. 11. I`�a additi�►nal lac�Cs a�r bc���s o�`any�d s�.all be placed�pc�r�any a►f th�da►c�rs or windaws by Tenant, nv►r sha11 a�y cha��ges be made ir�e�i.sting locks or th�e�echaa�ism �hereof�vithc�u.t the priar v�►�r�i�en co�nse�.��►f Landlord. 7'er�a�t must,upo�.�he ter�r�.i�a�.on of its t�r�ancy,ret���n tv L�r�dl+�rd all k�ys+��ncludin.g securi�r pass c�.rds�for�lh.e Building, the F're�ruses a�.d for s���►rage areas and restrooms, e��.er fiu�rr�shed�c�or ofi�.erwi�e prc�cur�c�b�Ti��.a:n.�;in�h.e+�v�n�of the loss of a��y��ys so fi��.ished,Ter�ant sh�.111 pay to L�n.dla►�d�e�ost thereof; 12. A1�r�:�ovals c�r t�ie car��n�,�n c�r c�ut a�`a11 sa�`es, freight,fi�n.it��re or bulLk�r��.atter of aaa.y des�r�iptiv��.must ta�e p►lace duri�g�he hours vvh�ich�,andla►rd r�.a�r d�sigr�at�from t�me to t�me. �.andlord res�c�v�s�h.e�.,ght t�►�spect al1 fre�gh.t ta be brou��h�u�.�o�e B�i����,a�.d��o e�cla��de�`r�:�.���.e B��i��d��.�a�.l��:��i��.�t r���ch�vi�►�a��e���c�f�h�e�e R.ules��� and R.egulat�o�.s ar�a.e L+�ase or a�.y gove��nmental cv►des and lav�s. 13. Te�an�shall nc�t�ccup�y or per�mr.it an.y p�►rtion of the Premises t�►be a►�cup�ed as�a;n.office for an empla►y�.er�t bur�au,publi+c stenographer or t,ypi�t or fc�r th+�poss+es�i+�n, s�c�rage, rna.�.ufactu.r�or�a1e c�f narca�cs or il�egal d�-,ugs. ���.� Landl�ord�.a11 ha�re the�ight ta prc��.ib�t a�.�r ad�ertis���;b�r a��r te�.ar�t�hich,%�. Lar�.dlord'�opi.nic�n,tends�o impa�.r�h,e reputation of�.e Buildiin�c�r i�s�esirabiiity a�a bui�ding f+�r qual.ity m�r�h�:�.di��n�;and e�.ecuti�e o.�.ces�,and upo��+r�i.tten no��e�`rom Landlord,Ten.ant sh�11 re�r�i�.£rc�m or discontirlue such advertisi�.g. Tenant sha�:�n.o�us�� t�►+�nam.e of�he E�uildi�ng c�r�hat crf the+�v��.�r�n aany advertising w��th�au��he e�press con�ent in w�.ting b�y L,a�.dlord. 15. Tenant, befa►r+�clos`rng ar�.d leavi.n,g the Pr+���ises at any time, sha:� se��ha.�all e�.t�ance doors�'rom the Pr�mis�s and all Bua.�d,ii�g�ntrance doc�rs a�.d dc�ors into cor�r��.�n a:nd st��ir land.��s�, are closed�.nd 1+�cked. 1�. Tenant, befc,re�nteri.��ar leav��n.,g��Pre�mises during nc�n-busin.ess ha►urs�re�`er to�.e�.� item) sh�l.�ee th�.t e�teri�r dc��►rs l�adii�g outside�rom common�ves�l�ules are closed, lo���d a�.�i.�aalt+�d. 1�`. L�.d.�ord res�rves t�h.e rig�t to e�:cl�.d��'rom�he�uilding's�interic�r cc�mm�o�.ar�as du.ring �on-busin�ss hours--su�c�.as be�`ar�8 a.m. an.d�.fter 6 p.m. a►n we�kd�ys, ��.t��rdays, a�.d half-holiday��.nd du,�i��a�11 hours+�n�uaa.days and.:f-u11 hc►lidays--a1l vendors, visitvrs and pers�►r�s nc►�u��der�.e d:ir�c�supervision of the Tenar�t ar�d r�a��.or�a�a�1y authorized by Tenat�.t tc�have�ccess to�lh.e E�u�ld.ir�.g dur�.n�na►n-business�iours. Te�a�r�t sha11 be respc�nsib�e and li�.ble�c�La:ndlord�'or a11 of th�a,cts of a11 T��.�.nt's persa�n+�l, �ustom.ers ar�.d xnvitees who have acc�ss to the Build,ing. La�dlord r�r��.y requ:ire a11 perso�s giv���,���s�s tt�t�he Buil�ii�g du:ring r�on-busi�.ess hours tv►si,�.a r��,�ster o�. enterin�a�.d lea�ng the Bualdin�. 1�. :�ach tenant sha.11, at its+e���nse,pravld.e ar�tificial light fa►r th��a�play��s of Landlord �v�.i1�e doi��g�ja�.��t�r's�s�r��.c+��r+�t�.er�c��a��.�.g a�d�in rr�a�i�.g repa��rs�c�r a�ti+�ra�c►ns�i�.th� Pr�mis��. La�.d1c►rd sha:11 be in.no way respon�ible to�ny t�nar�.t f�r loss of prc�pert,y �irom th�Prem�as�s,hc�wev�r o�curr�.n�, or for d;aumage da►n.�tc�th�fi�r��t�ure or a�h.�r effects of any t�nant by La�.�ord's agents, employe�s,or contrac�v►��d�►.�i.n.g v��►rk�.n the :�remises. 19. 1�he req�u%rer�.ents c�f t�n�un.ts wi1�be at�er�ded to only upan applicat�c�n to La��ard's age�.�o�at the�f�fiice c�f th�e B�.il�dl��.;g. L� � �ord'��enr�pl�yee��ha1�r�c�t p�rfc���.a�ay�or� or do anyt��i.�.g outsid+�+�fthei�r re�ular duties�except u�r�.der sp►ecial.ins�r�cti+a�s�r�r��.t�e o�'i.ce af the Lau�.dlord c�r its ag+�r�t. 2�. +�anvass�ir�g, soli�iting�;r�d p►edc�ing in t�ie Bu.ai�ld.in.g�re prohibited, and Ten��sha11 assist the Landlord tc�p►rev+�nt su�h a��s. � � � � 21. I�To ha�n.d truck�,e�cept thase+�quipp►ed v�itJh rubber tires and si�3e guard.s, shall be us�d�� an��pace o►r i�.cc►mman a�r�� af t�.e B�ld.�n�, ei��er b�the Ten�.�or��jobbers a►r athers. 22. �W�'�thou.t first a►bta�i.r�ui�.g Landlc�rd's v��ritte:n.per�rr.�ssia►r�,Ter�a�t sh�l�nc�t ir�stall,a�ta�h or bring i�to the F�remises ar�y equipm�:�t, other tha�.nor���bus:�.ess equip►ment suc��,s elec�bric t�y�pevvr�iters, calculatc�rs, and the lil�e, ar a��y ins�ru�r�.en.�,duc�,�ref�riger,�tor, �air condition�r,water cc�c�l�r or a�y oth�r app►liance r�qu�g t�he us�e c�f�,a�►, elec�ric�u�rrer�� or r�ater. Any breach v►f t1�is cc�venant v�rill autlha�i�e�,a:ndlc�rd ta enter the Pre�r�.ses, r+��.ave�wha.��ver T�en�,n.t ma.y have sa inst��lled, a�tach�d or bra►u�h�.in, ar�.d char,ge the �t�st c��such remc�v�l and any ci;amage th.at may be sustai�.�d�ereb�as adc�i�a►�.a�.r��t, p►a.�a�a1e at th�c�p�ion af th�Landlord,i�n�mediat�ly or with th�ne�mv►n�h.'�r�nnt accruing u.�d.e�r�:s lease. ��. 1`�e�thh�r Ter�.ar�t nor its s�rvant�, emp��o�ree�, a��:nt�,�i.sitor�or l�c�n�s�es�h�l�t an.�r��.� bring or keep upon t�e Premises a�.y flamUr�.a�b�e,+�o�bust�b►le c►r explo�ive fluid, chemical c�r subst��ce, e�ccept such ite�:ns as may be in�.ciden�ally u.sed,provided Ter��:n.t �.otifies La�ar�.dla�rd c�f the�aca�.c�n th�r�af,�n.d rr�a�k�s adequate provisi+on for�he safe stor�ge th�r�c�f. 24. Land.lord strictly p�a►hibits Tenan.t f`ra►m ca+��g�n t�he Prerrus�s,a►�r canduc�.i�ng a:�y re�t�.�raa�.t, � �� cheo��tte ar caf�;t�ri�.f�a�r t�e s��ar�er��.+c�of#`ac�d o►r b��rer�.g����o�ts emplo�ee�or to oth�rs. The foregoi�.,g sha1�nc�t app►�y if the T�nant's Per�rr.�itt�d LJse includes�restaurant or f�►ad s�►ri�e uses. 25. Typical floors are designed ta caurry li�e Ia►ad�nc�t e��eed�i�g f���0�pa�unds per squaure foot. �afes a.�d oth+�r especial�y h.�avy�tems�h�:l��c��be�c��ated%�the Pr+�mises vc�ithout La�r.dla►rd's pric►r w�ritt��app►roval. 2f. A11 deliveries to or:fr+�m the F�r�mises, and al�r+�:�av�of r+efuse,�r�sh and the lilke from t�.e Premises sha11 be a+��ompl�sh�d�ou�h th�exte�c�r d�c�rs a►ftl�.�Pre�r�is+�s,ar if the Premises dc�es�.c�t have e�.terior doors,t��rc�u�h such dac�rs, c�rridc��rs�:r�d e�its a�► La�.d�c��d m.a�y designate�'rom ti�m.e to ti�m�. In�.a event�uu�ess speci�.c�ly agr�ed tc�iEn �avriting by the Lau�.+c�Ic►rd�sha11 the interior ped�sl�i�n ca►��ou�rse c�f�lhe�ui�dain�c,r ather p������a►m�m.on.a�r��b�used b�T�r�,a�.�or��t���t's�s������, ���c��ees�, ��nts��,d business%n�ritees for any d�liveries�, �ither to or f'r+�m the F'remu.ses or far t]he rema�atl t��` rubbish�`ra►m fh+�Pr�mises or fcrr any c�ther p-�xpos�e�.ce�►�only f�r p�destr�a�a��cess a�d egress. 27, A1�serving, sup►plying or co�sumption c�f a�.cahol an.d al+�ohc�lic bevera�es�n the F�rer��ise�,the�c�mrr�a►n Are�.s or any�where on La�ndlord's Prop+��:��s s�ric�ly prahibited. C�ne-ti��e events, rec�p�ar�s and the lik�in�olv�ng�.���r�nr��of al+�ohol ar�coholi� b+�verages sha111��per�a�,ut��d c�nl�up���.t�.e pric�r v+v�aritt�n�o�s��.�af the La:�dlard,v�hich m�.y be�ven ar witl�.:held at La�n.dla►rd's sal�dis�r�tic�n, an.d.��f c�nsented to, shall be subject to an.�r an.d�l.l res�trictic�ns,requ:ire�n+�nts and I�m.itati�►��as Lan.dlort�shall r+equire. . . � �� ��R- ��r. .� w .�. �� �u . .,,`,�,, �n�.f�"".s"p � �.,� � m�,�.,�„� ��„��.�..u�. .��� �,� �,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,�ro�w.� �, ,.,��m�„�,m,M�ro,�,�,�,�,ro,ro,��.,,,�M,M�e,�,��,�w,,�„��,�,��Aa,,�o.���,.m�„��„�,m�,�,�,�M,�,m��,��,...�,,,�w.�,�,�.�,�„���m�.�����,�,�,��.,,,W,�,M ...._.._�.....�..��.,�,..,�- �-�� � �, �.��. �� � � �8�� � � ��� � ��. ��� �� �o � VINEBROUK BLD�PA►F�'.KING +r"'1� «�� , �� � r"� "• � � � � � � � �� # i ; m � 47'—10 1/4" ',�� ' �' , � , �� � � � � 1 _ n ,mmmmmm���mmr...�..�...�,�__.._.....�...�..� ._.�.....���u_..._.� .��.m�,�. ....w,_�_�.�.:._�.�__�..,�,�..,�.��._.__......�..�..��.... „���. 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O � � � � � � O �- � r� � . . . ///////�%,,, %��,,,, //////Gi�,,, ///////��,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,������������������iiiiiia���lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll������������ � � AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Liquor License - Change of Manager and Change of Corporate Name - The Upper Crust Pizzeria, 41 Waltham Street PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair I.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Upper Crust has submitted all the necessary paperwork needed to request a change of manager to be Rami Khatatba as well as a change of corporate name from UC Lexington LLC to UC New England LLC on their Wine and Malt Alcohol Common Victualler Liquor License. T he p ro p o s ed manager, R ami Khatatb a, s ub mitted a c urrent Alc o ho 1 Awarene s s Training C ertif'ic ate and the required CORI check has been completed. The corporate merger occurred on April 1, 2016 and was regis tered with the S ec retary o f S tate's O ffic e, ho wever it was no t regis tered with the AB C C at that time. T he required Business Structure documents detailing the merger has been provided. Eric Holstein, UC New England representative, will be at the meeting to answer any questions the Board may have regarding these updates which are required for their Liquor License. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the app lic ation from The Upp er Crust for a Change o f Manager and Change o f C orporate Name and, once approved by the ABCC, issue an amended 2022 Wine and Malt Common Liquor License to UC New England LLC d/b/a The Upper Crust, Manager Rami Khatatba. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 6:5 Sp m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.::..���������°.�,�������4��; ������ar�m�����.����..���������,,�c���.���,,,,,�.���u����������� �`�.��.W���r�������� �:���������� IC���.���fro��� Th e Cammon wealth af.11�assaeh usetts ' Aleoholic.Beve�ages C'ont`�al Commissir�n 9S.,�'ourth Street,Suite 3, Chelsea, ��A �12154-2358 > www.mass.,gov/abcc � ... � �,�� APPLICATICJN FClR 1111ULTIPLE A�IIENDMENTS 1. �IJS�NESS ENTiTY INFt�R11/IATIC�IV Er�ti�y Name Municipality ABC�License Number UC�exington�L� Lexington 4�041-RS-a612 Please provide a narrative overview of the transaction{s}being applied for.{Jn-premises applicants should also pravide a description of the intended theme or conce fi of the business o eration.Attach additional a es,if necessar . e are changing manager on record as well as��C,We ralled up individual���'s into one,UC New England L�C APPLICATItJN CCJNTACT The applicatian contact is the persan wha should be contacted with any questions regarding this application. Name Title Email Phane Patty Barry Dir of Finance and Admin pattyC�streetlightventures.com �►172�159fiS 2. A�E�D11/IENT-Chan�e of�icense�lassification � �hange of License CategorX Last-Apprav�d�icense�ategary �► All Alcoha�,Wine and Malt, Wine Malt�nd�ardials Requested�lew License�ategory • � Change of�icense„Class �ast-Apprc�ved�icense Class T Seasanal or Annual R�quesfied New�icense Class •� 0 Change of�icense Tvpe� �ast-Appraved Lic�nse Type •. i,e. Restaurant ta Club *�ertain License Types R�quested�lew�i�ense Type •• CANNOT change ance issued* 3. AMEIVDNIENT-�han e of Business Entitv Infarm�tion �� QX Change of Carparate Na�me �ast-Appraved Corporat�Name: U�Lexin ton��C � Requested New Carparate Name: UC New England�LC ❑ Change of�►�A Last-Appraved DBA: Requested New DBA: � Chanpe o�Corporate Structure �,ast-A raved Cc�r orate Structure •► pp p L�C,Carporation,Sole Proprietor,etc �,�,�u�sted New Corparate Structure �• 4. AMENDMEIVT-Pled�e Information � Pledg�e af�icense To wham is the pledge being made. � Pledge af InventarX ❑ Pledge af Stock 6 �� Th� +�'o�n�r�on�►ealth o,f,�1 assa��'i use�t.s - —� �f leolxalr'c Beve��a,ges�Cont�•v�'+Car�r�n�ssion .... .. __.__. 95.�'ou��`�S'�reet,,�'ur'te 3, Cfi�elsea,MA 112.�Sa-23S8 _.. ww►w.mass.gov�'a�cc K A►MENL�MENT-��i��1�� C.�f ���1+�,g�'r � Charige af License Manar�er �� 1..BUSI�ESS�NTI`fY IN�C�RMAT10►I� �nti�y Narr�e Muni�ip�iit� A����.icense Number UC�exing�on L�C dba The Upper�rust Pizzeria� Lexington,M,� �O�+D41 R54fi1� 2.APPLICA►TI�N��}NTACT The applic�tian con�act i�th�person wha should be contacted with any questians reg�rding this applicat�a��. N�me Titie Email phc�r�,� ���� �ric Hols�tein CC►t� eric@�heuppercrust.pizz� 914�-484-�8S3 3A. �ANI�►G�R IN�t��t1�AT1+�l� The�ndividu�►I that�as beer�app�inted tc�manage and c+�ntrol of th�licensed busir��ss and prernis+�s. Propased Nlanager�lame Rami Khatatk�a Dafie of�irth SSfi� Residen�i�l Address 98.1e�i�ha i�oad Pelharn,NH��U7� Email rami@theupper�rust.piz�a Phone 978-548-8985 Please indicate how many haurs per week �asfi-Approved Li�ense Nlanager yc�u intend to be c�n the licensed premises 2� 5hawn 5heriefield 3S.CIT� 5 R UND ii�FC?R ATI N A►re you a U.S.Ci�iien�� C«Y�s C�"`N� *Nlanager must be� U.S,citizen If yes,attach a►�ne�fthe follawinc�as proof ofcitizenship US Passpart,Voter's Certificate,Birth Certi��ate or N�tu��liz�tion Papers. Have v►u ever be+�n conv�cted a�f a state,federal,or milita� crime. Y � C�`Yes C':�Ja If yes,�i11+aut the table below a�nd attach an afifidavit providing the�e�tai�s of an�r and at!convictions.Att�eh additianal p►�ges,if necessary,util���ng the format below. D��e �utni�ipali�r Charge bisposition 3C.EMP�CJYN�E�JT INFt�►R�Il1�T10�1 Please pravide your emplo►yment histc�ry.Attach additior�al pages,if ne+cess�ry,utilEzing the�ormat b+el�v�r. St�r�C►a�e End Date Pasiticrn �mplc�yer Superuisv►�Name 2017 pr�sent �perativns I�tanag�er The Upper Crust Pizzeria �ric N�►Istein , 2�13 2+��7 C3perations{�1�n�g�r Cosi R!Dourney � . � a o�s�������►� c-r�o�v Nave yc�u held a ben�fi�ial or f�nan�ial inter+�st�n,or k�een the m�nager of,a licens�to seil aicohol�c beverage��h�t was subject t� r�isciplinary a�tion? �Yes C:'No If yes,ple�se�i11 out the tabl�.Atta�h�dditianal pages,if nec�ssary,utilizing the fc�►rmat below. C�ate af Actior� �tame of Licer�se 5t�te City �easan for suspension,rewocatian ar cancellation !hereby swear unde�r t�►e par'ns r�nd penatties of per,�ury that�the informotion l haue prvvided in this�rpplicatron is irue and occtrrate: , • Digit�lly signed�y aami Khatatba Manag�r s Signature R�Cl'i 1 Khc�'�c�t�� aa�e:Za��.i�.�.���.za:�a-os�oo� Da#e �, � f. AI�IIENDIIIIEI�T-Chan�e af C.}fficersl Stock or Qwnership Interest Change af Clwnership Interest Chanqe of Stack(E.a,�,�New Stackhalder/, � Change of t3fficerslDirectors � � LLC Manaqers/�Lr rartners,Trustees� Transfer or issuance af Stock) �ist all individuals ar entities that will have a direct or indirect,beneficial ar financial interest in this license(E.g.Stoc khalders,(Jfficers, Directors,�l.0 Managers,�LP Partners,Trustees e�c.}.Attach additiona!page(s)provided,if necessary,utilizing Adder�dum A. • The individuals and titles listed in this section must be identical to those filed with the IVlassachusetts Secretary of State. • The individuals identified in this section,as well as the proposed Manager of Record,must�omplete a CORI Release Form. � Please nate the fallowing statutory requirements far Directors and LLC Managers: t�n Premises(E.g.Restaurant/+�lub/Hotelj Directors or LLC Managers -At least 50�°/v must be US citizens; Off Premises{Liquor Store}pire�ctors or LLC Nlanagers -All must be US citizens and a majority must be Massachusetts residents. • If you are a Niulti-Tiered(3rganizafiion,p[ease attach a flaw chart identifying each carparate interest and th�individual owners af each entity as well as the Articles af CJrganizatian for each corporate entity. Every individual musfi be id�ntified in Addendum A. Name of Principa) Residential Address SS�I DOB Title and or Posi�ian Percentaqe of Ownershi Directar/LL�Manager US Citizen MA Resident C"`Ye s C'� N o C'"`Ye s C""`�l o �"�`Ye s �"""`N o Name of Principal Residentia!Address 55N DOB Tit�e and or Position Percentac�e of C�wnershi Director/LL�Manager U5 Citizen N1A Resident �""`Yes �"` No �"`Yes C`fiVa �""`Yes �"`Na hlame of Principal Residential Address S5N DOB Title and or Position Percenta e of C�wnershi Directar/LL�Man,ager US Citizen MA Resident �""``Yes C"""`No C""`Yes C�``No �"``Yes �"``No �1ame of Principal R�sidential Address SSN DOB Title and or Position Percentac�e of Ownershi Director/LLC Manager U5�itizen MA Residerrt C""Yes ("' Na �'`Yes �'""`No �""`Yes �''`No �Jame af Principal Residential Address SSN DC7B Ti�le and or Pasition Percenta e of Ownershi Director/LLC Manager US Citizen MA Resident �'"`Yes �'"`No C"'Yes C"`No C"'Yes C"`I�o Rlame af Principal Residentia!Address SSN DqB Title and or Position Percentac�f C}wnershi Director/LLC Manager US Citizen MA Residen� �"' Yes �''' No C'"`Yes �"`'No ("`Yes �"`'No Additional pages attached? �"`Yes C~'�lo �RINiINAL HlSTtJRY --� Nas any indivEdual listed in ques�ian b,and applicable attachments,ever been convicted of a �"""Yes �'"`No State,Federal or Military Crime?If yes,a�tach ar�afFidavit providing the details of any and all convictions. NlANAGEMEfVT AGREENIENT Are you requesting apprava!to utilize a mana�ement company through a management agreemerrt? Please pravidea capy of the nnanagement agreement. C""`Yes �"~`No $ 6. A�E�DMEIVT-Change of afficers, Stock or 0►wnership Interest fB. CURRENT C}FFI�ERS,STtJCK CJR(JWNERSHIP INTEREST �ist the individuals and en�i�ies of the current ownership. Attach additianal pages if neeessary utilizing the format belaw. Name af Pr�n�ipal T�tle/Positian Percentage of pwnership Name af Prin+�ipal Title/Pasitian Percentage of Ownership �1ame of Prir►cipal Title/Pasitian Percentage of Ownership Name of Prin�ipal Title/Position Percentage of Ownership Name of Principal T�tle/Position Perc�ntage af Ownership Name of Principal Title/Position percentage of C�wnership fA. INTEREST 1N AN ALCC�Ht�LIC 6EVERACES LICENSE Does any individual c�r en�ity identifed in question 6,and applicable attachments, hav�any direct or indirect,benef�cial or financial interest in any a�her license�o seil alcoholic beverages? y�� ❑ N� � If yes,list in table below.Attach additional pages,if necessary,ufiili�ing the table forrr�at below. Name License Type License Name Muni�ipality 6B. PREVIC�USLY HEI.D INTEREST IN AN ALCtJHt�LIC�3EVERAGES LICENSE Has any individual or enti�y identified idenfiified in quesfiion 6,and applicable attachments,ever held a direct ar indirect,beneficial or finar�cial interest in a license ta se�l alcohalic beverages,which is not presently held? Yes ❑ Na ❑ Ify�s,list in tab1�below.Attach addi�tional pages,if necessary,ufiilizing the table farmat below. Name License Type License fVame Municipality fC. DISCLtJSURE C}F�ICENSE DiSCIPLINARY ACT'IClN Have any af the disclased licenses listed in question 6A or 6B ever been suspended,r�voked or cancelled? �`es � Na � �f y��,list in table belaw.Attach additianal pag�s,if necessary,utilizing the table format below. Date c�f Action Name of�icense City Reason for suspension,revocation or cancellatian 9 ?. AMENDMENT-Chan�e of Rremises Information ❑ Alteratian af Premises:{must fill out attached financial informatian form� 7A.ALTERATICJN taF PREMlSES Please summarize the details of the alterations and highlight any specific changes frarn the last-appraved premises. PRC}P{�SED DESCRIPTICJN aF PREMISES Please provide a�omplete descriptian of the proposed premises,in�luding the number of floars,number of rooms c�n each floor,any outdc�or areas tc�be included in the licensed area,and total square faatage.Yc�u rrtust also submit a flaor plan. Tatal Sq.Foc�tage Seating Capacity C}ccupancy Number Number c�f Entrances Number of Exits Number Qf Flc�ars ❑ Chanae af l.acatian:(must fill aut attached financial information farm} �B.