HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-12 SB Work Session Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, S eptember 12, 2022 C onducted by Remote P articipation* 6:30 PM AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA 1. S elect Board C ommittee Resignation 2. Approve and S ign P roc lamation- C onstitution Week 3. Approve and S ign Grant Agreement for Vynebrooke Village Preservation 4. R emo ve Temp o rary S us p ens io n o f P ermitting fo r S p ec ial Events o n the B attle Green ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Special Town Meeting 2022-3 6:35pm • C all for S p ec ial Town Meeting 2022-3 • Approve Letter from Town Moderator for Inclusion in Special Town Meeting 2022-3 Warrant • Review Draft Warrant for Special Town Meeting 2022-3 2. Update on Police Station Building Project 6:SOpm 3. Discussion on S olid Waste and S anitation S ervices 7:20pm 4. F ollow Up Discus sion Regarding S tone Building 7:SOpm 5. Discus s C ommittee App ointments 8:l Opm 6. R eview Draft S elec t B o ard R ep o rt fo r F is c al Year 2022 Annual To wn R ep o rt 8:40p m ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment B:SOpm T he S elec t B o ard meeting p ac ket is typ ic ally availab le at leas t o ne b us ine s s day in advanc e o f the meeting:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ Membe�s of the public can view the meetz'ng webina�f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tz'me of the meeting: http s://us 06web.zo o m.us/j/83 96313 6977? pwd=0UlO0UhUUFY3WTJYNG9WRUNTRlY1QT09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +19294362866„83963136977# or+13017158592„83963136977# Telephone:+1 929 436 2866 or+1 301 715 8592 or+1 312 626 6799 or+1 646 931 3 860 or+1 346 248 7799 or+1 3 86 347 5053 or+1 564 217 2000 or+1 669 444 9171 or+1 669 900 6833 or+1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 839 6313 6977 Passcode:244127 *An Act Relative to Extending C ertain S tate o f Emergency Ac c o mo datio ns:http s://www.mas s.go v/the-o p en-me eting-law The next regularly scheduled meeting of the S elect Board will be held on Monday, S eptember 19, 2022 at 6:3 Op m via remo te p artic ip atio n. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Resignation PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The S elect Board is being asked to accept the resignation of Anne Laurin Eccles from the Historic Districts C ommis sion effective immediately. O n b ehalf o f the To wn o f L exingto n, the S elec t B o ard M emb ers wo uld like to extend their many thanks to M s. E c c le s fo r her time and s ervic e to the c o mmunity. SUGGESTED MOTION: To acc ept the resignation o f Anne Laurin Ecc les from the Historic Districts C ommis sion effective immediately. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � .��.�r����;�����.��.�....����;�,,,�d.���fcf����� �����;������ II�������� . / Wellington House 49 Parker Street Lexington, MA 02421 6 September 2022 Jill Hai, Chair Select Board Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Dear Jill, Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation f rom my position as commissioner on the Historic Districts Commission. My last day of service will be Friday, September 9th. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in the position for the past eight years. I have thoroughly enjoyed the community involvement and appreciated not only the chance to participate in Town projects but also to get to know so many other citizen volunteers. At this point, my husband and I are planning to downsize and move; a project that is already completely absorbing. I will be working with Paul O'Shaughnessy, HDC Chair, as well as the other commissioners to complete projects I took on, including finalizing the new guidelines, and helping in any other way to smooth the transition. Thank you again for the opportunity. Yours, Anne Laurin Eccles Cc: Paul O'Shaughnessy, Chair Historic Districts Commission AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclamation- Constitution Week PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he Lexington C hapter o f the D aughters of the American Revolution is requesting that the S elect B oard approve and sign a proclamation recognizing the week of September 17-23, 2022 as Constitution Week in accordance with P ublic Law 915. T he proclamation was originally requested in 2010. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and sign a proclamation recognizing the week of S eptember 17-23, 2022 as Constitution Week in accordance with Public Law 915. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � "���"�"����./�.��.�.�������������c��� .�����=��°�����������r���;�������fm .���G����.���� ����.������,� ����'������� ;�� �������, � ��' � � , �,'' �J tw � �ji � ���, �,t� ;� � �• ,�� f���i r �°� � � �� ,;-� �� ���ir� ot �.extncgtor�, �.�c���c��ju�ett� � �,I a� � "�� :,� n,�,i�r-., � �•, � � � ��� ������ "������^����� SELECT BOARD OFFICE �,w�;�a�� PRO CLAMATI ON Whe�eas: our Founding Fathers, in order to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity, did ordain and establish a Constitution for the United States of America; and Whe�eas: it is of the greatest importance that all citizens fully understand the provisions and principles contained in the Constitution in order to effectively support, preserve and defend it against all enemies; and Whe�eas: the two hundred and thirty second anniversary of the signing of the Constitution provides a historic opportunity for all Americans to remember the achievements of the Framers of the Constitution and the rights, privileges, and responsibilities they afforded us in this unique document; and Whe�eas: the freedoms guaranteed to American citizens should be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies and activities during Constitution Week, September 17 through 23 as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States of America in accordance with Public Law 915. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week and urge all citizens to reflect during the week on the many benefits of our Federal Constitution and the privileges and responsibilities of American Citizenship. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 12th day of September 2022. JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Grant Agreement for Vynebrooke V'illage Preservation PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached please find the grant agreement between the Town and the Lexington Housing Authority for mo d ernizatio n o f Vyneb ro o ke Village. T his agre ement p ro vid e s the legal terms and inc lud e s: • $160,790 in C PA funds • A grant of$4,434,441 from MA Department of Housing and C ommunity Development • The grant agreement has been worked on by Town Counsel and the Assistant Town Manager for F inanc e. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the grant agre ement b etwe en the To wn o f L exingto n and the L exingto n H o us ing Autho rity. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �a�������,w,��I�����; �����������,wm��; ��������M �����:� GRANT AGREEMENT FOR VYNEBROOKE VILLAGE PRESERVATION This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is dated , 2022, by and between the Lexington Housing Authority with its principal office at One Countryside Village, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 02420 (the "Grantee"), and the Town of Lexington, a municipal corporation with its principal offices at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 02420, acting by and through its Select Board(the "Town"): WHEREAS, the Grantee has sought funding from the Town pursuant to the Community Preservation Act, G.L. c. 44B, to fund �re and other safety system upgrades as a supplement to State funding for a large-scale modernization project at the affordable housing facility at Vynebrooke Village, located at 1-12 Vynebrooke Village, Lexington, Massachusetts, owned by the Grantee (the "Property"), helping to ensure the preservation of the Property from destruction and harm (the "Pro j ect"); and WHEREAS, at the Town Meeting held on March 3 0, 2022 the Town voted to appropriate the sum of One Hundred Sixty Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars ($160,790) from the Community Housing Reserve of the Community Preservation Fund (the "Funds") for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the Grantee has been assured a grant of approximately Four Million, Four Hundred Thirty Four Thousand, Five hundred Fifty One Dollars ($4,434, 551)under the ModPHASE (Modernizing Public Housing and Supporting Elders)program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for this Project, such funds being integral to the Project's completion; and WHEREAS, the Town and the Grantee wish to memorialize herein the terms governing the disbursement of the Funds appropriated by the Town at Town Meeting, and the repayment of the Funds in the event that the Property is sold during the useful life of the capital improvements funded by the Town: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Grantee agrees that the Funds shall be used solely for the purpose of completing fire and other safety system upgrades as a supplement to State funding for a large-scale modernization project at the Vynebrooke Village affordable housing facility, promoting continued use of the Property for affordable housing purposes. The Grantee represents that the total CPA grant from the Town will not exceed $160,790, subject to paragraph#2 below. The Grantee also represents that the Project is funded in part under the Community Preservation Act, G.L. c. 44B, § 5(b) (2). The Grantee shall make no other use of the Funds. 1 2. The amount of this CPA grant will be based on the total eligible project costs, less the DHCD grant, and will not exceed $160,790. 3. The Grantee agrees to make available copies of any drawings, plans or bid documents relating to the Project for inspection by the Town at the Town's request. Any documentation procured with the Funds shall be limited to work necessary or appropriate to carry out the Project and shall be consistent with the preservation of accessible housing units and common areas. 4. All necessary Town permits shall be received prior to the commencement of construction, and any and all Town building, wiring and plumbing inspectors shall have access to the Project for regular inspection. Because the Project is funded through the CPA, the Town's building permit fees shall be waived. 5. Grantee agrees to allow the Town to post a free-standing sign on the Property, which designates the Project described herein as being funded in part by the citizens of the Town of Lexington through the Community Preservation Act. 6. The Grantee agrees that the Town shall have the right to require written confirmation by the Grantee that the Funds were used solely for the intended purpose. 7. After all required permits are received by the Grantee, Grantee may draw on the Funds only for reimbursement of actual expenditures for the Project. Upon receipt of an invoice from any consultant, contractor or vendor working on the Project, Grantee agrees to present a copy of said invoice to the Town. The Town shall then make payment to the Grantee. After Grantee makes payment to its consultant, contractor or vendor, Grantee shall provide the Town a copy of such payment in the form of a cancelled check. Such verification of payment shall be provided within 30 days of payment by Grantee. Reimbursement for completed work shall be paid in a timely manner by the Town. All such correspondence shall be sent to the Community Preservation Committee, attention Administrative Assistant. 8. Grantee agrees that in the absence of the Funds being successfully awarded by the DHCD, the Project shall not commence. The absence of such funding may alter the scale of the Project and any such modification of the Project shall require a vote of the Community Preservation Committee and a vote of the Lexington Town Meeting. 9. If there is a sale or other transfer of any kind or nature of any interest in the Property, or any part thereof(except leases of individual housing units to tenants) within ten(10) years of the date of this Agreement, the Grantee shall reimburse the Town for the full amount of this grant ($160,790), within thirty(30) days of such sale or transfer. 2 10. The Town's grant of funds to the Grantee is made with the understanding that the Town has no obligation to provide other or additional support to the Grantee for the Project except as provided for herein. 11. The Town hereby certifies that the Funds have been duly appropriated and are currently available to meet the Town's obligation as stated in this Agreement. (Reynainde�of the page intentionally left blank). 3 Executed under seal as of the date first set forth above. TOWN OF LEXINGTON LEXINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY By its Select Board: By: � � ,�,�- ��. �`'� Jill I. Hai, Chair Caileen Foley Executive Director Douglas M. Lucente, Vice Chair Joseph N. Pato Suzanne E. Barry Mark D. S andeen Approved for Availability of Funds: Acct. No. Carolyn Kosnoff Article 10(1) of the 2022 ATM Comptroller 4 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Remove Temporary Suspension of Permitting for Special Events on the Battle Green PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.4 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Town has received several requests to use the Battle Green. In a follow up discussion with Dave Pinsonneault, DPW Director, Mr. Pinsonneault has indicated that the suspension on using the Battle Green may b e lifted at the end o f S eptemb er. SUGGESTED MOTION: To lift the s us p ens io n o n p ermitting o n the B attle G re en as o f S ep temb er 3 0, 2 022. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Special Town Meeting 2022-3 PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Kelly Axtell, Deputy Town Manager I.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Vote requested The S elect Board to call for a 2022 Special Town Meeting(S TM 2022-3)to begin on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. The Moderator has submitted a letter of request to hold the Special Town Meeting through remote participation. C itizen P etitio ns are due b y 1:00 p.m. o n F rid ay, 9/23/22 to the S elec t B o ard o ffic e. O ffic ial artic le documentation can b e obtained from the Town C lerk's o ffic e during regular busines s hours (100 signatures are needed for Special Town Meeting). A draft warrant prop o s ed for S T M 2022-3 is inc luded in the meeting p acket. Other Pertinent Dates: F inal Warrant to be approved and signed by S elect Board: 10/03/2022 SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to call for Special Town Meeting 2022-3 to begin on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. Move to approve the request of the Moderator that Special Town Meeting 2022-3, scheduled to commence Tue s d ay, No vemb er 1, 2022 at 7:3 0 p.m., b e held thro ugh remo te p artic ip atio n us ing a c o mb inatio n o f: (1)the Zoom videoconferencing platform, (2)the online VVoter module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies OR comparable online voting tool developed by Select Board Member Joe Pato, and (3) an online queuing function developed by Select Board Member Joe Pato to facilitate the process of debate. Move to open the Special Town Meeting 2022-3 Warrant for citizen petitions through Friday, September 23, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 6:3 Sp m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � .������°�;�"�.��������I:�����;���;�����i�,,���;�.����i��;�;������ �I�����c��:p� I[����u;������ � �������.�:�'�' IC°�,�".�,�,,,,,�,�������,��:�: �I��-���,��:���� IC��,��„������� i REGULATING FOSSIL FUEL INFRASTRUCTURE IN BUILDINGS Section 1. Purpose This Bylaw is adopted by the Town of Lexington to protect health, safety, and the natural environment and reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which causes climate change, thereby threatening the Town and its inhabitants. Section 2. Definitions "Effective Date" shall mean�����'��r ', '��''''', �r six months following the date by which the Town is authorized by ����������....����������������������������������� ������°�:���W°:�.��� ��k�',.����:�:�� �.���....the I�e1a��trri�r�t of�n��°�y 1�.