HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-08-08 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday,August 8, 2022 Conducted by Remote Participation* 6:00 P M AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 2 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 78]-698- 4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chair in managing meeting times. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS L Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT CONSENT AGENDA l. Accept Fund Terms - Williams Family Fund 2. Approve Request for Deferral of Water and Sewer Payment 3. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes 4. Select Board Committee Resignation 5. Waterand SewerAdjustments ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION L Liquor License- Change of Manager- Bertucci's Restaurants, LLC d/b/a 6:lOpm Bertucci's, 1777 Massachusetts Avenue 2. Liquor License- Change of Manager- Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of 6:15pm U.S.A., Inc., 959 Waltham Street 3. Battle Green Flag Request- Manheim Township Police Department 6:20pm 4. Voluntary Outdoor Water Use Restrictions 6:25pm 5. Assignment of Police Officers at Polling Locations 6:35pm 6. Rescheduled Discoveiy Day Street Fair 2022 Request 6:40pm 7. Approve Additional American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) Funding 6:SOpm 8. Discuss Select Board Meeting Times 7:20pm ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournrnent 7:30pm The Select Board meeting packet is typically available at least one business day in advance of the meeting:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ Meinbers of the public can view the meeting webinaN fNo�n their computer or tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: http s://us 06web.zo om.us/j/85 825054883?pwd=L004Z GtKanZ S UUpwS m45UElYajAxZz09 iPhone one-tap: +13126266799„85825054883# or+16469313860„85825054883# Telephone:+1 312 626 6799 or+1 646 931 3860 or+1 929 436 2866 or+1 301 715 8592 or+1 346 248 7799 or+1 669 444 9171 or+1 669 900 6833 or+1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 858 2505 4883 Passcode:309784 �An Act Relative to Extending Certain State of Emergency Accomodations:https://v��vw.mass.gov/the-open-meeting-law The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Select Board will be held on Monday,August 15, 2022 at 6:OOpm via remote participation. Hearing Assistar�ce Devices Available on Request �� ���� flll agerrda titne and the om'er af items are appivximate ana' .tubject ro ehange. Reeorded by LezMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Select Board Members LR.1 SUMMARY: Under this item, Select Board Members can provide verbal updates, as well as comment on any additional points and concerns. There are currently no written updates for the August 8, 2022 meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Accept Fund Terms - Williams Family Fund PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair C.1 SUMMARY: The Select Board is being asked to accept the terms of the Willia�ns Family Fund, which wi1]be managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts. The fund will be used to award monetary grants to Lexington based organizations in the fields of arts and conservation. SUGGESTED MOTION: To accept the teims of the Williams Family Fund, which will be managed by the Trustees of Public Trusts. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� �V����u�ur�1C�ard�uuVgr f�"u��nad �"c^r� JF�7z;��u�a M[�a�a,n7�l Mr.Alan Fields Chairman Town of Lexingtan, MA Trustees of Pub[ic Trusts Susan McClert�enfs This letter is to set the terms of the Wiiliams Family Fund. ', 1. The Trustees will hnld and invest the fund as part of the Endowrnent fund administered by the '', trustees for the benefit of the town qf Lexington 2. The 7rustees, each year,shall transfer 20%of the income and all capital gains ta principle p � ^ 3. By signing this letter,we acknowledge that any contributions tn the WElliams Farnily�und are irre�ocable and any changes to th�terms af the fund must be a�proved by the�'rustees of � Public Tr�tsts and/or the seiect board of Lexington or fh�ir successors. F 4. Periodically, but not necessariiy�very year,the Trustees will award monetary grants to 1 � Lexington based orga�izations. Examples might incl�de: Citizens for Lexington Gonservation, Lincoin Park Nat[�re Area, Chiesa Farm Trust, l.exington Symphony, and the Mor�roe Cet�ter for the Arts. 5. The Trustees wiil allow irt�ut from Da�id &Linda Williams,their children, Kiml�erly Zanin,Todd Wi!]iams and Trevor Williams as Inng as tF�ey are wiiling and able to offer input. lf inemhers of th�family notecf are not interested or available,The Trustees of Public Trust mernk�ers will I�ave tf�e income from the fund to use for or�anizatians noted as fihey s�e apprapriate. p p �: � � w 1F � � F: _: , " � ��'���'� � �.�...�.r �% � c` ��J �=2.�1..Q.� c:�.u�--Ss � � David WiEliarr7s Linda Williams �;f.��/:.�a:�� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Request for Deferral of Water and Sewer Payment PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair C.2 SUMMARY: The resident of 21 Leonard Roac1 has submitted an application for deferral of the water and sewer payments. Real Estate deferral was granted by the Board of Assessors on May 10, 2022 for FY2022. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the deferral of FY2022 water and sewer payments far 21 Leonard Road. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Treasurer's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� !'a�a�(na�tii�urt f�nn�ai�v�r��d�t�fren��uu�n���,a35,a°��cr�^�ym�n�..�'l..l ILec�ot�r:����'a��cll �6a�➢c���*Ml��t�n-i�aC TOWN OF LEXINGTON APPLICATION FOR DEFERRAL OF WATER andJor SEWER PAYMENT (M.G.L. Chapter$3; SECT. 16G & Chapter 40; SECT. 42J) Unly tl�ose ir�dividuals deferr-ing some o�•all of tl�eir�r•eal estate taies for the cu�•rent fiscal year are eligible for tl�is deferral. Deferral type requested:Watei — Sewei _.'Both � Narne(s)of Record Owne�/���",. 4:�'. �,,��a-"�l,.U:�.I�.C'.�. k Name of Applicant...... ............ ,,,,. Location of Real Estate upon which Water/S er efe 1 is c aime�i.......... ..............................�.. .�,:-'�:+� �` �K. ��,..,.�,./�/�-�L-~��� Has a Real Estate Taac Deferral applicat}'qn been filed fo�this propert�or tlie current fiscal year? ��(1 p�... --�QY'f/�X _ �Yes�No Date filed j 1( LO•�-�'' ��a�`-����' �, �L�_ � n � , � SUBSCRIBED THIS .��ay of. ��L.� , 2(�^�NDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY �`. Gt,.�.��ZD2�l.- 1 i"-- r-----ry SIGNATURE(APPLICANT) .......... ...... ... . ... . . .... ................... . MAILINGADDRESS ...::"�-.C...�.'�!...�".�^.=.��......,,�``,,,p.!9;-�j. .�-�?-;,��,�„!tr;j'Xa,�..n,_ Wtr,�}- '�' _ . THIS SPACE FOR ASSESSORS' RECOR?) ONLY Properiy Location o�t.�d?��C.�:�.�� Parcel ID._._��'...��..._..._.. . ,.,, . ,. . Date Real Estate Deferral Granted ...�.�..�.1a.�.....'�'..�..:. For Fiscal Year.�.U�...... Pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 83 Sect. 16G and Chapter 40 Sect. 4?J this application for deferral of water and/or sewer charges is GRANTFL7 DENIED Select Board Date ............., 20..... . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair C 3 SUMMARY: The Select Board is being asked to approve the Juty 18, 2022 Select Board meeting minutes. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and release the Select Board meeting minutes of July 18, 2022. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� ]f�llt�'a�"ll'Q�"7i��G�l:7�se�c,c;d V��cuu�ai ]��n;�,�u�a iWW�a���,n�i�l i SELECT BOARD MEETING July 18,2022 A reinote participation ineeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:01 p.m. on Monday, July 1$, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Mr. Pato, Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback,Executive Assistant. Ms. Hai stated that the ineeting was being conducted via Zooin as posted, with the agenda on the Town's website. PUBLIC COMMENTS Robert Pressman,22 Locust Avenue,requested that the next Chief Equity Officer be a inember of the senior inanageinent team. SELECT BOAl2D MEMBER CONC:ERNS& LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns& Liaison Reports Ms. Hai noted that the Board would like to be kept apprised of any progress toward Ms. Duffield's replacement. She also noted that Mr. Lucente and Mr. 5andeen are conducting interviews for the Select Board appointee to the School Building Cominittee relative�to the High School project. Ms. Hai stated that Senatar Friedman made a�n earmark for the Town for$1.75M in transportation improvements, as well as funding for the expansion of the Blue Bike program. Mr.Pato noted that the Tree Committee is looking to bring a warrant article to the next Town Meeting. DOCUMENTS: Select Board Concerns and Liaison Reports -July 14,2022 TOWN MANAGER REPORT Mr.Malloy sta'ted that the HDC approved a Certificate of Appropriateness to inove the Hosmer House from its current location to a loca�ion on Waltham 5�treet. The proponent will still need to go befare the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board.He also noted that the Massachusetts Avenue project regarding u��ilities switching poles is underway and he will continue to keep on top of the progress. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Select Board Committee Resignation To accept the resignations of Dan Koretz, Stu Smith,Joe Campbell,and Vicki Blier froin the Noise Advisory Coinmittee effective immediately. DOCUMENTS: Resignation Letter-M. Talal VOTE:Up�n a in�tic�n duly made and secc�nde;d,by r�ll call, the Se;le;ct B�ard vote;d 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda. ITEMS FOR LNDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2022 Primary ancl State Elections- Vote and Sign Warrant for Primary Election and Eariy Voting Location ancl Hours for Primary ancl State Elections i VOTE:Up�n a in�tic�n duly made and secc�nde;d,by r�ll call, the Se;le;ct B�ard vote;d 5-0 to approve and sign the September 6,2022 State Priinary Election Warrant. Further,tc�approve the designation of the Cary Memorial Building as Lexington's early voting location for the Septeinber 2022 Priinary Election far the following dates and times: • Saturday,August 27,2022 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM • Monday,August. 29,2022 $:30 AM TO 4:30 PM • Tuesday,August 30,2022 8:30 AM TO 7:00 PM • Wednesday,August 31,2022 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM • Thursday September 1,2022 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM • Friday, Septeinber 2,2022 8:30 AM TO 1:00 PM Further,tc�approve the designation of the Cary Memorial Building as Lexington's early voting location for the Noveinber 2022 State Election for the following dates and times: • Saturday, October 22,2022 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM • Monday, October 24,2022 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM • Tuesday, October 25,2022 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM • Wednesday,October 26, 2022 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM • Thursday, October 27,2022 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM • Friday, October 28,2022 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM • Saturday, October 29,2022 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM • Monday, October 31,2022 4:30 AM TO 4:30 PM • Tuesday,November 1,2022 $:30 AM TO 7:00 PM • Wednesday,Noveinber 2, 2022 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM • Thursday,November 3,2022 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM • Friday,Noveinber 4,2022 8:30 AM TO 1:00 PM DOCUMENTS: 2022-09-06 Primary Warrant, TownClerkRequestlettertoSelectBoard-EarlyVoting 2. Appointment of Election Officers for 2022-2023 Mr. Pato an�d Ms. Barry recusec�themselves firom this item. VOTE:I7pan a in�tic�n duly xnade and secc�nde;d,by r�ll call, the Se;le;ct B�ard vote;d 3-0 to approve the list of election officers for the period of September 1,2022 through August 31,2023 as recommended by the Town Clerk and Registrars of Voters as presented in the meino dated June 14, 2022. DOCUMENTS: Meino—appoint�nent of Election Officer Candidates 2022-2023 3. Vote to Authorize Town Manager to Execute Regulatory Agreement for Low Income Units for Waterstone at Lexington, 53-55 Watertown Street Ms. Hai explained that the agreements are between the Town, the State Deparhnent of Housing and Cominunity Development(DHCD) and Lexington Senior Housing Owner LLC. DHCD has reviewed and approved the agreeinents, as has Liz Rust,Regional Housing Services Officer. Mr. Sandeen noted that he hopes this can be made a priarity, as he has received requests froin many residents regarding interest in the low-income units.Ms. Hai asked that information on this item be added to the Town website. VOTE:Up�n a in�tic�n duly made and secc�nde;d,by r�ll call, the Se;le;ct B�ard vote;d 5-0 to approve the regulatory agreeinent between the Town of Lexington,Departinent of Housing and Community i Development and Lexington Senior Housing Owner LLC as attached and further to authorize the Town Manager to execute the regulatory agreement. DOCUMENTS: Regulatory Agreement 4. Review Vision Zero Traffic Safety Plan Assistant Planning Director, Sheila Page, introduced Environmental Partners: Margot Schoenfelder, Project Manager and Jim Fitzgerald,Director of Transportation. Ms. Schoenfelder explained that Vision Zero is a strategy to eliininate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries but doing so in a manner that also proinotes safe,healthy,and equitable inobility for all users. Vision Zero proposes that traffic injuries and deaths can be prevented by taking a proactive approach that prioritizes traffic safety as a public issue. Designers and policymakers should iinprove infrastructure and policies to lessen the severity of any crashes that do occur. A multidisciplinary approach in which engineers,planners and policymakers wark together,is necessary to achieve these goals. The Safe Streets and Roads for All program was established under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and it's being administered through the US DOT at the federal level.I't supports initiatives that are made at the local and regional level,but not at the State level,to prevent fatalities and serious injuries.It runs through fiscal years 2022 to 2026,with$1B being allocated each of�those five years. The goal of developing the Town's Vision Zero plan now is to allow the Town to apply for grant to fund a top priority project that aligns with the action plan. Ms. Schoenfelder reviewed a preliininary lis�t of strategies that have been identified,including infiastructure changes,intersection improvements at critical locations,potential corridors that could be used to impleinent a road diet to expand bik�/ped infrastructure,and establishing a bike network for those that aren't comfortable traveling arl high-speed roadways. She explained tihat the action plan will be finalized next month,the Board's approval will be sough�t at�the end of August, and the deadline for applying to the grant is September 15,2022. Ross Morrow,Assistant Town Engineer,noted that data from the past two years has not been included in this Plan,but it will be updated if�the project is approved and funded for the first year. Mr. Sandeen noted that many communities that have adopted Vision Zero,have had their traffic death rates have increase. There are,however,notable success stories. Hoboken,New Jersey,for example,has four years without any traffic fatalities. His recoinmendation is to spend time talking to communities that have had successes and cominunities that have had failures. In response to a ques�ion from Mr. Sandeen,Ms.Page explained that this Plan will essentially feed into the Bike/Pedestrian Plan. This document focuses on what exists now,whereas the Bike Pedestrian Plan will focus on what currently exists and where the Town wants to ga Mr. Sandeen asked that the Plan focus on iinproving the percep�ion of safety, as much as safety itself. Mr.Pressinan, 22 Locust Avenue, asked if this Plan would address the following issues: along Marrett Road persons jogging in the narrow bike lane towards traffic approaching at 40 miles an hour, and trees entirely leafing out a sign warning of an upcoining crosswalk Also,when turning right from Mass Ave onto Miriam Street, shrubbery that entirely blocks vision of bike riders in the bike trail. Mr. Morrow explained that Marrett Road is a State highway and, thus,the State is in charge of its maintenance.Part of the Vision Zero Plan does have an element of education as to how travelers should behave. Trimming around the signs could be part of regular Town maintenance. DOC"UMENTS: Vision Zero Traffic Safety Plan update presentation i 5. Upclate on Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue 25% Design Mr.Morrow explained that the survey wark and existing conditions plan have been completed. The consultant,VHB,has been warking with that plan to design corridars and different alternatives far the roadways themselves.A business stakeholders ineeting was held to get input from local businesses along the corridors to see which direction they thought the project should go. A traffic analysis showed that the weighted full build out would add 3,000 extra trips per day. The roadway network started to f'ail, even with the proposed iinproveinents, at approximately 60%of that build out.All of the alternatives looked at pedestrian and bicycle inobility. One of the major issues is that as the percentage of the developinent increased,backups onto 95 also increased. Mr.Morrow explained that the current scope for the consultant looks at the southbound offrainps only. A roundabout or traffic signal design helped slightly,but not enough. Thus, one of the options being considered is a full interchange study, including the northbound ramps. This is currently being considered by MA DOT. As another option,VHB is asking if the Town has any inYerest in allowing for residential uses in the Hartwell and Bedford Street corridor.Another option includes allowing multifainily housing on HartwelL If 40%of the buildout were to be residential, the volumes could work on the current design alternatives. Other options include unbundling parking, as paying for parking is of'ten a inotivator for people to find alternative transportation. Finally,creating an alternate offering from the highway could be great far the traffic netwark but has a number of cons as well. Mr.Pato stated that he believes multifamily housing should�be allowed, although the 40% recommendation inay be too high. He is skeptical regarding charging for parking in this area which is not readily serviced by Mass Transit. He would like to further explore the option to create an alternative route froin the highway. Ms. Barry agreed with Mr. Pato regarding multifamily housing at Hartwell and charging far parking. She stated that she is also interested in hearing more about an alternative highway ramp project. She suggested looking into this option with MIT Lincoln Labs. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen regarding the Transportation Management Plan,Mr.Morrow confirmed they are working with the Town of Bedford. Mr. Sandeen agreed with his colleagues regarding the multifamily housing and charging far parking items. He suggested that the value of free parking be provided as an incentive or a payment to people who take public transporta�ion,ride their bikes,or walk. Mr. Lucente agreed that he agrees there some multifamily housing should be allowed but does not believe 40% should be a target. He is not in favar of charging for parking but is interested in explaring the alternative rainp option. Ms. Hai stated that she believes multiuse zoning should be considered in many places around Town as a functional inatter. There needs to be a balance between traffic reduction and the viability to inake a vibrant community center. In tenns of charging far parking, she stated that aggressive transportation demand management requires robust alternative transpartation options. She does not see this occurring in this area. She is interested in the alternative rainp concept.It was noted that the Board would like this infonnation to be brought to the EDAC for their input. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen,Ms.Page stated that the Town needs to advocate far buses and public transportation to be increased in Town. i Bridger McGaw,Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member and Economic Developinent Advisory Cominittee member, stated that he is supportive of inixed-use housing in this corridor. He explained that he would like for the Town to consider where workers will be coming froin and how they want to commute into the future. DOCUMENTS: Meino to Select Board,25%Design Presentation 6. Discuss Updates to Town of Lexington Application for Board or Committee Membership Ms. Hai explained that Ms. Duffield suggested a series of self=identification questions be included on the application,in arder to further the Town's ability to continue tracking its progress against the goal of increasing the diversity of representation ainong appointed residents. Ms. Barry asked who will have access to this information when submitted. She expressed that these types of questions should not be tied to the cominittee application process. Mr. Malloy stated that this infonnation would be used internally and reported back to the Board in total terms only. Mr. Lucente stated that he believes seeking the proposed self=identifying information in a committee application may make some applicants uncomfortable. He suggested an annual survey of boards and committees for such information. Mr.Malloy affirmed that an annual survey could be performed. Mr.Pato stated that,as long as this is purely voluntary, that the information will be used for statistical analysis,and that any reports fiom the Equity Officer only contain aggregated infonnation,he would suppart going forward with this on an annual Request far Information basis. The Board agreed to table this item to a later review once a new Chief Equity Officer is hired and has had an opportunity to come up to speed. DOCUMENTS: Potential Equal Opportunity and Diversification Questions for Board/Committee Application 7. Review and Approve Participatory Budgeting Sean Dugan,Public Information Officer, explained that participatory budgeting is a deinocratic process in which there's a set amount of money put aside for the corrnnunity to directly decide how those funds are spent. In Lexington, $500,000, of Ainerican Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)funds are available for this process. There are certain criteria that inust be met, such as a project that benefits the public,a one-time expenditure of$500,000 or less,a capital project,the project cannot require the Town to hire additional staff to iinplement,and it has to be iinplemented by the Town on Town property.For six weeks, the community will be able to submit project ideas.In September and October staff will review the proposed ideas, and the public will be able to vote in Noveinber. Mr. Lucente suggested a shart YouTube video to explain the process to the public. Also,postcards could be handed to those doing early voting. The Board asked Mr. Malloy to verify if the software can ensure that only one vote per eligible voter can be submitted. Additionally,they Mr. Malloy to check that the software can accept multiple eligible votes froin one IP(Internet Protocol) address. DOCUMENTS: Presentation-Participatory Budgeting i 8. Upclate on Stone Buiiding Re-Use Recommenclations Mr.Malloy reviewed his recominendations far action regarding the Stone Building. He explained that the Stone Building Feasibility and Reuse Cominittee Report issued in May provided a recominendation that the building be renovated to provide space for one or more of the following items: an intercultural center, a Racial Social Enviromnental Justice Center,history museum, 21st century Lyceuin, and/ar branch library. The Board of Trustees has already agreed that they are not interested in a branch library at this point in time. There is a question as to whether the building will be managed as a Town function,or whether it would be leased to a nonprofit or other entity that would manage the building. There is also a question as to who needs to be responsible to oversee the renovation,preservation, and management of the building, and coardinate the request for proposal process. There was a recommendation that a coardinator be hired to inove the project forward and lead the efforts as described. Mr.Malloy explained that any wark on the building would require the Town to follow all public procurement and bidding requirements.Next week,Mike Cronin will sit with Marilyn Fenollosa, Cominunity Preservation Committee (CPC) Chair,to discuss�the poten�ial of CPA funding far this project. The Town would likely seek funding for the design wark at the 2023 Town Meeting. The Town would then pursue construction costs far capital iinprovements at the 2024 Town Meeting. This would likely include constructing an interior fire escape and accessible bathrooms,all in a space in the back of the building.It is hoped that an opening would occur soinetiine in 2025. He recommended that the Town seek an external entity to operate the facility/use selected and use an RFP to rate proposed uses. Jeff Howry, 5 Bennett Avenue, stated that the Stone Building Feasibility and Reuse Committee recominended partnering with a nonprofit tihat would take over,not only the rendering of the building,but the actual contracting and oversight of the whole renovation process. Mr.Pato expressed concern regarding the role of a coardinator for this project. He also noted that the Stone Building Feasibilitq and Reuse Cominittee clearly recommended a use of this building as a 21 st century Lyceum,as the umbrella direction for the future. The building tivould fulfill that role,no inatter what the other elements were. Mr. Lucente expressed concern that there is not yet a champion for this project. Mr.Malloy noted that his intention is to do a lot of public relations work to find the right party to become involved with the project. Mr. Sandeen stated that he would like to see someone champion the idea of the space including a 21 st century Lyceum,Racial and Social Enviromnental Justice Center,intercultural center, and history museum,as these all seem highly interrelated and supportive of each other. Cristina Burwell, 6 Albeinarle Avenue, explained that the Monroe Center far the Arts has the ability to have a lot more space for rental incoine. The rent revenues,along with fundraising,helps keep the manageinent and the maintenance of the building feasible. This may be a inare difficult issue when exploring a nonprofit and a smaller space at the Stone Building. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street and Chair of the Tourism Coinmittee,agreed with the cominents about finding a chainpion and the interplay of this project with tourisin. Mr.Pressinan, 22 Locust Avenue, asked if there will be funding expended on the design of this project, prior to knowing whether there is a nonprofit, or other entity,willing ta undertake the project and see to its funding. Mr.Malloy explained that during the initial design period, an end user would be sought,who would hopefully be selected before the end of the design wark, so that any speci�ic needs they had would i be incorparated in the final design. This would occur prior to going back to Town Meeting to seek construction funding. Paul Smyke, 633 Massachusetts Avenue, explained that the Committee felt a very close link between the history of the building, and the very real contemporary issues that the country is facing right now. The proposal is to give a rebirth to this building and connect it to history and to the present in a way that very few other structures in the Town of Lexington can currently do. Ms. Hai agreed with meeting with CPC on this item. She feels the building needs to be brought up to code and modernized,while also deciding what the end use will be and who will champion the project. DOCUMENTS: Meino on Stone Building, Stone Building Final Report 9. Discussion Regarcling Select Board In-Person Meeting Participation and Location Ms. Hai stated that she would like each of the Board Members to submit their written coinment to the Select Board office far Ms.Katzenback cuhninate feedback on ineinber needs and provisions to be willing to participate in meetings in person. ADO[1R1r1 Upon a motion duly Inade and secc�nde;d,by r�all call,the; Select Board voted 5-(�tc�adjc�urn the meeting at 8:57 p.m. A true record;Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recarding Secretary AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Resignation PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair C.4 SUMMARY: The Select Board is being asked to accept the resignation of Sara Arnold from the Transportation Advisory Committee effective iinmediately. On behalf of the Town of Lexington, the Select Board Members would like to extend their many thanks to Ms. Arnold for her time and service to the community. SUGGESTED MOTION: To accept the resignation of Sara Arnold from the Transportation Advisory Cominittee effective iinmediately. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ Il�c•ua;cdau:aiardb If c°ddG°d..Ki/�rdna,lldll V�a�;�tu[r C'm�f°at�Q°ui4�( Stacey Prizio From: Select Board Sent: Friday,July 29, 2022 12:20 PM To: Stacey Prizio Subject: FW: Resignation from the Transportation Advisory Committee From Sent: Friday,July 29, 2022 10:33 AM To:Select Board <selectboard@lexingtonma.gov> Cc: Susan Barrett<sbarrett@lexingtonma.gov> Subject: Resignation from the Transportation Advisory Committee USE CAUTION:This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not click links, open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender, you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from the Transportation Advisory Committee effective immediately. I have served on the committee for close to 35 years. Prior to that, I worked for the Town as the first Transportation Coordinator/Manager, getting Lexpress started in the late 1970s. Transportation is a critical part of a community's infrastructure, particularly for those who do not drive. It is my hope that Lexington continues to demonstrate its commitment to that segment of our population while recognizing the role that public transit plays in creating an inclusive community and in its increasing importance addressing climate change. I thank the Select Board for entrusting me to represent the Town in advocating for public transportation for so many years. Sara Arnold When writing or responding,please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential. 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Adjustments PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair C.5 SUMMARY: Water& Sewer Adjustments as recorrnnended by WSAB 7/14/22 ($13,379J0) Water& Sewer Adjustments as recommended by WSAB 5/5/22 ($2,797.18) SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the above Water& Sewer Adjustments as recommended by W SAB on May 5, 2022 and July 14, 2022. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: Treasurer/Collector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �4��;fla:fljl g�.�.�2 Q.:'dr�cr NGa:,vn�rc> FY 2023 4 �t�f � ADJUSTMENiS Td WATERJ SEWER £ AS RECOMMENDEp BY THE WATER AND SEWER ABASEMENT BOAR6 s x �g�, � �. �V" WSAB JULY 14,2022 SBIECT BOARD AUGUST 8,7022 V ur��rr � • • 0300693200 5A ASBUftY 37REET $ (24.24} $ 95.72 $ t19..98 1041068 2022 TbILE7 LEAK 03008283dp ?9 ftIJBINSpN ROAD $ _ (294.15�, 5______.j958.15�,_$ ��{1 252�,30� tp427@6 2Q22 TqILET LEAK 0300B9$20tl 67 BASKIN ROAU S 891,48 5 2 883.i6 3 774.64 1043817 2022 TOILF:T LEAK 03006A1900 7 ROLLING LANE S 664..98 $ 2 098.52 2 763.64 104q3Fi8 2022 TOILET LEAK p3pQ67500q 26 PATTERSON ROAd 5 439.39 $ 1 381.52 S 1 820.90 1040832 2022 7011.E7�EAK 0300880100 668 MARRETT RQAD 5 �1320 53.05 66.25 104365A 2422 TOI�ETLEAK 030074380D 24 GARFIELD STRFET 13473 438.d1 5 573.1A 1041764 2P22 BATHTUB LERK 0300919AOD 59 VALLEYFIEI.D STREE7 174.56 $ __530.03 $--_-,--j704:59]__------_1044101 2022 WATER HGATER LEAK-- O1p004920p 12CURVESTREET NA_�___ � NA�_.__._____ NA. ____,__. ,,,_____1034748 2p221FJTERESTqNLY __..__ 0200602G02 iD WESTWOpGf20AD $ 2304.42 $ $ 2304.42 162359P ?.022 IRRIGATIQNLFAK. S (A,9A1.14) $ (8,438.56) $ (13,379J0) It is the recommendatian o{the Water and Sewer Abatemenl Board rhat the Tawn Colleetor be autharized to waive interest rhat has accrued on the bills included herein,untess stated here otherwise,from the due date of the bill until 3Q calendpr days after the dpte of written nqtificalion to appNeont of the Seleehnen's action, THE SUM SET AGAINST THE ABOVE ACCOUN75 IS HEkEBY AOIUS7Ci7, WATER SEWER TOTAL $ (4,941J4} $ E8,q38.56) '�(13,37970} � � . F �,...��..,.,,.��,,..,�..„ � / ''+�\ „ ; t�r" �"" .w,w�W,...�......�....��.,�-.rw«.��.�.,...��. ��r. J',«+- DIBECTCiR OF PU6LIG WORKS SEl[CT BOAR6 $/$/2022 FY 2042 q�� ' ADJUSTMENTS Tp WATER/SFWER � AS REfOMMENDED BY THE WATER ANp SEWER ABATEMENT 60ARD `a�8 ��� ~ 3 WSAB MAY 5,2022 SELECT BOAR6 AUGUST 8,1022 �m�rr • �w . s 0104189100 20 INDFPENUENCE AVF $ (136.74 $ _{397.60� $,_____�528 341 ____mm__1032768 2022 TOILET LEAK______ tl100111804 5 EiRYAN7 ROAb $ 417.70 $ 1 312.93 $ 1 730.63 tp3i683 2022 TOILET LEAK 0100Q62602 84 INGLESIdE RQAD $ 46b.60 $ $ 460.60 1p30826 2022 MTR REPL ERftdR 0300658902 9 BATTLE GREEN ROAD $ 77.61 LL (77.G1 _�__ 1�25294 2022 IRk2 LEAK j (1,086.45) $ (1,710.53) � (2,797.1$) -------- ---� __�_�..------.�_.,_----.__._...,_._-----,..._._.......____....._-------...._.._._---_.__�...._.__.____...------._,__. It is the recammendation o€th�Water and Sewer Abatament Bpard that the Town Collector be authorized to woive inferest that has accrued on the bills included herein,unless stated here ath�rwise,from the due date of the bill until 3�calendar days after the daTe af written notification to applicant af the Selectmen's act&orr. THE SUM SET AGAINST T6iE ABCfVE ACCOUhJTS IS HEREBY ADJIESTED. WA7ER SEWER T4TAL $ (1,086.69) $(1,710.53) $(2,797.18) C� �..w�. .�,.i��� ���,���m���m�,�ro� �, �� DIRECTOR UF PUBLIC WORKS SELECT BOARD 8/8/2p22 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Liquor License - Change of Manager - Bertucci's Restaurants, LLC d/b/a Ber-tucci's, 1777 Massachusetts Avenue PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair I.1 SUMMARY: Bertucci's Restaurants, LLC d/b/a Bertucci's has submitted all the necessary paperworlc requesting approval for a Change of Manager on their All Alcohol Common Victualler Liquor License. The proposed manager, Randy Melnick, submitted a current Alcohol Awareness Training Certif'icate. The required CORI checic has been completed. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve Bertucci's Restaurants, LLC d/b/a Bertucci's application for a Change of Manager naming Randy Melnick as Manager and upon ABCC approval, issue an updated Liquor License to Bertucci's Restaurants, LLC d/b/a Bertucci's, located at 1777 Massachusetts Avenue reflecting the change of manager. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 6:lOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� 11�Cr�u7.4,�,n�.lliGpu�.a,u��lli1c,e�wc a°�r�.r.n�.��,n;Vtt�n7a�g,c,n�n�rplrica�i_n;�m ]��,n;�,�up IWW����n�i�l � The Commonwealth ofMassachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 239 Causeway Street Boston,MA 02114 www.mass.gov/abcc RETAIL ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES LICENSE APPUCATION MONETARY TRANSMITTAL FORM AMENDMENT-Change of Mana�er APPLICATION SHOULD BE COMP�ETED ON-LINE,PRINTED,SIGNED,AND SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL LICEN5ING AUTHORITY. ECRT CODE: RETA Please make$200.00 payment here:https://www.mass.gov/epav-for-anline-pavments-abcc PAYMENT MUST DENOTE THE NAME OF THE LICENSEE CORPORATION,��C,PARTNERSHIP,OR INDIVIDUAL EPAY CONFIRMATION NUMBER See attached__`� A.B.C.C.LICENSE NUMBER(IF AN EXI5TING UCENSEE,CAN BE OBTAINED FROM 7HE CITY) 04641-RS-0612 ENTITY/LICEN5EE NAME Bertucci's Restaurants, LLC ADDRESS 1777 Massachusetts Ave CITY/TOWN Lexington STATE Mq � ZIP CODE 02420 Far the following transactions (Check all that apply): � New License � Change of Location � Change of Class(�.e.Aonual/SeawnaU ❑ �hange Corporate Structure o.e.corPi��cl � Transfer of License � Alteration of Licensed Premises � Change of l.icense Type G.e.duti resca��anq � Pledge of Collateral ci.e.ucenseisrock) Q Change of Manager � Change Corporate Name � Chenge of Category(i.e.nll Alcoholnvine,n4alt) ❑ ManagemenUOperating Agreement Change of O�cers/ Change of Ownership Interest � IssuancelTransfer of Stock/New 5tockholder � Change of Hours � Directors/LLC Managers � (LLG Members/LLP Partners, Trustees) �Other Q �hange of DBA THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY MUST MAIL THIS TRANSMITfAL FORM ALONG WITH COMPLETED APPLICATION, AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS TO: ALCOHO�IC BEVERAGE5 CONTROL COMMISSION 239 CAUSEWAY STREET BOSTON, MA 02241-3396 � Tlie Carnmonwealth af Massachusetts ;�,f-., -.;..: Alcoliolic Beverages Co�ztrol Caininission - 239 Causeway Street,Br�stnn,lLIA;02Z14 - wwrv.n:ass.