HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-27 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, June 27, 2022 C onducted by Remote P articipation* 6:00 P M AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS P ub lic c o mments are allo we d fo r up to 10 minute s at the b eginning o f e ac h me eting. E ac h s p eaker is limited to 2 minute s fo r c o mment. M emb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r re s p o nd, o ther than to ask questions of clarif'ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 4 5 8 0 if they wis h to s p eak during p ub lic c o mment to as s is t the C hair in managing me eting time s. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports TOWN MANAGER REPORT CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve the Addition o f Management Analyst to the F iscal Year 2023 C o st-O f- Living Adjustment(C O LA) for Non-Represented Employees 2. Ap p o int L exingto n R ep re s entative and Alternate R ep re s entative to M etro p o litan Area P lanning C ounc il(MAP C) 3. R eview and Ap p ro ve Amendment to R egio nal H o us ing S ervic e s F is c al Year 202 3 Agreement 4. Approve S elect Board Meeting Minutes 5. Letter of Support Regarding Bill H.4852:An Act to Assess the Future of Mattress R ec yc ling in the C o mmo nWealth 6. Select Board Committee Appointments & Reappointments 7. Water and S ewer F inals 8. Dissolve Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. App lication: C ommon Victualler Lic ens e - C oco Bo ston LLC d/b/a C o C o F resh 6:l Opm Tea and Juic e, 1764 Mas s achus etts Avenue 2. Grant of Location for Eversource - 10 Maguire Road 6:15pm 3. Grant of Location for Eversource - 106 Laconia Street 6:25pm 4. R eview and Ap p ro ve D e s ignated P o lling P lac e s 6:3 Sp m 5. IT EM P O S T P ONED TO A DAT E TO BE DET ERMINED - Review and 6:45pm Ap p ro ve Vis io n Z ero Traffic S afety P lan 6. Update on Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) 7:OSpm 7. Water and S ewer Ab atement Ap p eal- 19 S and ers o n R o ad 7:3 Sp m 8. Update on Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee 7:SOpm 9. Request for Letter of Support- Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School B:OSpm District's Appropriation to C apital S tabilization F und 10. F is c al Year 2022 Year-End Trans fers 8:15p m 11. Award S ale of Bond Anticipation Notes 8:25pm ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 8:30pm *An Act Extending C ertain C O VID-19 Measures: http s://www.mas s.gov/s ervic e-details/up dated- guidance-on-holding-meetings-pursuant-to-the-act-extending-certain-covid-l9-measures Membe�s of the public can view the meetz'ng webina�f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tt'me of the meetz'ng: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82894586088?pwd=Smo2cnBDV0U5SUdOR2EveHJJQ IAyQT09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13017158592„82894586088# or+13126266799„82894586088# Telephone:+1 301 715 8592 or+1 312 626 6799 or+1 929 436 2866 or+1 253 215 8782 or+1 346 248 7799 or+1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 828 9458 6088 Passcode: 516862 T he next regularly s cheduled meeting o f the S elect B o ard will b e held on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 6:OOp m via remo te p artic ip atio n. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request ��� All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: S elect Board Members LR.1 S UMMARY: Please see the attached Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports for the June 27, 2022 meeting. Und er this item, S elec t B o ard Memb ers c an als o c o mment o n any additio nal p o ints and c o nc erns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��:n���.�c,��.�����c����'�������:����m���������.�....,���������������������,,,,,u�������:�"��'��'����,�, .���G����:��� ����.�������� Select Board Concerns and liaison Reports—June 27, 2022 Joe Pato: Sustainable Lexington Committee (SLC) • Request to complete a Building Performance Policy for existing town buildings envisioned in 2019 ATM Article 36 At the two most recent Sustainable Lexington Committee meetings,the committee discussed both the Integrated Building and Construction Policy,which was approved by the Board on October 7, 2019, and the proposed Building Performance Policy for Existing Town Buildings. Both policies were described in Article 36 of the 2019 Annual Town.The Article was approved unanimously by Town Meeting. While the Integrated Building and Construction Policy has been implemented and has been very effective in helping to deliver high quality buildings like LCP,the fire station, and soon,the police station; the commitment to establish a Building Performance Policy for Existing Town Buildings has not been met. To prompt the process, meetings were held between representatives of Sustainable Lexington and Town staff in mid-2021. Upon request, Sustainable Lexington provided a draft Policy document based on the Integrated Building and Construction Policy along with proposed metrics. There has been no subsequent Town action. Discussions at the recent Capital Summit to review the results of the facilities capital planning tool identified that the tool assesses capital needs based on expected useful life of building systems but does not consider the level at which we want our buildings to perform. Performance elements could include indoor air quality, energy efficiency, water quality, resilience, and/or other factors.To assess whether our buildings are meeting performance targets,we first need to establish what those targets are. To better assess capital needs and building performance,the committee encourages the Select Board to support efforts to develop the Building Performance Policy for Existing Town Buildings that Town Meeting unanimously endorsed in 2019. Committee members would be happy to participate in a policy task team, similar to that formed for the Integrated Building and Construction Policy, be tasked with completing the Building Performance Policy by Q3 2022 so that the framework may be considered in the capital planning process for 2023. Mark Sandeen: Permanent Building Committee (PBC) • PBC received an update on the bidding process and timing for the new Police Department Building. The filed subcontractor bids were advertised and the Town received more than 50 responses for the various trades. Of all the various trades (HVAC, electrical, masonry, roofing, windows, etc.) who submitted only 2 trades were under represented, elevator and terrazzo. As a result, DPF re-advertised elevator and terrazzo trades and prequalified all subcontractors for the remaining trades. The General Contractor(GC's) will be advertised on July 5th (skipping the July 4t"window to allow for a good amount time for the contractors to give us good clear bids). Those bids are due back to the Town on August 9t". It is expected for the contractor to mobilize within two weeks after the execution of the contract. The PBC reviewed the final Value Engineering (VE) list and dollars, please see below. ��'�I�diii�l�'ll�'��e m���J��dm�'; �� �,�m � n N �r Ni n m�r �. �7 � i� ^'A^u ��Nw n u i mir� n, lii ��.Y�r��„�,YI�w�.� d�s.��"�i��f,�,`m����,��l�r����. y��B J°IV,�a i��a fu�a Ri ud. �u�.�� �p �.Il�,e R�ly �u�4a�.,II�i4 i����ll m«.� �1 ��:'II .� �hir�r ir I�ww�un Q Q I(o �mio �?�M�r.m r if 'r"P i ° �''� �( pi�a � m;"�, II r,�""��'°��,"C rl�"C���I��� �u:�4 rr,o���o m o�i ���,"YI„�ui* "�d �•�'� ^�l�4'"°�w�.��nio��X .,�nm�'u+±a�,<,a,aS"�� I���,y!�u�mo,���a��a���mii �� �'E��������i io�������,�'�u�II�(i�I�d�����!^"i������.°, I����o u'�u��������fo itl �„�Vi"n!��,r m ir m��i��C n10���YI„'°YP u b;,.��•� If���u I!��a u������a itl j n e ,�v�io ,nv„m� ` p� � � , � ��w mm'9 m°'C �r�� , YI� �I�`� YI m..�o�"m� YI„� �-�°�;`� ;�o ii�a�r,��a���a ru�'a�i � �����iio +�rio ��.mio� 4��� 4 ���, e.������ o� �, IV� � II L�� rr.�¢��4, �IM 1�YI� s,iP� r,1p,'"��t�'o �:�U�m,��i�o m�'o Ri I ,�,,,�� 'w„���. ,� �. .. ,„� . �, „���, �„pro �`mr I�;�;�' mu�s�u j(��,4'u�MYa� �.�IG�����Ir i��i'I�i'�f I�.II��e s����u ya,"u "��l���:,II ,,,� �,�.�i����II mir� � ����„ �;.W �����Pi� �� .'�� � �� � ���'�.Y�`���r����u ��IR�s����� i�" � ������9i io�����L��.,�,�'�u�7 Mr� �f�aw N,���1�Y�II� e,�q�(d�,ni ioJ�r�"���� �C�����II!�o�t��o if�o fu��o�Ri ����m m����„n io,�V��u y+�.�,��.������I� ����¢��;.��^,�'io"7��a,. 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However, MassDOT has now revised the plan to include zero bicycle accommodations. Economic Development Advisory Committee • Economic Development Advisory Committee hosted Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, Mike Kennealy, at their most recent meeting to discuss the intersection of commercial development and the MBTA zoning policy. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve the Addition of Management Analyst to the Fiscal Year 2023 Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for Non Represented Employees PRE E TER� ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: T he Management Analys t p o s itio n was als o left o ff the T N O N C O LA lis t and s ho uld b e add ed to it. SUGGESTED MOTION: To add the Management Analys t p o s itio n in the To wn Manager's O ffic e to the T N O N C O LA lis t fo r F Y23. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Appoint Lexington Representative and Alternate Representative to Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) PRE E TER� ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.2 S UMMARY: T he To wn o f L exingto n ne ed s to ap p o int a new R ep re s entative and Alternate R ep re s entative to the Metrop o litan Area P lanning C ounc il(MAP C). T he Town Manager is rec ommending that Abby Mc C ab e, P lanning D irec to r b e ap p o inted as the R ep re s entative and that S heila P age b e ap p o inted as the Alternate Representative. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p o int Ab b y Mc C ab e, P lanning D irec to r as the R ep re s entative to MAP C and that S heila P age b e app o inted as the Alternate R epres entative to MAP C. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Review and Approve Amendment to Regional Housing Services Fiscal Year 2023 Agreement PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Attac hed is the annual renewal with the R egio nal H o us ing S ervic e s O ffic e (R H S O) fo r F Y2 3. T his is the s ame as previous years, but updated for FY23. Liz Rust will be in attendance should the Select Board have any questions. SUGGESTED MOTION: To authorize the Town Manager to execute the RHSO amendment for FY23. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � .�-�11:-����.�./�����.n,������r���,,,��:� .���G����:��� ����.�������� AMENDMENT The agreement entered into by and between the Towns of Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Maynard, Sudbury, Wayland and Weston (collectively the "Municipalities"), dated October 1, 2020, effective October 1, 2020 (the "Agreement") to share services of a Regional Housing Services Office provided by the Town of Concord(the "Agreement"), which is incorporated herein by reference, is hereby amended, effective July 1, 2022, as described below. WHEREAS, the Town of Concord agrees to provide the services described in the Agreement, and NOW, • Exhibit B. Fee Structure. This Exhibit is deleted and replaced in its entirety with the Membership Fee Schedule Chart for FY23, attached hereto as Exhibit B. • [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW EXHIBIT B] EXl11b lt B Membership Fee Schedule Chart for FY23 The participating municipalities will proportionally share the total cost of operating the Regional Housing Services Office. The proportional share is determined based on the percentage of hours planned to support each municipality for core services as represented in the fee schedule. This fee structure does not include payment for additional supplemental services which will be proposed and invoiced outside of this agreement or payment for additional hours in excess of the allotted hours. FY22 Membershi Fee Schedule Hours % of hrs Pro rata $ Acton 442 11% $3 4,9 8 0 Bedford 429 10% $33,952 Concord 770 19% $60,93 8 Lexington 416 10% $32,923 Lincoln 315 8% $24,930 Maynard 151 4% $11,951 Sudbury 947 23% $74,946 `1Vayland 151 4% $11,951 Weston 492 12% $38,937 Total 4,113 100% $325,508 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF LEXINGTON By its Town Manager Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF ACTON By its Town Manager Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF BEDFORD By its Town Manager Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF CONCORD By its Town Interim Manager Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF LINCOLN By its Town Administrator Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF MAYNARD By its Town Administrator Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF SUDBURY By its Town Manager Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF WAYLAND By its Acting Town Manager Date: , 2022 Hereon duly authorized and executed as a sealed instrument, TOWN OF WESTON By its Town Manager Date: , 2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.4 S UMMARY: The S elect Board is being asked to approve the meeting minutes of: • D ec emb er 2, 2021 Budget S ummit I I • January 13, 2022 Budget S ummit I I I • May 19, 2022 F inanc ial S ummit/D P F 20-Year C ap ital P lan(P art 1) • May 23, 2022 • June 6, 2022 SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and release the S elect Board meeting minutes of: • D ec emb er 2, 2021 Budget S ummit I I • January 13, 2022 Budget S ummit I I I • May 19, 2022 F inanc ial S ummit/DP F 20-Year C ap ital P lan(P art 1) • May 23, 2022 • June 6, 2022 Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��� �:::d��f"��,.��:�v�,��:�,� .����c:������,��.���c������;�I�I ���������^�. I[�=�������,.�,� � �I�����,�.-�"t��.a���m:�,���,�,����c����,����,au�����r�����;�I�I�I �I������:��:�� I[����,��°���� � ������,�,.��'C��a���m°�n����.�a"����m���������������: ���� "�,(�vy��������°��,��°���:����������������; �:������aa�� I[���.�w�,u���� � .�:������9�.J�"(���v�,�m�n�����������:��������. .��������:�.��r� IC��������� � .�:�� ���.�"���v����v"�,��"�,"�,������:n��,��:�:���.��f„c�� �:��G���,:�1� �����„����.�� SELECT BOARD MEETING FINANCIAL SUMMIT II December 2, 2021 Remote participation Financial Summit meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 2, 2021 via Zoom remote meeting services. Present for the Select Board(SB): Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Mr. Pato, Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk; Ms. Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager—Finance; and Ms. Hewitt— Budget Officer. Present for the Appropriation Committee(AC) Glen Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein; Alan Levine; Eric Michelson; Meg Muckenhoupt; Sanjay Padaki; Lily Yan; Anil Ajuha; Present for the School Committee (SC): Kathleen Lenihan, Chair; Eileen Jay, Vice Chair; Scott Bokun; Sara Cuthbertson; Deepika Sawhney; Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Schools; David Coelho; Present for the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC): Charles Lamb, Chair; Sandhya Beebee; Rodney Cole; David Kanter,Vice Chair; and Frank Smith. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted,with the agenda on the Town's website. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. FY2023 Budget Summit II • FY2023 Revenue Proj ections o In FY2023, Total General Fund Operating Revenues are proj ected to increase by approximately$7.85 million, or 3.1%.Net General Fund Revenues,those available to support school and municipal operating budgets, are proj ected to increase by$5.79 million, or 2.5%. o Property Tax Levy: The FY2023 property tax levy is proj ected to increase approximately$7.86 million, or 3.8%. The proj ected levy is a function of the FY2022 levy limit increased by 2.5%per Proposition 2 1/2,plus an increment for new growth.FY2023 new growth will be a function of construction activity for the period July 1, 2021 to June 3 0, 2022. FY2023 new growth is estimated at$2,750,000 based on a review of historical data o Tax Levy Dedicated to Capital Stabilization Fund: In the Fall of 2021 the Town Manager proposed a new fiscal guideline, a Capital Stabilization Framework, to prepare for future capital proj ects. Beginning in FY2022, new levy growth generated from specified commercial and industrial development will be dedicated to the Capital Stabilization Fund(CSF)rather than becoming general revenue for the town's operating budget on new growth. The estimate for this item at this time $57,000. o State Aid: A small steady growth is expected for this item for FY2023. o Local Receipts: FY2023 local receipts are estimated to increase by approximately$649,570 or 5.06% over FY2022 estimates, which were also adjusted for the pandemic. o The gross general fund revenue is $258,920,652, a 3.23% increase over the prior year. In response to a question from Mr. Cole (CEC), Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Board recently set the tax levy shift at 1.75. This does not come into play for the revenue proj ection. In response to a question from Mr. Lucente (SB)regarding the motor vehicle excise tax, Ms. Kosnoff stated that this has been decreased slightly but there isn't anything to indicate that there will be a large enough drop to decrease it further. • Final FY2023 Revenue Allocation(Municipal& School) and Uses of Free Cash o In the middle of October,the total revenues were proj ected to be $258,122,594,which was proj ected to increase 3.9% over last year, or $6,480,784. o The School's initial budget request was 4.6% over last year, and the Town's was 4%. o Both the Town and School were proj ected to have a shortfall of revenue; School: $880,000; Town: $56,000. o FY21 New Growth: originally budgeted for around $4.2M,but actually came in around$4.9M. This is an increase of almost $600,000 in revenue from new growth. o There are reductions to the Workers' Comp and Uninsured Losses line items in Shared Expenses, due to the lines having health balances. o The net change in Revenue Allocation from Summit I to Summit II was $788,617. o Currently,the total revenues are proj ected to be $ 25 8,920,652. This leads to an allocation total of$ 7,269,401, or 4.4%. The total School Allocation for FY2023 is $5,377,436, or 74%; the total Town Allocation for FY2023 is $1,891,965, or 26%. o The FY 2023 initial Municipal budget request is $44,791,052, or a 3.6% increase over last year, leading to a surplus of$333,219. This surplus would be available for any PIRs from Town staff. There are 39 PIRs that total $1.SM. o The FY 2023 initial School budget request is $ 128,551,071, or a 4.6% increase over last year, leading to a shortfall of$296,654 Ms. Kosnoff reviewed the FY2023 Budget Calendar: • Summit II-December 2, 2021 •Publish White Book-January 10, 2022 • Summit III-January 13, 2022 • Summit IV-February 10, 2022-Facilities'20-Year Master Plan •Publish Brown Book-February 25, 2022 • Town Meeting-March 28, 2022 • Spring Fiscal Summit- TBD-Pension Schedule In response to a question from Mr. Padaki (AC)regarding the Appropriation Committee Reserve Fund, Ms. Kosnoff noted that there have not been many drawdowns for this fund, and she believes the current budgeted amount is adequate. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC)regarding shifting funds from OPEB to the Pension Fund, Mr. Malloy explained that the Town will meet with bond rating agencies in January to have this discussion. In response to a question from Ms. Sawhney(SC), Mr. Malloy noted that the unemployment rate in Lexington is just over 5%,which is substantially lower that the State and national unemployment rate. He noted that the State has data on property taxes as a percent of per capita income, which is a very good measure as to the ability to pay property taxes. • American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) Overview o Lexington's total ARPA allocation available through the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund(CLFRF) is $9,903,381 o ARPA funds must be committed by 12/31/2024, and must be fully spent by 12/31/2026 o Lexington has already received$4,951,691 which is 1/Z of our CLFR allocation. We expect the remaining l�will be received in June of 2022 o Communities must follow Federal guidance for calculating lost revenue. Lexington's formula is still under review,but we expect to have approximately$2.5 million available as lost revenue for the first measurement period. o Anticipated next steps include Dec 2021: Select Board to provide comments on public outreach plan and participatory budget process o Q1 2022 ■ Lost revenue calculation for first& second measurement periods (12/31/2020 and 12/31/2021)to be reviewed/audited and�nalized ■ Town Manager to propose proj ect list based on available funding, Select Board priorities and community feedback ■ Kickoff of first year participatory budget process o Q2 2022 &ongoing: ■ Town staff will implement proj ects as recommended ■ Town staff will prepare periodic proj ect and spending updates and propose new requests for review by the Select Board ■ New proj ects to be recommended and implemented annually through 2024 ■ Lost revenue appropriations to be included in future budget processes (if required) In response to a question from Mr. Lamb (CEC), Ms. Kosnoff noted that the Federal Government is looking for the ARPA funds to be deployed for economic recovery,but there is probably some amount of moving around of funds that could occur using these funds. In response to a question from Mr. Lamb (CEC),Mr. Malloy explained that the participatory budgeting process would allovv residents the ability to submit ideas for proj ects. Those ideas would be then filtered by the Finance Department to make sure that they do comply with the ARPA requirements. The initial list would then go to the Select Board for approval. This list of proj ects can then be voted on and prioritized by citizens,with the ultimate arbiter being the Select Board due to these being considered grant funds. The Town has set aside, for discussion purposes $500,000 a year for a three-year period to give citizens this opportunity to provide input. In response to a question from Ms. Lenihan(SC)regarding using ARPA funds to provide COVID-19 testing free-of-charge to the public,Mr. Malloy explained that supporting public health with these funds is one of the items that the Board Will likely be discussing on December 13,2021. Mr. Kanter(CEC) suggested that the Town consider using some ARPA funding for temporary staffing to carry the Town through this period of time to aid the Departments with their burdens. DOCUMENTS: FY2023 Revenue Projections,FY2023 Budget Summit II Presentation,ARPA Federal Funding-Presentation ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adj ourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. The other committees followed suit. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary SELECT BOARD MEETING FINANCIAL SUMMIT III January 13, 2022 Remote participation Financial Summit meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 13, 2022 via Zoom remote meeting services. Present for the Select Board(SB): Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager;Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk; Ms. Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager—Finance; and Ms. Hewitt— Budget Officer. Present for the Appropriation Committee(AC):Glen Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein; Alan Levine; Eric Michelson; Meg Muckenhoupt; Sanjay Padaki; Lily Yan; Anil Ajuha; Present for the School Committee (SC): Kathleen Lenihan, Chair; Eileen Jay,Vice Chair; Scott Bokun; Sara Cuthbertson; Deepika Sawhney; Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Schools; David Coelho; Present for the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC): Charles Lamb, Chair; Sandhya Beebee; Rodney Cole; David Kanter,Vice Chair, and Frank Smith. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted,with the agenda on the Town's website. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. FY2023 Budget Summit III • FY2023 Preliminary Budget&Financing Plan Ms. Kosnoff stated that tonight, the groups will review the White Book,which is the Town Manager's preliminary recommended budget and financing plan. The �nal budget will be voted on February 7, 2022. She noted that this budget is balanced. It is also a level service budget,meaning that last year's services are still provided. Overall,the increase in revenue is 3.2% for the General Fund, and the expenditures match that at 3.2%. One thing that decreased the overall revenue a bit was the review of the parking meter fund. Also, Minuteman High School submitted its preliminary budget,which has not yet been voted on, which shows a 3%increase in its assessment. At the last summit, this assessment was slated to be 12%, so this is a proposed decrease for that item. Ms. Kosnoff explained that the total revenue proj ection for this year is $7.2M. Splitting this between the School and Town,the School is receiving an additional approximately$5.3M from last year,and the Town is receiving an additional $1.9M. The small surplus for the Town has been allocated to support a select number of Program Improvement Requests. She reviewed some of the outliers for increases to the proposed budget, including the Human Services budget,the Salary Adjustment Account, and the Town Clerk budget. Overall,the Town municipal Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Select Board reviewed the Senior Management Team's $1.6M FY23 Program Improvement Requests at its December hearing. Out of that total amount, $446,000 has been approved for program improvements,with$127,000 of that for Recreation Enterprise. The approved program improvements include extra holding cell shifts for the Police Department which will be necessary if the Department relocates to 173 Bedford Street,required training for the Police Department, an increase in the Public Health Nurse from part-time to full-time, a training mannequin for the Fire Department, an additional crossing guard to be located at the Hastings School, election modernization in the form of electronic poll pads, a contracted facilitator for the Select Board goal setting process, and an increase in hours for two part-time administrative staff(one at the DPW, and one in the Finance D ep artment). Ms. Kosnoff highlighted items from the shared expenses portion of the budget, including contributory retirement, employee benefits, and levee debt services. She noted that, for levee debt services,this item is decreasing due to the final payments for 173 Bedford Street and Pelham Road being completed in FY22. This Town is estimating to issue approximately$16.SM worth on bonds this January. She explained that the Town is going to try to complete more of its capital proj ects with cash, instead of debt financing them. Ms. Kosnoff highlighted some of the items in revenues set aside for other purposes, including Other Post- Employment Benefits (OPEB) at$1.9M. The cash capital line has $7.SM in total,with $7M of this from free cash. She explained that there is a proposal to place $3.1 M into the Capital Stabilization Fund. The Capital Stabilization Fund is expected to have a balance of approximately$24M by the end of the year. There is approximately$500,000 set aside for any items that need to take place between now and when the budget is voted. Ms. Kosnoff explained that the capital budget is any construction projects or large equipment purchases for the Town. The requested capital plan for this year is $69M; $32.8M of that is for the proposed Police Station reconstruction, $18.8M is for general fund capital, $10.5M is from free cash, $8.2M is for debt financing, and$11.3 is for the CPA fund. Some of the proposed capital proj ects include the Battle Green Streetscape proj ect, and the Police Station reconstruction. Ms. Kosnoff noted that there is a$500,000 contingency fund proposed for any potential mechanical breakdowns at the high school. There is also $945,000 set aside for the Network Redundancy and Improvement Plan to improve the Town's fiber network between the schools and Town buildings. There is $650,000 in the budget for a Fire Pumper truck, and$65,000 for a Town-wide Pedestrian&Bicycle Plan. The Wastewater Enterprise Fund request has been increased to $2M. She also highlighted some of the proposed CPA proj ects for this year, including LexHAB requesting $5.3M for design funding for the Vine Street proj ect, a request from the Recreation Department to reconstruct the Center basketball and tennis courts for$2.SM, a request to replace several playgrounds around Town with poured in-place surfaces for$1.SM, and the Center recreation complex bathroom for$915,000. Finally,Ms. Kosnoff explained that the total amount of proj ects that are being funding with the cash capital budget, as opposed to through debt financing, is at an increase of 9.9%. Ms. Kosnoff explained that the Select Board is likely to vote on the budget on February 7, 2022. The electronic broWn book final budget will then be distributed on February 25, 2022,With printed copies being available the following Week. ToWn Meeting Will start on March 28, 2022. There is a potential extra Summit meeting that can be held in May. The potential debt exclusion referendum could tentatively be scheduled for June 2022. Superintendent Hackett(SC) explained that an additional $5.3M was added to the school's budget,based on the incremental revenue allocation balance that was available. About 83% of that amount goes into salaries. Of the remaining$1.SM extra, 50% goes into the Special Education budget. She noted that this budget contains -1.3FTE,meaning that the schools are remaining mostly level for their number of employees. The schools have 111 fewer students this year, which is actually an increase from 292 fewer students the year before. In response to a question from David Kanter(CEC)regarding the design cost estimate for the Police Station renovation,Mr. Malloy explained that the architect will be presenting an update to the Select Board at its first meeting in February, regarding potential adjustments to that number. In response to a question from Mr. Padaki regarding possibly prepaying some amount of debt,Ms. Kosnoff stated that none of the debt is currently callable,per the Town's financial advisors. In response to a question from Mr. Padaki (AC),Ms. Kosnoff explained that the 19.6% increase to the Human Services budget comes from the Lexpress bus operating budget. Part of this was grant funded last year and has now been moved back into the budget. In response to a question from Mr. Padaki (AC) , Superintendent Hackett(SC) explained that some of the security measures at the high school have been addressed,but there are a number of items that could still be completed in the future. • Capital Expenditures Committee -Preliminary Report: FY2023 Proposed Capital Proj ects Mr. Lamb addressed the problematic bidding and construction environment the Town is currently stuck in. The inflationary environment implies that many of the proposed proj ects may be underestimated in their current form, including the Police Station rebuild in the upcoming year, and,in the longer term, the high school proj ect. As a result, cost estimates may need to be increased, and there may need to be more frequent supplemental appropriations. Ultimately, it may also mean that proj ect scopes be reduced to accommodate the budget. Reprioritization may be necessary. �1Vithout the ability to make rational forecasts, a new level of uncertainty is present in the capital planning and budget process. Mr. Lamb noted that highlights of the White Book include the path of converting some formerly debt- based capital programs into cash-based programs, such as the school technology and pumper truck items. The Committee supports the ongoing plan to use free cash for the Operating budget, and the new fiscal guidance to have a dedicated allocation towards the Capital Stabilization Fund based on new tax levy growth,both of which add capital funding now and in the future. The Committee also agrees with the enumerated capital related Select Board priorities. The Committee endorses the ongoing effort to create a Stormwater Enterprise Fund. Mr. Lamb noted that the Committee would like to call attention to the following CIP items: the Center pool hot water heater replacement, if appropriate due diligence regarding the Battle Green Streetscape proj ect can be completed prior to Annual Town Meeting 2022, and that the East Lexington Fire Station building is not presently fully functioning to meet all the Town's needs. • Review Preliminary List of 2022 Annual Town Meeting Articles Ms. Axtell reviewed the preliminary list of items and articles for 2022 Annual Town Meeting. Ms. Hai (SB)noted that the Planning Board is currently holding hearings on several of these items. Some of these will be heard at the February 2, 2022 meeting. The Select Board is also hearing citizen presentations at each of its upcoming meetings. Mr. Kanter(CEC)noted that for proposed General Article CC-Accept MGL Chapter 41 Section 110A, the language is that this moves to the preceding last business day; it does not move to after the weekend. The Select Board is scheduled to vote on the Warrant on January 24, 2022. DOCUMENTS: Presentation on FY2023 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan, Town Managers FY2023 Preliminary Recommended Budget, STM 2022-1 and ATM 2022 draft listing of articles ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adj ourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m. The other committees followed suit. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary FINANCIAL SUMMIT May 19, 2022 A remote participation Financial Summit was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 13, 2022 via Zoom remote meeting services. Present for the Select Board(SB): Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Ms. Barry, and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager;Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk; Present for the Appropriation Committee(AC): Glen Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein; Alan L�vine; Eric Michelson; Meg Muckenhoupt; Sanj ay Padaki; Lily Yan; Anil Aj uha; Present for the School Committee (SC): Sara Cuthbertson, Chair; Kathleen Lenihan; Larry Freeman; Deepika Sawhney; Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent of Schools; Present for the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC): Charles Lamb, Chair; Sandhya Beebee; Mike Boudett; Rodney Cole; David Kanter,Vice Chair; and Franklin Smith. Also Present: Ms. Kosnoff,Assistant Town Manager—Finance; Mr. Cronin—Director of Public Facilities; Mr. Bouchard—Facilities Superintendent; Mr.Newell—Assistant Director of Facilities. Ms. Barry presided over the meeting on behalf of Ms. Hai. Ms. Barry stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted,with the agenda on the Town's website. She noted that this is the first of two summits regarding the 20-year Department of Public Facilities Capital Plan. The next summit will be held in June. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Department of Public Facilities 20-Year Capital Plan (Part 1) Mr. Cronin explained that this process began with a site visit from VFA(a.k.a Accruent, Gordian)in the summer 2020. VFA reviewed every building within the DPF buildings. All systems/equipment were entered into the VFA database. This database shows the end-of-useful life dates and associated budget estimates. The replacement costs were determined for direct in-kind replacements for systems over the next 20 years. The DPF buildings in the assessment included ten school buildings and the nine Town buildings. Certain Town-owned buildings will be included in the next assessment round, including the Visitor Center,Lincoln restrooms, Center restrooms, Irving H. Mabee Town Pool Facility,Westview Cemetery, and Old Reservoir. Mr. Cronin explained that the Facilities Condition Index(FCI) of a building is calculated by taking the replacement cost of the systems that need to be replaced within the next five years compared to the total amount of replacement costs. These are then broken down by letter grades A-F. As systems are replaced, the letter grades will improve. Conversely, if systems are not replaced the letter grade will decrease. For FY 2021 there were 27 assets assessed,with a total replacement value of$744.6M. The current five-year replacement cost for these assets is $133.9M. The average FCI of these assets is 0.179, or Fair/C. The LPS Central Administration building has the highest FCI and has a letter grade of F for FY2021. The Lexington High School has the highest total cost of any of the assessed buildings at$144M, and FCI of 0.31, or letter grade of D. He acknowledged that he wants most buildings to be in the B or C categories. Mr. Cronin stated that the FCI will change from year-to-year based on replacing systems that are due in the year that they are due,not replacing/deferring systems that are due in the year that they are due, system replacements that were previously in year six are now in the five-year Window, and systems in year six are now added but anything deferred remains.For FY 2022,the same 27 assets have a total replacement value of$744.7M, a current five-year replacement cost of$196.SM, and an average FCI of 0.26 or Fair. Mr. Cronin explained that it is important to examine and try to understand upcoming proj ects for four building in particular, the Central Administration Building, 173 Bedford Street, East Lexington Fire Station, and the Town Office buildings. The Central Administration building needs new windows and a roof. Significant investments should not be made into the 173 Bedford Street building until its future is clearer. The East Lexington Fire Station doesn't have elevators, doesn't have sprinklers, and has a leaking roof. The Town Office building needs to be upgraded in its systems to be at around a C grade at least. Mr. Cronin explained that one of the recommendations is to take the Police Station and the High School out of the FCI calculations. Those two buildings have proj ects totaling approximately$93M over the next five years,which is a massive capital investment. If there is a clear path forward for both of those buildings, it may make sense to pull them out of the calculations, and then rerun the calculations to get a clearer picture. Mr. Cronin explained that there is a significant amount of investment in the systems associated with HVAC equipment. There needs to be a decision made as to if the calculations are going to be run with in- kind, fossil fuel replacement items, or if these will be changed to electric. There are five main capital requests that need to be examined by the Town: flooring, roofing,paving, sidewalks, and mechanical/electrical systems. There appears to be a huge amount of funding that will be needed in 2042 due to the fact that four new buildings in Town will all come due that year. There could also be a discussion as to how to more level fund the budget,knowing that this is upcoming. Ms. Barry noted that Ms. Hai has requested that the fossil fuel/electrification item not be taken up this evening, as it is likely a deeper discussion item. Mr. Cole (CEC)noted that, if the High School and Police Station buildings are removed from the calculation,the average FCI will only improve. Mr. Parker(AC)noted that all numbers included will be tracking up, due to inflation over time. He explained that the FCI metric, as presented, does not take inflation into account, and does not take into account the Town's capital budget that may be consumed by a certain proj ect. Ms. Lenihan(SC) asked about the issue of air quality and monitoring for it in the buildings. Mr. Cronin noted that this is taken into consideration and embedded in the design specs for HVAC equipment. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC),Mr. Cronin stated that the system has the ability to keep track of the equipment that staff has determined doesn't yet actually need to be replaced, and keep it identified into the future, in case these choices need to be altered. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter(CEC),Mr. Cronin stated that the FY23 budget proposed was informed using this information. Mr. Kanter noted that he would like to review if some of the program allocations might need to be adjusted to make room for other proj ect related aspects. In response to a question from Mr. Padaki (AC),Mr. Cronin agreed that he is working with VFA to figure out how to include the information from FY 21 and FY22 into the overall FCI calculation. Mr. Padaki (AC)noted that the Town usually funds school projects in conjunction with the MSBA. He stated that there seem to be three schools all coming up with large proj ects within the next few years. The Town may want to consider how to better level fund these. In response to a question from Mr. Rhodes, Sustainable Lexington Committee, Mr. Cronin explained that there is a second database that deals with performance metrics for items such as air filtration, energy efficiency, etc. He will follow-up to see if there is information on lifecycle costing and operational costs added into these calculations. Mr. Sandeen(SB) stated that this presentation seemed focused on capital investments,but he would like to see if these can be considered in conjunction with ongoing operations and maintenance costs. He would also like to see any synergistic benefits that would come out of making these changes. Ms. Muckenhoupt(AC)noted that there are three Town-owned buildings not included in this presentation: the Stone Building, the Muzzey condos, and the Munroe Center. Mr. Cronin noted that the Town does not have a regular capital investment and is not maintaining the Munroe Center currently. He believes the Stone Building will wind up being a proj ect versus maintenance. There is not yet a plan for the Muzzey condos, as they are not owned by the Town. Mr. Himmel, Permanent Building Committee, stated that he believes all the costs in the presentation should be footnoted as to what bid period they are anticipated in. Mr. Parker(AC) asked about comprehensive numeric metrics for each building that show the current state of the building's quality. Mr. Cronin stated that he would look into this item. In response to a question from Ms. Barry(SB),Mr. Cronin stated that the programmatic component of this proj ect has not yet been addressed. Though he has not yet done so,he is happy to sit down with the building users to discuss their thoughts on these buildings and potential future programming for each. Ms. Barry(SB)noted that there are three buildings in Town,the public safety facilities,that are essentially lived in 24/7/365. She is concerned about the East Lexington Fire Station and believes a discussion on this building needs to be had. Ms. Kosnoff noted that her department is already starting to plan for the FY24 budget. In July,the database will be open for departments to start requesting capital expenditure proj ects. The total level of investment for the future needs to be understood in order to also look at it on an annual basis. The groups discussed their thoughts on removing the High School and Police Station from the calculation. Mr. Cronin stated that he Would rerun the calculations based on different scenarios and present that information at the next Summit meeting. Mr. Michaelson(AC)suggested that the groups use the FCI calculation as a guide,but not necessarily as a requirement. Dr. Hackett(SC)noted that the database does not understand policy issues and does not take into account for the potential grant dollars for a new high school. She believes the High School should be removed from the calculation. Ms. Hai (SB) stated that she believes there should be two lines kept in this tool for the high school. One, which is how much would be be spent on maintenance over the coming years if a new school is not built. A second line that assumes there is a new high school built and covers the expenditures that would reasonably be expected. Mr. Lucente (SB) stated that he would like to see certain historic, or Town-owned buildings, that are not currently included on the list,be added. The next Summit meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. DOCUMENTS: Presentation ADJOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adj ourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. The other committees followed suit. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary SELECT BOARD MEETING May 23, 2022 A remote participation work session meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 23, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Mr. Pato, Mr. Sandeen; and Ms. Barry were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted, with the agenda on the Town's website. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 3: Discuss Strategy with Respect to Collective Bargaining-Lexington Police Patrolman's Association (LPPA) &Fire Union Ms. Bar�r�y�ecused he�self fr�om this item. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 4-0 to move into Executive Session regarding Exemption 3: Discuss Strategy with Respect to Collective Bargaining- Lexington Police Patrolman's Association(LPPA) &Fire Union at 6:35 p.m. The Board returned to Regular Session at 7:11 p.m. Ms. Bar��y r�etook he�seat on the Boar�d. PUBLIC COMMENT Dawn McKenna, speaking as chairman of the Lexington Tourism Committee, stated that she hopes the Board will require that people attend at least one meeting of the committee prior to submitting an application for consideration for membership to a committee. She asked if the Board might consider sending applications to the various committees for people who have applied, so that they can be reviewed. Committees might then invite applicants to a meeting, to see what skills they might have to bring to the groups. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS & LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns& Liaison Reports Ms. Barry explained that a Board member is needed to volunteer to sit on the Hanscom Area ToWns (HATS) Committee. HATS is comprised of a member of the Select Board from Lexington, Lincoln, Bedford, and Concord. The chair is rotated every year. That vote will take place in June. Ms. Barry also pointed out the Recreation Department report and all of the great programming that it highlights. She also noted that the Semiquincentennial Commission (Lex250) will have a booth at the 2022 Discovery Day to promote the celebration that is being held in April 2025 to commemorate the 250tn anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. TOWN MANAGER REPORT Mr. Malloy stated that the Board of Health has been getting requests from some residents to consider reinstating a mask mandate. Joanne Ballenger,Director of Public Health, is not recommending a mandatory mask mandate at this time. She is recommending that there be a notice placed on the Town website that himself and the Select Board strongly encourage wearing of masks in certain settings and to continue to follow other sound public health interventions such as getting vaccinated, increasing ventilation, and having activities outside, and testing as appropriate. Mr. Malloy noted that the streetlight poles in the downtown area have been being used to hold banners for certain Town events. During the construction project,many of these poles will need to be removed, and so June will likely be the last month that banners will be hung until construction is complete. Electronic signs will be used to notify residents of certain events, such as the upcoming debt exclusion vote, in absence of being able to hang banners. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Town Manager Committee Reappointments To approve the Town Manager's reappointments of Sudhir Jain, Susan Rockwell and Julie-Ann Shapiro to the Council on Aging and Frederick DeAngelis to the Recreation Committee. DOCUMENTS: Jain Reappointment Application, Rockwell Reappointment Application, Shapiro Reappointment Application, DeAngelis Reappointment Application 2. Select Board Committee Appointment& Reappointments To appoint Jonathan Silverstein to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board(LexHAB) for a three-year term set to expire on May 31, 2025. To reappoint Bob Burbidge and Henry Liu to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board(LexHAB)both for a three-year term set to expire on May 31, 2025. To reappoint Ed Adelman as a Full Member of the Historic Districts Commission representing the Lexington Historical Society for a five-year term set to expire on December 31,2025. To reappoint Anne Eccles as a Full Member of the Historic Districts Commission as the Select Board nomination for a five-year term set to expire on December 31, 2026. DOCUMENTS: 2022 Lexington Housing Assistance Board(LexHAB)Application-J. Silverstein 3. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes To approve and release the Select Board Meeting minutes of May 9, 2022. DOCUMENTS: DRAFT 05092022 Select Board 4. Approve One-Day Liquor Licenses To approve two One-Day Liquor Licenses for Spectacle Management to serve beer and wine in the lobby of Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of two events as follows: Roger McGuinn Concert on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 from 6:30pm to 10:30pm and Jesse Cook Concert on Friday, June 24,2022 from 7:OOpm to 11:OOpm. To approve a One-Day Liquor License for Wilson Farm, Inc. to serve wine for the purpose of their "Dinner in the Field" Fundraiser to be held outside in the fields of Wilson Farm, 10 Pleasant Street on Thursday, June 23, 2022 (with a rain date of Friday, June 24, 2022)from 5:30pm to 9:OOpm. 5. Approve 95/99 Hayden Avenue Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) To approve the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) as attached and to authorize the Select Board to sign said MOU. DOCUMENTS: 95/99 Hayden MOU for Execution 6. Approve Entertainment License To approve an Entertainment License for the Lexington Farmers'Market, Worthen Road Practice Field, for the purpose of providing recorded music and live musical performances for patrons of the market to take place every Tuesday from May 31,2022 through October 25, 2022 from 2:OOpm to 6:30pm under a tent in the back corner of the field away from Worthen Road. DOCUMENTS: Lexington Farmers'Market-Overview of Request&Map for Entertainment License, Lexington Farmers'Market-List of Musicians/Performers VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Update from Communications Advisory Committee on PEG Access Provider Procurement Rita Vachani, CAC Member&Ken Pogran, Chair of Communications Advisory Committee addressed the Board. Ms. Vachani explained that the contract with Lexmedia is structured as a six-year grant agreement, in three two-year terms. The first two-year term will be complete at the end of June this year. The intention is to renew the second two-year term starting July 1. She noted that the questions for the Board include what level of service it wants Lexmedia to continue to provide over the next two years. Secondly,how will Lexmedia be funded during those that two-year period. She explained that the PEG Account balance of$1 M can fully fund the gap in funding through FY26 without supplemental Town funding. Option 1,to use the PEG Account to level services,will require Town funding to go from$0 in FY26 to $350,000 in FY27(at the start of the new contract) and continue to grow year-over-year thereafter. Option 2,to level services using the Town supplemental funding,will retain the balance in the PEG account of$300K at the end of FY28. This option grows Town funding more gradually from$l 00K in FY24 to $300K in FY28. The PEG account balance provides a"cushion"to better manage the potential risk of Verizon early termination and technology shifts. Option 3,to reduce services using the Town supplemental funding,will see a 10%reduction in expenses starting in FY25. This option retains the balance in the PEG account of$300K at the end of FY28. This option grows Town funding more gradually, from$l 00K in FY24 to $250K in FY28. It will also allow for better managed risk of Verizon early termination and technology shifts. In reviewing these options,the Board needs to decide if it is comfortable with the upcoming two-year lease renewal. Ms. Vachani noted that Lexmedia put together a proposal in case the Board decides to reduce the budget by 10%,including certain governmental meetings and school sports/concerts coverage lost. Mr. Malloy stated that his recommendation is to go With Option 2. Option 2 allows for a phased in approach, alloWing for a smoother transition, and the retention of some of the fund balance. Ms. Hai agreed with Mr. Malloy's recommendation and noted that the Board has previously stated that it does not want to see a reduction in Lexmedia services. Mr. Lucente stated that he does not believe the Board wants to move in a direction that reduces the public's access to information. He noted that there are likely creative ways to raise funds and do additional programming to generate revenue or sponsorships. Mr. Pato also agreed with moving toward Option 2 and looking for additional funding from other sources. Ms. Barry agreed with pursuing Option 2. She also asked if there is an existing Town space which could be retrofitted for Lexmedia in order to reduce lease costs. Mr. Sandeen agreed with Option 2 and voiced his interest in the possibility of moving Lexmedia services into the new high school in terms of reducing costs and allowing high schoolers additional opportunities to get involved. Mr. Pogran explained that there's some possibility for supplemental funding with a really aggressive underwriting and sponsorship campaign. However, this will not be a complete replacement for funding from the Town as the revenues continue to decline. He also noted that it is likely not practical to consider moving Lexmedia from the Avalon building for an interim period before moving it into the new high school, as the facility is well retrofitted, and it will likely incur additional costs. David Kanter,48 Fifer Lane and Precinct 7 Town Meeting Member, asked about the decline over time of the current PEG revenue.Mr. Pogran stated that this has a lot to do with cord cutting and the advent of streaming services. The PEG revenue is a tax on the cable television revenues from providers. Cable television is the only part of the service that has that tax on it,by federal law. The Town does not have the ability, for example,to put a tax on a cable providers' internet revenue. It is just a cable television revenue and cord cutting is the reason for the decline. DOCUMENTS: Update from CAC -Peg Provider 2. Proclamation Request-National Gun Violence Awareness Day Jodi Goodman and Rita Schneur addressed the Board. Ms. Goodman explained that on January 21, 2013 Hadiya Pendleton marched in President Obama's second inaugural parade. One week later, Hadiya was shot and killed on a playground in Chicago. Soon after this tragedy Hadiya's friends commemorated her life by wearing orange, the color hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others. VVear Orange is now observed every June and 1,OOOs of people wear the color orange to honor Hadiya and the more than 40,000 people who are killed with guns and approximately 85,000 people who are shot and wounded every year. Ms. Schneur noted that Moms Demand Action is a volunteer grassroots organization with over 400 members in Lexington. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve and sign a proclamation recognizing June 3, 2022,the first Friday in June, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in the Town of Lexington. DOCUMENTS: 2022 National Gun Violence AWareness Day Proclamation 3. Proclamation Request-Quock Walker Day Sean Osborne, Association of Black Citizens of Lexington(ABCL) Historian, explained that the is the second year the ABCL will be hosting Quock Walker Day. The group is requesting a proclamation from the Board at this time. Legislation for this has been passed by the Senate and will hopefully be passed be the House prior to June 8, 2022. In response to a question from Mr. Kanter, Mr. Osborne explained that, if passed into legislation,this will become a recognized day but not a State holiday. Activities in Town on that day would be encouraged but not required. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve and sign a proclamation recognizing July 8, 2022 as Massachusetts Emancipation Day aka Quock Walker Day in the Town of Lexington. DOCUMENTS: 2022 Massachusetts Emancipation Day aka Quock Walker Day Proclamation 4. Request for Service Station Freestanding Sign- 1095 Massachusetts Avenue Ms. Hai explained that Mr. Issa,the owner of the Lexington Auto Care Service Station, located at 1095 Mass Ave, is requesting approval to place a sign on the Town-owned land, which is located at corner of Mass Ave and Maple Street. As the land is owned by the Town, approval of the Select Board is required. The Historic Districts Commission has issued a certificate of appropriateness, and the Zoning Board of Appeals has also issued its approval. Mr. Issa stated that moveable signs he uses are not attractive. Due to the style of the building, it is not possible to place a sign on the building itself. This sign was designed to look nicer and fit the space. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the placement of a free standing sign on Town-owned land at the corner of 1095 Massachusetts Avenue and Maple Street in accordance with the Zoning Board of Appeals decision of April 14,2022 and Historic District Certificate of Appropriateness dated April 7, 2022; further authorize the Town Manager to develop and execute,with Town Counsel guidance, an agreement for this use on said Town owned land. DOCUMENTS: Documents for Request to construct freestanding sign,ZBA Approval- 1095 Massachusetts Avenue Decision, HDC Certificate of Appropriateness 5. Joint Meeting- Select Board and Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee • Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee Report and Recommendations The Board opened its j oint meeting at 8:07 p.m. Jeff Howry, Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee, opened the group's meeting by roll call: Christina Burwell,Melinda Nasardinov, Lester Savage,Mark Manasas, and Jaclyn Anderson. Ms. Nasardinov stated that the Stone Building is located at 735 Mass Ave, near the intersection of Pleasant Street and East Lexington. The building long served as a branch library,but it has been closed to the public since it was damaged by water in 2007. The Committee's charge is to preserve the Building and explore constructive reuse by researching market demand and feasibility for alternative uses of the building, thereby supporting future Town investment to restore the building. The Stone Building was built in 1833 by Eli Robins to serve as a lyceum, lecture hall, and residence. The Stone Building was built in the form of a Greek temple,with Doric columns across the front, and was decorated with motifs of the Greek Revival style both inside and out. The Stone Building would become the site of abolitionist activity. The building also became the site of religious services for the residents of East Lexington. The Stone Building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its architectural merit, as an example of Greek Revival architecture, and for its association with the Robin's family and the development of East Lexington. Ellen Stone, a Robin's family descendent, sold the building to the Town in 1892, and later donated the money back to the Town. After serving as a branch library for more than a century,the building was damaged by water when a pipe burst in 2007. In 2009, the Town hired a team to prepare the Historic Structures Report and Recommendations for Rehabilitation and Reuse. After more than a decade, some of the information it contains needs to be updated due to changes in building code and cost estimates. After being unused for 15 years,the building is relatively stable,but in need of restoration and rehabilitation in order to be usable. Ms.Nasardinov explained that the authors of the 2009 report recommended a new construction in the same location as the missing back part of the building, in order to accommodate fully accessible restrooms, elevator and stairs. Overall,the building is approximately 3,000 s.f., including the passageways. Ms. Nasardinov explained that the Committee held a public forum to generate ideas for the space and then another to receive feedback on the comments that emerged. It also received some detailed proposals for concepts, including two proposals focused on using the building as an abolition museum and center for racial justice, one proposal for a telephone museum focusing on technology, and one for a modern-day coffeehouse. Out of all this work, certain themes emerged. The Committee heard many people expressing interest in the significance of the building and the history it represents,the importance of the building as a gathering space with rooms for classes, lectures and performances, and the importance of an inclusive space where topics of the day could be discussed. The suggestions were broken down into 11 categories,with the top five concepts being history museum; intercultural center; center for racial, social, and environmental justice;branch library; and 21 st century lyceum. Any use of the building needs to match the restrictions Ellen Stone included in the deed. Many of the concepts that emerged from the research fit well with what Ellen Stone envisioned more than a century ago. The building was given to the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington and was to be forever held and maintained under the direction and management of the Trustees of the Cary library. The Cary Library Board of Trustees voted not to pursue a municipally funded branch library in the Stone Building. Ms.Nasardinov stated that the overarching theme of the proposed vision is for a 21 st century Lyceum. This would include lectures, cultural events, and programs. It would consider present day social issues such as diversity, equity and inclusion, environmental, social, and racial justice. It would incorporate modern technology and engage with audiences beyond the walls of the Stone Building. Another component of the vision includes a casual drop in space, likely on the first floor, with comfortable seating for reading and socializing. When not in use for lectures and programs,the Lyceum space on the second floor could be used as a meeting room for community organizations, discussion groups or similar gatherings. Other amenities might include print media resources,restrooms for visitors and bike path users, a small cafe or vending machines, and use of the surrounding outdoor space. There are tremendous opportunities to develop place-based education programs in support of existing social studies,history, and civics curriculum for Lexington students as well as those in neighboring towns. Potential partners include local organizations, schools, and Town municipal departments. Ms. Nasardinov stated that the funding needed to bring this vision to life falls into two categories: restoration and operation, including staffing,programming, and maintenance. Community Preservation Act funds make the most sense for the restoration of the building. Other grants may also be available to support restoration. For operational expenses,the Committee anticipates that some ratio of Town nonprofit and/or community organization collaboration Will be needed. It's possible that a nonprofit might lease the building from the Town at a below-market rate and run the programming. There is likely to be some income from programming and fees, and possibly from event rentals or the lease of office space. The Town will need to take an active role in the incubation of the new lyceum,by appointing or hiring a coordinator to oversee this first phase. This person will lead restoration efforts,together with facilities and other Town departments;build community engagement and awareness; develop preliminary programming such as outdoor interpretation at the site; lead fundraising efforts; and explore possible operational models. Some or all of these steps might involve an existing or newly formed nonprofit. as well as collaboration with community partners. Once the coordinator is in place,the Committee's recommended next steps are for the Town to make the needed updates to the existing historic structure report and prepare for CPA funding to restore the building. Mr. Lucente stated that he believes this building needs to be kept alive by restoring it and bringing it back to its glory. He asked that the Board make decisions and take swift action this evening on this item to keep it moving forward. He encouraged the Board to look into CPA funding as a first step. Mr. Pato noted that he took a straw poll of the Trustees regarding the proposed potentials uses for the Stone Building and there were no concerns raised. He is concerned that there is no room in the operational budget for significant program improvements for this space. He believes an early investment could be to create a public/private partnership of some form that will go forward and move forward these activities. He also supports seeking the use of CPA design funds. He noted that there is not a coordinator position for this item listed in the FY23 budget. Ms. Barry suggested that the Board ask Mr. Malloy to take their thoughts on this item and come back with distinct suggestions. Mr. Sandeen stated that he supports a plan to present this for CPA design funding. Ms. Hai asked Mr. Malloy to brainstorm some creative ways to find someone who can be the champion of this proj ect. Mr. Malloy agreed and noted that he would work to bring suggestions to the Board within a month. Many of the committee members spoke to the importance of this building and the opportunities it presents to all in the community. Mr. Kanter,Vice Chair for the Capital Expenditures Committee, stated that before one can reasonably go forward to ask for design funds, one needs to know what the structure will be expected to be designed for, which falls back upon what the Select Board may decide. He questioned the urgency of seeking funding. Ms. McKenna, Chair of the Tourism Committee, spoke of the Tourism Committee's enthusiastic support for this building's progress. She urged the Town Manager,under the Board's direction,put forward a champion for this proj ect. Elaine Ashton, formerly of 32 Cliff Avenue, spoke of the building being a national treasure and asked that the momentum for this proj ect be continued. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to accept the report of the Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Reuse Study Committee, dated May 19, 2022. Mr. Howry adj ourned the Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasiblity/Reuse Committee's meeting. The Board closed the joint meeting at 8:52 p.m. DOCUMENTS: Presentation,Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee Report The Select Board returned to their regular meeting to take the next item on their agenda. 6. Request to Name Lexington Fire Headquarters Rob Green, President of Lexington Firefighters Local 1491, addressed the Board. He explained that the request is that the Select Board,under its authority, name the new fire headquarters at 45 Bedford Street, the Senator Kenneth J. Donnelly Fire Headquarters. He explained that Kenny served on the initial building committee and was way ahead of his time in recognizing the disproportionate impact that cancer was having on fire�ghters. Kenny recognized very early that firehouse design was an intricate part of the problem causing occupational cancer. In addition to the dangers firefighters face when called to service, firehouses across the State are a detriment to their health. Kenny continued to advocate for the replacement of fire headquarters and many other firehouses across the Commonwealth,until he himself succumbed to occupational cancer in 2017. The new fire headquarters in Lexington is designed with occupational safety in mind. Generations of Lexington firefighters, their families, and citizens they serve will benefit from Kenny's early and continued advocacy. Kenny lead an impressive career that touched so many lives and continues to impact the Lexington Fire Department and the community as a whole. It is only fitting the new fire headquarters be named the Senator Kenneth J. Donnelly Fire Headquarters. He thanked the support of Assistant Speaker of the US House of Representatives Congresswoman Katherine Clark, State Senator Cindy Friedman, State Representatives Michelle Ciccolo and Ken Gordon, as well as former State Rep. Jay Kaufman. Jay Kaufman stated that"Kenny"was universally appreciated, respected, and loved. He was an incredible leader. Putting Ken Donnelly's name on this building,would speak to the importance of public service, and would be a call to public service—a reminder to all of us that we too, are capable of a kind of selfless devotion and service that were exhibited in his role as a firefighter and in his role as a union leader. Mr. Lucente stated that he would be comfortable referring this item to the Monuments &Memorials Committee for further discussion. Mr. Pato stated that naming a facility should be a high bar, which is easily met here. While the Monuments &Memorials Committee has a role in this, naming facilities is within the purview of the Select Board. He believes the Board should move forward and vote to accept this proposal. Ms. Barry agreed with Mr. Pato. She believes the proposal is a fitting tribute to Ken Donnelly. Mr. Sandeen agreed that the Board can move forward with this item. He noted that Jay Kaufman raised a question regarding if the word"Senator" should be included in the name of the facility. He believes this option can be left up to the proponents of this item. Ms. Hai stated that the Board seems to support this item and asked that Mr. Green consider and work with Mr. Kaufman regarding if the title should be placed in front of the name for the facility. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to accept the proposal from the Executive Board of Lexington Firefighters Local 1491 to name the new Fire Headquarters at 45 Bedford Street the "Senator Kenneth J. Donnelly Fire Headquarters,"with or without the title Senator as the proponents submit. DOCUMENTS: Request Letter to Name Fire Headquarters, Letter of Support- Senator Friedman, Letter of Support- State Rep. Ciccolo, Letter of Support-Congresswoman Clark, Letter of Support-Former State Rep. Kaufman,Naming of Facilities and Placement of Memorials Policy 7. Review and Approve Building Department Fee Schedule Kat Labrecque, Management Analyst, stated that building activity has remained steady, despite market fluctuation, and material and labor shortages. These fees have not been updated since 1993. A comparative analysis was completed,using surrounding communities, and found that the Town's fees were significantly lower in some cases, mostly because they haven't been updated in several years. Overall, staff feels that the updated fees proposed are fair and comparable with other communities. Staff was very intentional to make sure these new fees don't burden or significantly impact Lexington residents. Most of the fees will really impact commercial proj ects,which have been benefiting from very low permit fees. If approved, staff would notify contractors, the community, and others of the increases, giving about 90 days or more for implementation. In the future, the plan is to update fees more regularly, ideally on an annual basis. Ms. Labrecque stated that the proposal looks to increase both the residential and commercial building permit fees. Residential dwellings would increase slightly from$12 to $13 per $1,000 in valuation, and commercial and multiuse fees are proposed to increase from$12 to $15. Regarding residential plumbing and gas permit fees, these are proposed to increase from$30 to $60 for the first fixture and then from$7 to $15 for every additional fixture. For commercial projects fee increases are proposed from$30 to $150 for the first fixture, and then $15 for each additional fixture. Commercial proj ects represent a signi�cant amount of staff time, especially as the Town continues to seek out new life science research and development tenets. Regarding the electrical permit fee,the proposal is for a secondary fee of$10 per $1,000 for project valuations over$10,000. Also, for the commercial side, a maintenance permit fee increase is proposed for a business with an employed licensed electrician, for maintenance purposes, from $150 to $250 annually. The typical cost of a residential solar array is approximately$30,000, so when applying the new fee increase, this proposal increases the building permit by about$30. There will be a small increase of less than 10% in revenue, in terms of residential permits and fees. Mr. Lucente asked if the proposed fees will cover the costs. Jim Kelly, Building Commissioner, explained that all fees collected help support all of the Town departments that have a role in processing permits. Ms. Labrecque explained that an 8% change from 1993 to 2022 seems quite small. Mr. Lucente noted that costs continue to go up each year. He noted that,per the Brown Book, the Town took in$3.2M in license and permit fees in FY21. Mr. Sandeen stated that building and construction costs have increased by leaps and bounds over the last couple of years. He asked if the proposed costs are correlated to these increases at all. Mr. Kelly stated that the proposal is trying to keep permit increases at a reasonable parallel rate. Mr. Malloy stated that fees are supposed to relatively meet what the expenditures are for certain types of programs, such as building inspections, or plumbing inspections. He noted that, over the last five years, the Town has taken in approximately$3M million/year on average for licenses and permits. The department budget for Land Use, Health, and Development for FY23 is approximately$2.8M. He does not believe the proposed increases are out of line when reviewing these figures. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to amend the Building Department Fee Schedule as recommended in the attached April 28, 2022 memorandum. DOCUMENTS: Building Department Fee Schedule Update 8. Discuss Temporary Suspension of Permitting for Special Events on Battle Green Mr. Malloy stated that he spoke with Dave Pinnsoneault who agreed that it is a good idea to temporarily suspend any, not already permitted, external events through the end of this construction season. The end of this current construction season is likely around November 15, 2022. Next spring, work in the roadways around the three intersections around the Battle Green will begin. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to temporarily suspend external events on the Battle Green during construction,to be reviewed on/about November 15, 2022. ADOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adj ourn the meeting at 9:34 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary SELECT BOARD MEETING June 6,2022 A remote participation work session meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:02 p.m. on Monday, June 6, 2022 via hybrid meeting services. Ms. Hai, Chair; Mr. Lucente; Vice Chair, Mr. Pato, Ms. Barry and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Prizio, Department Assistant. Ms. Hai stated that the meeting was being conducted via Zoom as posted, with the agenda on the Town's website. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jeff Howry, 5 Bennett Avenue, asked the Select Board to consider proceeding with one of the recommendations of the Stone Building Feasibility and Reuse Committee, which is to begin the process of a national landmark designation for the Stone Building. This is a multi-year process, as it involves a series of reviews. The �rst and critical step is preparation of a preliminary detailed letter, which outlines the rationale for this nomination. Ms. Hai stated that she would put this item into the Board's list of things to review. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Lucente stated that he was honored yesterday to be a participant and a parent of one of the graduates of Lexington High School Class of 2022. The community has a lot to be proud of. Ms. Hai stated that she was able to ask questions during the MAGIC legislative breakfast regarding the extension to hybrid and remote policies. Each chamber has passed something and they are currently in conference committee. The discussion was that policies will likely get extended but probably not without a gap. Boards and committees in Town are likely going to need to be prepared for possibly several weeks midsummer where they will need to choose not to meet or to meet in person. She noted that the existing Remote Participation Policy requires that a quorum and the chair of any committee be present in person. That does not necessarily mean the designated chair of the committee,but the person chairing the meeting must be present along with a quorum, and then other members can dial in or zoom in. Ms. Hai also noted that there is a calendar in the Outlook program which members can reference for schedules. TOWN MANAGER REPORT Mr. Malloy stated that he previously advised the Board that, by July 31 St, it needs to appoint a School Building Committee. The Select Board is the appointing authority for the School Building Committee, and he asked if the Board would like to make these decisions in consultation with the School Committee. Ms. Barry suggested that both the Board and School Committee put up a parent or resident for consideration to this committee. She also believes this position should be advertised. Mr. Sandeen stated that there is an existing Integrated Building Design Construction Policy, which has some requirements for who participates in a building process. The Board might want to discuss how appointments for these two processes are integrated. He would like the Board to discuss criteria for choosing representatives. Ms. Hai stated that she is asking each member to submit interest in serving on this committee as the Select Board representative to the office, and then also a preference between advertising or doing some other form of selection. She believes that advertising is likely needed. Mr. Malloy stated that Martha Duf�eld, Chief Equity Officer, has been working on developing a subcommittee of the Commission on Disability that's being referred to as a Collaborative Reform Subcommittee. Town Council has suggested that this might be better formed by the Town Manager's Office. He will be bringing more information on this to the Board in the future. He also noted that the Mass DEI Coalition has put together a How-to Guidebook on creating an equity position in municipalities. Also, Gina Rada, the Town's Veterans' Agent, has been awarded the 2022 Department of Veterans Services Deborah Sampson Award, which is granted to an outstanding female veteran in the state. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Acceptance of Easement for Hayden Avenue Pump Station To approve the Easement Agreement between 95 HAYDEN LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as grantor, and the Town of Lexington, as grantee, substantially in the form presented at the June 6, 2022 meeting of the Select Board,with final changes to be approved by the Town Manager in his reasonable discretion in consultation with town counsel; and To authorize the Town Manager to execute and accept said Amended and Restated Grant of Easement on behalf of the Select Board. DOCUMENTS: Easement Agreement, Easement Plan, Certification of TM Vote 2. Approve Fiscal Year 2023 Cost-Of-Living Adj ustment(COLA)for Non-Represented Employees To approve a 2.0%COLA for non-union town staff for fiscal year 2023, effective July 1, 2022, as listed in the attachment. DOCUMENTS: ListofTNONStaff 3. Battle Green Use Request—Flag Day Ceremony To approve the Lexington Lodge of Elks #2204 request to use the flagpole area of the Battle Green for the purpose of the annual Flag Day Ceremony to be held on Tuesday, June 14,2022 from 7:OOpm to 9:OOpm. 4. Approve One-Day Liquor License To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Lexington Historical Society to serve rum punch,beer, and wine in the side yard of Munroe Tavern, 1332 Massachusetts Avenue, for the purpose of Tavern Night: Highlanders and Outlanders on Saturday, July 30, 2022 from S:OOpm to 7:OOpm. 5. Approve and Sign Eagle Scout Commendation Letter—Owen Raiche To approve and sign a letter of commendation congratulating Owen Raiche for attaining the highest rank of Eagle in Boy Scouting. DOCUMENTS: 2022 Eagle Scout Letter-O. Raiche-Troop 160 6. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes To approve and release the Select Board meeting minutes of May 16, 2022. DOCUMENTS: DRAFT 05162022 Select Board 7. Water and Sewer Finals and Commitments To approve the above Water& Sewer Finals. To approve the above Water& Sewer Commitments. DOCUMENTS: Water-Sewer Comm 6-6-22 VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda,with the addition of the Chief Equity Officer to the COLA list. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Discussion on Monument Recognizing the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington Howard Wolk explained he has contacted some members of the community regarding an offer to invest $250,000 to help initiate the process of a monument for the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. Ms. Barry stated that deliverable number four in the charge of the Semiquincentennial Commission is to investigate opportunities for a possible permanent memorial, similar to what Mr. Wolk is proposing. She suggested a small working group of three to five people to begin the process. Mr. Lucente agreed with the idea. He stated that he hopes the working group will maintain a connection to the Monuments&Memorials Committee. Mr. Pato also agreed with creating a working group. He noted he has reservations about placing structures on the Battleground. There are other locations in Lexington that may be more appropriate. Ms. Hai stated that she will working with Ms. Barry to create a working group for this item and keep Mr. Wolk informed along the way. DOCUMENTS: Semiquincentennial Commission(Lex250) Charge 2. Update on Stormwater Utility John Livsey, Town Engineer; consultants, Christina Conchilla and Jenn Tavantzis,Raftelis; and Emily Scerbo, Tighe &Bond, addressed the Board. Ms. Tavantzis explained that a previous presentation to the Board examined the rate structure and data which would underpin a move from funding the stormwater program from general fund tax to a new stormwater enterprise fee. She noted that this fee would be based on the amount of impervious surface area on each property. The typical billing unit for stormwater fees is called the equivalent residential unit. The consulting group put together a policy and procedure document back in April, after a few rounds of input and discussion with the staff working group. The topics in that document generally fall into a couple of different categories: most critical policy decisions, less critical policy decisions,processes and procedures, and policies. The most critical policy decisions include rate structure. The group has been discussing a three-tiered system to provide a little bit more variation between properties in the single-family residential class. A tiered structure allows those properties with less impervious area that place less demand on the stormwater system to pay a little less in their stormwater fees. Those in tier one, on the smallest side of the scale, are charged 0.6 ERUs. Those in the middle tier, or about half of the parcels captured, are charged 1 ERU. The upper tier is charged 1.7 ERUs. If a four-tier system was used,the fourth-tier breakpoint is at about 7,000 s.f. Approximately 4% of parcels in Town fall into into that fourth tier. The fourth tier would be charged 2.6 ERUs causing the overall rate per ERU to go down a little bit by about 1.2% for all other tiers. She explained that one additional option adds caps to the tiered system, so that those above the cap end up being treated like a non-single-family residential parcel instead and billed for actual amount of impervious area on a per ERU basis. Ms. Tavantzis explained that the next topic is whether to exempt municipally owned properties from the stormwater fee. The Town owns approximately 1,000 properties of relatively small proportion. About 170 of those are developed,but they represent about 8.5% of the impervious area on parcels within the Town. The Town can either bill the Town to be paid via the general fund for these properties, or the Town can exempt those municipally owned properties from receiving a stormwater fee. The purpose of the Stormwater Enterprise Fund is to remove funding for the stormwater program from the general fund and instead create an independent stable revenue source. A third policy,would create a credit policy to acknowledge reductions in demand from individual properties. Details for this program will be considered by Town staff and will be influenced by input from stakeholders during an outreach process. Ms. Tavantzis noted that, as a general rule, a stormwater fee can only be charged to the impervious area on a parcel. Thus,public roads and unaccepted roads,which are similar except that unaccepted roads aren't maintained by the Town,will not be charged a fee because they are not on parcels. The same is true for other impervious features that are in public rights of way. For customer service issue, and for penalties for late or nonpayment,the goal is to follow the Water& Sewer precedent as closely as possible. The goal for appeals tis o establish a board similar to the Water& Sewer Abatement Board. Ms. Tavantzis stated that, for condominiums,multifamily and multi-tenant properties, the entire property will be billed, and the fee will be charged to the master meter. There will be a number of opportunities for public input during the duration of this proj ect. It is anticipated that at the 2023 Town Meeting,the Town will be asked to approve the Stormwater Enterprise Fund and approve the FY2024 budget, including the Stormwater Enterprise,which would be the funding source for operational and capital costs associated with the stormwater program. Later in 2023, stormwater fees would be added to water and sewer bills. Mr. Sandeen stated that he prefers the three-tier system with a cap option that was presented, as it adequately incentivizes those properties With high impervious surface areas to move into lower categories. He suggested that the Town-owned municipal properties should not be exempt from this program. The Town should be willing to live under the same rules and standards that it sets for others. He stated that he agrees with the idea proposed for a credit program. Mr. Pato stated that he would recommend not assessing municipal buildings,putting this onto the ratepayers and then agreeing that the Town will work to reduce impervious surfaces. He noted that he would like to include an underride into the program, as mentioned by Mr. Lucente. He also asked that the condominium/multifamily item be further reviewed, as there are a small but not insignificant number of condominium associations in Town which don't have a master meter but are individually metered. Ms. Barry agreed with a robust credit program that can be well communicated. She does not believe municipal-owned properties should have an opt out. She would also like to have a larger discussion regarding the staffing that will be needed for this program. Ms. Hai agreed with the credit program and the three-tiered system with a cap. She has initial thoughts to not charge municipally owned buildings through the program as the cost would simply be carried by the taxpayer as an added expense in the budget. In response to a question from Ms. Barry, it was noted that state properties and federal properties do pay through this program. Mr. Lucente suggested adding this program piece to the already existing Water& Sewer Abatement Board, instead of creating a new group. Mr. Livsey stated that one concern with not exempting municipally owned buildings is the administrative burden. It would require staff to adjust the budgets of any department that has property and tracking those yearly, along with crediting any properties. The town is already very aggressive with reducing their impervious areas for new buildings. Ms. Hai stated that the Board would like more information on this item. Ms. Barry asked where this program will live and if additional staffing will be needed. Ms. Scerbo explained if the Town chooses not to exempt themselves from the enterprise fee, this could total approximately$270,000 annually with the preliminary fee as estimated. Ms. Hai stated that the Board would also like more information on the breakdown of the tax-exempt properties, and commercial properites, and how those fee are calculated. Melinda Walker, 14 Larchmont Lane, stated that she has concerns about the difference between people who have owner occupied apartments and tenants who are paying rent to landlords. There's also a difference between people who are living in market rate apartments and people who are living in subsidized apartments or in very low-income apartments. She is concerned that this new fee would simply be passed from landlords to their tenants. Ingrid Klimoff, 18 Bacon Street, suggested that the Board might want to give residents an incentive to convert lawns to meadows. Meadows can filter water and allow it to be absorbed into the earth faster than lawns. Meadows allow for runoff to streams that contains less nitrogen and phosphorus. This will allow residents to save money in an indirect manner. DOCUMENTS: Presentation,Policy Document, Decision Matrix 3. Review and Approve Request for Stormwater Regulation Amendment Marissa Liggiero, Senior Civil Engineer and John Livsey, Town Engineer, addressed the Board. Ms. Liggiero explained that the MS4 permit, is the municipal separate storm sewer system permit, which was issued by the Environmental Protection Agency back in 2003 and reissued in 2018. There are over 240 separate required items for every municipality to meet under this permit including targeted public educational messages, stormwater sampling bylaw regulations, catch basin cleaning, etc. In addition, Lexington has a phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL)which requires the Town to reduce the phosphorus load by over 500 pounds per year. The current regulations show that a stormwater management permit is necessary only if the proj ect disturbs more than one acre of land,proposes a new dwelling on a vacant lot or involves a teardown,requires a special permit, a special permit with site plan review, or approval under the subdivision control law. Specifically,the permit requires a stormwater plan to address control of stormwater runoff through soil testing,hydrology, and hydraulic calculations, and to address sediment and erosion controls. She explained that the Mass EP Handbook and the EPA MS4 permit do not align, leaving the Town with a deficiency in its regulations. This deficiency is related to how stormwater systems are designed. In order to comply with the MS4 permit, retainage of stormwater runoff must be increased from 1/2"to 1" of runoff. Retaining more runoff will help slow down stormwater while also reducing the chance of flooding. Removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) must also be increased from 80%to 90%, and removal of phosphorus must be increased to 60%. High TSS in waterbodies have negative impacts on plants and wildlife. Failure to comply can result in possible fines or consent orders from the EPA, which has increased audits of communities since 2018. These regulations are a critical component during audits. The following items need to be added to the Stormwater Management Performance Standards: retain the volume of runoff equivalent to or greater than 1"multiplied by the total post construction impervious surface area on the redeveloped site, including any directly connected impervious area draining onto the redeveloped site; and/or remove 90% of the average annual load of TSS generated from the impervious area on the site and remove 60% of the average annual load of total phosphorus generated from the total area on the site. In response to a question from Mr. Lucente,Mr. Livsey explained that the Town is required to remove over 500 pounds of phosphorus each year. As developments come in, specifically in the Charles River Watershed, if they are increasing impervious area, and they're not removing phosphorus,then the burden on the Town gets higher. By implementing these new regulations, it will keep the Town from losing ground every time a development comes in. It will also help by reducing the amount of flow going into the drainage system, thus making it less likely to have to increase pipe or culvert sizes. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to accept the stormwater regulations as presented to ensure compliance with the EPA MS4 permit. DOCUMENTS: Presentation,Updated regulation 4. Public Hearing: Restaurant Wines&Malt Beverages Liquor License-M Block LLC d/b/a Akame Nigiri and Sake, 1707 Massachusetts Avenue#2 Ms. Hai stated that items 4 and 5 would be taken up together, including a public hearing for item 4. She opened the hearing at 7:39 p.m. This hearing is for M Block LLC, operating as Akame Nigiri and Sake at 1707 Massachusetts Avenue#2. Building,Zoning and Health Departments have reviewed this application and have no obj ections to the Liquor License application and have advised the applicant of the necessary permits required for the opening of the restaurant/signage. The applicant must obtain all required municipal permits for the restaurant. The license will be permitted for seven days per week, 11 am to midnight, as allowed under a liquor licensing provision. However,the actual operating hours will be governed by the hours permitted on the common Victualler's License, which is requesting operating hours of S:OOpm- 10:00pm Tuesday through Thursday, and S:OOpm- 11:OOpm Friday and Saturday. Ms. Hai closed the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the application from M Block LLC d/b/a Akame Nigiri and Sake located at 1707 Massachusetts Avenue#2 for a Restaurant Wines and Malt Beverages Liquor License for 7 days/week 11:OOam-12:00 midnight, and, once the application has also been approved by the ABCC, issue a Restaurant Wine and Malt Liquor License to M Block LLC d/b/a Akame Nigiri and Sake, 1707 Massachusetts Avenue#2 And further,to approve a Common Victualler License for M Block LLC d/b/a Akame Nigiri and Sake, 1707 Massachusetts Avenue#2 for the hours of S:OOpm to l 0:00pm Tuesday through Thursday and S:OOpm to 11:OOpm Friday and Saturday. DOCUMENTS: Liquor License Application 5. Application: Common Victualler License-M Block LLC d/b/a Akame Nigiri and Sake, 1707 Massachusetts Avenue#2 (this item was previously addressed) The Boa�d took a b�ief r�ecess at 7:45 p.rn. 6. Discussion on American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) and Requests for Additional Funding Jim Malloy, Town Manager; and Sandhya Iyer, Economic Development Director, addressed the Board. Mr. Malloy stated that there are three additional requests before the Board to consider for ARPA funding. Regarding 15 Depot Square for the pop-up business, a location for an accessible ramp to be installed has been found. DPW has indicated the ramp could be purchased for approximately$7,000. The Economic Development staff has worked with Historical Society to come to an agreement on an easement for the ramp during the time the pop-up would be at this location. Regarding the non-profit business grants, five non-profits have been identified and the request is for$50,000 to support them from ARPA funds (FUSE Preschool, Inc., Lexington Chamber of Commerce, Community Nursery School,My Weekday School, Drug Research Group). Finally,the Economic Development Department is requesting another$25,000 to move forward with the redesign of its website. In response to a question from Mr. Pato,Mr. Malloy stated that Mr. Pinsonneault met on site with the Chair of the Commission on Disability, and she was very pleased with the proposed ramp. In response to a question from Mr. Lucente,Ms. Iyer stated that there are already 17 unique vendors already interested in the pop-up site. Applicants are reviewed each season based on their fit for the space. The first cohort has one women's clothing store, and a baby clothing store. In response to a question from Ms. Hai regarding the non-profit business grants,Ms. Iyer explained that 12 applications were received in total. While the maj ority of the nonprofit organizations already received their funding, these are �ve remaining ones that have not yet received any funding. Mr. Sandeen noted that he hopes there is some sort of sidewalk signage along Massachusetts Avenue to alert people to the pop-up. Ms. Hai noted that she is a bit uncomfortable with the fact that a few organizations don't fit the nonprofit description but applied anyway and are being funded when there are many others of the same types of businesses that may not have applied because they didn't think they qualified. Ms. Barry agreed but noted that these businesses need the money now. She is comfortable approving these and then having a larger discussion about how to reach out to some businesses that may not have otherwise applied. Ms. Iyer stated that businesses were reached out to through several different means and creative solutions are being proposed to help get funding for anyone who needs it. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the use of ARPA Funds in the amounts of up to $10,000 for a ramp at 15 Depot Sq., $50,000 for non-pro�t business grants, and$25,000 for the purpose of redeveloping the Economic Development website. The Board reviewed the ARPA update chart. It was noted that the Town has spent$2,651,200 in ARPA funding so far, leaving$7,251,181. Mr. Malloy stated that there is plenty of opportunity to continue to do outreach to businesses in the community. Additional items up for discussion regarding ARPA funding include the water tower replacement, short term incentives for large property owners to provide affordable housing options, a parklet, a Bike Node/Technical Assistance grant to expand the downtown initiative to increase ridership to East Lexington(bikeway,wayfinding, lighting), sustainable �nancial aid efforts,participatory budget set-aside, and lawn games, Adirondack chairs, etc.,to encourage outdoor community building. Ms. Hai stated that she would like to see ARPA funding discussed for the two Recreation Department requests-the fitness equipment, and outdoor pour-in-place surface. She is also interested in the no-touch fixture s. Mr. Sandeen stated that it is a high priority for him that some of the ARPA funds be used to move the Town forward on affordable housing. He would like to see specific proposals for this. He also agreed with funding for the parklet and encouraged consideration of whether the Town should be funding additional parklets. Mr. Pato stated that he would like to see broader advertising for the non-profit businesses in Town and is also interested in more parklets. Ms. Barry stated that she had a conversation with a few of the Center business owners last week, and they are hurting because of Center streetscape. They've seen a signi�cant reduction in foot traffic, and she Wonders if something can be done to help these businesses in particular. Mr. Malloy stated that the Town has been providing general assistance across the board and a lot of businesses have received funding directly through the federal government. He noted that the Economic Development staff can be asked how better to aid the Center business owners. Ms. Iyer noted that some of the businesses are also hurting because they are unable to find enough of a workforce. She will plan to come back with ideas for the Center businesses. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to authorize expending an additional $300,000 out of the ARPA funds for the Economic Development Office to support small business and nonprofits locally, including those impacted from COVID-19 and the Center streetscape. Mr. Sandeen asked if part of the Economic Development Plan for addressing these issues includes help in marketing, raising awareness, or communication from the Town that that would drive customers to these businesses. Ms. Iyer stated that a proposal for$25,000 was received from the Lexington Times speci�cally to help businesses advertise in the Lexington Times. Mr. Lucente suggested that some funding may also need to be spent to get meeting rooms ready for hybrid meetings. Dawn McKenna, Chairman of the Tourism Committee,requested that funding be provided for Liberty Ride. The service has been cut back from seven days a week to just Friday through Monday. The hours have been cut back and the number of rides they complete have been cut back. The trolley itself needs to be addressed and there are ideas about how this can be done. DOCUMENTS: ARPA Update 6-1-22 7. Proclamation Request-Park and Recreation Month Lisah Rhodes, Recreation Committee, addressed the Board. Ms. Rhodes stated that the National Recreation Park Association celebrates each year with July as Parks &Recreation month. This year's theme is We Rise Up for Parks and Recreation. July is the most perfect month to highlight and showcase all of the Town's excellent facilities, including the newly installed Sutherland and Rindge Park playground structures. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve and sign a proclamation recognizing the month of July as Park and Recreation Month in the Town of Lexington. DOCUMENTS: 2022 Park and Recreation Month Proclamation 8. Massachusetts Avenue Road Closure Request-Hancock United Church of Christ Ms. Bar��y and Mr�. Sandeen �ecused thernselves f�orn this item. Ms. Hai explained that the Hancock United Church of Christ is requesting a road closure of Massachusetts Avenue from Massachusetts Avenue at Bedford Street westerly to Massachusetts Avenue at Harrington Road on Sunday, June 19, 2022 from 3:OOpm to 6:OOpm for the purpose of holding the Installation of Rev. Dr. Barbara L. Callaghan as the 12th Senior Minister. Hancock Church typically holds services indoors but would like to move the event outdoors to the small lawn in the front of the building at 1912 Massachusetts Avenue for COVID precautionary measures. The road closure request is to restrict vehicular access to the area for three hours starting at 3:OOpm. The service will take place from 4:OOpm to S:OOpm. The request has been reviewed by the Police Department, Fire Department, Department of Public Works, Economic Development, and the Town Manager's Office with no concerns. The Police Department has requested that the applicant reach out concerning police details prior to the event. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 3-0 to approve Hancock United Church of Christ's request for a road closure of Massachusetts Avenue to vehicular traf�c from Massachusetts Avenue at Bedford Street westerly to Massachusetts Avenue at Harrington Road on Sunday, June 19, 2022 from 3:OOpm to 6:OOpm for the purpose of the Installation of Rev. Dr. Barbara Callaghan as the 12th Senior Minister on the front lawn of 1912 Massachusetts Avenue. DOCUMENTS: Massachusetts Avenue Road Closure Request for Hancock United Church of Christ's Installation of Rev. Dr. Barbara L. Callaghan on 06-19-22 9. Approve Issuance of Massachusetts Water Resources Authority(MWRA)Bond Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, addressed the Board. Ms. Kosnoff explained that the 2019 Annual Town Meeting approved the installation of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system for the Town's Water and Sewer Enterprises under Article 16F. Installation of new meters in every Lexington household and business began in the summer of 2021 and will continue through 2022. The Town will enter into a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority(MWRA)to fund$3,770,000 of the AMI proj ect with a zero- interest loan. The MWRA requires the issuance of a municipal bond to secure this loan. The principal- only bond will be repaid in equal installments of$377,000 over 10 years, and debt service will be allocated evenly between the Water and Sewer Enterprise funds beginning in FY2023. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 that the sale of the $3,770,000 Water Bond of the Town dated June 13,2022,to Massachusetts Water Resources Authority(the"Authority") is hereby approved and the Town Treasurer or other appropriate Town official is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town a Loan Agreement and a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Authority with respect to the bond. The bond shall be payable without interest on May 15 of the years and in the principal amounts as follows: Year Installment Year Installment 2023 $377,000 2028 $377,000 2024 $377,000 2029 $377,000 2025 $377,000 2030 $377,000 2026 $377,000 2031 $377,000 2027 $377,000 2032 $377,000 And Further: that each member of the Select Board,the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them,to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing vote. DOCUMENTS: MWRA FinancialAssistanceAgreement, MWRA Loan Agreeemnt,MWRA Bond Certificate, MWRA Bond,ClerkAttestation 10. Proclamation Request-Recognition of Sr. Rabbi Howard Jaffe's Retirement Ms. Hai explained that the Select Board is being asked to approve and sign a proclamation in recognition of Senior Rabbi Howard L.Jaffe's retirement. Rabbi Jaffe has been the Senior Rabbi of Temple Isaiah since 2000 and has served the Lexington community as a member of the Cary Library Executive Board as well as the Chair of the Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association(LICA)to name a few. He has been a valued and respected member of the Lexington and Jewish communities and the Select Board would like to thank him for his many years of service. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve and sign a proclamation recognizing the retirement of Senior Rabbi Howard L. Jaffe for his many years of service to Lexington. DOCUMENTS: 2022 Senior Rabbi HoWard L. Jaffe's Retirement Proclamation The Boar�d took a b�ief r�ecess at 8:42 p.rn. 11. Presentation-Integrated Design Policy End of Phase for Police Station Proj ect Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities; and Jeff McElravy, AIA, Principal, Tecton Architects, addressed the Board. Mr. McElravy explained that this proj ect is still at the 90% construction document phase. The intention is to place this out to bid July 5, 2022. A meeting with the Conservation Commission gave a negative determination any proposed impacts from this proj ect.Approvals have also been received from a number of other Town committees and departments. The proj ect meets all of the Lexington sustainability requirements. The proposal includes solar panels on the roof of the structure,but panels may also be able to be placed elsewhere on the site. In response to a question from Mr. Lucente regarding a pathway from the Fletcher over to the Town office building, Mr. McElravy stated that this will likely be a gravel path. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen, Mr. Cronin stated that the PBC is meeting to discuss some of the value engineering options. In response to a question from Ms. Barry, Mr. Malloy stated that, due to the gravel road and chain-link fence, some employees of the Town will likely need to park in a different area and walk to the office. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the final construction design for the Police Station as presented. DOCUMENTS: Presentation Police Station design ADOURN Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to adj ourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Letter of Support Regarding Bill H.4852: An Act to Assess the Future of Mattress Recycling in the C ommonwealth PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.5 S UMMARY: A s the B o ard may b e aware, the C o mmo nwe alth has mo ved to b an mattre s s e s fro m land fills whic h has c reate d a need to addres s the po st-us e dispo sal o f us ed mattres s es. T his bill will establish a C ommis sion and fee that is p aid at the time o f p urc has e, whic h will as s is t in p reventing illegal dump ing and d is p o s al o f mattre s s e s. SUGGESTED MOTION: To autho rize the To wn Manager to s ign and s ub mit the attac hed letter to S tate R ep. Mic helle C ic c o lo regarding support for Bill H.4852:An Act to Assess the Future of Mattress Recycling in the Commonwealth as proposed. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����`�"���,��.���� �:,������ �����ai�� i ���'���� �� � � ��"",�� ,' �� � ��� ��� Town o L exzn ton ��� �� : u g � �� �� ��� ���� ���.w� �r �°° ���� ,���W � ,,�� Town Mana er's Of f ice �� g � .. ���m �� ��«���u��� ���d « ,��� �.��',� �,;�, ,w� .��.����(,�.�,�,�, James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 June 27, 2022 Michelle Ciccolo, State Representative 24 Beacon Street, Room 473F B o ston, MA 0213 3 RE: H4852—An Act to establish a Mattress Recycling Program in the Commonwealth Dear Representative Ciccolo: Please accept this letter on behalf of the Town of Lexington as a letter of support related to responsibly disposing of mattresses and establishing a standardized process and fee to ensure the cost of recycling mattresses are paid at the point of purchase so that the disposal cost is covered. Otherwise, the Commonwealth will experience illegal dumping and disposal of used mattresses. This bill establishes a process and a council to oversee the program and establishes a fee that ensures the fee that covers the cost of recycling of mattresses. We appreciate your support on this bill. Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks. Sincerely, James J. Malloy Town Manager Cc: Michael B arrett, State S enator Cindy Friedman, State Senator 1625 MAS SACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MAS SACHUSETTS 02420 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Committee Appointments & Reappointments PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.6 S UMMARY: Anpo intme nts: The S elect Board is being asked to appoint members, as identif'ied on the attached list(S elect Board Committee Appointments - June 27, 2022), to fill vacancies on the following committees: L exingto n C enter C o mmitte e Tourism C ommittee Town Celebrations Subcommittee Transportation Advisory Committee Tree Committee Vision for Lexington C ommittee The S elect Board is also being asked to appoint its own members to the boards or committees indicated on the attached list(S elect Board Member Committee Appointments - June 27, 2022) as determined at the June 13, 2022 work session. Reappointments: Executz've Cle�k T he S elect B oard is being asked to reappoint Kim Katzenback as Executive C lerk to the S elect B oard, whose one-year term is ending on June 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. Keepe�of the L ockup The Select Board is being asked to reappoint Police Chief Michael McLean as Keeper of the Lockup, whose one-year term is ending on June 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. Minuteman Adviso�y G�oup fo�Inte�local Coo�dinatz'on (M�1 GIC) T he S elect B oard is being asked to reappoint Jill Hai to MAGI C, whose one-year term is ending on June 30, 2022. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. Town Celeb�ations Committee T he three-year terms for the following Town C elebrations C ommittee Members expire on June 3 0, 2022. T he Committee has requested that both members be reappointed for a three-year term ending on June 30, 2025. State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training is up-to-date. • Linda D�on • B. Gresh Lattimore Jr. Town Celeb�atz'ons Subcommittee The majority of the Town Celebrations Subcommittee Members wish to be reappointed for another term set to expire on June 30, 2023. Aneesha Karody, Samita Mandelia and Wayne Miller do not wish to be reappointed at this time. The following members, who wish to be reappointed with up-to-date State Conflict of Interest Law Online Training, have a one-year term ending on June 30, 2022: • Sudha Balasuryan • Yifang Gong • Mary Hutton • E. Ashley Rooney • S us an S tering • Hong Xie SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p o int the c o mmittee memb ers with terms as indic ated in the attac hed lis t(S elec t B o ard C o mmittee Appointments - June 27, 2022). To ap p o int the S elec t B o ard Memb ers to b o ard s and c o mmittee s with terms as indic ated in the attac hed lis t (S elect Board Member Committee Appointments - June 27, 2022). To reap p o int Kim Katzenb ac k as Exec utive C lerk to the S elec t B o ard fo r a o ne-year term end ing o n June 3 0, 2023. To reappoint Police Chief Michael McLean as Keeper of the Lockup for a one-year term ending on June 30, 2023. To reappoint Jill Hai to the Minuteman Advisory Group for Interlocal Coordination(MAGIC) for a one-year term ending on June 30, 2023. To reappoint Linda Dixon and B. Gresh Lattimore Jr. to the Town Celebrations Committee for a three-year term ending o n June 3 0, 202 5. To reap p o int S udha B alas uryan,Yifang G o ng, Mary Hutto n, E. A s hley R o o ney, S us an S tering and H o ng Xie to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a one-year term ending on June 30, 2023. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��������:������M���:�������������:�:���� .����:�������,����f��.��,,,,,,v�������"����,����n .�������.������ ��.������.� � :�.(�"�,�,.�...���m����;�;���������;����::���������������,����^���c,f��,�ic�� �....�v C:"�f�����0����� ��c,�c����� ���,����°���� � "�(�"�"�'w]�"�����M�����������mm�:�.���� ���������:������f� �.�.:�m �.��� .�������.�:����: �.�.������.� � :�.(��.�,���f..,���������a:��°��;�ic:�������,au�.���;����r��'���;��;�� �,��.�����,����,����r�,,,,,�a������m���� ���c,�c�����. ��,�������� � "���"�"�'w]�"��ar�.�r������a������,�����,��������c�������������a���,�.�� �f�������c;�.�.����r�,,,,,�a.������ .��������:��� �,�.������.� � "�,(��.�,���f..,�����:::�;��������;�,�,c�,,����������,����;�.���� ��v"�f"��r°�� ���c,�c���� ��,������:�� � "���"�"����m����������.::..�����i��;��:���"������:���;�;���.�:�����c���,�����,,,,,a��a����������� .��������:��� IC��,�������.� � ��,,��c:a�;������� I[����n��c�,,�°(:.�����������;�;���� -.�°��>���im���,��a,,�����,,,,a����r����,°��:�,��:�,:�, �1=���;�c���� ��,�;����� � a,l������"��.�'�°�,�..�...,�:",���.�;�..�...��.��.�"������������m���r������.��.�������:m����.��m������ .��������:���� IC��,������.� � � � � � a-�-+ � a-�-+ a-�-+ a-�+ � � � � � � �+ Q� N Q� Q� N � � L � � � z �� �Q �� �� �Q � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N N � M � � N N N N N � O O O O O � N N N N N N O O O � O O O � m M N m m m � � i ` � � � ,i � � � � � � Q � � � � � W � � � � � � N N � N N N � Q Q � Q Q Q � cn cn cn cn cn H � O cn � � cn cn cn t � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ~ m � � m m m J N N � �, O p � � N `� � � ^ � � fa � � � � ♦"� � � (� � N v •_ � � - +� � � ._ 4� � Q � � U m � ,� � � � � — � �7 Q Q � — � c� � � � �> � � � � o � � v � � m � � � � � � � � ._ O � � � � � v a z � � a� � � � v � � +� � v �� � � +- •� �' � �.°, •� � � = o � � � ° � � o ° � v O � o �, � •� � V � v �; � � o � o ; = ,o Q v � � m � � �, � � .� � V � � O � v m � � � � � +�+ O v 4� p � O � � � v � v � � •� � � � 4� ,O � � � N � � � � � � APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants are encou�aged to also include a lette�of inte�est o�cu��ent�esume along with thei�submission of this application. Lexington Center Committee Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): no Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: Upasna Chhabra Full Name: Nickname: Preferred Title: 7 Forest Street Lexington MA 02421 Home Address: City: Zip: almost 8 years moved in A Length of Residence in Lexington(note: ZBA �equir�ement is a miniYnum of 8 years): Residential Architect/designer Occupation: Same as above Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: Secondary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: Architect by profession BArch Have been involved in designing home additions and renovations for the past 20 years in MA and CT. What is your interest in this Committee? Being from a creative field, I have been involved in trying to bring more liveliness and visual appeal to the center. I am one of the lead committee member for Lexington Artwalk, through which we try to engage local artists to do various projects through the year in Lexington. Examples being, barrier art, painted posts and art in store front windows. � As part of Lexington Artwalk liason, I have attended several meetings How dld you hear about the Committee. yes Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee? Yes: No: yes Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (Fo�questions �ega�ding the Yneeting schedule,please contact the Boa�d/Committee via the Town website.) no Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email:������I����°��.�_��u..�:�..�.��.�o..u�o..«�..�..., �a�or u����...�.�'..�����u�o ��.!�..u�..�..�.., �� If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: Date: June 9, 2022 �If currently serving on another Boa�d/Committee,please attach a copy of you�S'tate Conflict of Interest Law Online Training Certificate, which can be obtained f�om the Town Cle�k's Of�ce. Email:�������I������`��_��u_u��°��u��� ��or����u�� ..�.�"..�����u� ��.!�..u�.�..�.., �a�r :� i � � AP�'LI�ATICIN �`tJl�.APPC�►INTMENT ��� �� ' FaR B(.)ARD/C+CJMMITT�� �E1�ZBER�HIP �� ! � T�u ri�� BaardlCamn��ttee of Interes�: l. 2. 3. 4. Wauld yc►u cansider ano�her Conlrr�itte�: �� Fc�r ho�r long should we keep yaur application o�� file? . ��rol �. VVard . Full Name, N�ck.name: . . . ��� Pret�rred T�t1e (p�ease circle� Mr.1Ms.i�v�rs./C�ther: ' . 4� �������1�1'' �1 ��►��'��� . C�1851 Hame Address. Zlp: . . . �?` Cl�l Ct�1��"1�� Length of R..esidence �n L�xin�;tan: . . �x���u�iv� �ir��t+�r �f ��xi� n Ni � ' (�ccu at�an. � tc� �tor���� �oc�+�t � � 1 � D� a►t � u�r� � � � Wc�rk Address. Pha►rie: I-�ame Wo�•k Fax �ell E-mail: Pril�nary: Se�c�nd�ry�: � � � � ��■� If yau currentiy serve on a Board or�`omm�t�ee, please �dent�fy. . . . . . 2� years in the mu�eum �r�d art w�rld, �pec�al Tra�ning, Interest�, Qual�ficat�c�ns: �A� ir� �o�h Ar� �i.��c�r ar�� � ' Y u�eu� �c����t�ar� . Y�� I-�ave you� been asked by a�omm�ttee to beco��ne a member? - • �h rc�u h V1lc�rk �ow did ou h�ar abaut the m `� �� y Co m�ttee, P�ease attach a current resume, if possible. A.dd any camments below or on a sepa�-ate pag�. . ��'�r{�' ��. r/►/C��.,.J Digitally signed by�arol 5.UVard (� « 1�/1� �� Da#e:2021.1 a.22 11:0�2.�5-a4'��' . � V,'��t�����j�� S i,�natur�. I�ate. �" � � h k,�I J! ,, II� � � .��.... 4;�ti'��'rA�� ��.;:�s�'Jh I ��� U' �I JIYG L��� �I �"m I �� �° ��"�����'� ���������r,� ��,,,�',��" ���!�:� �'������'��� ���' ������� Professional Experience • Director of One River School of Art and Design,November 2017-Present, Larchmont,NY In collaboration with the company founder,provides for the overall business plan, educational and administrative vision and oversight for a for profit art school and contemporary art gallery. o Maximize student enrollment by installing and managing a systematic method to grow revenue o Develop curriculum for pre-kindergarten through adult students based on contemporary art/artists o Manage a staff of ten- including a Director of Education,Assistant Director and Teaching Artists o Create events such as Grand Opening, Open Houses, special workshops and other ideas to connect with the community o Oversee Social Media execution—post content, events and offers on Facebook and Instagram in order to establish and reinforce our special brand position and generate inquiries o Generate press through local media outreach o Partner with community organizations to increase outreach, exposure and earned income o Develop and implement curatorial program of four to six changing exhibitions a year for gallery space o Generate income through art sales • Executive Director of the Morris-Jumel Mansion, May 2013—June 2017,New York,NY In collaboration with the Board of Trustees,provides for the overall strategic, administrative and creative oversight for a private 501 c3 organization. o Create and manage the operational budget of$350,000 for a triple landmarked museum structure o Oversee five-year strategic plan concerning collections care and reinterpretation of period rooms o Oversee the care of 700 collection items consisting of furniture, artifacts, and paper archives o Management of a full-time staff of 8,part-time staff of 4 with a robust volunteer group of 40 o Authored grant applications for General Operating Support, Capital restorations, exhibition and program funding—including successful application for a$1 million Capital exterior restoration proj ect o Increase successful grant applications to a 90%rate (with a 15% increase in the quantity of applications). o Increase yearly visitor attendance by 32%from 2009—2016 o Develop and implement comprehensive 250th Anniversary Celebration fundraising initiative in 2015— including benefit performance of"Hamilton,"contemporary art installation by world renoWned artist Yinka Shonibare and Community Culture and Arts Festival o In co-operation with NYC Parks Department&Historic House Trust oversee capital restoration proj ects exceeding $6 million(ADA accessibility,Phase I Park infrastructure, Phase II Park Infrastructure, Catering kitchen installation, and Octagon Room HVAC up fit) o Initiate corporate &foundation sponsor program with successful new partners of Estee Lauder Companies, Bette Midler Foundation, and Miriam Group o Managed new merchandise mix for gift shop leading to an 25% increase in sales (2009-2016) o Promote site for space rentals (TV, film,photo,Weddings)which led to a 42%rise in rental revenue o Create "Contemporary Meets Colonial"art installation series inside period rooms- including "The Loves of Aaron Burr" exhibition which saw 560%increase in opening reception attendance, 30%increase in museum attendance and 3 0%in gift shop revenue o Increased substantive partnerships with NYC Parks Department, City Council and Manhattan Borough President's Office o Design,write and update website content and established social media strategy resulting in substantial new press coverage (i.e.NYT,Vogue, The Daily News,New Yorker, TimeOut NY&Harlem Blogs) 2 Carol S. Ward • Director of Education and Public Programs of the Morris-Jumel Mansion, 2008—2013,New York,NY In collaboration with the Executive Director,provides for the overall programmatic vision of the organization including school tours,public programs for families/adults and exhibition oriented events. o Develop year-round schedule of public programs, including 54 distinct events with 6,000 visitors attending o Increase programming revenue 12% over previous year o Create interactive,hands-on history based school tours—increase from 2,000 students to 8,000 students in a 5-year time span o Initiate intern and per diem educator program-Recruit,train and supervise high school, college and graduate school level staff o Oversee $12,000 budget for the education and public programs department o Write grants to gain funding for educational and public programs totaling $23,000 (NYSCA, West Harlem Development Corporation,New York Council for the Humanities and Lower Manhattan Cultural Council) o Initiate school group "goodie bag" system to increase earned income - $2,000 additional gift shop revenue o Create visitor questionnaires to conduct research as to success of various programs • Outreach Coordinator&Educator of the Bruce Museum, 2005—2008, Greenwich, CT o Develop, implement and teach rotating roster of 10 outreach programs o Prepare and administer the outreach portion of Education Department budget o Hire,train and schedule 3 per diem outreach educators and 15 Junior Museum Educators o Assist with development of Lifetime for Looking pilot program, a proj ect for seniors with Alzheimer's o Develop new programs for 12-14 special exhibitions a year,tailored to the needs state curricula o Consult with Teacher's Advisory Council to ensure relevance of museum programs o Assist in Neighborhood Collaborative multi-visit programs for at risk middle school students • Department Manager of Fortunoff, Inc., 2003—2005, White Plains,NY o Hire,train and oversee 20-25 sales associates and 1 assistant manager o Determine daily goals, designate obj ectives and create monthly schedules for associates o Produce weekly sales analyses and monthly floor analyses for department—increased sales 15%over two years in 3 different departments o Participate in weekly manager meetings and bi-annual corporate meetings with store management,buyers and owners of company o Work with art buyers at corporate headquarters to attend trade shows and develop new merchandise lines o Collaborate with 3 other flagship stores on cross promotions, sales goals and company-wide initiatives • Gallery Manager at Ridderhof Martin Gallery, 2001 —2003,Fredericksburg,VA o Responsible for hiring, training and scheduling of 20 student workers from the Art and Art History Depts. o Coordinated workers at two art galleries on campus including coverage for openings, lectures and tours o Liaison between gallery director,his staff and the student workers o Exhibitions duties that included installation,writing of condition reports,publicity and organizing lecture series for various shoWs including Spring 2002 exhibition Leo�ca�do da Vinci:A�tist, Scientist, Enginee�that included speakers from the National Gallery of Art,Washington, DC and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. • Marketing Associate at the Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, 2002,Fredericksburg,VA o Served as photo editor for new guidebook of the city of Fredericksburg, included selecting 250 images and writing captions while collaborating with HFF staff on publication. o Coordinated citywide Christmas candlelight tours by interfacing with 10 different historic sites, created budgets and solicited financial and in-kind sponsors. 