�HANGE t�F I.fJCAT�tJN Last-Approved Stre�t Address Prapased Street Address DESCRIPTI(JN C�F PREMISES Pleas�pravide a cc�mplete description of th�premises to be licens�d,includir�g the number of flacars,number of rooms on each flaor,any outdoor areas to be included in the licer�sed area,and tota!square footage.Yau must also submit a flaar plan. Tatal Sq.Footage Seating Capacity accupancy Nurnber Number of Entrances Number of Exits Number af Floors Ca��UPANCY OF PREMISES Please camplete a!I fields ir�this section. Piease pravide proof af legal accupancy ofthe premises,(E.g.Deed,lease,letter of intent} Please indicate by what means the applicant has to occupy the premises � Landlord Name Landlord Phc�ne Landlord Email �andlord Address �ease Beginning Date Rent per Manth �ease Ending Date Rent per Year Will the l.andlard receive revenue based on percentage af alcahol sales? {"`Yes C' No �a 8. AMENDniIE�T-Management A�reement ❑ Mana ement A reement:{must fill aut all pages in section 8) Are you reques�ing approval�o utilize a management company through a management agreement? If yes,please fill aut sectic�n 8. {'�`Yes �"`Na Please pravide a narra�kive overview ofthe Management agreement.Attach additianal pages,if necessary. IMPC�RTANT NtJTE:A management agreement is where a licensee authorizes a third party to cantral the daily aperations of the license premises,while retaining ultimate control aver the license,through a written contract. This daes not pertain to a liquor license manager�that is employed direct�ly by the entity. 8A. MAIVAC E11JI EhIT ENTITY �ist a1!proposed individuals ar entities that will have a direct or indirect,beneficial ar financial interest in the management Entity(E.g. Stockholders,Officers,Directors,L�C Managers,LLP Parkners,Trustees et�.}. Entity Name Address Phone Name af Principal Residentia!Address 55�1 D{JB Tit�e and or Positior� Percentage af Ownership Director US Citizen MA Resident C"�`Yes C'''Nv C"``Yes C' hlo C`'Yes C'"` I�o Name of Principal Residen�kial Addr�ss 5SN DQB Title and or Pasition Percentage of Qwnership D�rector US�itizen MA Resident C~`Yes �'``No �"`Yes �""`No �""'Yes �""�Ja �ame af Principal Residential Address SSfV a06 Title and ar Position Percentage af tJwnership Directar US�itizen MA Resident ("`Yes �'"' No C�`Yes C'``No {�`Yes C"` No h�ame of Principa) Residentia!Address 551V DOB Title and or Position Per�enfiage af CJwnership Director US Citizen NiA Resident �'""Yes C'`No (`Yes (''No �"'`Yes C""'Nc� �RIMI�IA�HISTURY �. Has any individual identified above ever been�onvicted of a State,Federal ar Military�rime? �y�� ��ya If yes,attach an affidavit providing the details of any and all convi�tions. BE�. EXISTII�� I��ANAGEMENT AGREEMENTS AND INTEREST fN AN ALCGIHCJLIC BEVERA�ES �ICENSE Daes any individual or enti�y identified in questian 8A,and applicable atta�hments, have any direct or indirect,ben��icial ar finan�ial interest in any ather licerrse to se11 alcoholic beverages;and or have an active management agre�ment with any oth�r licensees? Yes ❑ Na [J �f y�s,lis�k in table belaw.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table format belc�w. Name License Type License Name Municipality 11 8. A�EI�C►MEI�T-�ana��ment A�reement 8C. PREVIC)USLY HE�D INTEREST IN AIV ALCC)HC.)LIC BEVERAGES LICEN�E Has any individua!or entity ider�tified in question 8A,and applicable atta�hments,ever held a direct ar indirect,benefi�ial or financial interest in a lieense to sell alcohalic beverages,which is not presently held? Y�� C� �� � If yes,list ir�table below.A�tach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table farmat below. �1ame License Type License Name Muni�ipality � 8D. PREVICJ�S�Y HELD I�IIANACEI�IIENT AGREEMENT Has any individual or entity identified in question 8A,and a�pplicable attachments,ever held a management agreement with any other Massachuse�ts licensee? Yes [� No Q �f yes,list in table below.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the table farmat below. �icensee Name Licerrse Type Municipality Date{s)af Agre�ment 8E. DISCLflSI�F�E tJF I.ICEI�SE DISCIPLIIVARY ACTICJN Have any of the disclosed licenses listed in question 8B,8C or 8D ever been suspended,revoked or cancelled? Yes � No � �f yes,list in table belaw.Attach additiana�pag�s,if necessary,utilizing the table format below. Date of Action Name af License City Reasor�for suspension,revc�cation or cancellatian 8F. TERMS CJF AGREEII�ENT a,Daes 1:he agreement pravide for termination by the li�ensee? Yes [�J No � b.Wili the li�ensee re�ain control of the business finances? Yes � No � c.Does�he mar�agemer�t entity handle the payroll farthe business? Yes [] No � d.Nlanagemen�Term Begin Date e.Management Term End Date f.How will the managemen��ampany be compensated by�h�licensee?(check all that apply} Q $per mon�h/year(indicate amaunt} ❑ �!a of alcohaf sales{indicate per�entage� �� %of overall sales(indicate percerrtage} ❑ other{please explain} ABCC�i+�ensee t�fficerl«C Manager Management Agreement Entity Officer/LI.0 Manager Signa�ure: Signature: Ti�le: Title: Date: Date: 12 9, FI�IANCIAl. DISC�CIS►l1RE Re uired for the fallawin transactior�s: • Change of tJfficers,Stack or(Jwnership Interest�E.g. New Stackhalder/Transfer ar Issuance of Stack} • Change of Premises Information • Pledge of�icense, Inventory ar Stack Purchase Price(s�: SaURCE (JF CASH CCJNTRIBUTItJN Please provide documer�tatian of available funds.(E.g.Bank ar other Financial instifiution Statements,Bank Letter,etc.) Name of Cantributor Arnount of Contribution Tata I SC}URCE C.�F FINANClN� PEease provide signed financing documentation. Is the iender a iicensee pursuant Name af�ender Arnount Type uf Financing to M.G.�.�h.'i 3$. C'Yes C' No �'`Yes �''` No C''Yes ("` No �'``Ye s C'"` N a FIIVANCIA�INFfJR1�/�ATIC}N Pravide a detailed explana�ion af th�form{s}and saurce(s}af funding for lche cost identified abave. 13 ,A►�'P�.I�A�T'��TAT�I��NT �� iohn Snow �he: �sv►Ie proprietor; � partner; ��or o��te rirt�� al• 0 LI.0 LLP rn�na er p P p , / � Authoriaed S�gnatory Of UC New Er�gf�nd l.t�� Name of the EntityjCorporation hereby submit�Chis app�ication�hereinafter the"App�i+cation"�,to the I�►+�a1 licensing autharity�the"L1.�4"}and the Alcaholic Beverages�ontrol Comrr�ission��he"A�C�"and tagether with the LLA coflective�y the"Licens�r�g A��Chorities"}far app�c�val. I d�her�by decl�re under the pa�ins and penalties af p�erjury th�at I have personal knowledge c�f th�informatia►n submitt�d in the App�ic��ic�n,and�s such affirm that�II stateme�ts and r�pres�ntations ther�in�r+�tru�to the best of m�knc►wledge and belief. I further subrnit the f��lvwing to be true and accurate: {i} I understand that+��ch representation in fihis Application is material t�►the l.icensing Author�iti�es'decision+on the A�p�i�a�ion ar�d that the�icensing Authorities will rely on each and every answ�r in the Applicatic�n ar�d acca�mpanyirtg docum�r�ts in r��ching its de�cisia�n; �2} �st�te that�he 1+�cat�on and descriptiQn of th�prapa�sed licensed premises are in cc�mp�li�nce with state and local laws and regulatio►r�s; ��} I underst�nd that whi{e the Applicati�n is pending,I must n�otify t��Li��nsing Authorities of any charrg�in t�� informatian submitted therein. I und�rstand that fa�lur�to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may resu�t in disap�prc�val of the�4pplication; �4} I und�rst�nd tha�upon approval af the AppliGation, !must nc�tify th�Lic�nsing Autharities of any change in the� c�wnership as approved by the�.icensin�Authc�riti+�s. I understar�d th�t failure ta give suc� natice to the I.icensing Autharities may result in sanctions irrclur�ing r�vocatior�af�ny lice�se far which this Ap�licatia►n is submitt�d; �5} I understand that th�license�will be bound by the statements and represent�ti�ns rr�ade in the Appl�cativn,including. but r�c�t limited t�the identity of�ersons with an c�wnership�ar�financi�l interest in the license; ��} 1 understar�d that all staternents an+d repr�sentafiion�ma�de becom�conditians af th�license; �7� 1 understar�d that�ny physica#alt�rations to ar changes to the size af the area used for the s�le,delivery,starage,or �onsumption c�f�Iccrhalic b�+�verages, must be repc�rted ta►the l.icensing Authorities a�nd m�y require fihe prior app�roval of the�.ic�r�sin;g A►u#hvrities; {8} i understand that tt�e licens�e's fa�fure ta t�perate the licensed prem'rses in accordanc+�with the statements and representatians ma�d�in th+e�►pplication may result in sanctians,inciuding the revocation of any�i�cens�for which th+� Applicatiar�was subrnittec�;arrd 49� l unc�ers�and�hat any false statem�nt or misrep��-esent�ti�►n will constitute cause for disapprc�val of the Appli�atic�n or sar�c�ions including�evoca�tiv�n of any ficer�se far which this Applic�tia�n is submitted. �1�� i cc�nfirm that the applican�corpor�tion a�nd each�i�ndividual listed in the ownership�ection of the�pp�icarian is in gc�oc�standing with the 11�a�sachusetts Dep►artment af Revenue and has camplied wi�h all laws af the C�mmc�r�wealtn r+�lating to tax�s,repQrting Qf err�ployees and contractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. ,� ,�, � r�. � t ,�� -�- ! Title: Manager �tJRP�'JRATE�/C�►TE Th��aard af C�ir�ct�rs�r�.L�Managers of UC N�w England LLC Entity�ame du�y vc�ted to apply to the �.ic�nsir��Authority af Lexington and the City�1'awn Connman�►realth�of IVlassachusetts Alcaholic B�verages C�►rrtrol Commissian on �0/1512a21 � ,� �, �,�� r�� » For�he following trar�sa��ions(Ch�c�.�II t��t�pplY}: � Chang�of Manager � t�ther � � � rt 1��Mr/���w�V���t�V!��� Johr�Snow f�ame af Pers�n to sign the app►lic�tian subrnitted and ta execut�on th�Entity's b�ha�f, any n+ecessary papers a�►d do al�things required to have�he applicatian granted." •�VCI��G1:To�p pC�itlt Ram�Khatatba �Vam�t�f Liqu+�r License Manager a�s its manager of recor�, and h+�rek�y grant him c�r her with full authority and contral of the premises described in the lieense and auth�rity and control c�f the c+onduct+�f all business therein��s the licen,see itself could in an�way have a�rr�exercise if it were a natural person residing in the Cr�mmonw�alth af Massachusetts." F+�r Corporatio�ns f�N�Y - � true c�p�y a�test, A true ca� att�st f"'J J � Corpora�tivrt�Clerk's�ignature �,.�-''"' -�-` �� �xJ �� � �..,j�'"'"�- '"� � � � �Print IVarrre} {Print Nam�� MA �0►� Filing Number: 2C�1�777�74�60 Date: 3/28/2C�'i� 1:3�:a� PM T��� ��l��II��IC���i�EALTH CC�F 1�7A�SA.C��CTS�TT� I hereby certify�hat, upon examinatian of this document, duly subm.itted ta me, it app►ear� that the provislons af the Cen�ral Laws relative ta corparations have been complied with, and I hereby apprave said ar�icles; and the fiiing fee having b��n paid, said articles are deemed ta have been filed with m� on: �arch 28, 2�16 a1:3� PM . � �' WILLIAM F�N�I�► C".�'rALVIZ� S'ec�etar�y o�f'the +C''ommonwealth t , ,� ��� �.� , ........ �r /r �r ,�r i /� �r . .... 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C��'��IO►11,�"► �IV1�1+�►11 � �� ��"""'� � ���� � i � � IC�► Number: 4f 15f67f4 �equ�st certifi+cat+� I�ev+v se�rch 5 u m m a ry f�r r: U C h�E 1N E�I G�A 1�C�, ��� Th� +�:X�IC# 11�11�71� Of�h� CI►011I1esti� �imited Li�bifity Comp�r�y (LLC�: UC i�JEUV E(�JGLA►I�JD� LL� The narne was changed from: UPPER �RUST NCJLDINGS�, ��� on 44-ni-2a16� The name was changed fram: UC ACQUI�ITI(J�l CCJ., ��C on 12-U2-2414 Merged with UC �C�►UTN E�l�►, L�.� orr �4-C�1-2Q1+5 'Merged with U+� �.����t��`C��, �.L� on 0�4-U1-241+6 Merged w►i�h Ut� �U�.���t�TC�►�, �.L� on U4-0�1-2C�1+5 Merged w�th U� �3�.t�C)��.���, L�.� an +D4-01-20�1�► Merged witl� UC ��,��t�h� HI1��., LL� a►n �4-�1-20�1+5 'Merged w►ith �lt� MA�:�A��tJ�E�TT:� AVE�I�J�, �.�+� arr �4-�1-�0�1f� Hlerged with �J� '1�1'1E�.t�E:�1�EY� ��.� an U4-�D1-2�1�► , Entity typ+�: Dorr��stic �imited �iability �ompany ��LC) �Identification Nurtnber: 4�15f��7�4 t�ld ID Number: , ;aat� of C�rganizatior� in Massachus�:tts: '12-1�-�p1� �ast date +certair�: The Ic�►caticrn or address where the rec�rrds� are m�ir�tair�ed �A PC� bo�c is nat � valid Ic����ion or addr+�ss}: Addr�ss; E�3 Tf�EMC►�1T �T C:�ty c�r tovr�n, ��a��, Zip cc�de, PC��T�IV, I�A �211� U�A� Vr./����T k / The nanne and �ddr�ess of th+� Resident Ag�:nt: IV�me: Ct�RPC�RATICJf� ��R1lI�E t�C�I�PAI�Y �Add r���: �4 �TA►TE ,�TRE�T C�ity or�a►wn, ��a�e, Zip code, BC}5TC�1'+1, MA► C�21C�"� IJ�A �oun�ry: The name ar�d busin�;s:� addr+e�s t�f eacl� Mar�ager: � � Y M Y d � ii� MA�JAGER JCJHN I �Nt�►VI/ III 1�i(J FEC�ER.A� �T, BC}�TCJN„ MA t��111 U�A ��� In add�tic�r� to th+� manager(s}, the r�am� �nd bu�in��s address of the p�erson(s� �' authorized tc� execute dacumen�s #�cr be fil+�d wi#h the Corpor�ticrn� C�rivisia►n» � W � a . w b. $ � "' I .�C�t� I �JAT RY H N I � C� C) J{� ��JC7UV III 16{J FEC�EF�AL �T, BC�5TC7N„ MA EJ2111 U�A ��The n�rme and busir��ss a�ddress af the persor�(s� authorized to execute, ack�rr�►wledge, deliver, �r�d record arry recardable instrument purportir�g ta aff+ect an in#erest in real property: : � �t .� . �. ° # � M" http�:llcorp.sec.state,ma.us/CorpVlleb/�orp5earch/Cc�rp�ummary,aspx?�ysvalue=YY�_�J�J�Jpu9F�F�k�33y1 oBWwX3dC7C�GJ.49�nxQrvPiZE- 1/2 „�,*.��:� Commonwealth af hlassachuse#ts � � Lcttcr l D►:L4316$94b5b � '�”, .;�.......:.. '� Ll�epartment of R.evenue ;`3otice I��te:Junc 22,2422 �!' . �. Geoffrey E.Snyder,Commissioner Case IIJ:�-401-5b3-2b4- � �: � � w �c ����, 1,°� � y�sr� " w�`�N. � '��T t��` mass,�av/dor CERTIFICATE CJF' GC�►(�D �TANDIN� AND/OR TAX �OMPLIAN�� III��I���M����'�l�il���'���#I����Il���i�tlt�����'�I�lill���11��41 UC NEW EIVCLAND,LLC b83 TREI'v1{�►NT ST BOSTON MA 02118-12+62 T�hy did.��eceive t`his n�tice? The Commissioner of Re�enue certi�es that, as of th�date of this certifcate, UC NEV�T ENC�LAND, LL� is in compliance with its tax oblibations under�hapter�2C of the Massachus�tts Cener�l Laws. This certificate doesn�t certify that the taxpay�r is com.pliant in taxes such as unemployment insurance adrninistered by agencies oth�r than the Department of Revenue, ar taxes under any other provis�ions of law. Thi�i� not a waiver of lien issued under�hapter�Z�,section 52 of the Massachusetts�enerai Laws. T��h�r�t i,�f~.�hav�,�ue�s��c�ns� If you have qu�stions, call us at(�17) 887-b4Ufl or toll-free in Massachuse�ts at(80►�}392-�489, I`vi�onday thro�.�gh Friday, 9:0►�a.m. to 4.fl�p.m... �"i�it��cs onli�e�� Vi�it mass.ga�/dor to learn.more about l��Ia�sachusetts tax laws and DC�R policles and pracedures, including�aur Ta�payer Bi11 of Ri�hts, and MassTaxConnec�for eas�access t�your accaunt: • Revie��v or update yaur account • �antact us L�sing e-message � Sign up for e-billing to save paper � Make payments or set up autopay ,�-��--�-�-. �. � . � Ed�vard W. �oyle, Jr., Chief Collections Bureau THE Ct�MMt��JINEALTN tJF IVIASSACHU�ETTS K�'� EXECUTIVE C3FFlCE c�F LAB(JR AhJD 1NORKFtJR�E DEVEL{�PME�JT - DEPA,RTMENT CJF UNEMPLOYMENT A��ISTAf�CE �..