�au/abrc ' AMENDMENT-Change af Ma�na�er ��hange of License Manaaer 1. BUSINESS ENTITY INFORMATION Entity Name Municipality ABCC License Number Bertucci's Restaurants,LLC Lexington 04641-RS-0612 _�� 2.APPUCATION CONTACT The application contact is the person who should be contacted with any questions regarding this application. Name Title Email ! Phane �Y �1 P 9 � 9@ ' 's.com 508-351-2552� Chriss Wills O erations&Licensin Coa licensin bertucci � � 3A M,�4NAGER INFQRMATION The individual that has been appointed to manage and control of the licen5ed business and premises. Proposed Manager Name Randy Melnick �� Date ofBirth L��SSN [� _------ � Residential Address 35 hartwell st �j I Email �- � Phone ' � Please indicate haw many haurs per week last-Approved License Manager you intend to be on the licensed premises 50 plus , James Ross ""`8.CI IZ fV IP BACKGROUNa INFORMATION .re you a U.S.Citizen?� C�Yes C'No *Manager must be U.S.citizen If yes,attach one af the follnwing as proof of citizenship US Passport,Voter's Certi�icate,Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers. Have you ever been convicted of a state,federal,or military crime? (`y��s (:No If yes,fill out the table below and attach an a�davit providing the detaiis of any arrd all canvidions.Attach additional pages,if necessary, utilizing the farmat below. Date Municipality Charge � Disposition � 3C. EMPIOYMENT INFQRMATION i Please pravide yaur employment history.Attach additianal pages,if necessary, utilizing the format belqw. Start Date End pate Position Empioyer ; 5upervisor Name 9/13/1942 present Manager Bertuccis 'i Mike Emery � f ; 3D.PRIOR DISCiPLINARY ACTION � Have you held a beneficial ar financial interest in,or been the manager of,a license�to seil alcoholic beverages that was subject to disciplinary action? �^Yes (:No If yes,please fill out the table.Attach additional pages,if necessary,utilizing the format below. Date of Action Name of�icense State City Reason for suspension,revocation or cancellation i I ( f hereby swear under the poins and enahies of perj at[he information!have provided in Ithis applico#ion is true and occurote: Manager's Signature � Date _-�7� � ,,,•— i APPLICANT'S STATEMENT �� Brian Connell � the: �sole proprietor; � partner; �corporate principal; � LLC/LLP manager Authorized Signatory Of Bertucci's Restaurants,lLC Name of the Entity/Corporation hereby submit this application(hereinafter the"Application"),to the lacal licensing authority(the"LLA")and the Alcoholic Beverages Contro)Commission (the"ABCC"and together with the�lA collectively the"Licensing Authorities")far approval. I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the Application,and as such affirm that all staternents and representations therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: (1) 1 understand that each representation in this Application is material to the Licensing Authorities'decisian on the Application and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying documents in reaching its decision; (2) I state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises are in compliance with state and local laws and regulations; (3) I understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the licensing Authorities may result in disapprova)of the Application; (4) I understand that upon approval of the Application, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the ownership as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the �icensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is subrnitted; (5) I understand that the licensee will be baund by the statements and representations made in the Application, including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license; (6) I understand that all statements and representations rnade become conditions of the license; (7) I understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of the area used for the sale,delivery,storage,or consumption of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the�icensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licensing Autharities; (8) I understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and representations made in the Application may result in sanctions,including the revocation of any license for which the Application was submitted;and (9} I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted. (10) I confirrn that the applicant corporation and each,-individual listed in the ownership section of the application is in good standing with the Massachusetts Dep ment of Revenue and has camplied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes,, porting of employe and contractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. Signature: Date: '7 ���."L�r�_����� ,�._ Title: Sr VP CFO CORPORATE VOTE Bertucci's Restaurants,LLC The Board of Directors or LLC Managers af Entity Name duly voted to apply to the Licensing Authority of lexington and the ----� City/Town Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Cantrol Commission on May6,zp2z � Dete of Meeting For the following transactions(Check all that apply): Q Change of Manager � Other "VOTED:To authorize grian Cannell Name of Person to sign the application submitted and to execute an the Entity's behalf, any necessary papers and do all things required ta have the application granted." "VOTED:To appoint RandyMelnick Name of Liquor License Manager as its manager af record,and hereby grant him ar her with full authority and control of the premises described in the license and authority and control of the conduct of all business therein as the licensee itself could in any way have and exercise if it were a natural person residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." For Corporations ONLY A true copy attest, A true copy attest, Corporat 0 icer/L Manager Signature Corparation Clerk's 5ignature AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Liquor License - Change of Manager - Le�ngton Lodge #2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A., Inc., 959 Waltham Street PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Doug Lucente, Select Board Vice- Chair I.2 SUMMARY: Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A., Inc., has subinitted all the necessary paperwork requesting approval for a Change of Manager on their All-Alcohol Club Liquor License. The proposed manager,Audrey Martignetti, submitted a current Alcohol Awareness Training Certificate. The required CORI checic has been completed. SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A., Inc.'s, application for a Change of Manager naming Audrey Martignetti as Manager and upon ABCC approval, issue an updated Liquor License to Lexington Lodge#2204 B.P.O.E. of U.S.A., Inc., 959 Waltham Street reflecting the change of manager. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 6:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type L� �,AOs�r Il���uc�o f�a•�:ins�tOrnr��*c a�frirrie�ua Kg*,�n•���ato�•w�:tPe,n� �3°r;�lk��i�Ml�ua:P•c�f The Commonwealth of Massachusetts �� Alcohnlic Beverages Control Commission _.._..._:. 95 Fourth Street,Snite 3, Chelsea,111A OZI SO-2358 - __ wrvw.mass.gov/abcc RETAI�A�COHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE APPLICATION MONETARY TRANSMITTAL FORM AMENDMENT-Change of Mana�er APPUCATION SHOULD BE COMPIETED ON-I.INE, PRINTED,SIGNED,AND SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTHORITY. ECRT CODE: RETA Please make$200.00 payment here:ABCC PAYMENT WEBSITE PAYMENT MUST DENOTE THE NAME OF THE LICENSEE CORPORATI4N,LLC,PARTNERSHIP,OR INDIVIpUAI AND INC�UDE THE PAYMENT RECEIPT ABCC LICENSE NUMBER(IF AN EXISTING LICENSEE,CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITYj 00013-CL-0612 —� ENTITY/LICENSEE NAME Lexington Ladge#2204 BPOE ADDRE55 959 Waltham St. CITY/TOWN Lexington 5TATE Mq ZIP CODE 02421-$001� For the following transactions (Check all that apply): � New License � Change of�ocatton � Change of Class{�.e.nnnual/seasooaU � Change Corporate Structure t�.e.co�p i uq � Transfer of License � Alteration of�icensed Premises � Change of License Type t�.e.d�b i resca�ranU � pledge of Collateral(i.e ucenseistock) � Change of Manager � Change Corporate Name � Change of Cate9ory Ii.e.An q�cahoUwine,nna��) ❑ Management/Operating Agreeme�t Change of Officers/ Change of Ownership Interest Q issuancelTransfer of StocWNew Stockholder � Change of Hours 0 pirectors/LLC Managers � (LLC Members/L�P Partners, Trustees) �Other � Change of DBA THE LOCAL LICENSING AUTH{�RITY MUST SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION ONCE APPRaVEO VIA THE ePLACE PC}RTAL Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission 95 Foarth Street, Suite 3 Chelsea,MA 02150-2358 � The Commonwealth ofMassachusetts - ....