3 Carol S. Ward Education • Hunter College of the City University of New York, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Master of Arts program in Art History, 2011 o Thesis Title-Pictu�ing P�ospe�ity: The Influence of T�ade and Indust�y on the Haa�lem Painte�s of the Seventeenth Centu�y • College of New Rochelle, Graduate School of Art,Masters Certificate in Art Museum Education, 2005 • Mary Washington College,Bachelor of Arts cum laude with a maj or in Art History, 2003 Publications • The Magazine Antiques—"Beyond George Washington:New Developments at the Morris-Jumel Mansion" • Visions of America Photographic History Book Series—"The Morris-Jumel Mansion" • Antiques Weekly—"The Morris-Jumel Mansion" • Museum Magazine(AAM Publication)—"Founding Father, Found" • Keno Auctions Catalog—"The Letter to the Inhabitants of Great Britain from the Twelve Colonies" • The Historic House Trust Journal—"Painted Lady: Make-Up in the Time of Eliza Jumel" • The Bruce Museum—"A Taste for Chocolate" Affiliations • AAM—American Alliance of Museums—member of the Historic House &Education Committees • NYCMER—New York City Museum Educators Roundtable • IMLS—Museums for America Field Reviewer • SUNY Purchase—Adjunct Professor for Continuing Education Museum Studies Course • University of Mary Washington—Visiting Lecturer for Art History and Museum Studies Selected Exhibitions/Curatorial Work The Morris-Jumel Mansion o A Mode�nist in the Colony(June 2017—September 2017) o A Taste fo�Chocolate(February 2017—June 2017) o Yinka Shonibare, MBE: Colonial A��angements (April 2015—August 2015) 0 250 Yea�s at the Mansioh (January 2015—March 2015) o Community Holidays (December 2014) o Unpacked(October 2013 —January 2014) o The Loves of Aa�on Bu��(May 2013—September 2013) o Ihspi�ed by Design (June 2012—September 2012) o Dr�essing the Part(October 2011 —September 2012) o Memo�ies Past and Pr�esent: 1765-2011 (June 2011-September 2011) o Establishing the New Nation:New Yor�k in the 1790s (March 2011-May 2011) o Design in the Heights: Colonial Meets Contempo�a�y at MJM(June 2010—September 2010) o A Woman's Touch:Deco�ative A�ts in the Feminine Realm (Apri12010—September 2010) o Leave You�Ca�d At The Doo�(November 2009-January 2010) o It's About Time: 244 Year�s at the Mo��is-Jumel Mansion (June 2009-September 2009) The Bruce Museum o A Taste fo�Chocolate(July 2007-February 2008) o Eye Candy: Two Centu�ies of Chocolate Adve�tising(August 2007-December 2007) Ridderhof Martin Gallery o Theob�o�na Cacao (Food of the Gods):Depictions of Cacao and Chocolate(March 2005-June 2005) 4 Carol S. Ward Detail Appendix: Presentations, Seminars and Lectures • Old Homes/New Stages: Site Specific Theate�in Museums—Conference Session, Connecticut League of Historic Organizations, 2017 • The Room Whe�e it Happened.•HarYcilton & the Mo��is-Jumel Mansion—Lecture,New York Historical Society, 2016 • Making Your�Histo�ic House Accessible to the ComYnunity—Lecture,Marymount College 2015 &2016 • C�owdsou�cing the Visito�Expe�ience—Conference Session,NYCMER 2015 • Mo�r�is-Jun�cel Mansion and HHT Pa�tner�ships—Presentation,Historic House Trust Board Meeting 2014 • 250th Annive�sa�y of Mo��is-Jurnel Mansion—Presentation, Community Board 12 Meeting 2014 • Connecting You�Histo�ic Site to the Commuhity—Conference Keynote Speech, Connecticut League of Historic Organizations 2014 • Mo��is-Jumel and The Anar�chists Guide to Histo�ic Houses—Presentation, Bank Street Graduate Program 2014 • Car�ee�s in Museujns fo�Ar�t Histo�ians—Seminar,University of Mary Washington 2013 • Mor�ris-Jumel Mansion in the Histo�ic House Tr�ust—Presentation, Columbia University 2013 • Colonial Meets Contempo�a�y: Contempo�ary A�t in an Historic Site—Conference Session,NYCMER 2013 • Discussion and Education at the Mo��is-Jumel Mansion—Conference Session,NYCMER 2011 • Mor�is-Ju�nel Mansion—Television Interview, Sunday Arts PB S 2011 • Social D�inking in Eighteenth-Centu�y Ame�ica: The Role of Chocolate In Sociely and the Deco�ative A�ts—Lecture, Morris-Jumel Mansion 2010 • Histo�ic Inte�io�s: Views of the Past& Teaching Tools fo�the Futu�e- Presentation, Hunter College 2009 • A Taste fo�Chocolate—Television Interview,News 12 TV 2007 • The P�e-Raphaelite Woman:Model as Muse—Presentation,Mary Washington College 2003 �.� �.�����,��� �� ������������' !���� '��'��.,: ����'�'� w������ �'� ���� �� �� ��'� � � ���� �������������� ���r�u���� �. ����������'�,��������u������� �����.�����. �.. �. ���� �� ���°'���u���� ���� ���.������.���°������������,����������t��� �� �� �� � ., � � p � �� � e � � ����� � ����� ������p� �������:�w �������.����.� ��� ���� �a�.����� �����;��������::���.���� ����������� � � � � � � � � �' � �_.�..���.....w�„� � _� ,��� ���i'�� w ��;��� ��.����� �1�����������: ����� , �� � � . _ �.�����,���������������µ ����� ��������� ���. � ��� ��.�� ��������� � � � ,��_w.�.....�_._.�_�...� �___�:_�� �..� .� � � �. � , �� ��� � ��� .��� �� �� � ,�� �� �������� �.� ��� �� � � � � � � . ����� a w . ���������� �.��`����������� m.�� �����:�����: ��M.m��,.�_._.�..�.�,�.��...��,.��ria,,���„�.���� �a�,,,�,,. �� �� �������������: ��� � ,w ��. �����. ���������: � � � ����:����W ������� ������� ����� �����. � � � �-�����1� ���.���������� ,�, � � ������������������: � e� � . . � . �"'���� ������"'���u� ��"���'`�er� ��I �. ,�,���,""' ���' ������'��V 1°�1���.���� ����'����' ���""'���.1��"�; _ �,.._��.��� ..�., ,,,,,�,,�. ��. �� � � �—� � �,���a�������������,:�������������a���������������.�`'��N����i��N����������u�iN� � �,������ `������_������ ������,������ �.��� , : . . � � � �. � � - � �������,������ � � ��, m � �������������,����������.�����u���t����`��������� ������������������,�����������.�����Pi�������������in��t�����������������I������������. � � , � w , f ...�� ... . � �--�1������ �����;,� ������. ������������� �,������������� �.�.� ��������� � �������a����`;�' � .�� . � � � � � �--����R ��� ����� ������ ������� �:��� �,������.��t���:�� �"��`����^� ��:�����'"�"� � ��,����"��'�"�� �*����,�`��,� �������������,�, ���� ������ �"'��`�l������"�� �������N� �:��' �� �, ���������:����� ���!�„�"* � � � � � � �,�� ,�� �����° �u'��' �� u� �'�� t,��„ �, ����"���.�.����" � „� �� � d; ����"'�',��"D �. �„¶.��"�� � n �` _ ` _� � , �����. � ,��� � � �� � �,��� �,,,.�� G � ���r .���„��,�,�� "� � APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Transportation Advisory Board/Committee of Interest: 1. 2. 3. 4. Would you consider another Committee: For how long should we keep your application on file? Kunal P. Botla Kunal Full Name: Nickname: M r. Preferred Title (please circle) Mr./Ms./Mrs./Other: 40 G rapevi ne Ave, Lexi ngton, MA 02421 Home Addres s: Zip: 7 years Length of Residence in Lexington: Student Occupation: School: 450 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA, 02139 Work Address: n/a n/a n/a Phone: Home Work Fax Cell E-mail: Primary: S econdary: If you currently serve on a Board or Committee, please identify: Special Training, Interests, Qualifications: I commute daily to Central Square,Cambridge with route 62 and 76 and the Red Line.I volunteer with Transit Matters,am a member of the Boston Street and Railway Association,and attend nearly every public MBTA meeting.I've also designed concept plans for areas in the Lexington area and Massachusetts as exercises into what could be possible.Over the past few yeras,I've been able build a deep understanding of the operations and functions of the MBTA and other transit agencies in North America both technically and operationally. Yes Have you been asked by a Committee to become a member? Found it through the Town website. How did you hear about the Committee? Please attach a current resume, if possible. Add any comments below or on a separate page. 5/12/2022 Signature: � Date: � . . � � I � � , � . . � . . . . , � � . . . . m 1 1 . . . . � . � . . . . s . m / ! m . . . . m . . . . � . . . . . � . . . s . . � . r . � . . . . . m � � m . . , m . . . . m . � . � m � m . m . m � s a . . . . . . . . . r e�p �i Ily in li�l ��ac�u��tt�� I'rr� ��il�bl� f�r ar�y que�ti�n� y�u rr�ay h v� by �rr��il t �r by ��II �r t�xt �� � �in��r�ly, Kur��l ��tl u na o a o ` � Summary I'm the lead organizer of MAHacks, founder of Project Boom, an operations & engineering team member of Hack Club Bank, member of the Hack Club community, a student at NuVu Innovation School in Cambridge, and an alum of Acera School, along with various others. I'm passionate about photography, transit, and technology; especially financially and functionally accessible technology. I was formerly a student at Lexington High School, a LexDebate team member, ROLL at Lincoln Labs FTC member, and more! I'm open to new opportunities and love discussing with people. Feel free to reach out. Experience ,�;�r,;� Lead Organizer MAH acks Dec 2021 - Present(6 months +) Since December 2021, I've led MAHacks, Boston's only overnight high-school hackathon. I work with a team of other students to plan and execute our annual event. ��n Operations Contributor, Hack Club Bank Hack Club Jun 2021 - Present (1 year+) I contribute to Hack Club's fiscal sponsorship platform to help build and run a platform for anyone, especially students, to run anything. ��n Member Hack Club Apr 2020- Present(2 years 2 months +) I'm a member of the Hack Club community online and have gotten to be part of amazing in-person experiences like The Hacker Zephyr in July 2021. ���Y����o�������� F o u n d e r Project Boom May 2020 - Present (2 years 1 month +) In May 2020, I started Project Boom to provide students with computers using computers that are generally thrown away or end up not being used. The result is that students get access to computers, there's less electronic waste added to the world, and someone can use what they have to help others. As you have likely experienced before and during the pandemic, computers are critical in today's day and age and can be the difference between someone attending school and not. IIII�.�iiii��� IIIV������ ���m� � � �m Having access to a computer is an issue that I find personally significant and want to help solve. Project Boom aims to directly help with this problem and also build technologies and methods for others to do so. y:::� ROLL: Robotics Outreach at Lincoln Labs MIT Lincoln Laboratory Sep 2019-Apr 2020 (8 months) Education °i NuVu Innovation School Sep 2021 -J u n 2023 Lexington High School High School Aug 2019-Jun 2021 • Lexington High School Photography Club, Club Member& Lead (September 2019—June 2021) • Lexington High School Debate Team, Public Forum Debate (August 2019—June 2021) !r Acera: The Massachusetts School of Science, Creativity and Leadership Elementary & Middle School, STEAM 2013 -2019 •Acera Yearbook Team, Member(May—June 2019) •Acera Student-Run Lunch Team, Lead (September 2018—June 2019) •Acera Student Technology, Team Member(September 2015—June 2019) •Acera Fall 2018 Innovator Symposium (October 2018) •Acera Debate Team/Club, Public Forum Debater&Team Member(September 2016—June 2018) Skills Swift(Programming Language) • Photography • Nonprofit Organizations • Community Relations � Debate • Refurbishments Honors & Awards � Most Creative Create - I mprov-a-Do! at M IT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i� Feb 2016 ������������������i� Certificate of Graduation with Special Commendations for Achievement and Capacity in Leadership & Integrity - Acera School IIII���iiii��� IIIV����u �� �� Jun 2019 � S eaker Award in Varsity Public Forum - NYCFL Fall Debate (Regis #1) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i� p � Oct 2020 � Positive Record & Bid to MSDL State Tournament - Little Lexington & iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � Massachusetts Speech & Debate League Nov 2019 � NSDA (NFL) Distinction - National Speech & Debate Association (National Forensics iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i� League) Jan 2021 � Positive Record & Bid to MSDL State Tournament - MSDL Polar Bear & iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i� Massachusetts Speech & Debate League Feb 2021 � Gold, Silver, & Bronze President's Volunteer Service Award (2020) - President of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � the U n ited States May 2021 IIII���iiii���������� IIIV����������������u ���� ������������ ����������°�� ��� � � � ���.. ���, �� �� '� AFPLICATIt�1�J FCl►R APl'Cl►IN"�'`�''�I�,1�T � �� �'tJl�BUAp�1C0►1VIh��TT�� i�iEMB�RSI�IP �c�ardlCamrnitt��c�f Intcrest: �. Tree C�arnm�ttee 2. ...w.......,...�.........,....w..._._......._ _.. . .�.,.�.�. � �• 4, ......�.�........._.�_................._..r. ,.. �V'auld yau cansic�er ar��th�r�omrr�itt�e: I��►t at�his time --y-_.-.--.�...,.w-..�.. _.__._... �'c�r haw�o��c��o�l�we �.�;ep yc�ur ap�►lic;�ction on fil�:� � �ear - .� .�. .._ F���N��me�; ��rb�r�Ta�rh • __.....�..�_.....�.._._...._..�.�.�.. .�.. �.�..._....._.,.._..___..�.�...,.___ �J}Cl,:��a�t�e: .�.. ,�..�.�...... ._.. .._. __..___ .........____......�. _.........�.. �'r�f�rred Title��l�a�e circ;Ie}�r.11�r��./N�x�;./f�ther: �.�..�� -��....�. ._....� ._.._..�.�.., �-Iat�e A►�ddr�Ss: 4��ib�rty Ave ' � o���� _...c.,......._..,.........._.�..�..Y.._ �.�.�...�_.............�..�..._..�._. ._..�...�..�......__..�...�. ��p� __�_�._�..�. L���t�.af R.�sid�nce in���i���;tc�n: 2� ��r� �....._�Y .�..___...�..,..�....�....._......�._.�.,..,......�..............�..�................_...,......__,.._..�...__.._._.. ,�.�-�.�..�.....�,. 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If you cu�rr�nt�y s�rve c�n a Bvard or�on��nitt�e,plea�e ident�f' : Y �� �� ���c��t� Tr�ir�in�, InterestS, (,�ua�i�C�t�U►tls; � T years as�eacherl�aturalist#or MA A��t�ubon,#au ht and ui�ietl �� � ,� ma.�a�,,,�c rarns about trees to c��dr�nd ddul�s�avid qarde�ner. .�.��...�,. _.��...._._..�... �.-.�..r...........�.�.�...,..,�.w. �av�you be�n as�:ed b�r a C�mrr��tt��tc��►ecorr��a nr��mbc�-? �co�c�s�titt�a p�►eni�g has be�n�os�ted b chair -�-�-.�..�..._-. ..y�..�._,�.,,.�....�..,_�.w., Y . ....�...�.�.�.�.m �ow di�.yt�u h��'�bo«t the C;om�mittee? h�ve atten�ed severat�ammittPe meetin s as a u -- � q e�t _..�..,.�_ _.-___�., 1'�ease attach a c�ar�rent re�ume, �f pc�s�ibl�. Ac�d an��ornm.�nt:��el�w flt•c�n a s� �+dte a e. � � � �i��att�r�: �� --.�...,---.. 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L.+��� tr�,�in�th�-#r�i��r�r��rarr�s. t�r��t� r�urri�;ul�, pr�+�r�rnminc�, and mat�rial�f+�r h�nn��c;hc�c�l�r�► ,��e ����. �;r���� ar�d I��d vr����t� �r�+d+�a�r�+�u�+�+�c�r Y'�,�� �nd Min+dfu� ��l'�l"�i� p�r+��r�m. �tru�t+ur�, t�:,�ci�x �n���r�c�-�+��ch ����+an�� �dult, f�mi�y�, ��nd �hi�+�-�ar�ly �+��iviti��. A� ��u�� �� ��� �� ��w ������ ��l���mm� � d�� �l�rd��rG� C�����n� � l�e�c�n�tc�r�, ��► �r��t� ��n��l g�rd�r� pl�n� for ����� �li+�r�t�. �du��ti�r� Hi�h�i�ht� � June ���8 � RYT��OIF�egi�tered Yoga T��ch�r-- c�►mpleted 2�0-hour yo�� teacher training vvith certif�ca��on through Yoga All�ance • D�+c�mber �0��� � �er�ifi��te 'rn �lative �'l�r�t �tudiesl N�tiv� Plant Trust, �r�min ham, MA � • �ept+�mb�r 2��1-March 2Q�3 � F�adcliffe ��rr�i�ar�/La�+dsc�p� Desi�n �r��ra�m � ��y �97'� � ��/�lementary �ducation, ;�alern Stat� lJr�iversity, ��I�m, MA APPLICATION FOR BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Applicants a�e encou�aged to also include a lette�of inte�est o�cu��ent�esume along with thei�submission of this application. Vision for Lexington Board/Committee Name (one application per Committee): Yes Would you like your application kept on file for up to one year? Yes: No: John Giudice Full Name: Nickname: Preferred T it le: 21 Munroe Road Lexington 02421 Home Address: City: Zip: 38 years Length of Residence in Lexington(note: ZBA �equir�ement is a rninimum of 8 years): Retired Now-40+ years in Product Management and Marketing of computer hardward and software Occupation: 21 Munroe Road Lexingtopn 02421 Work Address: City: Zip: Phone: Home: Cell: Email: Primary: _ S econdary: Special Training and/or Qualifications: Experenced with a wide variety of information systems and technologies. Good with working with people to build a shared understanding on what we all are trying to accomplish and build. Good skills and understanding customer problems and what are the aspects that are most important to them in their work and their lives. What is your interest in this Committee? In the years ahead there are a number of areas where we can make the lives of the community members better with continual improvements being done in a thoughtful way. The default of just waiting around to "see what happens" , to make these as good as we can in the year ahead. There is going to be a LOT of areas to improve, let's be �roactive about understandina and �lannina for these so we are drivina the im�rovements rather than reactina to changes! Email and the town web site How did you hear about the Committee? � N ot yet Have you recently attended any meetings of the Committee. Yes: No: I think so Have you confirmed your availability to attend the Committee's meetings? Yes: No: (Fo�questions �ega�ding the �ceeting schedule,please contact the Boar�d/CoYnYnittee via the Town website.) No Do you currently serve on another Board/Committee? Yes: No: Email:�,�Il.�;�;�1�,�,�,ir�,,, Il�xuir� ��air�ir��,, c�v or ir�.�,i�.�,�,�ir... _Il�xui� ��ir�ir��,. �� If Yes, please list Board/Committee Name(s): If Yes, please list date of most recent Conflict of Interest Law Training*: Signature: Date: 5/21/2022 �If cu��ently se�ving on anothe�Boa�d/Committee,please attach a copy of you�S'tate Conflict of Inte�est Law Online T�aining Ce�ti�cate, which can be obtained f�om the Town Cle�k's Of�ce. Email:�,�Il.��;�lk�,�,�,ir�,,, sll�xuin� �c�ir�ir��,. ��r or ir�.�;i�.�,�,�ir.. _Il�xuir� ��in�ir��,.��v John Giudice Lexi n ton, MA 02421 Email: Capabilities: • Product management skills—understand customers' emerging needs and working with engineering to translate these needs into leadership products and services using agile methodologies and waterfall management. • Deep technical knowledge in: • Software development tools and resources, agile and scrum development • Enterprise software, collaboration and productivity software technologies • Microsoft OS, applications and .NET software technologies. • Web Services for application integration • Focusing business and development resources to achieve product line business results Experience: Intralinks— Enterprise class secure information exchange 2/2008 to 7/2016 Director—Product Manager • Managing team of 4 senior product managers for Intralinks Enterprise applications. Driving the implementation and delivery Intralinks VIA applications which achieved 200%+ business growth in 2015. Product family covering Web, Mobile and Windows and Mac users with secure information shari ng. • With development team, built and brought to market enterprise software to enable key clients to automate the connections between their SharePoint systems and Intralinks. Product solution now in place in production operations with customers and internal use • Intralinks Courier— Built and rolled out a new generation of secure information sharing as a desktop application • iPhone app— Introduced a new iPhone application in August 2010 for mobile access to Intralinks exchanges. Tubes Networks— Consumer information sharing/collaboration 5/2007 to 12/2007 Director—Partner Enablement • Drove product requirements for building solutions and built out partner application solutions based on Tubes using Web technologies (HTML, Java Script, and CSS) and .NET products to enable rich web applications to be delivered on top of the Tubes platform. • Designed and built customized web and client solutions for partner needs using Jscript and .NET technologies. • With the Tube's team and client teams proposed, developed and built next generation media solutions for desktop and web based applications. Tele Atlas— Mapping data and geocoding for world Senior Product Manager 4/2006 to 5/2007 • Program for expanding application development with Tele Atlas- Built community of application developers. Program goal was for 100 members in 2006, and we achieved over 600. • Implement a new product direction for geocoding products and services resulting in expanded usage of the TA services JWG Solutions 4/2005 to 4/2006 • Consulting and business development- Delivering excellent project management and product development solutions for new businesses in small business, medical devices and collaborative applications. Implemented business programs with three Groove partners. • Designed and built client applications for document management to meet FDA requirements for medical device company, and also a small business CRM solution. Groove Networks, Inc— Beverly, MA— Secure information sharing 4/2001 to 4/2005 Director—Product Management Groove Networks is a collaboration software company founded in 1997 by the team that developed Lotus Notes. The product enables secure peer to peer collaboration. Groove raised $157 million before being acquired by John Giudice Microsoft. Customers include large organizations such as the US Government, DARPA, General Dynamics, BAE System, GlaxoSmithKline, CARE and numerous small and medium businesses around the world. Built a worldwide community of Director Partner Evangelism -Working with the partners, we have 30+ application partners who are leveraged the partners' skills, technologies and business connections, to building and delivering software deliver targeted solutions for customers. These solutions and applications solutions with Groove's have opened sales for Groove where the partner tools and services technologies to our mutual added critical capabilities that allowed Groove to solve customer customers. problems, with a reduced time to market and lower costs for the Groove customers. Built a new generation of Director Product Management for Developer Products and Services, significantly easier development responsible for providing the next generation of developer tools and tools, for external developers, resources to enable application developers to build rich applications with through integration with Visual the Groove platform. Studio. Drove from concept to Product Manager for the development of the Groove Project Toolset implementation the Groove which became a key part of the value offering for the Groove professional Project Toolset.This became the edition. These application tools enabled customers to directly see the core component of the Groove value of using Groove's software to improve their effectiveness. professional edition (70%of the volume). SiteUsers— Framingham, MA—Web site usability 4/2000—4/2001 Vice President SiteUsers was a new business start up providing web site owners and developers quick and detailed information on how real users were interacting with web sites. The company built an innovative business process to quickly build user panels for tracking and evaluating web site effectiveness. In the first six months of Responsible for business development and client business established 15 new consulting projects to deliver specific information on web client relationships, plus site effectiveness problems. launched 2 resellers. Fonix Corp. — Lexington, MA 12/1998 -4/2000 VP & Product Management Responsible for the product management of handwriting recognition software: This product technology has been successfully integrated into a high volume electronic book reader product Digital Equipment Corp. — Compaq 1978 - 1998 Brought to market a new family Senior Product Manager- Responsible for product and marketing of easy to use developer tools management for a new family of application development tools for UNIX for Digital UNIX application developers that included full integration with Microsoft application development. development tools. Worked with a team of 25 engineers and marketing to build management support for the product program and drove a From product requirements to successful launch of the product family. del ivery Built the web sites to communicate the capabilities and resources of these new products throughout the Compaq and Digital organizations Built a$25M product line Senior Marketing Manager- Built management support for the program business for developing and and needed investments. Responsible for getting the product selling a family of single board requirements and engineering plans developed and implemented and computers for the Technical then driving the launch of the product family, including set up new sales OEM market. channels and manufactures reps to sell the products. Established Digital with a Managed a team of 30 people for building the business. Received "Top number of new key accounts PerFormer" bonus for the results of this work. and projects. John Giudice Developed and implemented Product Management and Marketing -Work at Digital involved in the programs to bring to market key product management, product marketing and business marketing for a new product areas including number of products and programs in scientific/technical computing solutions for electronic solutions and office automation and document management solutions. publishing, document image management and technical Drove creating sales resources, customer presentations, brochures, and computing solutions. advertising campaigns. Education: Harvard University, Masters in Business Administration Georgia lnstitute of Technology, Bachelor Industrial Engineering John Giudice L .� � U � � � � � � � a� � a� a� a� +� 0 +� +, +� N � � � � � ♦�-+ � � � � 0� � � � � L i Z �� � �� �� �� � � � � � � � > > > � 0 � aA � �X J � � � M N N � N N � � O O O '� M � . . � � r-I r-I � i � M f� � •� � U U � W � � � � � � G G Q � i � H � � O cn cn cn cn s � � a � � � � � � � � � ~ N N N M J N N O � o � N c� � � � � � � � � � � � � ^ m a� � � a� a� a� N � � � a� a� � � � V � �� � U U � � � � Q� � � f6 � � � fa f6 C6 � � c � � � J J � � � � V'f c Q � � 4A t�A � � � � � � O O � � � � � ° o o � � � � � � � � v +� v .� � = O � � � � � v = o a z .a; v V = � G� � .�' o v � � = .� v +.+ }' � � - � � � v � v v � � � � �p � Lj ,� �; � � � V �— O �n = = � V a O � � m � � � �� � V � v o o � � a o � c a �n a-► I— V V � � o v � � � � m � .� v � a � '� 0 � i � � � 0� m = J � a a a i +r � o o � � � 4° � � � � � � °o 0 — � � _ _ •- � o � a o o � ; V � _ � � � �1.+ �.+ � � Z Z � � � o � o = 'o 'o 'o � �o � �o � � � ,� � � � ,� � � � � � � � � � � � � � • � � .� .� � � � .� .� o O o � .� � OC OC a � � a � � � � � � � � � o� �, �, a, �, �, �, o 0 0 �, �, �, oc oc oc oc oc oc oc o 0 0 oc oc oc �n �n m m m m m m �, � o o �, � o 0 0 0 0 0 .�.� N N S � N N N N N N o� a � � � � o� a � � � � � � � ,; 0 = �o �o o •= � .,� � �o �o �o �o �o O O M � � O O O O O O � _ '� � � '� � „� � � � ,� � s 3 a � � 3 a � O a •� � � o� •� � G� z W � � z W � � � � � � � � N N � N N N N N N N N N = N N � � N N N N N N N N N � � p o o � � p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � V ;� � N N � V ;� v N N N N N N N N N •► .�,� \ \ � •► a .�,� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ H i .a a �o �o � � a �o �o �o � � �o � � �o � � � 0 0 0 � � •� p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � W � W � � i � G� O rl � N rl �O rl rl O 01 I� N rl N � 0.� N N rl N N rl rl rl N i i � � O O � i � O O O O O O O O O � � � � \ \ � � _ � N N N N N N N N N •� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � V� _ � O l 0 0 � V� O � N � 0 0 � N rl N l D N i � � � O O � � � � O O O O O rl O O O � �i � � � �i Q v � v�j Q V }+ cn � � Q � � � � �i � � � � � � � � � � � r-I � � 0� � � � � 0� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � j_ � � +� � � � � � � � � � � � a� a� � a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� a� +� � � � � � � � � � � � � � o� � � v� � � � � � � V a � N a � � z O z Vf '�-� � � `n '�-� � o � � � � � o a � � ,o a � � � ° � .°' o �, *, �, _ � �- �, f6 O � }, a� � � � � m �'J 2 � � � � c/� X � � � � � � � a � a � � � � � z � � z � 4A � � � � � � � 3 H � � � N •- j� v� � 4A �O � � � O � � � c� � � ca Q �' o H � � m H � cn � � Q cn � w cn = AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Water and S ewer F inal s PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.7 S UMMARY: Water& S ewer F inals May 2022 $ 11,308.31 SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the ab o ve Water& S ewer F inals. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: Treasurer/Collector DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type a ° � .�:�-�G����:�� ����������� � IC_����"�(�'�'�.�.`���c������ �- �� ��������w��� �� �'"��Ii�� �'�w��� T��►� �f ���ir��i���� � �� ������� � �� ����� ������� ��r�� ����+�r ��#����i���� ����'!� ���� � � F����� ���,� ���� ����� � � � � � � � � � ������� �'���� � �,,���.� � �����'����" ���"�� � �,���',�''� ��,��"��".�''� ����L� �� �',,���.�� �1 1����.�� T� t�� ��II����� �� �"��►�r��� ���r ��u� �'���� �� �����u���►�:: �"��r �r� �����;� �����r���� �a�� ���,��%�+�� �� ���� ��� ��a�l��t �� th� ��r��w�� �,�w��� �� t�� li�fi�� �+���r,������ ��+���°��� ��������� ��������� �� ��� �a��l ���� ��� �°� ���,���r r�����ti�� �,�������� I��r���� ��� �'��� �� ��� ��� ����� �� �u��� I��t. ��i� ��r-� ���r��: �"��'�� �� �''�������� �� �°"���'�"���'�„���� ���I ���► ��� ���� i��� ��� �������� �� ��� �'��r� �� ���i��t�r� �r�� 1�� ���r���� ��� ,������ ���������� �� I'+�� �r� r���r� ��r���t�� � � �w W�+�� I� . ... � �� �� . . � �. �,m�.. � .�d .... ...... . m � , �����:��,�� .. �. �I'���T+�� �F ������ �"'���� �����T ����G� �1�����,���� T�����u��r���l!I�����r� ������ �� ���I�� "�+'�r���'"�"'�t�r����r�� ���hi�,�� AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Dissolve Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair C.8 S UMMARY: The Select Board is being asked to approve the dissolution of the Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee. The Committee's final report was submitted to the S elect Board on Monday, May 23, 2022 and all materials re lated to the wo rk o f the C o mmitte e have b e en p ro vid ed to the To wn C lerk's O ffic e to b e arc hived. SUGGESTED MOTION: To dissolve the Ad Hoc Stone Building Feasibility/Re-Use Committee. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Application: Common V'ictualler License - Coco Boston LLC d/b/a CoCo Fresh Tea and Juice, 1764 Massachusetts Avenue PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair I.1 S UMMARY: The Select Board is being asked to approve a request for a Common Victualler License for Coco Boston LLC d/b/a C o C o F resh Tea and Juic e, 1764 Mas s achus etts Avenue for the hours o f l 0:00am to 9:OOpm S unday through S aturday for the addition o f s eating to an existing takeout restaurant. The app licant has worked with the D ep artment o f P ub lic H ealth, B uild ing D ep artment and Z o ning D ep artment fo r their re s p ec tive required p ermits and ins p ec tio ns. A S p ec ial P ermit to allo w fas t fo o d us e in the C B Z o ning D is tric t was approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals on June 9, 2022. T he o wner, J e ffrey L in, will b e in attend anc e at the me eting to ans wer any que s tio ns. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve a C ommon Victualler Lic ens e for C oco Bo ston LLC d/b/a C o C o F resh Tea and Juic e, 1764 Massachusetts Avenue for the hours of 10:00am to 9:OOpm Sunday through Saturday. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 6:l Opm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Grant of Location for Eversource - 10 Maguire Road PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jo anne C allend er, R ight o f Way Agent I.2 S UMMARY: Hearing for the request from NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein, said conduits and manholes to be located, substantially as shown on the plan made by T. T hibault revised date May 13, 2022, under the following public way or ways of Le�ngton: • Maguire R o ad - S o utherly fro m P o le 3 9 9/6, 702 fe et no rthwe s t o f H artwell Avenue, ins tall approximately 73 feet of conduit and Install one manhole MH23846 T his wo rk is b eing reque s ted to p ro vid e und ergro und elec tric s ervic e to 10 M aguire R o ad. The Engineering Department reviewed the request and have no objection to the petition and indicated that Evers ourc e would need to get the nec es s ary Engineering p ermits. Abutters notic es were mailed as required. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to a Grant of Location to NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVER S O URC E ENERGY to construct, and a location for, such a line o f c onduits and manholes with the nec e s s ary wire s and c ab le s therein, s aid c o nduits and manho le s to b e lo c ated, s ub s tantially as s ho wn o n the p lan mad e b y T. T hib ault revis ed D ate May 13, 2022 and file d herewith, und er the fo llo wing p ub lic way o r Ways of Lexington: Maguire Road - Southerly from Pole 399/6, 702 feet northWest of Hartwell Avenue, install approximately 73 feet of conduit and Install one manhole MH23846. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 6:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��A����������u���-���"`���c���c��`°�.::..��c;���:����+�������.ii���.���,,,,, ��� IC���������1�.������ �h���;�,:�.au�� IC�,�����i��� � ��������,�m��:���i��i���,�i�:�� �����<:����� �:����������,� �' � ������ ' � 180 Calvary Street � , �� � � ���� �� Waltham, Ma 02453 ������� May 24, 2022 Select Board Town Hall 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 RE: 10 M aguire Ro ad Lexington, MA W.O.# 6321095 Dear Members of the Board: The enclosed petition and plan are being presented by the NSTAR Electric d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY for the purpose of obtaining a Grant of Location to install approximately 73 feet of conduit and one manhole in Maguire Road. The reason for this work is to provide underground electric service to 10 Maguire Road. If you have any further questions, contact Joanne Callender at 781-314-5054. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, �� �. s � Richard M. Schifone, Supervisor Rights and Permits RMS/wls Attachments PETITION OF NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY FOR LOCATION FOR CONDUITS AND MANHOLES To the Select Board of the Town of LEXINGTON Massachusetts: Respectfully represents NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY a company incorporated for the transmission of electricity for lighting, heating or power, that it desires to construct a line for such transmission under the public way or ways hereinafter specified. WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that, after due notice and hearing as provided by law, the Board may by Order grant to your petitioner permission to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein, said conduits and manholes to be located, substantially as shown on the plan made by T. Thibault revised Date May 13, 2022 and filed herewith, under the following public way or ways of s ai d Town: Maguire Road - Southerly from Pole 399/6, 702 feet northwest of Hartwell Avenue, install approximately 73 feet of conduit. Install one manhole MH23846 �iTO# 6321095 NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY BY ,�u�G'.and��1, s� Richard M. Schifone, Supervisor Rights and Permits Dated this Day of , 2022 Town of LEXINGTON Massachusetts Received and filed 2022 B.E.Co. Form X5435 �518-21� N [p L N'iN'1N'1N O) f� � � I� � ` r�c�l= � � N N N N N N M N N N V M N N � CO -�u N �w P P�'�v N N P"mn �"�R ar ��jj `nv m a a� "w�v 7 �( �au �mW P g eN,�i N N f e�"W� III p��eb��m Y iR��kl�kl � �� � //''��// �ki� ' N _ _ ' ' _ ' _ _ ' ' ' _ ' ' c c /( �wU.mo ry aory renVaq�mv�e����°tlp���mf em m¢p 1.1 O � /^lo,iirmvl��1,I�,d.��m �a U � N N M N N N N M N V N N M � N N l� av @°aq mv\�,mv m¢�;� � \'J� L IJ �ni¢ V 'sv n�ca ���" �r ��� J nu 6 �"`°aA'���� "�,° �rw Q �,�mw�� N `� .� e < � N Qn4�;M ec,p FlB� "w tl u !`"n�M "� m,�'�� N = .iN`-IN`-IN T-IN rIN rIN�Ic�rlc��K��K��K�`-Ic�`-Ic��Ic�rIN TiN (�y °ma a am °�v � m� "�° �°�°� C�U 00 a0 � N CO � 00 6� N � 00 CO M � � � r �/� V �y�u M mi g�A� �"��" ou "14 �aa�� "�ea�y � C N M N Ch Ch N V l!') 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Install one manhole MH23846 Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk Select Board Office *Public comYnents fo�the Select Boar�d Meeting can be emailed to selectboa�d(a�,lexingtonma.gov by 2:DO p.Yn. Monday, June 27, 2022; o�Membe�s of the public viewing the�emote meeting webina�on June 27, 2022 at app�oximately 6:00 p.m.f�om thei�coYnpute�o�listening by phone can comment du�ing the public comment po�tion of the hea�ing. Notice sent to: 85-13B 2 0 MAGUIRE RD 8 5-16 LEXINGTON 02421 3 MAGUIRE RD N/F LEXINGTON 02421 G&I IX/GP4 20 MAGUIRE LLC N/F 220 EAST 42ND ST 10 MAG OWNER LLC NEW YORK,NY 10017 3 MAGUIRE RD LEXINGTON, MA 02420 85-15 10 MAGUIRE RD LEXINGTON 02421 N/F 10 MAG OWNER LLC LEXINGTON,MA 02420 80-11 MAGUIRE RD LEXINGTON 02421 N/F KILN BROOK SPUR INC 20 HUBBARD PARK RD CAMBRIDGE, MA 0213 8 N [p L N'iN'1N'1N O) f� � � I� � ` r�c�l= � � N N N N N N M N N N V M N N � CO -�u N �w P P�'�v N N P"mn �"�R ar ��jj `nv m a a� "w�v 7 �( �au �mW P g eN,�i N N f e�"W� III p��eb��m Y iR��kl�kl � �� � //''��// �ki� ' N _ _ ' ' _ ' _ _ ' ' ' _ ' ' c c /( �wU.mo ry aory renVaq�mv�e����°tlp���mf em m¢p 1.1 O � /^lo,iirmvl��1,I�,d.��m �a U � N N M N N N N M N V N N M � N N l� av @°aq mv\�,mv m¢�;� � \'J� L IJ �ni¢ V 'sv n�ca ���" �r ��� J nu 6 �"`°aA'���� "�,° �rw Q �,�mw�� N `� .� e < � N Qn4�;M ec,p FlB� "w tl u !`"n�M "� m,�'�� N = .iN`-IN`-IN T-IN rIN rIN�Ic�rlc��K��K��K�`-Ic�`-Ic��Ic�rIN TiN (�y °ma a am °�v � m� "�° �°�°� C�U 00 a0 � N CO � 00 6� N � 00 CO M � � � r �/� V �y�u M mi g�A� �"��" ou "14 �aa�� "�ea�y � C N M N Ch Ch N V l!') 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NUMBER: Jo anne C allend er, R ight o f Way Agent I.3 S UMMARY: Hearing for the request from NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY to construct, and a location for, such a line o f c onduits and manholes with the nec es sary wires and cables therein, s aid c o nduits and manho le s to b e lo c ated, s ub s tantially as s ho wn o n the p lan mad e b y T. T hiba ult revis e d D ate Apri12 8, 2 0 2 2 and filed herewith, und er the fo llo wing p ub lic way o r ways o f s aid To wn: • Laconia Street- Southwesterly from pole 119/18, 623 feet northwest of Rumford Road, install approximately 29 feet of conduit. This work is part of the project to provide underground electric service to 106 Laconia S treet. T he Engine ering D ep artment reviewed the reque s t and have no o b j ec tio n to the p etitio n and ind ic ated that Evers ourc e would need to get the nec es s ary Engineering p ermits. Abutters notic es were mailed as required. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to a Grant of Location to NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY D/B/A EVER S O URC E ENERGY to construct, and a location for, such a line o f c onduits and manholes with the nec e s s ary wire s and c ab le s therein, s aid c o nduits and manho le s to b e lo c ated, s ub s tantially as s ho wn o n the p lan mad e b y T. T hib ault revis ed D ate Ap ril 2 8, 2022 and file d herewith, und er the fo llo wing p ub lic way o r ways of said Town: Laconia Street- Southwesterly from pole 119/18, 623 feet northwest of Rumford Road, install approximately 29 feet of conduit. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 6:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��A����������u���-���"`���c���c��`°�.::..��c;���:����+�������.ii���.���,,,,, ���C�.�.::..���,;c��J������.����,� �h���;�,:�.au�� IC�,�����i��� � ��������,�m��:���i��i���,�i�:�� �����<:����� �:����������,� �' � ������ ' � 180 Calvary Street � , �� � � ���� �� Waltham, Ma 02453 ������� June 2, 2022 Select Board Town Hall 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 RE: Laconia Street Lexington, MA W.O.# 6760799 Dear Members of the Board: The enclosed petition and plan are being presented by the NSTAR Electric d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY for the purpose of obtaining a Grant of Location to install approximately 29 feet of conduit in Laconia Street. The reason for this work is to provide underground electric service to 106 Laconia Street. If you have any further questions, contact Joanne Callender at 781-314-5054. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, �� �. s � Richard M. Schifone, Supervisor Rights and Permits RMS/wls Attachments PETITION OF NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY FOR LOCATION FOR CONDUITS AND MANHOLES To the Select Board of the Town of LEXINGTON Massachusetts: Respectfully represents NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY a company incorporated for the transmission of electricity for lighting, heating or power, that it desires to construct a line for such transmission under the public way or ways hereinafter specified. WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that, after due notice and hearing as provided by law, the Board may by Order grant to your petitioner permission to construct, and a location for, such a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein, said conduits and manholes to be located, substantially as shown on the plan made by T. Thibault revised Date May 13, 2022 and filed herewith, under the following public way or ways of s ai d Town: Maguire Road - Southerly from Pole 399/6, 702 feet northwest of Hartwell Avenue, install approximately 73 feet of conduit. Install one manhole MH23846 �iTO# 6321095 NSTAR ELECTRIC COMPANY d/b/a EVERSOURCE ENERGY BY ,�u�G'.and��1, s� Richard M. Schifone, Supervisor Rights and Permits Dated this Day of , 2022 Town of LEXINGTON Massachusetts Received and filed 2022 B.E.Co. Form X5435 �518-21� N m� N rK�rK�rK�` ' rn r� 6� �n I� O� ' ,-iN c N � N N N N N N M N N N V C''1 N N � (O U — MA� 7 �(\ � N CO N " ,-iN (�, a� r N N M N N N N M N V N N M � N N ^1 V — �V �o� � - - N � �� � ��c.i��c.i'1c�'1c�'1ni'iN'1c�r�`�i������c.i��c.i'1c�'ic�'1N �m� � � N M � N � m m N � V � � � O c/�� — N Z 3 � 0� � � /. � O ln N c �Ic��Ic��Ic�`-Ic�Tic�T-IN'-IN�Ic�rlc��Ic��Ic��Ic��Ic��Ic�`-'Ic�T'Ic� 0 N "7 I � Z a U 00 � N 00 � 00 CO N Ln � 00 � N CO 00 00 J � w C N Ch N M N M N Ch V VI � �[����� o � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �,1�: � � f�`i' m L ��Ic��IN�Ic�`-'Ic�`-'Ic�rIN T-IN�Ic��Ic�rlc��Ic��Ic�rIN�Ic�`-IN`-IN Q O ..� i�Q N � O O O (O GO N � CD N � M N N � V V � � U � � �� o � � � W� �Q L �`-I��`-I��`-I��rini�IN`-IN'-IN�Icv`-Icv`-K�'-I��`-I��`-I��`-I���N�N = O /�,,1�. 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Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk Select Board Office *Public coYn�cents fo�the Select Boa�d Meeting can be emailed to selectboa�d(a�lexingtonma.��ov by 2:DO p.m. Monday, June 27, 2022; o�Member�s of the public viewing the�emote meeting webina�on June 27, 2022at app�oximately 6:00 p.m.f�om thei�coynpute�o�listening by phone can coynment du�ing the public coynment po�tion of the hea�ing. Notice sent to: 54/l52/l 54//51// 103 LACONIA ST 111 LACONIA ST N/F N/F WALHEKAR TUSHAR& FAN YINGLI WALHEKAR PREETI 111 LACONIA ST 103 LACONIA ST LEXINGTON, MA 02420 LEXINGTON,MA 02420 54//37// 54//51A/ 115/ 106 LACONIA ST 115 LACONIA ST N/F N/F KOHA VALDUR&IRENE TRUSTEES CHOONG CHEE S ZHANG BAIYU 106 LACONIA ST 115 LACONIA ST LEXINGTON,MA 02420 LEXINGTON, MA 02420 N m� N rK�rK�rK�` ' rn r� 6� �n I� O� ' ,-iN c N � N N N N N N M N N N V C''1 N N � (O U — MA� 7 �(\ � N CO N " ,-iN (�, a� r N N M N N N N M N V N N M � N N ^1 V — �V �o� � - - N � �� � ��c.i��c.i'1c�'1c�'1ni'iN'1c�r�`�i������c.i��c.i'1c�'ic�'1N �m� � � N M � N � m m N � V � � � O c/�� — N Z 3 � 0� � � /. � O ln N c �Ic��Ic��Ic�`-Ic�Tic�T-IN'-IN�Ic�rlc��Ic��Ic��Ic��Ic��Ic�`-'Ic�T'Ic� 0 N "7 I � Z a U 00 � N 00 � 00 CO N Ln � 00 � N CO 00 00 J � w C N Ch N M N M N Ch V VI � �[����� o � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �,1�: � � f�`i' m L ��Ic��IN�Ic�`-'Ic�`-'Ic�rIN T-IN�Ic��Ic�rlc��Ic��Ic�rIN�Ic�`-IN`-IN Q O ..� i�Q N � O O O (O GO N � CD N � M N N � V V � � U � � �� o � � � W� �Q L �`-I��`-I��`-I��rini�IN`-IN'-IN�Icv`-Icv`-K�'-I��`-I��`-I��`-I���N�N = O /�,,1�. 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NUMBER: Mary de Alderete, Town C lerk I.4 S UMMARY: Mary de Alderete, Town Clerk will discuss relocating polling locations for precincts 7 and 9 from Keilty Hall to the L exingto n C o mmunity C enter, 3 9 Marrett R o ad. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tio n to p ermanently relo c ate P rec inc t 7 and P rec inc t 9 fro m Keilty H all to the L exingto n C o mmunity C enter, 3 9 M arrett R o ad. FOLLOW-UP: Town C lerk's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 6:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���r���,��m�������'������������:����m��.����„,�������,������.���,����:�����;������,„,��° ���:,�.�.���. IC�:��,������� � ��'��.n�c,��:m��;�.�����G���:������:�����A��;������.��;��.������I�������.��fm:�����c��� �=����������������fm � ���.���.�, ���� ,���� �. �'� � �f 4 ��°d� '.r w,���+, �d — ^ � ttII'����� �� � � ��� Town o Lexin ton , III� � g Y' �� � ' f� ,� V�.�.v�" � ��'; J M� w�ry �r� f�q' Y�� ��J �� �, � u0� � f � ,� %�' u "H� � lynl, � �y�� .(„ r k' ��r, �����1����� ; ��������� '�` � Mary de Alderete, Town Clerk Phone: 781-698-4558 mdealderete(a�lexin e tonma.e�ov fax: 781-861-2754 MEMO: Jill Hai, Chair, Select Board FROM: Mary de Alderete, Town Clerk DATE: June 21, 2022 RE: Precincts 7 & 9 Relocation As the Board is aware, the Town has been using Keilty Hall at St. Brigid's Church, as an election polling location for Precincts 7 & 9 in exchange for a stipend for use of the facility. I recently received word the facility fee would be increased for future elections by triple the usual amount. As this would be an unnecessary financial expense to the Town, I have been in collaborative talks with both Christine Dean and Melissa Battite at the Community Center(current Precinct 3). They have been gracious throughout the process, and have agreed that Precincts 7 & 9 would be able j oin Precinct 3 in this location by utilizing both the areas in the dining room and the lower level exercise space. Per MGL 54, § 24, the Selectmen must designate a new polling location prior to it being used for elections. I am formally requesting the Board vote to designate the Community Center, 39 Marrett Road, as the permanent polling location for Precincts 7 and 9. Upon your approval, a notification will be sent to all registered voters in both Precincts, as required by the previous statute, as well as customary notifications on the Town's website, social media, and usual Press outlets. Many thanks for your consideration. ��. ,� � �� �°�i � �N � �, ,����"��A����� � �'�.�����������.,^�,,�.�� "°�.�,.��.. �" k Mary de Alderete, Town Clerk cc: Kim Katzenback James Malloy Kelly Axtell 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 ..,...,,W// iiiii ,.. ,',, ,. i .........% ....................�� i ........................� ..........................� i ...........................j .............................../ i ................../ % 11i1��� / / 0 � � � � � � � � 1����,,� � ` � � � s � 1111111111��������������)1111 � � � � � �� � � � � � � �,, l � � �,, � � �,, � � 1 � �,, � 1 � �,, 1 � 1 � �,, 1�1,� � � � ,,, � � � ,, � � � � �,, � 1�� � �,, � � � �,, � ��i � �,, � � �, � � � � �� � ��� i 1 , i� i i �i, �� i 1� � i �� � , ,,� � ; ���� ; _. ; ;, , � ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� : � , ������rf, %: �, '�, y ,,i; ���� � / l , � . , � � � � �,,,,<8 ���:,��� ;,�:� v � ,�„��;irr��� ���. �f%% �t � ����� �!��,�, ���� �lu,�,�,�� a�,,. i%�o�;;, / �' �j% � ��l;� �i' l��%;, ���� ��� r , , �,.., � i , ., �/ � i, , / ,��i/,/„ � ;,f F �I i' f% '', �//���%% � �r,/i �i��� �/// i ������i� � l,.� /'�!/l� I%� �li/��/�a� i /;,f /� f� /���1/�j�/%s '!���j'i��/� �� f ���/`/r/���r � �"%%��� , f 1, �/��'�/��/r/o �/� /// /, / % i l�i,�i�i�� � �, ir li��y ��//%/ �f 1�������%��" i�; W �/ � �� / j� Y�I / // ��%i/�//- �d� �f rr rr/1/' �i �f Ifi,��/yi/�r� n' f� J y��, ` I�, i r����l�� I °J ���� ,,o,J`:� J,�/�G�//,���ri I�ii�� ! 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SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 6:45pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Update on Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) PRESENTER: ITEM Dave Pinsonneault Director of Public NUMBER: � Wo rks & D ave P avlik, S up erintend ent o f Water and S ewer I.6 S UMMARY: T here will b e two p re s enters o n the AM I ins tallatio n, the firs t is fro m D ave P avlik, Water/S ewer S up erintend ent, With the attac hed p re s entatio n d o c ument and the s ec o nd is fro m S tile s, who will p ro vid e a live demonstration on how the system works and what type of information customers will be able to obtain on their water use. SUGGESTED MOTION: No motion necessary this is an update. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 7:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �. 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AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Abatement Appeal - 19 Sanderson Road PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jenny Ye,App ellant I.7 S UMMARY: The Water S ewer Abatement Board (W S AB)reviewed this request at its regular meeting on May 5, 2022. The WSAB denied the request based on the following: • T he p ro p erty was given 4 s ep arate b lue c ard s during the las t fo ur b illing c yc le s s tating an e s timated read had to b e taken. T he c ard s ins truc ted the re s id ent to c all the Water D ivis io n to have the meter rep lac ed o r rep aired. • Each bill states clearly that if you receive estimated reads you are to contact the Water Division to assess the meter. No c o ntac t was mad e. • T he high read ing is the re s ult o f an ac tual read after the meter was up grad ed and after numero us estimated reads. • T he W S AB p o lic y is to no t grant ab atements o n large c atc h-up b ills due to c us to mer failure to get the estimated meter reads resolved. T he D irec to r o f P ub lic Wo rks rec o mmend s that the S elec t B o ard up ho ld the d ec is io n o f the Water and S ewer Ab atement B o ard at its meeting o n May 5, 2022. C aro lyn Ko s no ff,A s s is tant To Wn Manager fo r F inanc e and D ave P ins o nneault, D P W D irec to r Will b e o n the meeting to answer any questions as well. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to (up ho ld/no t up ho ld) the d ec is io n o f the Water and S ewer Ab atement B o ard (W S AB) in this matter. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 7:35pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �.��� �„�����;�����;c����,����,.��,�������,,,,,�������c:�����c���.������,�� ����<:����� �:���������,� 5/16/2022 From: Jenny Ye 12 Fiske Road, Lexi ngton, MA 02420 Dear Select Board Members, This letter is to request an appeal in regard to a recent denied abatement application for 19 Sanderson Rd. My name is Jenny Ye, and I am the trustee and property manager of 19 Sanderson Road, Lexington. I am writing this letter to you on behalf of the property trust owners Xin Wang and Ming Zhu, as they are overseas. We received an extremely large water/sewer bill of$16K back in April. I talked to Vyctoria Walsh and was informed that this is due to a large catch up of water bills since 2017. Subsequently, I submitted the abatement application on 4/21/22. On 5/16/22, I received the letter from Abatement Board informing that the abatement was denied. Please find the attached letter(Exhibit A) from the WSAB. The homeowners and I respect the decision from WSA6, however, we think that this decision was not fair to the homeowners. As the extremely large bill was artificially inflated by the calculation based on pricing tiers. 19 Sanderson has always been rented since the current owners purchased the house in 2016. As mentioned above, the homeowners were overseas, we have never received any warnings/alerts regarding estimated water bills and therefore nobody was aware that the water/sewer reads have been estimated reads in the past several years. There was also a water leak in the property and was found and repaired in June of 2021. Please find the attached (Exhibit B) water leak repair invoice from Kirkland and Shaw. The reason I present this invoice was because this catch-up bill covers the past 5 years. The total catch-up is 521 units (hundred cubic feet). As you know, with the 521 units of catch- up, there were 40 units billed at tier 1 pricing, 40 units billed at tier 2 pricing and 441 units billed at tier 3 pricing. Due to the majority of the catch-up is in tier 3 pricing, this resulted such a large bill of$16K. However, if we average the total catch-up to the past 5 years, the average monthly overage is less than 10 units, which would have been applied by the tier 1 pricing instead of tier 3 pricing. We understand it is the owner's responsibility to pay the water/sewer bill that has been underestimated for many years. The owner has no intention at all to underpay the water/sewer bill. We have been paying the tax bills, water/sewer bills all on time each quarter over the years. The unawareness of the underestimated water/sewer bill was unintentional and a complete honest mistake. This shocking bill has created a large financial burden to the owners. I would like to sincerely appeal for a lower rate to be applied to the catch-up usage, and any adjustment that the Board could consider due to the past water leak situation. Thank you and appreciate your time and consideration! Si ncerely, JennyYe Exhibit A ���� � L��iii � ���� ��������� �� �t�����" I�I iu� i�r�� ������������ ��� �� � ���� ��� �w�i ,� '� � ����''� ��� N - N������� m � y � � �� I � II ��.. ,I„If{� . ��Ik �� MII� �� �� ....X y�/r Ty ��-, I � ��1'��,�Ip � ��.P �� . . ��.,�.,:, � I i, (III� �.. d�i, 1 ���P � V' u� � ii , � ��� i ,� �i es� �'�J�l�iiW� , m�l��������� I���� "r�'�" ' 'il^�lum���r �����,����.� �EI� III� ����I�C�EII����� I� C� LE�I�I�� �.II���������I����� f��:. 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Ro Chair& G. Reisi NUMBER: y� g� Vice-Chair; C. Kowalski,As st. Town I.8 Mgr. for Dev.; L. Rust, RHS O S UMMARY: Attached please find the presentation from the Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee, which will eventually require approval from Town Meeting. This is an update to the S elect Board with recommendations fo r the future, ho wever, the B o ard may want to d is c us s whether this is an item that the B o ard Wo uld c o ns id er for a F all Town Meeting or a future Annual Town Meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: No formal action required. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 7:5Opm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ������°���;�,�������������mrv���µ�"���:�������.����y���������c���,����������„,����;�,������ �-���;���;���;�.��;��:��� � ���������"./���� .�:�-�G����:��� ����.������� i -:::uuu;�q, �iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii000!�u� I ,uuu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII y uu � 9Jw.. ��� Illlidl �� I ,�i,,. u:: 'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'ii`ii _(... :,,,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�.��II i �..., ,;� ..,,.,_ � I,i,j;i I '!i'i::n .I _i rr... 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The Affordable Housing Trust(AHT) is a municipal entity expected to act primarily as a financing entity or`bank.' The Trust will receive funding from multiple sources and distribute cash funding to other affordable housing entities via grant or loan in accordance with the Trust's articulated priorities of producing and preserving affordable housing. There are 128 communities in Massachusetts that have an Affordable Housing Trust. So,why doesn't Lexington have one? Good question. Establishing an AHT is a well-recognized mechanism to further affordable housing in the state. What is Lexington's current production of affordable housing?Affordable Housing prc�duction is a municipal, public process,and Lexington's production rate is very low. Over the past decade, Lexington created 41 units and lost 41 group home units,so the Town still has just 663 affordable housing units. Lexington has been stuck at 1320 SHI units since 2011. (Subsidized Housing Inventory, which includes market rate units that are counted as subsidized). 11.05%of Lexington's housing stock is counted on the SHI. Approximately half of that(663)are considered Affordable. "Affordable" is�efined as at or below 80%of Area:Median Income, which is currently$89,500 for two-person households. The Town needs to create more affordable units. If the Trust is created,will the Town retain control of affordable housing d�velopment? Yes. The Affordable Housin�Trust is a flexible fundin�entity that enables the Town to act without waiting for Town Meeting t�approve funding. The AHT can act quickly and effectively to help fund affordable housing devel�pment for the Town. It dQes nat alter the Town's many tools to direct appropriate development. As a municipal entity of the Town,who will oversee the Trust's money management and us�? The Trust will be part of the Town's Finance Department which will administer the Trust's payrnents and overs�e Trust audits. Is the Town involved in decisions made by the Trust?Yes.The Trust is bc�und by public prQ�urement laws,open meeting laws,and CPA eligibility regula�ion�and procedures.Additionally,the statute requires a Select Board member to be a trustee, and the Affordable Housing Trust Study Committee(AHTSC) proposes�spending threshold for real estate transactions requiring Select Board approval. What is the proposed initial funding for the Affc�rdable Housing Trust?The A.HTSC suggests that the Town fund an amount similar to purchasin�a lot in tc�wn. April's data shc�wed that that would be$1.5M in Lexington, plus funds for holding costs,consultants to help prepare�FPs for de�elQpment, and a housing needs assessment. What are the possible initial funding sources of an`AHT? The Affordable Housing Capital Stabilization fund (Brookhaven mitigation payments.),Town appropriation,CPA funds,and ARPA funds. Is the AHT responsible for using CPA funds c�nly for CPA eligible projects? Yes. If a project is not CPA eligible,the AHT cannot use CPA funds to fund it. Instead,other funds such as Brookhaven mitigation payments,donations,fees,interest,federal and state funds, etc.,would be=usec�. What does the Board of Trustees membership look like? Will there be Trustees from other Town committees? Nothing excludes any Town committee member from being appointed by the Select Board as a Trustee. The statute requires that one Trustee be a Select Board member. The AHTSC recommends emphasizing experience over Town committee membership, but Town committee members can apply to be Trustees. Can we move forward with the AHT while LexHAB decides its next steps? Yes. In fact, if we move the Trust along and commit funding,the Trust will be ready to start funding development once LexHAB determines its future. 1 D RAFT FAQs GENERAL(cont'd) What are the biggest challenges other Trusts in the Commonwealth have faced? Insufficient funding and limited powers that restrict the Trust's ability to act quickly and effectively. FINANCE From what sources could the Trust receive its funding?Affordable Housing Surcharge(from Short-term rental properties); Housing Linkage Fees(from new developments); Brookhaven's annual mitigation payments(and c�ther/future) payments in lieu of affordable housing; CPA Community Housing Reserves and CPA Unbudgeted Reserves grants;annual appropriations; private donations;and CPA transfers. Other potential sources are:fees from the resale of affordable units, Federal HOME fund�, building permit surcharges, Real Estate Transfer Fees,and ARPA funds. To what entities will the Trust distribute funds?LexHA6; Lexingto� Housing Authority; HDCs or CDCs(Developrnent�orporations) or not-for-profits; property owners or private developers. All distributi�ns would be under a grant agreement, recorded mortgage, memorandum of understanding,development services agreement,or an affordable housing deed restriction. Who will be responsible for directing distributions of funds via grants or loan�?'The Board of Trustees. Who will be responsible for the decision-making on the investment of assets? The TQ�run Accountant. The Town Accounting Department will perform accounting functions, including general Iedger transactions,accounts payable, receiving funds and paying invoices,cash reconciliations,and annual audits. Where are the Trust's assets/liabilities and income/expenses recc�rd�ed? They are rec�rded in the Town's general ledger and included in the Town's financial s�atements. Does the Town assume these c�bligations from a financial and legal standpoint?Yes. What about CPA funds transferred to the Trust�' As� municipal entity,the Trust will be held to the same standards and expectations as other municipal entrties. Any CPA funds transferred must be tracked and compliant with CPA regulations. Trustees and the Town �re responsible for ensuring cc�mpliance and fulfilling reporting requirements. Would non-CPA funds,such as funds from feesr d�nations,interest,etc.,be available for distribution on a blanket basis? Yes. For example,the Trust might agree to a lump sum payment to Metro West to implement a rental assistance program. Can the Trust'hire consultants,housing specialists,and administrative staff? Yes,and they would receive benefits per Town policies. Will the Trust be require:d to issue Requests for Proposals?The Trust is required to follow all aspects of public procurement, including 30B,CPA(if applicable),and �ublic construction,following state law and Lexington specific requirements per the Chief Procurement Officer. If the Trust directly hires contractors and staff is it subject to prevailing wage law?Yes. Would the AHT awardees/grant recipients be subject to the prevailing wage law? No,funding from the Trust would not trigger public procurement and prevailing wage laws,similar to CPA funding. 2 D RAFT FAQs FINANCE(cont'd) Can the Trust purchase/sell/transfer property? Yes. The AHTSC proposes that Select Board approval be required above a certain threshold. Is the AHT allowed to borrow to buy property? The MGL statute allows the Trust to borrow money. While it is unusual for trusts to use this tool, it is important to have flexibility. The AHTSC proposes that borrowing above pre-determined limits will require Select Board approval. Can the Trust hold property? Yes. The Trust can hold property and hire a property manager. The Trust can convey property up to the limit proposed by the AHTSC for Select Board approval. At this time, it is not the intention of the Trust to be a holder or manager of property for an extended period of time past issuing an RFP for property developrnent. LexHAB/HDC OR CDC(DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) Is LexHA6 going to become a Development Corporation? Per its charge,the AHTSC is e�aluating the risks and benefits�f an independent Development Corporation, including whether to recommend tha�LexHA6 cc�nverts to a 501c3 Development Corporation to eliminate procurement and prevailing uuage cost burdens and time delays and thereby lower affordable housing development costs. What is the status of the transition? LexHA6 is in conversations with its Board,Town Counsel,and others to determine how to proceed. LexHAB is a Town entity;will a n�w;C?evelopment Corporation also be a municipal entity? No.A new Development Corporation would be a non-profit organizatian entirely separa�e from the Town. Do the Affordable Housing Trust and a Developrnent Corporation work together? Yes,they can, but they are entirely separate entities. The AHT is a municipal financing entity that is part of the Town Qf Lexington. A future Development Corporation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that is separate from the T�wn. F�r ins�kance,the aHT could provide funding to a future Development Corporation in�he�ame way it could prc�vid.e funding to LexHAB: Would a hired,professional staff manage th�Development Corporation? Yes. Would the Town pay the Development Corporation staff? No,the Town would have no in�olvement in staffing the Development Corporation Would the�euelopment Corporation maintain its own account records and functions,secure insurance,make audits,and handle all of its financial.needs? Yes. Where would the Development Corporatic�n get its funding? It could receive money from the Affordable Housing Trust,grants from state,federal,or private entities, loans or mortgages from banks,and rental payments from managed properties,to name a few. Additionally,the Development C�rporation could make funding requests to the Town, if appropriate,to further the Town's affordable housing goals. Could the Development Corporation apply for CPA funding? Yes,the Development Corporation could apply directly to the CPC for CPA funds. As with all CPA application requests,this would require the approval of Town Meeting. Could the Development Corporation hold and professionally manage affordable housing? Yes, and it could secure tenants, leases, collect rent,and perform maintenance and capital improvements on properties held. 3 D RAFT FAQs LexHAB/DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION(cont'd) Will the Development Corporation require Town Meeting or Select Board approval to hold property as assets,buy,sell,manage, collect rent,or anything of this nature? No. The Development Corporation will be an entity with no financial ties to the Town government and,therefore,will not require Town Meeting or Select Board approval for anything. Will the Development Corporation's assets,liabilities,income and expenses,and debt be recorded on the Town's books? Does the Town assume any of these obligations? No. If the Development Corporation receives CPA funds from a CPA application request,will the Qevelopment Corporation be held to public procurement funding rules and processes? No, but the Town recommends a CPA�rant agre�ment and affordable deed restriction on units created with CPA funds,as is customary,to ensure compliance with the terms of the CPA. Will all of LexHAB's existing property assets be transferred to the Develc�pment Corporation? Whether the assets would go to the new Corporation is under discussion. The assets would NOT go to the Affc�rdable Housing Trust. What about LexHAB properties originally purchased,built,or improued with CPA funds? Beginning circa 2007/20�8,all properties purchased with CPA funds have regulatory agreements that protect the affQrdable restrictic�n in perpetuity. While all LexHA6's properties are leased as affordable housing units, not all have deeded affordable hausing;restrictions. The Town and LexHA6 may want to record deed restrictions in perpetuity for LexHAB properties that don't ye�haue an affordable housing restriction (funded before 2007/2008) before transferring those to the Q�velc�pment Corporation. 4 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Request for Letter of Support - Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District's Appropriation to C apital Stabilization Fund PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Nikki Andrade, Business Manager for MRVT S chool District I.9 S UMMARY: Under CMR 41.06, Regional School Districts must utilize the amount of their excess and deficiency funds in excess of 5.0% toward their budget(the E & D Funds are similar to free cash). Minuteman had their c ertif'ic atio n fro m the MAD O R and are s e eking to p lac e the exc e s s in their C ap ital S tab ilizatio n F und. T he fo llo wing is the s ec tio n o f the C MR that d eals with E & D fund s and it require s a 2/3 maj o rity. 41.06: Excess and Deficiency Funds (1) Every regio nal s c ho 01 d is tric t s hall maintain an exc e s s and d e fic ienc y fund o n its b o o ks o f ac c o unt. At the end o f every fis c al year, any s urp lus o r d e fic it in the d is tric t's general fund s hall b e c lo s ed to the exc e s s and deficiency fund. (2) On or before October 31 of each year, every regional school district shall submit to the Department of R evenue the fo rms and s c he dule s as the D ep artment o f R evenue require s fo r the p urp o s e o f reviewing and c ertifying the b alanc e in the regio nal s c ho 01 d is tric t's exc e s s and d e fic ienc y fund. At the d is c retio n o f the C o mmis s io ner, the D ep artment may withho ld releas e o f all o r s o me p art o f the quarterly s tate s c ho 01 aid fo r the regional school district if the regional school district has not filed the required forms and schedules by such date. (3)A regio nal s c ho 01 c o mmitte e may us e all o r p art o f the c ertif'ied b alanc e in the exc e s s and d e fic ienc y fund as a revenue s ourc e fo r its p rop o s ed budget. I f the c ertified b alanc e exc eed s five p erc ent o f the p rop o s ed budget, the regio nal s c ho 01 c o mmitte e s hall us e the amo unt in exc e s s o f five p erc ent as a revenue s o urc e fo r its proposed budget. Regulatory Authority: 603 C MR 41.00: M.G.L. c. 69, §1 B; c. 71, §14B and §16D; c. 150E, §1. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the amendment to the Minuteman budget as requested to appropriate $500,000 from their exc e s s and d e fic ienc y fund s to their C ap ital S tab ilizatio n F und. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 B:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��,�c��������I...���;�;��° �:����,��° I�c�;���� � �����.���n����������������������n��������.�����;�����������c���,��c���=�"��������������������:� .��������:���� IC��,������.� I ��;II I I ..��.. ; .. : . ,� , � . ��I����� ���� ���������r� ���������,��m����� ��;���If��;�����������������,���'��I��r �,��i����r�� ��������� ��:��w��'���pi��i����'����,����� I����u����������w��w�� �"�� ��a�����w��u I�� i���� �"������r���� �'����i���u� ������� C�i������� ������� ������ �����' C����i�i���� ��� ������i�� ir� ��a�� ����r������,����;�"��.�w������� ,�����r�r�u�������������r��w�r���,������N�����r`��u�a��������r���i����I�������w��l�� ��w�� ��� ����, ����������rw ��������r��r���� ������`���'��������� �����I� �� ���� �����`�r��, ��� ����i�� �� ��i�� i� i�� ����i�`i��� �� J���� ��� ����� ��� �a���������� �������I �'�����i���l ����ur�i��;l �������I� ����������� �����' ����i�����1� �� �����������������������.���������������������������������������������r�������r��'��������d�������i����������r��.����� ���������M����������ir��t���u���������u�������,���i��^�����,��I�i�� ���������������i���� ���r�����������+���� ���'�������i��������i�n������r���ir���. �'�i� ����a�� ����'� ����al�i� �� ����,��w�����r��r����� ����r� �'����,� �u������r� ���,i�w��l �'����i���l�"����i���l�����NI I��i���`i����� �������� �������� �Vr���� ��� ��. � ���� ���� �'ar�����u���� ����� ���w��i� �k��� �������� ����m������ ��� ��� �� ���� ��� ��� ��� ����� �i��,��i�.t������ ����ir�� � �� � �� ��� ������q� �� ��u����� ���� ��� ��� ����I �� �� �i���� , � � � � �� � �� �����ri��'���������I.T���`���w��r��������r���������������������������w����°����i��������������r���w����������� ������,�����������������������������������������'����;�'��������a����w����d����������"�������w��u����;�N������I�a�i�� �����������������:����N�����`i���. �I�� � �ir�����a�� �������a "���������I �"��������I ������� ����u���� ��id�a� ��w� ��� �� ��ww� ���"����'���i�� �.�r,�r�l��� �� i� ������������ ����r,���' �� �:������i��� �� ��� r������� �����M �"���� ������ ��i����; ��� ������ ��� �������r���� �1������ �����Ii�����i�l���w���������������r�� ������ ����� �a�������������, ������� ������� ����i ��������� �������� ��u�������� ���������� �w��a������r��r�H����� ������� ���—����� ���������N���w���:������,� �. � � , , � � ��������,� �������I���, ��� �����i��i�������� �w����rN�.i���������'�������r , �`��������� ��: I�a��������, �.+�,�i�r���l�"���������i�"���w����l���u�������� ������ ��������r����� �������,������a�,��r �������� �'��I'���T���u C�������i� ��w�������� � �����w���� �" ������� ���I� �.���i�� ���w,�, ����� �` �" 1,M. ����� � �" ��,� �����w����' �` �' �� �'re���;� ����������.��� �. ������� ��� �r���������r��m�������� �����������,������I������I�,��w��������I��������,������������ �'����� June�20�2 To:Minuteman Regiona!Voca�ianal Technica!Sehool Committee Fram:Town af Lexington Select Board . Re:Appropriation of Excess and Deficiency Funds The Town of Lexington Selec� Baard pasitively endorses the Minuteman Regional Vocatianai Technical School Committee ta appropr�ate $5��,�OO.QO from certified excess and deficiency to be transferred to the Capital 5tabilizat�on Fund.This transfer will support Minuteman`s expansion capacity plans. This action will resuEt in an amendment{increase�to the FY2022 Minuteman Regianal Vocatianal Technical School District's appro�ed budget but will not change the assessment afready established with the Town of Lexingtan,The Minuteman Regional Vocational Technica[School Committee will nat act on this apprvpriation unless it is posit�vely endarsed by two-thirds of the member towns. S�neerely, Town of Lexin�ton Select Board cc: Minuteman Re�ianal Vocationa�Technica!School Cammittee Edward A. Bouquillon,Superintendent Laurie Elliott,Treasurer Nikki Andrade,Business Mana�er \ � , '�„r, ','', ; ��;,;, ',', ��;,� ';1 ��,,,, !!� II,,,,, ,ir r�;� ��,,,, „!! ° �,1 ', /� II,,,,, ��,,,� J u ne 27, 2022 To: Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District's Member Towns From: Superintendent Edward A Bouquillon, Ph. D. Re: Minuteman's Excess and Deficiency Recertification On June 7, 2022, member towns received an update about Minuteman's FY2021 Excess and Deficiency(E & D) from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR). Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District FY2021 E&D was recertified in the amount of$1,478,730. This recertification also resulted in Minuteman's unencumbered funds in excess of the five percent of the operating budget and capital budget being$340,492. In Minuteman's FY23 Budget, the planned use of certified Excess and Deficiency to offset member town assessments is$650,000.As this approved $650,000 offset is greater than the$340,492 excess of the five percent, Minuteman exceeded DOR's obligation to reduce member assessments. Director of Accounts Deborah A. Wagner confirmed that no additional distributions to member towns will be required. The FY23 Budget Book is posted on our website at ������������� �� � � If you have any further questions, please contact Nikki Andrade, Business Manager at nandrade@minuteman.org or 781-274-1033. Thank you, Edward A. Bouquillon, Ph.D. Superintendent-Director ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Minuteman High School � 758 Marrett Road, Lexington,MA 02421 � T 781.861.6500 � F 781.863.1747 � TDD 781.861.2922�minuteman.org District Members:Acton,Arlington,Bolton,Concord,Dover,Lancaster,Lexington,Needham,Stow AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Fiscal Year 2022 Year-End Transfers PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: C aro lyn Ko sno ff,As sistant Town Manager for Finance I.10 S UMMARY: T he F inanc e S taff will p re s ent s even year-end b ud get ad jus tments that are rec o mmend ed to ad dre s s o verage s in the FY2022 Operating Budget. Templates for the following adjustments are included in the packet: • 1 Revolving Fund Increase (Compost) • 2 EO Y Trans fer(F ire, S now) • 3 S alary Reserve (F ire, Human S ervices, S elect Board) • 1 Potential Reserve Fund (Fire- if not approved for ARPA) SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the following budget adjustments: • An inc reas e in the s p end ing limit o f the C o mp o s t R evo lving F und b y $5 0,000 fro m$7 8 7,000 to $847,000 • A trans fer o f$44,812 fro m the S alary R e s erve ac c o unt to the F ire D ep artment P ers o nal S ervic e s b ud get • A trans fer o f$8,200ro m the S alary R e s erve ac c o unt to the Human S ervic e s P ers o nal S ervic e s b ud get • A trans fer o f$1,5 00 fro m the S alary R e s erve ac c o unt to the S elec t B o ard P ers o nal S ervic e s b ud get • An End o f Year trans fer o f$7 5,000 fro m the F ire D ep artment Exp ens e s to F ire D ep artment P ers o nal S ervic es • An End o f Year trans fer o f$8 9,2 74.11 fro m S no w Exp ens e s to S no w P ers o nal S ervic e s; and • To ap p ro ve the us e o f$8 0,18 8 in AR PA fund s to c o ver the remaining d e fic it in the F ire D ep artment O vertime budget. FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard C hair to s ign trans fer reque s ts. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 8:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����°��,���r��w�..,���������:��°�.:�:�����° �������:� . ����,����°��;�� ���.������;�,.��.�a����������,�,���� Summary of Requested FY2022 End-of-Year Budget Adj ustments Reserve Revolving Department Salary Adj. EOY Transfer Fund Fund Total Public Works -Compost $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Public Works -Snow $0.00 $89,274.11 $0.00 $0.00 $89,274.11 Fire Department $44,812.00 $75,000.00 $80,188.00 $0.00 $200,000.00 Human Services $8,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,200.00 Select Board $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $54,512.00 $164,274.11 $80,188.00 $50,000.00 $348,974.11 This could potentially go to ARPA As presented in the following transfer requests, the Fire Department experienced a significant overage in the Overtime budget for FY2022. This overage may be addressed with several transfers including from the Salary Adjustment Account and by transfer from Fire Expenses to Fire Personal Service lines. Management recommends that the remaining deficit of$80,188 be covered by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that were allocated to the Town. This grant from the Federal Government was primarily to allow local governments to continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and to allow for economic recovery. Much of the Fire Department's overtime was directly due backfilling shifts for employees that were sick or quarantining due to COVID-19. The Appropriation Committee (AC) also reviewed this request and concurred that ARPA funding is an appropriate way to address the Fire Department overtime. Given that the Select Board had not yet reviewed this request for ARPA funds, the AC contingently approved a Reserve Fund transfer to cover the remaining overage in the event ARPA funds were not released by the Select Board. z,��•,� �}��,�� ����� u..,. �� �� ��� �t ,r �,°�s � ����� ' � �-f ��� T o�v n o L exz n to n ' - • • • y��,�u�"'_ ':f��� � �"��� -,:E. ��� '¢�� .��'�. x ` ��� ,•ew: 4 ��'` �� � r,�,�.� � . � IkP�CL ly' `-3.��*��f�f iG`i�'�..��'��'. TO: Appropriation Committee &Board of Selectmen SUBJECT: Request for Increase of Authorization of Departmental Revolving Funds Request is hereby made for an increase in the authorization of a Departmental Revolving Fund authorized via vote of Annual Town Meeting in accordance with MGL, Chapter 44, section 1. Revolving Fund to be Increased: Compost Operations 2. Original Authorization $787,000 3. Amount of Increase Requested $50,000 4. Revised Authorization $837,000 5. Explanation for purpose of authorization increase: The Lexington Compost Facility has had a remarkable year, with product sales exceeding$715,000 and more than$175,000 in permit revenue. Accordingly, a number of expenses exceeded original forecasts, and the fund will need to spend more than originally authorized. This is due to a number of factors- sales tax on the higher product sales and additional costs for grinding brush. The Compost Fund balance as of 6/30/2021 was $504,232 and is expected to end the year in a surplus which will add to fund balance. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Approved Disapproved Authorization voted in the sum of: $837,000 Chair, Select Board Action of Appropriation Committee: 6/23/2022 Date Approved X Disapproved Authorization voted in the sum of: $837,000 C air,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 ���������"�'�*``"� :���� u'- �`�� . �v��°�r .;:'�y��-' ',.^�'�f � r � Town o Lexzn ton ��, �. f��� � ����� �� ��R g ��, � {: ,��,� ?�,:3,, r - �:' ,;, .'.g =r�;. ��., . f,t Y,����� �,:. � '�....