�.. . �. ......Y.. �harles D.Baker Rasal in Acosta Gt�VERNC}R �ECf�ETAF�Y j � l�aryn �,Polito Conni ..C,�arter � LT.GtJVERNCIR 40Q0432�� D1RE�TCfR �.,,� ,� . � Upper Crust Noldings LL� 178� Mass�c�usetts Ave Carir�bridge, MA C}214�-28�9 EAI�: 22C�51441 Augus�Q2, 2�22 �ertific�te Id:6127� The Departmen#of Unemployment Assistan�e cer�ifies that�s �f 812/2a22 ,Upper Crust Holdings ��C is current ir� 2�11 its oblig�tions relating ta cor��ribu#ions, p�ynr�ents in lieu of contributions, �nd #he employer medic�l �ssistance car�tribu�ion estab#ished in G.L.c.149,�189. This certifica#e expires ir� 3� days fram the date af issuance. �annie �. ��rter, Director Departmer�t of lJ��mployment Assist,�r�ce Page 1 of 1 CHARLES F. HURLEY BUI�DIN�• '�9�TANIF+C�RD �TREET•BO►�TC�Rl, MA 42114 www.mass.gov/uima AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discussion of Additional Funding Requests Under American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) PRESENTER: ITEM Derek S encabau h F ire Chief Mike NUMBER: g � � Mc Lean, P o lic e C hief; Mike C ronin, Director of Public F acilities I.3 S UMMARY: During the p as t we ek, two items fo r the B o ard's c o ns id eratio n fo r AR PA fund ing have emerged that have a time s ens itive as p ec t that we ne ed the B o ard's inp ut o n whether yo u wo uld ap p ro ve the fo llo wing two items (if they are not approved, they will need to be added to the Fall STM for consideration). P ublic S afety C ommunications—As a result of moving the P olice S tation from their former location to 173 Bedford Street, we have been having serious problems with the radio communications system. We have had the contractor that maintains the system working on it several times and have learned the root cause of the problem is the age of the system and that it was designed work with copper lines, which were available at the former P olice Station. At the temporary Police Station at 173 Bedford Street, the lines are VOIP, not copper and as a result we do not have consistent radio communications for the P olice, F ire and D ispatch. S ome examples of problems include the recent transformer fire, our F ire D epartment was not able to communicate with other F ire D epartments that responded and instances where our P olice Officers have called for assistance and found their radios didn't work. Chief McLean, Chief Sencabaugh and Mike Cronin have reviewed the equipment that needs to be replaced and identified 9 antenna locations and equipment that needs to be replaced. T he cost is approxirriately $800,000. Given the seriousness of this issue, I am recommending the Board consider using ARPA funds so that equipment may be ordered immediately and installed as soon as possible. L ib erty R id e— T he B o ard Will b e hearing o n the future o f the L ib erty R id e next Mo nd ay. T he rep o rt is attac hed, b ut the rec o mmend atio n in s ummary is that we b e lieve that while it will require mo re s taff time, given the co st escalation from the c ontractor we've us ed in the p ast for the Lib erty Ride, the mo st co st effective alternative is fo r the To wn to b ring this p ro gram in-ho us e (s e e attac hed). We b elieve o ver the next d ec ad e, that the To wn will b e ab le to re s erve eno ugh fro m the revenue s that we will b e ab le to make the p ro gram s us tainab le, but we also b elieve it would b e b est to us e ARPA funds for the initial capital purchas e to move the program in- ho us e. We are s e eking the B o ard's ap p ro val next Mo nd ay night s o that we c an o rd er the tro lley and have it ready for next Spring. The cost is estimated to be $450,000. SUGGESTED MOTION: This is for dis cus sion purpo s es and and we would appreciate a vote on 9/19 but understand that the Bo ard may want to take this und er c o ns id eratio n o f a vo te either at the 9/19 me eting o r 10/3 me eting. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 7:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ����;��� ���,�,;������ .�...����m�����,c���������-��:����������;���u,���;Q"��.��r�r����r���������;�i�:����I��fi������;���au�,,�;���� .�����,c�� .� � .�..�n,�,�����.��������������.���:�����������:nar��.��.���������y����.r���ai.�;�����.�,, �:������:����� IC���.�m�����.� � .�.,�uf�m�m�,�;�,�.���������,°����i�������;�����;����������r��������������;�, ���������:�� ���,�;�M���� � �...�n�������.��ar���:������°,������Fl��i�������b��:�I��������������:r�Fl��i�����:...��..� ...�����.� ��������:����� IC���.������� � �.::...,ml���w��,�����.:���..�..,�������"��f"c������� ���������,:�, �������m���,���;���� �LL-���_� �� � ��_�_ _�_ � � _ _ _ _ �������������,.���. 5 VUhitmore Rd,Revere,MA 02151 P(781}284-3000 F(781}284-7300 www,allcamml.cam Town of Lexington Fire Department ATTN:Sergio DeMango 8/28/2022 Quote to provide and install the latest generation TB9400 base stations Existing TB9100 base stations are now end of life Replaces all electronics and hardware at all 8 radio sites All Pricing Per MA State Contract PSE01 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9435S-100T TB9400 Single 100Watts Chassis Assembly $ 1,268.46 $ 1,268.46 1 T01-01103-MAAA TB9400 Reciter 470-520MHz $ 2,560.41 $ 2,560.41 1 T01-01121-MBAA TB94 Linear PA 470-520MHz 100Watts $ 2,022.57 $ 2,022.57 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC48volts with 1 TBA30A4-4100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS065 P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation(LSM) $ 1,354.32 $ 1,354.32 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS061 Central Voter $ 4,787.10 $ 4,787.10 1 TBAS062 Simulcast Enable $ 4,691.52 $ 4,691.52 1 TBAS060 Digital Fixed Station Interface $ 519.21 $ 519.21 1 260165 470-512 MHz Duplexer $ 2,196.00 $ 2,196.00 1 235791 406-512 MHz Single Isolator $ 1,287.00 $ 1,287.00 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 343019 3'RG142P Jumper NM-BNCM $ 45.83 $ 45.83 3 324975 3'DAS jumper using RG-142 plenum cable N M;N M $ 45.83 $ 137.49 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 Securesync GPS Master Oscillator with GPS antenna install $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 Redundant Source Monitoring&selection-Time&Frequency 1 SAS36E distribution- $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 SecureSync Option Card with 4 x Programmable TTL Outputs- 1 1204-17 Redundancy for Police System $ 1,280.00 $ 1,280.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-48 48v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-400Ah $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 S u b-Total $ 57,312.80 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9435S-100T TB9400 Single 100Watts Chassis Assembly $ 1,268.46 $ 1,268.46 1 T01-01103-MAAA TB9400 Reciter 470-520MHz $ 2,560.41 $ 2,560.41 1 T01-01121-MBAA TB94 Linear PA 470-520MHz 100Watts $ 2,022.57 $ 2,022.57 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC48volts with 1 TBA30A4-4100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS065 P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation(LSM) $ 1,354.32 $ 1,354.32 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS061 Central Voter $ 4,787.10 $ 4,787.10 1 TBAS062 Simulcast Enable $ 4,691.52 $ 4,691.52 1 TBAS060 Digital Fixed Station Interface $ 519.21 $ 519.21 1 260165 470-512 MHz Duplexer $ 2,196.00 $ 2,196.00 1 235791 406-512 MHz Single Isolator $ 1,287.00 $ 1,287.00 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 343019 3'RG142P Jumper NM-BNCM $ 45.83 $ 45.83 3 324975 3'DAS jumper using RG-142 plenum cable N M;N M $ 45.83 $ 137.49 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 Securesync GPS Master Oscillator with GPS antenna install $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 Redundant Source Monitoring&selection-Time&Frequency 1 SAS36E distribution- $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 SecureSync Option Card with 4 x Programmable TTL Outputs- 1 1204-17 Redundancy for Police System $ 1,280.00 $ 1,280.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-48 48v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-400Ah $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 Sub-Total $ 57,312.80 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9435S-100T TB9400 Single 100Watts Chassis Assembly $ 1,268.46 $ 1,268.46 1 T01-01103-MAAA TB9400 Reciter 470-520MHz $ 2,560.41 $ 2,560.41 1 T01-01121-MBAA TB94 Linear PA 470-520MHz 100Watts $ 2,022.57 $ 2,022.57 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC48volts with 1 TBA30A4-4100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS065 P25 Linear Simulcast Modulation(LSM) $ 1,354.32 $ 1,354.32 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS061 Central Voter $ 4,787.10 $ 4,787.10 1 TBAS062 Simulcast Enable $ 4,691.52 $ 4,691.52 1 TBAS060 Digital Fixed Station Interface $ 519.21 $ 519.21 1 260165 470-512 MHz Duplexer $ 2,196.00 $ 2,196.00 1 235791 406-512 MHz Single Isolator $ 1,287.00 $ 1,287.00 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 343019 3'RG142P Jumper NM-BNCM $ 45.83 $ 45.83 3 324975 3'DAS jumper using RG-142 plenum cable N M;N M $ 45.83 $ 137.49 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 Securesync GPS Master Oscillator with GPS antenna install $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 Redundant Source Monitoring&selection-Time&Frequency 1 SAS36E distribution- $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 SecureSync Option Card with 4 x Programmable TTL Outputs- 1 1204-17 Redundancy for Police System $ 1,280.00 $ 1,280.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-48 48v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-400Ah $ 6,600.00 $ 6,600.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 Sub-Total $ 57,312.80 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9444-RX4T TB9400 Multi Receiver x4 Capable Chassis Assembly $ 1,090.26 $ 1,090.26 1 T01-01104-MAAA TB94 RxOnly 470-520MHz $ 1,707.48 $ 1,707.48 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC12volts with 1 TBA30A1-1100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS050-RO P25 Common Air Interface(CAI)-RxOnly $ 3,198.69 $ 3,198.69 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS071-RO IP Networking Satellite-RxOnly $ 379.08 $ 379.08 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-12 12v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-100ah $ 3,350.00 $ 3,350.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 Sub-Total $ 26,588.40 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9444-RX4T TB9400 Multi Receiver x4 Capable Chassis Assembly $ 1,090.26 $ 1,090.26 1 T01-01104-MAAA TB94 RxOnly 470-520MHz $ 1,707.48 $ 1,707.48 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC12volts with 1 TBA30A1-1100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS050-RO P25 Common Air Interface(CAI)-RxOnly $ 3,198.69 $ 3,198.69 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS071-RO IP Networking Satellite-RxOnly $ 379.08 $ 379.08 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-12 12v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-100ah $ 3,350.00 $ 3,350.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 Sub-Total $ 26,588.40 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9444-RX4T TB9400 Multi Receiver x4 Capable Chassis Assembly $ 1,090.26 $ 1,090.26 1 T01-01104-MAAA TB94 RxOnly 470-520MHz $ 1,707.48 $ 1,707.48 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC12volts with 1 TBA30A1-1100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS050-RO P25 Common Air Interface(CAI)-RxOnly $ 3,198.69 $ 3,198.69 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS071-RO IP Networking Satellite-RxOnly $ 379.08 $ 379.08 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-12 12v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-100ah $ 3,350.00 $ 3,350.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 Sub-Total $ 26,588.40 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9444-RX4T TB9400 Multi Receiver x4 Capable Chassis Assembly $ 1,090.26 $ 1,090.26 1 T01-01104-MAAA TB94 RxOnly 470-520MHz $ 1,707.48 $ 1,707.48 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC12volts with 1 TBA30A1-1100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS050-RO P25 Common Air Interface(CAI)-RxOnly $ 3,198.69 $ 3,198.69 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS071-RO IP Networking Satellite-RxOnly $ 379.08 $ 379.08 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 JL261A 2930F 24G PoE+4 SFP Switch $ 2,975.00 $ 2,975.00 2 J4859C Fiber Transceiver $ 157.00 $ 314.00 1 CAB Data Cabinet with Equipment Grounding,Cable Management $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 1 STHDWR Site Hardware $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 BATTBCK-12 12v Telecom Battery Backup-AC and DC Backup-100ah $ 3,350.00 $ 3,350.00 24 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 3,720.00 20 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 3,100.00 Sub-Total $ 26,588.40 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TB9444-RX4T TB9400 Multi Receiver x4 Capable Chassis Assembly $ 1,090.26 $ 1,090.26 1 T01-01104-MAAA TB94 RxOnly 470-520MHz $ 1,707.48 $ 1,707.48 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC12volts with 1 TBA30A1-1100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 90182 406-512 1 MHz Passband Preselector $ 1,285.75 $ 1,285.75 1 TBAS073 SFE Key-TaskBuilder $ 187.11 $ 187.11 1 TBAS050-RO P25 Common Air Interface(CAI)-RxOnly $ 3,198.69 $ 3,198.69 1 TBAS071-RO IP Networking Satellite-RxOnly $ 379.08 $ 379.08 6 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 930.00 8 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 1,240.00 Sub-Total $ 12,499.40 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 TBA2645 TN9100 Subrack Multi Gateways Max 5 Channels $ 1,353.00 $ 1,353.00 1 TBA50H2-PAC1 TN9100 P25 Console Gateway Reciter $ 5,230.00 $ 5,230.00 TB9000 Power Management Unit ACDC48volts with 1 TBA30A4-4100 Aux12volts $ 2,481.03 $ 2,481.03 1 TBAS054 MDC1200 Signalling on Analog Line $ 278.00 $ 278.00 1 $ - 6 SVC2022 Set-up and Programming/Tuning at ALL-COMM $ 155.00 $ 930.00 16 SVC2022 Installation of New Simulcast Repeater $ 155.00 $ 2,480.00 Sub-Total $ 12,752.03 Qt Nomenclature Descri tion Unit Price Total Price Tait Enable Monitor 8�Mana ement S stem EnableMonitor Server AC Essential 100 Network Devices 1 1 1000-0221-0001-AAA� Year Maintenance Relay DIN $ 18,885.00 $ 18,885.00 1 TEMMC100 EnableMonitor support and maintenance fee for 100devices $ 1,885.91 $ 1,885.91 1 02-SSC-5654 SONICWALL TZ670 High Availability Security Appliance $ 1,698.91 $ 1,698.91 1 RM-SW-T9 Rackmount Kit $ 166.92 $ 166.92 1 MGMT-PC DELL Desktop PC Core i7 i7-9700-16GB RAM-256GB SSD $ 1,427.65 $ 1,427.65 1 KIWISYS Syslog Software $ 300.00 $ 300.00 1 AVAIL255 Availability Software $ 350.00 $ 350.00 16 X400 IP Realy $ 385.00 $ 6,160.00 2 5903 Cat6A STP Patch Cable-14' $ 18.23 $ 36.46 1 01-USB2 KVM USB Server Interface Unit $ 104.70 $ 104.70 $ - 36 SCV2022T Technician labor $ 155.00 $ 5,580.00 Sub-Total $ 36,595.55 Qty Nomenclature Description Unit Price Total Price 1 PROG Subscriber Preventive Maintnance,Program Update $ 3,720.00 $ 3,720.00 Sub-Total $ 3,720.00 Digital&Analog Simulcast System Project-Total Manufacturers warranty applies. Pricing is valid for 90 days from above date � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o � o 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o � o � o o � o � M � o o � o o � o ��i�rri%�' � t/} l0 �h N rl th O ih rl O 01 -V} -V} N rl -V} O -V} �� � c`n 00 00 � r-I r-I N 00 00 � I r�r��rirr,� � -ch � -ch -ch rl I..�') rl rl -V} -V} r-I -(J} t!} -c/} r-I u««««««««««««< -c/}� -ch ���iiiiii, �j!lu�i1»1�ii1 i(JJ1rl,ll,lrllf f///�//�% � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O tl�� O u� O O O O O O 00 O O O O O O O O O °�111111°'� O � O l� O O � O I� (^n l� O O l� O O �1 O '� -V� l0 -t!)- N rl �th O -cn- rl O 01 �tl� �t/)- N rl �tl� O �t/)- ��JJJ��Ji�� M 00 00 � rl rl N 00 00 � �raallll� a /� u �� �-I �� �� l� I..f� �-I �-I '�.n• '(�- `I ianl�r�o/%l�%� r-I '(/)- ih '(,/)- r-I -(./'� -(!} ��JjIJ[Ir,�, I ,il1lIlJJrrllll���f r � (��1 /. �; �// �; �� � � � � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O �� , O � O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O ���//// /� O � O O � O N f� � O O � O O u1 O -� 0�0 -c!� f� 01 -c/} 01 -c!� l0 01 O �tl� �tl� f� 01 �tl� 01 �tl� //////���J � r � -(h I� rl -(h N rl (� f� rl �tJ� � N � � r-I �' N � � �- i./)- �11- � � �m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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T here Were s even neW o p tio ns evaluated, p lus the direc t rep lac ement o f the o il fired b urner. T here are two different s ys tems that are being recommended by the engineer:options 3 and 7. The equipment specif'ications are attached. Mike Cronin, Director o f Pub lic F acilities; Melis sa Battite, Director o f Recreation& C ommunity P rograms; and Rick Calhoun, SED Associates Corp will all be present to discuss the different replacement options. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion is required, but the general consensus of the Board is needed to determine the dollar amount of the rep lac ement fo r the warrant artic le. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 7:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �:�������;�� IC���r7��������������� ��e����.������� ���;��°���;�����:��,����7��,���� ..���,������� ������,.����� I[���.���f���� A d''4��"% "'A % J Y d "'A T �.::�:�:�� ��;�����°�:.:������.�,�� ������i����� �:����°,�5:�����: I[��;���,��°���� � �:..::����; ���,�;�M�:...