HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-25-ConCom-min Meeting broadcasted by LexMedia PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Conservation Commission ___________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA Monday, July 25, 2022, 6:30 p.m. This Conservation Commission meeting was held remotely via Zoom, an online meeting platform. Public Participation via calling in or using your computer was encouraged. Commissioners Present: Kevin Beuttell (acting Chair), Alex Dohan, Jason Hnatko and Holly Samuels (not present: Duke Bitsko, Philip Hamilton, and Ruth Ladd) Staff Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Director, Meghan McNamara, Department Assistant, and Amber Carr, Conservation Coordinator 6:30 PM New Business/Pending Matters Breakdown of Willard’s Woods Meadow Preservation and ADA improvement design and engineering; Kyle Zick Landscape Architecture, Inc. Ms. Tracy Hudak, Project Landscape Architect, and Mr. Kyle Zick, Principal, both with Kyle Zick Landscape Architecture, Inc., presented to the Commission. On July 14, 2022, the first public charrette was held to discuss the Willard’s Woods Universally Accessible Trails and Parking Accommodations. Ms. Hudak and Mr. Zick provided the Commission with an overview of the public charrette and an update on the project. The Commission reiterated that there will be several more opportunities for public input in this process. Comments from the Commission: ⎯ What types of materials are appropriate, or is that still being worked on? ⎯ Maintaining the environmental integrity of the pond is important and would be happy to see a fence installed ⎯ Installing a fence makes sense given the current situation with the dogs at this site who are not under as much control as they should be ⎯ Like the diversity in Option B and would be interested to see what the public feedback is on the cart path and not the upland trail. Discussion on herbicide use at West Farm Conservation Area as it pertains to the RFQ for field preservation Ms. Carr requested feedback from the Commission on herbicide application at West Farm Conservation Area to target currently dense populations of sumac, black swallow-wort, black locust, and tree of heaven. Ms. Samuels stated that people are concerned about the sumac encroaching into the meadow, and would prefer that the sumac be mowed, and the black swallow-wort and tree of heaven be treated. Ms. Carr stated that ultimately it would be up to the consultant to decide what type of herbicide is used, but that her preference would be Triclopyr so that monocots wouldn’t be affected by the treatment. Members of the Commission agree to keep the use of herbicide to a minimum and would like to find a balance between herbicide use and mowing for longevity of management and cost effectiveness. Discussion on the draft policy for Memorials in conservation land Ms. Carr informed the Commission that there are currently five requests for memorial benches in conservation land and she wants to have the Commission approve standard language and policy to assist staff in their discussions with potential donations. Ms. Mullins added that the Select Board has a policy in place that requires donations to include funds for long term maintenance. This discussion and vote will be continued to the next scheduled meeting when more Commission members are expected to be in attendance. 7:21 PM New Public Meetings/Hearings Notice of Intent: 501 Marrett Road ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-22-15 Applicant/Property Owner: Town of Lexington Project: construct a new 20’x26’ bathhouse with accompanying utilities. Install a 20’x20’ beach canopy. Remove existing ADA matting, install proposed path and proposed ADA matting. Portions of the project are within Inland Bank, Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, 100-foot buffer to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, and Land Under Water Bodies and Waterways Documentation Submitted: ● Notice of Intent application and attachments; Prepared for: Town of Lexington; Prepared by: Brian Geaudreau, PE and John Reilly, EIT, Hancock Associates; Date: 6/29/2022; ● Sheet C-1 “Site Plan” and Sheet C-2 “Site Details”; Prepared for: Town of Lexington; Prepared by: Hancock Associates; Stamped and signed by: Brian G. Geaudreau, PE Civil; Scale: 1” = 2o- and as otherwise noted; Date: 6/13/2022; ● Stormwater Report; Prepared by: Hancock Associates; Date printed: 5/18/2022; Mr. Brian Geaudreau, Hancock Associates, presented to the Commission on behalf of the Town of Lexington Facilities. Questions and Comments from the Commission: - How is the path going to wrap around the bathhouse and how wide is it? - How do emergency vehicles access this area? - Could the bathhouse be moved to the left to save any of the trees? - It looks like the bathhouse would block off vehicular access to the beach. Is that correct? - The location of this proposed bathhouse makes it difficult to demolish that structure. There is no access road to get in or out. Is there a need to get maintenance equipment in and out on the beach? - Would it be possible to relocate the infiltration system to the area of potential future parking? Responses from