`�"� . TO: Appropriation Committee & Select Board SUBJECT: Request for End of Year Transfer betWeen Departmental Line-Items Request is hereby made for the folloWing transfer between line-items as appropriated via a vote of Annual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B,paragraph(b), as amended by the Municipal Modernization Act. 1. Amount requested: $89,274.11 2. To be transferred to: Snow Removal -Personal Services 11421001-513 000 Account Name Account Number 3. To be transferred from: Snow Removal -Expenses 11421002-538030 Account Name Account Number 4. Present balance in Appropriation: $166,403.00 5. Explanation for purpose of transfer: The FY2022 Snow Removal budget had more spending on Wages and Overtime than originally budgeted,however suf�cient funds remain in the Snow Removal Expense lines to fully offset the shortfall in Personal Services (overall snow expenses were within the appropriated budget). A more detailed overview of the accounts in question is attached. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $89,274.11 Chair,Select Board Action of Appropriation Committee: 6/23/2022 Date Approved X Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $89,274.11 Chair,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 FY2021 a��,.������. �✓'u'i,� "�'� ,��"' 9 `'d��y<. .� , a'�'',r • ��/ r ,;,�;,. �a��� � ����� T o�v n o L exz n to n e����:� -- -:���� • "t�'�-= ��`�� � :� n � '�' ,..�,�fi ��, �;.` ``°��� ���,wy°� mt';: ��.�°���r���.��. TO: Select Board SUBJECT: Request for Transfer from Salary Transfer Account Request is hereby made for the following transfer from the Salary Transfer Account as appropriated via vote of Annual Town Meeting: 1. Amount requested: $44,812.00 2. To be transferred to: Fire - Personal Services 11222001-513000 Account Name Account Number 3. Explanation for purpose of transfer: The Fire Department will experience a signficant overage in FY2022 in Personal Services-Overtime budget. A number of factors are contributing to this, including vacation buybacks,payouts for accrued leave at retirement, and overtime to backfill employees on extended leave. The department has also experienced, and continues to experience, Covid-19 illnesses and quarantines which require the backfilling of shifts with overtime. A transfer from the Salary Reserve Account is requested to partly cover the overage that was due to retro,buy-backs and accrual payouts. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $44,812.00 Chair, Select Board ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 FY2021 �����������,. ��� u . `��"� �� �'1���.. � -�� � r ����As� To�vn o L exzn ton ���s _ � � �o • b�:��•r - -a��� � G �M+; �"��� -�� :�': �,et ;v„R' � 4 A4�IL I�° �"��'.'�F}V�9°�-�'� TO: Appropriation Committee & Select Board SUBJECT: Request for End of Year Transfer between Departmental Line-Items Request is hereby made for the following transfer between line-items as appropriated via a vote of Annual Town Meeting, in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 33B, paragraph (b), as amended by the Municipal Modernization Act. 1. Amount requested: $75,000.00 2. To be transferred to: Fire - Personal Services 11222001-513000 Account Name Account Number 3. To be transferred from: Fire - Expenses 11220002-531030; 11222002-585020 Account Name Account Number 4. Present balance in Appropriation: $112,993.5 8 5. Explanation for purpose of transfer: The Fire Department will experience a signficant overage in FY2022 in Personal Services-Overtime budget. A number of factors are contributing to this, including vacation buybacks,payouts for accrued leave at retirement, and overtime to backfill employees on extended leave. The department has also experienced, and continues to experience, Covid-19 illnesses and quarantines Which require the backfilling of shifts with overtime. A transfer from available Fire Dept expense funds is requested to partly cover the overage. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $75,000.00 Chair, Select Board Action of Appropriation Committee: 6/23/2022 Date Approved X Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $75,000.00 Chair,Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 FY2021 �;%"��'"�������°��`""� ��� u:�,"',': ``^�d� ap�" �`'a"�'', ���^ r ��s� T o�v n o L exi n to n a�, � � r a�o . e����� �;��� g ���_:� s �, � �,� � � �: �. ����v �. ��'� �a�a�,�q� f "�",��'��lv�'�.��"� TO: Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee SUBJECT: Request for Transfer from the Reserve Fund Request is hereby made for the following transfer from the Reserve Fund in accordance with M.G. L. Chapter 40, Section 6. 1. Amount requested: $80,188.00 2. To be transferred to: Fire - Personal Services 11222001-513000 Account Name Account Number 3. Explanation for purpose and reasons why the expenditure is extraordinary and/or unforeseen. The Fire Department will experience a signficant overage in FY2022 in Personal Services- Overtime budget. A number of factors are contributing to this, including vacation buybacks, payouts for accrued leave at retirement, and overtime to backfill employees on extended leave. The department has also experienced, and continues to experience, Covid-19 illnesses and quarantines which require the backfilling of shifts with overtime. A Reserve Fund transfer is requested to cover the overage that could not be covered by the Salary Reserve Account, or the remaining expense budget. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Requested Not-Requested Chair, Select Board Action of Appropriation Committee: 6/23/2022 Date Approved X Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $80,188.00 Chair, Appropriation Committee ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 ��������*�� �r""µ� .m* ���° u �"�v�'�''%, ���;��� r �As To�vn o Lexin ton �- �r�, „������" -— ..'��� � � �o���—;� ;��, �:,�.. ; ,� � :'�.' �..�,��� ,q ,��.�: �, ����'='�h����.�� TO: Select Board SUBJECT: Request for Transfer from Salary Transfer Account Request is hereby made for the following transfer from the Salary Transfer Account as appropriated via vote of Annual Town Meeting: 1. Amount requested: $1,500.00 2. To be transferred to: Select Board- Personal Services 11122001-511000 Account Name Account Number 3. Explanation for purpose of transfer: The Select Board Personal Services budget is experiencing a small shortfall in FY2022 due to retro payments that could not be absorbed into the FY2022 appropriated budget. A request from the Salary Reserve Account is requested to cover this shortfall. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $1,500.00 Chair, Select Board ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 FY2021 ��������*�� �r""µ� .m* ���° u �"�v�'�''%, ���;��� r �As To�vn o Lexin ton �- �r�, „������" -— ..'��� � � �o���—;� ;��, �:,�.. ; ,� � :'�.' �..�,��� ,q ,��.�: �, ����'='�h����.�� TO: Select Board SUBJECT: Request for Transfer from Salary Transfer Account Request is hereby made for the following transfer from the Salary Transfer Account as appropriated via vote of Annual Town Meeting: 1. Amount requested: $8,200.00 2. To be transferred to: Human Services- Personal Services 11545001-511000 Account Name Account Number 3. Explanation for purpose of transfer: The Human Services Personal Services budget is experiencing a shortfall in FY2022 due to a number of staff receiving retro payments and vacation buybacks that could not be absorbed into the FY2022 appropriated budget. A request from the Salary Reserve Account is requested to cover this shortfall. Department Head Action of Select Board: Date Approved Disapproved Transfer voted in the sum of: $8,200.00 Chair, Select Board ALLBudgetTransfers_YE_FY2022_6.23.22 FY2021 COMPOST REVOLVING FUND FY2021 Fund Balance $ 504,233 As of 6/24/2022: Compost Sales Revenue $ 716,356 Permit Revenue $ 175,326 Misc Revenue $ 1,055 Total FY2022 Revenue $ 892,737 *Final revenue to post 6/30/2022 FY2022 Expenses& Encumbered $ 827,585 *Final Payroll &AP to post in July Projected FY2022 Net Income/(Loss) $ 65,152 FY2022 Projected Fund Balance $ 569,384 Snow and Ice - FY2022 Spending to Date Personal Services Expenses Total Budget $ 300,559.00 $ 1,234,208.00 $ 1,534,767.00 Spent $ 389,833.11 $ 1,065,004.14 $ 1,454,837.25 Encumbered $ - $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 Surplus/(Shortfall) $ (89,274.11) $ 166,403.86 $ 77,129.75 Bud�et Adjustments Remaining Snow Expenses $ 89,274.11 $ (89,274.11) $ - Other DPW PS/Expenses $ - $ - $ - FY2023 Carryforward $ - $ - $ - $ 89,274.11 $ (89,274.11) $ - Net Balance for FY2022 $ - $ 77,129.75 $ 77,129.75 FY2022 Salary Adj ustment Account Status Carryforward from FY2021 $ 648,742 FY2022 New Appropriation $ 313,529 Total Available $ 962,271 Fire Dept Request $ 44,812 Human Services Request $ 8,200 Select Board Request $ 1,500 Total FY2022 Requests $ 54,512 Remaining Balance $ 907,759 Projected Carryforward to FY2023 $ 907,759 FY2023 New Appropriation $ 826,422 Per FY2023 Brown Book Total Proj ected Available - FY2023 $ 1,734,181 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Award Sale of Bond Anticipation Notes PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: C aro lyn Ko sno ff,As sistant Town Manager for Finance I.11 S UMMARY: A vote is�equested fo�th is item. On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, the Town sold $3,127,587 of Bond Anticipation Notes, which will come due o n F eb ruary 24, 202 3. T he no te s were is s ued to fund multip le p ro j ec ts, s o me whic h were c o ns truc ted during fis c al year 2022 s uc h as rep lac ing the generato r at D iamo nd Middle S c ho o l, and o thers that will b e und er construction this summer and fall, including the P olice S tation, sewer improvements and sidewalk construction. A full list of purposes and dollar amounts is attached. B id s are ranked o n a c alc ulatio n o f net intere s t c o s t(N I C), whic h take s into c o ns id eratio n the amo unt o f the is s ue, c o up o n rate and o ffering p remium. F o ur b id s were s ub mitted fo r the no te s with N I C's ranging fro m a high of 3.1814% to a low of 2.3692%. The low bid will be awarded to Piper Sandler& Co., whose NIC of 2.3692% inc luded a premium o f$12,823.11. The Town did not seek a credit rating on this issue as the cost of the rating would have exceeded any benefit that may have been gained in the interest rate. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move: to approve the sale of$3,127,587 3.00 percent General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes of the Town dated June 30, 2022 and payable February 24, 2023 (the"Notes")to Piper Sandler& Co. at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of$12,823.11. and F urther: that in c o nnec tio n with the marketing and s ale o f the No te s, the p rep aratio n and distribution o f a Notic e o f S ale and P reliminary O ffic ial S tatement dated June 16, 2022 and a final Official Statement dated June 22, 2022, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. and Further: that any certif'icates or documents relating to the Notes (collectively, the "Documents"), may b e exec uted in s everal c o unterp arts, eac h o f whic h s hall b e regard ed as an o riginal and all o f whic h s hall c o ns titute o ne and the s ame d o c ument; d elivery o f an exec uted c o unterp art o f a s ignature p age to a Document by electronic mail in a".pd�' file or by other electronic transmission shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart signature page to such Document; and electronic signatures o n any o f the D o c uments s hall b e d e emed o riginal s ignature s fo r the p urp o s e s o f the D o c uments and all matters relating thereto, having the same legal effect as original signatures. and Further: that the Town Treasurer and the S elect Board be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and d eliver a s ignif'ic ant events d is c lo s ure und ertaking in c o mp lianc e with S E C Rule 15 c 2-12 in s uc h form as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertakings shall be incorporated by reference in the Notes, as applicable, for the benefit of the holders of the Notes from time to time. and F urther: that we autho rize and d irec t the To wn Treas urer to e s tab lis h p o s t is s uanc e fed eral tax compliance procedures and continuing disclosure procedures in such forms as the Town Treasurer and b o nd c o uns e 1 d e em s uffic ient, o r if s uc h p ro c edure s are c urrently in p lac e, to review and up d ate s aid proc edures, in order to monitor and maintain the tax-exempt status o f the Notes and to comp ly with relevant s ecurities laws. and F urther: that each memb er o f the S elect Board, the ToWn C lerk and the Town Treasurer b e and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other d o c uments as may b e d etermined b y them, o r any o f them, to b e nec e s s ary o r c o nvenient to c arry into e ffec t the p ro vis io ns o f the fo rego ing vo te s. FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard to s ign B AN c lo s ing p ap erwo rk and s ale to c lo s e o n June 3 0, 2022. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/27/2022 8:25pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � .�� ���������������;�� ����,�c���� �:�����~����� � .�����.��`w����������� �I:�-���;��:��� IC��,��„��f������ � �����.��.�=;"������.,��.��r��������� .���������.���: II�,�������.� � ����f....�m����,�:�������.���������������i��� �:���;���aa�:� I[����������,� � �w�...������,;���i���,,���,� ������c�� ���;�°����� � �����������,�r��.�4,�����;��.�����c�������.����� � �, � µ. .������:����. 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REGISTRAR AND PAYING AGENT: U.S. BANK TRUST COMPANY, NATIONAL AS S OCIATION The Town of Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Town") for value received, promises to pay to the Registered Owner of this note or registered assigns the Principal Amount specified above in lawful money of the United States of America on the Maturity Date upon presentation and surrender hereof, with interest (calculated on the basis o f a 3 0-day month and a 3 60-day year) at the Interest Rate per annum, payable on the Maturity Date. This note will bear interest from the Original Issue Date. This note certificate is the only instrument representing an issue of $3,127,587 aggregate principal amount of notes issued by the Town pursuant to Chapter 44 of the General Laws as amended in anticipation of bonds authorized for school, sewer, equipment, recreation, dam repair, public safety, municipal building improvement, and roadway and sidewalk improvement purposes. The notes are general obligations of the Town and the full faith and credit of the Town is pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on the notes as the same shall become due. The notes are being issued by means of a book entry system, with a note certificate immobilized at The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York ("DTC") evidencing ownership of the notes in principal amounts of$1,000 or integral multiples thereof, except for one principal amount of$1,587, and with transfers of beneficial ownership effected on the records of DTC and its participants pursuant to rules and procedures established by DTC. Note certificates are not available for distribution to the public. The principal of and interest on this note are payable by U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, or its successor as paying agent (the "Paying Agent") for the Town, in immediately available funds to the Registered Owner of this note, as nominee of DTC. Transfer of principal and interest payments to participants of DTC is the responsibility of DTC; transfer of principal and interest payments to beneficial owners by participants of DTC will be the responsibility of such participants and other nominees of beneficial owners. The Town is not responsible or liable for maintaining, supervising or reviewing the records maintained by DTC, its participants or persons acting through such participants. Unless this note certificate is presented by an authorized representative of The Depository Trust Company to the Paying Agent for registration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any note certificate issued is registered in the name of Cede & Co. or such other name as requested by an authorized representative of The Depository Trust Company and any payment is made to Cede & Co., ANY TRANSFER, PLEDGE OR OTHER USE HEREOF FOR VALUE OR OTHERWISE BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS WRONGFUL since the registered owner hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein. In the event that (a) DTC determines not to continue to act as securities depository for the notes or(b) the Town determines that continuation of the book entry system of evidence and transfer of ownership would adversely affect the interests of the beneficial owners of the notes, the Town will discontinue the book entry system with DTC. If the Town fails to identify another qualified securities depository to replace DTC, the Paying Agent will authenticate and deliver replacement notes in the form of fully registered certificates. This note is transferable only upon the registration books kept by the Paying Agent as registrar, but only in a manner which will maintain immobilization of note certificates at one or more securities depositories. This note may not be transferred or exchanged in a manner which would involve the delivery of note certificates to the beneficial owners unless the book entry system has been discontinued by the Town in accordance with the terms of this note, in which case replacement notes may be issued in accordance with law and such procedures as the Town shall deem appropriate. The Town hereby covenants that it will take all lawful action necessary to comply with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the notes in order that interest on the notes be and continue to be excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes and it will refrain from taking any action that would cause interest on the notes to become included in gross income for federal income tax purposes. In connection with the offering of the notes the Town has executed a Significant Events Disclosure Certificate dated as of the date hereof(as it may be amended from time to time, the "Certificate"). The Town hereby covenants to comply with the provisions of the Certificate, and reference is made to the Certificate for a description of the nature and extent of the obligations of the Town and the rights of the owners of the notes under the Certificate. The Certificate is described in the Official Statement relating to the notes. A copy of the Certificate is available from the Town upon request. TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS By: Treasurer Countersigned: Select Board (Town S ea1) LEGAL OPINION The following opinion is based on facts and the law existing on the date of original delivery o f the notes described therein. LOCKE LORD LLP 111 Huntington Avenue Boston, Massachusetts Arno ld Lovering, Treasurer Town of Lexington Lexington, Massachusetts $3,127,587 Town of Lexington, Massachusetts General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes We have acted as bond counsel to the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Town") in connection with the issuance by the Town of the above-referenced notes (the "Notes") dated June 30, 2022 and payable February 24, 2023. In such capacity, we have examined the law and such certified proceedings and other papers as we have deemed necessary to render this opinion. As to questions of fact material to our opinion we have relied upon representations and covenants of the Town contained in the certified proceedings and other certifications of public officials furnished to us, without undertaking to verify the same by independent investigation. Based on our examination, we are of the opinion, under existing law, as follows: 1. The Notes are valid and binding general obligations of the Town and, except to the extent they are paid from the proceeds of the bonds in anticipation of which they are issued or from any other available moneys, the principal of and interest on the Notes are payable from taxes which may be levied upon all taxable property in the Town, without limitation as to rate or amount, except as provided under Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws, with respect to that portion of the principal and interest payments that the Town has voted to exempt from the limit impo sed by Chapter 5 9, S ection 21 C o f the General Laws, and subj ect to the limit impo sed by Chapter 59, Section 21 C of the General Laws with respect to that portion of the principal and interest payments that the Town has not voted to exempt from that limit. 2. Interest on the Notes is excluded from the gross income of the owners of the Notes for federal income tax purposes. In addition, interest on the Notes is not a specific preference item for purposes of the federal individual alternative minimum tax. In rendering the opinions set forth in this paragraph, we have assumed compliance by the Town with all requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that must be satisfied subsequent to the issuance of the Notes in order that interest thereon be, and continue to be, excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes. The Town has covenanted to comply with all such requirements. Failure by the Town to comply with certain of such requirements may cause interest on the Notes to become included in gross income for federal income tax purposes retroactive to the date of issuance of the Notes. We express no opinion regarding any other federal tax consequences arising with respect to the Notes. 3. Interest on the Notes is exempt from Massachusetts personal income taxes and the Notes are exempt from Massachusetts personal property taxes. We express no opinion regarding any other Massachusetts tax consequences arising with respect to the Notes or any tax consequences arising with respect to the Notes under the laws of any state other than Massachusetts. This opinion is expressed as of the date hereof, and we neither assume nor undertake any obligation to update, revise, supplement or restate this opinion to reflect any action taken or omitted, or any facts or circumstances or changes in law or in the interpretation thereof, that may hereafter arise or occur, or for any other reason. The rights of the holders of the Notes and the enforceability of the Notes may be subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other similar laws affecting creditors' rights heretofore or hereafter enacted to the extent constitutionally applicable, and their enforcement may also be subject to the exercise of judicial discretion in appropriate cases. /s/LoC�LoRD LLP 127294660v.1 CJM 06/06/2022 (Please Note: The following statements are an essential part of the permanent record. Read them carefully before signing this certificate. Advise Locke Lord LLP of any inaccuracy.) Town of Lexington, Massachusetts $3,127,587 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes dated June 30, 2022 SIGNATURE, NO LITIGATION AND OFFICIAL STATEMENT CERTIFICATE A. Certificate of Authorized Officers. We, the Treasurer and the Select Board of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Town"), certify that we have signed the $3,127,587 3.00 percent General Obligation Bond Anticipation Note (the "Notes") of the Town dated June 30, 2022 and payable February 24, 2023. A book entry system is being used to evidence ownership and transfer of the Notes on the records of The Depository Trust Company("DTC"). The Notes are issued in the form of a single Note for the full principal amount, registered in the name of"CEDE & CO." as nominee for DTC and immobilized in the custody of DTC. The Note bears the Town seal, which is also affixed to this certificate. We, the said officers, also certify as follows: 1. Authoritv. The Notes are issued in the respective amounts set forth below in anticipation of the sale of bonds authorized pursuant to the following statutes and votes of the Town and a vote of the Select Board duly adopted on June 27, 2022: (a) $1,000,000 $18,820,700 Fire Headquarters Bonds under G.L. c. 44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed Apri19, 2018 (Article 13), and excluded from the limitations of Proposition 21/2 (so-called) by a vote of the Town passed December 4, 2017 (Question 3); (b) $900,000 $900,000 Wastewater System Improvement Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed June 1, 2020 (Article 14); (c) $500,000 $62,197,200 School Remodeling Bonds (Jonas Clarke and William Diamond Middle Schools under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed March 21, 2016 (Article 2) and excluded from the limitations of Proposition 2 1/2, so-called, on May 3, 2016; (d) $200,000 $765,475 Sidewalk Improvement Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed March 24, 2021 (Article 12(e)); (e) $124,088 $724,088 School Technology Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(9) and a vote of the Town passed April 1, 2019 (Article 19); (f� $100,000 $1,500,000 New Hill Street Sidewalk Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed April 10, 2019 (Article 16H); (g) $100,000 $1,250,000 Route 4/225 Transportation Improvement Plan Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(7) and a vote of the Town passed November 12, 2019 (Article 8); (h) $100,000 $650,000 Sidewalk Improvement Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed March 29, 2021 (Article 12(k)); (i) $3 8,3 5 0 $8,241,3 5 0 Building Upgrade s (Cary Memorial Building) Bonds under G.L. c.44B (Article 2); (j) $30,222 $451,000 Building Remodeling (39 Marrett Road) Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed June 16, 2014 (Article 10), which amended votes of the Town passed November 4, 2013 (Article 5) and March 24, 2014 (Article 3); (k) $25,600 $511,000 Center Track and Field Reconstruction Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed April 4, 2018 (Article 10); (1) $4,053 $525,000 New Visitor Center Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed April 10, 2019 (Article 27); (m) $3,716 $760,000 Dam Repair Bonds under G.L. c.44, §8(24) and a vote of the Town passed April 5, 2017 (Article 12i); and (n) $1,555 $900,000 DPW Equipment Bonds under G.L. c.44, §7(1) and a vote of the Town passed April 10, 2019 (Article 16i). 2. Descri�tion and Pur�ose of Bonds. The Town is issuing and delivering the Notes simultaneously with the delivery of this certificate. The following amounts of the issue are for the following purposes: Amount Pu ose (a) $1,000,000 design, engineering, and architectural services for the reconstruction and expansion of the Police Station (b) $900,000 install sanitary sewer mains and sewerage systems (c) $500,000 remodeling, reconstructing and making extraordinary repairs to Jonas Clarke and William Diamond Middle Schools (d) $200,000 rebuilding and repaving existing sidewalks -2- (e) $124,088 maintain and upgrade schools' technology systems (� $100,000 constructing a new sidewalk on Hill Street from the intersection at Bedford Street to the intersection at Cedar Street (g) $100,000 design, engineering and architectural services for the Route 4/225 Bedford Street-Hartwell Avenue-Wood Street transportation improvement plan (h) $100,000 new sidewall� installation—Lincoln Street (i) $38,350 remodeling, reconstructing, making extraordinary repairs and equipping to the Cary Memorial Building (j) $30,225 Community Center renovations (k) $25,600 Center Track and Field reconstruction (1) $4,053 design and construction of a new Visitors' Center (m) $3,716 repairs and improvements to Old Reservoir Dam (n) $1,5 5 5 departmental equipment for the Department of Public Works 3. Other Debt. No other debt has been incurred under those votes except for the following bonds and bond anticipation notes: (a) $11,470,676 bonds dated February 14, 2019; a $529,324 paydown February 15, 2019; and $5,500,000 bonds dated June 25, 2020; (b) none; (c) $3 0,3 5 5,000 bonds dated February 16, 2017; a $447,000 paydown February 17, 2017; $23,747,000 bonds dated February 15, 2018; $2,500,000 bonds dated February 14, 2019, $500,000 dated February 13, 2020; and $540,000 bonds dated June 25, 2020; (d) none; (e) $600,000 bonds dated February 11, 2021; (� $1,000,000 bonds dated February 10, 2022; (g) $250,000 bonds dated February 10, 2022; (h) none; -3- (i) $6,569,000 bonds dated February 26, 2015, a $1,000,000 paydown June 15, 2015; and a $634,000 paydown July 15, 2016; (j) a $315,000 paydown July 15, 2016; $40,000 February 17, 2017; a $45,796 paydown February 15, 2019; a $9,526 paydown February 14, 2020; and $10,453 rescinded March 30, 2022; (k) $1,243,000 bonds dated February 14, 2019; and a $2,026,000 paydown February 12, 2021; (1) a $200,000 paydown February 12, 2021; a $250,000 paydown February 10, 2022; and $70,947 rescinded March 30, 2022; (m) $470,000 bonds dated February 14, 2019; $160,000 bonds dated February 13, 2020; and $126,284 rescinded March 30, 2022; and (n) $700,000 bonds dated February 13, 2020; $100,000 bonds dated February 11, 2021; and $98,445 rescinded. 4. Consolidated Issue. The Notes constitute a consolidated issue for purposes of G.L. c. 44, §16. 5. A��roval of Sale. We approve the sale of the Notes to Piper Sandler & Co. (the "Purchaser") at par and accrued interest, if any, plus a premium of$12,823.11. B. Delivery and Receipt. I, the Treasurer, further certify that the Notes were delivered on this date and that the full purchase price including accrued interest for the period, if any, from the date of the Notes to this date was received from the Purchaser on or before this date. C. Certification Re a� rdin� Official Statement. I, the Treasurer, certify as follows: (a) I have reviewed the Preliminary Official Statement dated June 16, 2022, (the "Preliminary Official Statement") and the Official Statement dated June 22, 2022 (the "Official Statement") relating to the sale of the Notes. (b) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the Preliminary Official Statement did not, as of its date and as of the date of sale of the Notes, and the Official Statement (excluding the price or yield on the cover page, as to which no view is expressed) did not as of its date and does not as of this date (which is the date of delivery of the Notes), contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. (c) Since the date of the Official Statement there has been no material adverse change in the financial condition or affairs of the Town except as set forth in or contemplated by the Official Statement. -4- D. Debt Limit. I, the Treasurer, certify that at the time of their authorization, the Notes and the bonds in anticipation of which they are issued were and on the date hereof are within every applicable debt and other limit prescribed by law or otherwise. E. Certificate of Town Clerk. I, the Town Clerk, certify as follows: (a) Si�natures and Incumbencv. The signatures of the Treasurer and the Select Board as appearing below are the genuine signatures of the persons who executed the Notes and who held those offices when the Notes were signed and when the Notes were delivered. (b) Open Meetin� Law. Except for the town meetings called pursuant to G.L. c.39, §10, all proceedings essential to the issue of the Notes and the authorization of the bonds and deliberations of a quorum relating thereto have been taken at a meeting or meetings open to the public; notice of each such meeting was filed in my office and publicly posted in the time and manner set forth in the General Laws, as amended, in effect at the time of each such meeting (Chapter 39, §23B for proceedings occurring prior to July 1, 2010 and Chapter 30A, §§18-25 for proceedings occurring on or after July 1, 2010) or, if applicable, in accordance with an alternative method of notice prescribed or approved by the Attorney General as set forth in 940 CMR 29.03(2)(b); no deliberations, decision or vote in connection with the Notes or bonds were taken in executive session and no vote was taken by secret ballot; and the official record of each such meeting was made available to the public and remains available to the public as set forth in G.L. c.39, §23B or c.30A, §§18-25, as applicable. (c) Proceedin�s. No proceeding essential to the issue of the Notes or bonds has been repealed or amended except as stated in paragraph(1) above and no proceedings have been taken relating to the Notes or bonds other than those certified to Locke Lord LLP. (d) B laws. The bylaws or votes described below are the only bylaws or standing votes of the Town affecting the authorization, sale or issue of the Notes, including the calling and conduct of town meetings, or the use of assessments or other charges imposed to pay for any project financed by the Notes, and there has been no change therein affecting those matters in any way except as may be indicated below: General By-Laws of the Town of Lexington, as amended through the 2012 Annual Town Meeting (Supplement #16) and certified to Locke Lord LLP on June 17, 2021. (e) Home Rule. The Town has not adopted a home rule charter and the Town has not amended or repealed any special law relating to the Town through the use of home rule procedures. (� Develo�ment Districts. The Town has not established any development districts pursuant to G.L. c.40Q. -5- F. No Liti�ation; No Financial Interest. All of the undersigned certify that there has been no litigation affecting the validity of the Notes or bonds or the power of the Town to levy and collect taxes to pay them; that none is pending or to our knowledge threatened; that neither the corporate existence nor boundaries of the Town nor the title of any of us to our respective offices is being contested; and that none of us and, to the best of our knowledge, no other official of the Town has any direct or indirect financial interest in or relationship with the Purchaser of the Notes. Date: June 30, 2022 (Date of delivery of and payment for the Notes) Treasurer Town Clerk Select Board (Town Seal) 127294839v.1 -6- (Please Note: The following statements are an essential part of the permanent bond record. Read them carefully before signing this certificate. Advise Locke Lord LLP of any inaccuracy.) TAX CERTIFICATE This Tax Certificate is executed and delivered by the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts ("Issuer"), in connection with the issuance of$3,127,587 stated principal amount of its General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes dated the Issue Date ("Issue"). The Issue is issued pursuant to Votes duly adopted by the Issuer and the Massachusetts General Laws. Pursuant to Reg §§ 1.141-2(d)(1) and 1.148-2(b)(2)(i), the Issuer certifies, covenants, warrants and represents as follows in connection with the issuance of the Issue: ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL 1.1 Delivery of the Notes of the Issue. On the Issue Date, in exchange for receipt of good funds, the Issuer is delivering the notes of the Issue to the Successful Bidder, for resale to the Public. 1.2 Purpose of Tax Certificate. The Issuer is delivering this Tax Certificate to Bond Counsel, with the understanding that Bond Counsel will rely in part upon this Tax Certificate in rendering its opinion that interest on the Issue is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes under Section 103. 1.3 Definitions and References. All capitalized terms used in this Tax Certificate include either the singular or the plural. All terms used in this Tax Certificate, including terms specifically defined, shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with Sections 103 and 141-150 and the applicable Regulations thereunder except as otherwise specified. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein and in the exhibits hereto and in the schedules and attachments to those exhibits shall have the respective meanings set forth in A��endix A and A��endix B hereto. Reference to a Section means a section of the Code. Reference by number only (for example, "2.10") means that numbered paragraph of this Tax Certificate. 1.4 Purpose of Financing. The Issue is being issued to provide funds (i) to finance on a "new money" basis the capital costs of certain municipal projects as more fully described in the Signature Certificate, including the payment of Capitalized Interest, if any ("Projects"), and Funded Interest, if any, and (ii) to pay Issuance Costs and other common costs of the Issue. 1.5 Single Issue. The notes of the Issue were sold to the Successful Bidder on the Sale Date. No other governmental obligations of the Issuer which are expected to be paid out of substantially the same source of funds as the Issue have been or will be sold less than 15 days apart from the Sale Date pursuant to the same plan of financing as the Issue. 1.6 Reliance. With respect to certain matters contained in this Tax Certificate, the Issuer specifically relies upon the certifications of the Successful Bidder set forth in Exhibit A, the certifications of the Municipal Advisor set forth in Exhibit B, and upon the certifications set forth in the other exhibits attached hereto or as otherwise described herein. The Issuer is not aware of any facts or circumstances that would cause it to question the accuracy or reasonableness of any representation made in this Tax Certificate including the exhibits hereto. ARTICLE II. GENERAL TAX LIMITATIONS 2.1 Application of Sale Proceeds and Certain Other Moneys. On the Issue Date, the Sale Proceeds, $3,142,599.42, less an underwriter's discount of$2,189.31, will be deposited to the General Fund and applied as fo llows: Projects $3,127,587.00 Issuance Costs 9,588.79 Payment of a portion of the interest on the Issue due February 24, 2023 3,234.32 TOTAL: $3,140,410.11 Investment Proceeds earned on the amounts in the General Fund will be commingled with substantial tax and other revenues of the Issuer, and are expected to be expended for operating or other expenses of the Issuer within six months after deposit of the Investment Proceeds therein. Pursuant to Reg § 1.148-6(d)(6), all such Investment Proceeds will be treated as expended when so commingled. 2.2 Expenditure of Gross Proceeds. For purposes of this Tax Certificate, Sale Proceeds and, to the extent not deemed expended as described in 2.1, Investment Proceeds will be treated as spent when they are used to pay or reimburse disbursements by the Issuer that are (i) capital expenditures, including any Capitalized Interest, if any and to the extent allowable, �11� Issuance Costs, (iii) Funded Interest, (iv) initial operating expenses directly associated with the Projects (in aggregate amount not exceeding 5% of the Sale Proceeds), or (v) other miscellaneous expenditures described in Reg § 1.148-6(d)(3)(ii). The Issuer hereby certifies that no disbursement to be paid or reimbursed from Gross Proceeds shall have been previously paid or reimbursed from the proceeds of any other obligation, whether issued by the Issuer or any other party. To the extent that Sale Proceeds will be applied to reimburse expenditures made by the Issuer prior to the Issue Date, the Issuer hereby certifies that such expenditures either (i) constitute capital expenditures incurred not earlier than 60 days prior to the applicable Vote, which Votes constitute the Issuer's declarations of official intent to issue debt to finance the costs of the Projects, or �11� C011St1tLite Pre11111111ary EXpe11C�1tLireS to the extent permitted by Massachusetts law. The Issuer further certifies that any such reimbursement described in clause (i) of the preceding sentence shall be made no later than the later of 18 months after the date of the expenditure or the date on which the Project component to which such expenditure relates is placed in service, but in no event later than 3 years after the date of such expenditure. 2 2.3 Governmental Bond Status. Absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel, the Issuer will not loan more than 5% of the Proceeds to one or more Nongovernmental Persons. Absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel, the Issuer has not allowed and will not allow more than 10% of the Proceeds or the Projects to be used directly or indirectly by any Nongovernmental Person in any trade or business, other than as a member of the general public, and has not allowed and will not allow more than 5% of the Proceeds or the Projects to be so used to the extent such use is unrelated or disproportionate to the governmental uses thereof. Absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel, for purposes of this 2.3, a Nongovernmental Person will be treated as "using" Proceeds or the Projects to the extent the Nongovernmental Person: (i) borrows Proceeds of the Issue; �11� uses any portion of the Projects as owner, lessee, service provider, operator, or manager; �111� acquires the output of the Projects; or (iv) enters into any other arrangement that provides a special legal entitlement or special economic benefit to a Nongovernmental Person. As of the Issue Date, the Issuer certifies that there are no contracts or other arrangements for any such use of any component of the Projects by any party other than a Governmental Unit. Absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel, the Issuer will not enter into any contract or other arrangement after the Issue Date for any such use of any component of the Projects by any party other than a Governmental Unit. 2.4 Qualified Equity. The Issuer reasonably expects that a portion of the cost of the Projects being financed and/or ref�inanced in part with the Sale Proceeds may be paid from Qualified Equity. The Issuer intends that the undivided portion or portions of any of the Projects paid with Qualified Equity may be used for Private Business Use without restriction. Qualified Equity will be allocated to any Private Business Use of the Projects before any Proceeds are allocated to any such Private Business Use. To the extent that Private Business Use of the Projects ever exceeds the applicable limitation under the "private business tests" imposed pursuant to Section 141(b), the Issuer hereby allocates Qualified Equity to the Projects. In addition, the Issuer reserves the right to allocate this Qualified Equity to the Projects if and as needed in the future. 