��;��;���,,,,,�����,�c���� ����������m�. IC���,�,������ SED Associates Corp Cons ul ting Engin eers DESIGN MEMORANDUM DATE: September 13, 2022 TO: Chris Bouchard/Shawn Newell —Town of Lexington DPF FROM: Rick Calhoun —SED Associates Corp PROJECT: Lexington Town Pool SUBJECT: Domestic Water Replacement Options As requested, we have developed multiple options for the replacement of the oil-fired water heater at the above referenced location. In keeping with the Town's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, all the options researched are electrically driven. A direct replacement oil-fired water heater was also researched for comparison. The heaters at this location are only operated between Memorial Day and Labor Day and are shut-off and drained down during the remainder the year. The provided spreadsheet titled "Revenue Attendance Summary 2021" indicates that there was a total 39,061 persons that utilized the aquatic venues offered by the town, which include the pool and the old reservoir. The pool had a total of 918.5 hour of operation for the same time period. The facility has a total of 18 showers. The existing electrical service consist of a 400-amp 208/3/60 service from the utility company. This service feeds all the electrical equipment, including pool pumps and filtration system, lighting, etc. It was stated that the service is currently at a 300-amp use level, leaving 100 amps available for additional electrical equipment. Assumptions Since there is no hot water use recording done at this location assumption need to be made to provide a basis for sizing of a new water heating system. If we assume all the people listed on the provided spreadsheet (39,061) utilize the pool and based on the total hours of operations (918.5), there is an average of 43 people per hour. Since not all people that use the pool utilize the shower facilities, we have assumed that 20 people in an hour with a maximum simultaneous operation of 6 showers with an average shower length of 5 minutes and a maximum of 110°F water temperature. Shower heads are rated for 1.5gpm mixed flow. With this combination of mixed water temperature and a storage of 140°F, 1.05 GPM of hot water is required. We have also assumed that the water heater should be able to recover itself in a 30-minute period. Recovery is the amount of time required for the water heater to bring its storage volume back up to its storage temperature of 140°F. Demand 20 showers/hour* 1.05 GPM Hot Water* 5 Minutes = 105 GPH 105 GPH is the number that will be used to size the storage tank options for replacement water heaters. 1 SED Associates Co�p Consulting Engineers Option 1 —Standard Electric Water Heater This option would require the use of two (1-standby) 50-gallon tanks with 25 kW heating elements/each. The peak demand of each water heaters is 99 GPH, just below the theoretical maximum of 105 GPH. This heater is an immersion type electric resistance heater and is considered to have an efficiency of 100%. Based on the standard calculation for heating water, 25.66 kWH are required. (105 GPH * 8.34 Ibs/Gal * (140°F-40°F))/3413 BTUH/kW = 25.66KWH An estimated annual operation cost based on the provided electrical annual cost $0.23/kWH * 25.66kwh x 833 hours/yr. =is $4,916.20 annually. The issue with this option is the electric power required to supply them. Each unit requires 66.6 amps of 208/3/60 power, which would go above what is available on the existing service and therefore would require an electrical service upgrade, new panel, and additional circuit wiring for the new water heaters. Approximate Construction Cost: $49,000 (does not include electric utility service upgrades that would include transformer and utility related engineering costs) Option 2 — Packaqe Heat Pump Water Heater This option uses a refrigerant based heat pump with an internal evaporator to either extract/reject heat into the space. The issue with utilizing heat pump water heaters in this application is the space that would be required to house the heaters and the ventilation air that they would need to be ducted to the exterior of the building as the units produce cool air that would reduce the overall efficiency of the units. To produce the same amount of hot water as the existing system two heat pump water heaters with 120-gallon tanks would be needed. This is due to the lower recovery rate of this type of heater. These heaters are very efficient and have a Co-efficient of Performance (COP) of 4.02. Typical COP range is from 2.0 to 6.0, with 6.0 being the better efficiency. The manufacturer also recommends a minimum of 3,600 FT3 of space per unit for a total of 7,200 FT3. The existing mechanical/electrical space does not have the required volume. This would require that the existing mechanical/electrical space be opened to other areas to get the required volume. Since the men's and women's room are adjacent to this space this is not feasible. In order to determine if this type of water heating system would be a viable option a much more detailed investigative survey and report would need to be made to include an expansion of the building. But based on the current known parameters required, it is our professional opinion that this system is not a viable option. Based on the standard calculation for heating water, 25.66 kWH are required. (105 GPH * 8.34 Ibs/Gal * (140°F-40°F))/3413 BTUH/kW = 25.66KWH With a COP of 4.20, the estimated annual operational cost based on the provided electrical cost of $0.23/kWH is $1,171 Approximate Construction Cost: $85,000 (does not include excavation, possible utility company transformer and engineering costs or building modifications necessary to get the volume of space required.) 2 SED Associates Co�p Consulting Engineers Option 3— Solar Assisted Heat Pump Water Heater This option uses a refrigerant based heat pump with an external evaporator to either extract/reject heat into the exterior ambient. This option would use one solar assisted heat pump, two (2) exterior wall mounted evaporators panels, two (2) internal storage tanks and an electric back-up tank. The available space within the building is assumed sufficient to accommodate the proposed interior heat pump and tanks. The issue with this application in the lack of operating and support history in the United States. This is a UK product that has been used for several years without significant issues according to the local representative. For specific product understanding and its application for this analysis SED engaged a specialized firm for this application see attached selection. Estimated annual saving compared to electric resistance is 6,484KWH/annual x $0.23= $1,426 Approximate Construction Cost: $18,550(does not include rebates) 5 500 electrical work $24,050 total Option 4— Instantaneous Electric Water Heater This option would require the installation of multiple heaters to handle the number of fixtures. Assuming a heater that would be able to handle the flow rate of 140°F hot water to produce the 110°F mixed shower water temperature, a flow rate of 10.5 GPM is needed. This would require two(2) heaters each with a 32 kW heating element. Also, the hot water piping for the showers would need to be modified to separate the heaters to accommodate three showers per heater. The issue with this option is the electric power required to supply them. Each unit requires 133 amps of 208/3/60 power, which would go above what is available on the existing service and therefore would require an electrical service upgrade, new panel, and additional circuit wiring for the new water heaters. Option 5— CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater This option would use the latest technology for water heating on the market. This system uses an Eco- friendly refrigerant R744 (i.e., CO2) has an Oxygen Depletion Potential (ODP) of 0 and low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 1, is non-toxic and non-flammable and provides a long-lasting refrigerant option to increasingly stringent environmental guidelines. This system has a COP of 3.8. This system would require the use of an exterior mounted heat pump water heater coupled to an exterior heat exchanger module, exterior 150 water storage tank and a 50. gallon swing tank with an 18-kW electric heating element. The main water storage tank is approximately 50" in diameter and from field measurements made might not fit into the space available inside the mechanical space. The swing tank would be installed where the existing oil-fired water heater currently resides within the pool equipment room. Most of the equipment would need to be installed on the exterior of the building a covered area such as a doghouse shed, would be required to protect the equipment from the elements. This option uses the lowest amount of electricity (16.1 kW) than the other electric driven options and therefore, will provide the lowest operation cost. Also, based on demand, the system could have enough storage capacity on a normal use day so that the heat pump could be operated at night when 3 SED Associates Co�p Consulting Engineers the demand charges are less to further reduce the operational cost. Again, this would be based on hot water use of the facility. Although this system has the lowest operational cost it does have the highest installation cost. With a COP of 3.80, the estimated operational cost based on the provided electrical cost of$0.23/kWH is $3,269.75 Approximate Construction Cost: $146,000 (does not include possible utility company transformer and engineering costs or building modification/addition.) Option 6— Geothermal Heat Pump Water Heater This option would utilize ground water as the medium to heat the necessary domestic water. This system would include a water source heat pump, heat exchanger, storage tanks and pump. A well survey would need to be performed in order to determine where the required ground water wells could be installed. Before this system could be sized and proposed as a viable option, a geothermal heat pump installer would need to examine the site to determine whether it's best suited for a horizontal or vertical ground loop. While both system designs provide energy efficiency and savings benefits, installing a vertical loop system typically requires more time and money, as a drilling rig would be required and potentially bore th roug h sol id rock. The soil type also impacts the cost and time requirements for a geothermal heat pump installation. For instance, if the soil is soft and easy to dig out, your installation will take less time and money than an installation in denser clay-based soils or rock formations. Additionally, consideration of the above- ground features that impact available space would need and may need to physically alter your property's landscape during the installation process (especially for horizontal loop installations). For the reasons stated above, this option was not considered as a more in-depth review of the site including a geo-technical survey would be required to determine its viability. Option 7— Solar Hot Water Heater This option would use roof mounted fourteen (14) solar panel, two (2) internal storage tanks and an electric back-up tank. Solar systems and analysis require a specific product understanding and its application for this analysis SED engaged a specialized firm for this application see attached selection. Estimated annual saving compared to electric resistance is 6,712KWH/annual x $0.23= $1,544 Approximate Construction Cost: $29,700(does not include roofing, structural engineering and rebates) 6 300 electrical work $36,000 total Before this system could be finalized a structural analysis of the roof needs to be done to establish any impact and upgrading the roof if required. 4 SED Associates Co�p Consulting Engineers Option 8- Direct Replacement Oil-Fired The existing water heater at this location is an oil-fired water heater with a firing rate input of 700,000 BTUH and a maximum recovery rate of 665 GPH at 100°F temperature rise. The tank has a capacity of 120 gallons. This unit, as well as its replacement has an efficiency of 80%. Based on the standard calculation for heating water, 406,575 BTUH are required. (390 G PH * 8.34 I bs/Gal * (140°F-40°F)) * 1.25 = 406,575 BTU H An estimated operation cost based on an estimated cost of$3.20/gallon is $ 8,628.20 Approximate Construction Cost: $30,000 Summary The operational costs provided are for maximum water use, which most likely not be the case. However, to provide an actual operational cost, accurate hot water usage would need to be provided. This would require the metering of the cold-water service that feeds the water heater be installed and recorded for a complete season. Even though the operational cost given in this review of different water heating sources may not reflect the actual cost being realized at this facility, the ratio between the different option's operational cost will remain the same and are: Oil (Base Cost): 1.00 Elec. Tank: 2.43 Elec. I nstant: 2.43 Heat Pump: 0.58 CO2 Heat Pump: 0.34 Based on the provided oil usage for the past year (�400 gallons) and a nominal $3.20/gallon the operational cost for the reviewed options range from $3,296 to $8,628, see attached table. Although the CO2 heat pump option shows the lowest operational cost, the simple payback, based on the listed estimated installation cost is �44 years. Therefore, it is our opinion that this is not a viable option when the total installation cost, which would include unknown utility cost and building modification, would most I i kely d rive th is payback wel I of 100 years. Based on the above, it is our recommendation that heater be replaced with Option 3 Solar Assisted Heat Pump. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our offices at (617) 350-7245 or Rcalhoun(c�sedac.com (e-mail). By: Rick Cal hou n Attachments, Table 1, Solar Heat Pump Selection & Solar Hot Water Heater Selection 5 � � � � O � � � � c6 % � O � U ■ U O �+= �- �� V' � � CO — � N �� O � � � C6 c6 � N � p �•� � � y�1 � � � •� C � � � � � � � � � � � � N � � � ■� � � c� � c� � �� � oo � � — U U� . � U Q � � V � � �.� QO�� � � O � � � J p O � O �� � O � � ■_ � +� U) � � � � �� � � i �� � � !A� .� }' � N C6 N � � � V � � � � V'� L� � � N � � .� � � .�.cn � a� a� � � � � U � ' �� N� � U � � � fn � •� � � � � � .� i � � � � � � � � � � �� � t� uj+� .uj� O � � N � O c�n c�'n � c�n'N c�'n � �•� cn O O � � O � O � �� p � � � � � � � C � V � C V C .��-_'� � a.�.+ � O O V O O �� � � � � �� Q O � � � .Q � � � � �+� � O � .� Q — — cn ' cn c6 ta � c6 �N ca �� U � p L O � � V V � V � � N ��� � � N � '� � •—'� � •— (A.�� .N fn N � � j � � j }' � N � � � � N N � � V �' N !n V � 2 2 � � 2�� 2 � �� � � � � c vi c� a� V � � � � �' N � O � u N — tn �� �U �U � � � �U � � i � C � � � � V � �, � � O � �(� �� N N � X � O N � � � � � � N � � i >, (6 +� U � � � � � .� Q � � � � i i � Q .� � � � � �� � � � Q p � � C6 O>' �' � — tn � O� � �c0 � � � p N � � � N � � � �� N N� � . � �� � � � � � � � � V 0 • i — i— N � i— ��� �� �� � U O•� � �� .�.� � N N � > p N � � � � O N� N� � � N � � �� N C O tn � � � N U � O � V� O� � � � � O� � � (� '+� +� +r �'i � �� +� U �L C6 � (� � (6 � tA � � +� � C6 � (� � � U U �--+ � � � � � (6 C C � � � � � � � O'� � 0 � O � a�•— oa� � O � O �° �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� O � C L� � L Q L � � � � � �.LO �.�L �� ��n � �.L � O � N �1 `J /� ` (n /� V� /� ` /�` /�� lL+-+ � �" li/ ♦1•- li � ii/ ��-+ W U l� O � O O � O � '� X O >+ � � � (6� � p � N N U N � � � � (6 � � � +� N � � O+= X O� O C � � O � � O� •�� � � ■ J � N J (6 J (� W._ J N � J f� _ ._ � � � 'i % � O O O O O O O O }' O � • O O � O O � O O � U O O O O O N O O � � � � � � � � � � Cfl CO O � 00 N f` � � M M � � � � b�} E� � � C E� b�} �� • • • � � � N � � � � O � �� Cfl O C� O Cfl � � 00 � � , d� � � � N � � � � > O � � C'7 M � C'7 � C'7 00 �� ` Ef3 E�} Et} Ef} E�} � � E�} Q � \O � � a..� � � • N � N � +� V O c6 � x � � � � � � � � � • c� � � � � a�i � c4 ��� � O � . c� �n � � � N � rn �.L � U ' L(� f` CO N CO >+ N � •L Q � � N � � M � Cn � N � � � � � Q � � � � � V � � � '� � � � L N N Q �, � � � � � N .� �^ +� a� U � = W � N N � � _ �� o v J U (6 � N L � L = _ _ � L V•� p � � N > � O � � � � � � � � X � o � uJ � t� � C6 N (a � +� � Q> � � N � � N C � � N � � Ca N> � � N � � � Q C62 �2 �� � � � '� V in � � � � � i = i }, Q +r N C c 1 � � � L � � � � L U L � O � � C6 �.., �--+ N a--+ (a � +� ca c6 _ � O � _ a> � p� � C6 � C6 (� i — � �, � � O � � N � p }, c6 w cn = = cn� �� U� C�� cr� DO o� o � � . . a � o � N � . N O N � N� N N � � � N M � � C� f` 00 O � � Z � ��n ��������� �mn , iiiii� /r il ...,.i �,, 1 P� i. ����� � �/➢� �(IIIII - ����� �� �I ��,„� �. ��,�t '� ������ , �,uuuuuuu uuu�,������ wM Y.w I III� i ;� If �,,��, �IIIII'' V r. � I � ��°� �; � � a 7 , 1z �, �r , , � . , '�r �, ,,,,,,,,, �, J � � � � � r �� ) ° ,,, , i ii�i'i � �' I � . � � � ����.,�"�� SOLAR ASSISTED HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER(SAHP) Mr. Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities 12 September 2022 Mr. Martin Richardson, SED Associates Corp. RE: Lexington Town Pool- Solar Assisted Heat Pumps (SAHPs) Dear M i ke and Marti n, Thank you for your interest in our services. Attached is our proposal for your review. A couple of notes: 1. NESHW has 15 years of experience in the field, and our systems are pre-engineered and time-tested. We have built over 1000 renewable energy hot water systems in Massachusetts alone. 2. We propose a system including (4) evaporator panels, and (2) SAHPs with 79-gallon stainless steel tanks and (1) 100-gallon electric resistance tank serving as backup to the heat pumps. The SAHP tanks have a 25-year warranty, and the system has no fans, filters, or drains so there are no maintenance requirements. Your system is designed to perform well for 15+ years. 