��our��s to regulate fossil fuel infrastructure. "New Building" shall mean a new building or new accessory building, as defined in the Lexington Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 135 of the Code of the Town of Lexington, associated with a building permit application filed on or after the Effective Date. "On-Site Fossil Fuel Infrastructure" shall mean piping for c��.l, �il, natur�.l ��� , � or other fuel hydrocarbons, including synthetic equivalents, or ath�r f�ssil fuels that is in a building, in connection with a building, or otherwise within the property lines of a premises, extending from a supply tank or from the point of delivery behind a gas meter or the customer- side of a gas meter. "Maj or Renovation" shall mean a proj ect associated with a valid building permit application filed on or after the Effective Date of this article that: for existing structures regulated by the current edition of the International Residential Code as amended by 780 CMR 51: Massachusetts Residential Code, includes the reconfiguration of space and/or building systems, in which the Work Area, not including any added space, is more than 75% of the Gross Floor Area of the principal dwelling, as defined in the Lexington Zoning Bylaw, prior to the proj ect; and for existing structures regulated by the current edition of the International Building Code as amended by780 CMR 34: Massachusetts Commercial Code, includes the reconfiguration of space and/or building systems, in which the Work Area, not including any added space, is more than 50% of the building floor area prior to the project, as defined by the Massachusetts Building Code. "Work Area" shall mean the portions of a building affected by renovations for the reconfiguration of space or building systems, as shown in the drawings included with a building permit application. Areas consisting of only repairs, refinishing, or incidental work not associated with the renovations or reconfiguration for which a building permit is required are excluded from the Work Area. Section 3. Applicability i This Chapter shall apply to all building permit applications for New Buildings and Maj or Renovations proposed to be located in whole or in part within the Town, except that this Chapter shall not apply to: A. utility service piping connecting the grid to a meter, or to a gas meter itself; B. piping required to: i. fuel backup electrical generators, indoor or outdoor cooking appliances, indoor or outdoor fireplaces or fire features, or appliances for outdoor heating; or 11. produce potable or domestic hot water from centralized hot water systems in commercial buildings with building floor areas of at least 10,000 square feet, provided that the Engineer of Record certifies that no commercially available electric hot water heater exists that could meet the required hot water demand for less than 150% of installation or operational costs, compared to a conventional fossil fuel hot water system; C. the extension or modification of heating systems via HVAC system modification, or modification of radiator, steam, or hot water piping, provided new fossil fuel piping is not installed; D. life science buildings, research laboratories for scientific or medical research, or t� hr�s�it�.1s or medical offices regulated by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health as a healthcare facility; or E. repairs of any existing portions of a fuel piping system deemed unsafe or dangerous by the Plumbing and Gas Fitting Inspector. Section 4. Enforcement A. On and after the Effective Date, no building permit shall be issued by the Town for the construction of New Buildings or Maj or Renovations that include the installation of new On-Site Fossil Fuel Infrastructure subj ect to this Chapter. B. The Town Manager, or their designee, shall publish and present an annual report to the Select Board quantifying the number and location of building permit applications for new and major renovation projects exceeding 50% of the original gross floor area of the principal dwelling; the number of new and maj or renovation proj ects requesting a waiver from this Chapter, the disposition of those waivers, the reasons for granting or denying those waivers and the square footage of each proj ect for which a waiver is granted. C. The Select Board may adopt additional requirements, exemption, and regulations to implement or enforce said new fossil fuel infrastructure restrictions in major construction, consistent with this Chapter. Section 5. Waivers i A. The Building Commissioner may grant a waiver from the requirements of this Chapter in the event that compliance with the provisions of this Chapter makes a proj ect financially infeasible or impractical to implement. Compliance with this Chapter may be considered infeasible if, without limitation: i. as a result of factors beyond the control of the proponent, the additional cost of the proj ect over the long term, including any available subsidies, would make the proj ect commercially unviable; or 11. technological or other factors would make the proj ect unsuitable for its intended purpose. B. Waivers from compliance with this Chapter may be subj ect to reasonable conditions. Where possible, waivers shall be issued for specific portions of a proj ect that are financially infeasible or impractical to implement under the requirements of this Chapter, rather than entire proj ects. C. Waiver requests shall be supported by a detailed cost comparison, including available rebates and credits. A waiver request may be made at any time and may be based upon submission of conceptual plans. D. In considering a request for a waiver, the Building Commissioner may consider as a factor the requesting party's status as a non-profit or government-sponsored affordable housing entity. E. The Building Commissioner's decision with respect to the granting of a waiver, the scope thereof, and any conditions imposed by a waiver, shall be appealable to the Select Board, or its designee, within thirty(30) days in accordance with policies established by the Select Board. F. The Select Board shall, prior to the Effective Date issue, and may thereafter amend, guidance regarding the process for requesting and granting waivers, and describing reasonable conditions that may be placed on a waiver. Section 6. Appeals The Select Board, or its designee, shall hear appeals from decisions of the Building Commissioner under this Chapter. � � 7 � . � g e �� � g . , . �.�.��� '..°:::.. � �q S�cr�tar�c�f Hou�in� and��on�rriic I��v�lc��rri�nts TOWN OF LEXINGTON WARR.ANT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 2022-3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables or Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet by means of the audio/video conferencing platform described more particularly below on November 1, 2022 at 7:30pm, at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subj ect to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. Pursuant to Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2020, as amended, the Town Meeting shall be held remotely by the means requested by the Moderator as follows: Town Meeting members will attend and vote by logging Into: (�� t�i� ,�oom videoconferencing platform, (2) the online VVoter module provided by our electror�i� voting ��x�dor, Option Technologies OR comparable online voting tool developed by Select Boar� �.�ember Joe �'�.tc�, and (3) an online queuing function developed by Select Board member Joe Pato �� facil�.��.te the process of debate. Other Town residents who wish to follow the proceedings may do so ���. ���Media at htt�s://www.youtube.com/user/ LexMediaMATV. Other residents who wish to �►articipate �.� �he Meeting may contact the Town Clerk's Office at clerk(a�lexin�tonma.�ov and by cc���►l�����,� the ��line form at www.Lexin�tonMA. o�v/ Fa112022STM , For more information, please see the �1/�od���:,tor's ���ter dated September 6, 2022 to the Select Board attached to this warrant as Appendi�.�: ARTICLE 1 ���'01��''� OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES To receive the reports of���Board or"�+�wn CJfficer or of any Committee of the Town; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article remains open throughout Town Meeting and reports may be presented at any Town Meeting session by boards, officers, or committees. ARTICLE 2 APPROPRIATE FOR PRIOR YEARS' UNPAID BILLS To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate money to pay any unpaid bills rendered to the Town for prior years; to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S RE QUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request funds to pay bills after the close of the fiscal year in which the goods were received or the services performed and for which no money was encumbered. 1 ARTICLE 3 ESTABLISH, AMEND, DISSOLVE AND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town will vote to create, amend, dissolve, rename and/or appropriate sums of money to and from Stabilization Funds in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Section SB of Chapter 40 for the purposes of: (a) Section 135 Zoning By-Law; (b) Traffic Mitigation; (c) Transportation Demand Management/Public Transportation; (d) Special Education; (e) Center Improvement District; (� Debt Service; (g) Transportation Management Overlay District; (h) Capital; (i) Payment in Lieu of Parking; (j) Visitor Center Capital Stabilization Fund; (k) Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization Fund; (1) Water System Capital Stabilization Fund; and (m) Ambulance Stabilization Fund; determine whether such sums shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, from fees, charges or gifts or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUNDS REQUESTED: Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to establish, dissolv , �.nd/or fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money �� t���e funds may be invested and the interest may then become a part of the particular fund. Th��e funds ���� later be appropriated for the specific designated purpose by a two-thirds vote of an A.��.ual or Specia� °�cawn Meeting, for any lawful purpose. ARTICLE 4 AMEND FY2023 'TIN NTERPRISE AND CPA BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to make suppl�mentar�a��ropri�.�ions, to be used in conjunction with money appropriated under Articles 4, S, 9 anc� �� ��`�he w��rant for the 2022 Annual Town Meeting to be used during the current fiscal year, or ��.�e an� other �:�justments to the current fiscal year budgets and appropriations that may be necessar�� �� ���e�r���� �hether the money shall be provided by tax levY� bY transfer from available funds ������ing ��.� Community Preservation Fund, or by combination of any of these methods; or act in an� �t�er m�.��er i� �+�lation thereto. (.��se�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unkn��n at��re s s time DESCRIPTION: This is an anr�ual article to permit adjustments to current fiscal year (FY2023) appropriations. ARTICLE APPROPRIATE FOR 250th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON CELEBRATION To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the celebration of the 250tn Anniversary of the Battle Of Lexington, as planned and coordinated by the Semiquincentennial Commission-Lex250 with the approval of the Select Board; and determine whether the money will be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time 2 DESCRIPTION: The amount requested is to fund initial startup costs of planning and coordinating the events for the year long celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington which will take place in 2025. Time frame for events is anticipated to be Fall of 2024 through Fall of 2025. ARTICLE APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations to be used in conjunction with sums appropriated in prior years for the installation or construction of water mains, sewers and sewerage systems, drains, streets, buildings, recreational facilities or other capital improvements and equipment; determine whether the sums shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from the balances in other articles, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds and the Community Preservation Fund, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request funds to suppl ent existing appropriations for certain capital proj ects in light of revised cost estimates that exc���. s�,�h appropriations. ARTICLE ,,��'PR(IPRIAT�: "TO POST EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of mon�� to the Town of Lexington Post Retirement Insurance Liability Fund, as established by Chap���r�l 7 of the��,��ts of 2002; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer fror�� a.vai����� f�nds, including enterprise funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in a��c�ther mr�n��r in re�ation thereto. �1��se�t��'by th��"elect Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown a��re s s t�.��� DESCRIPTION: This article �i1� �.11o� �he Town to continue to fund its liability for post-employment benefits for Town of Lexin���� reti����. I���a.nning with the FY2007 audit, the Town has been required to disclose this liability. Sp���al legislatic�� establishing a trust fund for this purpose was enacted in 2002. ARTICLE 6 �:�"�'ROPRIATE FOR CENTER PLAYGROUND BATHROOMS AND MAINTENANCE BUILDING To see if the Town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee and, pursuant to the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee, to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund a supplemental sum of money for renovation of the Center Playground bathrooms and maintenance building; and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, from the Undesignated Fund Balance of the Community Preservation Fund, by transfer from other available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d at the�equest of the CoYnrnunity P�ese�vation CoYnjnittee) FUNDS REQUESTED: Center Playground Bathrooms and Maintenance Building Renovation - Supplemental- Unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article requests that Community Preservation funds and other funds, as necessary, be appropriated for renovating the bathroom and maintenance building located near the playground at the 3 center recreation complex. This appropriation request is supplemental to the $680,000 authorized for the Center Playground Bathrooms and Maintenance Building under Article l0e of the 2022 Annual Town Meeting. ARTICLE OPIOID SETTLEMENT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate opioid settlement abatement funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: This article will allow the Town to spend abatement funds received from the Statewide Op101C1 settlement for purposes and programs outlined in the settlement agreement, including supplementing and strengthening community resources available to residents and families for substance use disorder prevention, education, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery programs. ARTICLE � �ATION OF HOUSING TRUST To see if the Town will vote to: a. establish a municipal affordable housing trust pur �.nt to �►�Iassachus �ts General Laws Chapter 44, S ection S S C; and b. add a new Chapter to the Town's Code of��l�.ws to g���rn said municipal affordable housing trust; or act in any other manner in relatior��h�����►� (In���°���'by t���`elect Boa�d) Description: TBD ARTICLE �0�.���ANELS AND CANOPIES (POLICE STATION) To see if the Town will vc��� to rais� �.nd �:��ropriate a sum of money for the purchase, installation and construction of solar pan��� �.nd canopi�� on and around the Police Station located at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue, including the payn���� of ca��s of demolition, architectural and engineering services, original equipment, landscaping, pavin� �n� other site and traf�c improvements, or other costs incidental or related to such construction; ancl determine whether the money will be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by borrowing or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: The construction of the new Police Station at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue is set to begin in the Fall of 2022. This appropriation will fund the purchase and installation of solar panels on the roof of the new Police Station, and the construction of solar canopies located on the perimeter of Fletcher Field and along the back of the parking lot adj acent to the bike path. This proj ect aligns with the Town' goals and action items as outlined in the Getting to Net Zero Plan. ARTICLE APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS (TOWN POOL DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATER) 4 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the purchase and installation of a domestic hot water heater at the Town Pool facility, including the payment of costs of demolition, architectural and engineering services, original equipment, construction, landscaping, paving and other site improvements, or other costs incidental or related to such installation, and to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) FUND S REQUE S TED: Unknown at pre s s time DESCRIPTION: At the 2022 Annual Town Meeting, the funding was appropriated for engineering and design work for a new domestic hot water heater to be installed in the bath house at the Town Pool facility. This article is a request to move forward for the purchase and installation as approved by the Select Board. ARTICLE APPROPRIATE FOR �TTER SIDEWALK EXTENSION To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of mon�� �o replace �r��k sidewalks in and around the Town center; and determine whether the money shal� �►� provided by t�� tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by borrowing, or by any combination c��the�� methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted b�,����"�lect Bc���d) FUNDS REQUESTED: $700,000 DESCRIPTION: The Center Streetsca�a�l��r�j�ct wa� �.pproved at the Spring 2020 Annual Town Meeting. The proj ect focused on storefront to ����efron��.long 1���.ss Ave and did not include sidewalks extending from the center. DPW has identifie�.