HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-26-RB-minMinutes of the May 26, 2022 Retirement Board meeting: Present: Robert Cunha, Joseph Foley, Alan Fields, Frederick Weiss, Carolyn Kosnoff, Marguerite Oliva, and Jim Condon Absent: None The Lexington Retirement Board met remotely through Zoom tele -conferencing during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Town Clerks Office posted the meeting, which included the information for any interested party to join the call. Robert Cunha, Joseph Foley, Alan Fields, Fred Weiss and Carolyn Kosnoff were present for this meeting. Chairman Robert Cunha called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. This meeting began with an update from Stone Consulting at 8:30 am. Joan Moreau and Kevin Gabriel were the Stone representatives to update the Board on preliminary results of the FY 21’ OPEB study. Joan explained to the Board their analysis and funding of the plan. The Trust has $24m as of June 30, 2021. At $1.88m per year of funding, it was thought to increase an additional $50k for coverage. Kevin mentioned to possibly try and diversity this fund. At the rate it has been drawing down, by fiscal year 2024, the balance would be around $250k. The main talking point was dealing with the Discount Rate, which is 7.5% for lon g-term rate of return. Stone’s recommendation would be to lower the rate to 6.75%. This is a typical rate around other municipal retirement systems. With the goal of having the pension fund fully funded, the 6.75% seems reasonable to our Board members. It should go with the $1.88m per year with annual increases of $50k per year. Our Board will discuss at the next Board meeting and decide the best possible option. Joan Moreau provided a presentation deck for Board to review. She concluded her analysis at 9:15 am. The Board accepted the 053122 Warrant and the May payroll. The April minutes and March financials were reviewed and approved. Robert Cunha reviewed the May agenda with all Board members and staff in attendance. It was noted we received reimbursement of $18,427.00 from the Fidelity Plan. A Vanguard wire from the Town was received on 05/05/22 for $187,000.00. There were two (2) Golub distributions, one from Fund 9 for $111,266.00 and another from Fund 14 for $88,076.00. Monroe IV distributions of $38,527.00 on 05/24/22 and $501,759.00 on 05/20/22 were received. The matter pertaining to Joseph O’Leary Jr. could be settled within the next 30 days of this meeting. Attorney Michael Sacco will notify the Retirement Office of an outcome. Marguerite Oliva informed the Board regarding an outstanding check matter stemming from an Active Member death over a year ago. The two (2) named beneficiaries on file were each issued a check. As of 5/26/22, neither beneficiary has cashed their check. The Retire ment Office has made multiply attempts to contact them. It was decided to hold off until these beneficiaries come forward to request check reissues. At 9:30 am, Steve MacLellan presented the Meketa update. The portfolio balance as of April 30, 2022 was $205,032,433.00, down $13.6m from the March report. That equates to a 6% drop for the month, and down 10% for the YTD. The recent drop in the market has most portfolios on the downward trend in all asset classes, including Lexington’s. Domestic and International equities were 6-9% just in the last month. Steve noted Driehaus, Contafund, and KAR are taking big hits. Those strategies have been going low for the past few months. Real Estate has been the only bright spot the past month. Hedge Funds have remained steady despite the market turmoil. Steve mentioned we should start searching for a Global Tactical Asset Allocation firm for more exposure. Meketa will look into US and Non-US enduring value strategies. He concluded his presentation at 9:45 am. Sean Duff and Chris Lund presented the Monroe Capital review at 9:45 am. The strategy is up 1.6% for the year with our portfolio. Despite the market turmoil, Monroe believes the economy is working to rebound. Sean noted there is plenty of private equi ty out there. With valuation declining, Monroe was able to shield itself from most of the losses. Coupons are stabilizing and spreads are coming down. They will continue to monitor the rise in interest rates. Borrowers could be the only ones to suffer. Monroe has developed a plan to stave off damage if the country goes into a recession. For now, their main pipeline for success has been in Healthcare, Business Services, and Technology. Monroe seeks to invest in those sectors because of their large market share, which will result in higher pricing power over their peers. He noted the Tech and Healthcare industries help insulate the portfolio from broader inflationary pressure given the high growth margins and demand for services. He concluded with the Fund IV update. Rate of Return projection is at 6 -9%. We are currently at 6%. Sean wrapped up the presentation at 10:15 am. Robert Cunha motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 am, which was seconded by Alan Fields, and unanimously approved by Carolyn Kosnoff and Joseph Foley. The next Retirement Board meeting will be held via Zoom on Thurs, June 23, 2022 at 8:30 am _____________________________ Robert Cunha, Chairman Alan Fields, Appointed Member Carolyn Kosnoff, Ex Officio Member Joseph Foley, Elected Member Frederick Weiss, Appointed Member