3. The price estimates include roof mounting of evaporator panels and penetrations and installation of copper insulated lineset piping to the new tanks all to be coordinated with your staff and engineers. See below list of inclusions and exclusions in our estimates: 4. INCLUDED: Complete system engineering, permitting, installation and commissioning: panels, storage tanks and all associated controls and hardware, NESHW basic and manufacturer warranties. www.IVESHW,com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 ����������������, �������� �������������, ����� 5. EXCLUDED: Electrical work: outlets, connections, upgrades and permits, Structural review as necessary for building permit, structural reinforcement (if necessary), 3rd party roof work to maintain roof warranties (if necessary.) 6. The links below describe incentives available to the Town of Lexington. 2022 I RA legislation allows for direct pay or transferability of solar tax credits for governmental or other tax- exempt organizations. Please consult your tax preparer for availability of this incentive. 30% Federal Tax Credit (Direct Pay for non-profits per 2022 IRA legislation): https://www.con ress.aov/bill/117th-conqress/house-bill/5376/text See attached descriptions, diagrams, and cost/benefit analyses for the system. Please find below references for some of our projects similar to yours. We are happy to provide additional references upon request: Jake Littman, RISE Engineering ilittman @ RISEen ineerin .com � Ben Mayer, SunBug Solar ben.maver@sunbuqsolar.com Bob Higgins-Steele, Truro, MA rehiaqinssteele@qmail.com Thank you very much for the opportunity to quote this project. Feel free to call or email me with questions- we are happy to meet with you or your colleagues at your convenience to discuss next steps. �"' , - �� ��� John IN. Moore, Architect iohn @ n esh w.com 508-269-3883 (mobile) Cc: Bruce Dike, President and Engineer www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ��������� ������ �������� �� ������� ������� � i ,,, �� � ����o���,, �� �����!��� �„ �„ ,...s,� rt� ��� pu i'r,�,,. ,:_. iiiiiiiiii VVVV��,V,V ��/��;,,,�0�������� ��%%%%%/%/�//%, ���r ��� ///i�,���,���� ,,;',;,�ji/,/!//� ,, / /////j% i/%������/ii/�/�� % / �� , f�r:; .; H�''1 � �1)1� VVVVV ^°' yt/r,�, �a, i �!����i%'///// �� i„%'' i%%, r��, � ��i �... �%aD��9/�/���� /%/�� i,% / �� �;,, �h� � � � ���� /� %///!,� � �i, i�/;,, � � i 1111i1 i I Wd1��`, / /�io�i��i h , G /�;, ,�Ftil� f����,J��i/f, ����� � //�I I ;�;�, �,rlrtl�f'„ /����, �� "'�' /J����///�i/ i ; , � �� � a����� �����" ��� �����w� � ,� � � �w � � //i�iiii��ii�,� i �(� � ������'".�� i 1/, � , i 9 N��� �� �/ ���f/i �iii,ii c� �i i �y �/ i// � i , , f���r�/ ,r� I , �� /,'���' ,� �����"" �������. �����f� r,r�; , � � , �'���� ����� i��������i����. 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' � �VV�If�V1�1U�V�U�I�U��IG��V�U��U���q i �' � ; � ('� J; i � � � 1 � � , I � ��,�� � � r� � ; ,, � �� � � �1���4�fillll�S�S������((�� �� � �,,,,,,: ,„ „,, , �.�, ���r � ,� d ,�. � � ����� � � �� : ', ���u�����"�'�������� �� � ' � _ � � a������;���R u��� �9�����������u�o�� �in��� www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 ��������� �������� ���������� ������������� ������������ �������� ������� ������������� ����������� Cost/Benefit Analvsis: � o u � (2) BMT6300 79-gal SAHPs (1)100 gal.stainlesssteel electric resistance tankfor backup. System Price* $ 18,550 Less 30% Federal Tax Credit (municipality direct pay) $ (5,565) r Average annual Coefficient Of Performance: 3.0 COP Est.annual savings vs. electric resistance: 6484 kWh Year 1 cash savi ngs: $1,426 (�$.22/kWh) : � (�$.22/kWh) CO2 savi ngs eq u ival ent: 116,712 I bs./20 yrs. Maple/Beech/Birch treeforest equivalent: 3.3 Acres * Notes: Assurnes no extraordinary structural or electrical requirements. -On Iine Monitoring system not included. � II 1 ri i � � r i r_ . � � j ; 1 � a . -Consult your tax profes�ional regarding Rebates,AECs, and Tax Credits and theirirnpact on your taxreturn. ,N±��, �r� ,,�1��/ ,,,�,,,,�,,a1'l �� %,,; i � � , �i i�� l � w, /,�������� „, ��������i V�; � ��� Cumulative CO2 Savin s ; �,; ���11�,u iu� � �` °' ��� 1'j� � �' �y ����� �i, �� � f ��� 'f � �����%��i�%��1i 1� (LBS.) 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Using ther��odyna��nic prin�iples the BMTB is a cost �ffe�tive and environrnentally friendly water heater. ���� � '�� �' �. ��. �� � ����� ��p ������� ''�N� � oi }1 � i � � �� ��� �. �I�� �� u ,, � � , � , �� � , ��� � , . ro � � i�a�!n= , ��,� � '�`� ;'; °�' �,;, ,�,%i//,,/,l%� � � . , � � �,�,,;,,,,,,, ��,, ��,,;,,,,, �,� ���� ,,,,. � � �,,, ,,,%%� ����,,,,,, �� , „� � ,;,�,,,,,, i/, ..,�iii;:,;i�,,,.. .,,,,;;;'"" �,,,.... ,�r�m� ,.., ,,,.,�� ��� i.� , .'II�ry ��III '114 ; �M, , ° �,I�yti�I ���I �� ���� �F��N ,�� �� � � �y��� � � � � u ���� ��� � � ���� � ���U ` � ,., �� , � �'�� � ���� � � ��° � �°'�� _ � ���� ul�� � ll������m ����du� �� '� � � ,- �. � � ���� �.,����W����; � ��� ,N;��� � � �r�oio�!� �:...,:,--��;� ����j�� i i �/f ,� �,� � � i _ /t /i � � /i � � f / , _ , i � , �/„��,�� / � _ , �� . , _ _ � , � � �� � � � __ , u , ,. , ,,,, :,; . � „ _ ,������� . ,, , �o , ���� � , , '�, , , ��� � ; � „ , , � /i ✓ � % � �� � ,<.. � � „, �o, �.. _ � �, _ _ _ i v,,,� i � ,„�� � � ,,,�� . // u %, _ ,, ��� . ,iii�. �...,,,„ i/: �. / ,,� /���_ , i„> �, � � �/„, �i , � „, i � ., i„�� �w I� � ii�, ,,...... . i � �,.��� _ �, „ _.. /, ° � �� ... � �,,,, , . � �,,, �i !� � �... �����,�„�. �,<.,,,,,,,, � �y?vv!""»,,,.,,ii//, �.,� ,�����-.,,.;,,, �,����,;,,..��;,;����i ...,,,, � ��� ; � �� �Y,, � ,�� � " � � .. 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N; , „ ; www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 ����� ������� ������������� �������������� ����������� ������������� � ������� ������������� ����������� � ���' � ������y�i� �� �- �� `�� �`„� 'f o ' ` J% N E „ v "�i, Nvm,-... � G ,. �, 1 r �., H � ( � 4 I � V � , �:�� ... ,,. ,� �..... . . .... . ' ".,,,. ,,. ,.. , „ '.', , ',�,ii �iri'�, � ,,, .:. � „ ,. W�I� ;.,.,�� NESHW Labor and E ui ment Warrant Statement 2022 q p y , Solar-A ssis ted Hea t Pum Wa ter Hea ters p Standard Warrant I ncl uded with s stem u rchase Equipment (equipment warranties vary by manufacturer, and manufacturer warranty statements are included in this warranty package): 1 . SAHP stainless steel solar storage tanks: 25 Years (provided by manufacturer.) 2. Solar evaporator panels: 10 years (provided by manufacturer.) 3. Heat pump: 10 Years (5 years provided by manufacturer + 5 years by NESHW.) 4. Copper linesets: 10 years (provided by NESHW.) 5. All Labor and `balance of system' components: 4 years (provided by NESHW.) Other components may be used on a project specific basis with client approval, and applicable manufacturers' warranties then apply. Note: If system location has water chemistry issues (pH <6.5 or >8.5), mixing valves and electric elements are warrantied for maximum of 1 year. www.NESHW,com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 �������� �������� ����������������� ��������� ������������� ������������� ,,,,,,� ,,,,,, ������������� ����������, IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � ��w�� � �,� �U��n'������w��"������ ������A6 IIII', ��u„"""�"'�' ii o � � u^m um � �nn II rvrv� �i� .a'p.s. o��&��n�'�w�'um M%1 i� I nouu i� ma II � � �� 1'� �tlmuu ���iN�Il�ry�uuxrvr IIIII��II�. oo.� Iluuuuo0� I�,,I�r : II I t! „�n.,�,,,, l,. 1 I / k � � �.., I ,,. , , .' �,II . �u�, ,���'� I ���� �,'.� � ,,,, �°�U`�„..,��� TO: Town of Lexington Town Pool 80 Worthen Rd. Lexington, MA 02421 Salesperson Job Delivery Date Payment Terms John M. Solar Assisted Heat Pump Water Heater(SAHP) TBD Per agreement. Description Unit Price Install solar assisted heat pump water heaters: panels, storage tank and all associated controls and hardware per proposal letter attached. System price includes: (2) SAHP BMT6300, 79-gallon stainless steel tank. (2) DOUBLE Evaporator panels (32"x 68"footprint each) (1) HTP ARIEC100C3W165 stainless steel electric water heater for backup. Copper refrigerant line set with UV proof insulation. Anti-scald mixing valve for potable water. Permitting as required by local authorities. Final commissioning system startup-system overview meeting and documentation. NESHW basic and manufacturer warranties (see attached.) S stem Cost: $ 18,550 y Exclusions: Electrical work: outlets, connections, upgrades and permits, Structural review as necessary for building permit, structural reinforcement(if necessary), 3rd party roof work to maintain roof warranties (if necessary.) Tota I: $17,650 www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 2 PAGE 9 of 9 , �. ����� m� � , ���������������� ����������������������������� ���������������� ����� ����������������������������� ������������ �������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������� , ��������� . � �� � : � I 1` uuui uuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuui uuuuuuuu uuuuuuu �, « � , � U, � � Proposal #: JM821 C � �� � �� � �������� � � �� N aYlrl e: Town of Lexington � � � � ��� �� ���� ;, � Town Pool �������� � ��������� � ����������� 80 Worthen Rd. Lexington,MA 02421 Date: 9/12/22 Installation Schedule: The actual installation should take 2-3 days. However, obtaining permits from local building departments, obtaining hardware etc. takes time, so NESHW would schedule system installation for 6-8 weeks from receipt of signed proposal. Terms and conditions: Total Systems Cost: $ 18,550 Down payment: ($ 2,000) -Due with signed proposal (non-refundable.) First payment due: ($ 5,000) -Due 4 weeks prior to installation date. Installation payment due: ($ 11,550) -Due upon completion and system start-up. Buyer's Riaht to Cancel: If you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel this agreement by giving notice to the seller. If you cancel, the seller may not keep any part of your cash down payment. Cancellation notice must state you do not want the goods or services and received before midnight of the 5th business day after you signed this acceptance form. Incentives: ' ' ' ' . The availability of incentives is dependent on individual taxpayer information and not guaranteed by NESHW. The IRS and the MA Dept. of Revenue may consider rebates or AEC sales income to be taxable income, and a tax liability may exist even if you did not directly receive the rebate check. Please check with your tax preparer for the availability and effect of incentives on your tax return. The owner: Agrees that he/she and has read this proposal and any addenda and the terms, specifications and conditions are satisfactory. Represents and warrants that he/she is the owner or authorized agent of the Construction Address. Authorizes NESHW to work as specified and payment will be made as outlined above. This proposal is valid 60 days from date of issue. If this proposal meets with your acceptance, please sign below: Owner's signature of acceptance: Date , ����� �� Contractor's signature of acceptance: �� '��� � � ���� �� Date 9/12/22 Bruce Dike, President www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 7 ����uai� ,`'ll""� , % ' , PAGE 1 OF 9 ���������� ���' � , ,,,, , ���� ��������� ��������� ��������� ,,,,, ,,,, '���,� �'�I///,;� l�f��(��"�'.y ,,, i, i %f����j��/ ii, % ��° �ii, ////���j � , i � �i�, t ,� ��,�/ I "�;",,,,�� „ ,,iii, � , „ %iY>��y;d'll�titi �liiiill.� �� / l� I ��II � '.,,i ';�, „�,i,, ,,,, , ,.,,„„, "i I ,,,,:,, , ��j /... � �... . i � ..:' ,, ,.,�' .... , :,....:i„ I . �,,. . � / l ,,, , .,..... .i/i .,...., . ...... ..... .. ..... 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RE: Lexington Town Pool- Solar Hot Water Dear M i ke and Marti n, Thank you for your interest in our services. Attached is our proposal for your review. A couple of notes: 1 . NESHW has 15 years of experience in the field. Our business is primarily solar hot water (SHW), and we have built over 900 residential scale systems as well as over 100 larger commercial-sized systems. NESHW systems are unpressurized, glycol filled, and "drain- back" design to avoid overheating, freezing, and over pressurization. Our general philosophy is to use robust hardware including stainless steel or unpressurized tanks and drain-back style systems to maximize longevity and minimize maintenance requirements. With proper maintenance, the systems are built to last 20 years or more. 2. Our proposed solar hot water system would include (14) flat plate collectors and (2) new solar storage tanks preheating a conventional electric resistance tank, thus reducing the heat and electricity required from the conventional heater. 3. The price estimates include roof mounting of collectors and penetrations and installation of stainless steel or copper insulated lineset piping to new stainless steel solar storage tanks all to be coordinated with your staff and engineers. See below list of inclusions and exclusions in our estimates: 4. INCLUDED: Complete system engineering, permitting, installation and commissioning: collectors, storage tanks and all associated controls and hardware, NESHW basic and manufacturer warranties, assistance with application for Alternative Energy Certificates (AECs.) www.IVESHW,com info�a nesh w.com/(781�536 8633 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 7 PAGE 2 OF 9 5. EXCLUDED: Electrical work: outlets, connections, upgrades and permits, Structural review as necessary for building permit, structural reinforcement (if necessary), 3rd party roof work to maintain roof warranties (if necessary), connection to internet for monitoring hardware. 6. The links below describe incentives available to the Town of Lexington. 2022 I RA legislation allows for direct pay or transferability of solar tax credits for governmental or other tax- exempt organizations. Please consult your tax preparer for availability of this incentive. AECs are issued through the MA DOER and sold and income payable within 8 months after system start-up. 30% Federal Tax Credit (Direct Pay for non-profits per 2022 IRA legislation): https://www.conqress.aov/bil I/117th-conqress/house-bill/5376/text Alternative Energy Certificates (AECs): https://www.mass.qov/service-detai Is/a ual ifvi nq-solar-thermal-i n-the-aps See attached descriptions, diagrams, and cost/benefit analyses for the system. Please find below references for some of our projects similar to yours. We are happy to provide additional references upon request: Jeffrey Tannat, Williston School, Easthampton, MA itannatt@wil liston.com � Nathaniel Dick, Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH), Boston, MA ndick@ poah.or� Peter Baker, Insight Meditation Center, Barre, MA peterb@dharma.or� Julia Musso, Harvard University Business School, Cambridge, MA imusso@hbs.edu � Thank you very much for the opportunity to quote these projects. Feel free to call or email me with questions- we are happy to meet with you or your colleagues at your convenience to discuss next steps. , � ��� John IN. Moore, Architect iohnC neshw.com � 508-269-3883 (mobile) Cc: Bruce Dike, President and Engineer www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 7 PAGE 3 OF 9 . . ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���� The Lexington Town Pool is a summer-only faci�ity serving approximate�y �0 swimmers per day. Swimmers typically take short showers of 1 -5 minutes- we thus estimated hot water usage at 150 GPD. We propose a system including (14) flat plate collectors connected to (2) 115-gallon solar storage tanks preheating the cold- water feed to a new electric water heater. See system and layout diagram below: ,)�..�l��y a /� j � ��-.��������� � � ������ �, ;� ��' ������t��r��� , � � � '��'�.���. �� �� ��� �� �� � �i �� � ^����a���r.��������°�a���°� I � � r� �„� � x,�„A . „�„�,.,��G u�r _ � � 0 "� � � �I'� , � r�C���+l�;, , �.�������f����,�i�,.�� i���,/„���%�'f', �,�,, „����<<`,,, �����t f����N�„ �h t i;, �� i l f �'�u�i�������I� i' � , � ��"��<�""��'���� f � ��, !�o��� � j( � '�,���I�� I�"�" im��`� ';l ����If,",J��I��i�'lf IY�H� ,,�//���JJJI ,''����4� ,�% �w�w�.. ,��, �j,��� ;,,, ��� �� % /� , � , �,w��w��, ������� ����w�����o.,, ����a��ll������°�, ,V���' ����� 1. f '��U��w� � l ��,/ ,,,,, �l �,� �� � , ��,,.,�,,,m.......... ........ ........ ...... ���� mm � ,� � �������"��� ����!�,�y�����,�1�,��� 1� ��a����R',,��o�� l//,��r��,i ;; � � � i ,� , �`; ,i � , r� � ; � � ;,,'°J„��..,,� � �,;'i� � i���'����I����I` r 1< �, ��; f ���I�nr'��r�����+��°������ I���I��� i �f W��t���h����� 'q���t+��r���t��r J �������a����ll� rf ,,,,,,,,,„ ,,, �, ������� ����� ,� �,,,,,i�������o�//,/,/, ,; ,.//�,,,,,;, , l�/�" ,�� �,��;�� ���; %%rf,�i%;�; �%��� /i;;��/�„��i � ,r�,�i„ �'%,, 'J � �a I G �ff,,,, h „i i/,�,����� ,,;l�/ ' ��'f�;�/ / �;i ry, ;� ��� %���� a�� �. �iii � �° // / ' f oa�, %� x � � � ai%ii/, �� i�/�iIi Nio+ �J�IQ1 j�a, ���r / �%;' (, �f�«r%�����n ���/// �/ � � ��9J'li,��.. �J���., ( /; ���riW' / % , ( � � � � � .,��� � � ... � /", �l �IJIi,�„�%%,��- �, �� ��Y� .�...,;�, ,...: ; �: II�P- � ���; �'�IY :���M� ������'...���■ /�!i i �, „�,�s ji/r ,vi �� � , �� ,. �� ,���%��� / f r , , ,i, ,�� ���� ,�'���� ��w��� ����������'��. ,, , , , �:.. �I�;: �d�, y�N�� � / ;,,, aj�� %J/// �j ,���� ��'�`�� JI(hS����% �% ��� ✓�� ' �r,�����hwr„ai ��� % � �, „ �,r i , � � f ��t �� � � ii �� � / /'' � � �ry�M���'�' € ��� ' � � ' � ���u"��t / � � ��j�'� ` � � � � ��� , Q� ������Uii�� ��i� I�,, � ��y �+ u �; i � �� �rP��� r N �� � � ' �iiii lr,r�� ' � �l �:% �l' �NO���,' �vy�� �i i � ' �irr,�l���ki � ��/; r„��fillr`�/� ; ,; ' f��1�`�l ,�1 , r , � �fl��l��,, �i � � ,�'�� u � � ' ,�`� ��!�a1�0lN��i�. � �6 �� � � , � ii�i�+ o a , '� ��% J �iu '� (utll�� , � ,� r , ��� j '���� ��'j r u��U�� '��, r ��� i � ��; � � , ��'��� Y � ' �� � u ��Q� � ��� � E�� , �� „ , � ;j '�� �� �; �%` ' � „ ��„ �,� ��, �,� � �� �� �rt �;,,r� 1�� ,� � � F � „ '�'� � � � �(� '"�� . , � � ,� ������ �II �� `, �� � � ���j `�i� 1W /, /� f� ��1%/ � �' 1 t > % � %i �, � i%���/////� i;,,;�i �r �'�/ / % �4 r ��� �. �, f� I /� `' i �a �„ ,���,' � i � ,, � „ 1 , i � � � �1 ��� �` ���U�i , � ur r �IIIIIUr �� , ' G�1i��MU�- � ' '� J '� �j 11p��� % ���IlVUD1// ," i, ��� y �� i " �;,, / i�u„ , j�l�l _ um II w . . ��� � ''�.1 ��� �� � i �uim �' � �' � ' �(� j�p,�' �,, � f�� , .. .. /� f j""� / �� ��� Y � j�: io%!