HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-17-CAC-MIN Communications Advisory Committee Minutes for April 17, 2008 6:30PM Cary Hall Estabrook Hall Present: Members Jeanne Canale, Chair; Dave Becker, Dave Buczkowski, George Burnell, Maria Kieslich, Ken Pogran, Linda Roemer, John Rommelfanger;. - Ed Vail Recording Secretary, Guests: Adam DiFilippo, Verizon, Florence DelSanto, Alan Lazarus, LexMedia; Not Present: Jim Gonzalez, Tom Steel, RCN. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. 1) Draft Minutes February 21, 2008. Media Item C. – “The next CAC meeting”, Item 3. Free for existing customers. Discussion: Boxes leased, Jill said that Verizon will provide set top boxes for free. Basis? Existing customers, existing customers with/services/equipment? ACTION ITEM: Clarify “free”, converters vs. set top boxes’ ”. Minutes: MSV. 2) Comcast Report-Jane Lyman 1. Amendment via email. Received, Sub-committee needs to meet and discuss. 2. Techs met at Kline Hall, went through install scenario. Fiber PEG Channels to their head end, outlets placed as desired. 3) RCN Report-Tom Steel Tom wasn’t present – no report 4) Verizon Report-Jill Reddish Adam DeFillo represented Jill. Linda raised MATV (Master Antenna) issue, to Verizon, Any agreements exist, ex: Muzzy, that he was aware of? 5) LexMedia Report Florence is busy, Kline construction proceeding, Verizon, Comcast invited in to check connections, RCN scheduled, CAC invited to visit, view website. Line for Patriot’s Day Parade outside Cary. Improvements in switching in Selectman’s Meeting Room, Using RFID chips for inventory, proceeding. Florence asked what to do with obsolete/broken Equipment: A: Direct issue to contract signer; Carl Valente. Dave Becker asked when they would receive the $200K for construction. A: As spent. Issue: will exceed Town Meeting limit, needs Selectman’s vote to increase amount. ACTION ITEM: Maria will send draft email request to Jeanne 6) Chairman’s Report 1. $50 bill for Avalon Bay reviewed, also Kline Hall insurance application. 2. RCN Counsel – Verizon Customer Service competing providers 3. Public Hearing Notice – Comcast Basic Tier equipment and rates. 4 Financial Reports: PEG and Cable distributed and reviewed 5. Steve Blumenthal: CAC Membership vote next meeting. 6. Jim Gonzalez traveling, heavy current workload, OK w/Committee. 7) Committee Selectman Liaison Report - Liaison not present – No report. 8) LexMedia Subcommittee - Contract renewal – address -6-7 major issues/recommendations. Timing discussion: Dates alignment not needed. Recommend 1 year extension, start spring 2010. RFP/etc. discussion: will need public hearing. ACTION ITEM: Linda to meet with LexMedia, develop a schedule 9) Wi-Fi Update - John/Ken: Updating WiFi Report; will have a draft for the next meeting. 10) Cable Financial Reports - Dave Becker reviewed the LexMedia Summary Report, Operations and Payment Status. Committee is OK with nearest $1K level of detail. RCN payment is overdue; Dave called to remind them. ACTION ITEM: Dave to give Jeanne the amount; Jeanne will request that interest be included. 11) Negotiation Subcommittee Update - The Subcommittee looked at actions for each operation. Comcast- having difficulties developing wording acceptable to them; Subcommittee will have to meet again to review further. RCN: Develop position by end of year, looking for list of possible unmet town needs that can be included. (Continue March Discussion) 12) -Digital Television Transition/Communicating to residence (10 min): Opportunity to communicate with residents, get facts. Outreach to non-cable customers who will need help; newspaper, town website.Estimate 2K over-the-air households. Questions: What is the full spectrum of choices available to residents? Dave Becker passed out a draft information piece to the Committee for feedback. 13) Wireless Report a) Wireless Application Updates: four Applications announced but not received: 750 Marrett Rd, 2 Morgan St, 119 Wood Street, 40 Hartwell Ave. 6 Meriam St. Initial Application received and initial Wireless Subcommittee feedback supplied’ revised Application not received. b) Draft procedure for handling Wireless Provider modifications to their existing facilities (working with Dave George at the ZBA) : No activity. Two variations in types: adding antennas and replacing existing antennas with newer technology ones. c) Bylaw Update Status: No activity. All individual Town Staff stakeholder interviews have been held. ACTION ITEM. Ed to request an Information agenda item on an upcoming ZBA meeting. d) Antenna Sites Status: No activity. ACTION ITEM. Ed to follow up w/Dave George, ZBA, on the status of the summer intern and the Town RFP on enhanced GIS capability. 13) March Complaints Linda Roemer - None Received John Rommelfanger is the April Complaint contact. Meeting adjourned at 8: 25 PM Next Meeting May 15, 2008