-- Alcoholic Beverages Control Commissinn -- 95 Fourth Street,S'uite 3, Chelsea,MA 02150-2358 - www.mass.gov/abcc AMENDMENT-Change of Manager � �hange af License Manager 1. BUSINES5 ENTITY INFORMATION Entity Name Municipality ABCC License tVumber Lexington Lodge#2204 BPOE Lexington 0013-CL-0512 � 2.APPLICATION CQNTACT The applicatian contact is the person who should be contacted with any questions regarding this application. Narne Title Email Phone ..,..._.._�_._..__.....�.,.. ............ ._._. .._.�...� Robert Mahoney rustee � lexingtonelks@aol.com � 17-413-8508� ___.�� 3A. MANAGER INFORMATION The individual that has been appointed to manage and control ofthe licensed business and premises. Propased Manager Name Audrey Martignetti �� Date of Birth �'---�SSN C�_� Residential Address 13 Wadsworth Ave,Waltham,MA. 02453 Email Phone � � Please indicate how many hours per week Last-Approved License Manager you intend to be on the licensed premises 35 Gordon asgaod 3B. CITIZENSHIP BACKGROUND INFORMATION Are you a U,S.Citizen?* C�Yes (" No *�N(anager must be U.5.titizen If yes,attach one of the following as proof of citizenship US Passport,Voter's Certificate,Birth Certificate ar Naturalization Papers. Have yau ever been convicted of a state,federal,ar military crime? (`Yes {: No If yes,fill aut the table below and attach an affidavit providing the details of any and all convictions.Attach additional pages, if necessary, utilizing the format below. Date Municipality �harge Disposition 3C. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Please provide your employment history.Attach additional pages, if necessary, utilizing the farmat below. Start Date End Date Pasition Employer Supervisor Name 12/01/2021 Bar Manager Lexing#an lodge#2204 BPOE Christopher Cavanaugh 12/01f2019 11/30/2021 Bartender Lexington Lodge#2204 BPOE George Thompson 3p.PRIOR pISCIPLINARY ACTION Have you held a beneficial or financial interest in,or been the manager of,a license to sell alcoholic beverages that was subject to disciplinary action? r-•Yes (:Na If yes,please fill out the table.Attach additional pages,if necessaty,utilizing the format below. Date of Action Name of License 5tate City Reason for suspension,revocation ar cancellation I hereby swear under the p 'ns ond penalties of perjury chat mation 1 hnve provided in this application is true and curate Manager's Signature Date APPLICANT'S STATEMENT �, obert F.Mahoney the: �sole proprietor; � partner; 0 corporate principal; � �LC/LLP manager Authorized Signatory of Lexington Lodge#2204 BPOE Name of the Entity/Corporation hereby submit this application (hereinafter the"Application"),to the local licensing authority(the"LLA") and the Alcoholic eeverages Control Commission (the"ABCC" and together with the LLA collectively the "Licensing Authorities")for approval. 1 do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that I have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the Application, and as such affirm that all statements and representations therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further submit the following to be true and accurate: (1) I understand that each representation in this Applicatian is material to the Licensing Authorities' decision an the Applicatian and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying documents in reaching its decision; (2) I state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises are in compliance with state and local laws and regulations; (3) I understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the�icensing Authorities of any change in the information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in disapproval of the Application; (4j I understand that upon approval of the Application, l must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the ownership as approved by the licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; (5) I understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in the Application, including, but not limited to the identity of persons with an awnership or financial interest in the license; (6) I understand that all statements and representations made become conditians af the license; (7) I understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of the area used for the sale,delivery,storage,or consumptian of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior approval of the Licensing Authorities; (8) I understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and representations made in the Application may result in sanctions, including the revocation of any license for which the Application was submitted;and (9} I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted. (10) I confirm that the applicant corporatian and each individual listed in the ownership section of the application is in good standing with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and has complied with all laws of the Commanwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and cantractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. -�,.. --� Signature: ' �� Date: ''j_��'�-- ��L. Title: Chairman,Board of Trustees ENTITY VOTE Lexington Lodge#2204 BPOE 7he Board of Directors or LLC Managers of Entity Name duly voted to apply to the Licensing Authority of Lexington and the City/Town Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Cantrol Commission on 11/29/2021 -� Date of Meeting For the fallowing transactions (Check all that apply): � Change of Manager � Other "VOTED:To autharize Robert F.Mahoney Name of Person to sign the applicatian submitted and to execute an the Entity's behalf, any necessary papers and do all things required to have the application granted." "VOTED:To appOint udreyMartignetti Name of Liquor �icense Manager as its rnanager of record, and hereby grant hirn or her with full authority and control of the premises described in the license and authority and control of the conduct of all business therein as the licensee itself could in any way have and exercise if it were a natural person residing in the Commanwealth of Massachusetts." For Corporations ONLY A true copy attest, A true copy attest, / � � �,,, � � . � Carporate Officer/LLC M ager Signature Corporatian Cler s Sign re / I l . l�i/G�i:'�Gi.v 7��i�...�e !r"ZZ.�,�,'"` �� (Print Name) tPrint Name) AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Battle Green Flag Request - Manheim Township Police Department PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: O ffic er Mark S hivers, Manheim Township Police Department L3 SUMMARY: Mai•c Valenti, DPW Manager of Operations was contacted by Officer Mark Shivers, Manheim Township Police (PA)via einail seeking to get permission to fly a flag over our Battle Green. It would essentially be just raised, fly for a minute or two, then lowered or get a retired flag for the purposes of auctioning for the proceeds to support inaintenance of Fort Mifflin.All older flags previously flown over the Battle Green already have been properly disposed. Officer Shivers would provide the flag. The flag would be auctioned via a silent auction along with flags from other prominent historic locations (and ships) around the country and the proceeds would benefit the maintenance of Fort Mifflin(in Philadelphia, PA). SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve flying a flag over the Battle Green and providing it to Officer Mark Shivers of the Manheim Township Police Department to be donated for a silent auction to provide funding for the maintenance of Fort Mifflin in PA. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 6:20pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Voluntary Outdoor Water Use Restrictions PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Dave Pavlik, Superintendent of Water and S ewer I.4 SUMMARY: In order to maintain regulatory water pressure in Town to ensure delivery into homes and businesses and proper fire protection during this high use time frame the Department of Public Works requests that the Select Board institute a voluntary water restriction from August 9, 2022 to October 14, 2022. We urge residents and businesses to refrain from any outdoor water use between the peak demand hours of 5:30am— 8:30am daily. This includes restricting all irrigation and other outdoor landscape/turf watering, washing vehicles, rinsing driveways, filling pools etc. This is an annual request. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve a voluntary water restriction on any outdoor water use as recommended by DPW between the hours of 5:30am and 8:30am daily from August 9, 2022 to October 14, 2022. FOLLOW UP: Department of Public Works DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 6:25pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Assignment of Police Officers at Polling Locations ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Mary de Alderete, Town Clerk I.5 SUMMARY: Action is requested in response to the changes made to MGL Ch. 54, Sec. 72 which now charges the Select Board,rather than person in charge of the police force (Police Chie�, with detailing a sufficient number of police officers or constables for each polling location. The Town Manager, Town Clerlc and Town Counsel ha�e reviewed and the Select Board may delegate this requirement back to the Police Chief and that is the recommended action. The motion below has been reviewed by Town Counsel and the act that made the Change is Chapter 92, S ection 13 of the Acts of 2022 which reads: SECTION 13. Said chapter 54 is hereby further amended by strilciiig out section 72, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following section:- Section 72. The select board,board of selecnnen, town council or city council of each city and town, in consultation with its election officers and registrars, shall detail a sufficient number of police officers or constables for each building that contains the polling place for 1 or more precincts at every election therein to preseive order and to protect the election officers and supervisors from any interference with their duties and to aid in enforcing the laws relating to elections. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to designate the Police Chief, in consultation with the Town Manager and Town Clerk, beginnmg at the September 6, 2022 State Primary and all future elections, to assign specific police officers according to scheduling and availability, to provide a sufficient number of police officers, but not less than 1, in each polling location at every election therein, to preserve order and to protect the election officers and supervisors fiom any interference with their duties and to aid in enforcing the laws relating to elections, as required by Section 72 of MGL Chapter 54 as amended by section 13 of Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2022. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 6:35pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Rescheduled Discovery Day Street Fair 2022 Request PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Eric Michelson, President of Lexington Retailers Association L6 SUMMARY: The Lexington Retailers Association (LRA)has requested permission from the Select Board to reschedule the Discovery Day Street Fair, as the event in May was canceled due to inclement weather, to be held on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 10:00am to 3:OOpm in the following areas: . Massachusetts Avenue, from Waltham Street to Meriam Street(both sides); and . Depot S quare; and . Muzzey Street, from Massachusetts Avenue to the f�rst private driveway; and . Massachusetts Avenue, north-side sidewalk, from Edison Way to Waltham Street; and . Visitors Center lawn. They also request permission from the Select Board for the following: • Permission to erect a temporary sign on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway behind 1775 Massachusetts Avenue during the event for publicity purposes. . Providing fi-ee parlcing at the Central Business District parking meters, and not charge for parking in the Depot Lot on Discovery Day. Please see the attached letter from the Lexington Retailers Association dated July 7, 2022.A copy of the letter was given to the Town Manager's Office to review the request for the use of Emery Parl�, the placement of temporary signs for event publicity in Emeiy Park and the Center Business Dish-ict, a banner across Massachusetts Avenue, as well as the use of the Visitors Center lawn. With the implementation of the Massachusetts Avenue Banner Policy effective August 2019, the Lexington Retailers Association request for a banner will now be processed through the Town Manager's Office. Also, the Town Manager's Office did state that there is a large event happening on the same day at Hastings Park. The Police Department, Fire Department, Economic Development Office and Department of Public Works have reviewed the request with no concerns. The Health Depart�r�ent will work with the applicant to provide the appropriate permitting for the food vendors/booths. The applicant shall work with the Engineering Department regarding the Center Streetscape status at the time of the event. The One-Day Liquor License for the requested Beer Garden will be applied for by the requester at a future date. Eric Michelson, President of the Lexington Retailers Association, will be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions the Select Board may have regarding the request(s). SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to (approve* or not approve)restricting vehicular access in the following areas for the 2022 Discoveiy Day Street Fair to be held on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 6:OOam to S:OOpm: • Massachusetts Avenue, from Waltham Street to Meriam Street(both sides); and • Muzzey Street, from Massachusetts Avenue to the first private driveway; and • Massachusetts Avenue, north-side sidewallc, from Edison Way to Waltham Street. Move to (appNove* or not approve)permission to erect a temporary sign on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway behind 1775 Massachusetts Avenue during the event far publicity purposes. Move to (approve* or not approve) free parking at the Central Business District parking meters, and not charge for parking in the Depot Lot on Discovery Day. *and all approvals and locations are subject to modifications as mav be required by DepaNtment of Public Works, Public Safety, Public Health, Engineering and/or Town Manager up to the time of the event. FOLLOW UP: Select Board Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON ACENDA: 8/8/2022 6:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ 7uMl.'�:Au�c;�v�a�uy Il.��y Vt.rcpaiew,ll.ll�a 4;a,?ue:G:Bazdc�ai firu��trr➢Te;u T�pl? V'��a��.�a��I���aba,uital LEXINGTON RETAILERS ASSOCIATION 1780 Massachusetts Avenue 781 862-1034 July 7,2022 Select Board, Town of Lexington: Jill Hai, Chair Suzanne Barry Douglas Lucente Joseph Pato Mark Sandeen Dear Board Members, The Le�ngton Retailers Association(LRA)requests permission to reschedule the Discovery Day street fair on parts of Massachusetts Avenue,Depot Square,Muzzey Street and adjacent sidewalks in Lexington Center to Saturday October 8, 2022. As in our prior approved request for spring, the event would be held from l 0am—3pm,with street closures and detours running from 6am—Spm. In addition we request use of Emery Park and the Visitors Center lawn during the saine time period. We understand that both the Select Board and the Town Manager have permission granting jurisdiction, and we will work closely with town staff to submit all the applicable paperwork. We also understand that the event may be affected by both the Center Streetscapes construction, and any COVID related restrictions that could be in place at the time of the event. We will work with the Econoinic Development Office and Police,Fire,Public Worl�s,Engineering, Health and Transportation departments to ensure a safe event. The event area would be: Massachusetts Avenue, from Waltham Street to Meriam Street; Depot Square; Muzzey Street, from Massachusetts Avenue to the first private driveway; Massachusetts Avenue north-side sidewallc, from Edison Way to Waltham Street; Visitors Center lawn. During the event,the LRA will be placing portable toilet facilities in the event area, and temporarily converting four parking spaces at either end of the event to handicapped parking for the duration of the event. We also want to work with the DPW to provide temporary bike racks for the event. We will be returning to you far a temporary liquor license for a`Beer Garden",to be operated by a local business at the Massachusetts Avenue end of Muzzey Street. We will be requesting to serve at this location from 11:30am—3:30pm. For the purpose of event publicity we request permission to erect temporary signs at the following locations: 1) on Emery Parlc, starting May 13 and ending at the conclusion of the event; 2) in the center business district,but outside of the event area, during the event; 3) at the Bike-path,in the area by the crossover behind 1775 Mass Ave, during the event. We also request permission to: 1. Hang a Discovery Day banner across Mass Ave,in the same location as the"Election Day Toda�' banner. 