January 24, 2008
To: Board of Appeals
Re: 125 Spring Street- Patriot Partners /Shire
Freestanding Sign
At its regular meeting on January 8, 2008, the DAC was presented with modifications to the PSDUP
(approved by Town Meeting in 2004) for 125 Spring Street, by Patriot Partners /Shire. It should be
noted that the DAC is largely concerned about the proposed design as it relates to Building 200 and
adjacent parking facilities.
Building 400:
1. The siting and building design layout was reviewed and found to be acceptable.
2. The height of the proposed mechanical penthouse was reviewed and found to be acceptable and
there were no significant concerns with respect to the height of equipment ventilation stacks.
3. It was presented to the DAC that the future expansion space will not require additional
mechanical penthouse, an element that would become overbearing on the site if it were to
expand; the current design takes into account this additional lab area.
4. The proposed parking lotto the north of the building requires significant site grading. The
applicant is strongly encouraged to consider structure parking in this location to reduce the
impervious area, to centralize parking nearer the main entry, and to reinforce the notion of a
common courtyard space for all buildings which was expressed to be of concern. This parking
area should be considered as it relates to the concerns with Building 200 expressed below.
Site Issues & Building 200:
1. The DAC is very concerned about the impact the proposed parking lot for Building 200 has on
the site. While a large parking lot was approved at Town Meeting in the PSDUP, there have
been a series modifications made to the site plan that create an additional burden on the front
lawn facing Route 2.
a. The Gross Floor Area of the development has grown by an additional 60,000 SF since
the PSDUP was filed. While the net floor area may be the same as the PSDUP, there is
a great site impact.
b. Building 400 with it's expansion space has required more parking spaces be moved out
of the wooded area and into the front lawn.
c. Building 200 has rotated on the site in a way that doesn't allow for the same parking
spaces at the front of the building. This has increased the parking requirement on the
front lawn.
d. A "ring road" has been introduced around the development that increases the
impervious area and visual impact along the front lawn.
2. A parking structure in the "piano lot" would greatly reduce the impervious area of the site,
centralize parking, screen from public view and create a common entrance courtyard space the
applicant expressed an interest in creating for the building fronts.
3. Consideration needs to be given to the location of Building 200 and whether or not it should be
flipped with the proposed parking lotto help screen and centralize the parking.
4. The Town needs to work very closely with the applicant to determine the exact number of
parking spaces required, in an effort not to overbuild the site
Lexington Design Advisory Committee
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5. The office parks along Route 2 & 128 in Lexington are screened well and sensitively located
within their context. There are very few examples of large parking lots along the highway in
Lexington and the DAC feels this is a very dangerous precedent to set for future development
and specifically protect Route 2 as a gateway to and from the National Park/ Walden Pond, this
project is a good place to start.
1. There were no issues with the sign package as presented, except to say that internal illumination
is discouraged and if the signs are to be lit, light fixture cut sheets should be provided for
The Design Advisory Committee recommends Building 400 be approved with the above-mentioned
comments. As the next phase of development (Building 200 & parking lot) gets underway, the
applicant is strongly encouraged to work with the DAC, well in advance of upcoming Board of Appeal
Hearings, on developing a site design strategy that is more sensitive to Lexington's context.
Respectfully submitted,
Colin P. Smith AIA, Chairman
Lexington Design Advisory Committee
Cc: Board of Selectmen
Wendy Manz, Planning
Susan Yanofsky, EDO
Ed Grant, Attorney for Applicant