2.5 Change in Use. The Issuer reasonably expects to use all Proceeds and all facilities that are financed and refinanced therewith as set forth in 2.3 for the entire stated term to maturity of the Issue. Absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel, the Issuer in fact will use all Proceeds and each facility financed and refinanced therewith as set forth in 2.3. 2.6 Registered Form. The notes of the Issue are being issued in registered form. 2.7 Federal Guarantee. The Issuer will not directly or indirectly use or permit the use of any Proceeds or any other funds of the Issuer or any Related Party or take or omit to take 3 any action that would cause the notes of the Issue to be obligations that are "federally guaranteed." In furtherance of this covenant, the Issuer will not allow the payment of principal or interest with respect to the Issue to be guaranteed (directly or indirectly) in whole or in part by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof. Except as provided in the next sentence, the Issuer will not use 5% or more of the Proceeds to make or finance loans the payment of principal or interest with respect to which is guaranteed in whole or in part by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, nor will it invest 5% or more of the Proceeds in federally insured deposits or accounts. The preceding sentence shall not apply to (i) investments in the portions of the General Fund described in 3.5 during the temporary period described therein, (ii) investments in the Bona Fide Debt Service Fund, and (iii) investments in obligations issued by the United States Department of Treasury. 2.8 Information Reporting. The Issuer will cause a properly completed and executed IRS Form 8038-G to be filed with respect to the Issue no later than the 15th day of the second month of the calendar quarter immediately following the calendar quarter of the Issue Date. 2.9 No Pooling. The Issuer will not use any Proceeds directly or indirectly to make or finance loans to two or more ultimate borrowers. 2.10 No Hedge Bonds. The Issuer reasonably expects that more than 85% of Net Sale Proceeds of the Issue will be expended for the governmental purposes thereof within three years after the Issue Date. Not more than 50% of the Proceeds will be invested at a substantially guaranteed yield for four years or more. 2.11 Useful Life. The weighted average maturity of the Issue is 0.650 years, which does not exceed 120% of the remaining average reasonably expected economic life of the assets comprising the Projects. ARTICLE III. ARBITRAGE GENERAL 3.1 Reasonable Expectations. This Article III states the Issuer's reasonable expectations with respect to the amounts and uses of Proceeds and certain other moneys. 3.2 Issue Price of the Issue. On the Issue Date, the Issuer is delivering the notes of the Issue to the Successful Bidder in exchange for an aggregate payment of $3,140,410.11 (which represents the total amount of Sale Proceeds, $3,142,599.42, less an underwriter's discount of$2,189.31). As reflected in Exhibit B, the Municipal Advisor has certified that the competitive sale requirements (as defined in the Notice of Sale) were met with respect to the notes of the Issue. Accordingly, based on the advice of the Successful Bidder as set forth in Exhibit A, the Issue Price of the Issue is $3,142,599.42, which is the reasonably expected initial offering price to the Public for the notes of the Issue. 3.3 Funds and Accounts. The Issuer will use certain portions of its General Fund (or accounts or subaccounts within the General Fund) to hold certain of the Proceeds, as more particularly described in this Article III. The Issuer does not expect that either it or any other 4 Person benefiting from the issuance of the Issue will use any moneys in any fund or account other than the Bona Fide Debt Service Fund to pay debt service on the Issue; nor is any other fund or account so pledged as security for the Issue that there is a reasonable assurance that amounts held in such other fund or account will be available if needed to pay debt service on the Issue. 3.4 Bona Fide Debt Service Fund. 3.4.1 Payment of the Issue. The notes of the Issue are general obligations of the Issuer payable from revenues available therefor pursuant to the Massachusetts General Laws and, when and as applicable, Sale Proceeds, Investment Proceeds, and the Proceeds of Refunding Obligations. 3.4.2 Revenues. Except for the debt service to be paid from a portion of the Sale Proceeds, Investment Proceeds, and the Proceeds of Refunding Obligations, each when and as applicable, payments of debt service on the Issue are expected to be derived from current revenues of the Issuer and current revenues are expected to equal or exceed such amount of debt service on the Issue during the payment period. 3.4.3 Match Between Revenues and Debt Service. The portions of the Issuer's General Fund that are reasonably expected to be used to pay debt service on the Issue (such portions of the Issuer's General Fund being referred to herein as the "Debt Service Fund") will be allocated to the payment of debt service on the Issue on a "first in, first out" (FiFo) basis. Accordingly, the Debt Service Fund will be used primarily to achieve a proper matching of revenues and debt service within the Bond Year. Amounts in the Debt Service Fund will be invested without regard to yield. 3.5 Three-Year Temporary Period. A portion of the Sale Proceeds in the amount of$3,127,587.00, will be deposited in the General Fund for the purpose of paying costs of the Projects. The Issuer's expenditure expectations with respect to the Proceeds allocable to the Projects are reflected in Exhibit C. The Issuer reasonably expects that at least 85% of the Net Sale Proceeds will be spent to pay costs of the Projects within three years from the Issue Date. The Issuer heretofore has incurred or within six months hereafter will incur a binding obligation to one or more unrelated parties involving an expenditure of not less than 5% of Net Sale Proceeds. Completion of the Projects and allocations of Net Sale Proceeds and Investment Proceeds to costs of the Projects will proceed with due diligence. Net Sale Proceeds allocable to paying costs of the Projects held in the General Fund, and Investment Proceeds earned thereon, will be invested without regard to yield during the period ending on the third anniversary of the Issue Date. 3.6 No Overissuance. Taking into account anticipated Investment Proceeds, the Sale Proceeds do not exceed the amount necessary to pay(i) costs of the Projects, (ii) Funded Interest, if applicable, and (iii) Issuance Costs and other common costs of the Issue. 3.7 No Other Replacement Proceeds. Neither the Issuer nor any Related Party will use any Gross Proceeds directly or indirectly to replace funds of the Issuer or any Related Party, 5 which funds are or will be used directly or indirectly to acquire Investment Property reasonably expected to produce a yield that is materially higher than the Yield on the Issue. 3.8 No Expected Sale. It is not expected that the Projects or any part thereof financed and/or refinanced in whole or in part by the Issue will be sold or otherwise disposed of before February 24, 2023, the scheduled final maturity date of the Issue, except for minor portions due to normal wear or obsolescence. ARTICLE IV. ARBITRAGE - YIELD AND YIELD RESTRICTION 4.1 Yield. The Yield on the Issue, adjusted as may be required for substantial original issue premium or discount, has been calculated by the Municipal Advisor to be 2.2469582%, as reflected in Exhibit B. 4.2 No Qualified Hedges. No Qualified Hedge has been, and (absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel) no Qualified Hedge will be, entered into such that failure to take the Qualified Hedge into account would distort the Yield on the Issue or otherwise would fail clearly to reflect the economic substance of the transaction. 4.3 Yield Restriction. Absent an Opinion of Bond Counsel, if the sum of(A) any Proceeds allocable to the payment of the Projects held in the General Fund after the third anniversary of the Issue Date, or, if applicable, the Issue Date of any Original Issue, plus (B) any amounts held in the Bona Fide Debt Service Fund and remaining unexpended after 13 months from the date of accumulation in such fund (excluding any amounts held for Capitalized Interest and Funded Interest), plus, if applicable, (C) any Proceeds allocable to the retirement of any Refunded Bonds and Refunded Notes held in the General Fund after 90 days from the Issue Date, plus, if applicable, (D) any Transferred Proceeds held in the General Fund after the third anniversary of any Original Issue, plus (E) any Proceeds held in the Issuer's General Fund to pay Issuance Costs after 90 days from the Issue Date, at any time in the aggregate exceeds $100,000, the excess will be invested as follows: (i) in Investment Property with a yield not exceeding the Yield on the Issue, or such other issue of Tax-Exempt Bonds to which such amounts are then allocated as proceeds, (ii) in assets that are not treated as Investment Property(e.�- ., Tax-Exempt Bonds), or(iii) in assets that satisfy the requirements for Yield Reduction Payments. ARTICLE V. REBATE 5.1 Undertakings. The Issuer hereby covenants to comply with requirements of the Code pertaining to the Rebate Requirement. The Issuer acknowledges that the United States Department of the Treasury has issued Regulations with respect to certain of these undertakings, including the proper method for computing whether any rebate amount is due the federal government under Section 148(�. (Reg §§ 1.148-1 through 1.148-11 A, 1.150-1, and 1.150-2.) The Issuer further acknowledges that the United States Department of the Treasury may yet issue additional Regulations with respect to certain of these undertakings. The Issuer covenants that it will undertake to determine what is required with respect to the rebate provisions contained in Section 148(� and said Regulations from time to time and will comply with any requirements that may app ly to the I s sue. 6 5.2 Recordkeeping. The Issuer shall maintain or cause to be maintained detailed records with respect to each Nonpurpose Investment allocable to Gross Proceeds, including: (a) purchase date; (b) purchase price; (c) information establishing fair market value on the date such investment became a Nonpurpose Investment; (d) any accrued interest paid; (e) face amount; (� coupon rate; (g) periodicity of interest payments; (h) disposition price; (i) any accrued interest received; and (j) disposition date. Such detailed recordkeeping is required to facilitate the calculation of the Rebate Requirement. 5.3 Exceptions to the Rebate Requirement. 5.3.1 Bona Fide Debt Service Fund Exception. Based on the representations set forth in 3.4.3 and this 5.3.1, no rebate calculations need be made in respect of amounts in the Bona Fide Debt Service Fund (i) if(a) the weighted average maturity of the Issue is longer than 5 years and (b) the Issue is a Fixed Yield Issue or (ii) if clause (i) does not apply, to the extent the earnings thereon in the Bond Year are less than $100,000. 5.3.2 Six-Month Expenditure Exception. If applicable, no rebate calculations will be required to be made with respect to the Adjusted Gross Proceeds allocable to the Refunding Portion if all such Adjusted Gross Proceeds are expended within six months of the Issue Date. 5.3.3 Eighteen Month Spending Exception. In general, when applicable, no rebate calculations will be required with respect to Adjusted Gross Proceeds if the Eighteen Month Spending Exception is met. The Issuer's spending expectations with respect to the Adjusted Gross Proceeds are included in Exhibit C. 5.3.4 Two Year Spending Exception. The Issuer reasonably expects that at least 75% of Available Construction Proceeds will be expended for Construction Expenditures with respect to the Projects. The Issuer's spending expectations with respect to the Proceeds allocable to the New Money Projects or the Projects, as applicable, are reflected in Exhibit C. In general, when applicable, no rebate calculations will be required with respect to Available Construction Proceeds if Available Construction Proceeds are spent in accordance with the Two Year Spending Exception. Additionally, Proceeds of the Issue that are used to pay Issuance Costs will be treated, together with all Investment Proceeds thereon, as satisfying the Rebate Requirement if the Two Year Spending Exception is satisfied and all such Issuance Costs are paid within twenty-four months after the Issue Date. 5.4 Rebate Requirement or Yield Reduction Payments with Respect to the Issue. The Issuer covenants to, and will, pay any Rebate Requirement or Yield Reduction Payments due with respect to the Issue within 60 days from the maturity date of the Issue or, if later, within 60 days of missing one of the spending milestones set forth in 5.3, as required by Section 148(�(3). 7 ARTICLE VI. OTHER MATTERS 6.1 Expectations. The undersigned are authorized representatives of the Issuer acting for and on behalf of the Issuer in executing this Tax Certificate. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, there are no other facts, estimates or circumstances that would materially change the expectations as set forth herein, and said expectations are reasonable. 6.2 Covenant to Comply. The Issuer hereby covenants that it will not take or permit to be taken on its behalf any action or actions that would adversely affect the exclusion from federal income taxation of interest on the Issue and will take or require to be taken such acts as may reasonably be within its ability and as may from time to time be required under applicable law to maintain the exclusion from federal income taxation of interest on the Issue. 6.3 Post Issuance Compliance Procedures. The Issuer has written procedures to monitor compliance with the arbitrage Yield restriction and rebate requirements of Section 148 after the Issue Date. The Issuer also has written procedures to ensure that all Nonqualified Bonds are remediated in accordance with Reg § 1.141-12. Such procedures are substantially in the form attached hereto as A��endix C. The Issuer will monitor the expenditure of Gross Proceeds and the use of facilities financed and/or ref�inanced by the Issue, and will undertake, if necessary, any available measures under Reg § 1.141-12 to ensure compliance after the Issue Date with the applicable covenants contained herein. 6.4 Record Retention. In order to ensure that interest on the Issue continues to be excluded from gross income for federal tax law purposes, the Issuer acknowledges that records should be maintained to support the representations, certifications, and expectations set forth in this Tax Certificate (including the exhibits hereto) at least until the date three (3) years after the later of (a) the date on which the Issue is retired, or (b) the date on which the last of the Refunding Obligations is retired. In addition to the items described in 5.2, records to be retained include, but are not limited to: (i) basic records and documents relating to the Issue, and, when applicable, the Prior Issues and any Qualified Equity relating to the Projects; �11� documentation evidencing the expenditure of the Proceeds and, when applicable, Proceeds of the Prior Issues; �111� documentation evidencing the use of the Projects or any component thereof by public and private sources (i.e., copies of management contracts, research agreements, leases, etc.); (iv) documentation evidencing all sources of payment or security for the Issue and, when applicable, the Prior Issues; 8 (v) documentation evidencing compliance with the timing and allocation of expenditures of the Proceeds, and, when applicable, Proceeds of the Prior Issues and any Qualified Equity relating to the Projects; and (vi) records of all amounts paid to the United States in satisfaction of the Rebate Requirement for the Issue and IRS Forms 803 8-T (or successor forms thereto) related to such payments or to Yield Reduction Payments. 6.5 Amendments. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Tax Certificate, the Issuer may amend this Tax Certificate and thereby alter any actions allowed or required by this Tax Certificate if such amendment is signed by an authorized officer and is supported by an Opinion of Bond Counsel. [Remainde�of page intentionally left blank; signatu�e page follows.J 9 6.6 Survival of Payment or Defeasance. Notwithstanding any provision in this Tax Certificate or in any other agreement or instrument relating to the Issue to the contrary, the obligation to remit the Rebate Requirement, if any, to the United States Department of the Treasury and to comply with all other requirements contained in this Tax Certificate shall survive payment or defeasance of the Issue. 6.7 Execution of Counterparts and Delivery by Electronic Means. This Certificate, as well as any other certificates or documents relating to the Issue (collectively, the "Documents"), may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same document. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to a Document by electronic mail in a ".pdf' file or by other electronic transmission shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart signature page to such Document. Electronic signatures on any of the Documents shall be deemed original signatures for the purposes of the Documents and all matters relating thereto, having the same legal effect as original signatures. Dated: June 30, 2022 TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS By: Treasurer By: Select Board (Signatu�e Page to Tax Ce�tificate Dated June 30, 2022) S-1 APPENDIX A GENERAL DEFINITIONS For purposes of the Tax Certificate to which this Appendix A is attached, and the exhibits to the Tax Certificate and any schedules or attachments to those exhibits, the following capitalized terms have the following meanings: 501(c)(3) O�gani.�ation means any entity described in Section 501(c)(3). Adjusted G�oss P�oceeds generally means Gross Proceeds, less amounts held in the Bona Fide Debt Service Fund. Available Const�uction P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-7(i) and generally means all Sale Proceeds reduced by Issuance Costs or, if applicable, all Sale Proceeds allocable to the Nonrefunding Portion, reduced by Issuance Costs allocable to the Nonrefunding Portion financed with Sale Proceeds, plus all Investment Proceeds earned thereon before the earlier of two years after the Issue Date or substantial completion of the New Money Projects or Projects, as applicable. In determining the amount of Available Construction Proceeds as of any date, there shall be included the amount of investment earnings reasonably expected after such date,together with investment earnings actually received or accrued as of such date. Bona Fide Debt Se�vice Fund has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means the Debt Service Fund identified in 3.4.3. Bond Counsel means Locke Lord LLP or, if applicable, another law firm with a nationally recognized public finance practice. Bond Notice of Sale means, when applicable, the separate Notice of Sale for the bonds of the Issue. Bond Pu�chase� means, when applicable, an entity that purchases the bonds of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, for its own account without a present intent to resell. Capitali�ed Inte�est means interest on the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, from the Issue Date to the placed in service date of the Projects, that is properly capitalized in the cost of the Projects under general federal income tax principles. Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Const�uction Expenditu�es has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-7(g)(1) and generally means capital expenditures that are allocable to the cost of real property or constructed personal property and includes costs of reconstruction and rehabilitation, but does not include costs of acquiring any interest in land or other existing real or personal property. Cont�olled G�oup has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.150-1(c) and generally means a group of entities controlled directly or indirectly by the same entity or group of entities. Appendix A-1 Debt Se�vice Fund means the Debt Service Fund described in Article III. Delibe�ate Action has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.141-2(d)(3) and generally means any action taken by the Issuer that is within its control, but excludes (i) an involuntary or compulsory conversion under Section 1033 or (ii) an action taken in response to a regulatory directive made by the federal government. Eighteen Month Spending Exception has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-7(d) and generally means Adjusted Gross Proceeds are spent at least as quickly as follows: 15% within six months after the Issue Date 60% within twelve months after the Issue Date 100% within eighteen months after the Issue Date The requirement that 100% of Adjusted Gross Proceeds be spent within eighteen months after the Issue Date will be met if at least 95% of Adjusted Gross Proceeds is spent within eighteen months and the remainder is held as a Reasonable Retainage, as permitted by contracts with the Issuer's contractors, and such remainder is spent within thirty months after the Issue Date. Fixed Yield Bond has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means any bond whose yield is fixed and determinable on its Issue Date. Fixed Yield Issue has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means any issue of which each bond of the issue is a Fixed Yield Bond. Funded Inte�est means interest on the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, other than Capitalized Interest, through the later of three years after the Issue Date or one year after the first component of the Projects is placed in service as set forth in Reg § 1.148-6(d)(3)(ii)(A)(3). Gene�al Rule Maturities means, when applicable, those Maturities listed as the general rule maturities in Schedule A to the attached Issue Price Certificate for the Bonds of the Issue or the Notes of the Issue, as applicable. Gove�nmental Pe�son has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.141-1(b) and generally means a Governmental Unit. Gove�nmental Unit means a State or Local Governmental Unit. G�oss P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means all proceeds derived from or relating to the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, including Proceeds and Replacement Proceeds. Guidelines means Reg §1.141-3(b)(4) and Revenue Procedure 2017-13 or any applicable predecessor or successor thereto. Appendix A-2 Hold-the-Offe�ing-P�ice Matu�ities means, when applicable, those Maturities listed as the hold-the-offering-price maturities in Schedule A to the attached Issue Price Certificate for the Bonds of the Issue or the Notes of the Issue, as applicable. Holding Pe�iod means, with respect to a Hold-the-Offering-Price Maturity, the period starting on the Sale Date and ending on the earlier of(i) the close of the fifth business day after the Sale Date, or(ii) the date on which the Successful Bidder/Successful Bond Bidder/Successful Note Bidder sold at least 10% of such Hold-the-Offering-Price Maturity to the Public at prices that are no higher than the initial offering price for such Hold-the-Offering-Price Maturity. Investment P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means earnings received from investing and reinvesting Proceeds and from investing and reinvesting such earnings. Investment P�ope�ty has the meaning set forth in Section 148(b)(2) and generally means any security or obligation, any annuity contract, or any other investment-type property, but does not include any Tax-Exempt Bond. Issuance Costs has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.150-1(b) and generally means costs, to the extent incurred in connection with, and allocable to, the issuance of the Issue within the meaning of Section 147(g), and includes: underwriters' spread; counsel fees; financial advisory fees; credit rating fees; trustee fees; paying agent fees; bond registrar, certification, and authentication fees; accounting fees; printing costs; public approval process costs; engineering and feasibility study costs; and similar costs. Issue Date has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.150-1(b) and generally means the date the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, was delivered to the Underwriter or Purchaser thereof and payment was received therefor. Issue P�ice has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(� and generally means (i) the Expected Offering Price of a Successful Bidder/Successful Bond Bidder/Successful Note Bidder, (ii) the amount paid by the Purchaser for the Issue, the notes of the Issue, and/or the bonds of the Issue, and/or (iii) the price at which at least 10% of each maturity of the General Rule Maturities were sold by the Successful Bidder/Successful Bond Bidder/Successful Note Bidder, all as set forth in Exhibit A, or, when applicable, the sum of the applicable clauses above. Matu�ity means bonds and/or notes of the Issue with the same credit and payment terms. Bonds and/or notes of the Issue with different maturity dates, or with the same maturity date but different stated interest rates, are treated as separate maturities. Minor Po�tion has the meaning set forth in Section 148(e) and generally means any amount of Gross Proceeds that does not exceed the lesser of (i) 5% of the Proceeds or �11� $100,000. Net Sale P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means the Sale Proceeds allocable to the Nonrefunding Portion, less the portion of those Sale Proceeds invested in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund pursuant to Section 148(d) or as part of the Minor Portion. Appendix A-3 Nongove�nmental Pe�son means any Person other than a Governmental Person. Nongovernmental Person includes the United States and any agency or instrumentality of the United States. Nonpu�pose Investment means any Investment Property in which Gross Proceeds are invested that is not a Purpose Investment. Nonquali�ed Bonds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.141-12(j) and generally means the portion of outstanding bonds of an Issue that, as of the date of a Deliberate Action, would not meet the private business use test in Section 141(b) or the private loan financing test in Section 141(c). Non�efunding Portion means, when applicable, the portion of the Issue or the Prior Issue, as applicable, that is not allocable to the Refunding Portion. Note Notice of Sale means, when applicable, the separate Notice of Sale for the notes of the Issue. Note Pu�chase� means, when applicable, an entity that purchases the notes of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, for its own account without a present intent to resell. Notice of Sale means the Notice of Sale, or, when applicable, collectively the Bond Notice of Sale and Note Notice of Sale, attached as Attachment 1 to Exhibit B. Opinion of Bond Counsel means a written opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, delivered to the Issuer, to the effect that the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Issue will not be adversely affected. O�iginal Issues means, when applicable, collectively, the portions of the Refunded Bonds and/or Refunded Notes and the issues that were issued to finance the Projects on a "new money" basis and any other obligations all or a portion of which were issued to finance the Projects on a new money basis which have been ultimately refinanced by this Issue. Pe�son has the meaning set forth in Section 7701(a)(1) and generally includes an individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation. P�elimina�y Expenditu�es has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.150-2(�(2) and generally means architectural, engineering, surveying, soil testing, Issuance Costs, including, when applicable, Issuance Costs allocable to the Nonrefunding Portion, and similar costs paid with respect to the Projects in an aggregate amount not exceeding 20% of the Issue Price of the Issue, or, when applicable, the Issue Price of the Issue allocable to the Nonrefunding Portion. However, Preliminary Expenditures do not include land acquisition, site preparation or similar costs incident to the commencement of construction. P�io� Issue(s) means, when applicable, individually or collectively, the Original Issues and each series of exclusively current refunding obligations all or a portion of which were thereafter issued to refinance the Original Issues. Appendix A-4 P�ivate Business Use has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.141-3(a) and generally means use (directly or indirectly) in a trade or business carried on by any Nongovernmental Person other than use (i) as a member of, and on the same basis as, the general public or (ii) pursuant to the Guidelines or the Research Guidelines. Any activity carried on by a Nongovernmental Person(other than a natural Person) shall be treated as a trade or business. P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means Sale Proceeds, Investment Proceeds and Transferred Proceeds of the Issue or, when applicable, a Prior Issue. Public has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(�(3)(ii) and generally means any Person other than an Underwriter or a Related Party to an Underwriter. Pu�chase� means, when applicable, an entity, including a Successful Bidder, that purchases the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, for its own account without a present intent to resell. Pu�pose Investment has the meaning set forth in Reg §1.148-1(b) and generally means an investment that is acquired by the Issuer to carry out the governmental purpose of the Issue. Quali�ed Equity has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.141-6(b)(3) and generally means funds that are not derived from proceeds of a Tax-Advantaged Bond. Quali�ed Gua�antee has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-4(� and generally means an arrangement that imposes a secondary liability that unconditionally shifts substantially all of the credit risk for all or part of the payments on the Issue to the guarantor under that arrangement. Quali�ed Hedge has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-4(h) and generally means a contract entered into by the Issuer with a hedge provider primarily to modify the Issuer's risk of interest rate changes with respect to all or a part of the Issue. Reasonable Retainage has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-7(h) and generally means an amount, not to exceed 5% of Available Construction Proceeds or Adjusted Gross Proceeds, as applicable, on the date 24 months, or 18 months, as applicable, after the Issue Date, that is retained for reasonable business purposes relating to the Projects, including to ensure or promote compliance with a construction contract. Rebate Requi�ement means the amount of rebatable arbitrage with respect to the Issue, computed as of the last day of any Bond Year pursuant to Reg § 1.148-3. Refunded Bonds means, when applicable, all or the portion of each of the series of bonds being refunded by the Issue, as identified in A��endix B. Refunded Notes means, when applicable, all or the portion of each of the series of notes being refunded by the Issue, as identified in Appendix B. Appendix A-5 Refunding Obligations means a Tax-Advantaged Bond issued to refund any portion of the Issue, including any subsequent Tax-Advantaged Bond in a series of refundings thereof. Refunding Po�tion means, when applicable, the portion of the Issue allocable to the refunding of the Refunded Bonds and/or Refunded Notes, together with the portion of the Issue allocable to the financing of a ratable share of Issuance Costs and other common costs of the Issue. Regulations o� Reg means the applicable Treasury Regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States under the Code. Related Pa�ty has the meaning set forth in Reg §1.150-1(b) and generally means, in reference to a Governmental Unit or a 501(c)(3) Organization, any member of the same Controlled Group, and in any reference to any other Person, any two or more Persons who have more than fifty percent (50%) common ownership, directly or indirectly. Replacement P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg §1.148-1(c) and generally means amounts that have a sufficiently direct nexus to the Issue or to the governmental purpose of the Issue to conclude that the amounts would have been used for that governmental purpose if the Proceeds of the Issue were not used, and includes a sinking fund, a pledged fund, and other replacement proceeds, each as defined in Reg § 1.148-1(c). Resea�ch Guidelines means Reg §1.141-3(b)(6) and Revenue Procedure 2007-47 or any applicable successor thereto. Sale Date has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.150-1(c)(6) and generally means the first day on which there is a binding contract in writing for the sale of a Maturity. Sale P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-1(b) and generally means amounts actually or constructively received from the sale of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue. Signatu�e Ce�tificate means the Signature, No Litigation and Official Statement Certificate or similar certif�icate prepared by Bond Counsel relating to the Issue or, when applicable, a Prior Issue. Small Issue� Exception has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-8(a) and generally means that, as of the Issue Date, the Issuer reasonably expects that the aggregate Issue Price of tax-exempt bonds (other than (a) current refunding bonds to the extent the amount thereof does not exceed the outstanding amount of the obligations to be refunded thereby and (b) qualified private activity bonds) issued and to be issued by or on behalf of the Issuer during the current calendar year will not exceed $5,000,000 except by the lesser of (i) $10,000,000 or (ii) the aggregate face amount of bonds, in either case attributable to financing the construction of public school facilities, as provided in Section 148(�(4)(D)(vii). In addition, the Issuer must have the power to impose or to cause the imposition of taxes of general applicability which, when collected, may be used for the general purposes of the Issuer. The Issuer's power to impose or cause the imposition of such taxes cannot be contingent on approval by any other Governmental Appendix A-6 Unit. The Issuer cannot form or avail itself of an entity for the purpose of avoiding the volume limitation described above. State o�Local Gove�nmental Unit has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.103-1(a) and is generally a state or any political subdivision of a state, but excludes the United States and its agencies or instrumentalities. Successful Bidde�(s) means, when applicable, the Successful Bidder(s) set forth in A��endix B. Successful Bond Bidde�means, when applicable, the Successful Bond Bidder set forth in A��endix B. S'uccessful Note Bidde� means, when applicable, the Successful Note Bidder set forth in A��endix B. Tax Advantaged Bond has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.150-1(b) and generally means a tax-exempt bond or a taxable bond that provides a federal tax benefit that reduces the Issuer's borrowing costs. Tax Ce�tificate means the Tax Certificate to which this A�pendix A is attached. Tax-Exempt Bond means any obligation the interest on which is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103, other than a "specified private activity bond" within the meaning of Section 57(a)(5)(C), as well as (i) stock in a "regulated investment company" (within the meaning of Section 852) to the extent at least 95 percent of income to the stockholder is treated as interest on Tax-Exempt Bonds and (ii) any demand deposit obligation issued by the United States Department of the Treasury pursuant to Subpart C of 31 CFR Part 344. T�ansfe��ed P�oceeds has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-9(b) and generally means Proceeds of a Prior Issue that become Proceeds of the Issue under the transferred proceeds allocation rule in Reg § 1.148-9(b). Two Yea� Spending Exception has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-7(e) and generally means Available Construction Proceeds are expended at least as quickly as follows: 10% within six months after the Issue Date 45% within twelve months after the Issue Date 75% within eighteen months after the Issue Date 100% within twenty-four months after the Issue Date The requirement that 100% of Available Construction Proceeds be spent within twenty-four months after the Issue Date will be met if at least 95% of Available Construction Proceeds is spent within twenty-four months and the remainder is held as Reasonable Retainage, as Appendix A-7 permitted by contracts with the Issuer's contractors, and such remainder is spent within thirty-six months after the Issue Date. Unde�w�ite� means (i) any Person, including, when applicable, a Successful Bidder/Successful Bond Bidder/Successful Note Bidder, that agrees pursuant to a written contract with the Issuer (or with the lead underwriter to form an underwriting syndicate) to participate in the initial sale of the bonds and/or notes of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, to the Public, and (ii) any Person that agrees pursuant to a written contract directly or indirectly with a Person described in clause (i) of this paragraph to participate in the initial sale of such bonds and/or notes of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, to the Public (including a member of a selling group or a party to a third-party distribution agreement participating in the initial sale of such bonds and/or notes of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, to the Public). Votes means the authorizations for the Issue specified in the Signature Certificate. Yield has the meaning set forth in Reg § 1.148-4 for an issue and Reg § 1.148-5 for investments, and generally means, as to the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, or Investment Property, as applicable, that discount rate which, when used in computing the present value of all unconditionally payable payments representing (i) principal, adjusted, as required, for any substantial discounts or premiums, (ii) interest, including costs of Qualified Guarantees, and (iii) payments or receipts on Qualified Hedges, produces an amount equal to the Issue Price of the Issue, or, when applicable, a Prior Issue, or the purchase price of Investment Property, as appropriate. Yield Reduction Payment means a "qualified yield reduction payment" to the United States Department of the Treasury that reduces the yield on Investment Property, as set forth in Reg § 1.148-5(c). Appendix A-8 APPENDIX B ISSUE SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS For purposes of the Tax Certificate to which this Appendix B is attached, and the exhibits to the Tax Certificate and any schedules or attachments to those exhibits, the following capitalized terms have the following meanings: Bond Yea� means the period beginning on the Issue Date and ending on February 24, 2023, which is the last day on which any notes of the Issue will remain outstanding for federal tax purposes. Issue Date means, as to the Issue, the date of this Tax Certificate, June 30, 2022. Municipal Adviso� means Hilltop Securities Inc., as municipal advisor to the Issuer in connection with the Issue. Sale Date of the Issue is June 22, 2022. Sale P�oceeds means as to the Issue, the amount of$3,142,599.42, comprising the stated principal amount of the Issue ($3,127,587), plus original issue premium thereon in the amount of $15,012.42. Successful Bidde�means Piper Sandler & Co. Appendix B-1 APPENDIX C POST-ISSUANCE TAX COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS AND OTHER TAX-BENEFITED OBLIGATIONS I. Introduction These post-issuance compliance procedures of the Issuer are designed to provide for the effective management of the Issuer's post issuance compliance program for tax-exempt and other tax- benefited obligations in a manner consistent with state and federal laws applicable to such obligations. II. Post-Issuance Tax Compliance The Treasurer of the Issuer, or such other designated officer (the "Compliance Officer") shall be the primary bond compliance officer responsible for each issuance by the Issuer of tax-exempt (or otherwise tax-benefited) bonds, notes, financing leases, or other obligations (herein, collectively referred to as "bonds"). All information related to each bond issue and the facilities, equipment and other assets financed by such issue shall be maintained by or on behalf of the Compliance Officer and the actions taken under subsections A through C of this Section II shall be taken by the Compliance Officer or on behalf of the Compliance Officer by such other officers or employees of the Issuer as appropriate. A. Tax Certificate and Continuing Education 1. Tax Certificate— A Tax Certificate is prepared for each issuance of bonds. Immediately upon issuing any bonds, the Compliance Officer, in conjunction with the Issuer's bond counsel and financial advisor, shall review the Tax Certificate and make notes regarding specific compliance issues for such bond issue on the Post-Issuance Compliance Notes form at Exhibit A. The Tax Certificate and Notes shall clearly define the roles and responsibilities relating to the ongoing compliance activities for each bond issue and will identify specific compliance requirements. 