HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-04-07-MMC-minMonuments & Memorials Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 7, 2022 Conducted by Remote Participation* 7:00 PM Members Present Linda Dixon, Chair; Glen Bassett, Bebe Fallick, Chuck French, George Gamota, Danjun Pu, Charlie Price Members Not Present Avram Baskin (recused), Leslie Masson (recused) Guests Doug Lucente, Vice Chair, Select Board, Dave Pinsonneault, Director, Department of Public Works From the Participants List Avram Baskin, Corinne (no surname given), Martha Wood, Cheryl Fouche, Jessie Steigerwald, Colin Masson, Meredith Bergmann, Michael Bergmann, Valerie Overton, Inge Daniels, Dawn McKenna Business Chair Dixon convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and read the Town notice regarding the conduct of public virtual meetings. Approval of Minutes Upon motion moved and seconded, the minutes of March 3, 2022, were approved by roll call vote. LexSeeHer - Discussion and Final Vote Jessie Steigerwald presented an updated video with latest project details. According to Martha Wood, the only condition required by the Historic Districts Commission was an axial rotation of 45 degrees with accompanying changes of pathways. Monument artist Meredith Bergmann explained that rotating the monument has turned out to be an enhancement. She described the lighting plan. The fixtures would be set into the granite benches with louvers to prevent glare and to bring out the bas relief. The power box would be under the grass for ease of access. Jessie Steigerwald reviewed the modified budget that includes $7,000 for the light fixtures and remains within the 90% budget guidelines set by the Committee. A maintenance plan including snow removal needs to be addressed. Dawn McKenna, Tourism Committee Chair, stated that Phase 2 of the Battle Green Plan is going forward. Charlie Price questioned the panels’ text and stressed that the text description should be an opportunity for education. Voting Process At this time, Chair Dixon announced that two votes would be taken: one, on the monument itself, i.e., its concept, design, and timeliness; and one vote on the proposed site. Bebe Fallick stated that public commemoration of the past is an essential contribution to our present. She considered LexSeeHer a dedicated group who seek to establish the first monument that will depict real women in the Birthplace of American Liberty, and she felt that Ms. Bergmann’s design graces the monument with a special presence. Ms. Fallick offered the following motion: “The Monuments and Memorials Committee approves and recommends Select Board approval of the construction of a monument to honor the women of Lexington, entitled “Something is Being Done”, as proposed by the LexSeeHer Steering Committee on April 7, 2022. Determination of the site for the monument will be taken up under a separate motion.” The motion was seconded by Chuck French and the motion carried by a roll call vote of 6-0, member Danjun Pu having left the meeting. Glen Bassett then offered the following motion: “I move that the Monuments and Memorials Committee recommend to the Select Board that, while the committee wholeheartedly approves of the purpose and design of the proposed Something is Being Done monument, we do not recommend the proposed location, having reviewed the proposal in depth and having received input from all known stakeholder organizations for the monument, the Battle Green, and the specific location proposed, per our charge from the Select Board.” Ms. Fallick seconded the motion. George Gamota stated the need to work with LexSeeHer on additional sites for the installation. Glen Bassett urged everyone to consider forming a small working group to arrive at an alternate location. Chair Dixon stated her concern that the proposed site was part of a National Historic Site, one of a handful in the nation devoted to our Revolutionary War heritage. Mr. Bassett’s motion carried by a roll call vote of 6-0. A discussion followed on whether LexSeeHer would consider joining a working group hosted by Select Board Member Doug Lucente to examine other potential sites, including Emery Park, with the goal of reaching consensus on an alternate site for their monument. LexSeeHer agreed to hold a further conversation on the subject with Selectman Lucente and Chair Dixon. Michael Bergmann stated that negative decisions were a fact of life in their business, and in their many years dealing with local, state, and federal governments, he and Meredith have experienced and successfully worked through many of them. He was optimistic that the team could work with a change of site. Progress Report on Database Project Chuck French reported that good work was proceeding on creating a database of Lexington memorials, and he would hold his report until next month. The meeting adjourned by roll call vote at 9:09 p.m. Next meeting: May 5, 2022, 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bebe Fallick, Secretary