� area����:� ��� i� need of new sidewalks for both safety and aesthetics. These areas include the sid���.1�s on l��Ierriam Street from Mass Ave to the Alley, Edison Way from Mass Ave to the first d�������, �nd�c�th sides of the Emery Park driveway along the storefronts. ARTICLE TECH�ICAL CORRECTION-GENEI7:AL BYLAW (FOSSIL FUEL) To see if the Town will vote t�► ��.,�.�e technical corrections to the Town's Fossil Fuel Bylaw, adopted pursuant to Article 29 of the 2021 �pring Town Meeting, to be consistent with Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022 authorizing a demonstration program for municipal regulation of fossil fuels in new construction; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (In,se�ted by the Select Boa�d at the �equest of the Sustainable Lexington Committee) DESCRIPTION: The state's Climate Bill passed this summer includes authorization to implement a pilot proj ect that authorizes ten communities to regulate fossil fuels in buildings if they have passed a Home Rule Petition (which Town Meeting passed in 2021). Technical changes are needed to the bylaw adopted in 2021 to conform it to the state's requirements for participation in this program. ARTICLE LEXHAB REORGANIZATION To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to petition the General Court for legislation reorganizing the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) as an independent nonprofit housing corporation; and further to authorize the Select Board to approve amendments to said act before its 5 enactment by the General Court that are within the scope of the general obj ectives of the petition; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inse�ted by the Select Boa�d) DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this article is to allow the Select Board to petition the General Court for special legislation that will reorganize the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) as an independent, nonprofit housing corporation. This will allow LexHAB to more efficiently and effectively carry out its mission of developing, managing and preserving affordable housing in Lexington. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet via Zoom videoconferencing platform, the online Voter module provided by our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies or comparable online voting tool and online queuing function beginning on Monday, November 1, 2022 at 7:30pm., at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapt�r�as amended. A true copy, Attest: Constable of Lexington Jill Hai, Chair Joseph N. Pato Select Ba�.rd Suzanne E. Barry of Dou las M. Lucente Lexingtc�� g Mark D. Sandeen 6 ������N�ti p`� r��S c � � � rn � Q, w x �� z`w �* d �� � 4 m a � 3 `� a`� � APRI�19T" `�xJN��°� Town o Lexin ton g MODERATOR DEBORAH BROWN September 6, 2022 DELIVERED BY EMAIL Dear Select Board Members, In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I request appro� +� conduct the 2022-3 Special Town Meeting through remote participation. I propose to u�� a c��bination of: (1) the Zoom videoconferencing platform, (2) the online VVoter mod��.�provided�� our electronic voting vendor, Option Technologies OR comparable online�+���ng tool deve����d by Select Board member Joe Pato, and (3) an online queuing functic��.�evelt���d by Select Board member Joe Pato to facilitate the process of debate. I certify that all components of the system d���ribed abo���:ave been fully tested and utilized successfully for prior Town Meetings, and I ��s�.����.��� th�.��his system enables our meetings to be conducted in substantially the same manner�s i�������d occurred in person at a physical location. I certify that the system(i) ��l.c��s the���r�erator, town meeting members, town officials and any other interested members��`the��blic tr� identify and hear the moderator and each town meeting member who attends a��partic���.tes in���remote meeting, as well as any other individuals Who participate in th��.ee����; �ii�►���vides the ability to determine whether a quorum is present; (iii) allc����artr��.�►ants to request recognition by the moderator and makes such requests visible to���m�����.,�p��ticipants and the public; (iv) allows the moderator to determine when a tov��:�neeting��mber��vishes to be recognized to speak, make a motion, or raise a point of order���aersonal p���ilege; (v) enables the moderator to recognize a town meeting member, town ��"�.�cial or�►��er individual and enable that person to speak; (vi) provides the ability to conduct a rol� c��ll a��lectronically recorded vote; (vii) allows any interested members of the public to acc��� the meeting remotely through Lexl��Iedia for purposes of witnessing the deliberations and actions taken at the town meeting; (viii) allows members of the public to participate in debate through the submission of statements for or against a motion; and (ix) provides for the town meeting to be recorded and available for future viewing. I further confirm that I have consulted with Lexington's Commission on Disability regarding system accessibility. Sincerely, Deborah Brown Town Moderator 617-512-7901 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 7 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Update on Police Station Building Proj ect PRESENTER: ITEM Mike Cronin Director of Public NUMBER: � Facilities & Jeff McElravy,AIA, Princi al Tecton Architects I.2 p � S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing E s timated (ro ugh) S c hedule fo r P o lic e S tatio n: Week o f 9/12/22 Temp o rary F enc ing at s ite S ept 2022 P ermitting/Mobilization S ept- O ct 2022 C ontractor Buyout O ct-Nov 2022 Existing S ite Abatement/S ite S tripping O ct 2022 S tart Earthwork and F oundations Nov 2022 Demolish Existing Building Marc h 2024 S ub s tantial C o mp letio n Mar- Jun 2024 Punch List/Commissioning June 2024 P o lic e Move-In Mike Cronin DP F Director will be presenting the attached solar plan with Jeff McElravy the Architect on the P o lic e S tatio n p ro j ec t. T here are d ifferent intere s ts/go als b etwe en the H is to ric D is tric ts C o mmis s io n and Sustainable Lexington and Mr. Cronin and Mr. McElravy need direction from the S elect Board before proceeding. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 6:5 Op m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �r����,��.�:�����i������fi���°��������������,��������������im����.����:� ������° I�����a� � �� I � .r.�.,t, �����i;� �' �;;; ��������������������� �i �!� , , 'i/i i/�i � 'mu� r;� �' � r � � i% l �, r�i ' �� � ri�� �' � � 1�j�1 Y � � � � �; � � tU ��/ I�1 k� �` I � �i��� �V!i'i II f G r ((t � � � � � filra � E 'J' il �/ I � i . 0 � �� �� �; � / J i � �, / � � � tr,� I �ri i?��� 1 „ I l I p rle ,' f f � �t( „ �i � ; „/ :,�i,,, ,� / � i ,, ,-. f ;� , ,.,;%; :, i l i i r ` it �,r 4� i ; i �n/�� V � ��IJ r��Ji `f� V 1 �v � p i, f i� 0 �� � a ir f i i �� 'N�I �� II � r i 9 � � i '� 1' �`' �(I i;� � �;�i �i � ��� � � WV��� ��� �� ,� r ` , '�4���� '° '�'��ur �� � ,� % N,� � �1, ,r�'ii;� u��Yti�w� � r � irlr iq I� �-i, /� p m ,� i r ��r� �� J I J `f i� � � �' �„!" 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J, �l i �Il i y /' r �.,,/� , , ri „ " 0 ,,' `;i�p, �i�, �I( r il��iil�i,Il���iliIVIII II II'���II�'�� �N // ,. .. . �Ili� Y�I ��i����w�yry�i��.,�,�, � i I I'� ;yiW ..e;.,; �...... V' �l�t I ;r�Y �;�i V, ��i '��, / , f , �'"',,.,j q J��OJ ; , /i j I��a ; / � ,,;-� ��� ,, , �s,, 4�f�fl, i '` ,, ,:,, ; � � j ,,,,,,:,,, ,,,,,,,�,,,, ; � ���; ' ., � �,i�� � ; � �i� �, ;I' � � , � � „ ,, ,�„o�rf ` / /% � : ,� , ��' ;'''� ::,: % / � �� , 1� rf ��i/%��/�% i� ,: ,A,�v� ��, �� ,� ��,�,���i,t r„ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discussion on Solid Waste and Sanitation Services PRESENTER: ITEM Jim Mallo Town Mana er• Dave NUMBER: y� g � P ins o nneault, D ir. o f P ub lic Wo rks; Ma ie P eard S us tainab ilit D ir. I.3 gg � y S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing T here are two items that need to b e dis cus s ed to up date the S elec t B o ard - S o lid Was te, S anitatio n and R ec yc ling: • S taff have b een meeting with E L Harvey lo o king to extend their c urrent c o ntrac t fo r ano ther five years. • Due to a numb er o f is s ue s, the c o s t will b e inc reas ing s ignif'ic antly in F Y24. • Current Cost for Curbside Solid Waste and Recycling= $1,925,000. FY24 cost will be $3,000,000 for manual(as is); $3,150,000 for automated recycling; and $3,300,000 for fully automated (recycling& s o lid was te) • Major factors driving the increase is the increase in prevailing wages (approximately$350,000) and fuel. O n Curb side C ompo sting, the propo sal from Black Earth is attached. Options that we asked them to o ffer include: • Vario us amo unts o f p artic ip atio n as s uming p artial to wn vs. entire to wn p artic ip ating • Weekly pick up • Bi-Weekly pick up • Black Earth using the Town C ompo sting site at Hartwell • B lac k E arth truc king material to ano ther o ne o f their s ite s • Weekly c o s t if it remained a p rivate s ervic e The proposal attached includes a narrative and based upon the cost proposals, an estimated cost for each option is provided in the do cument entitled "Black Earth P rop o sal C o st". Given the increase in curbside sanitation/recycling costs, staff needs the Board to discuss (from a budgeting p ers p ec tive)whether mo ving fo rward with c urb s id e c o mp o s ting is p o s s ib le at this time and/o r whether a fe e fo r c o mp o s ting and/o r c urb s id e s o lid was te and rec yc ling is nec e s s ary. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion needed, but a discussion and policy direction from the Board for staff to continue moving forward is requested. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 7:20pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � .���������.�������I������^������� �:������° I�c�;���� � .�:����c�,����°�:�°�;�������������������:�:.����: �"����� IC�:n����:� August 30th, 2022 BLACK EARTN Ct�I�PaST Black Earth Compost LLC Gloucester, MA, 01930 Town Manager's Office Lexington,MA Workin�Document on�artnershi� between Black Earth Com�ost and Town of Lexin�t�on Collection Service _ __ Savings - In-town Weekly option # HH Weekly Bi-weekly Composting Private 0-6000 $120/yr 90/yr -$20/yr $75/yr 6001-9000 $110/yr $82/yr -$20/yr $63/yr Over 9000 $100/year $75/yr -$22/yr $50/yr Black Earth will use under-CDL trucks to collect 13 �,,��,,,,,,,,,,,/ ,�� �. : ,� a,e; �,A, ro ,r�� J ����� � ,�, ��"��1d'���qi� ��, gallon bins, mirroring trash schedules. Some �� � ��"�� � � � � � � � �� � � � ���� � �� � � �� apartment complexes may elect to use individual 4 `� ' � �°�'���� r:;� � , �" ,; M n, � �i „��,�;; gallon bins or combined 64 gallon bins. If we don't � ` � ; , , , � _ � have a local option for composting,we would take the � ' ''` '; �� ; �' ' ' � .�, � � ��. ''�;��w��l�� � � , ��' Iiii,���%�/��,j�� � ..,,% �;. ,i� „1;�� Y .�.""u�w✓�klar,��y; . %/j /// ����/%��/ " ,,,,,v ; . . material to our Groton Manchester Framingham or � ���%������'°%'' � � > > > �� �;i%%''�;, �� �_ • '� i� ������,!��;��� F/, , pf��w,;,�r�, ! � �/%�//� �wari„„„� . . . . y,,i o ��"�Iw',i� other composting facilities we will uil in the future. ,� � ,, ��, r, �%1 r��� '�i4'����„ Y���V C./ �iu i , �., � �, �/ ��� � i � Composting is the highest end use for residential food -»>��-�-��l��ti�°��t����t�����°�������������� � ° � , ,�,� ° ���r t�H������r,s,r�r ����� H�l�G.(k�11�}r„''�,��,y�/� I I�I'���I�I �I�'i�'I�I a 9 r / "��(��li��'�„,,,, ,�, „ �I.'-„ ii�i i 4�y�lyyy�`�w,�,12//'iiwyi,mi���fr�i,���i< r,,,v,r ��r ,�:�,,,� ��/�JI%' waste as com ostable items like ba s and cutler a�e ' p g y ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... broken down, not turned to trash in depackaging �„a������������. ��rm����������������'����i����'�; �������'�w���,.'s`�,����,�: „ �,. systems. ��,��,����� �����°�����r��������,�,� ��������������������� �„���a� ����������u�����,� �� �� The 13 gallon bins, bought in bulk, are $24/bin. $5 for a roll of 13 gallon bags to line it. $6 for kitchen counter top bins. �4 for a roll of bags to line that counter top bin.�Ue recommend at least doing the 13 gallon bin/bag combo. Liners are a necessity,whether compostable bags or paper bags, to keep bins in good working order. In the summer things get nasty and stuck to the bottom without them, in the winter the bin freezes solid and cannot be completely emptied without liners. 13 gallon bins would still be large enough for bi-weekly collection in most cases, but we could offer two bins to houses that need it, and count it as 1.5 Households. �Ue are also open to collect weekly from any time span the Town likes,like Memorial Day to Labor Day.Just take the weekly rate and divide by 4 to get that 3 month span. So �30/HH for June/July/August instead of �22.5 biweekly at under 6000 HH tier. We could also add a private weekly option for any residents that prefer to set out compost weekly,we will be there for every off-week privately,in addition to the on-week Lexington pickup. In any scenario, we prefer residents sign up directly on our website as it links to our routing software, customer service platform for messaging regarding schedule changes, contaminatlon, questions, missed pickups, etc. It's better than residents contacting the Town who then need to contact us,which creates more work all around and is harder to track. It also enables us to add on features like highlighting restaurants in town that are also composting, buying compostable bags to be delivered on route, or any other initiatives the town is interested in like curbside E-waste collection. A note on Mandatory Composting: we think you will only get compliance when a dedicated organics company,like Black Earth,is there to enforce and collect. Waste companies lack the incentive to enforce compliance in organics collection and we have seen this happen in the past. We are able to note which houses are not setting out,which ones have contamination, and we can send reports to the town to follow up or issue fines. Food Scrap composting Add-On The reason to compost Lexington's food scraps in totivn is because it is setting up an infrastructure that needs less total energy and resource inputs to operate each week. Therefore,it is lower cost for the Town, less fragile and less energy to perform the collections each week. This is a resilient system. If the compost site is in town it means: Less fuel for trucks;Less total # of trucks; Less drivers to staff those longer truck routes;Less truck time means less on-road accidents; Creating a local source of nutrients means less dependence on global fertilizer mining. All of this means less costs and a stronger Lexington. Savings If Black Earth operates a small food scrap composting component on 1.5 acres at the Hartwell Ave site as described below, the Town will receive the following savings on collection costs: $20 to $22 per household per year if operations on this 1.5 acre is paid at regular living wages. There is no cost savings if the compost operation is required to pay prevailing wages because it is more dependent and under the control of the Town. Instead we would operate independently and pay a living wage to maintain long term employees. This is critical in our business since, like farming, our cycle time is on the annual scale. Thus high employee turn-over means no one has done more than 1 or 2 seasons. That is why we pay a good wage. Details on Integration at existing Town Compost Site: i " `,'� �� � � ,��i ���� � �� t y�, ����� . Lease 1.5 acre of land for Black Earth to create a mini-compost �"`�'"� �� ��` '°'�"'�°��'�`�;'',� "�������� '�°�"�;�������� � site that provides shorter truck routing and guaranteed compost „o„� production. Lexington's food scraps get priority at this site. � � � ■ Black Earth a s for im rovements on the 1.5 acres that should � ` ,,,�,»�9 Y %����ir��/�r� �///r /%� �, ... /�� i iioiiiio/�%%iii/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin ioi a not tri er a need for a ost-closure use ermit. Fabric tents and ���"'��������%%������������ ""°°' ' """""'""""""""""" gg p p oi/iii��if��i�i//%/////ii//i�iiiiii%%��oiiiai%%%%/���iiii� ��00000rr����%%//%% ii/////iii�./ii/////%��///// - ii�//////�/////�������������� i�i �///�� �//iiiiiijiii//%/%G�������i����%ii�i�/���i iG����/%�/iii��/a/i/i/�oi i/� � /��/ �%�/%/ii�� iiiii,///i / block walls already exist on the landfill at Hartwell Ave. °"''''' , ,,, i ii iariii/r�9�iiii ii iiif/%ii/i ir�ii%i%ii%iiiiii/iG%////iir./lii iiii iiii�a rri /rr i�ir////������///%��%%%%/////// • ,,.,,,,,,� ■ Operatlon needs electrical hookup '�'""" � ���°' ������� """'�'�"''����""'���°�'" ,,,,i�� ���,,,,ii ,�,� � �� ,///////// / /iiiiiiii i /l/�/// yir ,�'�///%//Oi i�iiiiiil//%���������i///�,,�%i%i/i0ii ��������� ��� ���� �������� /��������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ . . ���°���;������" I���.