�' ���/ � ��; �,; � /� � � � I � �f J� � % �� " � o���� �� ° ;<, ��/," �, � � .: ,. ��� "%''/%'%///////%//////����0�� ��` �f�i� ;�� ,, , ,,,,,,//////D%////,� ��J1� � , �� ;r,,m�yy �, . . www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTIUON 7 PAGE 4 OF 9 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� T*SOL Enerqv and Cost/Benefit Analvsis. Cumulative CO2 Savin�s ��w�l�r��m��r��►��wim��rrr��p��i�w�m�a�I����ir�#������r#���I��r���r���i�r� ��ss.� � 140,000 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ����� ..°u loiuuuuu�... � ��� �d���N.. izo,000 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... �,,,���. , 1��� ioo,000 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... � � ; ���� 1��4�r ao,000 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ���.. ��t�. 60,000 .... .... .... .... .... � ���� �d�� � 40,o00 .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... u� ��4� E � uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu , m ' �� �� m '; zo,o00 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... uuuuuuui��h ��� �pr R�1��r� ��an �u�1 ��� '��I� C�c� '��a� ��c '�����"���1!�t"�I�1LAi�VC����������r��U ��c��l�I�p��"�'�"�C��"tl��1r1G�f�����11��,��.��.I{��'r'��1� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 0 � (14)ALS2512 collectors; (2)115-gal. solarstorage tanks. (1)115 gal. stainlesssteel electric resistance tankfor backup. System Price* $ 29,700 Less estimated AECs sale proceeds(all paid Year 1) $ (3,715) Less 30% Federal Tax Credit (municipality direct pay) $ (8,910) t An n u a I en ergy offset (est i m at e) 21.8 m m BTU Solar portion of DHW load ("Solar Fraction") 69% Est. annual savingsys. electric resistance: 6712 kWh Year 1 cash savi ngs: $1,477 (�$.22/kWh) � . (�$.22/kWh) CO2 savi ngs eq u ivalent: 120,816 I bs./20 yrs. Maple/Beech/Birch treeforest equivalent: 3.4 Acres *Notes: Assurnes nv extraordinary structural or electrical requirements. -On line Monitoring system not incl uded. � 1� 1 ri i , r r ` i r � ' � � 1 � � , � s -Consult your tax professional regarding Rebates,AECs, and Tax Credits and their irnpact on your tax return. www.NESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 7 Hardware Cut Sheets: PAGE 5 OF 9 ����,������ �� � � � ���� �� � ��� ,;,�� I d�� �.°�a.��������� �°o �j� �� , i �,s<<�t��� a� � � �� , 'llll�lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll °� G�wr��w.rs Tenra f rve�f n,„o-Pr r�=r rir ri r.ari i��, ��� i ��r.,�,i 1 i°ri / , f;�,�,i�„s�r �, I � � ��,� J � P c idv��r�Yr i r m �I � VVV i i i i i i i I i� ri � r, � ��rr li i I� i � Illlil���������������������������������������������������������I s � � � ��� ��. ��. �� , � � � �11���, ifi .,�', i^r,.; I J,� ��/ I II � / I V; � c-,�� I''' i;('";;i'i;;'' ' !Ci / ;,;,,,,,,,,,,,,, � / ;u,,,,,,,,,,,, � n;„! v';!,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,, � �,, ,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, � ,,,, ,,„„,,,,„, � . ,,, � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ 4 �, �y ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M ���r��y�y�� ,�,��,�„la��,���,��„ ;��� ��� �idp��aa�o�tia,���mk�. iwf�i�t�t���� .,�����,.��r,,.��,,,� I I I,� „�I ,'�d��� ,��,��„�I����NMM,���� .......�,��� ....� II,�r,�4.�......�� �������Id��� �,��' ��,M�qM,�M�,�„�,��,,,� �,.......a���� ���� r��a��� ,. 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I�G�,rUal'`�f�U�rer U1d'��I f,s�i«�r21��1'�� �'If 5�r„(I,er�,�,Ua„dF���a,V,r,q.�w7ir Y,;�,Y/r�.:,il d�l�Uru,,�ti.J„r,a�c,�rc;�,YV�i,.,r,�41.. mllY�d)�r,Y&11J,,�IL�ll rl�%l n,ai3��. �i��LC',^„^�,h,n�('li,r,l,��%D.I✓<f�i V(�..,r�?i!!rd;�t::��„r c,O�J V'h i�'�v,�Y��+aik�(,;er)1Q @U�B,'��,k�!,e,���r,�n�r�,,����tN>",�q�3 � ,�„„ �����,,,,„,�1� �irmr�u�m urnw�ti N�rumww��� tiri udi�ra�� �ue�� ��ui�.: � �w+uoW�,rt�;ar���rtw�rwr,a�rr� �n �; � P„ , .�P =„,,,,r„,..,, ,„,,,.�..�,,,,,,,,�,,,.,,,��:�.�� � '�P,.., �_ ,,, � ,e, . ��vrir .�. ,,,, . �� m U e ,�,,,.�,,,:� ,,,, „ .. � . � i . . . � ,,,ae.e J . . �6, �i���'MV f.,. ,,, A:y�vSimrl v I �xI 1 f��4� .'�-A,+ .. � OIO��M, y�� v�uw��y Wll_I f � � f i �.�r� ,.u.. ...�e� (���� �� www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 7 PAGE 7 OF 9 � ��N�� ��������; m i ��,� m. �i� 'i, "L�r� ��� ii � i r, ; , �; r i ? ,:�� , i , rr m � n ,,,,,,,,. r� , ii" � � „,,. r,:v; b� � � i, � ; � '' ii �� �� �' '' ���� � �����I'����� NESHW Labor and E ui ment Warrant Statement: 2022 q p Y COMMERCIA L S YS TEMS i ncl uded with s stem u rchase Equipment (equipment warranties vary by manufacturer, and manufacturer warranty statements are i ncl uded i n th is warranty package): 1 . HTP stainless steel tanks; 7 Years (provided by manufacturer.) 2. Solar collectors; 10 years (provided by manufacturer.) 3. Copper or stainless steel line sets; 10 years (provided by NESHW.) 4. Roof penetrations; Duration to match existing roof warranty (provided by NESHW.) 5. Labor and `balance of system' components: 4 years (provided by N ESHW.) Other components may be used on a project specific basis with client approval, and applicable manufacturers' warranties then apply. We recommend servicing your system every 5-7 years. Servicing would include complete systems components check and solar loop glycol mix flush and change. Please contact us for pricing and scheduling. www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OPTION 7 PAGE 8 OF 9 ���������������� �������������������� ���������������� �� IIIII���� ;� �m i� �m���W��um, � ,4N6 IIIII ��mo� �nm � ���� , , ��,�II�'�� �n II �� �W� �p� ��^w ����� ^ , I���M��uu�IIIII rhI p . mlllll. rvrvtl�I A�Wrvtl�III ,.�I .:,,i g,i �V ���1�uu���uullllluuxrvr IIIII�rvrv�I�'�,,,0.��oo ur,umo�,{�� ��. �I. V,.: ; IIIII „�n.,�,,,, i' Jl i � ` �d k ,.., � , . , ., ,,II , ... .` . �u�, ,���'� I �,�� �,.� � „ �°�U`�,,...,��� TO: Town of Lexington Town Pool 80 Worthen Rd. Lexington, MA 02421 Salesperson Job Delivery Date Payment Terms John M. Solar domestic hot water system TBD Per agreement. Description Unit Price Design, furnish and install solar domestic hot water system: collectors, storage tanks and all associated controls and hardware per proposal letter attached. System price includes: (14) Solimpeks ALS 2512 flat plate collectors and "flush mount" racking. (2) HTP MSSU-115 stainless steel solar hot water tanks. (1) HTP EVC-115 stainless steel light commercial electric water heater for backup. Solar line set with 18mm UV proof insulation and sensor wire. Resol `BS Plus' solar controllers. Wilo Star 32F primary pumps. Zilmet drain back tank. Propylene glycol heat exchange loop. Web-based monitoring system (see attached.) Permitting as required by local authorities. Final commissioning system startup-system overview meeting and documentation. MA DOER Alternative Energy Certificates (AECs) application. NESHW basic and manufacturer warranties (see attached.) $ 29,700 System Cost: Exclusions: Electrical work: outlets, connections, upgrades and permits, Structural review as necessary for building permit, structural reinforcement(if necessary), 3rd party roof work to maintain roof warranties (if necessary), connection to internet for monitoring h a rd wa re. Tota l: $29,700 www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(78>)536 8633 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ OPTION 7 PAGE 9 OF 9 , �. ������� m� � , , ��������������� ����������������������������� ����������������� �,��� ������ ����������������������������� ����������� �������������������������� i ����������������������������� ���������������������������� ����������������� I � ��������� ��� �������������� �������� ���������� ��������� ��������������������������� ���������������� , � � uuuuuuu uuuuuuuu � � ' ; c � ,F � 'r ,` . ,„ r u Proposal #: JM821 C � � ���� � ��� ��� ������ � � N al'1'le: Town of Lexington � � � � � .. Town Pool ������� � ���������� � ����������� 80 Worthen Rd. Lexington,MA 02421 Date: 9/12/22 Installation Schedule: The actual installation should take 5-7 days. However, obtaining permits from local building departments, obtaining hardware etc. takes time, so NESHW would schedule system installation for 6-8 weeks from receipt of signed proposal. Terms and conditions: Total Systems Cost: $ 29,700 Down payment: ($ 2,000) -Due with signed proposal (non-refundable.) First payment due: ($ 10,000) -Due 4 weeks prior to installation date. Installation payment due: ($ 17,700) -Due upon completion and system start-up. Buyer's Riqht to Cancel: If you do not want the goods or services, you may cancel this agreement by giving notice to the seller. If you cancel, the seller may not keep any part of your cash down payment. Cancellation notice must state you do not want the goods or services and received before midnight of the 5th business day after you signed this acceptance form. Incentives: ' ' ' ' . The availability of incentives is dependent on a individual taxpayer information and not guaranteed by NESHW. The IRS and the MA Dept. of Revenue may consider rebates or AEC sales income to be taxable income, and a tax liability may exist even if you did not directly receive the rebate check. Please check with your tax preparer for the availability and effect of incentives on your tax return. The owner: Agrees that he/she and has read this proposal and any addenda and the terms, specifications and conditions are satisfactory. Represents and warrants that he/she is the owner or authorized agent of the Construction Address. Authorizes NESHW to work as specified and payment will be made as outlined above. This proposal is valid 60 days from date of issue. If this proposal meets with your acceptance, please sign below: Owner's signature of acceptance: Date , �mmu�yW�wowm�e.e, �� n Contractor's si nature of acce tance: �� '��� ����������� Date 9/12/22 g p — Bruce Dike, President www.IVESHW.com info�a nesh w.com/(781)536 8633 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Update on Liberty Ride PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Casey Hagerty, Economic Development Coordinator I.5 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing Sandhya Iyer, Director of Economic Development and Casey Hagerty, Economic Development Coordinator will be providing an overview of operations for the upcoming 2022 Liberty Ride season. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 7:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �..��������������,������ �.::...,������y�:�c���'�"���������..�"���:��°����,,,,,�I��"�."�, ��������:����. 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A survey was sent out to board and committee members who's charge and work is directly related to or impacted by the Liberty Ride. The survey was intended to gauge their views and interests to help us reimagine the Liberty Ride experience, so that we can promote economic development, better support our local businesses, and to enhance tourism more broadly in Lexington. Staff contacted the chairs of the Select Board, Planning Board, Tourism Committee, EDAC, and Center Committee, requesting that they forward the survey to their membership. We received a total of 13 responses from board/committee members who received this survey. � � ������������������������������Illllllllll���������������������������m� Have you ever been on a Liberty Ride Tour? �. � �. ��.� , .� ii���� ������ �I�"��'� ����'� ��_��a��'r:�� �-�_�u��'�'�,� w����'� ���_;��"��'r:J ������ n'����'� ����'d:r �������� Nearly half of respondents have not been on a Liberty Ride Tour who completed this survey. Do you feel the Town should continue the Liberty Ride Trolley as a municipal service? � � ��� d��.� ii������ ����� �I a������ ���'��� �������=��'��� �������'���a�o ����� ���������'�;� ����� ��'�'��� �^��"���:�� ������� 1 Without question, respondents feel that the Town should continue the Liberty Ride as a municipal service. Comments: • It is an economic engine that helps keep visitors in town spending money at shops and restaurants. • This tour gives a great experience for visitors to understand the happenings of April 19, 1775. � Until a private sector option is identified and fully explored, we need to maintain this important attraction. • I do think having it is important. Ideally, we run a coordinated trolley that incorporates the National Park, Lexington, concord and a stop at public transportation (like the concord commuter rail) • It is a great way to meet the needs and interests of our visitors as well as promote the assets of our town. • It attracts people to visit Lexington Center. While I have not gone on it myself, I have sent visitors from out of town. • I would prefer that the Liberty Ride continue as a self-funded service. Liberty Ride fares should cover Liberty Ride program costs. • I'm open to continuing the ride. Family members have taken the tour and enj oyed it. Visitors seem to find it enjoyable. • My obj ection to the ride from the beginning has been the decision to have it go to Concord. Lexington taxpayers funded its start... and continue to support its marketing. It should be taking visitors to historic sites in mid- Lexington Munroe tavern, Masonic library e,g.- and East Lexington - Wilson Farm, Follen Church, Stone Building, eg. Lexington's story is much richer than just April 19. What do you enj oy about the Liberty Ride Tour? Please select all that apply. L���,�����_������,ii i� � _., „ � � �q° �°�` �.�_�� �II��'�IC II.�� IH . �" ��II��� ���u II�L.��,��I��fi���I���W�"� �I� �I������ � �ry�����'�II�II��� � �������������,�� ��m����II�"��W�N ����� ��"��'� ������ ����_;�'��r:�� �-��v;����,r.�; ������ ��_;���'r:�� '������ n������ �*�"��'� �f������ 2 Those who have been on the tour, responded that they enj oyed the stops at various historical sites in Lexington and Concord. The second most popular aspect of the tour was narration by the tour guide. Respondent's also answered this question based on feedback from family members or friends who they have bought tickets for. Comments: • Provides an overview, and allows visitors to go back to these stops/sites for a longer visit. What are some areas of opportunity for the Liberty Ride? In other words, what can be improved? Please select all that apply. ���������ii i���n�u���_ �������m�� ���:������,���� ��f��e,a�u�. �6�����������I��� ����� ������ ���n� ����ii��nl����W�ea� � �� � � �.�i_,�i�:��a���ii��d�m, � ����u����I������—�f���,°�� �:�i.,�����i��e�m, ���u������,���I�������IN���.� �'�W II'��������Il�v;a��fi �II��'�IIh"���,�"a����IIII`� ;�iio������,,iiiiiiio������,,iiiiiiio���,��„�iiiiii���,,,,���iiiiiio������,,,,,,, „�iiiiiiii�iiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiii„�iieaiiiii �� �.� �� ,,,�iiiiiiiii,�iiiiiiii,�iiiiiiii��iiii�///// ,����I,_.� ;.�'��'�,,_�.� ,,;���iiiiiiiiiiiiii, �iiii �� ��...,-, ,..,� „��iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�%% ,,,����� e;�_��I�.II�" q �iiiiiiii����////%%%%%%%%/� / —� �"� ,;,,,, � i /DDD//////%%%%%%%//////���j�iiii�//��///////,,,,�iiiii�����//////////,,,,,�iiiii�����//////////%/ ��� ;��_"��� �J�� �_;'��r:B� _�������:8� � �J� ;�"_J����r:B� � �J� n'� �J� _"�i�d�- �J� Most respondents (3 3%) found that the number of tours and the number of days tours are available provides the greatest opportunity to improve the Liberty Ride Tour. Respondents also expressed the challenges related to the timings of tours. Other challenges: • Cost of a ticket 3 If we could expand the Liberty Ride, what would you be interested in? Please select all that apply. TIY���I�li1����„��1C�'��� �e;����I��fi�a.re ����'���n`�fi��t��e��,a� ���ii�A��:����iiirmmry N��u r,:L u����ti;���,n��� �ati�N�N ii��:ii�����U�����,.�,, � I���l�.u����,���.,a�=� ���m�n�����ir����,�d �', �e�:,b���������Ih�������� �:n���,��lll���;�r���aa� ��iN�:N ii t ii��ii���,l ��np�e�����n���ii��n����� ���r , ,� � ��: ��ii���,_. ����r��� . , �, , � ��� , � �� ���..II�_.�L.�_.�,d, �iiiiiiiiiiiii„ �+�'m���"n��—�I�°��".�IY1I���'"���� ;�;iiiiiiiiiiiiii �MW��R&���,V`�..ry o��'W, i��������������j ;;�ii%//%//%%�� E��q,���.m���b��e,a�es�m.�� ��u n����ii ii����ii i����,�m ��,�N��������n���� ���� �fI'�°���;� �"��'�� ���°;����':,� �������'�:,� ���'�� ��e������:,� �"��'�� n����� ��"���, �f'����� The maj ority of respondents (42%) would be in favor of a hop on hop off guided tour as well as renting the trolley out for private events. Other popular responses include exploring a transit system, including a stop at the National Park, adding a second trolley, expanding the trolley to surrounding towns. Comments: • Do not add a stop in Concord Center unless Concord contributes to the operational cost of the Liberty Ride. • private rentals could be considered as a way to defray costs,but I would be concerned about uses that would not reflect well on the Town,but are in a Town Branded vehicle. Would need specific usage guidelines. • Rather than stop the funding of the trolley, I would use this moment to reassess and see what new investments or expansion may be needed to make things work better. Taking a fresh look should also include how to incorporate in promotion of our local businesses and other services. You mention expanding the trolley to Concord or Lincoln,but what about also to (or from)Arlington and Cambridge`?Trying to work more regionally and engage with other communities would help to lift us all up. • OK to bring people to and from Alewife on Sundays. 