2. Continuing Education — The Compliance Officer will actively seek out advice of bond counsel on any matters that appear to raise ongoing compliance concerns and may attend or participate in seminars, teleconferences, etc. sponsored by organizations such as the Massachusetts Collector-Treasurer Association and the Massachusetts Government Finance Officers Association that address compliance issues and developments in the public finance bond arena. In addition, national organizations such as the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and the National Association of Bond Lawyers (NABL) offer numerous training opportunities and materials which may be useful to the Compliance Officer. B. Tax-Exempt Bonds Compliance Monitoring 1. Restrictions against Private Use — The Compliance Officer will continuously monitor the expenditure of bond proceeds and the use of facilities or equipment financed or refinanced with bonds to ensure compliance with Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Appendix C-1 Code (the "Code") which generally establishes limitations on the use of bond-financed facilities by non-state or local governmental entities, such as individuals using bond- financed assets on a basis other than as a member of the general public, corporations and the federal government and its agencies and instrumentalities. a. Use of Bond Proceeds — The Compliance Officer will monitor and maintain records with respect to expenditures to ensure that bond proceeds are being used on capital expenditures for governmental purposes in accordance with the bond documents and document the allocation of all bond proceeds. Such monitoring is required not only for tax-exempt bonds, but also for tax credit bonds. b. Use of the Bond-Financed Facility or Equipment i. Equipment assets financed with bonds will be listed in a schedule for each bond issue, which schedule may be included in the Tax Certificate. Equipment assets generally are not to be disposed of prior to the earlier of(a) the date the bonds and all subsequent refundings o f such bonds are fully paid, or (b) the end of the useful life of such equipment. The Compliance Officer will maintain the list of all bond-financed equipment for each bond issue, together with the equipment's expected useful life. ii. Constructed or acquired assets financed with bonds — In order to ensure that assets constructed or acquired using bond proceeds, such as infrastructure assets, are not leased, sold or disposed of prior to the end of the term of the bonds and of all subsequent refundings of such bonds: • Any asset constructed or acquired with bond proceeds shall be flagged in the Issuer's records, and • These projects will be monitored by the Compliance Officer. iii. If there is any proposal to change the use of a bond-financed facility from a governmental purpose to a use in which a private entity may have the use or benefit of such a facility on a basis that is different from the rest of the general public, the Compliance Officer will consult with bond counsel � to the occurrence of the proposed change in use. 2. Qualification for Initial Temporary Periods and Compliance with Restrictions against Hedge Bonds a. Expectations as to Expenditure of"New Money" Bond Proceeds i. In order to qualify under the arbitrage rules for an initial temporary period of 3 years for "new money" issues during which bond proceeds can be invested without regard to yield (but potentially subject to rebate), the Issuer must reasonably expect to spend at least 85%of"spendable proceeds"by the end of the temporary period. In general under Code Section 149, in order to avoid classification of an issue of bonds as "hedge bonds," the Issuer must both (x) reasonably expect to spend 85% of the "spendable proceeds" of the bond issue within the 3 year period beginning on the date the bonds are issued and (y) Appendix C-2 invest not more than 50% of the proceeds of the issue in investments having a substantially guaranteed yield for 4 years or more. These expectations have been documented for the Issuer's outstanding bond issues in the tax certificates executed in connection with each bond issue. ii. If, for any reason, the Issuer's expectations concerning the period over which the bond proceeds are to be expended change from what was documented in the applicable tax certificate, the Compliance Officer will consult with bond counsel. b. Proj ect Draw Schedule Compliance Monitoring — While there are unspent proceeds of a bond issue, the Compliance Officer will compare and analyze the original anticipated project draw schedule and the actual expenditure payouts and reimbursements on each bond-financed project on an annual or more frequent basis. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the variances from the original expected draw schedule for each project and to document the reasons for these variances to provide a continual record on the spending progress of each bond-financed project. Factors relevant to the analysis include unexpected delays in the project timelines, extreme weather, contract time extensions due to unexpected events, supplemental agreements and any other factor with a potential to impact the progress or completion of the projects. Generally, there should be no effect on the tax-exempt status of the bonds under either the temporary period rules or the hedge bond rules if the actual disbursements do not meet the original project draw schedule, unless circumstances surrounding the actual events cast doubt on the reasonableness of the stated expectations on the issuance date. Therefore, it is important for the Compliance Officer to update the progress of each project at least annually, and consult with bond counsel as to any variance from the original schedule. c. Bond Proceeds Expenditure Schedule Compliance Monitoring — While there are unspent proceeds of bonds, the Compliance Officer will compare and analyze the bond proceeds expenditure schedule and the actual investment earnings on each project on an annual or more frequent basis. The purpose of this analysis is to determine any variances from the expected expenditure schedule and to document the reasons for these variances. 3. Arbitrage Rebate Compliance a. Bonds may lose their tax-favored status, retroactive to the date of issuance, if they do not comply with the arbitrage restrictions of section 148 of the Code. Two general sets of requirements under the Code must be applied in order to determine whether governmental bonds are arbitrage bonds: the yield restriction requirements of section 148(a) and the rebate requirements of section 148(�. b. Yield Restriction Requirements — The yield restriction requirements provide, in general terms, that gross proceeds of a bond issue may not be invested in investments earning a yield higher than the yield of the bond issue, except for investments (i) during one of the temporary periods permitted under the regulations (including the Appendix C-3 initial three year temporary period described above), (ii) in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund or (iii) in an amount not in excess of the lesser of 5% of the sale proceeds of the issue or $100,000 (the "minor portion"). Under limited circumstances, the yield on investments subject to yield restriction can be reduced through payments to the IRS known as "yield reduction payments." The Tax Certificate will identify those funds and accounts associated with a particular issue of bonds known, as of the date of issuance, to be subject to yield restriction. c. Rebate Requirements i. If, consistent with the yield restriction requirements, amounts treated as bond proceeds are permitted to be invested at a yield in excess of the yield on the bonds (pursuant to one of the exceptions to yield restriction referred to above), rebate payments may be required to be made to the U.S. Treasury. Under the applicable regulations, the aggregate rebate amount is the excess of the future value of all the receipts from bond funded investments over the future value of all the payments to acquire such investments. The future value is computed as of the computation date using the bond yield as the interest factor. At least 90% of the rebate amount calculated for the first computation period must be paid no later than 60 days after the end of the first computation period. The amount of rebate payments required for subsequent computation periods (other than the final period) is that amount which, when added to the future value of prior rebate payments, equals at least 90% of the rebate amount. For the final computation period, 100% of the calculated amount must be paid. Rebate exceptions and expectations are documented for each bond issue in the tax certificate executed at the time of such bond issue. ii. While there are unspent proceeds of bonds, the Issuer will engage an experienced independent rebate analyst to annually calculate any rebate that may result for that year and annually provide a rebate report to the Compliance Officer. Bond counsel can assist with referrals to qualified rebate analysts. d. Timing of Rebate Payments The Compliance Officer will work with the rebate analyst to ensure the proper calculation and payment of any rebate payment and/or yield-reduction payment at the required time: i. First installment due no later than 60 days after the end of the fifth anniversary of each bond issuance; ii. Succeeding installments at least every five years; Appendix C-4 iii. Final installment no later than 60 days after retirement of last bond in the issue.l 4. Refunding Requirements a. Refunded Proj ects — The Compliance Officer will maintain records of all bond financed assets for each bond issue, including assets originally financed with a refunded bond issue. b. Yield Restriction — The Compliance Officer will work with its financial advisor and bond counsel to maintain records of allocation of bond proceeds for current and advance refundings of prior bond issues to ensure that such bond proceeds are expended as set forth in the applicable tax certificate executed at the time the refunding bonds are issued. Any yield restricted escrows will be monitored for ongoing compliance. C. Record Retention 1. Section 6001 of the Code provides the general rule for the proper retention of records for federal tax purposes. The IRS regularly advises taxpayers to maintain sufficient records to support their tax deductions, credits and exclusions. In the case of a tax-exempt bond transaction, the primary taxpayers are the bondholders. In the case of other tax benefited bonds, such as "build America bonds" or "recovery zone economic development bonds", the Issuer will be treated as the taxpayer. In order to ensure the continued exclusion of interest to such bondholders, it is important that the Issuer retain sufficient records to support such exclusion. 2. In General a. All records associated with any bond issue shall be stored electronically or in hard copy form at the Issuer's offices or at another location conveniently accessible to the Issuer. b. The Compliance Officer will ensure that the Issuer provides for appropriate storage of these records. c. If storing documents electronically, the Issuer shall conform with Rev. Proc. 97-22, 1997-1 C.B. 652 (as the same may be amended, supplemented or superseded), which provides guidance on maintaining books and records by using an electronic storage system. Bond counsel can furnish a copy of this Revenue Procedure if needed. 1 Generally,rebate payments must be paid not later than 60 days after retirement of the last bond in the issue. Appendix C-5 3. Bonds — Unless a longer period of time is required by state law, the Issuer shall maintain the bond record as defined in this section for the longer of the life of the bonds plus 3 years or the life of refunding bonds (or series of refunding bonds) which refunded the bonds plus 3 years. The bond record shall include the following documents: a. Pre-Issuance Documents i. Guaranteed Investment Contracts ("GICs") and Investments (other than Treasury's State and Local Government Series Securities, "SLGs") — If applicable, the Compliance Officer shall retain all documentation regarding the procurement of each GIC or other investment acquired on or before the date of bond issuance, including as applicable the request for bids, bid sheets, documentation of procurement method (i.e., competitive vs. negotiated), etc. If investments other than SLGs are used for a defeasance escrow, the documentation should include an explanation of the reason for the purchase of open market securities and documentation establishing the fair value of the securities and compliance with safe harbor bidding rules. If SLGs are purchased, a copy of the final subscription shall be maintained. ii. Project Draw Schedule — The Compliance Officer shall retain all documentation and calculations relating to the draw schedule used to meet the "reasonable expectations" test and use of proceeds tests (including copies of contracts with general and sub-contractors or summarie s thereo�. iii. Issue Sizing — The Compliance Officer shall maintain a copy of all financial advisor's or underwriter's structuring information. iv. Bond Insurance — If procured by the Issuer, the Compliance Officer shall maintain a copy of insurance quotes and calculations supporting the cost benefit of bond insurance, if any. v. Costs of Issuance documentation — The Compliance Officer shall retain all invoices, payments and certificates related to costs of issuance of the bonds. b. Issuance Documents — The Compliance Officer shall retain the bound bond transcript delivered from bond counsel. c. Post-Issuance Documents i. Post-Issuance Guaranteed Investment Contracts and Investments (Other than SLGs) — the Compliance Officer shall retain all documentation regarding the procurement of any GIC or other investment acquired after bond issuance, including as applicable the request for bids, bid sheets, documentation of procurement method (i.e., competitive vs. negotiated), etc. If investments other than SLGs are used for a defeasance escrow, the documentation should include an Appendix C-6 explanation of the reason for the purchase of open market securities and documentation establishing the fair value of the securities and compliance with safe harbor bidding rules. ii. Records of Investments shall be retained by the Compliance Officer. iii. Investment Activity Statements shall be retained by the Compliance O ffic er. iv. Records of Expenditures — The Compliance Officer shall maintain or shall cause to be maintained all invoices, etc. relating to equipment purchases and constructed or acquired projects, either electronically or in hard copy. v. Records of Compliance • Qualification for Initial Temporary Periods and Compliance with Restrictions against Hedge Bond Documentation — The Compliance Officer shall prepare the annual analysis described in Section II(B)(2) above and maintain these records. • Arbitrage Rebate Reports may be prepared by the Compliance Officer or a third party as described in section II (B)(3) of this document and retained by the Compliance Officer. • Returns and Payment — Shall be prepared at the direction of the Compliance Officer and filed as described in Section II(B)(3) of this do cument. • Contracts under which any bond proceeds are spent (consulting engineering, acquisition, construction, etc.) — The Compliance Officer shall obtain copies of these contracts and retain them for the bond record. d. General i. Audited Financial Statements — The Compliance Officer will maintain copies of the Issuer's annual audited Financial Statements. ii. Reports of any prior IRS Examinations — The Compliance Officer will maintain copies of any written materials pertaining to any IRS examination of the Issuer's bonds. III. Voluntarily Correcting Failures to Comply with Post-Issuance Compliance Activities If, in the effort to exercise due diligence in complying with applicable federal tax laws, a potential violation is discovered, the Issuer may address the violation through the applicable method listed below. The Issuer should work with its bond counsel to determine the appropriate way to proceed. A. Taking remedial actions as described in Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code B. Utilizing the Voluntary Closing Agreement Program (VCAP) — Section 7.2.3 of the Internal Revenue Manual establishes the voluntary closing agreement program for tax-exempt Appendix C-7 bonds (TEB VCAP) whereby issuers of tax-exempt bonds can resolve violations of the Internal Revenue Code through closing agreements with the Internal Revenue Service. IV. Post Issuance Tax Compliance Procedures Review The Compliance Officer shall review these procedures at least annually, and implement revisions or updates as deemed appropriate, in consultation with bond counsel. Appendix C-8 Exhibit A POST ISSUANCE COMPLIANCE NOTES [Name of Bond] Transaction Parties Overall Responsible Party for Debt Management Activities Bond Counsel P aying Ag ent Rebate Specialist Other Appendix C-9 EXHIBIT A �3,127,587 Town of Lexington, Massachusetts General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes Dated June 30, 2022 ISSUE PRICE CERTIFICATE AND RECEIPT The undersigned, on behalf of the Successful Bidder, hereby certifies as set forth below with respect to the sale of the above-captioned obligations ("Issue") of the Issuer. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Tax Certificate to which this Exhibit A is attached. 1. Reasonably Expected Initial Offering Price. (a) As of the Sale Date, the reasonably expected initial offering price of the notes of the Issue to the Public by the Successful Bidder is the price listed in Schedule A ("Expected Offering Price"). The Expected Offering Price is the price for the notes of the Issue used by the Successful Bidder in formulating its bid to purchase the Issue. Reflected in Schedule B is a true and correct representation of the bid provided by the Successful Bidder to purchase the notes of the Issue. (b) The Successful Bidder was not given the opportunity to review other bids prior to submitting its bid. (c) The bid submitted by the Successful Bidder constituted a firm offer to purchase the notes of the Issue. 2. Receipt. The Successful Bidder hereby acknowledges receipt of the notes of the Issue from the Issuer and further acknowledges receipt of all certificates, opinions and other documents required to be delivered to the Successful Bidder, before or simultaneously with the delivery of such notes of the Issue, which certificates, opinions and other documents are satisfactory to the Successful Bidder. The representations set forth in this certificate are limited to factual matters only. Nothing in this certificate represents the Successful Bidder's interpretation of any laws, including specifically Sections 103 and 148 and the Regulations thereunder. [Remainde�of page intentionally left blank; signatu�e page follows.J Exhibit A-1 The undersigned understands that the foregoing information will be relied upon by the Issuer with respect to certain of the representations set forth in the Tax Certificate and with respect to compliance with the federal income tax rules affecting the Issue, and by Locke Lord LLP in connection with rendering its opinion that the interest on the Issue is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, the preparation of the Internal Revenue Service Form 803 8-G, and other federal income tax advice that it may give to the Issuer from time to time relating to the Issue. Dated: June 3 0, 2022 PIPER SANDLER & CO. By: Name: Title: Exhibit A-2 SCHEDULE A TO EXHIBIT A EXPECTED INITIAL OFFERING PRICE TO THE PUBLIC �� � ��� ��ii��1������, I�������� �� ,��� ���� �`������� '��"������ ��� ������,����,�°��������������� ������ �����",���°������ '�'�!�'� F��������� ���i���� ��r������ Il�l����i�� ���� �����,�� �"'"� I� P�II�u�t������r���'��I�� i .����� II���'ri �����, ���������� � w��l III��� �e�.. ;�.�" , �����'�� �e�� ����e„���'�,,� ���"I��:,m:�����},.�� �.. ��..,�III �a� ��mc,. ��mc,. y����m��,�m�°�"�,�� �a� ������������`�fiy,.�'�, II`��II�III���������� III���° ���°��f�� III�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,................................................,,,,,,,,,,,.................,.....................,,,,,,,,,.................,.....................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '����"I�""�"�.���'�".����� �����ini��n�m�F� ������inii�����m����C����;������e.e„e,,......................................e e e e e e e.e e e,e e e e e e,,......................................e e e e e e e e e,,......................................e e e e, �I�,m����;.�� �����F�w��ll�����.,,e„eeeeeee„eee,,........................................eeeeee,eeeeeee,.,eee,,.................,....................e.eeeee,eeeeeee,e.........,.....................eee.eeeee,eeeeeee,e,..... 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", 'L C ISL 1 ' k L ����i���i��l �I'���i�� �� ���I����,�����;����� �'����I i�i�r�� ����i��i��l ����������,��,��I I �������i������������;���� ��� � u u i u � �u � �i���"������:��� „I���R�:��1��':��� �I��''�����n�:���1��' ������; �I���"'+�����'�� �� �I���'� ������:��� �����i�������������i����� 1�i����l���:���� i������������i���� ���I����������N��°���—�'�� ���'������„ EXHIBIT B $3,127,587 Town of Lexington, Massachusetts General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes Dated June 30, 2022 CERTIFICATE OF THE MUNICIPAL ADVISOR The undersigned, on behalf of the Municipal Advisor, has assisted the Issuer in soliciting and receiving bids from potential underwriters in connection with the sale of the notes of the Issue in a competitive bidding process in which bids were requested for the purchase of such notes at specified written terms set forth in the Notice of Sale, a copy of which is attached to this certificate as Attachment 1. Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Tax Certificate to which this Exhibit B is attached. The competitive sale requirements (as defined in the Notice of Sale) for the notes of the Issue were met. The Municipal Advisor further advises as follows: 1. The notes of the Issue were offered for sale at specified written terms more particularly described in the Notice of Sale, which was distributed to potential bidders. 2. The Notice of Sale was disseminated electronically through PARITY on June 16, 2022. The method of distribution of the Notice of Sale is regularly used for purposes of disseminating notices of sale of new issuances of municipal bonds, and notices disseminated in such manner are widely available to potential bidders. 3. To the knowledge of the Municipal Advisor, all bidders were offered an equal opportunity to bid to purchase the notes of the Issue so that, for example, if the bidding process afforded any opportunity for bidders to review other bids before providing a bid, no bidder was given an opportunity to review other bids that was not equally given to all other bidders (that is, no exclusive "last-look"). 4. The Issuer received bids for the notes of the Issue from at least three Underwriters who represented that they have established industry reputations for underwriting new issuances of municipal bonds. Based upon the Municipal Advisor's knowledge and experience in acting as the Municipal Advisor for other municipal issues, the Municipal Advisor believes those representations to be accurate. Copies of any written bids received are attached to this certificate as Attachment 2. Bids not reflected in Attachment 2, if any, were received by telephone rather than in writ ing. 5. The winning bidder for the notes of the Issue was the Successful Bidder, whose bid was determined to be the best conforming bid in accordance with the terms set forth in the Notice of Sale, as shown in the bid comparison attached as Attachment 3 to this certificate. The Issuer awarded the notes of the Issue to the Successful Bidder. 6. The Yield on the Issue is 2.2469582% as shown on the attached Schedule A. Exhibit B-1 The representations set forth in this certificate are limited to factual matters only. Nothing in this certificate represents the Municipal Advisor's interpretation of any laws, including specifically Sections 103 and 148 and the Regulations thereunder. [Remainde�of page intentionally left blank; signatu�e page follows.J Exhibit B-2 The undersigned understands that the foregoing information will be relied upon by the Issuer with respect to certain of the representations set forth in the Tax Certificate to which this certificate is attached and with respect to compliance with the federal income tax rules affecting the Issue, and by Locke Lord LLP in connection with rendering its opinion that the interest on the Issue is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, in the preparation of the Internal Revenue Service Form 8038-G, and in providing other federal income tax advice that it may give to the Issuer from time to time relating to the Issue. The Issuer and Locke Lord LLP may also rely on the foregoing information for purposes of determining compliance with Section 21 A of Chapter 44 of the Massachusetts General Laws, if applicable. No other Persons may rely on the representations set forth in this certificate without the prior written consent of the Municipal Advisor. Dated: June 30, 2022 HILLTOP SECURITIES INC. By: Name: Title: Exhibit B-3 ATTACHMENT 1 TO EXHIBIT B NOTICE OF SALE ATTACHMENT 2 TO EXHIBIT B COPIES OF WRITTEN BIDS RECEIVED ATTACHMENT 3 TO EXHIBIT B BID COMPARISON T"��� ��IL�.��������� II������I������� �����II��"�, �,�' �IC��r����r°����'� �����r����ir��� �Ic��������, ���,��, ��II� ����; �"�'���4� I�i�II � ���������w����m �"����4V:� � � ���� � : �,�� � . , I��II��w�rr�r����.: �"��''���� �.���ui�.��r�����afi�:��:,�,���,������„ I������: �"��`��I��� I��'.�I��r�������r: ����� I��'.'���n� �:� ��-� I�����N���lul���ll: � I���� ���:. ���,� ���rip��r�� ���°. 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N � O (6 L � � j � � '+� � � � �' � � � �, � � � (6 � � � L � � � � U � ! � � � •� � L � C � � � m � � � � � (0 Q (0 (� J dj f� •� O U Y U � O � � � � � 1 L O � p � � � O +3 � � *; � � � c� cLa � Z � � a� Q � E �' ca � � v � °' � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � E � °' � � � 3 �, � ._ � o = � c� c�a a� � � � o � a��i �� � � .� � � � � a�i o H N 0 0 0 U � U � U J 2 J W � 2 (n (n Z � N � � � .,__, � .,__, � � W � � M M 00 � M � � N ,-� (Please Note: The following certificate is an essential part of the permanent record and creates ongoing obligations of the Issuer. Please read it carefully before signing. Advise Locke Lord LLP of any inaccuracy.) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE This Significant Events Disclosure Certificate (the "Disclosure Certificate") is executed and delivered by the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Issuer") in connection with the issuance of$3,127,587 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes dated June 30, 2022 (the "Notes"). The Issuer covenants and agrees as follows: SECTION l. Purpose of the Disclosure Certificate. This Disclosure Certif�icate is being executed and delivered by the Issuer for the benefit of the Owners of the Notes and in order to assist the Participating Underwriter in complying with the Rule. SECTION 2. Definitions. For purposes of this Disclosure Certificate the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: "Listed Events" shall mean any of the events listed in Section 3(a) of this Disclosure Certificate. "MSRB" shall mean the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board as established pursuant to Section 15B(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or any successor thereto or to the functions of the MSRB contemplated by this Disclosure Certificate. Filing information relating to the MSRB is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. "Obligated Person" shall mean the Issuer. "Owners of the Notes" shall mean the registered owners, including beneficial owners, of the Notes. "Participating Underwriter" shall mean any of the original underwriters of the Notes required to comply with the Rule in connection with offering of the Notes. "Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2-12 adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. SECTION 3. Reportin of Si�nificant Events. �G' (a) The Issuer shall give notice, in accordance with the provisions of this Section 3, of the occurrence of any of the following events with respect to the Notes: 1. Principal and interest payment delinquencies. 2. Non-payment related defaults, if material. 3. Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties. 4. Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties. 5. Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform. 6. Adverse tax opinions, the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of proposed or final determinations of taxability, Notices of Proposed Issue (IRS Form 5701-TEB) or other material notices or determinations with respect to the tax status of the Notes, or other material events affecting the tax status of the Notes. 7. Modifications to rights of the Owners of the Notes, if material. 8. Bond calls, if material, and tender offers. 9. Defeasances. 10. Release, substitution or sale of property securing repayment of the Notes, if material. 11. Rating changes. 12. Bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar event of the Obligated Person.* 13. The consummation of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition involving an Obligated Person or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Obligated Person, other than in the ordinary course of business, the entry into a definitive agreement to undertake such an action or the termination of a definitive agreement relating to any such actions, other than pursuant to its terms, if material. 14. Appointment of a successor or additional trustee or the change of name of a trustee, if material. 15. Incurrence of a financial obligation of the Obligated Person, if material, or agreement to covenants, events of default, remedies, priority rights, or other similar terms of a financial obligation of the Obligated Person, any of which affect Owners of the Notes,if material.� *As noted in the Rule,this event is considered to occur when any of the following occur: (i)the appointment of a receiver, fiscal agent or similar officer for an Obligated Person in a proceeding under the U.S.Bankruptcy Code or in any proceeding under state or federal law in which a court or governmental authority has assumed jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of Obligated Person,or if such jurisdiction has been assumed by leaving the existing governing body and officials or officers in possession but subject to the supervision and orders of a court or governmental authority, or(ii)the entry of an order confirming a plan of reorganization,arrangement or liquidation by a court or governmental authority having supervision or jurisdiction over substantially all of the assets or business of the Obligated Person. �For purposes of event numbers 15 and 16 in Section 3(a)of this Disclosure Certificate,the term"financial obligation"means a(i)debt obligation; (ii) derivative instrument entered into in connection with, or pledged as security or a source of payment for,an existing or planned debt obligation; or(iii)guarantee of(i)or(ii). The term "financial obligation"excludes municipal securities for which a final official statement has been provided to the MSRB consistent with the Rule. -2- 16. Default, event of acceleration, termination event, modification of terms, or other similar events under the terms of a financial obligation of the Obligated Person, any of which reflect financial difficulties. (b) Upon the occurrence of a Listed Event, the Issuer shall, in a timely manner not in excess of ten(10) business days after the occurrence of the event, file a notice of such occurrence with the MSRB. SECTION 4. Transmission of Information and Notices. Unless otherwise required by law, all notices, documents and information provided to the MSRB shall be provided in electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB and shall be accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. SECTION 5. Termination of Rel�ortin� Obli a,v�. The Issuer's obligations under this Disclosure Certificate shall terminate upon the legal defeasance or payment in full of all of the Notes. SECTION 6. Default. In the event of a failure of the Issuer to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Certificate the sole remedy under this Disclosure Certificate shall be an action for specific performance of the Issuer's obligations hereunder and not for money damages in any amount. Any failure by the Issuer to comply with any provision of this Disclosure Certificate shall not constitute a default with respect to the Notes. SECTION 7. Amendment. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Disclosure Certificate, the Issuer may amend this Disclosure Certificate and any provision of this Disclosure Certificate may be waived if such amendment or waiver is permitted by the Rule, as evidenced by an opinion of counsel expert in federal securities law (which may also include bond counsel to the Issuer) to the effect that such amendment or waiver would not cause this Disclosure Certificate to violate the Rule. -3- SECTION 8. Beneficiaries. This Disclosure Certificate shall inure solely to the benefit of the Owners of the Notes from time to time, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Date: June 30, 2022 TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS By: Treasurer Select Board -4- EXHIBIT A Filing information relating to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board is as follows: Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board http://emma.msrb.or� v 127293702v.1 A-1 Form$03$�Ci Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Bonds ►Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e) (Rev.October 2021) ►See separate instructions. OMB No.1545-0047 Department of the Treasury Caution:If the issue price is under$100,000,use Form 8038-GC. Internal Revenue Service �Go to www.irs.gov/F8038G for instructions and the latest information. ' . Reporting Authority Check box if Amended Return► ❑ 1 Issuer's name 2 Issuer's employer identification number(EIN) Town of Lexington, Massachusetts 04-6001200 3a Name of person(other than issuer)with whom the IRS may communicate about this return(see instructions) 3b Telephone number of other person shown on 3a 4 Number and street(or P.O.box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite 5 Report number(For IRS Use Only) 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 3 6 City,town,or post office,state,and ZIP code 7 Date of issue Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 06/30/2022 8 Name of issue 9 CUSIP number $3,127,587 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes 529284 3Q2 10a Name and title of officer or other employee of the issuer whom the IRS may call for more information 10b Telephone number of officer or other employee shown on 10a Arnold F. Lovering, Treasurer (781)862-0500 x265 ' . Type of Issue (Enter the issue price.) See the instructions and attach schedule. 11 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 12 Health and hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 14 Public safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Environment(including sewage bonds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 17 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 18 Other. Describe► various municipal infrastructure projects 18 3,142,599 19a If bonds are TANs or RANs, check only box 19a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► ❑ b If bonds are BANs, check only box 19b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► [r] 20 If bonds are in the form of a lease or installment sale, check box . . . . . . . . . ► ❑ � . Description of Bonds. Complete for the entire issue for which this form is being filed. (a)Final maturity date (b)Issue price (c)Stated redemption (d)Weighted (e)Yield price at maturity average maturity 21 02/24/2023 $ 3,142,599 $ 3,127,587 0.650 years 2.2469 % � - Uses of Proceeds of Bond Issue (including underwriters' discount) 22 Proceeds used for accrued interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23 Issue price of entire issue(enter amount from line 21,column (b)) . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3,142,599 24 Proceeds used for bond issuance costs(including underwriters' discount) 24 11,778 25 Proceeds used for credit enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 26 Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund . 26 27 Proceeds used to refund prior tax-exempt bonds. Complete Part V . . . 27 28 Proceeds used to refund prior taxable bonds. Complete Part V . . . . 28 29 Total (add lines 24 through 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 11,778 30 Nonrefunding proceeds of the issue(subtract line 29 from line 23 and enter amount here) . . . 30 3,130,821 � . Description of Refunded Bonds. Complete this part only for refunding bonds. 31 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the tax-exempt bonds to be refunded . . . ► years 32 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the taxable bonds to be refunded . . . . ► years 33 Enter the last date on which the refunded tax-exempt bonds will be called(MM/DD/'Y'YYY) . . ► 34 Enter the date(s)the refunded bonds were issued►(MM/DD/YYYI� For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice,see separate instructions. Cat.No.63773S Form$�3$-G(Rev.10-2021) Form 8038-G(Rev.10-2021) Page 2 � . Miscellaneous 35 Enter the amount of the state volume cap allocated to the issue under section 141(b)(5) . . . . 35 36a Enter the amount of gross proceeds invested or to be invested in a guaranteed investment contract (GIC). See instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36a b Enter the final maturity date of the GIC►(MM/DD/YYYY) c Enter the name of the GIC provider► 37 Pooled financings: Enter the amount of the proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans to other governmental units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 38a If this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issue, check box► ❑ and enter the following information: b Enter the date of the master pool bond►(M M/DD/YYYY) c Enter the EIN of the issuer of the master pool bond► d Enter the name of the issuer of the master pool bond► 39 If the issuer has designated the issue under section 265(b)(3)(B)(i)(III)(small issuer exception), check box . . . . ► ❑ 40 If the issuer has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate, check box . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► ❑ 41 a If the issuer has identified a hedge, check here► ❑ and enter the following information: b Name of hedge provider► c Type of hedge► d Term of hedge► 42 If the issuer has superintegrated the hedge,check box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► ❑ 43 If the issuer has established written procedures to ensure that all nonqualified bonds of this issue are remediated according to the requirements under the Code and Regulations(see instructions), check box . . . . . . . . ► 0 44 If the issuer has established written procedures to monitor the requirements of section 148,check box . . . . . ► 0 45a If some portion of the proceeds was used to reimburse expenditures, check here► 0 and enter the amount of reimbursement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ► $1.972,604 b Enter the date the official intent was adopted►(MM/DD/YYYY) 03/24/2014, 06/16/2014, 03/21/2016, 04/05/2017* Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements,and to the best of my knowledge SInature and belief,they are true,correct,and complete.I further declare that I consent to the IRS's disclosure of the issuer's return information,as necessary to g process this return,to the person that I have authorized above. and Consent 06/30/2022 Arnold F. Lovering, Treasurer Signature of issuer's authorized representative Date Type or print name and title . Y, ��r���r� Date Check � if PTIN Prin Type preparer's name Preparer's signature ��� �������� Pald Claud�a J. Matzko ���� 06/30/2022 se�f-emp�oyed Preparer P01457111 �S� ��� Firm's name ►LoCke Lord LLP Firm's EIN►74-1164324 y Firm's address►111 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02199 Phone no. 617 239-0176 Form$�38-Gi(Rev.10-2021) *04/04/2018, 04/09/2018, 04/01/2019, 04/10/2019, 11/12/2019, 06/01/2020, 03/24/2021, 03/29/2021