�����������m'W�Ar������°��r��c o���l�����������m��i����� ■ � In uts lnto the 1.5 acres are eaves an ar e ris t at �� ����. � ,,�R� ��������w �����,�,���e�������.,�,��, 1' Y �� �W����0��� f������°������w m. �m������������,�I„ �r Lexington currently brings on site and food scraps from Lexington and regionally. Black Earth would draw from where Lexington currently stockpiles leaves and carbon. Black Earth would bring in out-of-town food scraps starting Year 1. Lexington's food scraps take priority as the program grows over the years. The facility capacity is designed to someday handle all of Lexington's food scraps when they do get separated from the trash. ■ Output from the 1.5 acres is finished, screened compost that has gone through liquid management, odor prevention and pathogen kill. Black Earth sells this compost as a finished product to its customers. Lexington residents get a discount on the delivered products. ■ Operation exists under Town's current 16.04 General Compost permit. ■ Black Earth pays for all construction costs. Black Earth owns any improvements (fabric tent, blocks, etc.). Black Earth operates and maintains this 1.5 acres. Black Earth pays for local permitting if needed. Black Earth oversees construction and thus accepts liabilities associated with the improvements. ■ Lower prices for collection starts when operation starts. Tradeoffs with Black Earth operating a portion of Hartwell Ave. • Con—Less space for Town's existing operations. • Pro—Town can increase revenue by taking in more yard waste, because there is more overall processing capacity on site. • Pro—Locking in pricing now as a `first mover' town provides guaranteed management of food scraps and will avoid price volatility over the coming 10 years as the DEP waste bans come into effect. • Pro—Town gains a local supply of nutrients to grow food. Local supply means local, affordable prices. Good for agriculture,gardeners and open space managers. • Con—Contamination of food scraps is a concern for Hartwell Ave. However we operate 3 compost sites where we test each for heavy metals, salts, nutrients, herbicides and PFAS. If there is a contaminant you're concerned about, tell us and we can test for it. • Pro—Black Earth team pushes for more Lexington participation in curbside collection. �e leverage our integration with schools and businesses. Providing the local compost back to residents also increases participation in the collection program. • Pro - Ensures Lexington food scraps are composted and not anaerobically digested,which many residents desire. • Pro - Black Earth can assist with finding outlets for Lexington's current products in a bag form. �Ue think there is some opportunity through our retail network of 100 MA, NH, and RI garden centers that we currently sell our bagged compost at. This would be more revenue for Lexington. • Pro—In the new facility, Black Earth can certify destruction of invasive plants and animals. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ��N�������,���I�������'��III6�I� I��������������� ,��iu�� ,���������III����ii�N� ���� ...�...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�. ��"��, l'�N�N� .... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . m �ti��°���'�� This chart shows the rowth in Lexin ton households ���� .... ,�� g g ��� .... .... .... .... .... f ... .. �;��� that compost with Black Earth. We believe this is ��� .... .... .... .... J.... proof that providing a good service that makes people ,,� happy is the best way to drive participation upwards. M�,��, � .�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � .P�„ ���R.,...�....................................................................................... ..... � ,�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������.�"� , �r:`, , , , � ��"-1�i ���,-1���,� �'��,�•°�..�� ,��r�-��� �"���r�� Il��ilre��:� Thank you for considering our proposal. We are happy to �� �� discuss more and learn what components would fit best with Lexington's needs and desires. �Ue are looking to work with Y � Towr�s who war�t to address the loomir�g trash, fertilizer, food and energy crises now rather than waiting for the MassDEP , bans and global events to come to force. � Andretiv Brousseau � �, f, M�zn�zging Pa�tner � ;� �! „; Co��ost O�e�ations ;{, � � i Conor Miller � ����� � � , �;�. ���� Foundin Partne� � ��� � � g . . C�O COlIeGtZ0�2f O�eY'GrtZ012S' ���, ����� I��m������w����iiii�,��� , s ���� ,�:'� � �� �,������°�°��r�^�����r��i��������II���°��-�����1 t���w���� y��y���r, yy �y �� , ��.�������.��.,��i������' �.��I,u�vW�1,'���� lu,�����r�'C�w������IV:(u�,�������V��� � , � �� �'�r.��,��� �� ��r�u,�����E��e� ���:� � BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Black Earth Compost,LLC is a compost collection and processing business, founded in 2011. Operating across eastern MA and RI,we specialize in the hauling of food scraps and other organic material from residences and commercial businesses, and processing the waste in local compost sites creating a highly rated compost product for garden, farm,and landscape use. Our mission,the reason we started this business,is for wasted food to be used to create more food. Currently,BEC hauls material from over 29,000 residents. These organics are transported to compost sites around the Eastern MA region. Black Earth operates DEP permitted compost sites in Manchester,Framingham and Groton MA and has several more planned in the next two years. Black Earth Compost has 75 employees,v�ith hourly pay between$17-45/hour.We believe if we take care of our staff,they will take care of customers, so we have many benefits including 401 k,health insurance,paid sick leave, PFML, flexible scheduling, clothing allowance,opportunities for overtime, Sundays, and holidays at time and a half. We have 32 trucks,nearly all within 4 years old, four large wheeled loaders,a large excavator, 2 screeners, and a compact tracked loader. Black Earth has many times more Massachusetts residential organics customers than any other company so we are the most experienced company in this niche. EDUCATION AND MARKETING On the Residential page on our website is a video (h���so�lvr��t�.b�/ 1vI�.� �� ) explaining why composting is important on a macro level,the benefits to a subscription service,how the Black Earth curbside program works (from how to manage your waste inside,to setting it at the curb, and getting compost back), and our composting method. That video shows how to manage organics for collection and the benefits of it,and another video/webpage describes how to keep your bin maintained:htt�s�ll l�c:l��a�°th�c� �r�sts�r�r�.� ir�-- .�i�t�r�����1 �e feel videos are the most impactful medium for people today so we have been refining our in-house video-production capabilities. Upon signing up,a customer gets an immediate email (a sample is included in this bid document) with the main points covering these topics and what is compostable,how to report a missed pickup, and more details including the above videos. Customers get their own account and on their dashboard they can see how many subscribers there are in Lexington and weight diverted per week,report missed pickups,and buy compostable bags. Black Earth can set up a standalone web page on our site dedicated to Lexington's compost program. Draft unique signs and billboards for public spaces in Lexington. Post actively on social media to engage more interest in Lexington and best practices. Draft press releases for Lexington to distribute and encourage people to write in Letters to the Editor. Participate in community events to introduce composting to residents. COMPOSTING Our compost sites are at 197 School St,Manchester MA (2.5 acres), 600 Cow Pond Rd Groton (3 acres), and 1062 Edmands Rd,Framingham (1.5 acres).We also use Brick Ends Farm in Hamilton,Hidden Acres Farm in Medway,the Boston Core facility for contaminated loads,and more.We have 10 years of experience producing compost and sell thousands of yards and bags a year.The site improvements in Manchester will also allow us to compost and/or transfer out 180 tons a week of food waste,which gives us a good buffer of 100 additional tons/week of internal capacity to expand into. Upon arrival at the site,the team blends the food scraps with yard waste,horse bedding, and wood chips and uses a forced aeration system to start the composting process.1�t our Groton site,and soon the new Manchester site, this initial phase occurs in a building to keep tight control of the material.After about ten turns of the piles over the next few months,the compost is bagged as a finished product and sold through 90+ garden centers in New England, as well as delivered directly to farrns and households for gardens or organic lawn care.We make the highest quality compost in MA,which sells at premium prices,enabling us to charge lower rates for collection.We sell out every year, and there is demand for much more.With fertilizer prices going to record levels,we think there will be much higher demands for food-enriched compost and we will keep expanding to fill that demand. Compost returned:�Ue would deliver compost in bulk to a suitable place like a community garden or baseball field, for people to shovel a couple cubic feet of compost into buckets to take away. Bulk delivery of compost can arrive in 40 yard trailers for$2400.We can also continue to provide vouchers for one 40 lbs bag redeemable at local garden centers at a cost to the city of $2.00 per year per resident. List of compostable items: Food: Baked goods,bones,bread,butter and margarine, cake, candy, cereal,cheese,coffee grounds, cookies, corn cobs and husks, couscous,dairy products, eggs and eggshells, fish and fish parts, flour,fruits,grains,gravy and sauces, herbs and spices,jams and jellies,mayonnaise,meat and meat products,nuts and nut shells,oatmeal,pasta,peanut butter,pizza,popcorn,poultry,pumpkins, quinoa,rice, salads, shellfish, sugar, syrup,tea bags,vegetables, watermelon,yogurt and other processed food like left-over pizza or burritos,and more. Non-Recyclable Paper: Used paper plates with no coating,BPI certified paper cups,non-synthetic tea bags, coffee filters, facial tissue, greasy pizza boxes (non-greasy pizza boxes should go in your recycle cart),paper towels,paper napkins, Other Miscellaneous items: Cotton balls, feathers,hair (pet and human),wine corks (natural),wooden chopsticks,wooden popsicle sticks and wooden toothpicks. No dog poop or kitty litter,no dryer lint or shredded paper due to plastic contamination. Either compostable bags or paper bags are required to keep bins clean and pests down. Compostable Products should be BPI certified. References for residential collection: Sharon Kishida is the former northeast MA DEP coordinator. Sharon helped get programs in Salem,Manchester,Beverly,Ipswich,and Newburyport going, and we collected from all of them (about 4000 subscribers).sbkishida@gmail.com City references for curbside programs: Marlene Connelly,Ipswich DPW Waste reduction Manager who runs their organics program for about 800 households rr�a�l�����,i�s i�� as�c�v. �XTaneta Trabert,wtrabert@newtonma.gov is the Newton recycling coordinator.We've been working closely with �aneta since October 2019 when we were awarded to be Newton's Preferred Vendor. Jillian Martin,the Natick Recycling Coordinator helped transition the town from a 375 household DPW collection program to a private pay; 950 household program two years ago,iwmartin(a�,natickma.or�. Tom Delaney,tdelaney@grotonma.gov for a reference on operating a small compost operation on municipal land. I� �O � O O O � � O O O � � O I� O � � � � � ' �i 5 a -v�- �c.� -c.n- -c.� -c.n- -c.� � � � O O O � � O O O � •— � 3 c�n O o0 � G� O O � � � � ~ � � � '— — O 0� V -c�- -c�- -c�- -c�- -c�- -c�- O � � O O O � O O O � O O o0 � _ •— �C 3 � l��D o0 0�0 G� O O � H � � � O V �c./� -c�- �c./} �c./�- �c./� -�/)- � ONO � O O O O O O . . . � � � � N � � � � � � m -C/�- -(./)- -C/�- -(./)- -C/)- -C!)- O O O O O O O rl rl rl O O O O . . . . _ rl O O O �C rl N 01 O � I� Ol rl � ` � � � �!} � �J} � �J} cri i N O � O O c�n O � � O U � � O � O O � � O O O �O a1 �k O �O �1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Follow Up Discussion Regarding Stone Building PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.4 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing T he fo llo wing is the c urrent p lan/s c hedule fo r the S to ne Building: • Mike C ro nin, D irec to r o f P ub lic F ac ilitie s has rec ently engaged an Arc hitec t to b egin c o nc ep tual p lans • Mike C ro nin and the To wn Manager have met with Marilyn F eno llo s a fro m the C PA C o mmittee to discus s timing and potential funding from the C PA F unds for design and c onstruction. • Schedule would be to seek funding for the full design at the 2023 Annual Town Meeting(apply to the C PA C ommittee F all o f 2022). • S c hedule to s e ek fund ing fo r c o ns truc tio n at the 2024 Annual To wn M e eting(ap p ly to the C PA Committee Fall of 2023). • Bidding/construction to occur(assuming approvals)2024-2025. • During 2023, an RF P for the us e will b e develop ed and advertis ed s o that the final us er will b e known before final design work is completed and any specif'ic conditions can be incorporated into final design. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion required. Discussion by the S elect Board on this plan of action is needed for staff to have policy direction from the S elect Board. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 7:5 Op m AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discuss Committee Appointments PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.5 S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B ra ins to rming T his is the d is c us s io n s e s s io n fo r the memo that Was s ent to the S elec t B o ard in July relative to the B o ard's go al o f reviewing the C o mmitte e s truc ture and d is c us s ing whether all o f the c urrent C o mmitte e s c o ntinue to b e nec e s s ary, whether s o me c o uld b e c o mb ined and/o r eliminate d and whether the ap p o inting autho rity is s till appropriate of whether some should be modif'ied from a S elect Board appointment to a Town Manager's app o intment. SUGGESTED MOTION: No vote is b eing requested, this is a brainstorming s es sion to determine what is appropriate for future action. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 8:l Op m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �:����~c����:m����"�������m�,��� ���r�� ������� ������� i ���'���� �� � � ��"",�� ,' �� � ��� ��� Town o L exzn ton ��� �� : u g � �� �� ��� ���� ���.w� �r �°° ���� ,���W � ,,�� Town Mana er's Of f ice �� g � .. ���m �� ��«���u��� ���d « ,��� �.��',� �,;�, ,w� .��.����(,�.�,�,�, James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager Kat Labrecque, Budget Officer DATE: July 18, 2022 RE: Boards & Committees For several years, the Select Board has discussed reducing the number of Committees that exist and/or making changes to appointing authority to facilitate the appointment process. I am attaching the listing of Committees, the Committee's legal basis, current Appointing Authority and recommendation on each Committee. This memo is meant to be provocative in the sense that its goal is to initiate the discussion amongst the Board members on potential changes to Committees. Additional recommendations are provided by Kat Labrecque while she was the Management Analyst. In summary, the Town currently has 70 Committees some of which are not functioning, the current appointing authority and proposed appointing authority as Well as recommendations for dissolving Committees is as follows: Current Proposed Elected 3 3 Select Board 43 10 Town Manager 11 30 Multiple/other 13 13 Total 70 56 Dissolve For those Boards/Committees that I have included for the appointing authority to be changed from the Select Board to the ToWn Manager, these are administrative Boards/Committees and not policy setting or adjudicatory Boards/Committees and/or they have no legal restriction on whom the appointing authority that is required. Elected Committees: The Town has three elected Boards/Committees, the Select Board, School Committee and Planning Board. No changes are proposed. 