4 How important is it to you that the Liberty Ride is a trolley as opposed to a bus or another type of vehicle? ��ti�������u: ii n���������n��� ����°����p�°���.� ii n���I��ea i���n��� �����ii�ir�,� �Ill ii�.n����������ii�� � "���i����III i�"n���;��m����.ii���� ���'� �f�'�"��'�u- ������ ��_��'��'���, .�-�;,��M:� ,������ ��_;N���M:�� "������ n������ ��'�"���'� �1���'�� Unfortunately, the answers are all over place and really doesn't give decision makers a clear direction. Comments: • The trolley makes the experience more unique. • Need a vehicle with 3 60 degrees of visibility • Trolley has a historic feel • There is something special about a trolley vs. a bus. • If it is a bus,it should be comfortable and decorated nicely, and electric/hybrid. How important is it to you that the Liberty Ride meets the Town's sustainability goals, specifically electrifying our fleet? ��ti��������u.. ii n°���������n°�� � ,.„� ��- �� d �..����._.�������� ii����Ip���_a i���������� �����,ii�ir�,� �III ii�.n��n������:�ii��: � ���i��a�r III i�,n���n������:�i����: ����� ��"��'� ������ ����_;���r:�� �-�_��'��r:�� ����'� ��_��'��r:�� "������ n������ �*�"��'� �f������ 5 Overall, a maj ority(3 8%) of respondents felt that it Was someWhat important that the trolley meets the Town's sustainability goals. However, 31% felt that it is important to pursue a sustainable option. Comments: • Only if the cost of operation is within the means of the budget. Or if the frequency of the routes increases 2-fold which could mean more emissions • This is a unique experience, and that should be the top priority. With the supply chain issues,we will be lucky to get any vehicle nevertheless a hybrid or full electric. The technology is just not there yet. Maybe the next round we could consider a sustainable option. • Over time,this should be a given. Short term changes depend on the availability of suitable buses and charging infrastructure.Nonetheless, I would hope that we are seeking electrification from vendors in our RFPs and that we push in this direction even if we can't get full electrification now. Would partnering with other communities and agencies, such as Lincoln, Concord and the National Park Service, enhance the Liberty Ride experience? Please explain � �� ��� ���� ;, ���� 1f�"��'�, ����� ����a�'�"�:,� ��_�u���., ������ ����a�'�''�,� ���'�� n�����'� ������, ������'�'� Comments: • Tourism spending should be in Lexington(keep people in Lexington to shop &dine) • Partnering with other communities would expand the draw and experience, especially if there were increased frequency such that you could spend time for lunch in one community then get the next trolley(so not a constant loop,but enough frequency that if you got off you didn't need to spend a whole day in one community. • Include Freedom's Way • This is worth exploring but may be too complicated • We should be working together. And as a whole,we should also see how we can pull more people in who may staying in Boston, Cambridge,Arlington during their visit. Figuring out how to run a tour from hotels in those communities(with a stop in Lexington Center for a breal�/snack/lunch/shopping)would be beneficial. 6 Similar to the question above, do you feel partnering with these communities and agencies would enhance the Liberty Ride operations? Please explain �� ,� «�� �.���� �p�����u .,���U'�n�� ���'����,'�y ����p��,.��� �����w'Pu ���[��;,�y �°����'�,"�� �'��n�,� ����N�;���� ��P�;�, °��:�N��°�,"� Comments: • It could be a logistical nightmare • Possible coordination might help operations,but we should not be encouraging people to do all their shopping in Concord or other communities when we have great options here in Lexington. • larger buying power, spreading of costs, larger pool of potential employees. What do you think a trolley tour should offer a visitor to maximize their tourism experience in Lexington? Open-ended Responses: • Consistency, flexibility and great guides that are knowledge about both the history and what Lexington has to offer its visitors. • History-cultural, architectural and academic; opportunities/suggestions for activities; engaging/fun experience • History as well as an introduction and promotion of Lexington today. • Ability to visit historical sites around town that are too far to reach by foot. Linkage to other towns. Use of humor and storytelling in the narration. Stops that allow visitors to shop/snack/lunch in Lexington Center. • Focus on all Lexington's story farming, architecture. Transportation, abolitionists, transcendentalists... not just Colonial period. • Include a stop at Cary Hall 7 • • 1 er e urve esu s � . � �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�����,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� The Liberty Ride Guided Trolley Tour continues to play a critical role by attracting visitors to eat, sleep and play in historic Lexington. A survey was sent out to board and committee members who's charge and work is directly related to or impacted by the Liberty Ride. The survey was intended to gauge their views and interests to help us reimagine the Liberty Ride experience, so that we can promote economic development, better support our local businesses, and to enhance tourism more broadly in Lexington. Staff sent out the survey to business owners and others who have a stake in or impacted by tourism in Lexington. We received a total of 7 responses from our local businesses and organizations. � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�I Have you ever been on a Liberty Ride Tour? ���"��� , ������ ' ����� �I����a�;:�� ������ ���"����'�6� ���"����'�� ������ ���"����'��:� ����� ������ �°�"��a�;:� ������� Only 14% or 1 out of the 7 respondents said they have been on the Liberty Ride Tour. 1 If you answered yes to question 1, do you plan on another tour this season? �W����� �.���� ��ii��������i�����.,�� �. .�������������, ���� �I����� ����� ����u�U��";� ��"�������:�� ����� ����u�U��"��� ����� n����� �������:�� .������ Respondents who answered"other"expressed a potential interest in the tour. Do you feel the Town should continue the Liberty Ride Trolley as a municipal service? ��W�� � R ��.� III�'��M �.�����i��h"��� ���� �I�"����� ����� ��;�������� ����������:� ����"� ����;�i������� ����� ����"� ����a� �������� Respondents overwhelming felt that the Town should continue the Liberty Ride as a municipal service. Comments: "Upon reading on the excitement and pleasure that the Liberty Ride brings to visitors, Craft Food Halls is a strong advocate to continue this program. We would love to support and direct the visitors of our place to try this out." 2 What do you enj oy about the Liberty Ride Tour? Please select all that apply. L���,������,a����ii i� n; ,a v��... . I. ., a u � , '�, .., ����l�..�.,.� �e. �';�.'*„ ��.,�"�a II�I�;��,��III�� � � II���II,�,�� ����N i1������I n°���m���m�iii��� ��_ ���e�lll���� � ry��m��l�ll�n�ii�� � ��II"��I��I�:������ �����II�';�r�� ����� �f�p��'� ������ ��.�i�'��'��:�� .�-�."�'��%:�� ����'� ��_�''��'r:�y ������ n������ ��p��� "������� Respondents answered this to the best of their ability without having been on a tour. Those who answered expressed that it brings people to Lexington and supports the Town and local retailers. What are some areas of opportunity for the Liberty Ride? In other words, what can be improved? Please select all that apply. _ , .� � . ���- ��_��.�m-��.0����_�_,� , ., ,� � �,���.� � � ������a_�m�����ii�� ���u.��N��, �1r�lil��Y1���.�.�`�����N��i� ���al�� Il��y������7����°��M� % ��r�u�������.iil.�.m��� � I���i_�n�,����i�������������e� .����ii�P���°..�m��ro ����N i1�����"�I m�����°����ii�P�:� ��� �ii����ii���,��M�r��������.�u��,.� ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, i/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii %%%�iii �/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ��///%% � ���� ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � ,i iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii �� � ��. ,�iiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiii �� �� �: ��. ,iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii �� �� ��II��Ilf �I�"�..��e�� ,ii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii �� �� � ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ���j ��/ ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � ��� � ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � ��j ���/ ,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ���� ��� ����j d'�°" ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ���� ��� ����� �rya���III� �N ,�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � ���� ���/// ����j///// ��! II .,��! iiiiiiiii //������� ��� ��///// ���j//////// ���j// �//////////// ��� ,,,,j ��/ii ����ii%/////% i/,/,%%/,/,/,� �%%/%%%/ �i/G//ji,/,////�/j���%,,,,00i,�ia�i�i0�% ���'� �f I����� ����"� ���"�'��'�6� .�-�_�u�a�����:� ������ ���"i����'����� '������ ������ ������~� �������� ���� � �y � �a,. 3 About 42%of respondents felt the Liberty Ride should offer more stops. Other areas of opportunities were around the number of tours available,the guide/interpreter experience, and the times tours are offered. Comments: "Liberty Guide Tour would benefit from partnering with businesses that are willing to provide support in certain areas. Some options could be: fresh beverages for visitors, a raffle to win a gift card or prize, etc." If we could expand the Liberty Ride, what would you be interested in? Please select all that apply. ���� �. ��� � �� �e � �e�� ����.m��ii_� �__,n�� � � .�n �� , � � � � ������n-� ro.� �.�Y�� � , ._. � ����n�-��U..��u�����.°��u��_� ����;����ii ii���u��.�����i�����m� � �1�a Ih���n°�Ih��na��� ����� ��.,�ii�:N�����_����.�u w�����.,� IIIIii���III�.��.���:���p� � �1��'���p ii����������m,ro � ;; , ������i������.���m�� .��J..��U_�.���1��,a m�ro. �oa����ii�:ii����U� IH��Wu��;ii�}��������iii ii���� -°�u , � �. � � � I�m ii��_.����ii��_.� ���,� �� �q � ���������,�m�� ,,. „ ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, „,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, „ ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ;/'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii%i///////////�iiiii, liiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii����iiiiiiiiii������%%///////////////// �,�� ����g-� ,�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii%///////////////// �-���"����-'°`�^-�u�'��I°�����'�� %!iiiiiiiiiii��iiiiiiiiiiii��������� iiiiiiiii�������%%%%///////////////// m ;�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii * I� '/��� ////////��������///////////////////////////////////////// —���.'.`' °"'..III�..; !�%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/%/////////////////%%%%%%%%%%%%////////////// �p����I u_e�re.����m�, i%�ii%%���%��� � / ,r..,/�����//� j,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I�..�hr IP��II����.�X I_�,.II. U_.�� ;`���'�-���'�.���f��N�I�II„���ro �����IIY�����IY�1 a������u�"'�','�� ���'� ��p����� ����"� ���i����'��:� ��_�i������:� ������ ���i�����,U '������ n������ ���p��d:�� ������"� 71%or 5 out of 7 of respondents feel we should look into a hop on hop off system, as well as looking at adding a longer stop at Minute Man National Park. 57% of respondents also indicated an interest in using the trolley as a transit system. Other popular responses were adding another trolley and renting out the trolley for private or town sponsored events. 4 How important is it to you that the Liberty Ride is a trolley as opposed to a bus or another type of vehicle? rw�,��a��.��.�.iii ii����Ip��ai����,���� ��������,����1��� ii n°���e������.��u� I�ti����N�:n��I. �N���e��~,�����,n��� � "����.p��I���e������:�.���: �.���,�� �I^��"���'� :��.������ ���°;7��'.o� �-���a��':� ����� �"���'lu a��':� ����� n���;�� ��°��� �1���;�� Overall,respondents did not feel strongly that the Liberty Ride had to be a trolley,but rather would be open to a bus or something else. Has tourism supported your business? If yes, please explain. � �� ����.� Ili���� ��"�� �I������;:�� ����� ���u�U���"6� ���u�U���i:� ������ ��������i�� ��'���� ����"� ��a������� �������� Respondents overwhelming feel that tourism positively impacts their business or operations. A few respondents who answered this survey were new businesses who feel they will see an increase in sales as touri sm ramp s up. Comments: "We are a center business and many tourists stop and shop with us." "My business has only been open for half a year. But we expect that with tourist season our sales should increase." "Tourism is key to the Historical Society" • "we get customers mostly from the bus tours" 5 What percentage of your business comes from visitors to Lexington? _,N �. �,. �. r�. ,., , � � ��_,�� �f�—.�-�.��� ��_,,������� ��'��-��r�, .^�"����� ����� �f�p��'� ������ ����e��a��r:�� �-�_��a��r:�� ������ ��'��a��r:�� ������ n������ ����'� �f������ Those who could respond to this question, 67% indicated that less than 10% of their sales come from tourism. The Lexington Histroical Society was the only organization who responded that over 75% of their business comes from tourism. Would you support adding additional Liberty Ride stops to other communities, such as Concord and Lincoln? Please explain why or why not � � �� ���� ���������X ���"� �If����:�� ����"� ����u�ll����;;J� .��������a� �����"� ��������a� ����"� „�'���"� �'����:�� ������"� 100% of respondents support expanding the ride to other communities. This is surprising because there is an impression that businesses want tourists to stay, eat and play in Lexington only. It's important to note that this is a very small sample of Lexington businesses, and responses are not necessarily statistically significant. Comments: "It would make the service more popular and bring more tourists to Lexington." "If we are able to funnel them into Lexington Centre." 6 "Historic story" • "It would be more inclusive regionally and support crosstown business and shopping." • "Bring more people to the area." 7 (�n��tihb�((((�i�l��`n��i�@�I�I�I,����i����11��1�11111�f��5�����II1l��������it�h�a��fi�i��II�Gf�(���������(�i�S��S����c�lm�6K6K���������l��1��4�INo�i���h6�ninifi�SSY��fIIl�lI��S��iii�aui�������111ti1titifiIIlllhl��N�i��mi��i���«1���6n����fl�����iN�Yt�i��;��o��� �� ti�����titi�yMmwMmtii� ���i���i����i�����r�r6���s���w��u����i��w��i�N���f��K���c���,����u��uw u4�G��(f�!��dk�l�@I��111�f�n�»����V�I�V����1�S51�SSSti�StiS��S4u�����ffifi`i�iif�'����11��45�i�'�((((hk��111����4ti1111�1�1�1�tiSU���y�)u�S�(����(II�����(��(�h11�IlUIti�IN��1��(��(�f�N�f�(�II�I���NIi���f�(��((��flll�ltiti�5���u�1��(��IIti�wR�Y�ll�ll�ll�ll��� i���f�I�IIIn�VV�I���iNif�����i�l�������1����4�„.,�WAMI�I�I�tit�'�!���i(���(������S��N�hO1V��1����i7ni��i��'���SS`�Ily�l����u��l(i(��h�l�����'�,.�, • ` ��u��� • ���� * �� L����� �� �r� �� � ��d � ! ��� �� ��I�-r��: � ����� * �� � ��r� * ���� �� ������� �� �� � ������ ���� � � �� � �� ��1�-��r: � ' ����� � ���� � ������ �� �� ����� ��� ���h� �� �� � � � ' t������ ����� �� � �� ��� �r� �h ��r �a �r ����1��r ����� � � � � ����r�# �� � �� ��� � ����� f���� ���� # �� r���l����ro * ��� r�� ������� _ ia�fm7iii��ll�iII�IRI��IIPl��ui(iiui(�o�ro�7�n�hri��Sf��11�11�11�11nINu�7r���a��n�(����II�III�1VU�ii�i((i�iiui(fiu�nuilM4fi����@��li�llll��l��tis�iii����s�`(�(��il��������i�����hi��s��ii�����1`�`65�1�11(((�!Aiin��ir�'mi(ti� °�4����1�1111�f���I�f��7�m��7�mi�7��i�7��u�S�ti��ifff�f�����K���n �S���I�11���1�@i��i��ti6it�t���h���t�l�i((((�(((�(���S���utitiu�u��(�(((��5���111�I�II��ti511111Mf1(6�1���i�ialip�I�V�ti54h���I����ti�SS�1�VNfr�i�i�����,��M�II����I��S��S�� ., e'�io7iK«���S�I�Y�tt(�5�11titititi791�7i�a«��nnti�(�4��ti�Sss���lS��i�1ti�l����w�!���N��`������ltitifilai�i�c���i��S5�G61�lli�l��@�11�1ti11hti�n�����m�����II�I�IMI�H�IM�`V�u�ti��titi4�l���������S�tiS���titi���ti�»»�au�f����i((K���11�1�� ��A(����n�a��S�iiiinNtti�n�i��IIIIIIIIIIVIV�uiigi�u�uoii�i�ii�(niiii�i�ft���S�1v�i�����u�i���stiti���S�I�IhI�BV�ti�ui�ii��ii�iih�k�S�p�i���III��d��m�lii�iiKfi���ti�ti��N�l�hti�ll�llllllll�� � � � • ��� T���� ��t � � �� � ��� � ��� �� ��� � � �� ��:�„� ���t ����� � � *�C��� ���r� � �� �1���� ���� �� � ��� ���� �� ����� 1�V � b � 1u � 1 � �6. � ' ����� # ���� � � ������ � �� �ut t� � ��� �� ��� � ��� � # i����i��� ��t�� ��� � a� � ��� �� �� �our �r�11�� ����� � � ��r��: v� ����� ���� t����� �� � �u �� � �� VI����� �r���� �r�r�� �n���� ; — �1�1�"�����II�IN���������R������iiii�I�Sfifi@�Iti�i����BNtititi�l�ti���»»j�f�(��d���h����iuii��i�����fi�lll�ll���ui(��un���w��u��N������u��tii���S���IVb���s�����ii`I �� dai��iiuoiiR�i��i��fi��ilol�l��l�, �f��s�������V�iwiie�6��51���iti����i��i��l�li��!�in~�U���»�1�»�I,.�����t��i�f�r�������,�iio6(((�i��V�!�fli���o����i«�o«�ti���1�5�������1�titi����titi77�»>»,7r�w»i���i`b���f���I�VY���i�"���q����°������1�� ��i�I���1��titi�N)vuu��ts�in7��i7iu��(6 ���I��l��ti�lllu��iiiihw�6qS�iti��l���«�i��f(�f(��aai�����i��if�h�6Si����'MIIIII�����I�11��I���MIiV�u���4�����1��oY�i�ii�G�.iii6���11'N�(�ii"�m��f��d��lu�Il�tl�����iii��i�S�(�I��V���, K � ���� � ��� � �� � ����� � ��� � �u ��� � �� � ��� �� ��h��# � ��� . � � ���� �� ��� � ���� � � �l� � � ������� �� ��� L�I���� �� � ��� �� �t1�-r��: � ���� . ���� � * � � . ���I� � L���� � �� ����� ��� ��� # ���� � . `������al ����; � � �►t 1�� tl� �� �� � ������� � ���� �� � ��r�� ����r: �� ���� ��� ��r f� ��I�a ��� �� � iiiiiiiii�� ,� w�������������� I �1 IP���' II��� II I uuw � u� � ii�� Il�u° II * ����• II iill I II°u III� I�IIIII� � m�ll ��� ��j°dl ��"" '1 ����� ���� �� ����� � ���� I�"� � �i i�ih�i�u�io��iQ����IIff�IhN�Vl�iuu�a�i�oiii�������B�lllllll�lll9�iui�iu�inuuauau�f�ll�Il�nlll�J➢U��uiiul�ui�il����i(�f�f�l��«1��Sti���liaii�7�i�f�1�111Cll�S��tia111V1V�17��Ui���i6(flf��f�I��I�IIn��N���(�ia��'�1������I����ni�u������a�i��a���c�sSSS�StiSf��'�! .. ,, '��`���iifi��������l�l�(�iu�d��(��1�ti1�n�4�����5��'(��S�1��111�1111���'��!i�,1,�U�IIII�IVN�lp�ui���uifldiff�iff���ll� �I�is���ti�Sf�h�II�10111111��rt�w�mqGS��i(���41C��I@➢�uu�uiu��i��wi�(G�1��III�NI�h�ui�����'uf(�M '��((fi1�l'�Mhlln�ll��l���A����»���������I��IIIhIII�IdIII�I�I�i������I�m�NK(�f��II��I�I�I�NNN,. iuBn�;;4��i��II�II�IG@��ln�'��1��(�I((�1�'!