2. Provide free parl�ing at the Central Business District parking meters, and not charge for parking in the Depot Lot on Discovery Day. As disappointed as we were to cancel the spring event,we are excited to reschedule for fall. After talking with the Town Engineering staff,it is possible that the Center Streetscapes project may be substantially completed and that this event could be an excellent opportunity to reintroduce everyone to the improved center. We look forward to working with you to make this a memorable day for evetyone. The enclosed page is designed to address questions you may have about Discovery Day. Sincerely, Eric Michelson,President Lexington Retailers Association Q &A—Discovery Dav 2022 - Saturdav October 8 Q. What will occur during Discovery Day? A. Discovery Day is a street fair, sidewalk sale, live entertainment and a way to "discover" the great things that Lexington has to offer. Q. What is the schedule for the event? A. The following is a tentative schedule: 6 a.m. Close the main area along Mass Ave. to public vehicular traffic Participants begin set-up 10 a.m. Participants open to public 11:30 a.m. Beer Garden opens 3 p.m. Participants close to public Participants breakdown and cleanup 3:30 p.m. Beer Garden closes 5 p.m. Event area reopened to public vehicular traffic Q. Who will be allowed to participate? A. Lexington retail and service businesses; Lexington community organizations; and Town of Lexington departments and committees Q. What will occur at the street fair? The Participants will be allowed to conduct the following activities: Businesses - promote their businesses and sell merchandise Communitv orqanizations- promote their organization (fundraise with LRA approval) Town Departments/Committees— promote their groups (fundraise with LRA approval) In addition, the LRA will provide family oriented entertainment. This may include, but may not be limited to live music performances and live dancing performances. Q. What is happening in Emery Park? Plans are still being made, but most likely an extension of the booth spaces for groups that have child-oriented displays and for other community organizations. Q. What is happening on the Visitor Center Lawn? Plans are still being made, but most likely an extension of the child-oriented displays and entertainment Q. What will the charges be to participate? A. Charges will be assessed to cover the expenses involved in promoting and implementing Discovery Day. Those expenses will include mailings, advertising, entertainment, rental costs, and town services, as examples. Businesses will be charged a set fee to participate. Lexington community organizations will be charged a highly discounted nominal fee, and Town of Lexington departments and committees will be allowed to participate for free. Q. What town services will be required? A. As in the past, we will work with the Police Department for detail officers required for street closures, detours, and security. In addition, the DPW assists with site set-up, recycling and rubbish bins, trash disposal and site cleanup. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Additional American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding ITEM PRESENTER NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager L7 SUMMARY: Attached please find the updated ARPA requests with the initial preferences of the Select Board. The Board had previously discussed approving those in which at least 3 Select Board members favored. There are a nu�nber of requests that ha�e "holds". The Senior Managers that have requests that have been held have been asked to be a�ailable should individual Board members have questions they'd hke to pose directly, so some of those items may be considered further. Please note that two changes from the original request are the electronic sign boards, the price has increased from$40,000 in the initial request to $43,600 which is reflected in the attachments and the second is the Town Clerk request for printing ballots, the Town Clerk has indicated that what was initially presented won't work, so she will continue to review options. In addition to the attachment noted above, the spreadsheet that includes all ARPA spending, includmg the items under consideration has also been included. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the ARPA requests for the following items: Electronic Sign Boards Bike Racks for E. Lexington P arklet Outside Shelter Increase Water Fountain Replacement at Center and Lincoln Parks F ire P ump er O verage Fire Hose Basketball Hoops 250th Website&Promotion ATV Ambulance (and any others the Board may vote to include) for the amounts shown on the attached. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 6:SOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ �+.qtV"Ft 4ra^,Vc^c;t Il�r�c�.9 Ilxiic,f4^uci:d�s�•�; Q;akvcr P�la^;�rc�a ❑ r"a➢t�',''a�1�s��eudaT S ir�c^r I`Jiia:,rnma � in v� � � _..0 vf v9 v5 _..0 _..0 w..� vr vt _::u 6'.:3 �':U �9 R::9 W W W W m��� W W W q W W m��� m..P � > > �' > } � �;7� l"U y y. } <� � 4'"� } y. tl� G;2� &'� y`°'. �"J' �;5� �... �::I �::: �::I �::I �::I � �:.I �::: �::I �:. �::: �:.Yi ".5i �5 �:.n "..n �:.Yi S.'.:n �'.5i m Vi N Vf t/1 N VI N tA N VI N II .� m...l � N N n u .� .II N W W W W W W W W W W W W "'•• "'• "'•• W W "'•• "'•• "'• "'• W � a > r a a a r a > a a � a:a e:b �a r � � � a:a a:� �. � �:: � �:: �... � �::: �:: fi�'9 �C:'4 �4 �':b fi.'� &::'4 �.'4 � �.".0 �'.9 �':t � �'S a � N � � � � � � �.c u u u u �..� u �.a u ..n u � u �.c _.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _ _.. _.. � } } } } } } } } � � � � � � � �� � �•�r' �' } � ��a �:.. �I::'� �::'� �I::'� �::'� � �::'� � �I::'� �::: �I::'� �:. 7G: vs �n uf v+ us vr �n �n vf �n uf �:tii �ii � �ii _""'.a9 IX.':b vs �9ii } } y y y y } } } y y �' �� } ��,,, N� �, Z y �; Z Z ^ �::I �::I �.. ..9::: �::� �:.. ti 0 o a � 3 z z p o 0 0 0 0 � � = z z z z = v -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 � ci ci ci rl N O! 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Lexington $ 7,200 New YES 5-Yes Center Economic Streetscape- Dev/DPW Parklet—needs to be replaced $ 75,000 planned for YES 4-yes FY23 Recreation Outside Shelters(Cost Increase) $ 75,000 New/Revised Cost YES 4-yes Recreation Water Fountain Replacement $ Z0,000 New YES 4-yes Center&Lincoln Fire Deparment Fire Pumper Overage $ 82,882 YES 4-yes Fire Deparment New Hose for Fire Pumper $ 18,109 YES 4-yes Recreation Basketball Hoops(7) $ 10,500 New YES 3-Yes 250th Committee Website and Promotion $ 40,000 New YES 3-Yes Fire Deparment ATV Ambulance $ 93,876 YE5 3-Yes $ 466,167 Economic Visitor Center/Tourism Study $ 75,000 New �°�W�I�I� 4-Hold Develo ment Recreation Benches&Storage Shed $ 40,000 New �°��I�I� 4-Hold New(may be Human Services Blue Bikes $ 263,�00 funded by �°��k�l� 4-Hold earmark Economic Store Fa�ade Improvement Develo ment Guidelines $ 100,000 New �'�I�I� 3-Hold Economic East Lexington Bike Path Develo ment Landsca e Im rovements $ 400,000 New �•���..I� 3-Hold Grant basis- Previously Recreation Sustainable financial aid efforts annual removed from �•���..I� 3-Hold amountTBD consideration Recreation Replace Carpeting TBD New I���..I� 3-Hold New-Fund portion that Human Services Lexpress Buses $ 827,562 MADOT ����"� 3-Hold n f n Fund portion if Human Services Uber Gift Cards $ 46,000 Mass Devlopment �•��°�..IC� 3-Hold Grant is received Human Services Welcome to Lexington Packets TBD New �°���I� 3-Hold High Expense/Operatio Broadband infrastructure to Pool $120,000- Recreation nal-Not initially and Old Res, Lincoln Field $225,000 recommended by SMT Parker/Robbins or IT Interactive Touch Monitors $ 20,000 Hudson Replace 1980's Town Manager First Floor Info Screen/Photos $ 10,000 static Human Resources Administrative Assistant $ 26,609 Replace fabric furniture in Recreation $ 75,000 New Communit Center 250th Committee Penny Imprint Machine $ 7,000 New Fire Deparment ATV Forestry $ 60,562 Fire Deparment Ambulance Replacement $ 400,000 Update 21st Century Select Board appearance+ Town Manager Meeting Room $ 500,000 technology for NO 4-no hybrid/remote Response Legend: YES= In favor to distribute ARPA funds for the project this round NO= Not in favor of using ARPA funds for the project HOLD= Include in future discussion for possible consideration of using ARPA Funds O O O N O O O O O O O O O I� �O O O O� O O O O O O O N �D O O O O O O u� O p m .ti O ti O O O O O O O �D W a O O O O I� O N O O ti a O Ot O O O O O vl O .-i O O vl O O vl' O W �/1 O ry V oJ' V' O W O vl O a M �-' rl N O O � � ti N a N lD rl N N N y m m �n c m m Vl N +A Vl V} N Vl N Vl Vl V} V� V1 Vx V1 1/T N Vf N Vl N +/� N V1 Vl N Vl N � v y 3 � � L C a+ C C � 3 O � 3 lYl1 � � Qj � E � O � p� - v � 'O in � O � � _6 O � "6 N £ S � v � a+ 9 - � a� -p N � � � � � L N � O � � O N Z � ° na .. 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The frrst Select Board meeting after Labor Day is on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/8/2022 7:20pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type ❑ Gic�Vuc°cicilr�arf�;c°�c°a,a��c�uuci��g,v;�undan�ar1Qd°1/rcrn�G��;<,sucrn�nN�°e,i:urng.xs. Vi�x2;Vc�u�s fV�aana;niEn( Current schedule of Select Board Regular and Work Session meetings SELECT BOARD MEETINGS TIME MEETING TYPE Mon,Aug 8, 2022 6:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon,Aug 15, 2022 6:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Wed,August 31, 2022 9:00 am Select Board Retreat Tue, Sep 6, 2022 7:00 p.m. Select Board Work Session or Joint Meeting � �., / , ,�/ ; �i � ,; ;'!� � ;;� '�� � � " �; : , �; �, , ; , . „€' Mon, Sep 19, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon, Oct 3, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting , � , ��;, „! � i f; ; , � �,/„r,, ; ' ; ", „ , ;; i i`� i � „ ; , . Mon, Oct 24, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Tue, Nov 1, 2022 6:00 pm Placeholder Select Board Meeting(possible STM) Wed, Nov 2, 2022 6:00 pm Placeholder Select Board Meeting(possible STM) Thu, Nov 3, 2022 6:00 pm Placeholder Select Board Meeting(possible STM) Mon, Nov 7, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting % ; , % � ; � i � !, � � , , � � / ,' ! ;; '/ � � � Mon, Nov 28, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting Mon, Dec 5, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting � "i / ; � r,,;; % , , �� � ; � � ,, . �i , i i � i �, � ,, ; , : , ; ; Mon, Dec 19, 2022 7:00 p.m. Regular Select Board Meeting