1625 MAS SACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MAS SACHUSETTS 02420 A�pointed Committees (by the Select Board�: The following Committees are currently appointed by the Select Board, with those being recommended for a change in appointing authority so noted: • Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee—Dissolve after all work is completed and minutes are up-to-date. • Battle Road Scenic Byway Committee—The creation of this Committee is by MOA with the Select Board making the appointments. This is not a policy making body as per the MOA, but an administrative body and the appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Bicycle Advisory Committee—This Committee should be discussed by the Board. The town has a Transportation Manager and changes are being proposed to move that position into the current Land Use Health and Development Department and expand the Town's efforts in Transportation planning and management. I recognize this Committee has done a lot of work in the past, but the Board should discuss whether Committees (there are a few more below) that were created and then subsequently, the Town hired full-time professional staff, whether the Committees continue to be necessary. • Center Streetscape Design Review AdHoc Committee—Dissolve as work is complete. • Communications Advisory Committee—This Committee works on the agreements with service providers for cable and internet services and is administrative in nature. The appointing authority for this Committee could be changed to the Town Manager. • Condominium Conversion Board—Not sure that this Committee still meets. It appears from their minutes online that they haven't met since 2006. If this is the case, this Committee should be dissolved. • Design Advisory Committee—The last meeting minutes appear to be from 2019 (online). With a PBC a Director of Public Facilities and other Committees having authority to approve public building proj ects, is this Committee necessary or one additional layer? I recommend dissolving this Committee. • Economic Development Advisory Committee—No change proposed. • Fence Viewers—This is administrative in nature and the appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Fund for Lexington Board—No change proposed. • Gammel Legacy Trust—No change proposed. • Grain Mill Alley Steering Committee (Ad Hoc) —Last met in 2011. Dissolve. • Greenways Corridor Committee—No change proposed. • Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS)—No change proposed. • Hanscom Field Advisory Commission—Is this still active and/or necessary? If not, perhaps communications with the other four Towns and legislative action to dissolve the Commission is appropriate. • HATS Development of Regional Impact Committee—This does not appear to exist; it was on the old website but isn't included on the new website and I don't believe there are any members. If it has not been dissolved it should be dissolved. • HATS Environmental Sub-Committee—This also is not on the new website and was created by a vote in 1988. If it has not been formally dissolved, it should be. • Historic District Commission—The appointing authority of this Commission could be changed to the Town Manager as their work is mostly administrative in nature. • Housing Partnership Board—With the modifications to the LexHab Board that are being proposed, a discussion of whether all housing issues should fall under one body to streamline and provide clearer goals and obj ectives should be discussed and a decision regarding whether this body could be dissolved. • Human Rights Committee—The appointing authority of this Committee could be changed to the Town Manager. • Keeper of the Lockup— This isn't really a Committee, but is the Chief of Police. Since the Town Manager appoints the Chief of Police, Town Counsel should be requested to provide an opinion whether the Keeper of the Lockup is required to be appointed by the Select Board (as per MGL Ch. 40, §35 or if by vote of the Select Board or Special Act if it can be changed to Town Manager. • Lexington Center Committee—The appointing authority of this Committee could be changed to the Town Manager. • Lexington Council for the Arts—The appointing authority of this Committee could be changed to the Town Manager. • LexHab—This could be dissolved if a Housing Trust is established as a non-profit. • Lexington Scholarship and Educational Fund Committee—No change proposed. • Mental Health Task Force—This has been a staff program, not a Committee. Recommend that it be dissolved. • Monuments and Memorials Committee—The appointing authority of this Committee could be changed to the Town Manager. • Noise Advisory Committee—The appointing authority of this Committee could be changed to the Town Manager. • Police Manual Policy Committee—There have been no members or meetings since 2015. The Police Department is now an accredited agency with policies being the best management practices in policing as determined by accrediting agencies. Policies are approved by the Town Manager and this Committee could be dissolved. • Policy Manual Committee—This Committee has not been very active and could be dissolved. • Registrars of Voters—No change proposed. • Semiquincentennial Committee— Should be dissolved at some point after 2025. • Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw Committee (ad hoc)— should be dissolved when work is completed. • Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee—This Committee was recently dissolved. • Sustainable Lexington Committee— Similar to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Board should discuss whether we retain Committees once we have appointed professional staff to fulfill functions. If the Board choses to retain the Sustainable Lexington Committee, the appointing authority should change to the Town Manager as this is mostly an administrative Committee. • Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee—The appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Tourism Committee—The appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Town Celebrations Committee—The appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Town Report Committee—The appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Transportation Advisory Committee— Similar to the Bicycle Advisory Committee and Sustainable Lexington, the Board should discuss that once the ToWn has hired full-time professional staff, should certain Boards/Committee continue? The appointing authority for this Committee could change to the Town Manager. • Tree Committee—The appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Trustees of Public Trusts—No change proposed. • Vision for Lexington—No change proposed. • Water and Sewer Abatement Board—The appointing authority could be changed to the Town Manager. • Zoning Board of Appeals—No change proposed. Town Mana�er, ToWn Moderator and Multi�le Appointin�Authorities: �e .o I am not recommending dissolving any of the Town Manager or Town Moderator appointed Committees nor any that have multiple appointing authorities. The attached color-coded outline provides a summary of the recommendations above. • Light Blue—Multiple Appointing Authorities, Elected Officials or Town Moderator • Yellow—Represents current Select Board appointments that could be changed to Town Manager • Green—Continuing Select Board appointments • Salmon—Committees to consider dissolving Additional Considerations: 1. Onboarding • Consider requiring applicants to attend meetings before appointment. There have been occasions where members apply, are appointed and later realize that the meeting time doesn't work for them or the committee wasn't what they expected. • Consider more OML, Ethics, DEI and other related trainings. Many of these trainings could be recorded and posted to the website for future viewing. Current board/committee members communicated through the survey that they would like to learn more about how the Town functions. • Include the committee charge in the appointment letter because many members have never read or familiarized themselves with their charge. They may help new members understand their role. 2. Term limits • Consider implementing term limits for chairs only. This recommendation is driven by the non- elected board and committee members' survey responses, feedback from Town staff, and other communities. Board and committee members who completed the survey proposed a 2 or 3-year term limit for chairs. This provides the opportunity for other members to share their ideas and gain experience in a new role. 3. Charges • As we hire new professional staff, the charge of many of these boards and committees may need to be reviewed and/or updated. The Town should also develop a policy or timeline for reviewing board and committee charges. This could be done annually or every two years. Reviewing charges will remind current members of what their charge is so they don't expand their reach. • Consider defining the role and responsibilities of the Chair in the charge. G! ul N N N M N N N N cti• [�• N � N N N N N N N N N M M N O O O O O O O O O N N O � N N N N N N N N N O O N qA � � ] � •� � � � � � � . . 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NUMBER: Board Discussion I.7 S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B ra ins to rming S ub mis s io n o f rep o rts fo r the F is c al Year 2022 Annual To wn R ep o rt were due to the To wn R ep o rt C o o rdinato r in early S ep temb er. T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked review and c o mment o n the draft o f S elec t B o ard's R ep o rt s ub mis s io n fo r the F is c al Ye ar 2022 (July 1, 2021 - June 3 0, 2022)Annual To Wn R ep o rt. If no edits are required, a vote to approve the submission of this report is requested at this meeting. If edits are required, the edited draft will then be placed on the S eptember 19, 2022 S elect Board meeting for S elect Board review and approval. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 9/12/2022 8:40p m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����,�:�.����������.�:��������-��.�����.��� ��"�'"���:�,�, ���������.�...��:���������.����°�„P..�...��������:�:��r��������;��� .���G����.���� ����.������,� � �������,�����.n�m�;.����������.��.���,�����;� .��`�'"�,��°�,.�, �������"��'c��������.n�����; �:������:��� �:��,�„������ � I[��������,��,����`�,�f��������������������°��.,,,,,�d"�'����� ���������..�f°c����������,����� .��������:��:���� I[��.������:�� SELECT BOARD Five members, elected by the voters at-large to overlapping 3-year terms: Jill I. Hai, Chair,Douglas M. Lucente,Vice-Chair,Joseph N. Pato,Suzanne E. Barry,and Mark D. Sandeen.In March 2022,Mr.Pato and Ms.Barry were re-elected to three-year terms. While FY2022 continued many of the challenges faced since FY2020, there was a resumption of some pre-pandemic activity,and some significant new activity,including the launch of the Center Streetscape Project and the initial deployment of American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)funds.The State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID-19, which was issued on March 10, 2020, was continued again, through July 15, 2022. Special Town Meeting in the fall of 2021 and the Annual Town Meeting in spring of 2022 were both held virtually.Public meetings continued in a virtual format, accessible by the public using the application Zoom, though some committees chose to begin meeting in person. Town Celebrations and events began to resume, following the lifting of the State of Emergency at the end of FY 21.A full Veterans' Day parade and celebration was held and widely enjoyed. All municipal buildings re-opened to the public. The Town continued to monitor each building for safe and continued operations and services to residents. Initial ARPA funds were used to further the health and safety of the community, and to improve the economic situation of our local businesses and non-profits through direct grant assistance. The Select Board held its biannual goal setting retreat,establishing five goals for the coming years:Community Compass,Livable Lexington,Quality Services,Fiscal Stewardship and Thriving Local Economy. 1�,��.��..w.. v��x��. ��a�. .�.a �v ����.. .��.����.��� �� ��9� ����������.��.-�.���.��- �";�2.�2�2�,,,-„-„-;��,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,�,.These goals continue to guide the work of the Board as FY22 comes to a close. Select Board Priorities f or American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)Spending The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA)was passed by the federal government to support communities across the country in responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal funds from ARPA are intended to address the negative health and economic impacts caused by the pandemic.Lexington is receiving$9,903,381 in ARPA funding. The allocation for Lexington, which is distributed through the Massachusetts Department of Revenue,is based on the Town population. ARPA funding is available for use until the end of 2024.The federal government has outlined the primary objectives for the use of these funds: •Support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control •Replace lost revenue for eligible state,local,territorial,and Tribal governments to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs •Support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses •Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic. •Provide premium pay for essential workers-offering additional support to those who have and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors •Invest in water,sewer,and broadband infrastructure-making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water,support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure,and to expand access to broadband internet: The federal government specifically noted uses of funds that are NOT eligible such a�:°°���� Formatted:Line spacing: single contributions to Pension Fund;contributions or replenishment of reserves or'rainy day' funds;direct or indirect application of funds to reduce tax revenues/tax rate;Payments for legal settlements;payments for debt service;general infrastructure spending(above amount identified as lost revenue). � The Select Board set priorities for ARPA spending in the following areas that address the immediate needs of our residents and businesses: housing,food insecurity,public health and safety and economic stimulus and resiliency for our community.,,,,,,. - �e�eted:¶ p � .�,�� .,. „ y.�����w i����i.����i a������ ,., .�" ��,..�� i �,. ,��,.,��� , .� ... .,�. ���.,..,.. �,.,��, .m..„ ,,��.����,� �������������.,.;U�k`U �',,.„ ..�.,.�� .�,��� �,.��,..��. 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II�����II ��.� iiii��� � ��iii���. ��II����.��� ��� �m..�� iii�������II�... ��... ���iiii III��. ....� ....� III�... ....���.w� ...� ��� ....���� ... �.... ....� .....� ....� ... .... �.....�.III.. ....� ....������ .... � � � .. ... .... .... , .... ������ii��:...���������� ��.���������iiit�����....������.��iw�' ���:�....�������,�..�.�.��:.� The Select Board will continue to prioritize addressing the urgent needs of the �°� �e�eted:As of June 30,2022,the Select Board has community and will work with the Town Manager to determine how the remainder of approved usin��X,XXXXXXX in ARPA funds in the following areas:. the Town's ARPA funds should be allocated. •Public Health including:$100,000 for ongoing Fiscal Resilienc support for the Public Health Office;$175,000 for Y community Covid Testing Events;$25,000 for purchasing of N95 masks and rapid at home tests.. FY22 closed with the Town continuing in a strong financial position. Real-estate tax •Affordable Housing including:$115,00o for design collections and other revenue sources remain strong. Residential real-estate growth work on the LexHAB Vine Street project;. $315,000 for a down payment on affordable housing continues, and new commercial projects are progressing on Hartwell Avenue and un�ts;�20,000 to assist in the development of an Hayden Avenue commercial districts.The Select Board remains committed to avoiding Affordable xous�ng Trust.. •Economic Develo ment includin $250,000 in local the need for proposition 21/2 operating budget overrides. Nonetheless, the continuing business rants for businesses thathave been im acted g p effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for major capital investment in obsolete by covlD;�50,000 for Arts and Cultural organizations buildings present a continuing challenge for the community. that have been impacted by COVID.. •Human Services including:$90,000 for:Mental health New Capital Stabilization Fundin FrdmeWoric clinician services;$50,000 for local food insecurity g programs.