Meeting Minutes:
November 2, 2005
Colin Smith (Chair), Bruce Creager, John Frey, Betsy Whitman, Parker Hirtle, Gina Johnson
Colin Smith
Call to Order:
The special meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Colin Smith
Minutes of the October `OS meeting were approved.
General Discussions:
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Virginia (Gina) Johnson was introduced to the committee as a new member. Greg Zurlo
has filed an application with Lynne Pease for committee membership.
Center Walkwa, Desi . n (Carlson RE & Bank of America)
Carl Oldenburg presented his design for a new pedestrian walkway in place of the
existing driveway entrance. Additional seating, landscaping and the requirements for the
passage of emergency vehicles have informed the layout. It was discussed to reduce the
height of the granite curbing to 4" to make it more "pedestrian". The brick paving aligns
with the pattern along Massachusetts Ave., and although it was discussed to rotate it 90
degrees to minimize any wavy effect or breaks in the joints, an alternative would be to
rotate the pattern only along the 5' wide sidewalk. One freestanding light fixture is
proposed in the planter and it was discussed to provide wall sconces for additional
lighting along the Carlson Real Estate building. Carl expressed an interest in specifying
the same light fixture as was designed for Emery Park. Gina Johnson suggested Carl
contact Omni-Cite regarding the exact custom specifications. It was also suggested that a
trash receptacle be provided and ideally located away from any proposed seating.
John Frey had the following recommendations for the plantings and their maintenance:
Trees: Oxydendrum arboreum / Sourwood / 2" caliper (min), one stem / B & B specimen
Shrubs: Fothergilla major /Large Fothergilla / 2.5' height / B & B specimen
Hammamelis 'Arnold Promise' / Witchhazel / 3' height / B & B specimen
Small Shrubs: Fothergilla gardenii /Dwarf Fothergilla / 2' height / B & B specimen
Ground cover: Vinca minor /Periwinkle / 4" pot
Planting beds must be excavated and then backfilled with at least 12 inches of acid, peaty or
organic, moist, well-drained loam (tree pits to depth of root ball). pH 5.5 to 6.5. Fothergilla
prefers a similar, but somewhat sandy soil. Planting beds must be checked and/or corrected for
good drainage before backfilling.
Provision for regular waterin a.~ nd rigid maintenance schedule must be provided. Automatic
irri .anon system recommended. However, fallen leaves in the shrub and groundcover areas must
never be raked or blown, as it physically harms the plants. The leaves provide the best natural
mulch possible for the groundcover and will help establish a healthy, dense stand of vinca. Trash
should be picked out by hand.
Mass. Convienence (93 Massachusetts Ave.
This is the second time the DAC has reviewed this proposal and even though additional
information was provided it is still not the best way of addressing signage and visibility
for this store. The proximity of the tree makes a projecting awning problematic; the
proposed awning and the existing tree will significantly interfere with each other. The
awning as designed does not seem to be compatible with the existing building and will
make it look more disjointed and "cluttered" than it does now. It was suggested that any
new sign be similar to the non-projecting type already on this and adjacent buildings.
The Committee appreciates that the existing sign cannot be seen at all because of the tree;
the tree could be pruned somewhat (with permission of and supervision by the Tree
Warden), which might alleviate the problem, or a new sign could perhaps be installed on
the building to one side or another of the tree for better visibility. The applicant proposes
an internally illuminated sign which is not allowed under the sign by-laws.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:20PM.
Next Meeting:
Scheduled for Wed., December 7, 2005 @ 7:30PM.
Cc: Board of Selectmen
Planning Board