��u�il(�fi1�45ti��15��S4��i�0w�I��V(I����II���ff�f��UlVV�I�fl6(i���I������C. �� � � * ��� � � � �� � ���� � �� ��� �u �r���� t�r� � ; �����i, � �� � � �� ��: � � � ��r��� �� ������� �� �� � ������ ���� t� � �� ��I� I�V � �� � �� ���ner: � � � ��������� # � ������ � �� ��� �� �� ��� �� ��� � �� � . . 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I�I��r� ��� �� �r���l i r� fr�r�� � � Ovs MORh� o�`� 177s �� � Q - X � Town o Lexin ton QNW Z� y � ��� �W � Tourism Committee y � z � �i � a� APRIL 19T" �FXINGI�� Dawn McKenna, Chai� MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Dawn McKenna, Lexington Tourism Committee Chair Ma�sha Bake�, Ker�y B�andin, Ma�ga�et Coppe, Bebe Fallick, Dawn McKenna, Wim Nijenber�g, Ca�ol Wa�d, Elsie Xu DATE: September 15, 2022 RE: Economic Development Presentation on Liberty Ride options CC: Jim Malloy, Carol Kowalski, Sandhya Iyer, Casey Hagerty This morning, the Tourism met to review the presentation of the Economic Development office regarding the options for the Liberty Ride. As the Committee had seen the slides at this morning's meeting for the first time, additional recommendations will be considered going forward. In the meanwhile, due to the urgency of addressing the trolley vehicle, the Committee was comfortable with providing these comments and recommendations for your consideration. Surveys conducted by the Economic Development Office with different audiences continue to demonstrate the popularity of the Liberty Ride. It was noteworthy that the businesses valued the Liberty Ride and were looking for partnership opportunities. (Numbers documented from the prior coupon program helped convince Town Meeting of the value of the Liberty Ride.) While the overall participation numbers in the survey were low, the results are similar to surveys taken by the Tourism Committee in prior years. Following full discussion, the members present unanimously voted to support the following recommendations. Connection was lost with one member as the vote was being taken. Based on comments made while online, it is reasonable to assume that member in agreement with the contents. Some of the reasons for doing so discussed are included under each recommendation: 1. That Lexington purchase an electric trolley. a. The vehicle decision cannot wait. The original vehicle was taken out of service this season after 17 years of use and the replacement is not ideal b. Given the commitment that Town Meeting and the Select Board have made to reducing dependence on fossil fuel, this is an opportunity to take another important step in that direction that would not be economically feasible without the proposed ARPA funds. c. A new vehicle will include specifications that were carefully developed for attracting riders with coloring and logos complimenting the Liberty Ride branding d. The proposal is based on returning to a seven days a week operation with four runs daily (April—October) as had run for years pre-covid. Returning to this consistent schedule will help attract more riders, especially as the Town gears up for the 250th celebrations. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Select Board September 15, 2022 Page 2 2. An analysis be done on the costs and operational implications of the Town owning the vehicle and bidding the operation, maintenance and staffing of the vehicle. a. Contract could address possible negatives of Town owning vehicle such as: i. requiring a backup vehicle 11. providing trained drivers with flexible hours iii. limit concerns about attracting drivers in this tough labor market b. Prior work analyzed several years ago proved this to be a cost-effective option. 3. A full-time Liberty Ride Manager be hired. c. Until recently the Liberty Ride always had a coordinator d. The Visitors Center Manager was never intended to run the Liberty Ride e. Previously there was a Liberty Ride Coordinator who worked full-time April—October and part-time November—March. There was also a part-time seasonal Assistant Liberty Ride Coordinator and a Battle Green Guide Coordinator. All these roles were added to the Visitors Center Manager role which was already full-time which is too much for one person f. A memo detailing staffing recommendations was sent to the Town Manager (copied to Select Board) from the Tourism Committee on January 13, 2020. It described the need for a full-time Tourism Manager and full-time Visitors Center Manager, separate from the Liberty Ride leadership. 4. Hourly rates for all Liberty Ride guides be reviewed and increased to reflect the upper range of rates paid to comparable positions in the region. g. Concerns regarding the inadequacy of the frontline staff compensation were detailed. In the memo noted above h. The differential between what they are being paid currently versus wage standards for the industry have further increased over the last two+years i. Competitive wages are needed to attract skilled guides given low unemployment. 5. Opportunities be explored for other uses of the trolley to support funding overall operational costs. Examples of additional revenues possibilities for including in proj ections are: j. Theatre productions on the trolley (Salem has done) k. Theme based tours in the offseason (ie architectural or African American Heritage) l. The Trolley could also be made available for rental when not used. In the survey there was some interest in the Liberty Ride been available for hop on and off. The Committee did not come to a conclusion about that possibility. It should be noted that when the Liberty Ride was initially operated, it was advertised as hop on and hop off. The first year there were two trolleys operating which cut down the wait time at each stop. Finding ways to make this operationally work would require further discussion and planning. I will be at available at the Select Board meeting on Monday to provide further comments and answer questions as is helpful to the Select Board. 1 / � � � / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / � � � / / / / / ¢I�2 �������J J �i � �� � � %%%/!!� J ��� �� / rr. / /r / � �1 /i /1J �� /,I� / / / / / / / /�i� /r /r / / / / /, / /� �� �o �i //O%%%� � / / / / � / / / /, /, ii �i � ,/ ,,/0%%%/ �����„ � ��������� , ,� u � J � � � � J .� J ,,,, , , , ,, , , „ ,, , , , , ,,.. , , . ; . , . / . / . / . /r����� / / / / / / / „ ,„ /�� / ��� f, J , , . � , / , ,. / , �. � i , � � � � . � 1 r � , ,, � � , � . �, l � , �,r ,�l �� � , „� , , , , , ,. , , , ,,,,, ,, „ ,� � , � �. �, � , . ,, , , /,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /,, ; , , , / / f f , f f ,..... � � � �������� � � � �������� � � � � � � � � :,� � , , , , , , , rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , , , � »»»> , , � ��� ,, � , J , . , » � , �l � � ;, � , ; � ,,,, , � , � / � � � � � � � � � , � � � � � � � , �� , f � f , f� f ,,,,, f� 1 f 1 � 1 , � / , � / , � / , . , / , / , ,,, , /,,, , , / . � , /, , , , / , , � , / , , , , � � , i ,1 i. , i, � » � ,. ,� � � �� , �f � t �f �, f ,f ,f � �� f � ,1 1 � i , 1 � f i , � r � f � . � � , , � , , f , , , , , . , , , , ,, , ,, , , i, , , � � / / � � , / / / rrrrrrrr� / r / r / , i / , / � � /%i %i i fo i ,l o , � � o ///%%%/ � � i ll , J r� I 1 � llllllllllll� � � , , / i � � % / % , ////%%// / %% %%%% , ��������� �� rr r r. ��� � �� � / ii , iai io / � /i i 1 /% / %% / � � / / � / �, / J � / !, l i1 / r � � � � o � � � , � / r / / / / ((�������, / i i / � i���i / � � ii / r / , ��� i ��� r r�� ✓ � r i / / � / � / Illlllllllll, � / / � / / „ / � i � i, r / I %, I � / � I / � /, ,r �I %// � �� / I � � ������ �i 1i 1 , „ � �� � � r � , � ,. � / /////%i,,,i / ��� / ��o� r , i i / i � � / a /, / / /i / ///i / �l/ / / ��� �� , /r rr / � / (� / / / / ff((rr�� / / / / / / / � � � 1 �� � 1 ���ff �I J i / /,1 , � �� , ,,, i ,,,,,, „ � �� � � � � � � i �, i V J i �, � , , , , / � � r / t / W �. f, f �. � , » , , , � , �� � , � ,, ,, , �,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ � . 1 . 1 � 1 � � � 1 ; � , , �. � ,. � »»,»» , , 1 , �, , � , l �,t , �.� , l , W ,. , , f„ , , , t, � i ,i i 1 i i � � / , �,, / i� � ���� � ii �� � ri r r � fr J ,�, ,,r. � , ,f „ ,� , � , , , , � � � � i / � � ,,,,,, , ,� , �, , � � �, � , � � � � ������r� � , , , „��i , � �, i � f ii�, f „ � , � , �l , ,,,� ,t ��� ///////////// / � / , /,,,,, � /�, � �� � � � r / � / iiiii i / � / , , , � f r f � � � i i �� � �, � ,!./ � � i « r �,r /,rrrrrrrrrrr i / , i � „ � , , � , ������������ ,,,,, „„ „ , f , �. , r � � rJ � ����� ,,, , , ,r ,r ������, �� „ GI , , � � � � , ,, � � � � �������� � � � � �, � � � � � i � // � �ir � , � »Jt� , , 0 � i���,��i r � r , � , ������ i�����, /�iio r , �,,,���� ���� � ��� � i � i � � / � llllllllll,l l� � / i /f i � / /,/0%%%/ � l. � , ir „f � ,� r � � �i ����� , i /9%%%/, � i r , „»ir ,f ,�������� �l, ,,,,, , , „, , „ , 1 � � , � � W l� C� f� 0,,,������������1 f � „ � rr / /, ( J /. // �l iiiiir / � , ���� r� , ,� r � i � i , i i � i�� � i� �r � !!!!!!!!!!!! r / ( � � 1 � � , !� ���� 1 rr� �� � I 1 �i %////iaai// ,. 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Mr. Mallo y has d etermined that the b e s t lo c atio n to b e the N S tar p arking lo t as an alternative lo t with a firs t-c o me, firs t-s erved b as is. T he To wn Manager has rec eived a complaint from Jerry Michelson about the use of this parking lot, and that we should consider the Depot Lot fo r the o verflo w p arking fo r to wn s taff. Attac hed is a map o f the lo ts. T he D ep o t Lo t is in green; the N S tar lo t is shown in yellow; the Town O ffice Building is in blue and the path staff walks is red. SUGGESTED MOTION: A mo tio n is no t nec e s s ary, b ut a general c o ns ens us o f the B o ard whether s taff s ho uld b e ab le to us e the N S tar lot or should use the Depot lot would be appreciated. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/19/2022 7:5 Sp m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � µ:�"�:��m����'��;�����:��������������������������r� �.."����,,� �,�r� � �����°� �c;�f��;������ ������ .����������� �c�.�;���� N N � � O N � � � � � ��O � r-I � i W J� � �� V � � � � �a.., '�� Q Q 0 w (n y� � fn � ~Z W� � �� U N � �� zU � °� �n �'> a� � . � (f� =z x��.ar�era��� �J,f� ��� f� � U i � X UX �, � �0 ��Qc� �,.N p � � �' t; W cn L +� O �J �f' �� LL Q �.�� 'c�� Q� (� � z„� :. w� � �� � Q� � � ��}a'w x"'�":`' �� C��' (� � Q� �w Q�,� �•� � � fn O��z �J � N� p� • �� ��N� oa ��� �� � � � �oo c�o LL o �� �c � � �' i�rl� � �Q� (�O (, � C `� d Q � N(Uj Q� fn (n �� QC z X � �� Q� � ��� G J �p �� � � � i i 0 i � � �'+7 � � ��' �� }, � � OO v � � ��� �� � �� � � p � o c��c� a�c� '� � a a J 0 H � >� (�� ��4 �� °" i /y " i ��'� ""�,^���?` ��I ru ',���� I IIIIIIIIIIIII YfkW�"y�l/fi�JJD111111�Jf11 ,, ,frr ���r ' �i.;;;�o VVIVVVqp��� KN)�i � ,II�, , P r � � � r � � °1 °`��' % N �r' ivl(���r� �'ii i f �, ' i' � I � ,r i���� �� '�,..�. �`'j l� r' , �J y� l����, r l "� :'J ���y.a � �e�a � �� � � ,r ; i f������f��i ������ „ �� ' �r � �' �; , ,� � �,�i� „„ , , o0 ,�d�, r i cfl ,, ` % J� 1 , ;, !G ��II�F �1��Yroi ,„�. �( � P � � � ��� ��, � r-I ����I ���I ii �I ^�t����� ,� I u �n�i ! 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In my opinion the temporary parking for the Town staff that works at the Town Office building should be situated at the Depot Lot if there is a need for dedicated spaces. Alternatively, the Town staff could be included in the employee parking program (EPP)which allows them to park on a first come/first serve basis in either the Depot Lot, the Nstar Lot, or the spaces on lower Waltham St. The EPP currently is free for Lexington Center employees when they register their vehicle and receive a PP parking sticker which they affix to their car. I would discourage your board from dedicating the Nstar Lot strictly to Town staff vehicles. This lot's proximity is 30 feet from the front door of 5 businesses just beyond the 8 short term spaces along Edison Way. The demand for short-term parking is on the rise again in Lexington Center. Customers are coming to shop, eat and do their errands in Lexington Center again! The NStar lot historically has been a mix-use lot for short and long term parking. There is no need to utilize this lot strictly for long term parking when there is an equally accessible area, the Depot Lot, which is dedicated to our long term parking needs. I appreciate your consideration to this alternative suggestion for the temporary needs of our Town staff. Jerry Michelson Speaking as an individual, not the chair of the Lexington Center Committee as our committee has not discussed this issue due the timing of the available information. Hi Jim- While I appreciate your assessment of this proposal, the Nstar lot is not the 'furthest from any business/closest to Town Office' although it is the next closest lot to your building 'by the way the crow flies'. Exiting the rear door of the Town Offices and using the bikepath to access the east end of the Depot Lot is actually equal distance. Regarding weather, the Lexington Center businesses use the Depot Lot(or should) for their employees through all types of weather. We do not have the luxury to have our parking spaces outside of our door. From my front door to my car is 600 feet away while using the proper pedestrian route. We consider it our exercise for the day. Snow, sleet, wind or rain, all of my employees park in that lot. Lastly, in the early stages of the Parking Management Plan there was a push to offer employees of Lexington Center, as well as our municipal employees an incentive to use alternative transportation, thus decrease parking demand, help the environment, and promote wellness. This way of thinking could be used again to decrease the parking demand of the Town staff. My concern is beyond the physical use of the Nstar lot(which is right outside the window of S businesses) for Town employees. It is the optics of this statement. If the Town employees had parking passes equal to the employee parking program which allows permit holders to use either the Depot Lot, the Nstar lot, or the spaces on lower Waltham St, then that would be a 'fair' proposition. To dedicate the Nstar lot, or part of it, solely for use by Town employees, that's not an appropriate proposal, in my opinion. I can understand that you are rallying for your staff but there is a greater picture to this parking puzzle. Respectfully, Jerry On Mon, 12 Sep 2022 16:02:02 +0000, James Malloy<jmalloy��lexingtonma.gov>wrote: Hi Jerry—As an FYI, I went out today and there are about 13 town employee cars in the NStar parking lot. We selected this as the lot furthest from any businesses/closest to the Town Office Building. While today is not bad weather-wise, we know we'11 have times during the winter months that parking further away than they already are would be a hardship. Due to the layout of our parking lot during the police station construction we would not be able to stack vehicles and maintain handicapped spaces and emergency vehicle access around the building. Jim Malloy From Sent: Friday, September 9, 2022 3:01 PM To: James Malloy<jmalloy a�lexingtonma.gov> Subject: Nstar parking lot Hi Jim and Jill- Just received the Link to Lexington email which indicated that the Nstar lot is slated to be used for Town employees during the Police station construction. I am commenting on the decision without full knowledge of how many spaces and where specifically they will be situated. I'm trying to understand why an area that is a mixed of short and long term parking is being suggested instead of the Depot lot which is all long term parking. The access from the Depot lot is equally accessible to the Town Office building via the bike path as the Nstar lot. Dedicating spaces in the Nstar lot is a poor example to the nearby businesses, especially if any of the parking spaces remain vacant during the daytime hours that the Town offices are open. I'm assuming that any limits to any parking spaces for Town employees is only limited for the hours of operation of the Town offices. I mention this information about 'vacant spaces' because of the complaints we had when the Town chose to dedicate spaces in the Town Office parking area closest to the Hosmer House fronting towards Mass Ave. Many of those spaces remained vacant for a large part of the day which grow the ire of a nearby establishment. I also hope that the temporary Town employee parking plan includes stacking of cars in the current area. That was a successful plan option when the Library was temporarily at Cary Hall. In short, please reconsider your plans for the Nstar lot for spaces that are dedicated for Town employees. I am available to discuss this issue in more detail if you have fol lowu p i nformation. Jerry Michelson N N O � � N iiq � � iiiiiiiii�q a--. � � �wmio� � N� � � � �s� � � � ; 000i iooi� J� � �� .� O � Q i iw� . � � cn ��, u�����„ O W �n �,�; U cn � �z ��i� o0000000ii w� � �N • � Q ~� � °uu"m� (�� � O� �.+� �� � zU UU tn C�'� • � ������� _� '_ ������ � ~ N ����� W O � `� � }' U � �z �� ���������� ��— �� �� � � _ � ������� x � �� �n—� �v, X c� � U X ��������q �, =: N Q— >,.— O W ���� �;: t. 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