¶ •Participatory Budgeting that provides an opportunity In November 2021 the Select Board approved a new Capital Stabilizatiorl FurlC�irlg for residents to weigh in on how$500,000 of the funds Framework.In anticipation of the need for a Lexington High School construction project, maY be uSed.¶ the largest capital project the Town of Lexington has ever seen,we sought a long-term, Formatted:Left Line s acin : sin le financially sustainable funding mechanism to provide dedicated funding for the Capital - p 9 9 � Stabilization Fund (CSF). This is meant to ensure that larger capital projects and future debt service do not place an unmanageable burden on taxpayers. The framework recognizes the effort by the Town of Lexington to simultaneously identify and attract opportunities for commercial development and accommodate the substantial need for capital project funding. Rather than having "New Growth," from significant commercial developments be allocated between the Town and School departments via the Revenue Allocation Model, any additional incremental property tax revenue generated from new commercial developments shall be dedicated and annually appropriated to the CSF.Included commercial developments are those which go through the Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan(PSDUP)process and have an approved project Memorandum of Understanding to create a Planned Development District; as well as those developed through the zoning changes approved at the 2020 Special Annual Town Meeting f or the Hartwell Avenue area. Economic Development and Commercial Growth The Select Board has continued to prioritize economic development and commercial growth in an effort to enhance our commercial tax base, and take advantage of opportunities for growth.With the passage of zoning changes in the Hartwell Avenue/ Bedford Street corridor in both 2020 and 2021, the Town is beginning to see new development projects brought forth. Commercial growth is not limited to the Hartwell Avenue/ Bedford Street corridor.At Annual Town Meeting 2022, Article 38 passed by a vote of 169-6-2 which proposed changes to the existing zoning and zoning district at 128 Spring Street and 95 Hayden to expand the existing lab / office campus by razing and modernizing existing buildings and adding an additional 314,812 square feet of lab / office space with structured parking. The proposed project brings additional jobs and tax revenue and bolster's Lexingtori s reputation as a biolab hub. Tourism remains an important component of our Lexington economy. The Lexington Visitors Center's Official Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony took place on October 7,2021.The new Visitors Center is an inviting,inclusive and accessible modern facility which helps to inform visitors and residents with a wide range of interests on where to spend their time while visiting Lexington. Further, at Annual Town Meeting 2022, Article 12n passed by a vote of 167-2-4 which sought $4,975,000 to fund design, construction and project management for the roadways and intersections around the Lexington Battle Green, known as the Battle Green Streetscape Improvements. This project wi11 allow for any construction to be completed in advance of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington in the year 2025. This project includes improvements to the sidewalks and roadway infrastructure with a focus safety, accessibility and improved connectivity to our tourist attractions. Town Meeting Use of Virtual Technology , � ,w ..�,...�, � ... .. .. � � ..,. ..,. . �. . . . .,..� .�... ... . � ,..,. . ,. ,. �.� . .� � ,.. �..� . .. .. ,. w ,...,�� ..,,. . ... . �.��� ��' i r �..�� .,�� �h� �� �� �.. ..� �"�I �, � �� �...i����I, �'��� ���� ��..� ��' ,�.�� ����I�III.��.�III� � �ii�����i�.����������ii.�m.������ �IIII� � ��... �.. ����.���.�ii�����.���i���� µ..II . �����iii... �ii��� I���� �� �.� ����ii.���� �� � II� � ...., .... .... 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Together, the two-prong approach is hoped to improve the opportunity for and creation of affordable housing in Lexington. The Select Board's Special Permit Residential Development (SPRD) Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee continued its work to create incentives for creation of more diverse housing stock. The nine-member committee was charged with gathering stakeholder input,reviewing housing data and drafting a statement of values,to inform the drafting of a zoning bylaw amendment and warrant article to either revise or replace the current Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw. Data, drafts and other documents are all available on the webpage at 1�.�� �m ��.���� ��a� �m c�v �.����.�- ��~.._�.������.���.-����.��.��r��� ��.�-���.�.�. � �. � � ��.�..������r. �.�������a��.-����.cr� and the meetings are available on LexMedia on ........:.:...:.:...................................................................................................................................................................................................� demand. The committee has begun workshops on target proposals,drafting actual plans and visual representations and has worked to review the proposals with a variety of stakeholders. Center Streetscape and Battle Green Streetscape Projects , The Center Streetscape project broke ground in the spring of 2021 and is focused o :°°���� Formatted:Line spacing: single � improving pedestrian safety, accommodating bicycle traffic, making sidewalks and crosswalks more accessible and safer for people with disabilities and renewal of the mid- century modern landscape. In the summer and fall of 2021 work was focused on the easterly end of the project near the post office and the Town Office Building.In the spring and summer of 2022, the work shifted more to the west and the core of the center as sidewalks were dug up,a modular suspended planting system was installed to allow for proper tree planting,new lighting was installed and amenities such as benches,bike racks and some trees were planted prior to the drought. Communication with direct abutters and the community continues to take place through a variety of ineans including:weekly project emails, updates in Town e-newsletters, a dedicated page and updates on the Towri s website,a dedicated email and phone number and direct one on one outreach.It is anticipated that the project will be substantially complete in the Fall of 2022 with a few items being held over to the spring of 2023. The Battle Green Streetscape project advanced as the Select Board gave their support fo� a round about to be located at the Harrington Road/Bedford Street/Hancock Street intersection. The project was then brought to the 2022 Annual Town Meeting under Article 12n-Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment-Battle Green Streetscape Improvements where it received a vote of 167-2-4 for$4,975,000 in funding. It is anticipated the project will start in 2023 and be completed by fall 2024 in anticipation of the 2025 Town Celebration. Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue Update Traffic issues in the Hartwell Avenue corridor are one of the key concerns cited b�°°��� �Formatted:��ne ac�n s�n �e � sp g: g residents and business owners.2019 Special Town Meeting appropriated$1.5 million for the 25%design of the Bedf ord Street/Hartwell Avenue/Wood Street Corridor.The Town formed a 25% design working group in November 2020, and hired an engineering and planning firm in January 2021 to develop 25% design level plans for complete streets reconstruction that addresses safety, traffic flow and pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and alternative modes of transportation. The Towri s consultant has substantially completed the data collection task, th� environmental permitting task,the land use&development build out analysis,and has made significant progress on the transportation analysis, concept development, and public outreach tasks. The Town's consultant has identified that the roadway capacity will begin to be exceede�l at approximately 60%of the"likely"redevelopment as properties within the project area are redeveloped to current zoning limits. The Town's consultant has recommended several options to address this concern. Based on input from the Select Board, the consultant will be revising the build out and traffic analysis to include future residential development.In addition,Town staff and the consultant are coordinating with MassDOT to acquire state funding to expand the study limits to include the I-95 northbound half of the interchange. The project is expected to culminate in a formal Massachusetts Department o�f Transportation public hearing targeted for FY24. Municipal and School Buildings The Board continues to address the issues of maintaining and improving our municipal and school building infrastructure. • Lexington High School-With severe overcrowding, outdated building systems, and spaces that do not adequately support the academic program,Lexington High School needs replacement or renovation and expansion. To that end, the Superintendent, with the support of the School Committee and Select Board, submitted a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA)requesting state support for a future high school building project. The MSBA invited the Lexington High School Project into the MSBA's eligibility period, which started on June 1, 2022 and will conclude on February 27, 2023. During this time,the Town must complete the preliminary requirements defined by the MSBA. In April 2022,Lexington Special Town Meeting 2022-2 appropriated$1,825,000 for a Lexington High School Feasibility Study.In July,the Select Board approved the membership of the School Building Committee to comply with the MSBA's requirements for the Lexington High School project.Invitation into the Eligibility Period is not an invitation to Feasibility Study. Moving forward in the MSBA's process requires collaboration with the MSBA, and an invitation to Feasibility Study will require a further vote of the MSBA Board of Directors. • The Westview Cemetery Building replacement project was approved at 202�°���� �Formatted:Line spacing: single Annual Town Meeting with an appropriation of$3,290,000. The initial Westview Cemetery construction bids came in higher than the appropriated amount. As a result,Special Town Meeting 2021-1 approved additional construction funding of $770,000. The second round of construction bids came in within the updated project budget. The Westview Cemetery Building construction work started in Apri12022 and is expected to be complete in early 2023. • The Lexington Police Station building project is in the construction phase.Speci 1 Town Meeting 2022-1 approved an appropriation of$32,400,000 for the design and construction of a new Police Station building to be located at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue.On June 6,2022,in a Special Town election,Lexington voters approved a Proposition 21/2 debt exclusion for the borrowing for the Police Station Project.In August 2022, construction bids came in lower than the appropriated amount. Town staff expects construction to start in September 2022 and be complete by the end of 2023. � The new facility will be constructed in compliance with the Town's Integrated Building Design and Construction Policy and to be solar ready in furtherance of the Towri s Net Zero goals. The Select Board voted unanimously to bring a solar project acceptable to the stakeholders to a future Town Meeting, with a goal to have the solar project constructed at the same time as the Police Station to maximize efficiencies with the site contractor. The Lexington Police Department has moved their operations to the temporar�°°��� � Formatted:�ine spa�ing: sing�e � Police Station facility located at 173 Bedford Street until construction of the new Police Station building is complete. • The Select Board approved a bid to move the Hosmer House, located at 155� Massachusetts Avenue,from its current location to allow for construction of the new Lexington Police Station.The Historic District Commission has also approved the relocation of the Hosmer House. • The Select Board and School Committee authorized the installation of 2.6 MW solar energy systems at Hastings Elementary School,Lexington Children's Place, Diamond Middle School, Clarke Middle School, Harrington Elementary School, Bridge Elementary and Bowman Elementary School. Final interconnection approval from the utility is expected by the end of 2022.When fully operational, the solar installations will enable Hastings School and Lexington Childreri s Place to be net zero schools. V�Then combined with the Towri s previous solar installations,they will generate approximately 64% of the Town's municipal and school electricity. • 2020 Annual Town Meeting approved $100K in design funds for the Cente Recreation Bathroom complex. At the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board recommended indefinite postponement of a warrant article requesting $915K in construction funding.2022 Annual Town Meeting approved$680,000 in construction funds appropriated from the Community Preservation Fund. Town staff expects to open construction bids in September 2022. • The Old Reservoir Bathhouse renovation project was approved at 2019 Annu 1 Town Meeting with an appropriation of$610,000.The bathhouse construction bids came in higher than expected and over the appropriated amount.Town staff was in the redesign and rebidding stage for this project as of June 2022. Diversity,Equity and Inclusion The Select Board recognizes that social and racial injustice has deep roots. The Seledt°°��� Formatted:Line spacing: single � Board has adopted Diversity,Equity 8�Inclusion as one of the Town's top priority goals, including a commitment to develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan, consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes, and incorporate the goals of Town Meeting's systemic racism resolution in each department's goals and objectives. The Select Board recognizes that accomplishing these goals will require an ongoing staffing and budgetary commitment to continuous improvement. The Board has made a proactive and ongoing commitment to engage in comprehensiv� and ongoing community conversations to better understand community needs and to consider diversity,equity,and inclusion in policies and plans,all with the goal of making Lexington a truly safe,equitable,and just community for all. The following steps were taken toward furthering that goal: The Town of Lexington hired a Chief Equity Officer(CEO)reporting to the Deputy Tow Manager to lead the Town in achieving these goals while prioritizing community engagement. The CEO has focused on expanding the applicant pool for Town staff positions,with th� goal of hiring and retaining staff of diverse backgrounds and identities. The Town has adopted a diversity hiring policy and enhanced the existing hiring process to include an equity lens.The CEO published the results of an employee demographics survey based on race, gender, age, salary and length of service and compared that data to historical hiring trends. The CEO initiated a series of community engagement and communication program� including: • Forming the Strategic Equity Advisory Team(SEAT)with representatives from as many communities as possible, • Participating on the COVID-19 effects on persons with disabilities working group in consultation with the Human Rights Committee and the Commission on Disability,and • Launching the Coffee with the [Police] Chief program to foster better understanding and communications between the community and the Police Department. • Created a centralized resource page on the Town website for links to all equity- related resources,discussion,and learning opportunities:LexingtonMA.gov/DEI °"°' Formatted:Line spacing: single The Select Board accepted a report on community feedback on policing drafted by tw members of the Lexington Select Board after holding meetings with a wide cross-section of cultural, civic, and community organizations to better understand local perspectives on policing and replacing the police station. The Police Department has completed the implementation of 30 of the 32 policy chang� recommendations to remove any unintended bias or discriminatory policies presented in Lexingtori s Town Counsel (Anderson & Kreiger LLP) report on Lexington Police Department policies. The Police Department is in the process of implementing the remaining 2 policy change recommendations. The Police Chief has expressed the department's commitment to implementing the recommendations of the report and to continuous and ongoing improvement in this area. Police Station Proj ect The Lexington Police Station, originally built in 1955, became too small and in poor condition to adequately serve the needs of the Police Department and Lexington residents. Project planning to replace the building began in 2011. Town Meeting appropriated funding for a feasibility study in 2016,and design in 2018.In the wake of a national debate on policing in 2020,the Select Board paused further funding and design development to allow the Lexington community to have additional comprehensive conversations about the future of policing. Select Board Members Joe Pato and Doug Lucente presented the"Report on Community Feedback on Police Station Project and Policing in Lexington". The report was initially presented in two parts. Part one (July 2021)focused on community feedback specific to the construction of a replacement police station. Part two (October 2021) examined feedback focused on how the police operate in Lexington. The report represented the culmination of comments by Lexington community members collected over a three- month period. While some direct concerns were addressed, generally, community members were very supportive of our Police Department and of proceeding with replacing the Police Station.Feedback specific to replacing the Police Station was varied, however, participants were clear that they wanted a Police Station that serves both the Police Department and the entire community. In light of the findings in the report,in July 2021,the Select Board voted to authorize the Town Manager to re-engaged the architectural firm,Tecton Architects, to proceed into the Design Development Phase of the project.In October 2021,the Select Board stated its preference for proceeding with a building designed that is flexible, inclusive and welcoming. In March 2022 Town Meeting passed Article 2 of the 2022-1 Special Town Meeting for construction of a new police station.On June 6,2022,12.5% of Lexington's voters turned out for a Debt Exclusion override vote to construct a new police station. 