HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-06-27-M22-Final-Lamb-OCPF RECEIVED
Commonwealth Office of Campaign and Political Finance
o I'Mass'achusetts 1L,IE X I IN GTO IN M A
1:11C with: �
13 dada preceding election
City or Ccs nCc. k
czar ElectionOfficial 111 dity anter election
l it n u apt ryr 20111
Please pi-lint or,type,except signatures,
Name of Corporation/Organization: C:AARLCS L A-M
2. Address
PeriodRepot µ " -a04,0!?
Month Day Y ea t. Month Day Year
. The expenditures below were reads to clue one) stt port oppose
uestion Number relating to (a �-
(Describe question briefly
SUbm fitted to the voters of n (0_
(City or townElection
5. Expenditure(s) (attach additional pages if necessary)::
Amount or
Date Paid To Whom Pa Address Purpose Value*
'I"Wal expenditures on this report
Total expenditUres revlously!reports d D R"71 ji (
Total expend tures to date
*In-kind contributions should be included here,
6. Liabilities and promises to pay:
Date Made or
Ineutored* To Whom Due Address, Purpose
'Total liabilities on this report
Total liabilities,previously reported and currently OLItstandino
Total Outstanding, 'liabilities
A promise to pay exists and alust be reported if the corporation or organization has(1) made an express or implied promise to
give, pay,expend or contribute money or anything of value,or(2),knows or reasonably should know that it will be
responsible for paying for a good or service. A liability exists and must be reported if the corporation or organization has
received a good or service which it has not paid for even if the corporation or organization has not received a bill or invoice.
If the amount of the liability has not been determined or is, in dispute,the liability shoUld be estimated of-I reported as`4 to be
determined`01,""in dispute."
I certify that this report is a true statement of the arnOLInt or valUe of every gift, paynient,, expenditUre or contribution or
promise to give, pay, expend or contribute in order to influence or affect the vote oil the question referenced on the
front of this report, together with the date., purpose, and full naine and address of the person to whoin it was made. I
make this report in accordance with the reqUirenlents of MassachUsetts General L(aws, Chapter 55, Section 22, as
Si ed u i-th p walties ofperjui-y:
Treasurer Signature Print Name Date
M.G.L.Chapter 55,Section 22 states in part:
Ae treasurer of coyoralion, association, organization or other, roup ref j)ersons, other than a,political connnittee orgaidzed tinder Section
5, w rhas,(,fiveti,1)ai(t e-yended Or contribillet"l, 01promise(I tog4-e,/)ql,,� e.yelld or Contribille, cull,1141.14 Or other thin.�,,qfvahte in ortler to
infliterwe or t�j�'cf the vote oti aqJ�question submitied to the volers shallfile rqnxis sell il ig J"0 rth the aniount or value qj'eiwry,gifi,pownetil,
expOldinire or contribt,ttion or In-onItse to give,pav,, expend or contribute, together with the date,mil-pose ancljiill nalne and 4 ddress'00he
person to,whom it was made,
�fihe quesfion al.7pears,on ballots at o city or lown election or cipt)ears on ballots.,for use in a cily or town cit a state election,such rel,)ort shall be
filed with the city or town clerk asJbIloi+,s. 1),the ei�qhth dqy preceding a 1)relin-jin(jj-j,,()p pl-if,
1 1001), I'I?C1nditkg a caucits, the eighth dc,1,In-eceding
a city or town election and, if a city election, (is afincil rej,)ort, the tweiniedi . -tj�p Irs/
('(I')QN6071101Y it"the Ofloiving year, cojn1)lele os oj"Ille"111b -J
dqv ol'Deceinber ofthe 12rior vear citid, il'a toit'n eleclion, cis Ofina/rel,)ort. the Harr tic
d(1vfi)1l(m,,v*ng such election,- (2) the eighth dav pi-eceding,
ast)ecicll 1)rinlarl,�, hichidilig(I ceillcus, //I("-eighth&I'll,In-ceedinic,a sl)ecial e/ectim,and, (is(I flno/r(worl" /lie Iflirtieth day 161lowing a s1wchil
eleClion; (Vid(3)//W tWeillieth(M.,V01".10171141ty(�feochyeor, conq)leie"s"J"lle lllirrV-first clay(#'Deceinher cad'die prior v*,ear, itind all tteclare(l
litibilities(?f mach corporation, associcition, organi_zatio),7 or other grolip ofpersons have been discharged.j'EYce,7tj6r the don, 20 report, till
rel,)oats must be complete as of the preceding tenth day.I j
Any corporation,association, organt.z7alion or other group OfPersons, other thon,a political col,nInittee orgoni:ed under soid section j, violatiikq
aqv provision of this section shall be punished by afine of not more than$50,000 it 017Y officer, director oi-agent oj'utq such corl)oration,
association, organi:otion or other group of persons violating arae provis'on I
i hereof or olilhorLing ot�v such l,,iolaiion or ativ person 14,1741 violates
1110140171slot?hereofshall be minished by a n
or in an"Y ivq),�knovt�in,�,-�y aids or abets the violation of am fine oj"nol 11jore 117a, $10"000 or ki,