HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-13-WALKS-min Side�ti�alk Co�lrnittee '��Iinutes h/13/06 The ineetinK ��-as �pened by C'hairman ���'eeks shortl�� after �11 :���L :� quc�rtun of ineinbers �ti�ere present and it �ti�as 1�ISP that the minutes c�t the :ti�Ia�� «leetin�; k�e acc��pted a� 5ubmitted. Sue �,llen 13riggs reported on the �afe IZ��ute� t�� Sch��ol (S1Z�1��) prograrn at E3�1�-inan. There is ai� active group of parents and childrei�� �ti�alkin�;, ���e�ther ��t�rmittin� during this spring. �he suggested that there should be a sLirve�• ot residents along the rc�ads conunonly u�ed Eor ��ti�alking tc� school and recreatic>n fields, �,etting re4ident irlput ���� needs for 5idewalk repair and/or ne�v constiruction. This discussion broadened to uther sch����l districts iilcludillg I�rid�e ����here a ne��� side��ti�alk along S�ring �treet is urgentl�� IZeeded and along Prospect I Iill IZoad �ti-here Jc>hn llavies has v�>iced simila�- needs � Craig ��tieeks mentic�rled that he had �repared a test surve�� t�� gauge the iilterE��t ��f abutters about adding side�valks to a te��c selected streets and distributed it tc� illdividuals ����ho had expressed an interest iil conducting the surveti•. �treet�; beil��; ��i1��t surveved include Spring Street, Shade Street and Pleasant Street. .-lnother survey pilot �vas prepared tor Prospect Hill, a street that �ti�as sel�cted anc� approved for addition of a ne�� side���alk as part of the to�ti-n meeting fiscal 2UOh-07 ��ppr��priatic�l-�.. Jt�anne Krie�,er brc�ught up Yleas��nt StreE�t ����llich serves E3c�����1�lan �chuc�l �in�1 ����eds sidE:��-alk� and �afe rrossill�; z�nes. :� crc�ssiilg ���itll a traffic guard n��aT• th�� Pl�asailt �t. intc�rsc�ctiun ���ith 11'atcrt��l�n �t. is izet�d��d fur sch«��l hc�urs. ��ai; 11'�,gn��l- s��id the �T�:�C' is looking into the 5i�uation but that Pleasant St is a State rc7aci and their <�pprc�val is rec�uired. C�th�r �afe crc�5sings fe�r '�ic�ntessc�ri and c�ther school children arc� i�eed�d, c»le area discussed is the intersectiorl of Pleasant St and Ce�ncord :�ve r��here blinding frum tlle evenit�g surllig�lt and the steepness <�f Pleasant �t. c�inplic�ites th�� situatic�n. I,aura C'ecert� said thE� �1'ranspc>rtatiol� 1 I.itigati��n Group (�I�'��1��) had r��p��rted �2UU K is secured tor bussing of students from the ��valon Dev��lo}�mt�nt.. Je�inne added tl�at �2?0 K �ti�as also obtairled fc�r road�ti�a�� inlprc�vements at Conec�rc� .�ve/j-1'althai�� St ��11d for Pleasarzt St/:��Iass .��ve inlersectioils. ��'an Huok brought up the issue of bicycl�� and pedestrian access ror cc�mnnitirt�, tc� ti���ork along Hart�ti�ell :�ve.. :31ong the southern portion of tlus road������� asphalt curbing and nearb�� ��ti�etlands limits safe travel space for bikes and cvalkers. E�ere the Lexington Bic��cle committee prop��ses a 6 ft bik�/pedestrian lane un both sides �f the =�U ft �vide road�l�av, leaving a single 14 ft vehiele travel l��ne ii1 c�ac�l directic�n. �I'ht� n ft bike%pc:d lane �-quals a half ���idth c�f the '��1irluteman E3ike���a�� ���here tra��el b�� mixed modes has kric�����n sucress. '1'he norrhern ��ortic�n c�f I Iart���tll :�vt. (nurth c�f tht� '��1�1 �3ike��-a�° cr��ssing) is not re5tricted b�� �r�etlands and separate sidt��ti�alk� are prupused �vithin the 100 ft IZ��11�' c�f this Torti�r� road. ��I,his leave5 the ruadcti�ati� fret� fur ��e-hicular travel as present. '���Iass transit along Hartwell ��ve. r�ve �ti�ould compltte the ��lan, �;iving c��clists and ���alkers a col�zmuting option in ���inter or incleinent ���tather. �`��ntinuing ��n tl�e subject �f enhanceznents for bicvcle access in to����rl, Su�� E�.Ilei1 nc�ted that the recreatii�nal fields near �Iarringtc�tl schc�ol had �Z�� r�leks tc�r �afe parkirl� oE bic���cles. School polic�� discourages bicti�cling at I-iarrington due to surroundin� road���a�� conditions, but there should be bike racks off sch�ol prc�pert�� fr�r c�lder children and adults ���ho �vant to bicy�cle t� public open Lanc�s near the sche�ol. Jeanne Krieger 11ad emailed the cc�mnzittee meznbers about the ec,nclusi��r1� reached b�' t�1e side����alk policv subcommittee ��-hich she �ti-as on. Chairmail l�"eeks asked that shE describe the goals of the studv and ���a��s in �ti°tlich thE� ����h��le cc�mnlittee migllt help establi�h a prioritized list of side��-alks in to�vn needing repair. Priorit�� ����ould be based on conditions such as pedestrian safetv on heavilv traveled roads, degree of usage and connectivit�� ����ith other pedestrian routes. :� sinlilar priorit�� list, usitlg the same criteria, should then be established fc�r ne�v side�l�alks. Krieger's e-mail then asked for the creation of t���o ne���� subconlinittees, oz7e t�� set guidelules Eor side�valk materials in different locations and for curb cut� and cross�valks, and a second to recommend sno��� renloval �o1ic��, improve commuilicatic>n ��°itllin to��n and school departments, and tc� open cominunication cha7ulel� ����it�1 r11� citizenry to further cnc�urage �ti°alking. 'I�he invent��r�� subcommittee ���c>uld be invUlved since it had inventoried (but not prioritized) heavti� traffic road�, but t��e «�c>rk load �ti�ould be rather muc�z for the group so Lucti� F-J suggested the to�ti�n be divided along school district li�les, those living til�ithin each taking on the iob ot initial listing and pri�ritizing side��valks needing repairs. C)lga Guttag saic� she �ti�ould contact the school PT�'s to seek aid in this to�ti�n ���ide surve��. �he noted that sc�lool redistricting lirles �ti�c>uld soon be changed (it happens every 10 vears or so as scho<�l populatic�7� change�j, but that the existing divisions could be used for rough �llocation. �l�he nzeeting �ti�as adjourned at 12:30. �1'he next meetin� ot the S1�'�' ���ill be at �11 .a:�1 on ��Ionday, Julv 10 in the Selectman'�; Vleeting Room. Jerrti' Va�� Hook