56.7% of the voters supported the project. Construction is expected to start in late summer of 2022, and will likely continue for about 18 months. The Lexington Police Department will operate out of temporary headquarters at 173 Bedford St. during demolition and construction. Several attempts were made to relocate the Hosmer House from its current location because it is in the way of the new Police Station construction.In the Spring of 2022,the Town issued a Request for Proposals(RFP)for the sale and move of the Hosmer House. In May 2022, the Town opened the one bid from the RFP issued to move the Hosmer House offsite. The bid proposed to move the house to a property located on Waltham Street adjacent to Route 2 and for the house to be renovated with an 800 square foot addition. The Select Board unanimously supported the proposal.The final project plan for the Hosmer House is expected to be reviewed by the Historic District Commission, the Historical Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for further approvals. SELECT BOARD Five members, elected by the voters at-large to overlapping 3-year terms: Jill I. Hai, Chair, Douglas M. Lucente, Vice-Chair, Joseph N. Pato, Suzanne E. Barry, and Mark D. Sandeen. In March 2022, Mr. Pato and Ms. Barry were re-elected to three-year terms. While FY2022 continued many of the challenges f aced since FY2020, there was a resumption of some pre-pandemic activity, and some significant new activity, including the launch of the Center Streetscape Project and the initial deployment of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID-19, which was issued on March 10, 2020, was continued again, through July 15, 2022. Special Town Meeting in the fall of 2021 and the Annual Town Meeting in spring of 2022 were both held virtually. Public meetings continued in a virtual f ormat, accessible by the public using the application Zoom, though some committees chose to begin meeting in person. Town Celebrations and events began to resume, f ollowing the lif ting of the State of Emergency at the end of FY 21. A f ull Veterans' Day parade and celebration was held and widely enjoyed. All municipal buildings re-opened to the public. The Town continued to monitor each building f or saf e and continued operations and services to residents. Initial ARPA funds were used to further the health and saf ety of the community, and to improve the economic situation of our local businesses and non-prof its through direct grant assistance. The Select Board held its biannual goal setting retreat, establishing f ive goals f or the coming years: Community Compass, Livable Lexington, Quality Services, Fiscal Stewardship and Thriving Local Economy. .��... �m ... .. ro �� � � ... .ro .. ��. .. �.� �� � � .... ���. .� . . �— . . . T ese goa s continue to gui e t e wor o t e Boar as FY22 comes to ,.�......................................................................�...�....�..�..................................................................., a close. Select Board Priorities f or American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Spending The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was passed by the f ederal government to support communities across the country in responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Federal funds from ARPA are intended to address the negative health and economic impacts caused by the pandemic. Lexington is receiving $9,903,381 in ARPA f unding. The allocation f or Lexington, which is distributed through the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, is based on the Town population. ARPA funding is available f or use until the end of 2024. The f ederal government has outlined the primary obj ectives f or the use of these f unds: • Support urgent COVID-19 response eff orts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control • Replace lost revenue f or eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to strengthen support f or vital public services and help retain j obs • Support immediate economic stabilization f or households and businesses • Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic. • Provide premium pay for essential workers - offering additional support to those who have and will bear the greatest health risks because of their service in critical infrastructure sectors • Invest in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure -making necessary investments to improve access to clean drinking water, support vital wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and to expand access to broadband internet: The f ederal government specif ically noted uses of f unds that are NOT eligible such as: contributions to Pension Fund; contributions or replenishment of reserves or 'rainy day' f unds; direct or indirect application of f unds to reduce tax revenues/tax rate; Payments f or legal settlements; payments f or debt service; general inf rastructure spending (above amount identif ied as lost revenue). The Select Board set priorities f or ARPA spending in the f ollowing areas that address the immediate needs of our residents and businesses: housing,f ood insecurity,public health and saf ety and economic stimulus and resiliency f or our community. As of June 30, 2022, the Select Board has approved using$3,156,388 in ARPA funds in the f ollowing areas: • Public Health$567,200: $100,000 f or ongoing support f or the Public Health Of f ice; $175,000 f or community COVID Testing Events; $25,000 f or purchasing of rapid at home tests; $36,000 six replacement bottle f illing stations on the bikeway; $22,200 AED Devices f or the Lexington Police Department$24,000 bottle f illing stations f or Recreation Department; $160,000 outdoor shelters for programming-Recreation Department; $25,000 f or N95 masks. • Affordable Housing$475,000 for design work on the LexHAB Vine Street project $115,000; down payment on aff ordable housing units $315,000; assist in the development of an Affordable Housing Trust$20,000; assist in the development of the Special Permit Residential By-Law draf ting$25,000. • Economic Development$1,374,000: Grants f or small businesses that have been impacted by COVID $900,000; Grants f or cultural (music/arts) organizations that have been impacted by COVID $50,000; Picnic tables f or Center $24,000; Pop up business incubator $100,000; Accessibility ramp $25,000; Visitors Center website $75,000; Grants f or non-prof its that have been impacted by COVID $50,000; Lexington Retailer's Association for Center programming$50,000; Store back/store front improvement plan $100,000. • Human Services $140,000 f or mental health clinician services $90,000; local f ood insecurity programs $50,000. • Salaries $80,188 f or increase in Fire Department overtime due to COVID related illness. • Participatory Budgeting$520,000 that provides an opportunity for residents to weigh in on how the funds may be used. The Select Board will continue to prioritize addressing the urgent needs of the community and will work with the Town Manager to determine how the remainder of the Town's ARPA funds should be allocated. Fiscal Resiliency FY22 closed with the Town continuing in a strong financial position. Real-estate tax collections and other revenue sources remain strong. Residential real-estate growth continues, and new commercial projects are progressing on Hartwell Avenue and Hayden Avenue commercial districts. The Select Board remains committed to avoiding the need f or proposition 21/2 operating budget overrides. Nonetheless, the continuing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for major capital investment in obsolete buildings present a continuing challenge f or the community. New Capital Stabilization Funding Framework In November 2021 the Select Board approved a new Capital Stabilization Funding Framework. In anticipation of the need for a Lexington High School construction project, the largest capital project the Town of Lexington has ever seen, we sought a long-term, f inancially sustainable f unding mechanism to provide dedicated f unding f or the Capital Stabilization Fund (CSF). This is meant to ensure that larger capital proj ects and f uture debt service do not place an unmanageable burden on taxpayers. The framework recognizes the effort by the Town of Lexington to simultaneously identify and attract opportunities f or commercial development and accommodate the substantial need f or capital proj ect f unding. Rather than having "New Growth," f rom signif icant commercial developments be allocated between the Town and School departments via the Revenue Allocation Model, any additional incremental property tax revenue generated from new commercial developments shall be dedicated and annually appropriated to the CSF. Included commercial developments are those which go through the Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan (PSDUP) process and have an approved project Memorandum of Understanding to create a Planned Development District; as well as those developed through the zoning changes approved at the 2020 Special Annual Town Meeting f or the Hartwell Avenue area. Economic Development and Commercial Growth The Select Board has continued to prioritize economic development and commercial growth in an ef f ort to enhance our commercial tax base, and take advantage of opportunities f or growth. With the passage of zoning changes in the Hartwell Avenue/ Bedf ord Street corridor in both 2020 and 2021, the Town is beginning to see new development projects brought forth. Commercial growth is not limited to the Hartwell Avenue/ Bedf ord Street corridor. At Annual Town Meeting 2022, Article 38 passed by a vote of 169-6-2 which proposed changes to the existing zoning and zoning district at 128 Spring Street and 95 Hayden to expand the existing lab / office campus by razing and modernizing existing buildings and adding an additional 314,812 square feet of lab / office space with structured parking. The proposed project brings additional jobs and tax revenue and bolster's Lexington's reputation as a biolab hub. Tourism remains an important component of our Lexington economy. The Lexington Visitors Center's Official Grand Opening and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony took place on October 7, 2021. The new Visitors Center is an inviting, inclusive and accessible modern f acility which helps to inf orm visitors and residents with a wide range of interests on where to spend their time while visiting Lexington. Further, at Annual Town Meeting 2022, Article 12n passed by a vote of 167-2-4 which sought $4,975,000 to fund design, construction and project management f or the roadways and intersections around the Lexington Battle Green, known as the Battle Green Streetscape Improvements. This project will allow f or any construction to be completed in advance of the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington in the year 2025. This project includes improvements to the sidewalks and roadway inf rastructure with a f ocus saf ety, accessibility and improved connectivity to our tourist attractions. Town Meeting Use of Virtual Technology With the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, most public meetings continued to be held virtually. Both the f all 2021 special town meeting and the 2022 annual town meeting, including two special town meetings held during the spring annual meeting, were successfully conducted as fully remote meetings. Town Meeting members were polled by the Town Meeting Member Association to determine pref erences f or holding meetings remotely and a large maj ority f avored doing so f or this year and, ref lecting on the substantially increased participation rate of remote meetings, recommended instituting a remote attendance option for the future. Town Meeting passed article 3 at the Special Town Meeting 2022-3 by a vote of 166 in favor and 10 opposed with 5 abstaining to amend our bylaws to permanently allow remote participation at town meeting. This article included a home rule petition to the legislature to request permission to hold these hybrid meetings without statewide emergency legislation as has remained in ef f ect f or COVID- 19. As of the end of FY22 the amended bylaw has not yet been approved by the Attorney General's Office as the home rule petition awaits action by the legislature. Housing Options One element the Select Board defined as part of its goal to further a "Livable Lexington" was'Actively seeking development of affordable and accessible housing". In furtherance of that goal, in September 2021 the Select Board f ormally created the Aff ordable Housing Trust Study Committee. The committee was charged with creating proposals f or both an Af f ordable Housing Trust and a non-prof it Housing or Community Development Corporation. The f ormer can hold and deploy f unds f rom sources beyond municipal funds and the latter would be eligible for participation in community investment tax credit programs. Together, the two-prong approach is hoped to improve the opportunity f or and creation of af f ordable housing in Lexington. The Select Board's Special Permit Residential Development (SPRD) Zoning Bylaw Amendment Ad Hoc Committee continued its work to create incentives f or creation of more diverse housing stock. The nine- member committee was charged with gathering stakeholder input, reviewing housing data and draf ting a statement of values, to inf orm the draf ting of a zoning bylaw amendment and warrant article to either revise or replace the current Special Permit Residential Development Zoning Bylaw. Data, drafts and other documents are all available on the webpage at .�� �� � ��� � � . .� . ��� �� . �� � ..�.��� �� . ����. ... . . ���� ���� . . � ....................................... ......... ... ... .�.. .�.. � :� .: . :���� .:�m.�.�� ���� .� . ��. � an the meetings are avai a e on LexMe ia on ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .�.. demand. The committee has begun workshops on target proposals, drafting actual plans and visual representations and has worked to review the proposals with a variety of stakeholders. Center Streetscape and Battle Green Streetscape Projects The Center Streetscape project broke ground in the spring of 2021 and is focused on: improving pedestrian saf ety, accommodating bicycle traff ic, making sidewalks and crosswalks more accessible and saf er f or people with disabilities and renewal of the mid- century modern landscape. In the summer and f all of 2021 work was f ocused on the easterly end of the project near the post office and the Town Office Building. In the spring and summer of 2022, the work shifted more to the west and the core of the center as sidewalks were dug up, a modular suspended planting system was installed to allow f or proper tree planting,new lighting was installed and amenities such as benches,bike racks and some trees were planted prior to the drought. Communication with direct abutters and the community continues to take place through a variety of ineans including: weekly project emails, updates in Town e-newsletters, a dedicated page and updates on the Town's website, a dedicated email and phone number and direct one on one outreach. It is anticipated that the project will be substantially complete in the Fall of 2022 with a few items being held over to the spring of 2023. The Battle Green Streetscape project advanced as the Select Board gave their support for a round about to be located at the Harrington Road/Bedf ord Street/Hancock Street intersection. The project was then brought to the 2022 Annual Town Meeting under Article 12n-Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment-Battle Green Streetscape Improvements where it received a vote of 167-2-4 for $4,975,000 in funding. It is anticipated the project will start in 2023 and be completed by fa112024 in anticipation of the 2025 Town Celebration. Bedf ord Street;/Hartwell Avenue Update Traffic issues in the Hartwell Avenue corridor are one of the key concerns cited by residents and business owners. 2019 Special Town Meeting appropriated $1.5 million f or the 25% design of the Bedf ord Street/Hartwell Avenue/Wood Street Corridor. The Town f ormed a 25% design working group in November 2020, and hired an engineering and planning firm in January 2021 to develop 25% design level plans f or complete streets reconstruction that addresses safety, traffic flow and pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and alternative modes of transportation. The Town's consultant has substantially completed the data collection task, the environmental permitting task, the land use & development build out analysis, and has made significant progress on the transportation analysis, concept development, and public outreach tasks. The Town's consultant has identified that the roadway capacity will begin to be exceeded at approximately 60% of the"likely" redevelopment as properties within the project area are redeveloped to current zoning limits. The Town's consultant has recommended several options to address this concern. Based on input from the Select Board, the consultant will be revising the build out and traf f ic analysis to include f uture residential development. In addition,Town staff and the consultant are coordinating with MassDOT to acquire state funding to expand the study limits to include the I-95 northbound half of the interchange. The project is expected to culminate in a formal Massachusetts Department of Transportation public hearing targeted for FY24. Municipal and School Buildings The Board continues to address the issues of maintaining and improving our municipal and school building inf rastructure. • Lexington High School - With severe overcrowding, outdated building systems, and spaces that do not adequately support the academic program,Lexington High School needs replacement or renovation and expansion. To that end, the Superintendent, with the support of the School Committee and Select Board, submitted a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) requesting state support for a future high school building project. The MSBA invited the Lexington High School Project into the MSBA's eligibility period, which started on June 1, 2022 and will conclude on February 27, 2023. During this time, the Town must complete the preliminary requirements def ined by the MSBA. In Apri12022,Lexington Special Town Meeting 2022-2 appropriated$1,825,000 f or a Lexington High School Feasibility Study. In July, the Select Board approved the membership of the School Building Committee to comply with the MSBA's requirements for the Lexington High School project. Invitation into the Eligibility Period is not an invitation to Feasibility Study. Moving f orward in the MSBA's process requires collaboration with the MSBA, and an invitation to Feasibility Study will require a further vote of the MSBA Board of Directors. • The Westview Cemetery Building replacement project was approved at 2020 Annual Town Meeting with an appropriation of $3,290,000. The initial Westview Cemetery construction bids came in higher than the appropriated amount. As a result, Special Town Meeting 2021-1 approved additional construction funding of $770,000. The second round of construction bids came in within the updated project budget. The Westview Cemetery Building construction work started in Apri12022 and is expected to be complete in early 2023. • The Lexington Police Station building project is in the construction phase. Special Town Meeting 2022-1 approved an appropriation of$32,400,000 f or the design and construction of a new Police Station building to be located at 1575 Massachusetts Avenue. On June 6, 2022, in a Special Town election, Lexington voters approved a Proposition 21/2 debt exclusion for the borrowing for the Police Station Project. In August 2022, construction bids came in lower than the appropriated amount. Town staff expects construction to start in September 2022 and be complete by the end of 2023. The new f acility will be constructed in compliance with the Town's Integrated Building Design and Construction Policy and to be solar ready in furtherance of the Town's Net Zero goals. The Select Board voted unanimously to bring a solar project acceptable to the stakeholders to a future Town Meeting, with a goal to have the solar project constructed at the same time as the Police Station to maximize efficiencies with the site contractor. The Lexington Police Department has moved their operations to the temporary Police Station f acility located at 173 Bedf ord Street until construction of the new Police Station building is complete. • The Select Board approved a bid to move the Hosmer House, located at 1557 Massachusetts Avenue, from its current location to allow for construction of the new Lexington Police Station.The Historic District Commission has also approved the relocation of the Hosmer House. • The Select Board and School Committee authorized the installation of 2.6 MW of solar energy systems at Hastings Elementary School, Lexington Children's Place, Diamond Middle School, Clarke Middle School, Harrington Elementary School, Bridge Elementary and Bowman Elementary School. Final interconnection approval from the utility is expected by the end of 2022. When fully operational, the solar installations will enable Hastings School and Lexington Children's Place to be net zero schools. When combined with the Town's previous solar installations, they will generate approximately 64% of the Town's municipal and school electricity. • 2020 Annual Town Meeting approved $100K in design f unds f or the Center Recreation Bathroom complex. At the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, the Select Board recommended indefinite postponement of a warrant article requesting $915K in construction funding. 2022 Annual Town Meeting approved $680,000 in construction funds appropriated from the Community Preservation Fund. Town staff expects to open construction bids in September 2022. • The Old Reservoir Bathhouse renovation project was approved at 2019 Annual Town Meeting with an appropriation of$610,000.The bathhouse construction bids came in higher than expected and over the appropriated amount. Town staff was in the redesign and rebidding stage f or this project as of June 2022. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The Select Board recognizes that social and racial injustice has deep roots. The Select Board has adopted Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as one of the Town's top priority goals, including a commitment to develop and implement a comprehensive racial equity plan, consider racial and other equity impacts in all decisions and planning processes, and incorporate the goals of Town Meeting's systemic racism resolution in each department's goals and objectives. The Select Board recognizes that accomplishing these goals will require an ongoing staffing and budgetary commitment to continuous improvement. The Board has made a proactive and ongoing commitment to engage in comprehensive and ongoing community conversations to better understand community needs and to consider diversity, equity, and inclusion in policies and plans, all with the goal of making Lexington a truly saf e, equitable, and just community f or all. The f ollowing step s were taken toward f urthering that goal: The Town of Lexington hired a Chief Equity Officer (CEO) reporting to the Deputy Town Manager to lead the Town in achieving these goals while prioritizing community engagement. The CEO has f ocused on expanding the applicant pool f or Town staff positions, with the goal of hiring and retaining staff of diverse backgrounds and identities. The Town has adopted a diversity hiring policy and enhanced the existing hiring process to include an equity lens. The CEO published the results of an employee demographics survey based on race, gender, age, salary and length of service and compared that data to historical hiring trends. The CEO initiated a series of community engagement and communication programs . lnc uding: • Forming the Strategic Equity Advisory Team (SEAT) with representatives f rom as many communities as possible, • Participating on the COVID-19 effects on persons with disabilities working group in consultation with the Human Rights Committee and the Commission on Disability, and • Launching the Cof f ee with the [Police] Chief program to f oster better understanding and communications between the community and the Police Department. • Created a centralized resource page on the Town website f or links to all equity- related resources, discussion, and learning opportunities: LexingtonMA.gov/DEI The Select Board accepted a report on community feedback on policing drafted by two members of the Lexington Select Board after holding meetings with a wide cross-section of cultural, civic, and community organizations to better understand local perspectives on policing and replacing the police station. The Police Department has completed the implementation of 30 of the 32 policy change recommendations to remove any unintended bias or discriminatory policies presented in Lexington's Town Counsel (Anderson 8� Kreiger LLP) report on Lexington Police Department policies. The Police Department is in the process of implementing the remaining 2 policy change recommendations. The Police Chief has expressed the department's commitment to implementing the recommendations of the report and to continuous and ongoing improvement in this area. Police Station Project The Lexington Police Station, originally built in 1955, became too small and in poor condition to adequately serve the needs of the Police Department and Lexington residents. Project planning to replace the building began in 2011. Town Meeting appropriated f unding f or a f easibility study in 2016, and design in 2018. In the wake of a national debate on policing in 2020, the Select Board paused further funding and design development to allow the Lexington community to have additional comprehensive conversations about the future of policing. Select Board Members Joe Pato and Doug Lucente presented the "Report on Community Feedback on Police Station Project and Policing in Lexington". The report was initially presented in two parts. Part one (July 2021) f ocused on community f eedback specif ic to the construction of a replacement police station. Part two (October 2021) examined feedback focused on how the police operate in Lexington. The report represented the culmination of comments by Lexington community members collected over a three- month period. While some direct concerns were addressed, generally, community members were very supportive of our Police Department and of proceeding with replacing the Police Station. Feedback specif ic to replacing the Police Station was varied, however, participants were clear that they wanted a Police Station that serves both the Police Department and the entire community. In light of the findings in the report, in July 2021, the Select Board voted to authorize the Town Manager to re-engaged the architectural f irm, Tecton Architects, to proceed into the Design Development Phase of the project. In October 2021, the Select Board stated its pref erence f or proceeding with a building designed that is f lexible, inclusive and . we coming. In March 2022 Town Meeting passed Article 2 of the 2022-1 Special Town Meeting f or construction of a new police station. On June 6, 2022, 12.5% of Lexington's voters turned out for a Debt Exclusion override vote to construct a new police station. 56.7% of the voters supported the project. Construction is expected to start in late summer of 2022, and will likely continue f or about 18 months. The Lexington Police Department will operate out of temporary headquarters at 173 Bedford St. during demolition and construction. Several attempts were made to relocate the Hosmer House from its current location because it is in the way of the new Police Station construction. In the Spring of 2022, the Town issued a Request f or Proposals (RFP) f or the sale and move of the Hosmer House. In May 2022, the Town opened the one bid from the RFP issued to move the Hosmer House offsite. The bid proposed to move the house to a property located on Waltham Street adjacent to Route 2 and f or the house to be renovated with an 800 square f oot addition. The Select Board unanimously supported the proposal. The final project plan f or the Hosmer House is expected to be reviewed by the Historic District Commission, the Historical Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board f or further approvals. ����������� �� �'' � �r ��P� � _..._ ���, ��" � � �,, �� �� � �.�J� !� '�m �� �; ������: �.� � w��;� �fl�11� 0t �.�xil� tDl� �.���� Li��tt� �� � � o , �; g � � �°° ��i �a�� �' 9�� � ,� �:-�,�,..'' `�•, � ,�.. � ��� X;��� w�"��,����^�`,���� SELECT BOARD OFFICE ���a�� JILL I.HAI,CHAIR JOSEPH N.PATO SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE TEL: (781)698-4580 MARK D.SANDEEN FAX: (781)863-9468 MESSAGE OF THE SELECT BOARD Massachusetts law requires that the Select Board, prior to the annual Town Meeting, issue an Annual Report for use by the residents of the Town. The 2022 annual Town Report presented here provides, among other things, financial data relating to the Town for the fiscal year 2022 that covers the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. In addition, the report contains highlights of the accomplishments of the many departments, boards, committees, and commissions that are responsible for the governance of Lexington. This Annual Town Report is just one of several ways by which citizens may be informed of what is going on in the Town. The Town's Web site at���, ��// ��� ��. � � �,� v/provides links to many other resources including the websites for the schools and the Town Meeting Members Association. From our Town website, you can also find all budget documents as they are generated, and the minutes of all committee meetings which provides valuable insight into the departments and committees. Meetings of the three elected boards, Select Board, School Committee, and Planning Board are covered by LexMedia, our Public, Educational, Governmental (PEG) access provider, and broadcast by all three of the Town's cable television providers. LexMedia covers other Town meetings and events as well. For more up to the minute information, residents can register for CodeRED - the Town's emergency notification system - for texts, emails, and automated phone calls about closings, detours, or emergencies. Residents can sign up for monthly Townwide news email, or periodic emails and e-newsletters from specific departments and boards/committees. Residents can also follow the Town's Social Media accounts on Facebook and Twitter. The Select Board acknowledges the leadership provided by Town Manager, James Malloy, his outstanding staff, and the dedicated Town employees who manage the day-to-day operations of the Town and make Lexington a special place to live, work and visit. Of special note, however, are the countless volunteer hours provided by the citizens who make up our many boards, committees, and commissions. The Select Board extends its continued thanks, appreciation, and admiration to the many residents whose work and civic engagement make it possible for Lexington to be a well-managed Town. Jill I. Hai, Chair Douglas M. Lucente, Vice Chair Joseph N. Pato Suzanne E. Barry Mark D. Sandeen 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE• LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 e-mail selectboard@lexingtonma.gov