the Representative: - The path around the proposed bathhouse is 5 feet wide. - Emergency vehicles will access this area from the gravel path beginning at the school, just as they do now. - If the proposed bathhouse was shifted to the left it would still impact trees. It is currently proposed in an expanded gravel area and the area of least disturbance. - Physically it would restrict a vehicle from driving onto the beach. For something like dismantling the existing building, they have to work around the proposed location. The demolition plan would also fall under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission but is not being proposed at this time. - The tree close to the proposed canopy is not proposed to be taken down. - There are 5 trees within the proposed bathhouse location to be taken down. All fall outside the 100-foot buffer to the reservoir. - Will look into the relocation of the infiltration system during the revisions. Mr. Mike Cronin, Director of Lexington Facilities, stated that the bathhouse was originally proposed outside the fenced area however it wasn’t meeting accessibility requirements and needed to be relocated. Mr. Cronin also stated that the demolition of the existing bathhouse isn’t confirmed yet, but he anticipates that only small pickup trucks would be necessary for the demolition and not large vehicles. On a motion by Mr. Hnatko and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the August 8, 2022 meeting at the applicant’s request. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 7:47 PM Request for Determination of Applicability: 55 Hill Street (Lexington Golf Club) ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CDOA-22-22 Applicant/Property Owner: Lexington Golf Club, c/o Mike Keegan, President Project: Razing and reconstruction of the existing club house and associated parking lot improvements including bringing the parking into conformance with current ADA/MAAB requirements. As well the project will provide new sewer and water service to the proposed structure and the incorporation of a closed drainage system. Documentation Submitted: ● WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability application; Prepared for: Lexington Golf Club c/o Mike Keegan, President; Prepared by: Tim Williams, Allen & Major Associates, Inc.; Date signed by Applicant: 6/21/2022; Date signed by Representative: 6/22/2022; ● Work Description; Prepared by: Allen & Major Associates, Inc.; Not dated; ● Planset; Site Development Plans for 55 Hill Street; Prepared by: Allen & Major Associates, Inc.; Stamped and signed by: Timothy J. Williams, PE Civil No. 43119; Date: 6/29/2022; ● Drainage Report; Prepared for: Lexington Golf Club; Prepared by: Allen & Major Associates, Inc.; Date: 6/29/2022; Operation & Maintenance Plan; Prepared for the Stormwater Management System Owner: Lexington Golf Club; Mr. Tim Williams, Allen & Major Associates, presented to the Commission. The Lexington Golf Club is proposing to reconstruct its clubhouse with associated parking lot improvements in order to bring the site into ADA/MAAB compliance. The proposal involves a connection to the town drainage system. Ms. Samuels asked how far away the spill area is from the resource area and Mr. Williams responded that it is over 300 feet away. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue a Negative Determination with conditions. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:00 PM Amendment to Order of Conditions: 22 Village Circle ViewPoint Cloud Permit# AOOC-22-9, DEP#201-1195, CNOI-20-25 Applicant/Property Owner: Dinesh and Savitha Shanthappa Project: Demolition of existing deck and subsequent reconstruction of a new deck atop an existing concrete slab Documentation Submitted: ● Description of Work; Not dated; ● Letter describing requested changes; From: Mary Trudeau, Wetlands Consultant; Date: 7/2/2021; ● Sheet C-0 “Drainage/Grading Plan”; Prepared by: Gala Simon Associates, Inc.; Stamped and signed by: Alberto M. Gala, PE Civil No. 36434; Date: 10/12/2018 and revised through 5/18/2022; ● Structural Details; Prepared by: Cowen Associates; Date: 6/2/2022; ● Deck Revision Plans; Prepared by the Architect: Amy Nastasi; Date: 2/9/2022; Ms. Mary Trudeau, wetlands consultant, presented to the Commission. Ms. Trudeau stated that the existing deck is not compliant with the current building code and smaller than the property owner would prefer. Mr. Beuttell asked what the sizing of the cuts in the existing concrete slab will be and what material they will be backfilled with. Ms. Trudeau responded that it may not be shown on the plan, but the cuts made in the concrete slab will be 18x18 inches and they will be backfilled with washed stone. The Commission will add those details as a special condition in the amended Order of Conditions. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:05 PM Notice of Intent: 42 Winthrop Road ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-22-16, DEP#201-#### Applicant/Property Owner: Shigemi and Masazumi Nagai Project: raze and rebuild of a single-family dwelling within the 200-foot Riverfront Area Documentation Submitted: ● Notice of Intent application and attachments; Prepared by: Stamski And McNary, Inc.; Date: 7/5/2022; ● Stormwater Management Plan – Grading & Drainage Plan; Prepared by: Stamski And McNary, Inc.; Stamped and signed by: George Dimakarakos, PE; Date: 7/1/2022; ● Stormwater Management Report; Prepared by: Stamski And McNary, Inc.; Stamped and signed by: George Dimakarakos, PE Civil No. 41281; Date: 7/5/2022; Ms. Molly Obendorf, Stamski & McNary, Inc., presented to the Commission. Ms. Obendorf reviewed the comments provided by Ms. Mullins on the initial application submittal and her response to those comments. Questions and Comments from the Commission: - There is a significant population of invasive plants on this property, especially Japanese knotweed. Not sure if management of the invasive species can be conditioned but it would benefit the property owner if it was removed. - Is the sump pump necessary and where will it discharge? Won’t approve until we know that information. - The Commission has a standard requirement for the proposal to include a downspout detail that would make a system failure more obvious to a property owner. Rather than have this detail far away from the dwelling, please make it closer and remove the level spreader entirely. - What is the ESHGW level that you would use for the basement, since two different elevations are shown on the plan? Responses from the Representative: - Will review the sump pump details and discuss at the next meeting. Ideally would expand the drywell in the back to accommodate the intercepted groundwater and to avoid additional vegetation clearing. - Proposing an infiltration trench; however, the entire driveway is not intended to be captured and only a portion will be directed to the trench. - Only three trees are proposed to be removed and they are in front of the house. - ESHGW could be as high as elevation 205 based on Test Pit #2, so the groundwater separation from the basement would be based on the 205 elevation. On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Mr. Hnatko, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the August 8, 2022 meeting at the applicant’s request. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:20 PM Request for Determination of Applicability: 26 Bedford Street ViewPoint Cloud Permit # CDOA-22-23 Applicant/Property Owner: Jia Zheng Lu Project: Raise the height of the roof of a two-family dwelling within the 100-foot buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands Documentation Submitted: ● WPA Form 1- Request for Determination of Applicability application; Prepared by: Jia Zheng Lu, Property Owner; Date signed: 7/5/2022; ● Photograph of site; Not dated; ● Project Description; Not dated; ● Building Plan “Sections 1 & 2”; Prepared by: Berdi Consulting; Stamped and signed by: Stanislav Berdichevsky, PE Structural No. 38862; Date: 4/30/2022; Mr. Henry Lu, son of Mr. Jia Zheng Lu, property owner, presented to the Commission. Mr. Beuttell requested that the Commission identify a limit of work and Ms. Mullins responded that it will be determined during the pre-construction meeting with the property owner and the contractor. Ms. Samuels stated that, during the site visit, vines were seen growing along the fence that is adjacent to the wetlands. The Commission will condition that the newer garden area within the wetland shall be relocated and no future gardening will be permitted along the fenced area. Mr. Hnatko said that he witnessed previous staining from a concrete footing that was not properly controlled. Mr. Lu responded that the proposal does not include changes to the concrete footings, but if the building inspector’s review determines otherwise, he will need to inform staff. On a motion by Mr. Hnatko and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue a Negative Determination with conditions. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:25 PM Continued Public Meetings/Hearings Notice of Intent: 20 Woodpark Circle ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-22-14, DEP#201-1263 Applicant/Property Owner: Anil Padyana and Kanchana Bhat Project: raze and rebuild of a single-family dwelling within the 100-foot buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands Previous Meeting Date: 7/11/2022 Supplemental Documentation Submitted: None Mr. Richard Kirby, LEC Environmental, presented to the Commission the revised plans per the Commission’s comments at the last meeting on July 11, 2022. Mr. Kirby stated that retaining wall off the back of the house is proposed behind the patio, the distance between the trees and proposed patio is farther apart, and that a note has been added to the plan regarding a certified arborist on site if any tree roots greater than 2 inches in diameter need to be cut. Additionally, Mr. Kirby stated that the restoration plan was modified so it extends all the way up to the retaining wall and FENO bounds are proposed at the base of the wall. The Commission had no objection to the plan revisions and acknowledged the efforts made by the consultants and property owners. On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Hnatko, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to close the hearing. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:30 PM 48 Allen Street: Notice of Intent ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-22-13, DEP#201-1262 Applicant/Property Owner: Arlen Avakian Project: raze and rebuild of a single-family dwelling within the 100-foot buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and 100-foot buffer zone to Bank of an intermittent stream Previous Meeting Date: 6/27/2022 *Applicant has requested a continuance to the August 8, 2022 meeting On a motion by Mr. Hnatko and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to continue the hearing to the August 8, 2022 meeting at the applicant’s request. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:31 PM New Business/Pending Matters, Continued Conservation Plan Modification/Insignificant Plan Change: 17 Augustus Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CPM-22-12, DEP#201-1218, CNOI-21-12 The applicant requests that this be continued to the next meeting on August 8, 2022. Conservation Plan Modification/Insignificant Plan Change: 32 Fairbanks Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CPM-22-13, DEP#201-1215, CNOI-21-9 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the Conservation Plan Modification/Insignificant Plan Change. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:32 PM Request to Extend the Order of Conditions: 6 Peachtree Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# EXTO- 22-2, DEP#201-1157, CNOI-19-18 (one-year extension from 10/21/2022 to 10/21/2023) On a motion by Mr. Hnatko and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the one-year extension request to 10/21/2023. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:33 PM Full Certificate of Compliance Request: 44 Hartwell Avenue, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# COC- 22-8, DEP#201-903, BL-863 Ms. Mullins informed the Commission that this review is pending a response from Lexington Engineering and will be postponed. Full Certificate of Compliance Request: 39 Ledgelawn Avenue, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# COC- 22-13, DEP#201-1244, CNOI-21-41, AOOC-22-3 On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue a complete Certificate of Compliance. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:33 PM Full Certificate of Compliance Request: 16 Village Circle, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# COC-22- 16, DEP#201-448, BL-406 Ms. Mullins informed the Commission that this property is for sale and the Order of Conditions was issued in 1999. A 2002 as-built was provided in the request for Certificate of Compliance, however it does not match current site conditions and an updated as-built will need to be provided to the Commission. Issue Order of Conditions: 21 Crescent Road, ViewPoint Cloud Permit# CNOI-22-10, DEP#201- 1260 Mr. Hnatko, Mr. Beuttell and Ms. Dohan each submitted a signed Mullins Rule Statute prior to the meeting and prior to voting on the issuance of the Order of Conditions. On a motion by Mr. Hnatko and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to issue the Order of Conditions. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:37 PM Vote to ratify two emergency certificates for beaver trapping and dam breaching at Kiln Brook (Pine Meadows and Compost Facility Area) and Simonds Brook (Ivan Street and Hadley Road area) On a motion by Mr. Hnatko and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to ratify the emergency certificate for beaver trapping and dam breaching at Kiln Brook (Pine Meadows and Compost Facility Area). Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:41 PM On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Mr. Hnatko, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to ratify the emergency certificate for beaver trapping and dam breaching at Simonds Brook (Ivan Street and Hadley Road area). Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:42 PM LUPA 90; request to host a turkey trot race at Whipple Hill on 11/12/22 (a Saturday) and estimate 120 people in attendance The Commission will postpone a final decision until after they are able to visit the site and view the existing conditions. Schedule site visits for 8/8/2022 meeting The site visits will take place on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 5:30 PM Approve Minutes: 6/27/2022 and 7/11/2022 On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the Minutes of the June 27, 2022 meeting. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:56 PM On a motion by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Samuels, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to approve the Minutes of the July 11, 2022 meeting. Record of vote as follows: Alex Dohan – Aye Jason Hnatko – Aye Holly Samuels – Aye Kevin Beuttell – Aye 8:57 PM Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Gardens, Community Preservation Committee, Greenway Corridor Committee, Land Acquisition, Land Management, Land Steward Directors, and Tree Committee, HIP Working Group Approve letter as amended. Holly, Alex 8:59 PM On a motion by Ms. Samuels and seconded by Ms. Dohan, the Commission voted 4-0 by roll call vote to adjourn the meeting. 9:00 PM Respectfully Submitted, Meghan McNamara Department Assistant – Conservation Approved: 9/6/2022 Archived: 9/7/2022