HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-17-PB-minPage 1 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 3, 2022 Minutes of the Lexington Planning Board Held on August 17, 2022, Virtual Meeting at 6:00 pm Present: Robert Peters, Chair; Michael Schanbacher, Vice-Chair; Melanie Thompson, Clerk, Robert Creech, Charles Hornig, and Michael Leon, Associate Member. Also present were Abby McCabe, Planning Director, Molly Belanger, Planner, and Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development. Robert Peters, Chair, called to order the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, at 6:00 pm. For this meeting, all members are participating remotely via Zoom. LexMedia is filming this meeting and will record it for future viewing. Detailed information for remote participation by the public may be found on the Planning Office web page. Mr. Peters conducted a roll call to ensure all members of the Planning Board and members of staff present could hear and be heard. Mr. Peters provided a summary of instructions for members of the public in attendance. It was further noted that materials for this meeting are available on the Town's Novus AGENDA dashboard. Draft Comprehensive Plan Review Public Work Session Mr. Peters introduced this item. The Board has been reviewing drafts over the summer and will begin with the written comments received by staff on the posted drafts. Goal 10: Land Use Ms. McCabe shared a Power Point presentation called “LexingtonNext Draft Comprehensive Plan”, dated August 17, 2022 for a new section of Volume 1: Goal 10 – To support and advance goals 1-9 of LexingtonNext through wise land use planning. MGL requires a Land Use section in master plans. The Planning Staff believed it was important to add a 10th goal for Land Use, per the MGL Land Use requirement. Planning Staff have put together the first strategies for goal 10. Abby McCabe presented the goal and strategies to the Planning Board for comment. Ms. McCabe presented an overview of the comments received for Goal 10. There are some land use related goals in other sections of the plan, however, Planning believes a separate section with additional goals is necessary to fulfill the State’s requirements. Board Discussion: • A board member voiced their support for the new section. • A board member suggested broadening strategy 10.2 to cover all zoning districts and changing “large private and public land holdings” to districts. • A board member suggested a cross-referencing system to avoid repeating all zoning strategies in Goal 10. • A member commented that the Land Use inventory is very helpful. The strategies and actions should exhibit the rationale of zoning updates and update definitions. Page 2 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 • A third member voiced their appreciation for Goal 10. We should look at Lexington land use to critique zoning. Previous Planning Director Aaron Henry mentioned a similar task. • A member commented that this section outlined the various parts of land in Lexington. This seems like important information to put into LexingtonNext. This section should also be connected to diversity and equity. Public Comments: Mr. Peters asked for any public comments. Ms. Felton, Co-Chair of the CPAC, thanked staff for creating a Land Use goal section. This is relevant to almost all other sections, and we need some connections. We also need a connection to equity and diversity. Implementation Plan: Ms. McCabe presented the Implementation section of the Plan and how it is organized. Planning Staff recommends that the Planning Board review the implementation section of the plan when looking at the annual work plan in order to continue the process of implementation. Ms. McCabe gave an overview of the CPAC’s establishment, and their many public engagement events throughout the past four years that provided a substantial amount of public input that was used to develop the current plan. Ms. McCabe acknowledged the Board’s summer-long review of the sections of the plan, and described the steps to adopt the next draft of LexingtonNext on Wednesday, September 28. The adoption of the Plan will require a majority vote of the Board. Once the plan has been adopted, implementation of the plan will begin immediately. • A board member asked when Volumes 2 and 3 would be reviewed by the Planning Board. o Ms. McCabe: Volume 3 consists of public outreach; Volume 2 is existing conditions. We view these as appendices to the Plan, as opposed to Volume 1 which is the true content of the plan. We expect to have both of these volumes by September. o Ms. Kowalski also answered, Volume 2 is inventory and existing conditions. Information from Census. Factual, not conceptual and does not need review as Volume 1 does. • A member voiced their support for Ms. Felton’s statement from the previous meeting, that we should repeat some housing goals in the diversity section of Volume 1. • A member asked whether the next draft would be redlined to show what changes have been made. o Ms. McCabe confirmed there will be both a redline version and a clean version to review. Page 3 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 • A member suggested that staff consult with Diane Pursley to clarify the intentions of the NCD related statement. • A member commented that Ms. Felton, Mr. Herbert (CPAC Co-Chairs), and staff have put together a well thought-out, comprehensive document. Another member agreed with this comment. Mr. Peters asked for any public comments. No public comments were made. 1040-1050 Waltham Street – Review of Signage Package Brian Pierce presented on behalf of Greatland Realty Partners. Terry Ford also joined from Greatland Realty Partners. Mr. Pierce presented a Power Point presentation that gave an overview of the proposed exterior signage program which consisted of an entrance sign, secondary entrance sign, and signage directing traffic to the project’s garage. Terry Ford, Director of Development, explained to the Planning Board that the Applicant is not requesting any waivers, and is just discussing the proposed signage program as required in the project’s MOU. Ms. Ford also clarified the secondary entrance would primarily be for loading vehicles and would experience low traffic. Board Discussion • A member asked for clarification of the proposed color of the stop sign shown in the plans. o Mr. Pierce confirmed the color. • Ms. McCabe mentioned that staff have no concerns as this proposal was reviewed with the original project review. Mr. Peters asked for any public comments. No public comments were made. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to a the approve the signage package for 1040-1050 Waltham Street. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Leon – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Thompson – yes, Creech – yes). 95 Hayden Avenue & 128 Spring Street (99 Hayden Avenue) – Public Hearing for Major Site Plan Review Peter Tamm presented an updated plan for the proposed planned development with a PowerPoint presentation. Page 4 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 Brad Cardoso mentioned that changes were based on feedback given in written form and from previous Planning Board meetings. Scott Turner gave an overview of the existing conditions plan. The site is characterized by steep elevation changes with ledge on site, vegetated wetlands, 428,000 sf of office and lab space, two parking garages, and 1,118 parking spaces including surface and garage spaces. The proposed site layout was presented with three buildings, referred to as 97, 101, and 99 Hayden Avenue, and an additional parking garage. The site has been designed to screen the new buildings from abutting residential neighborhoods and to preserve ledge. The Applicant is proposing the addition of 546 parking spaces to the site. The site is designed to allow access for emergency vehicles between the buildings and in loading areas. There has been a slight layout adjustment between buildings 1 and 2 to create space for ladder truck access. A new drainage system, infiltration system, stormwater management, pervious pavement, and elements to reduce phosphorus runoff from the site will be added at the request of Engineering. Robert Michaud highlighted the previous plan, which was the basis of the MOU signed with the town. The Transportation study has been updated through July of 2022. It is similar to what was submitted in the PSDUP application. It will reinforce wayfinding for the property from Hayden Avenue. It is oriented to regional highway system rather than the nearby neighborhood. The parking planned is low compared to other similar projects. The Applicant is promoting a PTDM program to encourage alternative modes of transportation. An MBTA parking program, bicycle accommodations, a reserved area for bikeshare stations, and weather protected bike storage in the parking garage are contemplated. The project will enhance walking connections and the Hayden woods trailheads with publicly accessible parking, design and construct a flashing beacon crossing at Spring Street (for the trail head), and add 22 EV charging stations with room for extension based on demand. Car-share parking spaces and carpool parking will also be added. Tim Bailey presented design plans, the materials being used, the LEED scorecard, and an overview of the landscape plan. There will be 358 new trees; 269 trees will be removed. The plans show tree removal limited to the area being developed. Mr. Tamm mentioned he will submit additional materials next week. Board Discussion • A board member commented that no outstanding issues jumped out but they would like to know what staff’s comments were. We had a previous project who also proposed an aggressive parking goal and were not able to make that work. • Another member reiterated the previous comment and voiced their appreciation for the Applicant’s attempt to undershoot on parking, but urged the Applicant to Page 5 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 be realistic. The member asked the Applicant if the have other developments in similar areas where a similar parking proposal has worked. o The Applicant will formally address that when they return. • A member mentioned that the proposed number of electric vehicular charging stations may not meet the 4% requirement and that the Applicant should check this. • A member asked for clarification on the total amount of repaving being proposed and to create more contrast between the existing and proposed colors shown on the plans. o The Applicant clarified that the loop will be paved. • A member advised the Applicant to alert abutters and the greater area of ledge removal, as this will be a great concern. • A member mentioned that it appears the plan was completed before the stormwater calculations. Do they need to be updated? o Scott Turner clarified that the Drainage Analysis was reviewed by the Lexington Engineering Department and that Lexington’s standards are stricter than the State’s. The Applicant is proposing an increase in impervious surface and to allow for increased rainfall by proposing five (5) subsurface stormwater detention systems that improve current conditions. The system will meet state and local standards. The Applicant also stated that the Conservation Commission require them to calculate removed impervious surface as grass, which is what the plan calculations were built off of. The Applicant stated that the proposed peak flows are lower than what is currently on the site. • Ms. McCabe mentioned the Applicant received comments from Sheila Page and other staff. The Applicant will also file with the Conservation Commission. The Fire Department didn’t have any concerns. Engineering submitted a stormwater review memo acknowledging that the proposed stormwater system complies with their regulations. The Applicant should touch on these comments in the future. • A member indicated that answers to Staff Comments should be provided in writing and that Staff Comments made sense and should be incorporated wherever possible. Mr. Peters asked for any public comments. No public comments were made. Ms. McCabe remined the Applicant that staff must have time to review plans prior to meeting. Mr. Tamm responded that the Applicant will provide responses to comments by August 26 for the September 7 meeting. Ms. McCabe agreed that this timing worked for staff to review plans prior to September 7 meeting. Page 6 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the Board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to continue the hearing for 91/99 Hayden Avenue to September 7, 2022 at 6 P.M.. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Leon – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Thompson – yes, Creech – yes). 131 Hartwell Avenue– Acceptance of performance guarantee and plan endorsement for Definitive Subdivision Plan approved on July 13, 2022 Ms. McCabe reminded the board this subdivision was approved in May and the appeal period has ended without an appeal. A draft covenant was provided in the Board’s packet; staff has reviewed it and sees no issues. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to accept the covenant and sign the Definitive Subdivision Plan for 131 Hartwell Avenue. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Thompson – yes, Creech - yes). 12-18 & 24 Hartwell Avenue– Acceptance of performance guarantee and plan endorsement for Definitive Subdivision Plan approved on June 29, 2022 Ms. McCabe reminded the board this subdivision was approved in May and the appeal period has ended without an appeal. A draft covenant was provided in the Board’s packet; staff has reviewed it and sees no issues. Ms. McCabe mentioned a final spellcheck would be performed tomorrow before the Planning Board signed the plans. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5 -0 on a roll call vote to accept the covenant and sign the Definit ive Subdivision Plan for 12- 18 & 24 Hartwell Avenue. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Thompson – yes, Creech - yes). 17 Hartwell Avenue – Acceptance of performance guarantee and plan endorsement for Lexington Office Park Definitive Subdivision Plan approved on June 29, 2022 Ms. McCabe reminded the board this subdivision was approved in May and the appeal period has ended without an appeal. A draft covenant was provided in the Board’s packet; staff has reviewed it and sees no issues. Ms. McCabe mentioned a final spellcheck would also be performed on this tomorrow, before the Planning Board signed the plans. On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to accept the covenant and sign the Definitive Subdivision Plan for 17 Hartwell Avenue. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Thompson – yes, Creech - yes). Board Administration: Page 7 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 Staff & Board Updates Ms. McCabe mentioned that they are working on a draft annual report to be reviewed at the next meeting. Ms. McCabe also announced that DHCD has issued final guidance on the MBTA Communities Guidelines. Ms. Kowalski created and sent a summary memorandum to the Planning Board and Town Manager which went over the significant changes made since the last draft. Ms. McCabe stated one of the changes being that Lexington is now considered an adjacent community instead of a bus community, and that after the Comprehensive Plan Update is adopted, the Planning Board should turn their attention to MBTA Zoning. Mr. Peters announced that Lori Kaufman, the Planning Department Assistant, has left her position, and that he hopes the position will be advertised soon. Ms. McCabe confirmed that the Planning Office will begin looking to fill the position soon. Mr. Hornig announced that the Housing Partnership Board had submitted comments on the Comprehensive Plan. The Board discussed upcoming meetings on September 7 and September 21. The Board will also hold a joint meeting on September 13 with the Zoning Board of Appeals to discuss the relocation of the Hosmer House. The ZBA will hear a special permit; the Planning Board will hear a subdivision plan. Meeting Minutes On a motion made by Mr. Schanbacher, seconded by Ms. Thompson, the board voted 5-0 on a roll call vote to approve the meeting minutes for August 3, 2022 as written. (Board vote: Hornig – yes, Peters – yes, Schanbacher – yes, Thompson – yes, Creech - yes). Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm. Lex Media recorded the meeting. Material from the meeting can be found in Planning Board’s Novus AGENDA Packet here. List of Documents: Page 8 of 8 Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 17, 2022 Comprehensive Plan Update: Power Point presentation titled “LexingtonNext Draft Comprehensive Plan”, dated August 17, 2022, draft Implementation Plan, draft Goal 10: Land Use 1040-1050 Waltham Street: Signage Package dated August 17, 2022, decision dated August 12, 2020, PD-5 Motion Online application link: https://lexingtonma.gov/979/1050-Waltham-Street 95 Hayden Avenue & 128 Spring Street (99 Hayden Avenue): Planning Staff Memorandum dated August 12, 2022 Online application link: https://lexingtonma.viewpointcloud.com/records/64765 131 Hartwell Avenue: draft covenant, approved plans dated July 12, 2022, Clerk’s Certificate of Action dated August 8, 2022 Online application link: https://lexingtonma.viewpointcloud.com/records/62577 12-18 & 24 Hartwell Avenue: draft covenant, approved plans dated May 18, 2022, decision dated June 29, 2022 Online application link: https://lexingtonma.viewpointcloud.com/records/62525 17 Hartwell Avenue: draft covenant, approved plans dated April 29, 2022, decision dated June 29, 2022 Online application link: https://lexingtonma.viewpointcloud.com/records/61817 Draft Meeting Minutes for August 3, 2022.